This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Today, I bought 6 More Courses from the

Today, I bought 6 More Courses from the
How Jesus Became God
Includes free on-line and mobile streaming
Jesus and His Jewish Influences
Includes free on-line and mobile streaming
Mathematical Decision Making: Predictive Models
Includes free on-line and mobile streaming
The Power of Mathematical Visualization
Includes free on-line and mobile streaming
Understanding Genetics (DVD)
Includes free on-line and mobile streaming
War and World History (DVD)

Friday, December 27, 2019

My New 11 Courses From All include a booklet and online streaming. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ME! I own over 150 courses from

My New 11 Courses From
All include a booklet and online streaming.
I own over 150 courses from
Capitalism vs. Socialism: Comparing Economic Systems
Craftsy: Sketching People, Places, and Landscapes
Death, Dying, and the Afterlife: Lessons from World Cultures
How to Paint
Introduction to Astrophysics
Learning to Play Guitar: Chords, Scales, and Solos
Mastering Linear Algebra: An Introduction with Applications
Nuclear Physics Explained
Playing Guitar like a Pro: Lead, Solo, and Group Performance
The Science of Energy: Resources and Power Explained
The Theory of Everything: The Quest to Explain All Reality

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Worshiping The Catholic’s Virgin Mary or the Mother of Jesus. or Giving Birth to Your Own True Spiritual and Divine Selfhood. What is More Important? Repeating Religious Words Over and Over and Over Again for Thousands of Years, Or Giving Birth to Your Own True Spiritual and Divine Selfhood? The Collective Human Species Giving Birth to Spirit. For The Current and Future Survival of the Human Species. 1,000 Years Into the Future.? 10,000 Years Into the Future? By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!

Worshiping The Catholic’s Virgin Mary or the Mother of Jesus.
Giving Birth to Your Own True Spiritual and Divine Selfhood.
What is More Important?
Repeating Religious Words Over and Over and Over Again for Thousands of Years,
Or Giving Birth to Your Own True Spiritual and Divine Selfhood?

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”  John 4:24 New King James Version (NKJV)
The Collective Human Species Giving Birth to Spirit.
For The Current and Future Survival of the Human Species.
1,000 Years Into the Future.? 10,000 Years Into the Future?
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
December 10th, 2019.
I was walking out of the front door of my house when I noticed a fancy pickup truck drive pass my house, do a u-turn, and then stop in front of my house. I noticed that the driver was looking at my house really carefully, so I took noticed of his face for any signs of good or bad, meaning violent or non-violent purpose. He had parked his truck on the other side of the street, so there was some distance between my yard and his truck which gave me a few more seconds to analyze the developing situation. My mind started rushing faster as I saw four white males exit the truck as they seemed to be in a very big hurry to get to my home.
‘Who did I piss off now?’ I wondered. ‘Did I deserve a fight with four guys.’ I thought to myself, I do not think so. But hey, what did I know? My mind was quickly sizing up each male without any real plan to defend myself because I would figure that out when and if the action started.  I would deal with it, second by second. After all, it is my house with seven security cameras facing the street. The four strange males quickly approaching my house, two from the driveway and two from the yard. Hum, take out the biggest guy first if I had the chance and then take out the other three guys if needed. By take out, it is implied or meant to hurt them really fast because fighting four strange males for fun is just plain stupid.
The biggest male on the driveway states to me, “Hey there, we just wanted to look at your angel statues.” as he stared at the corner of my house with a bunch of good looking angel statues. His three 'boys' looked at the different angel statues too. Well then, so much for having to defend myself by fighting four strange white males. A few males who probably had never been in a real fight their whole life. Good for me, ha, ha.
A Basic Catholic Religionist.
The man states to me, “There is no statue of the Virgin Mary. I am just a basic Catholic and I have a statue of the Virgin Mary on the front porch of my house.”
