The Ambidextrous Brain and Mind - Consciousness, of Mr. George D. Patnoe's, Ambidextrous Brain.

This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Short, but sweet. ... Fireworks.

(109) Short. but sweet. - YouTube  <<<  Click here:

To watch the shortest fireworks ever in the history of mankind.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Essay 41 - 2024. Bad Boy Bubby. A Very Profound Movie. A movie about psychological, metaphysical, and evil events in human life. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. October 10, 2024.

Essay 41 - 2024. Bad Boy Bubby.

A Very Profound Movie.

A movie about psychological, metaphysical, and evil events in human life.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

October 10, 2024.

A movie about a 35-year-old son, who is a prisoner, locked up and raped by his mother for 35 years.

But there are some other very deep, dark, hidden, and profound meanings included in this movie.

I have been saying it wrong since I first saw it the first time in Rochester New York at the Eastman Kodak Theater. Since 1993 I have been stating it, " Bad Boy Buddy." Oh well.

I am writing this essay from an almost complete memory, so I might have a few tiny details wrong, but not the whole movie. I think I saw it around the year 1993.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

“Bad Boy Bubby is a 1993 psychological absurdist black comedy film. ... Hope stars as the titular character, a mentally challenged man who has been held captive in his home by his abusive mother for his entire life. The storyline follows his escape from confinement and subsequent journey of self-discovery. The film was shot on a low budget in Adelaide and is an international co-production between Australia and Italy.”

“What is the meaning of bad boy bubby?

The film was conceived as a parable about child abuse, but the material was too dark to use a child actor, so Bubby became an adult man who had been mistreated for 35 years. Bubby is innocent. Even though he kills four people in the film, he is incapable of understanding his crimes.” (Taken off the web.)

When I watched the movie in 1993 there was no internet where a person could get all of the information on the movie that is currently available now. The internet was just beginning.

I have learned a lot about the movie since then because of the World Wide Web.

“The World Wide Web became available to the broader public 30 years ago. On April 30, 1993, the World Wide Web was released into the public domain. It revolutionized the internet and allowed users to create websites filled with graphics, audio, and hyperlinks. Apr 30, 2023.” (Taken off the web.)

When I watched the movie, I realized that it was about a white-trash mother who entrapped her son so she could have sex with him. But I realized that there was much more important to the movie. There was something much more important to the movie, from a metaphysical and especially psychological realm of existence. Being trapped for sex was only a movie plot.

In essence, we are all trapped within our minds from the moment we are born to the moment we die. Yet, some people also get trapped for sex too inside their brains and minds, throughout their whole lives. That might be a huge sin in the eyes of religious people.

Bad Boy Buddy’s biological body was trapped inside a room until the age of 35 years old. But so was his brain and mind. In essence, his brain and mind were trapped inside a box, if you will, a cage, a prison; or a very limited view of what reality is in a human and earthly realm of existence.

His brain and mind were almost empty, especially since he was devoid of any television, newspapers, computers, etc. His brain and mind were a blank slate except for the fact that he knew he possessed a biological body, and he had sex with his fat white-trash uneducated mother who was raping him, deceiving him, lying to him, and imprisoning him too.

It could be argued that most criminals, prisoners, convicts, and ex-convicts also possess partly empty brains and minds, at least from a purely intellectual, metaphysical, and spiritual aspect of life.

Of course, that is not true for all of them. Even prisoners, convicts, and ex-convicts can learn to stuff and fill their brains and minds with information, knowledge, and intelligence to some degree.

But they will never be like the people whose brains and minds have been learning, studying, and filling their brains and minds with hard, deep, profound knowledge, information, and higher levels of intelligence that change the whole human species.

Why? Because it takes a lifetime, and decades of brain and mind work to possess a better, stronger, and more intelligent and intellectual brain and mind. It does not happen overnight.

There were no steel bars like in a prison. He did not get raped by other convicts or prison guards.

But he could not see and experience the outside world just like prisoners and convicts who are trapped in a jail cell or prison cell because they broke the laws of the land or because they were violent people who decided to act like monkeys instead of civilized human beings.

It could be a movie about an ex-convict who is either released from prison or escapes from prison. But most if not all prisoners, convicts, and ex-convicts had been living and experiencing the outside world before they arrived inside a jail or prison cell with other people of their kind, namely criminals of one sort or another sort.

Therefore, their brains and minds have been filled with something instead of nothing since the day they were born.

In a way, everyone is a bad-boy bubby, but especially convicts or people in jail and prison, because everyone is locked away inside their brain, mind, and consciousness.

I once read that a philosopher (I don't remember who.) stated that every human being is living in his or her mental dream world.

I state that once you realize that you are living within your mental dream world, you can start to solve a lot of your personal mental, sexual, psychological, identity, and even money problems. Etc.

Some people would and could argue that most people are also located within their own personal mental and psychological jail or prison, not only within their lives but also within their minds.

In deeper and more profound metaphysical words, everyone is living within their own mental dream world, and not every person’s mental dream world is the same, (not even close) to other people’s mental dream worlds.

Everyone has their own favorite mental dream world. They also have their own favorite movie or movies too. Some people have a whole list of their favorite movies. Of course, there have been so many good movies during the course of movie-making.

I have many movies that I like and enjoy. Some of those movies I have watched over and over again at least twice, or at least some of the scenes in those movies because you have got to wonder how in the heck they pull a lot of those action scenes off, even if you know how they pulled them off, like CGI or computer graphics imaging.

“What is CGI?”

“computer-generated imagery (special visual effects created using computer software).

"Fewer real stunts are performed because filmmakers can just use CGI" (Taken off the web.)

In the movie Bad Boy Bubby, there are no CGI effects as far as I can remember probably because it was a movie that was created and filmed before CGI effects were created.

More information on this movie is located at,

Still, I have my take or interpretation of this movie that I think is much more profound compared to the interpretation of child abuse.

What is worse for a human being? To be imprisoned and raped by your mother or father, but you can still leave the house. Or being locked inside a room by your mother or father and you have no idea, no mental concept, or consciousness of the outside world outside the room?

That is a profound question. How many natural animals are born inside a zoo cage or room and they too, have no idea about the outside natural environment that they were supposed to be born into and live in before they die a natural death?

Bad Boy Bubby is a movie about a 35-year-old male who has been stuck inside a small room since the day he was born.

How about being stuck inside a teeny, tiny, nothing town since the day a person was born? If you have no idea about the outside world, (which is why many people join the military) you will never know anything except what you learn on the television, smartphone, or computer.

He was stuck inside this small room where he and his mother lived because they were poor, but there is more to that than being poor. Even if he is mentally retarded, if the mentally retarded like to be let outside to see the sky, birds, grass, and feel the air on their skin. I have a feeling that many people want to know that there is more to life and living than simply breathing air all day.

His mother is what I would term an uneducated, low-life, white-trash fat pig (maybe a pothead too) who has been fucking her 35-year son since she could fuck him, a viewer could only imagine.

That is horrible enough. But what does Bad Boy Buddy know about what is horrible until he discovers the truth about his mother and the outside world, which you know is going to happen soon enough as you watch the movie?

