This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Essay 17 - 2024. Separation From God, Spirit! True or Not True. To be at one with Jesus, or to be at one with God, Spirit, Love? That is the question here. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! April 26, 2024.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Essay 16 - 2024. God, a Spiritual Principle, - Being Compared to the Human Jesus. Was Jesus God in the Flesh? By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! April 18, 2024.

Essay 16 - 2024. God, a Spiritual Principle, - Being Compared to the Human Jesus.

Was Jesus God in the Flesh?

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

April 18, 2024.

Jesus of Nazareth taught and demonstrated man's oneness with the Father, and for this we owe him endless homage. (S&H. pg.18: 3-5.)

Before the readers read this essay, I have to state that the answers to that question is a very deep and complex topic from the standpoint of scholars and researchers around the world. For brainwashed so-called Christians the answer is very simple because they do not care enough to actually research, read about, and learn the deeper and more complex answers to the above question.

In the intellectual realm, to answer the question, ‘How Jesus became God.” is again, a very complex topic within itself. When you listen to or read a book written by a scholar like Bart D. Ehrman, who is an expert on the topic, you will quickly realize that there is more to the topic of, ‘Was Jesus God.’ than meets the eye. In other words, was Jesus really God in the flesh, or did people over 2000 just make it up because he was performing miracles and having all sorts of supernatural events?

But just in case you want to learn, know, and understand more about the topic, I would recommend the ‘The Great Courses.’ lectures titled, ‘How Jesus became God.’ By: Dr. Bart D. Ehrman who is a professor of these types of topics. He has many lectures at The Great Courses, and he has written many books on the biblical studies. And low and behold, I just looked up the title, “How Jesus became God.” also by him on YouTube. Now I have to listen to those lectures too. How fun it is to learn more to information about the Bible and Jesus, for free!

Do my readers know that in Bart’s lecture on ‘How Jesus became God,” he states that back then, all sorts of people were made into gods for various reasons. Jesus was not the only person whom people considered a god, whether because they were forced to believe certain people were a god, or just because they wanted to believe that any human being was a god.

Dr. Ehrman stated at the beginning of lecture one of one of his lectures on this topic, he was visiting a place overseas and he saw a very old statue of a male figurehead who was a leader somewhere in a city. He read what was on the plaque in the very old language and it read, “(Name?), To whom he is worship as a god.”

My essay is taking a completely different approach on the topic, so continue reading at your own risk. My approach is thinking about an infinite spiritual Principle-Being that is God that is completely within the grasp and reach of every human being on earth. The problem is that to understand this infinite spiritual Principle-Being which people like Mary Baker Eddy and Max Kappeler wrote about, it takes time and effort for the limited human mind to start somewhere to climb the intellectual up the ladder of information, knowledge, understanding, spiritual enlightenment to obtain a new understanding of God and man within each individual human consciousness.

Can we all agree that in the main topic of God in general, that there should only be one real God no matter who is believing in a whatever god who is believed to be some mystical being somewhere in outer space?

Is there more than one God, or as is stated in this essay, divine, infinite, spiritual Principle-Being?

The other question that should be asked of every religious person and non-person alike is, ‘How can everyone worship their own humanly created image of God and Jesus of the Bible and then it does nothing good for mankind.’

There are so many different ways how Christians religiously believe about the Bible and Jesus that as an intelligent human being myself, I would have to wonder if any of them actually know anything about the Bible and Jesus.

I was talking to a pretty young lady in a store last week. During the conversation she stated to me, ‘I just believe that God wants everyone to be the best they can be at whatever they are doing.” I responded, ‘What about rapist, and murderers?”

If God Almighty was seen and understood as an infinite spiritual Principle, then everyone, religious or non-religious be able to truly understand and know God as it is within its own realm. “God, (Principle) is being its own infinite Mind. (Intelligence.) “God is His own Infinite Mind and expresses all. (S&H. pg.310. 10)

Max Kappeler in his book titled, “The Four Levels of Spiritual Consciousness.” describes the practice of God, Principle being its own infinite, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love on pages 123-127.

If there is only one God, Principle, should not the God, Spirit, of Jesus be the God for everyone, for all of the 7-8 billion people on planet Earth? I think that the answer should be a definite yes.

After all, it used to be believed that there were a lot of different gods during the course of human history depending on where you lived, in what time period or age, epoch, and era of human history. I am not going to write down all of the different gods that have been made by human beings during the course of human history. Look them for yourselves, OK.

What would actually happen if all of the 7-8 billion people who lived on planet Earth had, worshiped, adored, and moreover, and possessed the same exact spiritual consciousness of the one God, Spirit-Principle-Being? There might be less wars, but nations go to war more for power and control instead of for solely religious reasons.