‘Hum.’ I think to myself. ‘At least I know whom I am dealing with now. Basic Catholics who for some reason worshiped the Virgin Mary of the mother of Jesus who is written about in the Gospels of the New Testament in the Holy Bible. I wondered where this short adventure is going to go in the next few minutes, I think to myself. But I could not help but wonder why they were looking for a statue of the Virgin Mary on my front porch, beside because there are other statues on my front porch. Did he or they worship the Virgin Mary instead of worshiping the man Jesus like so many so-called Christians do in one form or another form and if the answer was yes, why? Many if not most Christians worship Jesus, but they rarely do they think about his human mother if at all.
For some reason, in the Catholic religion, there are people who worship and pray to other deceased human beings beside the living Jesus, like so-called saints of one sort or another while some Catholic worshipers delight in the fact that they really like the Virgin Mary instead of delighting in the words of Jesus in the Holy Bible. I could never understand worshiping any human being, even Jesus. But even more so the so-called saints and the mother of Jesus, since Jesus was supposed to be the ‘man.’ of the times who possessed the Christ consciousness.
What is funny or not so funny is some nation’s and countries’ leaders want to be worship too, as a human god, like in China and North Korea, where their leaders portraits are hanging on the biggest of walls so their citizens will not forget who their god is. My understanding is that those leaders of those nations and countries would never worship a man like Jesus because then the people or citizens of those nations and countries would have faith in a religious leader instead of their own current political leader. Of course, there are nations like America where its citizens realize that there is a huge different in having faith in a man like Jesus for religious reasons and then having faith in political leaders for political and economical reasons.
It must be realized that both before and after the man named Jesus there were very important people in the Bible and even outside the Bible that had a huge impact on the spiritual development of the sense of Christianity, and even divine metaphysics, as a good phrase for now. So Mary the mother of Jesus was super important for the birth of Jesus. As Max Kappeler states in his bookelt, “The Mary consciousness was super important for the birth of Jesus.”
Giving Birth to Your Own True Spiritual and Divine Selfhood.
Max Kappeler writes in his booklet, ‘Scientific Obstetrics’ on page one, “Women must give birth. Christianity started with the virgin birth, and in our age, the Science of Christianity demands for its demonstration an understanding of the Science that governs spiritual birth: scientific obstetrics. To Christianity, the Mary Consciousness was super important; without it the Jesus-manifestation could never have been ushered into human presence. Today, it is the understanding of the Science of spiritual birth that can bring forth the demonstration of the new child: divince Science.” The booklet can be read free or bought online at
Ok then. There is a very big difference between realizing that the mother of Jesus was super important for the birth of the man named Jesus. But no where is it stated that Mary was or is supposed to be worshiped, and falsely worshiping her for giving birth to Jesus versus each individual human being actually becoming born again as an impersonal Christ Consciousness themself. Hum? Catholics and other forms of what I like to term here as the mentally lazy Christians religionists who do not know what they are reading in the Holy Bible, so they repeat words over and over again for 2000 years and even longer, like the Jews who like to repeat the words of the Old Testament in the Holy Bible over and over and over again for thousands of years. Are they going to repeat those words for the next 1,000 or 10,000 years? Why?
Both the mentally lazy Christians and the Jews must one day wake up to a few facts and new concepts which are more metaphysically and spiritually better for themselves and for the human species as well besides repeating the same religious words over and over and over again for thousands of years. Of course this statement applies to other non-Christian or Jewish faiths who also like to repeat words from a book over and over again for thousands of years without actually thinking like a modern day thinking human being. To have a mind stuck inside of a book without actually pondering modern day intellectual discoveries is a really bad thing to do for the current and future survival of the human species. For example, one of my favorite words, along with all that word implies, is the word is consciousness.
