This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Essay 44 - 2024. God, Spirit-Soul, versus Sex and Sensualism. Is being a true metaphysical and spiritual Christian a state of spiritual consciousness, or is it a sensual, sexual human biological body? It cannot be both. “There is no sensuality in Spirit.” (S&H. Pg. 71. 5-6) Paul stated to put on the Mind of Christ. This essay helps you do that. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. November 1, 2024.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Essay 43 - 2024. Does Going to a Christian Church Make Someone a Christian? Or even a religious person. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! October 24, 2024.

Essay 43 - 2024.  Does Going to a Christian Church Make Someone a Christian?

Or even a religious person.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

October 24, 2024.

“CHURCH. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle.” (S&H. Pg.583. 12-13.)

The true sense of a metaphysical and spiritual Christianity versus the fake sense of Christianity.

People have been going to a building considered a church for a very long time.  Christian, Jewish, or whatever religion you may call it.

But does going inside a building do anything for a person’s state of consciousness?  Maybe, but maybe not.

Does anyone learn anything about God, evil, or the afterlife by visiting a church or building?

From the moment a person is born into this world when they are usually born in a building of some sort, a room in a house, a room in a hospital, or even in a jail or prison cell somewhere, ... at least that is one possibility, to be born in a jail or a prison cell, or even in a car, or out in nature, which of course has happened for millions of years, and billions of years if you apply this to the animal species, people have been born with certain DNA, parents, culture, religion, etc.

Throughout their lives, babies enter buildings until they die as teenagers, adults, and old people.  Unless of course, they can die outside a building like in a car crash or airplane crash, or if they are eaten by a bear or a tiger or lion out in the forest.

For thousands of years, by any standards, people have been worshiping their religion in buildings made out of stone, brick, cement, wood, and maybe even glass.  But what about their consciousness?  Isn’t there a state of consciousness more important than a building?

But whenever people enter a building to worship, just like they enter a building to get medical help in a hospital, or when they enter a jail or prison cell because they are a violent criminal, or when they enter a courtroom as a criminal or an ethical or corrupt judge.

Or when they enter building like a grocery store to buy food, or when they enter a church to worship religiously either for fun or show, they usually leave the exact person they were before they entered all of those buildings.  In other words, their human consciousness is the same as before.

A person needing help in a hospital might leave with a better human body, but their inner nature will be the same as before they entered a hospital.

But if this person needed medical help from a doctor or in a hospital enters a church, sits down, and then leaves the church, aren’t they the same person they were when they entered the hospital?  Yes, they are because they have not changed.

In other words, their inner human nature has not changed at all, in general, anyway.

A violent criminal convict will possibly be a violent human being for the rest of his or her life, before, during, and after his or her prison time.

When a criminally violent criminal becomes a convict in the violent prison system for say, ten years, give or take 10 or 30 years, more likely than not, that person or convict will still be a criminally violent criminal even if he has to behave so he does not return a jail or prison cell.

In other words, their inner human nature has not changed at all, in general, anyway.

When a criminally violent criminal enters a courtroom, as well as the ethical or corrupt judge or a blind, dumb, corrupt hearing lady, they will leave that courtroom as the same person when they entered that courtroom.

After all of my years on Earth, I have experienced a corrupt hearing lady who did not care about the truth.  She had not one ounce of integrity. She was an unethical, corrupt, and evil person before she entered the courtroom, during the courtroom time, and after the courtroom moment.

In other words, if both a criminally violent lying convict and the unethical hearing lady enter a courtroom, they will be the same person after they leave that courtroom.

On one level they are the same person, both criminal, lying, corrupt, people.  Only one is an ex-convict, the other a fake judge or hearing lady.

If they were to enter a church to worship Jesus or repeat religious words, they would both be bad people before, during, and after church. That is the way it is for everyone who enters a church.

Say a female judge or hearing lady, for example, loves walking on stage in a G-string showing off her muscles and butt on the weekends, and then she posts it on YouTube, or simply a picture on the world wide web for everyone to see what is hidden underneath her black judge robe during the week, but then on the weekends she returns to the stage to show off her body in a G-string, you can well imagine that she is the same person before and after her courtroom time.

In other words, for example, it does not matter if the female judge or hearing lady is wearing a black robe in a courtroom or a G-string on the weekends, her inner human nature has not changed at all, in general, anyway.

If she enters a religious Christian church after showing off her muscles and butt wearing a G-string, she is still a corrupt hearing lady who wears a G-string no matter how many times she enters a Christian church or a courtroom.

