This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Essay 7 - 2024. Dying, Death, the Afterlife, as States of Consciousness. Dying, Living, Death, Afterlife. But really, what are the possibilities? Different States of Consciousness View Dying and Death Differently. Multi-Dimensional States of Consciousness. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! February 17, 2024.

 Essay 7 - 2024. Dying, Death, the Afterlife, as States of Consciousness.

Dying, Living, Death, Afterlife. But really, what are the possibilities?

Different States of Consciousness View Dying and Death Differently.

Multi-Dimensional States of Consciousness.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

February 17, 2024.

What does consciousness have to do with life, living, dying, and death, you may ask?

Don’t people all over the world see and view dying and death differently from other people?

Aren’t people all over the world conscious of dying and death differently, because of their personal and individual mental conceptions, their cultures or religious beliefs, etc. regarding life and death, even though in a very simple way, on a biological level, when you are biologically dead, you are dead? But is this a correct view of the general concept of dying and death?

Another question for people to think about is this question. If the body is dead, does that mean that the individual human consciousness is dead too, or does the individual human consciousness continue onward into a different realm of existence? Even now, the word multi-dimensional universes may exist, so why not start thinking about multi-dimensional realities and realms of existence and even, yes, consciousness.

Yes, they do. People all over the world view life differently life on planet Earth for all sorts of reasons; economically, politically, socially, and even religiously. They most definitely have different ways to say goodbye to the world and to their bodies and the bodies of other people too, like to burn the body, leave the body on top of a mountain to be eaten by the birds and animals, to bury the body, etc. Or simple leave the body in a clear plastic cage to remind the world that someone was an evil world leader by causing the deaths of millions of human beings.

Could it be that people all over the world have had different experiences regarding both the physical and mental aspects of dying and death, compared to other people all over the world?

Or in other words, don’t people have different opinions and states of consciousness about what death is and if there is the afterlife if they actually believe in the afterlife? Some people believe that they will simply return to dust, which seems a bit silly since all of the atoms in the biological body have to change into other atoms.

Don’t people see and view life on planet Earth very differently? What is life exactly? Is life simply a biological moving body, or is there a much grandeur view of life, like the concept that Life is God, and of course, the general concept of life on Earth, which by the way, is really beyond the realm of possibilities, statistically speaking. I am inclined to think that many people all over the world are indeed obsessed with dying and death more than they are obsessed with life and living.

As a matter of fact, many people who are living on planet Earth are just looking forward to their dying and deaths, or their relatives and friends. Even some religions are really obsessed with dying and death, but in the wrong way.

On the other hand, there is the other class of people who are living their individual personal lives with the only concern with their living their personal individual lives on planet Earth without any regard or thought or consideration about their own individual and personal experiences of their own individual personal dying and death experience sometime in their future.

Some people are so wrapped in their busy human lives in the modern world that they are too busy to think about their dying experiences and their own deaths. In other words, some people do not care anything about their own death, or how to overcome their human deaths after all, to think about death means to be a thinker and metaphysical thinker at that.

But to think that death is a think out there somewhere, like a monster, waiting to pull you into a state of nothingness or into a different realm of existence is really something that is too big for the ordinary person to think about.

The above statements are all related to the big word, consciousness, the consciousness of dying and death, and the possibility of the afterlife too. The point is that every human being is actually conscious of the fact that they will die one day.

But they are probably not aware of the fact that even if their biological bodies seem to die too this realm of existence, their individual state of consciousness just may live on, especially since there are different states of consciousness even while walking around on planet Earth.

Generally, unless death happens very fast or quickly to an individual or mass of people, are not dying individuals actually aware that they are dying, like when I was dying from the CLL cancer that was quickly destroying and killing my own biological body.

Yes, I was aware of it. How could it be otherwise? But on the other hand, I was also aware of many other states of consciousness too, but truth be told, I was aware of those other states of consciousness before I appeared to be dying from stage 4 CLL cancer.

But to laugh at my own personal individual human death seemed a bit silly for part of my mind.

But for my own individual case and situation, I was actually conscious of more than just my own biological body and its dying process. I was also conscious of the afterlife, and more importantly, I was conscious of other realms of existence, including the realm termed God as far as I was able to do it considering the state I was in while I was dealing with a deadly situation.

First, people view life, dying, and death very differently in many ways. But do they view life, dying, and death differently? After all, they all know that one day each human being will stop breathing oxygen.

One of the biggest differences among the peoples of planet Earth is that some people no matter where they live on planet Earth do not think about dying, death, and the afterlife in any way whatsoever. Within their own individual human consciousness, they life their lives like monkeys in a way, believing only in the evidence before their limited in front of their eyes. But those days are long gone, believing that life is only what you see with your human eyes.