The modern word consciousness is not mentioned in the Bible as an English word, but it is in the Bible with phrases like, “Put on the mind of Christ.’ Paul. It is so much easier to repeat religious words from the Holy Bible, and other non-Christian books, over and over again for thousands of years instead of dealing with each individual human self-consciousness, the different types of collective states of human consciousness, and more importantly on a higher level of though, to transcend from a purely human biological state of human consciousness to a purely metaphysical and spiritual state of consciousness which would not only make each individual human being better, truly more like the human Jesus, but which would also help the current and future survival of the human species too.
Repeating Religious Words, Over and Over and Over Again for Thousands of Years?
I have notice on my short journey on planet earth that there are many religions and even non-religions that are based on simply repeating religious words over and over and over again for thousands of years without ever changing those words or evolving their mentalities into new states of consciousness with higher levels of intelligence, understanding, and knowledge.
The Catholic religion, the Jewish religion, the Muslims, etc., along with non-religious groups of people who also repeat the same words in regards in what they believe in or hope for or pray for, to get some desired affect to change their lives and maybe even their states of human consciousness. But, has repeating words for any group of religious people or even non-religious people ever done anything positive for mankind, ever? No! It has not! Ever!!! And yet, for some magical or non-magical reason, huge groups of people, by the millions and billions love to repeat religious words over and over and over again for thousands of years because it makes them feel good and it makes them feel as if maybe by some chance or luck, their repeated words will be heard by some supernatural human being, or people in the afterlife, or by some god or even God, or even by a man named Jesus or a woman named Mary.
How mentally lazy can the human species be in this age of advanced understanding and knowledge that the physical sciences has provided to the human species? Besides being stuck in an old state of ignorant religious or non-religious mentality or state of consciousness, repeating religious words over and over and over again brings with it no divine power to state of consciousness or understanding about either the divine realms or states of existence or of how to handle evil in this world.
How is this possible? How is it possible that repeating religious words over and over and over again for thousands of years going to help the survival of the human current and future human species, or to find the answers to the realm of God, or how to handle human evil which threatens the current and future survival of the human species. Or! How is repeating words over and over and over again from the Holy Bible or any religious book going to help the current and future survival of the human species. Or! How is worshiping the virgin Mary, any so-called Catholic saint, or even the human man Jesus, going to help the current and future survival of the human species? It does not make any sense because the human species continues to exist so far, luckily, in various and advance ways by people who do not repeat religious or non-religious words over and over and over again for thousands of years.
Going to a church and repeating words, or listening to a priest repeat words over and over and over again for your whole life is not going to do anything to or for an individual human being’s consciousness or the collective consciousness, for the current and future of the human species. Sure, it might make a person feel good for ten minutes, but so what? There is a huge different between repeating religious words over and over and over again for thousands of years versus thinking over and over and over again for thousands of years. The thinkers win out every time!
Speaking about repeating words in the Catholic church, there is a rosy prayer that some Catholics like to repeat over and over again, especially female Catholics and Catholic nuns, begging the human mother for help. This are the words that they like to repeat while they are moving their fingers over the small beads that are on the rosy’s string. “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of thou womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our deaths, Amen.”
First of all, Mary the mother of Jesus is long gone, away from earth. Second, the fruit of her womb is also long gone. Third, how could a human being give birth to God? That is like all of those very old and primitive myths and folklore about how the universe was created and how the human species was created long ago because people back then believed that having sex and giving birth to human beings was the greatest thing known to mankind during the time of the primitive ages and the ages of mental ignorance. Fourth, does anyone repeating those words over and over again really believe that a human mother named Mary, even if she exists somewhere in the afterlife or in another state of existence, is going to listen and help millions or billions of human beings who are repeating those words over and over again. It is really silly to believe that, isn’t it? But again, repeating religious words over and over and over again is much easier than thinking about what is God, and how to handle human evil, or even non-human errors.
