Essay 17 - 2024. Separation From God, Spirit! True or Not True.
To be at one with Jesus, or to be at one with God, Spirit, Love? That is the question here.
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!
April 26, 2024.
“Nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39. NKJV.)
I can read and understand the above biblical sentence. It states that nothing can separate us from the love of God, (Spirit and Love) that is in Christ Jesus. But does that mean we are to love Jesus as God? Or does it mean that we are at one with the love that was in Christ Jesus? Or does it mean that we can be at one with the love that was in Christ Jesus within our own hearts, souls, and minds?
I think that instead of depending on the love that was in Christ Jesus for any type of spiritual love, we should, can, and must develop the love that was in Christ Jesus within our own being, consciousness, mind, and heart. I must admit that most of the Christians that I have met during my lifetime are very nice people in general until you start to question their basic religious beliefs that they believe in to make them feel good and safe. Feeling good and safe by simply believing in something that might have happened over 2000 years ago is not a safe bet for your spiritually bound journey heavenward. What happened over 2000 years ago is only an example of what you should be doing now for your own personal state of consciousness.
For example, believing that Jesus is going to return to Earth and pluck the believers out of their beds, showers, living rooms, etc. is just a silly assumption that is never going to happen no matter how loud people yell that it is going to happen. It is never going to happen because the Jews and even Jesus wanted to save the Jews from the Roman Empire. Jesus was not talking about how his life was going to influence the modern-day world over 2000 years later.
There is a main and major issue and problem with the so-called Christian religion and with other so-called religions overseas that I have been thinking about ever since I was a little boy. I state so-called religions because if they were true Christian religions and if the other so-called religions around the globe were real religions because they all worshipped the one divine, spiritual, infinite Principle, God, there would be no more wars. Period. Let me get that out of the way as a matter of fact from a very high intellectual and spiritual understanding and consciousness. Plus, it is really a matter of common sense.
Why the word Principle many of the readers might be asking themselves. Well for one, and maybe the biggest reason why the word Principle is a good word for the divine spiritual realm of God from a human standpoint is that anything that is based on a principle is impersonal, like the mental abstract realms of music and mathematics.
If a topic is completely impersonal, anyone can begin to understand it, learn it, apply it, and even become mentally at one with it. It seems very obvious to me that every human being truly understood God, Spirit, spiritually, and not in a human materialist or physical way, the world would be off and there would be fewer divisions among people at least regarding the Christian religions and other forms of human religious that believe in a materialist and physically human god, which by the way is something that has been going on for such a long time that I would think that the human species would have gotten tired of it by now.
One reason I would think that the human species would be tired of it is that if there is a humanly materialistic and physical god somewhere away from the human species, that immediately implies a space and time separation from that make-believe materialistic god, with no hope of being at one with it in any way whatsoever.
Instead, if people understood that God is Spirit-Love, which is spaceless and timeless, then it would quickly understand that that invisible God which is Spirit-Love is infinitely within and without the space-time seemingly world humans live in with their biological human bodies, brains, and different states of consciousness.
Does anyone think a human can become one with the abstract mental realms of music or mathematics physically or materially? Not for one moment in time, or in the mind. The abstract mental realms of music and mathematics are mental realms that can be applied to the physical and material realms of existence by everyone who understands those two topics, for example.
But the same applies to topics like physics, astrophysics, metaphysics, and to the very high level of divine Science consciousness which is stated in the book, ‘Science and Health.’ Along with other books related to that topic.
If the realm of God, Spirit-Love is unseen by the human eyes and brain, then it could only be perceived by a realm of consciousness that is looking for a spiritual realm of consciousness which implies leaving the old material and physical mental abstract realms of existence, of the material world, but also of a humanly materialistic mental concept of God.
If in reality, there is only the pure realm of God as a state of Spirit-Love consciousness, then that should be the only realm of existence human beings should be striving for as the only state of ultimate reality because the only ultimate state of reality is God, Spirit which reflects upon itself infinitely as a divine Love state of consciousness.