Other people think or at least have an awareness about dying and death all of the time, either because of their culture, their religion, or their job and employment; like police, soldiers, doctors, and nurses.

Other people might think about dying and death more than other people because of their experiences in life, either individual or collective, like the mass destruction of the human species. People in a war zone probably have only dying and death on their minds, in their consciousness all of the time, whether they think about it or not.

Second. The other difference among the peoples of planet Earth is that some people actually think about dying, death, and the afterlife while they are living on planet Earth and some people might state that those people might think about dying and death way too much instead of thinking about living life as much as they can before they actually die. Party on. Why not, since I am going to die one day. Why waste life on being serious for one day or moment of your existence

Third. What if death is a state of consciousness instead of something that many people think of as a state of death in a biological body state of consciousness? If a person overcame the delusion that they are only a one-dimensional biological state consciousness without regard to the other realms of existence before they die human, then it could be stated that they are in a way dead already, from a spiritual point of view. Yet, to think about multi-realms of existence and especially consciousness would be a good place to start overcoming the delusion called death.

From a total spiritual point of view, ‘man’ made in the likeness and image of God, Spirit, is not a human being with a skin, bone, blood, sex organs, and a brain biological. Or in other words, a one-dimensional state of a biological body. It is sad to think that there are so-called Christians who think that they are made in the likeness and image of God, and then they think that they have to have sex to be in that image and likeness. Isn’t that a religious mental delusion? Among others. ‘Man’ made in the image and likeness of God cannot die, because God, Life, cannot die.

And then there is the complexity of completely different mental states of consciousness, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual which most people might consider as three separate states of being or existence. But is it possible that those three different concepts, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual, can all be discovered, and experienced on planet Earth before the so-called death of the human biological body? Could the physical, mental, and spiritual all be connected so the concept of death seems a bit silly, even if you actually die a biological death?

Is it not true, if you think about it? Thinking about these topics is something good, not bad.

There is the biological body state of consciousness. There is the mental state of consciousness, especially in the hardwired human brain, which of course is filled within itself with all sorts of different states of abstract states of consciousness, like music and mathematics, which of course, in reality, are like, ‘invisible’ states of consciousness which are not a pure state of material state of consciousness. Music and mathematics are pure realms of abstract consciousness in and by themselves, even if they exist only within the human state of consciousness.

Do people all around the globe actually think that way, that there are basic and general states of consciousness like the physical, meaning the biological as one state of a physical state of consciousness, the different mental states of consciousness within the brain, the spiritual states of consciousness, which would be and is a completely different and non-biological state of consciousness? In general, most people walk around planet Earth wondering about death like a drunkard who walks out of a bar to view the street with fuzzy eyes and a fuzzy brain too.

To take the concept of consciousness and dying and death from a different perspective within consciousness, everyone and every creature on planet Earth is, I am assuming conscious of the fact, that they know that one day or at a moment in their future, they will no longer be walking on planet earth like a drunkard state of mind.

However, they might pray and hope that there is something beyond the graves for them. Even prayerful hopefulness is a state of awareness for an afterlife while still walking on planet Earth. I love walking on planet Earth. It is full of life.

Very simply, dying, death, and the afterlife are states of consciousness, but not like the states of human consciousness that normal people live in when they are walking about planet Earth with biological bodies made of skin, bones, blood, organs, brain, etc.

It is really amazing the places where consciousness can go when it leaves the human brain and body. I have most definitely exited my own human biological in various ways which would amaze all of my readers.

Here is the thing my dear readers. How can any human being not realize before they even have to face the concept of death, think to themselves that what they see with their human eyes, hear with their ears, smell with their noise, taste with their tongue, and feel on their skin, is the ultimate state of reality of all existence? What a ridiculous and silly idea.

But it seems so real, doesn’t it. The biological bodies we are in. The blue sky. The sun, moon, stars-galaxies, the whole cosmic universe. But what if there is more than all that ‘stuff?’ Here is a hint for you readers. There is more to life, living, dying, and death. Maybe none of you will agree with me, but it is true. How true? After all, some people are aware of the subatomic realms of existence, so why not would there more to, well, everything.

Could there be a complete separation between the human consciousness that seems to be trapped inside a human brain, even before the experience of dying and death itself?

I am stating this from my own personal experiences, that the human consciousness can be exited from the human brain because I have done it in many ways. But here is the clincher. I never planned for any of those experiences. But I did prepare both my body, brain, mind, and consciousness before I left my own biological body by thinking and pondering a whole bunch of topics. You would think that it is a crazy thing to do, until you return back to Earth, back inside your, mine brain in this case, to write about it.