Plus, worshiping the ex-virgin Mary or any of the Catholic so-called saints is not going to do anything to or for your individual consciousness, or for the collective human consciousness, or for the current and future survival of the human species. Sure, it might make you feel good because you are falsely believing that you are actually doing something that is religious. But in reality, what is it actually going to do for you and your own individual human consciousness when dealing with more profound issues of God and human evil, life and death and your afterlife, and surely with your own spiritual birth, away from a biological state of consciousness.
The Metaphysical Questions and Issues of Scientific (Spiritual) Obstetrics.
Doesn’t every human being feel something very strange about being a human being, in a very deep and metaphysical sense of life and existence? On one hand, we all have to deal our mortal human bodies of skin and bones, etc, and with the cards that have been dealt to us since the day we were born onto planet earth. On the other side of the coin, we all have a very deep feeling that somehow, there is something more to our deep core of being, some might state as our spiritual soul, which is not at all a biological creation or entity. Oh my, you may be wondering to yourself now, ‘what could that soul or spiritual identity be and how can I find it even though I am still a biological human being with skin and bones and a complex human brain.
John Doorly and Max Kappeler in their writings of the Science of Christian Science, not the religion of Christian Science, which are as different as night and day, wrote about giving birth to your spiritual self-hood, my dear reader, to the birth to your true spiritual self-hood, from metaphysical and spiritual levels of consciousness. There writings were based on the paragraph from the book, Science and Health by Mary Barker Eddy. I have taken the liberty to print that paragraph below so you can read it, even if you do not know what it means without a long explanation which I am not writing about here because if you read Max Kappeler’s free online booklet titled, “Scientific Obstetrics.” you will understand it faster and better than if I write about it here. I do not belong or have I ever belonged to the Christian Science Church. But the main book is really good to read. I actually do not belong to any church. I am a thinker, I like to think!
“Teacher and student should also be familiar with the obstetrics taught by this Science. To attend properly the birth of the new child, or divine idea, you should so detach mortal thought from its material conceptions, that the birth will be natural and safe. Though gathering new energy, this idea cannot injure its useful surroundings in the travail of spiritual birth. A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive. The new idea, conceived and born of Truth and Love, is clad in white garments. Its beginning will be meek, its growth sturdy, and its maturity undecaying. When this new birth takes place, the Christian Science infant is born of the Spirit, born of God, and can cause the mother no more suffering. By this we know that Truth is here and has fulfilled its perfect work.” pg. 463: 5-20.
The Collective Human Species Giving Birth to Spirit.
In this age of globalism, when the human species is already connected with each other by the world wide web and other technology, the human species is already becoming a true collective human species in various ways because of the global issues that are now confronting the collective human species, such as cleaning the oceans, saving non-human species, stopping another world war, or even a localized war with whenever means possible.
But what is the true bigger issues facing mankind or the human species? Is it to try and save all of the external conditions that are facing mankind or the human species? Or is it something even deeper, located deep within the human mind, the collective mind-consciousness as a soft-ware problem. Here is a main issue facing the human species. Does it stay in the primitive, backward mental state of old time religion, meaning any of them, or does it advance away from the very old religions such as the Catholic religion which had done nothing for the advancement of the human species by repeating religious words over and over and over again for thousands of years from its start into the future? By thousands of years it is meant, what difference does it make how many thousands of years, two or twenty thousands of years?
Or does the collective human species look away from outward appearances like skin color, different cultures, languages, food styles, and even looking away from the cosmic universe for a second and begin to understand that the deeper metaphysical issues as and within the structure of the human consciousness now and into the future? Sure, on a practical level, every nation and culture will probably remind what it is for now. But on a deeper level, if the collective human species continues to possess an old religious state of consciousness like begging for God to solve very problem on earth, and to continue to remain in total ignorance about the metaphysical issues facing mankind, like what is God and evil really, what is the afterlife or what happens to the human consciousness after the biological body is dead, or blaming God for all of the evils in the world, and for some religions, to stop praising God after a bomb kills innocent and defenseless human beings.