It becomes very clear since the beginning of the movie that Bad Boy Bubby has been stuck inside this room since he was born. It is assumed because every time the mother leaves to go outside, she puts on a gas mask which Bad Boy Bubby is never allowed to use to go outside.

She makes it very clear that there has been a war and the air very poisonous so she does not want Bad Boy Bubby to go outside, ever, because then the game of her prison and rapes would be discovered by Bad Boy Bubby.

But of course, eventually, Bad Boy Bubby is going to discover the game she has been playing against him and he gets pissed. But it is more than a game, it is a horrible crime in general and specifically against her son.

One day, he sees his mother put on her gas mask and while she is opening the door to the small to go outside, a cat enters the room, to the surprise of Bad Boy Bubby.

He is in complete shock, as are the viewers watching the movie.

How many uneducated, white-trash, low-life pot/druggie mothers do the same thing to their kids? They trap and do not allow their kids to become better kids or adults by helping them to get to a college or a university.

Soon thereafter, Bad Boy Buddy hears a knock on the door. Knock, knock.

Bad Boy Bubby hears it, and he of course wonders what is happening since the air is deadly.

The viewers, or at least me, are wondering who is knocking on the door because as far as the viewers are concerned, there has been some sort of war to cause the air to be bad, toxic, and poisonous to the human lungs.

Knock, knock, again.

Bad Boy Bubby yells out to the door, “Who is there?”

He hears, “It is your dad. Let me in.”

Now, Bad Boy Bubby is in shock for the second time in that same number of minutes in movie time before his mother returns with her gas mask on.

The viewers are in shock too. Honestly, I had no idea what the movie was about when I watched it. So, I was surprised by the whole movie.

“Open the door.” Yells out his dad.

So, after some convincing, Bad Boy Bubby opens the door and again, he is in complete shock because his dad is not wearing a gas mask, as are the viewers of the movie because the viewers are still believing the lie that mother wanted everyone to believe.

So the dad walks into the room and starts talking to Bad Boy Bubby until the mother returns home to discover that her husband, who has been gone forever it seems, is now talking to her 35-year son who she has been fucking in the small room, as a prisoner son for her sexual pleasure it is assumed and implied because why else would she force her son to be stuck in a room for 35 years with the main reason that the air is too dirty to breathe, but she has a dirty mind.

Now then, how many human mothers and dads trap their kids into a house, a town, a lifestyle, a way of life, instead of giving them a better way of life, showing them a better way of life, like many people in very small towns like the teeny, tiny town I currently live in?

When I went to a small-town high school, I arrived after living in a city. I knew that some of the people who were living in that town from the day they were born would die in that town. Not me. Some people either dream big, or they simply want to escape a small town and their parents.

Some children who turn into adult age have been stuck inside small towns since the day they are born, like the television show ‘The Andy Griffith Show.” on Pluto TV, which can be downloaded on Goggle Play.

The town in The Andy Griffith Show was not a low-life, white trash town. It was a wholesome town with uneducated, but good people who enjoyed living the good life even if that good life was fishing at the edge of a river or lake.

This weekend in the town I currently live in, there is a Big Bass Fishing weekend for fishermen. Let everyone hope that the small-town bridge does not break down or stop working completely.

When the mother opens the door to the room she is surprised to find not only Bad Boy Bubby, but his dad was there too. She has some explaining to do, but of course, she is thinking to herself that Bad Boy Bubby is so stupid that he will not realize what has been happening to him.

But Bad Boy Bubby surely does realize what has been happening to him and the anger starts to build up like a nuclear bomb ready to explode. I think I remember that I could feel his anger.

I bet you are wondering what set off Bad Boy Bubby’s brain waves to become violent.

Besides the fact that another living human being was outside the room without a gas mask on, Bad Boy Bubby is watching and hearing his never-before-seen dad fucking his mother, the same mother who he has been fucking for a very long time it is presumed by the viewers.

I wonder if that happens a lot in today’s modern-day world where people watch all sorts of porn and get crazy sexual notions about simply fucking family members because they are the like monkey see, monkey do mentality.

Anyway, after murdering both his parents, Bad Boy Bubby finally opens the door to the outside world. He considers himself free from both his parents because they are officially dead, but because he is walking away into the outside world of normal people.

Which by the way are not normal at all.

How weird and perverted are people today in the world of sexual activity? I mean, really!
It gets weirder because Bad Boy Bubby is walking down the street when he sees and watches a bunch of Roman Catholic nuns singing Christmas carols at a huge Christmas Tree.

He starts singing with them. Then they ask him out to a pizza shop. Then a young twenty-something-year-old nun takes Bad Boy Bubby home, and she is banging Bad Boy Bubby by humping him while on top of him.

Oh no, what is going to happen next you may ask, if you were watching the movie. Please remember, this is a real movie that can be watched on YouTube if you like. But do not fear, I am only stating the main points for you here.

What happens next is the camera is moving around the nun’s head as she is pounding up and down on Bad Boy Bubby’s body. The camera shows all of the religious pictures and photos on all of the walls in the nun’s room.

The Catholic Church banned this movie from being seen in London when it was first seen.

“What movie did the Catholic Church ban?

“The Farmer's Daughter,” 1947, “The Miracle,” 1950, “The Outlaw,” 1943, “The Streetcar Named Desire, 1951, “The French Line,” 1953, “The Moon is Blue,” 1953, “Martin Luther, 1953, “La Dolce Vita,” 1960, “The Pawnbroker,” 1965, “Bonnie and Clyde,” 1967, and “Midnight Cowboy,” 1968.” (Taken off the web.)

There are pictures of the faces of Jesus, and Mary holding Jesus as a baby, and there are religious Christian crosses too. There are pictures of Jesus dying on the cross and being raised from the dead and ascending up to heaven like he is a visible spirit. All the while the sex is happening.

How many Christians throughout the 2000-year-old period of Christianity are just like that nun?

They go to church, sing songs and praises to God and Jesus, and then they go home and fuck, suck, and have perverted sex until the beer and pizza wears out?

And then they get up in the morning and pretend to be Christians again just to make themselves feel good after their sexual, sensual night of being sexual biological creatures.

But people having sex has been happening since the first biological creatures existed.

This movie was banned by the Roman Catholic church for even more reasons, to follow!

Do you think it was banned only for the simple reason that a Roman Catholic nun was being banged by a 35-year-old male in a room filled with Jesus and religious pictures?

No. More scenes pissed off the Roman Catholic church than simply a beautiful young nun being banged by a 35-year-old Bad Boy Bubby.

After experiencing a good go-around with a 20-something-year-old Roman Catholic nun, Bad Boy Buddy takes a walk. Nobody knows how long the walk is because it is in a movie. So, the walk could have been one hour or one day or one week.

The point is that after Bad Boy Bubby experiences sex with a 20-something-year-old nun, compared to the sex with his huge fat, white-trash, low-life rapist mother, (maybe a pothead-druggie too?) Bad Boy Buddy hears some beautiful organ music in the air.

What happens to a person’s brain and mind the first time they hear and listen to beautiful classical music in a church? Do they wonder what heaven is like for the good people on Earth?

I would bet that the bad, evil, and violent people on planet Earth don’t get to listen to good music in the afterlife because maybe those bad, evil, and violent people go to a place termed hell by some religious people. Of course, I don't know what happens to bad, evil, and violent people in the afterlife. Honestly, I don’t want to know because I am not one of them.