You could do the same thing if you wanted too, but I would not advice anyone to try to leave your own biological body before you are ready for it because you may not be able to get back into your own biological human body.

I have talked to people who have exited their biological bodies without expecting it, and they were not religious at all, nor were they higher intellectual brains and minds. They simply had an out-of-body experience. A lot of you readers are probably laughing at the possibility that it is even possible that there are actually different ways to leave your own biological bodies, but everything begins with thinking and consciousness.

Once the event and moment of the transition from living with a human biological body to being transformed into higher states of consciousness happen to you, there is no returning to those old, outdated concepts that your biological body is your only identity. As a side remark which I will write about later sometime. Is it not truly amazing that some human beings identify themselves with their sexual organs?

They think to themselves and live it too, that, ‘I am a penis. I am a vagina. That is who I am, completely, as a human being. That itself is a kind of death before death. Let me set the record straight on ‘paper.’ The penis and vagina are for making babies. They are not biological organs to be bowed down too and worship like worshiping a stone statue. That is the truth, like it or not. What is more important than your penis and vagina some of you may ask yourselves? Well, a whole bunch of stuff, actually, like not having a nuclear war for one.

The experience of dying and death is really more a psychological event than a biological event after you consider that it is the human mind and consciousness that is actually aware of the end of life for the human biological body when the end is near for it. It is the human brain and mind that is part of the human biological body that knows that its shell of a biological body is dying, like in my case, when I was dealing with stage 4 CLL cancer. I was not ready to die yet.

But I had already overcome the human biological belief that my biological body, born of two human beings, was my only identity. It might be strange for the reader to grasp that there might be more to your identity than a simple, but complex human biological body. Some people may even identify themselves with their human brain, which I myself like to do from time to time. I like using my brain even better now that I am getting a bit older. But there are limits to that too.

I knew that my human biological body was in trouble, in very horrible trouble, but I was not scared or even fearful of my personal death from planet Earth. I also knew it was my mind or human consciousness that was the part of me that was actually aware of my biological body that was dying. Why?

Because at the moment between being a healthy human body and a dying human body, my human mind had no choice but to feel and experience and be conscious of something, the event which could not be denied in this realm of existence. But in truth, my brain and consciousness were experiencing more that I am going to write about in this essay.

I have to admit. My psychological experience of dying was really an eye-opener because so many things were happening within my mind, my human psychological state of existence, that I was partly overwhelmed with it. Like taking LSD for the first time, I can imagine for some people who have taken LSD. One reason was that, as you all will experience when your moment to face death arrives, the only person who will be there inside your mind will be you, as what you will experience as a mental or psychological event of dying.

Needless to state, some of the things I did know from a multi-dimensional state of consciousness were a few things to be mentioned here. One, I had already long ago overcame the human delusional belief that the biological body that claimed to be me, born from two human beings, one a male and the other a female was indeed not my true spiritual selfhood, but a counterfeit of a higher spiritual selfhood that was not in a biological body at all. Nice words and hopeful thoughts you may think to yourselves. But no, must more than nice words and hopeful thoughts.

There is a saying in the Bible in the Gospel of John that states, ‘To enter the kingdom of God, you must be born again.’ How many so-called Christians are truly born again? Probably not one of them. To be born again means to be aware of your true spiritual identity that cannot die because your true spiritual identity is not in a human biological body. That is the truth.

But that being stated, I still had to deal with the biological body that was me on planet Earth. That is ok. I did not want my biological body to stop working and operating yet, as with most people who are living and who do not want to die an early death. I still had my pets to take care of and I still needed to write a few more true metaphysical statements before I actually ‘die.’

But even humanly, there was more to the situation than just trying to destroy the CLL cancer with the chemo-pills in my human biological body. There was the mental and psychological struggle of knowing I was dying, that the I that is the human biological body, and the I that is mental and psychological and the I that is Spirit, helped me to overcome the belief that I was going to die.

I know that many if not most of the readers of this essay have no idea of what I am trying to convey with the concept a multi-dimensional consciousness because you have not taken the time and energy to learn the metaphysical concepts of a multi-dimensional consciousness even humanly, but more to the point, as a state if existence, as your state of consciousness.

On the other hand, even having a human biological body that is still living and yet dying at the same time, my human mind and consciousness were experiencing a variety of different psychological phenomena. Maybe some people do not experience a variety of psychological phenomena for a variety of reasons when they are dying, like being shot in the head or brain, and bang, just dead in a second.

Or being in a car or truck, etc. an accident that happens so fast that the body and brain and the mind are ‘dead.’ faster than when it happens slowly or even very slowly. So, in those types of cases, the human brain and mind do not have time to react to the event of dying and death like you would when you are slowly dying, like me and other people who are dying very slow, or a slow death, or even a few days death like when the Covid virus killed so many human beings around the globe.