The collective human species, meaning each human being on each continent, no matter what the skin color, or the cloths they wear or the food they eat, or how much money they earn, must begin to somehow, even in the back of their minds, begin to realize that what is really important is finding the inner urge to overcome the animal nature within each human being, and to break out of the egg shell of mortality to understand something about the nature of God, Spirit, Life, Truth, Love, to ascend like Jesus ascended, to new states of spiritual consciousness, before the moment of death of each human being, and even the possible death of the human species.
The Current and Future Survival of the Human Species.
Ok then, let me ask the questions that each and every human being should be asking themselves right now. First, ‘why should anyone actually care about giving birth to your true spiritual and divine selfhood?’ And Second, ‘How does giving birth to your true spiritual and divine metaphysical selfhood help with the current and future survival of the human species?’
In a nutshell, human beings seem to live in a mental state of a one dimensional state of consciousness which is split between being a biological body with a complex human brain with different states of consciousness (s) and having an invisible sense of being something spiritual like. Or maybe even holy! No human being who believes that they are purely and only a human biological body with a human complex brain and different states of consciousness (s) can ever solve the very deep issues and problems of life and death, God and evil, mortality and immortality. The only way to solve and deep problem and issue regarding life and death, God and evil, mortality and immortality is by possessing a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, even while still living in the human and earthly realms of existence.
The new age and modern problems facing mankind can not be tackled, handled, or solved with old and very primitive states of religious consciousness. The current and future survival of the collective human species along, with each individual human being depends on advancing out of old and primitive states within the human consciousness, into new and higher states of spiritual consciousness, which overcomes the animal instinct to kill each other for no good reason.
Second, the current and future survival of the human species depends on the collective human species transforming itself from believing in and then being a bodily biological human species which is dependent on living more in a biological body with the human brain as the only state of existence and state of consciousness, instead of possessing multi-dimensional states of consciousness which destroys the individual, collective, and universal errors which every human being is born into when they are born on earth as a human being.
One of the main problems facing each individual human being and the collective human species is it believes in the sex act as the only method of creation, versus being reborn into a new creature, free from the errors and limitations of the current state of the cosmic universe. By human beings believing that a human male is man made in the image of God because they are born of the sex act or because they believe that they can give birth to human male made in the image of God by having sex with a woman or a female is completely wrong and is a mental religious delusional belief based on the one dimensional state of consciousness of viewing God and man, good and evil, life and death with a limited and ignorant state of consciousness.
On the other hand, when each and every individual human being and then when the collective human species wakes up from the many mental dream worlds it lives in, by giving birth to higher states of pure intelligent, spiritual, and scientific states of consciousness, then the current and future survival will be more guaranteed than it is now. If there is a law, a metaphysical and spiritual law that states that progress will only happen of the human species advances into multi-dimensional states of consciousness, then the human species should do it instead of ignoring it.
Currently, the current and future survival of the human species is in great jeopardy because of the religious and non-religious beliefs, whether that religious belief is a Christian or a Muslim belief or any other belief that a biological human body is the man or woman made in the image of God. How silly and illogical and irrational can such beliefs be when you think about the issues. Let us be very open minded and honest here my dear readers! The human species is a very divided biological and mental species. Some of those divisions are religious divisions based on between the Christian and Muslim religions, between the different cultural differences between the big Americans, the Chinese, and the Russians nationalities, etc. The are other major and minor divisions too, like economic divisions, etc.
But here is the point! Are all of those divisions the cause for another world war, or World War III. Each nation wants what is the best for its nation and its people and citizens, but at what cost? The death of millions or billions of innocent and defenseless human beings because the major and minor leaders of the world can not agree to get along. If each world leader possessed a higher non-violent state of consciousness, how much better would be the current and future survival of the human species?