Maybe there is no music at all in hell, just like there is no music in a jail or prison either. A lot of people who are convicts or ex-convicts probably don’t like music because you need a real musical ear to listen to classical music while living on planet Earth.

Violent people have too much anger, hate, revenge, and negative mental qualities to listen to classical music. I bet a lot of hard rock music drives people to become violent. Hum!

I am not sure, but you never hear about classical musicians going to jail or prison.

If those violent prisoners heard and liked classical music before they committed their earthly crimes, maybe they would not have become violent convicts.

Maybe, if their brains and minds were sophisticated enough to listen to good religious and classical music in the first place, they would not want to go to jail or prison because there probably isn’t good religious classical music in jail and prison.

I know that if I was in any sort of jail or prison, I would miss my daily classical music.

If violent convicts and ex-convicts heard the beautiful classical religious music, that music would have helped create a completely different brain and mind within the violent people who have to become convicts in jail or prison somewhere in the world.

Just imagine Bad Boy Bubby being locked up in a room for over 35 years and there was no music in it. No music from the wind, the birds, the traffic, the people yelling at each other, the bells from the churches, the police, fire trucks, and ambulance sirens.

No sounds from the outside world. At least in jail and prison, there are sounds of different sorts even if the jail and prison prisoners are locked away from the outside world and cosmic universe too. People in jails and prisons are not allowed to take a walk outside to see the night stars.

He follows the sound waves of the music only to discover that the music is coming from a grand old Roman Catholic church, which of course Bad Boy Bubby enters because after being locked up in a room for 35 years by his uneducated, white-trash, low-life, possibly drugged up overweight fat white trash mother, he does not know anything about churches nor music in general. But religious Bach classical music specifically in the movie.

“Did Bach write music for the Catholic Church?

Bach wrote a total of five masses. In the Roman Catholic mass there are five main sections—Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus (including a Benedictus) and Agnus Dei. In the Lutheran Church of Bach's day, it was an accepted practice to employ just the opening two movements of the Catholic mass.” (Taken off the web.)

“What is one of Bach's most famous compositions for organs?

A selection of some of the best-known Bach organ works: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565. Passacaglia in C Minor, BWV 582. “Gigue” Fugue in G Major, BWV 577.” (Taken off the web.)

I remember when I heard Bach’s organ music in a Roman Catholic church for the very first time
when I was a very young boy. It was just out-of-this-world music, just like a lot of classical music. I fell in love with it. I still love classical music. It is music to my ears.

Today, when I woke up with a cup of caffeine in my hand, I blue-toothed Mozart’s # 40, (Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550,) into one of my music systems. On the 60-inch television were winter scenes of almost pure white snow, so by staring into the almost white snow and Mozart’s # 40, (Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550) entering my ears for 45 minutes, I was in a semi-state of earthly heaven for the beginning of my day.

This was composed in 1788 and Mozart died in 1791 at the age of 35 (almost 36), so he was 32 when he composed this musical piece. I, among millions of classical music listeners, am sure happy that Mozart and Bach never had to be imprisoned for any reason.

The link to it is here: Just for you.

What happened to Bad Boy Bubby’s brain and mind when he looked up at the sun, moon, and stars for the first time during his 35 years on planet Earth? How did you feel the very first time you looked up at the sun, moon, and stars? Did you feel big or small?

Is it the same when an ex-convict looks up at the sun, moon, and stars the very first time when he or she is let out of jail or prison? A mental sense of being among the cosmic universe that was there the whole time they were locked up in jail or prison. How about multi-universes?

Or maybe both Bad Boy Bubby and the ex-convicts who are free to look up at the sun, moon, and stars don’t care about the sun, moon, and stars. Maybe the cosmic universe means nothing to them. To some human beings, the cosmic universe of the sun, moon, and stars means everything.

A lot of people do not care about the sun, moon, and stars either. Normal people just trying to survive living on planet Earth have more important things to do than to stare at the sun, moon, and stars all day or night long.

But throughout history, people have stared upwards and wondered about the cosmic universe. Now the human species knows more about the cosmic universe than ever before.

So, the prisoner Bad Boy Bubby entered the huge Roman Catholic Church for the first time in his 35 years of living on planet Earth. What a surprise for him as he looked around the beautiful insides of that church. Even in the movie, it was a beautiful church.

I bet a lot of people, especially children feel that the Roman Catholic church building is beautiful too, until they realize that all they do in that church and a lot of other Christian churches is repeat the same words over and over and over again for the last 2000 years. And they will probably be repeating those words over and over and over again for the next 2000 years.

Unless of course people wake up and realize that God, Spirit, does not care about nor listen to pretending religious people repeating the same words over and over and over again. That is what many religious people do.

Then they wonder why they don’t know anything about God, Jesus, evil, the afterlife, and their souls too. To understand anything about life and death takes at least some mental work or thinking on the part of each human being. Take nothing for granted when it comes to the important things in life, during your life, before you face the afterlife.

Maybe Bad Boy Bubby felt like he did not have a soul when he was trapped and imprisoned inside his room with his uneducated, fat, white-trash horny mother. But lo and behold, he was set free to roam the streets to learn about life and the world, at least in the town he lived in.

I bet a lot of convicts feel the same way. They are placed inside a steel bar cage for years, like a monkey at the zoo. Then, once they are set free to explore the world again, they feel like their souls are set free too. Most of them are still uneducated, violent people until they truly get reformed inside their brains, minds, and consciousness.

Religious people talk about reform. But being reformed spirituality means being born again into the image and likeness of God, Spirit which means stopping thinking about being imprisoned inside your biological one-dimensional human skin, bone, blood, organ, and brain-body.

Like those violent convicts, Bad Boy Bubby had a lot to learn about his soul and the souls of other people, especially the religious souls of the church. (It doesn’t matter which church)

Then there is the spiritual concept of the Soul being God. Or the infinite unchangeable identity of all living individual creatures instead of being a limited trapped soul within a biological body.

“Real versus unreal.
Question. — What are spirits and souls?

Answer. — To human belief, they are personalities constituted of mind and matter, life and death, truth and error, good and evil; but these contrasting pairs of terms represent contraries, as Christian Science reveals, which neither dwell together nor assimilate. Truth is immortal; error is mortal. Truth is limitless; error is limited. Truth is intelligent; error is non-intelligent. Moreover, Truth is real, and error is unreal. This last statement contains the point you will most reluctantly admit, although first and last it is the most important to understand.

Mankind redeemed.
The term souls or spirits is as improper as the term gods. Soul or Spirit signifies Deity and nothing else. There is no finite soul or spirit. Soul or Spirit means only one Mind and cannot be rendered in the plural.” (S&H. page 466: 6-23.)

People like to believe that they have a limited human soul inside their biological bodies. It is true or untrue. I know for a fact that I have left my human biological body. What was it that left my biological human body? Was it my soul? Was it my advanced human consciousness?

Walking down between those two long rolls of wooden chairs, Bad Boy Bubby realized that Bach’s organ music was coming from the second story, so he started to walk up the steps to find out what that organ was and who was playing it. He could have been walking the steps upward towards heaven, or so it might seem to the unadvanced human mind.

