Essay 35 - 2024. Bill O’Reilly declares that he is made in the image and likeness of God.
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.
August 27, 2024.
On his Spin News. August 20, 2024. (PlutoTV.)
But he is wrong! Although he is correct on many political issues.
Are human beings made in the image and likeness of God, as in God, Spirit? Hum?
Isn't that a real metaphysical and spiritual question for the human species?
Isn't it true that the human species is the offshoot of hundreds of millions of years plus more years of biological and brain evolution and development?
I was watching the Bill O’Reilly No Spin News on Tuesday, August 20th, 2024. He was rambling on like he does about the current day events about today’s news about the Vice President who is currently running for president of the United States of America.
Let us all hope that she does not win the presidency for so many reasons. As Bill has stated very clearly many times, she has done nothing at all in her seven and half years while she has been in the federal government. At least that we know of anyway.
What has she been doing for seven and a half years? Waiting to slip into the presidency of America after she has done nothing at all, since she has been in the federal government?
Trump has been working in business since he was young, and he also had a good economy and no war when he was in the presidency. In other words, every day of Trump’s life, he had to get things done, whether it was in his personal life, his business life, or when he was the president.
You see my dear readers, I don’t care about the personal lives of Trump, Harris or anyone for that matter. At least when it is applied to politics. I care about what they are doing for the city, town, state, or nation that they have chosen to be a public service employee.
On national politics, we can agree.
But Bill slipped up when he stated that he was a practicing Roman Catholic and that he was made in the image and likeness of God.
Or maybe he thinks that he is man made in the image and likeness of God because he is a Roman Catholic.
Bill being a Roman Catholic is none of my business and I don’t care about that at all. There are a lot of Roman Catholics, but I am not one of them for many reasons. Although they have some really nice church buildings to worship in every Sunday mass.
If someone wants to worship religiously every Sunday, I think that it should be in a very nice church setting instead of a plain white painted room. I have been to both places, and I definitely like the nice buildings of the Roman Catholic Churches.
A lot of people would rather be in the church of nature, out in the woods, or next to a lake, or river, like how and where Jesus was a Jewish preacher.
As soon as you walk into a Roman Catholic Church, most of them anyway is my guess, there are those whole wooden doors. They seem to be really thick too, and heavy, nicely painted I will add. I wonder what type of paint they use to paint those doors. I would like to know.
And then, when you walk down the aisle to find a seat to sit down on, you know that someone took the time to build a really nice church with good architectural designs, with very high ceilings, with nice artwork in many of them, and the rest of it. I mean if you want to show off your new suit or dress in a church for everyone to see, so you can impress them with your clothes, the Roman Catholic church may be the way to go for you.
When I was a young boy, my parents would make us kids all dress up whenever we went to our local Roman Catholic church. It paved the way for us to dress up when we became grownups in our professional or not-so-professional lives.
From the moment you walk into a Catholic Church, you can sense and feel that you have left the world behind those closed doors. In other words, it is obviously silent compared to being outside with the cars and trucks driving by the church, or the wind blowing by your ears, or the sounds of barking dogs and cats fighting over mice, or just fighting over territory.
Whenever I visited that church, I never once heard a Catholic priest state to the churchgoers that we were made and created in the image and likeness of God. Not once! I don’t even think that is part of the belief system or doctrine of the Roman Catholic religion.
Better yet, Jesus never stated that human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit.
Its creed never states that humans are made in the image and likeness of God, although some Bible translations state that in the beginning of the Bible just because they don’t know the metaphysical and spiritual meanings of the chapter of Genesis and the whole Bible as well.
Whenever we sat down to listen to the priest start his sermon, he would read a passage out of the Bible and take it from there to say whatever he wanted to say to his listeners. I never once heard him say that human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit.
Good middle-age Bill as well as many other human beings are really smart from a human standpoint. After all, it isn’t that difficult to get a college or university degree if you want it, which may or may ot be worth the money depending on the degree you are working towards and obtaining.
A tip for my young readers. Don't go to college or university to get a low-level degree in dance, art, etc. because it is not worth the time and money to get a dumb worthless degree even if you love to dance or do artwork.
Most people do not get good-paying jobs in dance and art, just like most people do not get jobs playing any type of sports. I once met a very tall black male at a grocery store. I asked him if he was a basketball player. He replied, “No, but he did the math or the statistics.”
“Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. In applying statistics to a scientific, industrial, or social problem, it is conventional to begin with a statistical population or a statistical model to be studied. Wikipedia.”