Moreover, if she is unethical, irrational, corrupt, hateful, etc. she is the same person both before and after she enters a Christian church.  That applies to all human beings.

Walking into a building does not really change the inner nature of a human being, in general that is for most people.

Her clothes may change, but her decisions will always be either ethical or corrupt, being fair or unfair, allowing innocent people to suffer by the decision of a female judge or hearing lady who could be wearing a G-string under her black robe when she is in court.

Of course, nobody will ever know if a female judge or hearing lady is wearing a G-string under her black judge robe, but it is possible because again, her inner human nature has not changed at all, in a general any way, no matter what she is wearing, and how much money she earns.

I would like to take a few other examples of different sorts of people and use them to compare how they live their human lives.

Even if some of these people like to profess that they believe in and follow the human man named Jesus, and then enter a church once a week on a Sunday, their inner nature does not change from the moment they take that first step inside a church and when they take their last step outside that church.  But they may feel good doing it.

I will use the examples of a Catholic priest now.

I will take the case of a gay and pedophile Catholic priest who leads not only a Sunday mass every week but who might be the head of a local Catholic church.  I admire those Catholic churches as artwork.

They are just very nice in so many ways compared to the boring Christian churches for some Christian religions.  Of course, being a Christian does not matter what the building looks like, or even if there is a building at all.  I assume that everyone agrees with that statement.

Like a judge or hearing person, a Catholic priest likes to wear a black robe too, only for religious reasons, as a religious uniform so they do not have to show off what types of clothes, if any, are being worn underneath their black Catholic robes.  I hope they were wearing clothes under those black robes just so they are not sexual perverts while wearing the black robe.

But whether a Catholic priest is a good, honest, ethical, intelligent priest, and not some gay sexually perverted priest, he will continue to be of that nature whether he is in a church building, wearing a black religious robe, or simply nude.  Being nude does not say anything about their state of mind.

A religious leader or a Catholic priest can stand in front of their listeners in a church, read from the Bible, and preach a lesson or two every Sunday about Jesus or another Bible character, but then their deepest desire is to have sex with young or teenage boys, which of course is not only disgusting in general, but it is also a crime here on Earth, but also in the eyes of God.

How on Earth can anyone admire a Catholic priest who professes to be a follower and believer in Jesus and the Christian faith and then be so sexually perverted to believe in any way that they are going to go to a place called heaven simply because they are wordy religious people who usually have no idea what they are talking about no matter how many times they read the Bible?

Moreover, how could, and why would anyone want to listen to a gay sexually perverted Catholic priest whose real inner desire is to have sex with young boys or teenagers instead of gay men?

But why would anyone want to listen to a gay sexually perverted Catholic priest read the Bible once a week every Sunday?  His inner desires are not of God, Spirit, but sensual sex with boys.

Of course, all Catholic priests who commit illegal, immoral, unethical sexual acts with young and teenage boys, even if they are gay, should be in a jail or prison cell with possibly criminally violent convicts so maybe someone might teach them a real lesson about being a gay and pedophile Catholic priest.

Most violent criminal convicts are criminals before, during, and after their jail or prison sentences.  That is their mental animal nature within their hardwired brain, their soft-wired mind and consciousness.

The whys and how are not the reason for this essay.  A Catholic priest has the same inner nature before and after their Sunday mass.  A corrupt, unfair, unethical bimbo-hearing lady has the same inner nature before, during, and after her courtroom job.

But we know that many convicts who were criminally violent before they entered jail or prison all of a sudden started to read the Bible while they were in a jail or prison cell, and they felt the need to tell everyone that they were believers in the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible.  Hum!

And they mean it as a bunch of words, but not really within their heart or soul, brain, or mind they have not changed at all.  But even if they do believe it within their heart, soul, brain, and mind, are they not the same old criminally violent people whose hardwired brains, minds, and consciousness are the same nature as before they even entered a jail or prison cell?

It is one thing to be a wordy or mouthy ex-convict or corrupt and unethical hearing lady who professes to be a religious person, but at the same time within their brain, mind, and consciousness, they are still a criminally violent human being or a corrupt and unethical hearing lady.

They still want to beat people up, especially the weak, poor, sick, and lame.  They still want to hurt innocent people.  A violent criminal convict and the corrupt and unethical hearing lady possess the same mentality, and the same negative values within their brain and minds, even if they attend a Christian church.  They have no spiritual values on which to base their brains and minds.