Eventually, Bad Boy Bubby saw a middle-aged man playing the organ by using his fingers. It looked like that man was inside his musical soul, but there was more to the soul and mind of the musical man than meets the human eyes and ears.

His eyes were closed so he could hear Bach’s organ music even better. He did not have to read the musical notes on paper. That organ music had become part of his consciousness and soul.

When he realized that Bad Boy Bubby was standing next to him, there on the upper deck of the church, he stopped playing and introduced himself as the Scientist. What else was in store for Bad Boy Bubby the movie viewer, and the Roman Catholic Church?

Come to find out for Bad Boy Bubby and the viewers of the movie, the organ player was ‘The Scientist.’ The cosmic atomic, astrophysical, and nuclear scientist who played Bach’s organ music. Now that might seem a contraction to the viewer.

A material and physical scientist plays an organ inside a Roman Catholic Church.

From what I remember, he wasn’t just a scientist, he was an atomic-astrophysical- nuclear scientist, or at least he talked like one. But then the Scientist starts talking about God, the cosmic universe, human nature, etc. He was posing questions that modern-day scientists ask all the time now.

Why? Because thinking people are allowed to ask questions while empty-minded human beings do not ask themselves questions about God, Jesus, evil, the afterlife, or the cosmic universe.

In a rapid session, the scientists start making statements like, “Who tells Buddy that God does not exist, and it is the job of humans to "think God out of existence" and take responsibility for themselves.” (Taken from Wikipedia.)

Here is part of the anti-God speech on YouTube:
But he also talks about the atomic realm and how it relates to God, or not. I don’t remember everything that the scientists stated to Bad Boy Bubby. But I do remember many of the main statements because he used words like the Big Bang, did God create the Big Bang or did the creation of the cosmic universe happen differently besides God’s help? Stuff like that.

Of course, those are very big topics and questions among modern-day scientists. The thing that many scientists want more than anything is to have a lot of time to think, just like convicts and poor people, among other types of people who like to think to solve problems, like chess players.

But the only thing that convicts think about is their escape from jail or prison while poor people only think about having more money. That is not true for every convict and poor person because some people like being in jail or prison and many people do not care about being poor.

But instead of thinking about the problems of the cosmic universe and chess games, convicts and poor people do not normally think about anything, except being free and having more money, respectively.

Maybe they don’t even think about being free and money. Maybe they don’t think at all during their earthly lives. Nothing at all. No real thoughts from convicts and poor people.

I have met homeless people during the winter months who would rather be in a jail or prison instead of being locked outside of a building to stay warm. This has happened to me in Walmart parking lots. Ironic because the poor homeless people want stuff inside Walmart, but they have no money. So, they commit a crime, so they get arrested to get some warmth and something to eat.

I have bought many single-slice pizzas for homeless people. As a side remark. I was standing in line at a fast-food place when a tall black man walked in, and asked the cashier if he could have some hot water to make hot chocolate because he was holding the hot chocolate in his hand.

The cashier said no to him. I was now staring at the cashier, and I asked her why she would not give the poor man hot water so he could make hot chocolate. Mind you my dear readers, it was Christmas time, and she would not give him hot water to make hot chocolate.

I looked at his face and his lips were enlarged. I said to him, “Hey, order anything you want.”

He stood there still looking at the cashier because all he wanted was some hot water to make his hot chocolate during Christmas time.

The place was full of wealthy black people too. They all had money. They were wearing very nice clothes, yet they did not care about a homeless poor hungry black man at Christmas time.

So, I had to say it louder two more times before I got his attention. He turned his head towards me, and he asked me if I was talking to him. I said, ‘Go ahead, order anything you want. I will pay for it. Anything you want.

He ordered something and I said, “Order some more. Anything you want.” I even bought him two different types of pies to go along with a full meal, etc.

I noticed that all of the black people were staring at me. I was in a new town in a new fast-food place. But I didn’t care because I am not usually scared of anyone on the street.

I sat down looking at the other black people who were heartless as the white people. He sat down a few chairs from me, and he took his time to eat, with me almost next to him. I will never forget the look on his face as he ate his Christmas food, and as he turned to me like I was an angel from heaven, which may or may not be true.

But it didn’t matter because I was his angel at that moment and that is all that mattered to him.

Of course, there is more to the homeless issue and to convicts and poor people.

Jesus stated, “The poor you will always have with you.”

He should have also stated 'That the violent criminals you will always have with you too. Along with violent convicts and ex-convicts."

“The poor you will always have with you, [a] but you will not always have me.” (Matthew 26:11 New International Version)

Some readers and interpreters of that phrase might state that the poor are not only regarding money, but also poor in spirit, or those lacking any true spiritual qualities at all.

“Who are the poor in spirit in Matthew 5:3?

To be "poor in spirit" is the opposite of being self-confident or self-reliant, especially in any spiritual sense. The poor in spirit recognize they are incapable of providing for themselves by their strength, goodness, or righteousness. They know themselves to be spiritually bankrupt of true goodness.” (Taken off the web.)

That might mean all of those convicts and poor people who are poor within their souls and minds for the spiritual essence of life, of God, which of course applies to the rich people too.

There are a lot of rich people and homeowners who are so trapped within the material and economic realms of human life that they, too, forget about their souls, God, and the afterlife.

Some of the richest people who have way too much money don’t even care about their souls either. What happens to them in the afterlife? Don’t ask me because I don’t know.

But, it can be guessed that they might have some work to do in the afterlife compared to people who have considered the metaphysical and spiritual aspects to life and living before their deaths.

Maybe in the long run, the biggest question and issue regarding the afterlife is the issue of being either a good or bad person while you lived your life while walking on planet Earth.

Therefore, the violent convicts who have physically hurt people and murdered people might go to a ‘hell’ in the afterlife, while the homeless who are good people might go to ‘heaven.’ Just a thought!

Now then, who is imprisoned besides convicts in a jail or prison, and Bad Boy Bubby?

We all seem to be trapped inside our biological bodies with a limited human brain and the five physical senses. Ok, my dear readers, don’t be fooled by everything you see and that you think is real, as in the ultimate state of reality, because you would be wrong. So wrong.

Yet, we all need our human biological bodies, the five physical senses, and a thinking human brain to survive on planet Earth. As the song goes, ‘That is the way it is.”

What are people going to do while they are human, arguably with a ‘spirit’ trapped inside a human prison or box or room called the human biological body?

Bad Boy Bubby and convicts all around the globe are trapped inside a box called a room, jail cell, or prison cell. Free people are trapped inside their lifestyles, but also within their lovely or ugly human biological bodies. Or sick and dying human bodies. Just waiting for the moment of their deaths, so they can be truly free of their limited biological human body

I had to deal with a dumb bimbo blond who has a law degree and who has worked out with weights, and she is a black belt in a martial art. She loves showing off her very thin biological body. She thinks that is who she is, like most people who are walking on planet Earth.

I am also currently using and working out with weights. I am still able to use my hands and feet in ways that most people who do not work out or exercise with weights and martial arts can never imagine.

But I do not consider my biological body the real me. How silly you may think to yourselves.

As a matter of fact, I have come to the conclusion that my biological body is a lot of work to keep alive and to keep healthy, in general and very specific human terms.