He told me that the odds of even a tall black man who knew how to play basketball was low because there are so many tall black men who know how to play basketball. Plus, one hit to the knee and you won't be playing basketball anymore.
This might be a good time to ask the question, is a tall black man or white man who is playing basketball made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
No, he is not. He is simply a guy who is spending his time, professionally or for fun putting a ball into a net, even if it is for a big paycheck.
Man made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, does not play basketball because there is no basketball playing in the realm of God, Spirit.
Is a news broadcaster who is talking about politics, economics, and international events a man in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
No, he is not. He is simply a guy who is spending his professional time talking about politics, economics, and international events, which a lot of non-professional talkers do all of the time. At least Bill is really good at what he does, compared to a lot of other news broadcasters.
How about a police officer or a soldier who carries a gun and is ready to use it to kill another human being, a man made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
No, he is not. He is simply a guy who is spending his life carrying a gun so he can kill someone if he has to defend his or another person’s life from a violent criminal.
Man made in the image and likeness of God; Spirit does not need to carry a gun to protect himself because he is not a biological creature that is scared of being killed by another violent human being.
How about the violent criminals who are in or out of prison who have hurt defenseless and innocent people? Are they made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
No, he is not. He is a criminal who is in or out of prison or jail because he is simply a low-level human being who does not obey the laws of the land, and who has decided to be a violent human being.
Man made in the image and likeness of God; Spirit does not violently attack other human humans.
How about the violent criminal terrorists overseas who commit the crimes of violence, rape, murder, and mass destruction? Are they man-made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
No, they are not. There is not one terrorist who commits any crimes like torture, rape, or murder who is made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit.
The man-made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, is a spiritual image of divine Love. Not a violent human being who physically hurts other human beings in any way whatsoever.
How about those males who suck on cock or get fucked up the ass by other gay men? Are they made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
No, they are not. There is not one gay human male who is made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit.
Man is made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, is a spiritual reflection of Truth, or divine self-spiritual consciousness.
How about all of the males and females that are doing perverted sex in porn movies? Are they man-made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
No, they are not. People who create sex films and movies are not made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, because the image and likeness of God, Spirit, are spiritual creatures, not sexual creatures.
What about a human male or female that plays golf during his whole lifetime, who never read the Bible or who studied it for the fun of it.
No, they are not. Man is made in the image and likeness of God; Spirit, is a spiritual creature who does not even know that the game of golf exists as a human game.
How about the drunk or the druggie? Is a drunk or druggie man made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
No, they are not. The drunk or druggie is just another human brain and body that takes drugs or drinks liquid spirits so they can make their brains and minds fuzzy, probably so they can forget their human lives as worthless human beings.
Man made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, is a realm of pure spiritual intelligence that is reflected in the human realm of existence as a non-druggie and non-drunk.
The common denominator for all of these different people is that they are all human beings with human biological bodies, brains, and minds, even if they have different states of human consciousness in the way they live their lives, what they do with their lives, whether for good or bad, or human evil.
I don’t know where Bill or any human male or female gets the idea that they are humanly made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, when God, Spirit is not a biological creature.
It is not only irrational, illogical, and ridiculous, it is a lie about God, Spirit, and the spiritual man that is described in the first chapter of Genesis in the first book of the Bible where it is stated that man is made in the image and likeness of God, Truth, both male and female in one.
Meaning, not a male or a female with sex organs or the male or female brain, chemistry, body in general, etc. That is one reason why the writers of the second chapter in the first book of the Bible wrote the second record of creation in the Adam and Eve story, with a material Lord God Jehovah in it.
There is a huge and complete difference between the human biological male who lives and walks on planet Earth and the spiritual man-made male and female in one in the spiritual image and likeness of God, Spirit, and Truth.
How about Genghis Khan, Mao, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler? Are they all of those people made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
Or are those people with their human brains located under the skull of a biological body made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
Or are they just the result of a very, very long chain and sequence of biological creatures up to and including the human body and brain?
Most people realize and understand that most people who think that they are made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, forget or do not understand that there was a very long chain or sequence of biological events starting with the first cell in a warm, misty body of water where the first cell happened to form because of the chemical reactions that took place in the water.
Then there was a cellular division over and over again until the first solid biological creature like a fish started to form. That fish got so big with lungs, walking legs and feet, and everything else that was needed so it could step out of the water and walk on dry land.