To start off this essay, the very important question which should linger in the back of the minds of all of the readers should be this next question. It is not a trick question. Oh no, it is a very easy question to be sure. Ok, here it goes. Do not be alarmed. Are you ready?

Is there more than one general principle (s) when it comes to music and mathematics? Hum! I think that is a very easy question. The answer just in case you do not know or realize the answer is, NO, there can’t be more than one principle in music or mathematics or in physics, etc. Although there are usually different smaller principles within the very big scope of any topic. I hope that I don’t have to spell it out for all of you.

The whole world is governed by one principle in each of the above topics because if there were more than one musical principle, or more than one mathematical principle or more than one principle is physics, (there are many principles and laws in music, mathematics, and physics, etc. but everyone understands and agrees with what each principle is each and for every very specific application.

If there were more than one bug general and basic principle in the mental realms of music, mathematics, or physics, etc., there would be a mental state of chaos inside and outside the minds of people who study those mentally abstract topics. The mental realms of music and mathematics are the same for anyone among the billions of people of planet Earth. Should that not be the same for the topic of God itself as a state of spiritual existence and consciousness?

Well, what about the topic of God, the Supreme Being? If there is only one God for the whole human species, a nice name for it would be an infinite Principle-Being because then everyone, all 7-8 billion human beings could learn and then understand it no matter if they were humanly educated or not, rich or poor, white or black or any color in between, and no matter what nation they lived in with either a good or bad leaders.

To have one collective human consciousness of God, a spiritual Principle-Being, would change the world because then all of the false, mentally delusional, and screwed up concepts of God would disappear within the minds of each individual human being and within the collective human species.

“Question. — Is there more than one God or Principle?
Answer. — There is not. Principle and its idea is one, and this one is God, omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-present Being, and His reflection is man and the universe. Omni is adopted from the Latin adjective signifying all. Hence God combines all-power or potency, all-science or true knowledge, all-presence. The varied manifestations of Christian Science indicate Mind, never matter, and have one Principle. (S&H. pg. 466.

“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.” NIV. Mark 10:18.

I don’t get it! The statement seems straight forward enough. It is written that Jesus stated in his own way that he was not God in the flesh. He did state that he was at one with God, but that is completely different thing and statement than being God itself in the flesh, which from my way of thinking seems really silly since an infinite God of any kind cannot be in or as a very limited biological body, even in the human body of Jesus. For some reason, religious people like to believe in the most ridiculous things because they like being brainwashed and being intellectual lazy, etc.

Moreover, how could a God, a spiritual principle-being be stuck to a skin, bone, blood, biological body? It can’t be trapped inside a biological human body. But what can happen is that every human being, all 7-8 billion of them can understand and know what that infinite spiritual Principle-Being is and then learn how to apply it to their everyday lives, just like they do with the principles of mathematics. Is that a very nice concept. Easy-peasy, as my cancer doctor once said to me about taking a pill that would help me live long enough to write these essays. It was easy-peasy to take the pill, but what would happen after I took the pill was not easy-peasy. Not fun times.

All around the globe, there are business deals that all using all of the principles of mathematics. All around the globe there are physical scientists using the same exact principles for solving earthly, biological, cosmic, and even more problems and issues than one human being can even know about because there are just so many problems and issues all happening simultaneously. All around the globe, there are medical people using the same exact medical principled procedures for repairing the human biological body.

The whole world is operating and being governed by principles of every kind, except by political leaders who never seem to know what they are doing for the current and future survival of the human species, which if you have not guessed by now, is something near and dear to me and other people think about a lot about the issue since the common person has no idea what is really happening around the globe. Not that I blame them because it is overwhelming to even to begin thinking about the real global issues that ever world leaders cann’t understand.

I have this sister. She has two master's degrees and a Ph.D. in English. Not a very high-level degree, but ok for her brain and mind. I once stated to her ‘That the world runs on ideas.’ She said, ‘No it runs by people.’ I replied, ‘It runs on ideas believe it or not. Of course, people need ideas to run the world.

Nevertheless, there are billions of religious people who are praying to Jesus for more money, a better life, a better lover/relationship, for their children to stay out of trouble, well, in short, for everything to go smooth in their lives. Of course, some people get mad at God and Jesus if things do not happen as people want them to happen. People beg Jesus and God for stuff like they beg their human parents for stuff, but God, nor Jesus is not a big fan of begging or pleading.

But how can there be a single human male, (he is probably not a human male anymore by the way.) who is over two thousand years old who is going to solve every problem and issue for around 7-8 people around the globe, and for the 2.2 billion so religious Christians who want to depend for help from one human male who lived over 2000 years ago? The concept is just mind boggling.