What bugs the heck out of me is that within the Christian religion, there are sects that state that the only way to God is through his son Jesus Christ. But is that true? Is it true in today’s modern age of scientific understanding in all realms of human intellectual and mental experience? In today’s scientific world, everyone has access to understanding all of the varied human topics that can be imagined by the human brain and mind.
Why not the topic of God, Spirit-Love as a state of consciousness, the most important topic for the current and future survival of the human species? Many readers might ask themselves why an understanding of this spiritually infinite metaphysical topic is so important for the current and future survival of the human species. That would be a very good question because if you think about it, or haven’t thought about it, a true understanding of God, Spirit-Love, will achieve at least two things.
One, if everyone on planet Earth only worshiped spiritually and not materially, it would not only put a lot of fake religions out of business, but it would transcend the human species from being a one-dimensional biological state of consciousness to a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, which truthfully, would force a transformation within the structure of the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness even though people could go on living their normal human lives, like eating hamburgers, or rice, or fish, or watermelons, and chocolate, etc.
It would also transform the human consciousness to a collective spiritual consciousness where human evils would have to be forced out of the human brain and mind, hopefully anyway. The dilemma about human evils is that most people would consider human evils as rape, murder, war, smoking pot, watching and being addicted to porn, etc.
But the spiritual reality is not based on movies, sports, porn, money, and a whole bunch of other human stuff because God Almighty does not see, know, movies, sports, porn, money, and all of the other stuff people like to do on planet Earth, even if most of those human activities are not evil within themselves. If God is a materialistic human being, it would expect human beings to live and continue to live their normal human lives as good people. If God is a spiritual creature, it would not want people to continue to have perverted sex, get high on drugs, rape, murder, and start another war.
When I was dying from stage 4 CLL cancer, and I mean dying from it, not waiting to die from it like 6 months down the road, I had many supernatural psychological experiences that were simply mind-blowing to me. You see my dear readers; I was having mental and psychological experiences that were located between this world and the next world or the afterlife and also in between the pure realm of Spirit or the ultimate spiritual reality.
During one of those mentally supernatural psychological episodes when I was between worlds and in a completely different world altogether, the most definite realization came forcefully floating into my consciousness that this world, this cosmic universe, and everything we experience on planet Earth does not mean a damn thing in those higher realms of existence.
When I snapped out of it, of course, I was lying in bed in my biological body which was fighting off stage 4 CLL cancer with the chemical cancer pill Calquence fighting and killing the cancer cells in my body. Within my mind, I thought, well that was a cool message from someplace, but now I am back on planet Earth stuck inside this human biological body with stage 4 CLL cancer. My mind was thinking, what good did that message do for me now?
I think that I like that phrase I just made up or created, a supernatural mental psychological experience or episode that I had somehow experienced being located between two or more worlds simultaneously by somehow being in more than two places simultaneously. I do it every day when I walk on the planet Earth. Unlike most, if not all of you mere human mortals, I have almost died so many times that currently I am seriously living in between different worlds as I walk on planet Earth looking like a human biological body. I mention this because the possibility of it being a real individual event is possible and true for all of you if you possess a multi-dimensional state of consciousness compared to a one-dimensional state of the biological body state of consciousness.
But it has taken a lifetime of learning, researching, and experiencing supernatural events which truthfully, even I could not explain why and how some of them have happened to me, I can understand the main idea of those supernatural psychological events or episodes, I can’t yet grasp and understand them fully and completely because since I am still stuck between worlds as a human. I am not looking down as if from higher planes of existence although I do it more and more often. I am still partly looking up because I am still partly a human being walking on a rock called Earth.
In my last essay, I questioned, along with other people who have also questioned whether Jesus was God or not. I am going to assume that many Christians and non-Christians alike do not think that Jesus is God or even a god. I am going to assume that most people have realized or will realize that if everyone on planet Earth could understand what Jesus understood, they too could possess the Christ consciousness here on planet Earth.