Then walking fish started to transform into other biological creatures until the apes, cavemen, and then the human species started to become more advanced biological creatures with very complex brains under their skulls that were able to think and solve abstract problems.
Then this human creature got so smart and intelligent that it created the nuclear bomb. It started to understand the laws and structures of the atom, and the elements, and bang, just like that creature started to believe that it was made in the likeness and image of God because it tasted the fruits of good and evil that were on the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Better yet, was Jesus made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
Jesus was born of a human woman, a biological human body, who became a living human being too. Yes, to answer it straightforwardly.
As far as has been written about Jesus, he did not play basketball, or host a talk show, although it seems he did a lot of talking. He did not carry a weapon at any time during his life. He did not spend any time in prison like a violent criminal. He was not gay, did not make sex movies, did not play golf, nor was he a drunk or a druggie.
It has been written that even Jesus died, or his biological body had died unless he turned back and forth from skin, bones, blood, and organs into spirit and then back again into a pure biological body.
Many people believe that he was God in the flesh, but it has been stated that how can a God, Spirit, be killed by human beings who are not God in any way? Because people like to think in a one-dimensional state of existence, they cannot answer or solve any of the problems and issues like what God, Spirit, and the spiritual man is versus the biological human man with skin, bones, blood, and organs.
If man made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, is spiritual, then the biological man is not the spiritual image and likeness of God, Spirit, no matter how many people are fooling themselves into thinking that simply because they can think abstract thoughts, or sensual thoughts, or killing and murdering thoughts, or because they can think basketball thoughts, or golf thoughts or money thoughts, or political and economic thoughts, etc. that they are made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit.
Does anyone truly think that just because they are alive as biological creatures they are made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit?
It does not make any sense to think or believe such a false concept in a one-dimensional biological state of existence and consciousness.
How about all of the other creatures that have lived and walked on planet Earth during the last billion years and how about the new generations of biological creatures into the future?
Will the next generation of biological creatures in say for example, 10,000 years from now consider themselves creatures made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit too?
Or are they only going to consider themselves just another generation of biological creatures that followed those human species creatures that destroyed themselves in whatever way it may happen?
Is it inevitable that the human species will destroy itself one way or another way to make room for the next generation of biological creatures that will one day rule the Earth?
Will the human species be dissolved, just like the dinosaurs, one day, say for example 50,0000 or 100,000 or 500,000 or 1,000,000 years into the future?
How many so-called Christians care more about money, sex, houses, cars, power, etc. than they do about God, Spirit? How many people who go to church or even read the Bible want to know something about God, Spirit that does not care about their teeny, tiny, little human problems when they do not care about God, Spirit in its true nature?
The problem on a very deep, profound metaphysical level is the collective biological belief that because there is life in matter, in physical elements, that there is a cosmic universe with a planet on it with all sorts of biological life, that life is made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit. But that is the lie in the second chapter of the Bible in the second record of creation in the Adam and Eve story.
It has been stated more than a few times that this cosmic universe and all life on planet Earth is a counterfeit of the true spiritual universe where God, Spirit, and Mind create all things spiritually in a spiritual realm of existence.
That being stated, it has also been stated that what seemed to be the realm of life in matter, or the material and physical realm of existence took place or happened because there is a spiritual self-existent realm called God, Life, that is conscious of itself, Truth, and is always perfect within its own realm.
And this realm termed divine Science by Mary Baker Eddy and expounded by John W. Doorly and Max Kappeler, stated that this pure spiritual realm of existence has the infinite power to force what seems to be the complete chaotic cosmic universe to give enough order to the material atomic and material elements to give intelligent life on planet Earth, up to and including the human thinking brain.
Does that mean that the thinking human brain is God, Mind or infinite intelligence? No. But in the human realm of existence, it comes really close in a way compared to all other biological creatures because only the human hardwired brain and soft-wired human mind can do what the human brain and mind can do which all of the other biological brains and minds cannot do.
It should be very obvious without too much thought that many of the other biological creatures with brains can see better than humans, hear better than humans, taste better than humans, feel better than humans, smell better than humans, and even fight better than humans - by way of possessing more muscle mass and strength.
But only the human brain and mind can think in such a way as to ask deep questions in all realms in existence. The human brain and mind can ask and discover why the eyes can see, the ears can hear, the nose can smell, the tongue can taste, and the skin can feel.
Other creatures probably cannot wonder such things, maybe. But even if they can ask why, they will never be able to answer those questions, just like all of those creatures will never be able to discover the science of music, math, physics, neural sciences, how light waves travel from 14 billion light years away from the Big Bang to enter our human eyes, travel to the visual part of the brain, so we can look back into space and time to discover the origin of everything.