A transformation within each individual human consciousness and within the collective human consciousness means that ALL of the billions of human beings on planet earth must rise up to transcend their limited sense of what they mentally perceive themselves to be, an American, a Chinese, a Russian, etc., a Catholic, or non-Catholic, Jew or Muslim. Of course, each human being has a mental perception of their own individual and national identity as their own personal and national sense of what they are, but what does God Almighty really perceive as reality? Hum! Is there a God that sees the Americans, the Chinese, the Russians, or any other nationality? No there is not! Is there an actual God that sees the Catholics versus the Jews or the Muslims or vice versa? I think not, not in reality!
Do my dear readers really think that God Almighty really sees differences between the human religions, or the differences in local and national and international politics and economics? The visible cosmic universe is really big, and if there are multi-universes too, then the cosmic crowd gets really big really fast. Planet earth is a very small planet which could be destroyed very easy under certain conditions. The human species is a very small biological human species which could also be destroyed easier and faster under certain conditions too. But should the human species destroy itself because if its religious ignorance and non-religious ignorance?
The human species has to make a choice, remind stuck in believing mentally delusional religious beliefs which are not real, or it can wake up to higher states of pure spiritual and intellectually spiritual states of consciousness on a collective and global level to overcome the need and desire to go to war to solve the common issues and problems which plague the human species, both physically and materially, and also mentally.
By each individual human being giving birth to their true spiritual selfhood which overcomes individual, collective, and universal errors, and by the collective human species also giving birth to its true spiritual selfhood, the animalistic mental urge, especially by world leaders, to use war and killing other human beings to solve nationalistic and global issues and problems will not only go away, even slowly go away, but new solutions will appear to solve nationalistic and global issues and problems,
1,000 Years Into the Future.? 10,000 Years Into the Future?
Is there even one human being besides me that wonders if the human species can even live or survive 1,000 or 10,000 years into the future? Has anyone ever wondered if the the human species can survive 1,000 or 10,000 years into the future, what will the human species look like? And maybe more important, has anyone ever wondered what they can do to help the human species survive 1,000 or 10,000 years into the future? Will the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human consciousness be the same or different 1,000 or 10,000 years into the future?
Surely, the hardwired human brain is somewhat different and the soft-wired human consciousness is different and maybe almost completely different in the current age than it was 100, 200, 1000, 2000, 10,000 years ago. Old mental concepts and states of mind and consciousness from ignorance and stupidity to different levels of modern day intelligence and understanding and knowledge surely rule the current human species now instead of old states of primitive and limited states of ignorance regarding how the biological body operates, how the human brain works, how the cosmic universe is built and moving along in its dynamic self-operationally unfoldment. Should not the collective consciousness be an important issue too?
If the human species survives 1,000 or 10,000 years into the future, will the Catholic church and the Muslims and other religions still believe old and outdated delusional religious mental concepts and will they continue to repeat the same religious words over and over and over again even as other human beings will have advance mentally into new and higher states of intelligence and consciousness. If the answer is yes, that would be very sad for some many reasons, but it would not be good for the current and future survival of the human species no matter in what year it is.
Local and globalized wars are caused for all sorts of reasons, political, economical, stupidity ignorance, world leader’s self-will, but maybe the biggest division within the structure of the soft-wired human consciousness is how some people and some nations think that because they believe in a mystical God somehow, that they have a religiously moral right to fight with the world with words and weapons too. Should that be the way of any true religion, to fight and cause wars because of stupid, outdated, and mentally delusional religious concepts about them believing that God wants them to fight and to go to war because of what someone wrote over 2,000 years ago? That never works out for the good or current and future survival of the human species.
But even if the human species never enters a Third World War, even if; an advancement within the structure of the human consciousness is still needed for one simple, profound, and deep reason. It is a huge and divine and metaphysical and spiritual law that states that for the current and future survival of the human species, on so many levels of consciousness, the human species must ascend, as the Master Metaphysical Jesus the Christ ascended over two thousand years ago, into a pure spiritual state of enlightenment or spiritual consciousness.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Human Species.
For Many Thousands of Years to Come!

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United States
When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!