By the way, in the second chapter of the Bible it was stated, paraphrased, “Don’t be as gods, knowing good and evil by eating from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”
“But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Genesis 2:17 NIV.) Another essay for that statement is in the Bible. But what it partly means from a metaphysical perspective is to not eat of the tree of duality, of the human belief in both Spirit and matter. (John W. Doorly.)
I think at this point in this essay it would be worth mentioning that I don’t think Jesus even wanted to be a god or even be God although if Jesus became a completely spiritual being or state of existence and consciousness, he would need in a way be God, Spirit, infinitely individualized as a true image within the divine Mind or Intelligence.
But the fact is that every human being is already a true spiritual image within the divine infinite intelligence termed Mind, but that image is not the mortal biological image we call our human body with a thinking brain. But better to be a thinking human brain and a non-thinking human brain.
Isn’t it very positive how people all around the globe have become more and more educated about everything that has improved the collective human species to a very great extent, raising the human species upwards in the scale of living and life, even upwards towards the cosmos? But the mainstream religion is very far behind the true spiritual way of worship and what it thinks about Jesus, God, and the Bible.
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (KJV 14:12.)
If you want to believe that those words that Jesus supposedly spoke over 2000 years ago are true and real and that he stated them for a reason, you have to think to yourselves that when he made that statement he meant that you, meaning you my dear readers, are supposed to do the works that Jesus but even greater works, ... way into the future too, ... like right now.
What are those greater works? How about transforming yourselves from believing that you are simply a one-dimensional biological body with no hope for divine and spiritual improvement because you think to yourselves that you are going to be that mere stupid mortal human biological body until you die and then you are going to go into a state of nothingness after you die, which is the common human and moral belief that most Christians and non-Christian alike believe is going to happen to them after they die a human death.
What is worse than thinking that you are going to die being a one-dimensional state of biological human consciousness? How about living in a religious mental delusional dream world, a sexually sinful dream world, a sports dream world, a car dream world, a hateful dream world, or a get as much money as you can dream world or the dream world where you think that you are separated from God dream world because you think that God is somewhere up there in the sky or the stars or in a different time-space dimension, etc.
Don’t the people in the space station have the same math problems in their minds as the people who do the same math problems in their minds on Earth? Of course, they do. That means that the space and time world is unimportant to the people who are doing math problems inside their human brains and minds, unless of course, the specific mathematics are dealing with the realm of space and time or space-time.
Well, isn’t it the same regarding the spiritual realms of existence? If there is a completely pure spiritual realm of self-existence and self-consciousness called God, Spirit-Mind-Life-Truth-Love, and if that realm is completely separated from space and time, then space and time have no realm within the realm of Spirit, God on one level that is, and then the realm of God, Spirit-Mind is then omnipresence, omnipotent, omni-intelligence. That being the case, then what Paul stated applies here.
“No power in the sky above or on the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:39) NLT.)
That above quote applies within the realm of human consciousness, but only after the individual and collective human consciousness has made an unreality of all of the mental delusions of unreality that are opposed to that higher realm of God, self-existent and self-conscious being.
What might be the real spiritual greater work that Jesus might have been referring to when he made the above statement? Maybe it was that the greater work would be that every human being would become at one with God, or the atonement image or idea of the Principle, which is Life, Truth, Love, Soul, Spirit, Mind, which is not a human state of biological consciousness.
The problem with that factual statement is that there really are people around the globe who are still living mentally within the old, outdated, and primitive state of ignorant mortally material consciousness in all mental realms of human endeavors for many reasons because they are mentally and spiritually blind to higher realms of pure spiritual consciousness. As many a monk has stated, as have others, ‘The teacup (mind) must be emptied before it can be filled.’
That also applies to the Christian religions as it is applied to what Christians and non-Christians see with their eyes as ultimate reality in general, and when it is applied specifically to what they believe as the only way to the Almighty Godhead, named God, or a divine self-consciousness of God that is applied to the human realm of existence that seems to be separate from the human brain, mind, and consciousness.