Let us all assume that there was a human male named Jesus who lived at the moment in history that people have stated in all of the writings about Jesus. I can believe that there was a person named Jesus and that he was not a made-up character in a gospel story whom the gospel writers pretended is a real character like in a modern-day novel.

I once met a guy in a wheelchair that stated to me that he ‘did not believe that there was a man named Jesus who ever existed. He said he thought people just created him to write about him.’ I looked at him and I responded to him, ‘Why shouldn’t there been a man named Jesus? After all, we know about all of the other famous people who lived during that time in human history. So why would there not be a human male named Jesus.” He just staredat me!

It is stated that he was born of a virgin, but the word has been translated into the modern-day language to mean a female who has never had sex with a human male in anyway whatsoever. In reality, not in fantasy, the ancient word that was used back then in the original language was for a young lady, not a virgin. People made the whole story that Jesus was born of a virgin. But who knows. Stranger things have happened. To me, it would make no difference either way.

But that does not matter for this essay. What matters is that Jesus was born a human male. He was a baby, then a child, then a teenager, then a young adult, and then an adult. But that being stated, he was already gifted with what might be called supernatural abilities right out of the womb is my guess.

I would even guess that during his different life periods of being a human being, he did and experienced some really crazy stuff, at least from some of the books I have read about the thirty years before his official ministry. Heck, even I had experienced some really crazy supernatural stuff happen to me when I was a boy, and then afterward up until this day. Actually, I have so many supernatural events happen to me I have come to accept my nudity when I am taking a shower. Like is someone or something is watching me take a shower, so what, but get a real life.

People might wonder what Jesus did during the 30 years before his personal and individual big-time ministry, but because Jesus was not God by any stretch of the imagination, he needed to study the first five books of the Bible called the Torah because he was considered a Jew. But more than that, he needed to understand the spiritual meanings of the Bible for himself and so he could past that information and knowledge down to his followers like the fishermen.

You know, when you first experience really crazy supernatural experiences, you are amazed and in a bit of a shock because you cannot believe what you are seeing and what is happening to you in front of your eyes.

But then you get used to it and you are always waiting for the next supernatural event to happen to you. But then, when it starts getting weirder from the human standpoint, you start thinking to your that maybe you should be little bit concerned about what is really happening around you from the supernatural standpoint because they are out of your control. Therefore, my dear readers, be very careful what you ask for in that regard. You might get more than you bargained for and then you might suffer a heart attack which is something I hope I never have to experience.

Maybe, one of the reasons some children experience certain supernatural experiences and events is because their young human consciousness is so pure from being contaminated by the world's materialistic values and sexual impurities, along with all of the other negative mental values that make people blind to the spiritual natures of God, Spirit. Some children are open to the wonders of life on planet Earth.

Maybe, the reason most adults do not experience supernatural experiences is because their minds and individual states of consciousness are not only impure from a sexual standpoint, but their human brains and minds are limited to what they believe is real, as in they can only believe what is real or a state of reality with what they see with their human eyes and brains. Most adults are closed to the wonders of life on planet Earth, probably because they are too busy earning money, dealing with their personal responsibilities, to their families, job, friends, and etc. But one day, all of that disappears and then they have to answer to God, the infinite Principle-Being.

In today’s modern-day world where children, teenagers, and young adults' states of consciousness can be contaminated by all sorts of bad negative mental qualities from the standpoint of God, Spirit, it is easy for them to miss out on all of the supernatural stuff, and even the true spiritual understanding of God as a spiritual infinite Principle-Being, Spirit. And honestly, it seems like today’s parents just do not care what happens to their children or their futures.

I realize that many readers will think to themselves, who cares what my children are doing as long as they are not heading towards a really bad future. Someone better care, and the parents better care what their children are doing because they are the next generation of human beings who will be governing human affairs in every nation and country on planet Earth. For the record again, children of any age should not be watching porn, smoking pot, and taking drugs, etc. They should be reading, writing, and learning mathematics. Period.

Well, I might respond that all adults were once children and not all children have an equal and fair life during their babyhood, their children-hood, and teenager years. As a matter of fact, when the news stations show pictures or video of young people of any age around the world who are having to deal with the evils, sexual evils, violent evils, the lack of food and water evils, etc. and who could be stuck in that life until the day they die, it should then be quickly realized that there is a huge difference between the different states of consciousness for those young people compared to young people who have a completely better life no matter where they are located in the world.

Compared to today’s modern world where there are all sorts of media outlets filling the minds and consciousness of babies, children, (even with cartoons), teenagers, and young people with not only mental garbage within the fantasy worlds of gaming, videos, etc., but also with all of the garbage in the world that exist for real in human existence. Any of the young people of any age are now able to view all of the worldly conditions that not so long ago only adults could watch.