Now then, with that being stated, and because I was consciously aware of having a multi-dimensional state of existence, I was actually dealing with the CLL cancer in various ways like taking very powerful chemo-pills because I wanted all the help I could get as fast as I could get it. But with that being stated, although not quite clear just yet, I had been thinking about all of the metaphysical topics like what is God, evil, the cosmic universe, and the afterlife from the first moment I could think.

It has been stated that the man Jesus was walking around on planet Earth knowing that he was walking in a dream world. Sometimes I feel the same way. But life is what it is on planet Earth.

Just maybe, and maybe even probably, if a human being does not devote part of their childhood life and especially their adult lives to research the deep issues of life and death, God and ‘evil’ and even the afterlife, but more importantly to the topic of consciousness on multi-dimensional levels of existence, then when it is their moment to die or leave planet Earth, they will probably have an event of dying and death that is, of course, an event onto themselves, but not quite like my human experience because I had already prepared my individual human consciousness through decades of ‘metaphysical and spiritual training.’

But I cannot help but believe that older people especially, are wondering about the day they will die. Yet, they have no concrete answers for the mystery call death. But after reading this essay, they should have a few hints solve that mystery. At least a little bit.

It could be stated that the biological body knows that it is dying, but in reality, it is the human brain and the human consciousness that knows that it is dying because the hardwired brain is connected to the human biological body. But, does the human consciousness really die when the biological is death? Is there part of the human consciousness that is truly immortal? Think about it.

Therefore, there is not only the hardwired brain that knows its biological body is dying, like when my hardwired brain and consciousness knew that my biological was in deep trouble when stage 4 CLL cancer cells were destroying my body, but even my human state of consciousness had already ascended from a false and limited concept called the human biological body, and as a matter of fact, from many false concepts of life. What crazy concepts you may think to yourselves. That is ok because I truly don’t expect most of you to understand it even though I don’t think I could write any clearer and straight forward.

On a deeper state of existence, not only does the hardwired brain know that its biological body is dying of stage 4 CLL cancer, but so does the human soft-wired state of consciousness know it too. In other words, different states of consciousness are aware of different things in this life while living on planet Earth, and it can know when it is dying too.

But that being stated, the human consciousness can know other things are happening within itself as well, as feeling that its biological body is getting ready to stop operating as a biological body, as the soft-wired human consciousness can float off into other realms of existence, most which cannot be seen by the human brain. The human brain is limited to what it can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Wouldn’t that be true with regards to life and death? Think about it.

What happens when the human consciousness has investigated the different realms of life and existence for decades with the result being a complete transformation within the structure of the human consciousness before the claim of death has come to claim his biological body, a person is truly ready for death, even if that is not apparent at the moment of death. If death is not real, then where do you go, you may be asking yourselves. It all starts within your consciousness.

Even Jesus and other thinkers have stated that the kingdom of God and heaven is within you. But certainly not within your human biological body. That would be a silly delusion.

Even when the biological body is very healthy, the claim of death is always there, in the background of the subconscious mind, just waiting to be opened to the stairways to either the up or down places of existence. However, there is not an up and down place in spiritual reality.

Just one more statement about life, living, dying, death, and consciousness. I know that most if not all so-called Christians believe that there was a poor human named Jesus who was hung on the cross, and he died, and then he rose to live again, because he was God in the flesh, or whatever you so-called Christians want to believe regarding the human man named Jesus.

But in reality, Jesus also possessed a multi-dimensional state of consciousness. Can not any of you so-called Christians understand that statement. Jesus had a skin, bone, blood, and brain human biological body. His brain was operating. But he also had the Christ consciousness too. So, therefore, he could overcome the delusion of death. Why is death a mortal delusion? For so many reasons, like is life in general and specifically only in a biological body. Or is life in general and your life specifically more in your state of consciousness, and what is your state of consciousness, even on a human scale of existence, is your life?

People all around the globe may have similar states of human consciousness for specific reasons, but on the other hand, they can possess very different states of human consciousness for other reasons. Can it not be reasoned logically likewise for a material state of existence versus a spiritual state of consciousness even while living on planet Earth, and vice versa. The same goes for a one-dimensional biological consciousness compared to a multi-dimensional state of consciousness that includes all levels of existence, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual.

It seems very weird to me that the believers in the human man named Jesus have not figured out yet that even the man Jesus, lived in a multi-dimensional state of consciousness while he walked on planet Earth, both before and after his death. It is time for his professed followers to begin to do the same, instead of being dead to the spiritual consciousness which was Jesus's true deathless identity called the Christ Consciousness.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!