Of course, it is not true that each human being is completely separate from God in the deepest sense of the word, but they sure appear to be separate from God, Spirit, especially when they look in the mirror to see their limited human biological bodies that are not their true spiritual identity. But some people love looking in the mirror to see their mortal, limited biological human bodies until they get sick, old, and unmovable. In either case, whenever they look into the bathroom mirror, they believe that they are separated from God because they look out from their human brain and eyes that cannot see Spirit, God, as it is within its own realm.
As has been stated within some of my previous essays, there is a realm of complete spiritual consciousness that has been termed (spiritual) Science as it relates to God. Within this realm of the self-enclosed state of God, Spirit, Spirit is being its own infinite Mind or Intelligence. Spirit is being its own infinite Spirit or reality and substance. Spirit is being its own infinite Soul or unchangeable sinless identity. Spirit is being its own infinite Principle or impersonal operation within its own realm of existence. Spirit is being is own infinite Life or state of self-existence. Spirit is being its own infinite Truth or infinite self-consciousness. Spirit is being is own infinite Love or state of infinite perfection. (A mental example related to in the book, “The Four Levels of Spiritual Consciousness. By: Dr. Max Kappeler.)
That means that within this realm of Spirit, or the holistic realm of God, there is no evil human minds, no matter, no sin, no CLL cancer, no human theories, no birth and death, no human subconsciousness or subconsciousness, no state of imperfections whatsoever.
Great you may ask, but what does that have to do with the human state of existence? Hum!
Well, for one, I am going to assume that there was a man named Jesus who lived over 2000 years ago who also knew something about this completely self-existent Spirit realm of existence even if he did not understand the above terms in this age of science. Jesus needed to most definitely understand God as Spirit but not as a God as a Spirit. This state of spiritual consciousness could see through the mental errors of the human mortal mind and destroy human mental errors.
The point I would like to stress in this essay is that there are millions and billions of people on planet Earth who falsely believe that the only way to oneness with God, Spirit, is through Jesus the Christ who was stated to be the only son of God, when in actuality that was probably true to a certain degree in a limited way in the age when Jesus lived, but nevertheless, other people have known about this state of consciousness both before and after the time of Jesus even in a limited degree.
I know that statement is going to hurt a lot of so-called Christians' feelings because number one, they could be wrong about how they think about Jesus and being at one with God. It is so easy just to have a make-believe connection to God through a human man who lived over 2000 years ago, but that does not make anyone at one with God in it pure form of spiritual consciousness. And number two, they might come to realize that even though Jesus was the man of the hour in his age, in the new, modern-day age of science where anyone on planet Earth can understand anything whatsoever, every human being should begin to understand God within their own minds, hearts, and consciousness as a spiritual state of existence and consciousness.
That does not leave Jesus out of the picture folks. On the contrary, Jesus was the biggest example if he was a real person and if the Gospels are correct about him. But it doesn't even matter in the modern-day world. That makes Jesus' life and his demonstrations of healing the sick, healing all of the sinners, and raising the dead, all the more important because he proved what everyone should be able to do, if all of the 7-8 billion people who woke up from their limited, mentally delusional dream worlds about what God, Spirit, is and how man-made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit is spiritual.
If all people woke up from the mortal delusional belief that they are a simple one-dimensional state of biological consciousness to a multi-dimensional state of consciousness which includes the spiritual realms of existence applied to the human plane of even the human biological body, then there would be ever a slight sense of the kingdom of God, Spirit, and the kingdom of heaven on Earth. What could be cooler than that I ask everyone.
What if God, Spirit, is everywhere even if you do not see it with your human brain and eyes? What about morals and ethics, and normal sexual activity versus all of the obsessions with perverted sexual activity that some human beings are mesmerized into believing that is normal when it is not normal? Is it sexually normal for people to have sex in the ass or licking, sucking, whipping, raping, or having sex with animals, trees, sticks, guns, and whatever?
No, it is not. Not to God, Spirit it is not. In the pure realm of spiritual consciousness, there is no perverted human sexual activity. I am going to state it again. All perverted sexual activity is a state of nothingness in the divine realm and the human realm too, both mentally and physically.