No other creature, created by God or not, can ask and try to answer the origin of the current visible cosmic universe, why there is life on planet Earth, and how to stop it from being destroyed by the most intelligent human species since the beginning of life on planet Earth.
With those mental and intellectual abilities does that mean that human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit? No. It does not mean that at all. Otherwise, human beings would never get sick, get cancer, die young, live a long life, rape, terrorist, kill, and destroy whole towns and nations like the evil Putin does for reasons that he thinks are correct.
Man made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, does not create evil in any way whatsoever.
I know that some people will read these words, and they will not understand them because they are thinking, seeing, hearing, understanding, knowing, and trying to comprehend everything, especially their religious beliefs, from the one-dimensional state of biological consciousness instead of from a multi-dimensional state of consciousness and existence.
If you try to figure out all of the deep metaphysical and spiritual issues and questions of life, death, God, evil, the afterlife, etc. you will not and cannot do it with a one-dimensional state of a biological consciousness, and a hardwired human brain and soft-wired human mind.
Even though many questions and answers can be figured out with the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind, it can't figure out everything about those other questions about God, evil, the afterlife, etc.
Otherwise, life in the human realm of existence as it currently stands would not be the way it is currently in the human realm of existence.
Therefore, within this essay, you should have already figured out that there is the pure realm or state of existence of God, Spirit, and then there is an earthly realm of existence with life on planet Earth; with the human species having and being an advance state of intelligence at least when related to certain mental facilities that the other creatures cannot possess, like abstract realms of mental mathematics which of course, most human brains and minds do not possess either.
How are the higher realms of spiritual existence, which again, are not material nor physical in origin in nature going to help the human species from destroying itself, you may be asking yourselves right about now? That is if you are reading between the words and sentences.
The human realm of existence is complex enough, with many different people living and working all over the globe in completely different nations, countries, religions, food, clothing, politics, and even economics, etc.
That is all well and good because that is the way it is at this moment in human history.
There seems to be a separation between the realm of God, Spirit, and the material, physical, and biological realms of existence and consciousness.
But that is only because the limited and finite human brain and mind is stuck within its mental outlook as limited and finite biological creatures walking on two legs with a brain under a human skull, with its own realm of intelligence.
But within the realm of consciousness, even human consciousness, that magical and sometimes mysterious realm of existence, the dividing line between the spiritual realms of existence and the physical and material realms of existence can be united as two sides of the same coin, sort of to speak.
If the human consciousness, individually and collectively begins to understand, comprehend, and accept that there are indeed higher levels of spiritual consciousness and states of existence, that is a true beginning to transforming the human limited and finite brain consciousness out of itself into the metaphysical and spiritual realms of existence, termed God, Spirit.
Just think about the realm termed death. Up until this moment in human history, it seems like the realm of death, or the afterlife seemed to be far away from planet Earth and the human consciousness. And it still is in a manner of speaking.
At least for those people whose states of human consciousness are still limited and finite, which by the way does not stop the fact that other people experience their own supernatural experiences with the afterlife even if they cannot explain it, or what they have experienced.
Just like there are people or human beings that mentally can be conscious of a realm termed God, Spirit, while other people are so blind to the existence of God, Spirit they cannot see nor experience it, so too, are there people who are mentally open and aware of that other realm of existence termed the afterlife, at least to a certain degree.
While other human beings are completely closed-minded and shut out from the realm of the afterlife because of their very limited and finite mental perceptions of life, God, eternal Life, and the afterlife.
Truth be told, that is what happens to people who are stuck believing in only one realm of biological life or a one-dimensional state of biological existence and consciousness.
What would be the natural consequences to both each individual and the collective human species if every human being, meaning every human brain and mind started to realize and understand what I have written in this essay and my other essays?
How would it change people’s morals, ethics, standard of living, sexual practices, etc., and how world leaders would treat their people and the people of other nations if every human being began to understand that there is more to life and living even while walking and working on planet Earth if everyone realized that is more to life, God, Life than what we all see every day as a biological human life?
What would happen to the human species for the current and future survival of the human species if everyone, the basketball player, the broadcaster, the cop and the soldier, the whores and the disgusting gays and lesbos, all of the religious people on Earth, Christian and non-Christian, the leaders of all nations of the Americas, Canada, Mexico, Chinese, Russians, Japan, both Koreas, Iran, Israel, Africa, etc. all started to thinking instead within their false, limited and finite religious humanized conceptions of God as a materialistic human Lord God, they all started to begin to mentally comprehend, understand, and accept that the one True God, Spirit, does not give a shit about any of it, not at all.