Jesus and his followers did not have all of the modern-day media and other external sources of garbage filling their minds and states of consciousness. I would guess and the readers should probably agree with me that whoever lived over 2000 years ago had live and be much simpler and much mentally purer than the lives of children today whether those children are from rich or poor families.

They had to travel by foot or donkey, etc. It was probably hard to get food and the clothes they wore were much simpler than they are today. They had very little if anything to read, including the Bible because only the priests could read the Bible during that time. When the printing press was created, it was the start of everyone owning a book like the Bible so they could think for themselves. As a matter of fact, the majority of people were probably illiterate so stories about the Bible had to be passed down from one generation to other generations by way of mouth, storytelling, etc. until books were made available to everyone who wanted to read the Bible.

Even in the modern world, probably like in the time of Jesus, in all areas of the world, there were and are certain children who seem to have the magic touch for thinking and seeing the world in a different way than the common people and children. Jesus being one of them. It is stated that Jesus could do many supernatural activities even when he was just a boy, so I have read, and which is even stated in the Bible.

Which brings me to the next question is, ‘Why do some religious people called Christians believe that Jesus was God?’ Part of the answer, but not the whole answer is this next statement. People only believe what is real with what they see and observe with their human eyeballs and brain. They can’t think outside the box of the five physical senses. People believe that Jesus is God because they can’t see or understand God, as an infinite spiritual Principle-Being itself. No human being can see a principled-being of any topic with their human eyes, less so with the topic of God, Spirit.

Plus, they are one, brainwashed, and two, they are mentally lazy. If a human baby is brought up in a family who is always preaching to their kids that they have to worship the human Jesus because he is God, even if they have no proof that he was God or is God, even if they have never seen the human Jesus because he left planet Earth over two thousand years ago, even if Jesus himself stated that he was not good, God, but that everyone is supposed to worship God in spirit and truth, then maybe it is about time where instead of worshiping the man Jesus, people should start worshipping the God that Jesus worshiped in spirit and truth. It is very easy to say, “Praise Jesus. Amen.’ then to actually understand an infinite spiritual Principle-Being and then be conscious of it as a state of spiritual existence.

Human beings can identify with a human being who lived and for whom many stories exist about his human and supernatural life. People like stories about larger-than-life human beings. They love watching movies with larger-than-life human beings who lived a long time ago or who never lived at all. Movies are fun and exciting to watch. I love watching movies and Netflix series(s) about the Bible and Jesus.

The thing is that whenever you watch a show about Jesus, or a series titled, ‘The Chosen.’ you will see with your own eyes that Jesus was really a human being. He looked human, he talked like a human being, he related to humans, he understood their suffering, pains, and pleasures. He ate like a human being, and he felt like a human being. Personally, I enjoyed watching that show although I could not watch the fourth season because I did not pay for the outlet it was on.

Jesus was a human being to all of the Christian believers and readers who truly believe that a human male named Jesus was God. He was not God in the flesh, meaning, his individual biological human body of skin, bones, blood, brain, organs, and stuff was most definitely not God, Spirit in the flesh. If Jesus was not God in the flesh, then what was he if he could perform all of the miracles and supernatural events that took place?

Is it absolutely possible that Jesus was living on a higher plane of spiritual existence and consciousness than the normal human beings who also walked and talked on planet Earth. Could the personal human Jesus have seen realms of spiritual existence with his Mind of Christ that the other normal and common human beings could have never seen with their limited and finite human brains and minds? It would seem reasonable that the answer would be a definite yes.

If Jesus could see and understand life, his life and the life of all human beings on a completely different plane or realm of existence and consciousness, would that not have had an impact on everyone he met, everyone he had to deal with, everyone who was sick or dead in their sins?

In today’s modern-day world there are people who have seen the atomic universe by modern day instruments. Most people probably have not seen the atomic universe, but those people who have seen and understood how the atomic universe looks like and how it operates can safely state that they have seen what the common and normal people have not seen and understood.

Would that have been the way for Jesus too, except instead of the atomic universe, Jesus saw and understood the spiritual universe of spiritual ideas within his own personal spiritual consciousness? Jesus was a conscious human being. That is safe to state. What was he conscious of that the other human beings who were around him were not conscious of while he was with them? If Jesus was not God, he surely must have known something about God, the realm of Spirt to do all of the healings and miracles he did that were written in the Bible.

Is it possible that Jesus was truly conscious of God as God is conscious of itself within its own realm of spiritual reality and that conscious identity was reflected within the consciousness of everyone around him. That means that if Jesus was conscious of God, the divine Mind or Intelligence was conscious of itself as a whole, then Jesus would have been the reflector of that realm of consciousness here on Earth which would have destroy all of the mental delusions within the minds of those lower human beings who needed his help.