What would happen to war if all human beings understood and saw themselves as pure spiritual images or ideas within the realm of Spirit? What would happen if there was an infinite divine realm of spiritual reflections where there was no more hate, greed, lust, fear, etc? The whole collective human condition would change little by little until there was a kingdom of God, Spirit, and spiritual heaven on Earth. Is that possible you may ask yourselves? Sure, it is! That takes place within consciousness and no place else.
What would that do to the concept of war solving international problems and relationships? Global and international relationships around the world would change to be based on a higher mental realm of existence instead of believing that there is this biological group of people fighting that group of biological groups of people, of that nation fighting that other nation or those people fighting those other people. It is time for all wars to end. Now! Not later! Before it is too late for the current and future survival of the collective human species and all life on planet Earth. I can’t stress these points enough my dear readers. I just can’t do it. But I tried.
There exists within the structure of the human brain, mind, and consciousness a lot of false mental suggestions regarding the creatures of the cosmic universe, people on planet Earth, life on planet Earth, and the final product of a thinking, conscious human brain that can contemplate everything it sees and what it can’t see. There is more to life and living, more to God, Spirit and the spiritual man that meets the human eyeball and brain. Moreover, there are still a lot of mental suggestions as to how God is dealing with each human being and the collective human species in general.
It is almost too simple to explain to the readers, but I am going to do it anyway. 7-8 billion human beings are walking on planet Earth. They walk with two legs, and they see with their human eyes, but not with their minds. What do they see, and I see too? They see what I am seeing now as I sit outside on my nice new white chair on my front porch. I see the green grass, blue sky, and birds of all sorts flying around my house doing their thing. I see the couple next door, a mixture of a black male and a white female with their young boy who might be confused as to what is going on with the two races, but he does not care because he is going to get fed his cheese noodles tonight, so his stomach is full instead of hungry.
I see all sorts of cars and trucks being driven by all sorts of different types of people, mostly uneducated simple-minded white folks who are trying to survive in an economy that itself survived the COVID-19 virus. Across the street, the front yard’s water sprinklers are making noise, just as the day comes to another end. I see green and brown trees and the blue sky with the white clouds floating slowly through the air. But I see more than you simple-minded human beings with simple-minded hardwired human brains, like the cavemen from not so long ago, or maybe long ago.
Soon, it will be night. Soon there might be a full moon. Soon the night creatures will arrive to be seen by guys like me who sit on my front yard white chair because I have a perfect spot to watch the full moon travel across the black night sky. I will see white spots that I know are faraway galaxies. I will mentally know what some of those galaxies are because professional astrophysicists have taken photos of them with high-power telescopes that cost a lot of money.
Do I feel at one with this stuff I see, hear, smell, touch, taste, and sense it as an all-around mental concept. Or do I feel at one with all of the stuff I described above since I am living in this world that I am currently living in? Does it matter if I feel at one with it? It is there. I see it. I can hear it. I can touch it. I can smell it. I know it.
What can I know? I can know that even though I am part of the experience of the living planet Earth, which means that I am actually at one with it in the sense that I am living in this moving and living rock, I am also separate from it. My mind is a separate entity from it all even though my mind too is partly stuck inside the bubble that I seem to be living in at the present moment.
My mind on the other hand can think about all sorts of other realms that are not like anything I can see with my eyes, like the atomic realms of existence, unless I possessed the scientific instruments to see the atomic realm. But I know that other people have seen the atomic realms so we all can trust that those scientists are not lying. I can also know that there are people who know other topics that I am not an expert in like music and mathematics and quantum physics and well, a lot of stuff. Of course, being an expert means different things to different people. I am more of an expert compared to the common uneducated people, not compared to the professionals in their specific areas of expertise.
Some people see the same scene I just described, and they see nothing deeper than what their eyes tell their brains to see. That is because they don’t see the atomic and cosmic universe. After all, their minds are not educated in seeing the atomic and cosmic universes. They do not understand the laws behind the atomic and cosmic universes because their mind and states of consciousness have not been educated and programmed to see and understand the cosmic and atomic universes or states of existence.