If my dear readers knew what my human biological body has been through during the last five years, you would think to yourselves that just maybe I should have been dead by now. But nope!

Maybe the readers feel the same way about your human bodies too, at times during your life.

To feel like we are all trapped or imprisoned within a human biological body of skin, bones, blood, and organs, with five physical senses, and a thinking brain.

What sucks is that everyone should realize at some point in their human lives that those very limited five physical senses and their limited biological human body do not tell the whole story about life and death, God and man, good versus evil. Nor about your human soul.

After Bad Boy Bubby’s experience with the Roman Catholic nun and before his experience with the church music, Bad Boy Bubby ended up in a jail cell of his own with the ‘Animal’ who rapes him.

As I remember it, that scene was very short, almost a blur to my mind. The point is that Bad Boy Bubby was in a prison of sorts for 35 years by being forcefully locked in a room by his uneducated, rapist, white-trash, fat pig of a mother who is now dead.

But even though Bad Boy Bubby and you all are free to live the life you are born in or the life you have created for yourselves, whether you are in a jail, prison, in a room in a very nice house, you are still stuck, imprisoned within the realm of this planet Earth, within this realm of space-time, within the limited space termed your one-dimensional human body.

If you are lucky enough, one day you will be free of your human biological body and brain, free from the realm of space-time, free from this cosmic universe.

The only way to do that is to begin to be born again in the image and likeness of God, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.

Anyone can do it. Why? Because God Almighty already sees you free as a spiritual image and likeness of God. All you have to do is to wake up from all of your mental dream worlds, which all of you are living in currently.

But it is never too late to begin seeing yourselves as an image within the the spiritual realm of God, Mind or the Infinite Divine Intelligence that only knows and sees your true spiritual identity.

God does not see or know any of your limited, mortal, finite, mental, and psychological dream worlds, my dear readers.

Then you don’t have to worry about heaven or hell because you will be already at one with God-Spirit!

And believe it or not. That is what Jesus taught in his own way. That is how Jesus lived. That is why and how he overcame his own human death.

Because Jesus too, woke up from this very limited, finite, mortal, material, dream world of his biological body, and even of space and time, the dream of dying and death, by realizing his spiritual oneness with God, Spirit.

And so can you!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024

Essay 40 - 2024. Christianity and Capitalism. The Bible (Esp. The Gospels) Throughout Capitalism. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. October 4, 2024.

Essay 40 - 2024. Christianity and Capitalism.

The Bible (Esp. The Gospels) Throughout Capitalism.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

October 4, 2024.

Whoever thought those two words, Christianity and Capitalism would be used in the same sentence?

Not me! But I am writing an essay a week, so I gave it a shot. I hope you enjoy it. It is good. I think!

Both Capitalism and the religion Christianity have their own histories, both in Great Britain and in America. That is for sure. Maybe around the globe in some places.

Somehow, the Christian Bible has been around for about two thousand years, depending on how you view the history of the Bible. Capitalism is not so. But the concept of economic systems has been around for a very long too, depending on how you define an economic system.

“The central tenet of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah (Christ). Christians believe that Jesus, as the Messiah, was anointed by God as the savior of humanity and hold that Jesus's coming was the fulfillment of messianic prophecies of the Old Testament.” (Taken off the web.)

“Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion, professing that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and is the Son of God, whose coming as the Messiah was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible and chronicled in the New Testament.” (Taken off the web.)

“Christianity was introduced to the Americas during European settlement beginning in the 16th and 17th centuries.” (Taken off the web.)

I would like to state that the Christian religion is more than simply believing in the human male named Jesus and the four Gospels. The Christian religion usually takes into account the whole Bible even if most literal interruptions are completely wrong from a historical standpoint.

First, as many of my dear readers should have realized by now, as per my essays, the truth is that the human man Jesus is not going to return to Earth at any time in the future, or ever again.

Second, the concept of a world Messiah started within the Jewish religion because the Jews wanted a Messiah from the Roman Empire. Since the Roman Empire is long gone, so too should the religious delusional belief that the current world needs a Jesus Messiah to save the world, but the world should use a world and global Messiah to save the human species from its own current and future self-destruction.

Third, the concept of the end of the world started before the time of Jesus and there are a lot of people stating that the end of the world was going to happen soon; soon being about 2000 years ago, which obviously has not happened, and it is never going to happen unless something a like nuclear war takes place any time in the future.

If a nuclear war ever takes place, there will probably be not one human being still alive except those people who have escaped in time in nuclear bomb shelters.

Good luck to those people who will probably never see the light of day ever again during their lifetimes. Personally, if I hear on the news that nuclear bombs are in the sky I am going to my refrigerator and getting a nice cold beer to kiss this world goodbye for good.

“What is capitalism in simple terms?

“An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.”

“An economic system in which resources and means of production are privately owned and prices, production, and the distribution of goods are determined mainly by competition in a free market.” (Taken off the web.)

How can a religion termed Christianity and an economic system that deals with the freedom to create, make, sell, and buy goods and services be connected, you may be wondering?

Well, I would start to answer that question by stating the obvious fact that the Bible and Christianity have been around for a very long time.

Second, there have been economic systems around for a very long time too, even if they were not like the current economic systems in America and around the globe.

Currently and since the beginning of the creation of the nation termed America, the Bible and the concept of money have been a part of America’s history even if they do not always seem to be related or to go together for any apparent reason.

But if the main religion termed Christianity and the economic system termed capitalism go hand-in-hand as America’s main religion and economic system since the beginning of America’s creation, are they not connected somehow even if they are not related?

This is especially true if the whole Bible is considered as the main religious book in America even if it has nothing to do with the economic system termed capitalism.

Even so, the underlying religion in America’s capitalistic economic system is Christianity.

If people were using the Bible as a guide to life and living while they were working at their human jobs for decades and centuries in America, isn’t if fair to state that the Christian religion or at least the Bible went hand-in-hand for most Americans for a very long time during the history of America?

Even if currently, the majority of American citizens do not read, nor care to read the Christian Bible, or practice the religion Christianity in its literal and very strict forms of religious beliefs. Of course, nobody can ever know who and how many Americans read the Bible and believe in the strict form of Christianity.

But it might seem that more and more people watch porn, sports, Netflix, the news, politics, etc. than they care about that very old religious book, the Bible.

Me? I am not into sports, porn, or the news, although the politics in the news is semi-interesting because of the election year simply because Trump will help America whereas Harris will hurt America, so I hope Trump wins even if he is a jerk sometimes.

I do read the Bible, but it is more like very slowly and carefully studying and researching it. Especially as a history book.

People may work six days a week to earn a paycheck, but they used to go to a Christian church once a week. The current number of people going to a Christian church have been lower in recent times, but that is not the point here. There are still Americans who attend church regularly.

I am assuming that the religion termed Christianity makes Christian Americans good and honest people, even if it is not written in a Christian stone tablet that American employees or CEOs should be good and honest people at the job site. Honest pay for an honest day’s work.

But generally, it could be assumed that at least in the old days, when people worked with their hands in factories more than they do now is my educated guess, a lot of people visited a Christian church once a week to worship some sense of God, even if that worship was not up to my standards of Christian spiritual worship as in, “the spirit and in truth” sort of worship.