If Jesus possessed a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, he would have been living within a human biological body while his own individual consciousness existed in a completely different realm of spiritual existence? In a sense, he was living in a state of dualism, a biological body and living completely within a spiritual Christ state of consciousness.

So, what was Jesus if Jesus existed on a higher level of plane of existence while he was a human being who was truly a ‘supernatural human being?’ Could it be that after two thousand earth years very few human beings have figured out what was the human Jesus was in reality while he lived on planet Earth?

Any human being who believes that they are simply a human biological body can’t figure out or be conscious of a spiritual self-hood that Jesus was conscious of as he walked the Earth among the people who believed they were only a biological human body. It has been written that if a person believes that they are only a one-dimensional human biological body, then from the standpoint of Spirit, and spiritual existence and consciousness, they are already dead.

This is so exciting for me. I got to inform you. Maybe after I write the following words, people will start to see and understand the human Jesus in a different light, the light of Truth and truth too. I truly hope that my dear readers can read with an open mind and try to understand the following words I am going to write.

Just like all human beings who are still living and who are conscious human beings, Jesus had a state of consciousness that was again, the magic words are arriving, a multi-dimensional consciousness that included the spiritual Christ Consciousness.

Jesus did not possess a one-dimensional state of biological consciousness. He had a multi-dimensional consciousness. How else could it be explained that a human being who is living with a human biological body do everything he did when he lived on planet Earth?

Some religious people will state the was God in the flesh, but that is the cheap way out of the dilemma. On a deeper level, consciousness is the key to understanding who the real Jesus was as he walked the Earth among his people.

Ok then. Let the understanding of Jesus having a multi-dimensional consciousness become something even more profound since I myself have experienced my own personal transformations within my own human consciousness even though I still have a biological body that claims to be me, which is what people are looking when they see me as a biological human being.

But isn’t it possible that others and I see ourselves as more than a biological human body? Isn’t it possible that we see ourselves as individual images of God, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love, (S&H. pg. 465.) instead of images of a biological human body? You could do the same because in spiritual reality, you too are an image of God, pure and perfect.

Jesus possessed a spiritual consciousness. What does that mean? Well, for an example, there are people alive today who possess a mathematical and a musical consciousness, which are completely different states of consciousness than the non-mathematician and the non-musical consciousness.

I read just a few days ago on the web that a true professional musician’s brain and mind understands and sees music and sound waves, along with all of the other musical aspects that a true understanding of music entails completely different from any other non-musical consciousness. In other words, there are two completely different ways of ‘seeing and hearing’ music. It all has to do with a musical consciousness versus a non-musical consciousness.

That means that a true professional musician’s brain and mind see and works completely different than the non-professional brain and mind who simply listens to music for the fun of it. In other words, there is the artificial sense of listening to music and then there is the professional sense of listening to music. It may appear to be the same, but it isn’t the same state of musical consciousness. There is a completely different state of musical consciousness within the brain and the mind of a professional musician compared to a person who only listens to music for the fun of it. The same applies to the realm of mathematics too.

A true mathematician understands the universe of mathematics completely different from the non-mathematician.

Come to think of it. It also applies to the Bible. There are billions of people around the globe who read, study, think and ponder the Bible. Yet, is all done on a superficial level of reading, studying, and thinking and pondering of the Bible because people do not understand the spiritual structure of the Bible as it was written during the course of 2500 years and longer. This had been going on for over 2000 thousand years.

For anyone who wants to understand the Science of the Bible, John W. Doorly’s books on the spiritual Science of the Bible can be found at:
I just discovered this website myself, although I own all of his books which I treasure more than all the money in the world. If I was you, I would simply buy the whole book package which was a better deal than buying them one at a time. I am just stating the facts.

What does a musical and a mathematical consciousness have to do with a Jesus consciousness or the consciousness of Jesus even as he lived as a human being? Jesus possessed what is termed the Christ Consciousness. He had an understanding of reality that was completely spiritual and that healed the masses of people who needed and wanted his help here on planet Earth where he lived during his short stay on Earth.

To be honest, I don’t know what the individual human male named Jesus experienced during his own spiritual transformations when he was alive on planet Earth. But I am writing these essays from a completely different state of consciousness compared too when I wrote my 52 stories in 52 weeks in the year 2007. I believe it was when I was doing a brain exercise since I was not working that year. A tip for my readers. If you are not officially employed making money, then do something to improve your brain and mind so when you are officially employed you will be a better employee for whoever is paying you money.

But here are a few facts worth mentioning. One. Jesus lived in an epoch when people who had written the Bible book with its first chapter of Genesis that contains the two completely different records of creation. It contains the metaphysical spiritual record of creation in the first chapter title Genesis in the Bible, and it contains the metaphysical record of the false material sense of God and man creation in the second chapter in the book of Genesis of the Bible.