In a truthful sense, their simple minds and states of consciousness are more like the simple-minded cavemen whose simple state of mind and state of consciousness somehow knew that there has to be more to the cosmic universe than meets the human eye and brain even though, they truly know that there are people who also walk the planet Earth who understand a lot more than they will ever know about the cosmic and atomic realms of existence because they are too mentally lazy to even begin to try to understand the mental realms of the cosmic and atomic realms of existence.
Like you and me sitting in a chair on planet Earth, moving around the sun for over 4 billion light years, we can’t feel the Earth moving. But we know that it is moving, swirling around and around and around the sun and is also moving and swirling around and around and around in the small area of the Milky Way.
Yet somehow, we all feel separated from it don’t we, even if we know that everything I just described and wrote about is factual? Everything like the cosmic and atomic realms of existence is out there, either very far away from us and/or very close to us depending on how you understand it all. The human biological body is made up of lots of atoms and other stuff the human eye can’t see, hear, touch, taste, or smell. Are we separate from the atoms that make up our human biological bodies or are we at one with those atoms that we can’t see with our eyes? That is a fun question. We can't see the atoms that make up our biological human bodies, but someone tells us that they are there as our human biological bodies. If the realm of Spirit, God, is exactly where you are now, would you believe it?
Let me expound on the mental concept that there is a whole lot of stuff happening external from our minds, and also internal inside our human minds. There seems to be a division between the external world and the internal world of information, intelligence, and consciousness of each human being. Intelligence seems to exist only in the human brain and mind. But if there is an omnipresent Intelligence called Mind or God that we can’t see with our human eyes and brain, could it not still be there if you are too blind to understand it to be at one with God, Mind, Intelligence?
Is there a separation between the walking dream mortal man who is walking through space and time on planet Earth and God Almighty? Or is it more like the moral dreamy man is living what appears to be the ultimate state of reality even though in many ways he is separate from God, eternal Life because of its limited mental concepts regarding life and death? After all, each mortal individual human being is born into a world which means that the world existed before each human being was born. The baby was not there and then it was there, crying in the night.
Then each human being walks through his or her individual mental dream world all the while knowing that one day they will leave this mortal dream world through death, which seems so real, but maybe even death is not real, but a mortal dreamland. The world people are born into will exist after they die. That is for sure.
So, in a very big way, every individual human being is living within two different states of existence. They are living inside the general dream world as a state of reality, but then they are living within their mental dream worlds as a separate state of reality which are completely separate from the external world they are seeing, hearing, and experiencing. At least partly anyway.
So where does God, Spirit, come into play here? Everyone walks on planet Earth, but they are not aware of the pure realm of spiritual reality. Yet, since it is timeless and spaceless, it is located exactly where you are now. You have to begin to learn something about it, become conscious of it, and you will become a new creature born of Spirit, God.
There once walked a man on Earth, and his name was Jesus. Did he walk like the cavemen before him? Did he see the people around him? Did he know and understand things that the people around him did not know or understand? Or was he spiritually at one with God, Spirit, which the human brain and eye can’t see? Was he so mentally and consciously at one with God, Spirit that he overcame the dream of dying and death itself? It is written that he did do it.
If within the above definition of the realm of Spirit, there is no other universe, not a universe of space and time, atoms, galaxies, and people, then everything that you are experiencing right now is a dream no matter how much it seems real to the readers. On the other hand, it sure is real at the moment, doesn't it?
On the other hand, where does the spiritual realm of God play in all of this dream world stuff where mortal human beings live their human lives walking through the space-time world that exists both outside and inside the human brain and mind?
It is stated in the Gospels that Jesus did many supernatural events, like walking on water, stopping the storm on land and sea, extending his arm, etc. Did Jesus do those events because he was God or because he understood that the world he was living in was only a dream world that as he stated, he had overcome? ‘I have overcome the world.’
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33. NKJV.)