I think it is safe to state that America was built partly anyway on three important concepts, one being religious, one being economic, and the other political.

Of course, America was built on a different political system compared to the mother country England or Great Britain where there was a king, but I think that it would be safe to state that there were many Bibles carrying newcomers to the new world where the American Indians lived.

The American Indians did not know anything about the Bible or Christianity until the white men arrived to claim the land of America for themselves.

The American Indians had their own sense of spiritual worship, like worshiping the Great Spirit in the Sky sort of worship, along with the spirits in the afterlife.

“Some Native Americans dislike the beliefs of Christianity because of the history between natives and European Christian groups. Missionaries' attempts to alter or remove aspects of American Natives' heritage and culture have left many unable to reconcile with Christianity.” (Taken off the web.)

“Why did Native Americans often convert to Christianity?

“Native American beliefs are very similar to Christianity. A lot of them converted to Christianity and kept their ceremonies and rituals. They believe that Jesus existed. They even think Jesus would have been a good Native American as he went into the wilderness to pray.” (Taken off the web.)

Some people would state that taking the Indian’s land was not the correct thing to do, while other people would claim that if it wasn’t the white people, another people would have claimed the land of America if the white people did not do it. The white people from Europe.

America is also well known to be a nation and country where there is a separation between the state or government; and the church or any religion, or so it seems.

It seems a country or a nation where there is a separation between religion and money, even if most Christian churches still need money from their members to keep their Christian churches up and running because any Christian church building needs money to pay the bills and taxes.

But is that true? Even if the word or the religious concept of the Bible or Christianity is never mentioned during business meetings, or economics and political debates or discussions, it seems that all of the different human topics relating to right and wrong are discussed one way or another way, like a lot of issues and problems mentioned in the Bible.

The whole Bible is based on people making all sorts of decisions, even if some are all myths and stories. Even in the Bible’s Gospels, there are always constant battles between what Jesus thought was the correct way to do things versus the correct way the Jewish leaders wanted them done.

Isn’t the Bible partly a religious book about the differences between human right and wrong, being a good person, and maybe even being a good person as being a good employee, or being a good boss? It is known and understood that Jesus worked, and he probably was a good worker.

Paul writes about that topic, or at least of being a good slave and a good master.

Concepts, like do not steal, can mean more than simply do not steal an apple from a store. Do not steal from your employer and do not steal from your employees by paying them lower wages for the work they do for you.

But more than that, America has this huge sense of personal freedom both in a religious sense, and also in an economic sense for an individual to be free to create, build, sell, and buy goods and services at fair market prices.

In other words, there are many instances of the concept of freedom in the Bible and throughout the history of America. People like freedom, but some people like too much freedom.

Some people do not like to obey any types of laws and rules which is why they go to jail or prison like the two-time violent convict that lives in my neighborhood. He is trying to behave now.

How about honesty? Somehow, do not lie is not part of the 10 Commandments, which may or may not be possible to do in daily life for all sorts of ethical and personal reasons.

But to have an honest economic system where there are supposedly fair and honest prices for sellers and buyers should also be part of the Christian concept of being a good person too and good economics.

I would like to point out that even though most Christians love to believe in the human male named Jesus, and even though Jesus was never a capitalist in the modern sense of the word, he did work with his hands as a carpenter to build whatever he built to sell at the fair market prices during his lifetime.

If Jesus was alive today, he might be like a lot of employees or he might own his own company. Therefore, it should be an obvious and logical fact that Jesus was living within his economic system while he lived within the Jewish religion.

The same could be stated for business owners and employees in America too.

Is the life of every human a mixture of different areas or aspects of life? Money and faith.

It might even be stated and considered that if Jesus worked with his hands as a carpenter to sell his products, he was a businessman too, when he became a preacher. That may sound strange to my dear readers but think about it. He was probably a preacher while he worked before he became famous.

I don’t want to be famous. But if I ever become famous, I want to be paid for it.

Before some people considered him a God, he was working with his hands as a Jewish carpenter who had to sell his finished goods at a fair price that the market would allow him to sell it.

“What age did Jesus stop being a carpenter?

“Christians have generally taken the statement in Mark 6:3 referring to Jesus as "Is not this the carpenter...?" (Greek: οὐχ ο τός ἐστιν ὁ τέκτων, romanized: ouch outos estin ho tektōn) as an indication that before the age of 30 Jesus had been working as a carpenter.” (Taken off the web.)

Maybe since the arrival of the Bible and Christianity in America, the working class of people who used their hands to earn an honest livable wage to have a good life in America related to Jesus in some form because if both Jesus and the American hard-working American people had something in common from a human and economic standpoint as physical labor employees, then that might have helped the common religious people to ‘like’ the man Jesus because he was considered a common Jewish preacher and normal worker too.

Of course, even if Jesus was a hard-working person, he too had to deal with the local and national economic and political systems that were operating during his lifetime. They all had to pay their taxes to the Roman Empire, like it or not, that has not changed.

As an economics professor used to state to me many times, “Only two things are certain in life. Death and taxes.” Of course, he should have stated that America’s tax system is unfair for many reasons.

This professor who obtained his Ph.D. in economics from the London School of Economics was very slow because he had a stroke before my classes with him. He made up for it by making us read hundreds of economic books it seemed at the time.

But that being stated just for the record, no one could or should not deny that the Christian faith has been in the background of American life since the white people’s arrival to America.

How many working people had a Bible in their hands at the beginning of America? Who knows. It doesn’t matter either because the Bible was the main book for a lot of people.

“How was Christianity brought to America?

Christianity was introduced to North America as it was colonized by Europeans beginning in the 16th and 17th centuries.” (Taken off the web.)

“The U.S. Constitution is a political document drafted by a group of people that included many persons who were either deists or little more than “cultural Christians.”

Even those who were sincere Christians were committed to the idea of separation of church and state; many of them were descended from people who had come to the New World to avoid religious persecution in Great Britain in the first place.” (Taken off the web.)

Therefore, it should be at least recognized that Christianity was a practicing religion before there was a U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or even the Civil War.

It also might be a safe bet to wager some money that America was built around many of the Christian sense of mankind’s sense of morals, ethics, laws, fairness, and even the Bible in many regards, even if there is the huge division between the church and the government.

“Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” (Taken off the web.)

That being stated, there has always been an underlying sense or even a feeling that America is the nation of Christianity it seems to me, and probably by billions of other Americans too, along with billions of people all around the globe.

The people who wrote America’s first official documents had some religious sense within their minds when they wrote as stated below, and for other reasons.

“They contend that not only did America have a Christian Founding, but virtually all of the Founders were devout, orthodox Christians who consciously drew from their religious convictions to answer most political questions. To support their case, these writers are fond of finding religious quotations from the Founders.” (Taken off the web.)

“The way Christianity influenced the Declaration of Independence is: "by promoting the idea that people are equal." This is because Christianity using both the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible to live a worthy life, believed that every man is equal.” (Taken off the web.)

But unlike other nations who like to go to war, because they think that their god wants them to go to war, or because two nations are fighting and going to war because each of them wants to be the main source of a national god, that is not how America works.