I do not how common those two records were known throughout the land and among the people. But I do know that there were people who knew that the first record of creation was meant as a spiritual record of creation of God, Spirit, not the material record of a material Lord God creating Adam and Eve from the dust of the ground as is recorded in the second record of creation that is dealing with the materially mental concept that there is a material God that created the Adam and Eve record of creation.

So, what, you may be asking yourselves? So, what is not the issue. The issue is that even today people know themselves more like the Adam and Eve creation instead of seeing themselves made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, which is not an easy task, for anyone.

Let me state I that I knew about the different biblical records of creation a long time ago, and then I sort of forgot about them, until recently, when I bought a house out in nowhere land. Now, in the peace and quiet of the nothing town I am currently living in, I am actually getting some real important mental and spiritual work done for the survival of the human species.

That means that instead of climbing and hiking mountains, and mountain biking mountains, and a whole bunch of other fun stuff, I was forced by the hand of destiny to again, study the spiritual meanings of the Bible and a whole bunch of other topics that most people do not want to study let alone actually love studying.

Two events happen to force me to experience a lot of mental/psychological and spiritual transformations before I started writing these online essays. First, I was dying from stage 4 Cll cancer. By that, I mean I was actually dying, rather fast. There were unspeakable mental and psychological events that were taking place within my own human brain and mind that were simply beyond words. If felt like I was actually leaving my own biological body a few times. If I wasn’t actually leaving my own biological body, then I was experiencing some really crazy mental and psychological stuff within my own mind.

Second, I got a rather strong message from someone or something from a higher plane of existence and in a different realm to study the Gospels again. Therefore, I started with the Gospel of Matthew which is the first book in the Gospel series in the Bible. Along with that Gospel, I read and studied the two books by John W. Doorly who explained the spiritual structure of the Gospel of Matthew.

Just to make sure you have an idea of the spiritual ordered structure of the first chapter in the first book in the Bible titled Genesis, I am going to very quickly go through it for you now, just to make sure you understand it correctly. I plan on writing more about the spiritual structure of the Bible in these online essays later. But what the heck. I can start now if you like. Are you ready?

A very short version of the symbolism of the first chapter of Genesis in the Bible.

Day 1. God said let there be light, the light of intelligent thought which is of the nature of ideas.
Day 2. God said let there be a firmament, or a separation between the real and the unreal. Let those infinite spiritual ideas be pure from any sense of material human conceptions.
Day 3. God said let there be the seed within itself, meaning let there be unchangeable identity of those infinite spiritual ideas.
Day 4. God said let there be the two great lights and the smaller lights, or a divine metaphysical system of ideas.
Day 5. God said let there be the fishes, whales, flying creatures. Or a multiplication of ideas.
Day 6. God said let there be man made in the image and likeness of God, male and female in one, (no sex involved) being conscious of itself as a whole, not conscious of any evil whatsoever.
Day 7. God rested or was being in a state of absolute perfection.

The Adam and Eve story from a metaphysical symbolism.

1. But there went up a mist from the earth, a false material sense of God and man.
2. Man formed of the dust of the ground, or a false material sense of creation of man from dust.
3. Man feels he need a help meet for him, meaning sin brings forth the sex dream of separation.
4. The serpent appears, or animal magnetism, which leads to two authorities, God and devil.
5. The serpent says, ‘Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil, material sense confuses
6. Man blames the woman, or man realizes that he is an unclothed, mindless, sick mortal.
7. Cain goes out into the land of nothingness, complete oblivion, while Enoch is translated.

The main ideas for the above symbolisms are taken from the book, (Talks on the (Spiritual) Science of the Bible. The True and False Records of Creation. By: John W. Doorly.) Which can be found at the link below.

Let me be clear about one thing, Jesus knew the spiritual symbolisms of the first and second record of creations in the first chapter of the Bible titled, Genesis.  And so should you because that is one the key to unlocking the whole spiritual sense of the Bible.

Of course, there are all of the different arguments like: He was God in the flesh. He was the only son of God. He was human and then he became a divine human. He was human and then he became God. There are other suggestions too. One of the big points some people like to bring up that if Jesus was God in the flesh, then God was killed or died when Jesus died on the cross.

Some people like to think that they are being watched over by Jesus two thousand years after he died. That also seems sort of silly because how could one human male watch over 2.2 billion of his believers and followers?

When are people especially religious people going to start to take some personal responsibility for their own spiritual development and evolution instead of believing that a human being who does not live in this modern world, is going to help them when even Jesus might have a hard time adjusting himself to this new world and global view with all of the technological advancements.