You too, are supposed to overcome the world, at least in the real metaphysical mental sense of the biblical phrase. How to do it? Only by starting to understand and be in a state of spiritual consciousness before you die a human death. Since I am getting older, the world is becoming less and less meaningful and important to me. I bet that happens to a lot of older people who have lived their human lives and they don't have the energy to play the games anymore.
While most people walk through their human state of existence as if it were an absolute reality, Jesus walked through his own human life knowing that it was only a dream world. Therefore, Jesus was separate from the world while he became more and more attached to the world of Spirit.
But how did this happen, exactly? As an example, how does a musician or a mathematician become one with the mental universe of notes and numbers, respectfully? It takes place within their consciousness. They do not become at one with music and the mental realm of numbers by doing it externally or objectively. They become at one with those subjects within their consciousness and their mind.
Well then, what about God and the human consciousness? Is it not amazing that the human mind and consciousness can ask questions about God, the Bible, Jesus, the cosmic universe, and then possibly find answers to those questions?
Some people have never heard the name Jesus the Christ, but plenty of people have heard of him, read about him, and listened to preachers talk and even yell about him. Many people worshiped Jesus because they believed that they would go to heaven and not hell if they simply believed in the human Jesus who lived over 2000 years ago. Sorry folks, it does not work that way.
But even though millions or billions of people still believe in that narrative, and it might be a good place to start for many people who don’t like to think for themselves, it is most definitely not the end goal and objective for the human species, individuality, and collectively.
What does it mean to be at one with God, Spirit? How can a biological human body with a human brain and mind that is living in the dream world of space-time wake up from the dream world to enter into the realm of Spirit? It would seem that the first step would be to realize that a dream world either awake or sleeping is a dream world and not the state of spiritual reality, especially from the subjective state of God, Spirit.
From the subjective state of God, Spirit, there is no mental, physical or material dream world. From the subjective state of the human mind, there seems to be no spiritual state of spiritual consciousness. There seems to be two separate states of existence, but some physicists have stated they might be only two sides of the same coin, or in this case, realms of existence. One realm is material while the other realm is spiritual.
That being stated, if to God, Spirit, there is no mental or material dream world of space and time, then this spiritual realm of existence is everywhere as its own state of reality even if human beings can’t see this realm with their own individual human brain, mind, and consciousness. It is still there anyway, even if only a very small percentage of human beings are conscious of their own spiritual existence or state of reality.
So, in a sense, there is a state of duality from the human standpoint, but not from the spiritual standpoint of God, Spirit. It takes time for human beings to change their mental standpoints from believing in what they see as the ultimate state of reality to realizing that it is a dream world from the standpoint of God and the spiritual.
It would seem obvious that Jesus the Christ was conscious of this state of existence, the self-existent realm of the spiritual life termed Spirit-Life, God, even though he possessed a biological body before he died on the cross. Jesus knew he was going to overcome his so-called death because Jesus was at one with Spirit, God, within his consciousness. It is that easy to write but harder to understand my dear readers.
Jesus stated that he and the Father were one. But what did that mean? If Jesus was still a biological body while he walked on planet Earth, he must have been at one with God not as a biological body, but only through his individual spiritual Christ Consciousness which can’t be seen with the human brain and eyes.
Remember that the human brain and eyes cannot even see the atomic and cosmic universes so how in the world is it going to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the realm of spiritual consciousness? Not through those five physical senses when those five physical senses can’t even comprehend the complete holistic material cosmic and atomic universes.
Ok then. I would like to illustrate the whole essay in one example that I thought up on my own. I don’t think it has ever been thought up and used before this next paragraph, so I hope you enjoy it.
If a plastic ball is floating on top of the water in a bowl, is the plastic ball connected to the water or is the plastic ball separated from the water? Some people might state that the plastic ball is connected to the water because it is touching the water. Other people might state that the plastic ball is completely separate from the water even if it is floating on the water. But other people might state that the plastic ball is separated and yet it is also connected to the water in the bowl.
What about you? Are you connected to God, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love because you are in reality already an idea of God, Spirit? Or are you like the plastic ball floating on top of the water in the bowl? You know, sort of being connected to God, Spirit, but not quite there? Yet!