What about that for a dream, a hope, a vision for the human species?
What if everyone realized that if there is only one God, Spirit, that it would ‘see,’ ‘know,’ and be conscious of every single human being only within the realm of a spiritual state of existence and consciousness and not as finite, limit, one-dimensional states of biological existence and consciousness?
It would change the whole human species for the better so it would probably not destroy itself, at least by war with nuclear weapons.
Why? Being conscious of higher and purer realms of spiritual states of existence and consciousness would change the structure of the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness into new, higher, more exalted, and spiritual states of consciousness which would overcome the animalistic natures and desires to have endless amounts of perverted sex, evil states of minds of all kinds, wars, destructions of all sorts.
The human species must wake up from its religious dream worlds, but it must also wake up from its mentally induced animalistic natures for perverted sex, having endless amounts of needless but deadly wars and violence of all sorts, and other evils of the human brain and mind.
Saving the human species from its own self-destruction is not some sort of fairy tale. It is very serious stuff and there is not one person that do it alone. It should be a collective and global goal because from the looks of things currently, perverted sex is not going to stop, wars are not going to stop, and other human evils are not going to stop, like rape, terrorist acts, etc.
You my dear readers, might be asking yourselves how is it possible that the whole human species, all 7-8 billion of them, with all of their different color skin, different so-called religions, politics, economics, and of course, different foods, can all be at one with God, Spirit on a spiritual state of consciousness when God, Spirit does not see, know, or even cares about every teeny, tiny, little problem every single life of 7-8 billion people?
Well, guess what!
There is a spiritual law that answers that question, as long as you do not believe that there is a materialistic human God somewhere versus a spiritual God everywhere.
On one level everything appears to be human and material, but on another level, everything is spiritual, which is where a spiritual law comes in to save the day.
In the true spiritual realm of existence, God, Mind, Principle, only sees, knows, and demonstrates spiritual ideas. Within this spiritual realm of existence there is a perfect realm of spiritual reflection because the divine Mind, intelligence only knows and sees pure spiritual ideas as the true identity of everything, including, human beings, animals, plants, fish, etc.
God, Principle, is an impersonal spiritual realm of existence where there is a perfect spiritual realm of reflection as a state of true Christianity.
On page 587 of her book, ‘Science and Health.’ Ms. Eddy defines, “God. The great I am; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal: Principle, Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance, intelligence.”
This order of the seven synonymous terms for God differs from the definition for God on page 465 which states as a definition for God as ‘... Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.’
When she uses what is called the Christianity order of those terms, it is meant as Max Kappeler states on pg. 192-195 of his book, "The Four Levels of Spiritual Consciousness.”
All individual spiritual ideas come forth from the spiritual Principle, Mind, are reflected as Spirit, identified as Soul, and then there is the spiritual reflection of Life-fatherhood, Truth-sonship, and Love-motherhood in the spiritual realm of existence and consciousness as each spiritual idea reflecting fatherhood, sonship, and motherhood to itself, and to all of the other spiritual ideas.
Can you imagine what would happen if every human being started to wake up to their true spiritual self-hood that exists within the spiritual realm of God, Principle, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth, Love?
It would change the whole world of seemingly limited, finite, and usually ignorant human beings to what God, Spirit really is, but also to the relationship to the one true spiritual realm of existence and consciousness.
It would also change the relationships within the human realm of existence and consciousness because people would stop seeing and knowing their fellow man as a biological state of existence and consciousness.
That is not usually happening in the human realm because human beings believe, think, and live as if each individual human being is separate from each other as biological human bodies because indeed, human biological human bodies are separate from each other because that is the nature of the limited and finite human biological body.
This also happens because the finite, limited biological human creatures also believe that they are all separated from a God that they don’t believe in because they cannot see God, Spirit with their human eyes. However, once those finite, limited human beings put on the ‘Mind of Christ’ as Paul states, they will change their biological consciousness into a spiritual one.
But in the true spiritual realm of existence, each human being is not a biological human being, but a spiritual image or idea within the Mind, or Intelligence termed God, Principle.
“How do we arrive at this universal reflection?” (pg. 193. The Four Level Book.)