I am going to assume that some of my readers are still believing that Jesus was God, which again, is not true. Let's all of us assume that there is one thing that Jesus had that we all have as human beings, which is not only a human biological body, but he also possessed a living consciousness.

Such a simple statement and easy to understand because if Jesus did not possess a state of consciousness, he would have been a dead human being. But no, Jesus was alive and well as a human being. He walked the earth, ate food, washed his body, talked with the people, and more importantly, he could think, probably unlike all of the other children his own age or any age for that matter.

He also read and was a student of the Bible (OT). As a human being, Jesus had to study the Bible (OT) in whatever form the Bible was in his age and in whatever language the Bible was printed in. Of course, Jesus only read what was in the Old Testament since the New Testament was not written yet.

So, the very important point now is that the God itself does not need and have to read and study the Bible. If Jesus was God, he would not have needed to read and study the Old Testament. He would have already known what every word, phrase, and story in the Bible’s Old Testament was going to be before he was even born. That is only one example why Jesus was not God on a practical side of his earthly life. It only makes sense if you think about it.

That is another reason Jesus was not God in the flesh. Jesus had to think about what he was doing while he was living, walking, and talking on planet Earth. God Almighty does not need and have to think about what God itself is doing within its own spiritual realm of existence.

I am going to state the obvious especially since I wrote it in the last essay, or essay number 15. On the highest place of spiritual consciousness, God did not even know Jesus and his human biological body. God is completely Spirt, not matter, material, physical, or a biological body. God in its very pure spiritual form and state of consciousness did not even know the whole life story of Jesus, just like God does not know our biological dream worlds or our mental dream worlds.

Christians, all 2 billion of them or so, probably do not want to read and believe that statement because like most Christians the want a human god to watch over them, save them from sickness, cancer, from being poor and living in poverty, whether in the time of Jesus, before Jesus or after Jesus. It is not God’s, Spirit’s job to worry about all of the earthly problems for 7-8 billion human beings who do not even care about what God is in the first place.

Most people arrived at the conclusion at very early stage in their lives, all around the world, that they are on their own when it comes to surviving on this planet. It does not matter whether they are living in America, Russia, China, the North and South Poles, Africa, etc. Nobody except foolish Christians believe that there is a materialistic God somewhere that is going to help them survive on planet Earth, even if they are going to pray their guts out to this God for help.

That is very hard pill to swallow for the Christians who believe in Jesus and worship him like he was a God in the flesh. But how many Christians pray every day to Jesus and to God to solve their problems and they never get help. Yet, they then state, ‘Oh, there must be a reason why God or Jesus did not help me.’

Maybe the problem for those human beings is that they have a wrong materialistic concept of God that is Spirit. If God is Spirit as Jesus stated, then this God, Spirit does not see the daily problems of 7-8 billion people on a rock floating around a nuclear ball of energy keeping all living creatures alive with enough warmth to make us either happy when the temperatures are not too cold and not too hot.

And yet, there are scientists who wonder how it could be that out of all of the planets or rocks floating around a rather moderate size sun in this galaxy, there a sun or nuclear ball of energy at the exact distance to allow life to happen on planet Earth.

What did Jesus know about the sun and the whole planet Earth? A religionist would state that Jesus knew everything about the sun, the planet Earth, the light waves traveling 14 billion light years to planet earth, the atomic worlds, and gravity, etc. etc. etc. But there is no way that any human being who was living in the time of Jesus could have known anything about the sun, the whole planet Earth, light waves traveling 14 billion light years to earth to bring warmth to all living creatures who love being warmed by the sun.

Jesus was a Master Metaphysician. Jeus was probably did not study physics as students do today because in all likelihood, there were few if any people actually studying physics like they do today, even if they were using numbers and basic calculations for human usages. Jesus was studing the spiritual book titled the Torah, or the first five books in today’s Bible. God Almighty did not need or have to study anything because God Almighty did not write any part of the Bible. It was very spiritual thinkers who wrote the first five books of the Bible and then the rest of it later.

“Let's remember that the scripture that was used when Jesus roamed the earth during the last century B.C. (Before Christ) or as atheists like to designate time B.C.E (before the Common Era) was called the Torah, a.k.a Genesis, Leviticus, Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy or the first five books of our modern-day Old Testament.” (Taken off the web.)

My educated bet is that Jesus did not give a damn about the sun, planet Earth, and all of the people who are living on the rock called Earth. The only thing Jesus knew was being conscious of God, Spirit in its own spiritual realm of existence. But Jesus did care about helping, healing, and saving the sinners from their earthly and especially sensual mentally delusional sins.