“The United States is not a Christian Republic; it is a secular one. It was never intended by its founders to be anything else. It is perfectly fine for an American leader to conduct himself or herself according to Christian principles, but it is NOT acceptable for them to impose their interpretation of Christianity on others in the course of governance.” (Taken off the web.)

Unlike so many other nations and countries around the globe. You know who they are!

In the meantime, when all of the above was taking place, America was also starting to become a huge grand economic national, and international superpower.

It all started on the East Coast which led to Americans traveling west to meet the American Indians, the wilderness, just to see America’s wild wilderness in all of its glory, which should not be lost to capitalism for any reason.

Village after village, town after town, city after city, all being connected by the very long railroads that were built by human hands, (some might state by slave labor) America became a nation with each of those villages, towns, and cities being connected by those railroads so people could travel North to South and vice versa, East to West, and vice versa.

On those railroads, those trains were either very simple working trains for the poor people or very nice trains for the rich business people. “Some things never change, but that is the way it is.” A song with those words. Bruce Hornsby & The Range - The Way It Is.

Either way, there were poor and rich people who carried a Bible with them from one coast to another coast, from one village to another village, from one town to another town, from one city to another city.

How many people were carrying a Bible with them while they traveled from East to West and from North to South and vice versa? How would I know that answer? But it happened!

In other words, the Christian Bible was being crisscrossed throughout the land of America as if the new nation was being led by a bunch of biblical messages that were meant for a people of over 2000 years ago.

I mean, how cool is that if you think about it. If they only possessed one book, it probably was the Bible, believe it or not. I bet today, there is hardly a house or home that has a Bible in it.

Me. I own so many Bibles of different translations that I don’t have time to read all of them.

How about you, my dear readers? How about you? If you don’t own a Bible, go buy one.

Whether the gospels were being preached by preachers who preached eternal heaven or a hot fury everlasting hell, somehow the Bible was still in the hands of people who read it before they went to bed at night, read it by candlelight or a logged fireplace while they were healthy or sick in bed, while they were either dying in bed or dying by a bullet or an arrow to their physical heart.

But at the same time, next to those Bibles in people’s pockets or purses or briefcases, there was also money being passed along from the East to the West, from the North to the South, and vice versa.

There was also a capitalist economic system being spread throughout the new land of America, just like there was a new political order and system that would make a lot of people better off by way of living standards.

Even today, there are a lot of black people who own houses, and cars, and who have money in their bank accounts. Some black people may bitch and complain about being slaves, but that is bull shit.

America may have had a Bible in one hand, and a gun or rifle in the other hand, but it had money in its pockets. Or gold, silver, or simply the hope of many people becoming a very rich person and of course, whether they were thinking about it or not, a very rich nation.

America and its citizens should be very proud of its way of life from the very simple, hard, and humble beginnings that started with a bunch of people on boats that traveled on the seas and oceans to life and start a new life in a completely different land mass on the other side of their home nation and towns.

When I was a kid, and even now as I become closer to becoming an old man, I am in awe of what those new Americans did from the very first step on American land to where it is today. Really, just unbelievable.

What is more unbelievable is that some current Americans like the uneducated, criminal, and even the educated and non-criminal take the American way of life for granted. So sad.

Just a special note for my dear readers, as part of an intellectual mental model, you have to understand and realize that there are different levels or ways of looking at the world.

There is what is termed the surface structure or the way an issue or topic appears on the surface with your eyeballs for example.

But then there is the sub-surface structure or the way an issue or problem appears on a deeper underlying level of an issue or problem.

On the surface of the topic of Christianity and capitalism during the development of America and its people, there were all of the Bibles, money, guns, dirt, buildings, railroads, etc.

But on a deeper level of understanding, there was a huge change in how America was going to operate, evolve, develop, and progress into the future to lead the world to become a better place in all walks of life. Of course, it happens very slowly with all sorts of hiccups along the way. But it happened anyway.

There were the Bible believers which some people might state was better than nothing at all.

There were the money believers which other people might state was better than the Bible.

And of course, there were the political revolutionaries who only lived to be separated from Great Britain for many reasons. During the Industrial Revolutions in America and Great Britain, who knows how many people were carrying and reading Bibles.

There can be no doubt that during the Industrial Revolutions in America and Great Britain at least some people owned and read the Bible to help them get through their daily and human lives.

It might be the case that most people wanted to make money to have better living conditions instead of living in slums or poor conditions. More money and better standards of living means a better human species, or so it seems from the surface structure of events.

“And there was the British Industrial Revolution (1760-1840) which brought innovative mechanization and deep social change. The process saw the invention of steam-powered machines, which were used in factories in ever-growing urban centers.” (Taken off the web.)

“5 reasons why Britain led the Industrial Revolution
Beginning in Britain around 1750, the way to industrialization was paved by:
The Agricultural Revolution of the 18th century.
Favorable financial institutes.
Advances in transportation.
A ready supply of mineral resources.
Legislation favorable to private property.
A vast colonial market.” (Taken off the web.)

“When was the Industrial Revolution in America? 18th century.

The Industrial Revolution occurred in two distinct phases, the First Industrial Revolution occurred during the later part of the 18th century through the first half of the 19th century and the Second Industrial Revolution advanced following the American Civil War.” (Taken off the web.)

So, there it started. The great economic transformation from one stage to another to make people happy so they could afford a better way of life, up to the current moment in history.

And within the great economic transformations throughout the whole human species and the globe, there it was, the book called the Bible.

And more than that. The Bible survived throughout 2000 years and more at its first stages. Can you believe that the Bible that everyone can own and read is that old? It is no wonder people state that it is the Word of God, (Not true in the literal sense, but true in the metaphysical and spiritual sense.)

How many people in how many nations own and read the Bible? Russia, Africa, China, (although they have to hide their Bibles) Mexico, etc. The one common book around the globe.

Amazing if you think about it. How one book survived being transported by ship from overseas to America by a bunch of worldly travelers who wanted to start not only a new human life, but a whole new political and economic order too, even if they did not think about it too much at that time.

The Bible is a rather large book. It has many different types of smaller books in it for people to read and study. The Old Testament is starting with the Jewish religion or Judaism.

“Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions and was founded over 3500 years ago in the Middle East. Jews believe that God appointed the Jews to be his chosen people to set an example of holiness and ethical behavior to the world.” (Taken off the web.)

Back over 3500 years ago, there probably wasn’t any type of great economic transformation taking place although it has been stated that at least one of the lesser-known pyramids was built because the leader at that time only wanted to keep the people busy and created an economy where people could work physically to buy food. I am glad I wasn’t alive at that time period.

Those people or laborers could not read nor write just like most of the Jews could also not read nor write, just like most of the very early Christians after the time of Jesus could not read nor write either. And most of the people who did write were only copyists who sometimes did not know the meanings of the symbols they were copying.

When did capitalism start and why?

“Capitalism in its modern form emerged from agrarianism in England, as well as mercantilism practices by European countries between the 16th and 18th centuries. ... Adam Smith is often identified as the father of modern capitalism.” (Taken off the web.)

So then, before any great economic transformation like capitalism, there was the Bible in its various languages and forms. I own way too many translations of the Bible, but it is fun to see how different biblical translators use different words, sentences, syntax, etc. to write for everyone to read and understand.