“Thereby the mortal, limited concept of a material universe is resolved, step by step, until it finally disappears entirely, and the universe is seen to be a realm of ideas, a vast reflection of God.” (193.)
“Man. The compound idea of infinite Spirit, the spiritual image and likeness of God; the full representation of Mind. (Intelligence.) (pg. 591. S&H.)
Question. What is man?
Answer. Man is not matter; he is not made up of brain, blood, bones. .... Man is spiritual and perfect.” (pg. 475.) Within the Mind of God that is.
In a human biological realm of existence, the human and biological concept of man is the two-legged brain that wants sex, food, money, nice clothes, power, and fame, and who also loves to solve some human problems and issues by killing and murdering each other in times of war, many times for religious reasons.
“Learn this, O mortal, and earnestly seek the spiritual status of man, which is outside all material self-hoods. Remember that the Scriptures say of mortal man: “As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourished. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.” (pg. 476. S&H.) (Psalm 103:15.)
Is that how human beings want to spend their normal and natural days living and walking on planet Earth? As finite, limited biological creatures with two legs and a brain under their skulls.
Or is it about time that the whole human species begins to slowly, but constantly and consistently wake up from this material human dream world of simply being a finite, limited biological human being, which is the lie and temptation from the serpent as described in the Adam and Eve story of the Bible in the first chapter of Genesis from a metaphysical and spiritual standpoint?
In the current age of the human species, these facts are already happening. Everyone with a slight degree of human intelligence realizes that their male or female biological body is really only good for one thing, and that is to make more human babies because that is what is needed.
That is the real purpose of biological sex for all creatures; to make more babies so the next generation of human beings or other creatures continues into the future.
But everyone with a slight degree of intelligence also realizes that what they have within their human brain and mind is way more important than their human biological bodies.
In the current age of human intellectualism, the different and vast areas of human intellectualism and intelligence is so great and large that it almost seems impossible that the human species with a limited and finite biological body with a human brain can grasp, comprehend, know, and use so many different areas of abstract intelligence for so many different applications to human life, plant life, animal life, the cosmic life, etc. that really, it just remarkable on the human scale of existence, and within the human brain, mind, and consciousness.
So, if human beings are so good with all of these different mental realms of intelligence and intellectualism, what is the problem you might be asking yourself.
The problems are many. All false religions do not help the current and future survival of the human species into the future.
The materialistic animalistic nature within the hardwired human brain, mind, and consciousness causes war to be a seemingly endless crisis for the human species.
Are any of my dear readers getting my underlying message when I am writing about all of these topics in my essays? I hope so! I am not writing these essays for my health, you know.
How can any of these complex and complicated human, metaphysical, and spiritual topics be understood, handled, and solved if the human brain, mind, and consciousness are only existing on only a one-dimensional state of a biological existence and consciousness?
What is needed is for the whole human species to start to think, mentally conventionalize, and understand the new religious paradigm of a true spiritual religion, a true spiritual nature of God and man, and how to handle the claims of mental evils that are overtaking the human species in a way as never before since the beginning of time and life on planet Earth.
You know, there is nothing wrong with people being a political and economic broadcaster who is analyzing national and world conditions. People like Bill O’Reilly are needed. I like listening to him when I can, especially during this election period.
There is nothing wrong with people playing sports like basketball, or golf, or football, etc. I enjoy watching people play sports that I don’t care about playing or will ever do it as good as the professionals.
There is nothing wrong with being a cop or a soldier because they are needed because there are still way too many violent criminals in America and throughout the world. There are way too many nations who would see America wiped off the face of the planet.
There is nothing wrong with hard-working people working to earn the highest wage that they can get for their job. There is nothing wrong with money. I like money. I have studied the realm of money more than most people, I guess, although now it seems out of date to me because I am getting older every day.
There is nothing wrong with having sex to make babies and have good families. That is a normal thing for people that love each other and who want a family, etc.
But on the other side of the human condition, (I know people will be mad at me for stating this, but I don’t care.) Being sexually perverted, taking and being addicted to drugs and booze, filming themselves having sex and then putting it on the web, world leaders starting wars in this current age of global and international supposedly cooperation and maybe most importantly, is bad enough.
But believing that you are man-made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, when the truth of the matter is that you are a two-legged biological creature with a human brain under your skull. The truth should be stated and realized because even the terrorist believes in that lie too. And that is where a lot of human problems start and end. Believing in a lie about spiritual God and man.
Or the lie that a human being is made in the image and likeness of God, 'Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. (S&H. pg465.)