Again, the other question is, ‘Why do religious people simple repeat words and phrases over and over again for over 2000 years, or even longer actually? Are they brain dead? They can’t or don’t want to think for themselves? They really do not want to know and understand the truths about the Bible, God, Spirit, and Jesus. They do not want to question religious emotional beliefs. They do not want to do the research, read book, listen to lectures, or even listen to God Almighty that happens to be everywhere within its own nature.

Why is it that possibly, like billions of Christians I am guessing, believe in false religious concepts that will never happen, like thinking Jesus is going to return to earth after he stated that he was going to send the spirit of truth or the Comforter which will lead into all truth.

“But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceeded from the Father, he shall testify of me:” (KJB)

“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. (NIV. 15:26.)

Doesn’t that imply that Jesus was not planning on returning to earth, but he was going to send the ‘spirit of truth?’ What would be the spirit of truth in our modern age of science? It would be the Science of Spirit, of God, of the Bible. And if I may throw out the rest from my own mind, the Science of Transformation out of being a mortal biological human being to a completely spiritual consciousness, which will be the future human man in the years to come, especially after reading all of my free online essays.

Another point is this: In the Bible, it states that Jesus was returned 10-12 times after he died to visit with and teach his followers. It never stated that he was going to return 2,000-20,000-200,000 years later.

What could be one the biggest misconceptions relating to the historical Christian religion than to think that Jesus was God in the flesh? Obviously non-Christians do not believe it. What good does it do for anyone to believe that Jesus was God in the flesh, except to falsely believe feel good because the wrong religionists think they know something that the non-Christians do not know.

Is it possible that there is something completely wrong about the false notion that any one single individual human could be the whole realm of God in one? Wow. A single human being with that kind of power would be one very dangerous human being, like in a superman movie.

After all, the big question in materialist scientific circles in the current modern day is, ‘What created the cosmic universe? Was it a God or supernatural event or was it by chance or luck that every event leading up to the moment when life appeared on planet Earth?

I once heard a so-called Christian say to me that Jesus created the cosmic universe. I asked him, ‘So the human Jesus existed before the cosmic universe and the earth was created?’ He responded with a yes. I don’t think he really believed it himself. But it is those kinds of stupid statements that make non-Christians flee from Christians faster than from a stinging bee.

He also stated to me that the human man Jesus existed before the cosmic universe began, meaning before the supposed Big Bang theory that happened about 14 billion light years ago. How can people take these concepts seriously when they are simply stupid?

I was completely dumbfounded. I was speechless. I stared at his eyes and then into his eyes that seemed to be rather small for anyone living on planet Earth. I was trying to pierce into his brain to figure how crazy and insane this person was even though he seemed normal from all outside appearances.

Have you ever talked to some of these crazy and insane religious Christians who believe in some of the silliest and stupidest religious mental conceptions that are somehow lodged inside the human brain and minds of hundreds of millions, billions, of religious Christians who repeat words, religious words that make no intellectual logical and rational sense?

It is bad enough that other religious people who belong to radical religious organizations overseas and around the globe repeat their own words for God or a Supreme Being while they are blowing up innocent people with bombs.

But when the so-called hundreds of millions, it could be billions of Christians or more out of the 2.4 billion (32.1% of the world population) Christians, who falsely believe that Jesus was God in the flesh are completely wrong about so many Christian beliefs including the Bible, then someone has to address those mentally wrong religious concepts so I will do it here, like it or not

Christians around the world are usually good people. They don’t usually hate anyone, they feed the hungry, help the sick, and when it comes to sexual sinners, well, maybe nobody can help them until they want help and wake up out of their sexual dreams. But being the usually good people they are does not give them the religious right when in place of their false religious concepts something better could replace them.

It has been stated many times that people can believe in whatever they want to believe in. Hum! I am going to state that is wrong in principle for the ethical and moral reason that if someone or billions of people are going to believe in something religious, it better be a true religion or a true religious mental concept about the Bible, God, and Jesus. Would it be truly immoral and unethical for over 2 billion religious people to believe in something that is completely wrong about the Bible, God, and Jesus?

People believe wrongly about other religions too, like the Koran. Those people too, still live mentally within their individual and collective minds like they were living in the times when the Koran was written.

One of those wrong and false religious mental concepts are that Jesus was God in the flesh. Just to be sure about my standpoint about that wrong and false religious mental concept, Jesus was not God in the flesh, but within his own personal human consciousness, he was at one with God in his form of consciousness. Well, then, what does that mean?

Another important point of division of whether Jesus was God in the flesh was that when Jesus was on the cross, he cried out, ‘ ...... Why have you forsaken me.”

“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (NKJV. Mark 27:46.)

“Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last. (NIV. Luke, 23:46.)

If anyone thinks that Jesus was God after reading those three passages, well what the heck!

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!