I think one of the coolest things about the Bible is the very simple 10 laws, rules, or commandments, of behaviors in any society or within any personal action.

Just to list them for the record, they are:

“10 Commandments in order in simple terms.

1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall not make idols.
3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet.”

In today’s modern-day world, I would add a few commandments of my own. (Another essay?)

Like, don’t become addicted to porn, pot and drugs, guns, sports, gaming, fighting, your sexual organs. Etc. Why? Because none of those mental qualities have anything to do with an absolute spiritual consciousness.

“Jesus Christ summarized all of God’s laws in two great commandments. “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40).”

I don’t think people follow or obey one of those two commandments. I know that many of my neighbors hate my guts because I am infinitely smarter and more intelligent than they are, plus I don’t smoke pot and take drugs, nor am an I gay guy, nor am I obsessed with guns, gaming, fighting, or my sexual organ although my sexual organ is really good to take a pee in a bottle.

As a side remark. I was talking with my dad on the phone about 6 months before he died at the age of 91. He was a formal arm guy who raised six kids with his wife who was a nurse her whole life. So, for the fun of it, I would ask him whenever he told me had to get up to take a pee, “Why not use a pee bottle?” I could hear his thoughts wondering what drugs I was taking.

It could be stated that the first 10 Commandments are the basic rules and laws for living no matter what nation or country, city, town, or village you are living in.

Isn’t it amazing how those 10 basic Commandments were there at the beginning of America and they are still here in America? (Another essay.) Yet, there are more people in America’s prisons and jail than China and India combined.

That is a very big sign that something is fundamentally wrong in American society, or more exactly in the brains and minds of some Americans. Uneducated. Bad parents. Bad schools. Too many drugs. Too much violence no matter how you look at it. Lazy cops and court systems. Too many guns and rifles. Too many bullets. The list goes on and on and on. Something has to change.

Too much fucking, sucking, and perverted sex by too many people, hidden in the dark places of both the human brain, and mind, and in holes under the ground. Too much sexual crime. Period!

Is anyone in America even conscious of the Bible’s basic 10 Commandments?

There are so many people stealing items out of stores, and they are getting away with it because of America’s state laws, courts, police, and judges don’t care anymore about not only upholding the laws relating to protecting the stores and companies in the capitalist economic system, but they are also letting crimes who do not want to work and pay for the items that they steal.

According to the Bible and even some Christian faiths I guess and assume, there are probably Christians who may think that stealing is a sin and if you steal from a store then you are going straight to hell forever, ... according to the unspoken rule of some Christian beliefs.

That may or may not be true in reality, but what is true is that people in the year 2024 are stealing items they can’t afford because for so many reasons within America’s economic capitalistic system. The capitalistic system is not perfect, but it seems the best one to date, it is stated.

There is modern-day law libraries filled to the brim with millions of laws in every village, town, and city no matter how big or small in America and in every country and nation on the globe. There are modern-day law libraries because people need to know how to behave, and the rules within a given village, town, city, state, or nation.

Of course, today’s modern-day world is a completely different and more complex world than in the time of Moses, so there are a lot more laws, rules, regulations, etc.

Isn’t it amazing that there are so many people who do not know how to be simply good people?

There are people in America who do not take advantage of the capitalist system.

Some people illegally take advantage of America’s capitalist system even though there are huge financial law books with finance and money regulations in them, so people do not become financial criminals. But greed for money, power, and wealth doesn’t stop criminal actions.

But every day of the week, there are people in America’s capitalist financial and economic system who do not only disobey the financial rules, laws, and regulations, but there are people who plan to steal your money and everyone’s money in any way they can in the modern era of the internet.

Those people probably never read the Bible nor do they even own one. Why? Because they think that most if not all of the Bible is outdated in this modern-day era of the internet; and in this modern-day world within America’s capitalist economic and financial system.

Some people believe that the only thing important in life is money, capitalism or not.

Yet, even though the Bible and Christianity don’t have any specific financial and economic rules, laws, and regulations for how you should do your home and business finances, there is still some good advice in it for other reasons.

Even Christian religious people realize some facts that people who are obsessed with money in the financial and economic markets, along with people who have to be obsessed with their personal and home financial and economic situations are a common thing in human life.

On a human level of existence; not a spiritual realm of existence, there is a lot of stuff going on within each human life and around the whole globe too. It is almost too much at times to see everything happening in America and around the world.

Most people must feel helpless since the first people stepped off the boats on America’s shores after they left Great Britain. Truthfully, they probably felt helpless when they were on those boats that were crossing the seas and oceans around the globe.

I might have been a chicken shit because I do not want to drown in the middle of an ocean or sea with mighty and hungry creatures looking for an easy and free human body to eat for a meal.

In today’s world, I wonder how many people feel lost and misguided within a total capitalist nation where money is way more important than the Bible, going to a church, or even praying at home for anything because in the end, everyone in America knows that money is the god of this world.

I have studied money, economics, and finance more than most common people, but I have always had a spiritual heart and mind for the spiritual things within the Bible, both before and after my economic learning of money and the world of economics, which by the way, is a cool topic.

People like my sister who is an attorney and a CPA-Accountant who works with more money than I ever did might even go to church whenever she needs to. But she probably does not read or study the Bible. Why? There is only so much time in the day, week, month, and year to do anything.

Even I, the great and all-wise George, give out advice to young people and teenagers whenever I have the chance. “Get great grades. Reading, writing, and mathematics are the most important things you have to do to get a job and earn money in this world.”

I do it because in the very teeny, tiny town I live in I know that some parents are living within their own very limited mental concept of the world and they do not how and what to advise their children to prepare for their financial future in the world.

I, on the other hand, live in a very huge and dynamic mental concept of the world so I am to instruct younger people who need advice about how to succeed in this world.

I never preach the Bible to most people for many reasons. I would not have preached the Bible in the days of the cowboys and Indians either. I would not have preached the Bible in the Roman Empire although of course, there was no big Bible during the Roman Empire.

Nor would I have preached the Bible in the hard-working factories during the Industrial Revolution.

That being stated, it is most definitely true that within the capitalist society of America, the Christian religion and the Bible are the main sources of its national religion.

“What is the most popular religion in America in 2024?

Roughly 48.9% of Americans are Protestants, 23.0% are Catholics, 1.8% are Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Christianity was introduced during the period of European colonization. The United States has the world's largest Christian population.” (Taken off the web.)

Side by side they exist!

Christianity and capitalism.

Lately, since I have been thinking and studying about the history of Christianity since the time after Jesus's life and death, I have been seeing and understanding that topic in various ways that I could not have imagined until now.

Mostly because when I was a student of the Bible, I was not studying it as a history book, but rather as a metaphysical and spiritual book.

Now that I have survived stage 4 CLL cancer making me a cancer survivor and a death survivor again, (really this dying thing is a big fat joke) I am more aware of the importance of many topics and issues that were not so important to me before now. In other words, I forgot what was important in the eyes of God, Spirit, which was not money.

As everyone knows, the old world is long gone.

We are all living in a new world.

But in this new world, some things never change, including the Bible, as a metaphysical, and spiritual holy book, as long as you don’t take too much of it literally.

People spend a lot of time working and earning money. They need time for the spiritual Bible too.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!