In other words, an ex-convict might be reformed either while in prison or while reading the Bible’s Gospels, but they could still possess their inner nature of being a criminally violent convict who can switch over at any moment in their criminally inner nature to use their fists to beat up on their wives, kids, and other people.  It is no wonder so many people return to prison.

Does it matter if they enter a building called a jail or prison if their inner nature is still the same once they leave a jail or prison cell?

But I guess that they have felony criminal records to follow them around for the rest of their human lives, and to let law enforcement know what kind of people they are as they live and walk on planet Earth until the day they die.

A common example would be those people who wear black uniforms that everyone in America knows are usually uneducated, violent, unethical, immoral, and corrupt cops. Take about a black uniform with a negative inner nature inside that person.

Another case is those people who are gay or not gay potheads and druggies.  I have known many people who were or are either gay potheads, or even just a pothead, or just gay.

Some of them have told me that they were born-again Christians, but they were, or still are either just gay, or a gay and a pothead.

But here is the thing.  Is being an uneducated gay pothead druggie good at all?  But if you are a so-called born-again Christian, being a gay or a gay pothead, druggie does not make any sense at all.

I don’t think that they ever got the message that to be a reborn Christian means that you have been changed into a better human nature even if you don’t know anything about the Bible metaphysically, spiritually, or intellectually.

Being saved does not mean being the same person you were inwardly before you were supposedly reborn with a bunch of religious words. I guess a lot of people think that being saved means being saved from eternal hell and damnation.

But being reborn means being reborn spiritually into a divine nature or consciousness. Not being an old human being.

If the inner nature of a so-called born-again Christian is the same after they enter a church to be dipped into a pale of water, or even outside under the clear blue sky, to be baptized by a person’s words, and possibly by a finger on the forehead, then what good is being baptized by water with a bunch of meaningless religious words by a sinful preacher whose real desires are sex and drugs.

If a gay pothead is still a gay pothead, for example, after they are so-called religiously reborn in the name of Jesus Christ, they are not reborn at all.  Their inner nature is still the same as before they entered a church building, or a beautiful forest with a nice lake.

Before the life, times, and death of the man Jesus, people in the Jewish religion loved to have someone, a priest enter the temple, but then Jesus came along, and he wasn’t too big on making a big deal of going to a church or the temple grounds.  He called it a den of thieves.  Corruption.

He taught his lessons in the landscape of nature, in the wilderness, outside, under the sun, moon, and stars.  I have had some metaphysical and spiritual experiences in nature, but never in a church, no matter what type of Christian church I attended during my life.

In today’s modern-day world, 2000 years later, a lot of religious people still love going to church.

They love entering a wooden, stone, or brick building once a week so they feel good about doing something religious even if they never change their inner sinful natures.  Hum.

There are billions of people around the globe who enter a Christian church every week just like the people who entered a Christian church since the time of Jesus.

Does anyone really think that entering a Christian church really makes anyone a true Christian believer, or understander about the Bible, Jesus, evil, and the afterlife?

Seriously, a ‘personal relationship’ with Christ does not depend on going to a Christian church. I don't go to a church building anymore and I can absolutely state that I know more about God, Jesus, evil, and the real meaning of the Bible than most so-called Christian believers.

Plus, there is the issue of obtaining a true spiritual Christ Consciousness, which most Christian will never obtain in their lifetimes.

Are people today really that much different than the people who lived over two thousand years ago?  How about over 5,000 years ago?  How about 50,000 years ago.  All human beings need a few things in life to survive like food, water, clothes, and shelter, plus in the modern-day, smartphones, computers, etc.

If the answer is yes, they still believe the same thing today as they were believing religiously 2000 or 5000 years ago, or longer.  Isn’t there a problem with updating the true sense of Christianity to meet today’s information, knowledge, and intelligence?

There needs to be an update to change the structure of the human brain, mind, and consciousness to higher levels of spiritual consciousness instead of repeating that Jesus is God and that he is going to return to Earth one day to save believers from the end of the world.

That is such a silly notion because not only has it happened yet, but if there is an end of the world, it will happen by a nuclear war, and nothing will survive a nuclear war.

During the last two thousand years, there has been a heck of a lot of things happening in every country and nation, in so many languages, in so many cultures, all around the globe.

Yet there are Christians who still believe in the same old religious words, without acknowledging the new age of information, knowledge, and intelligence regarding not only the Bible, the man Jesus, the notion of evil, the afterlife, etc.

It is a shame that people don’t realize that there is so much more to human and earthly existence than what is stated in the Bible, even in terms of religion.

Even the notion of evil should be changed from a so-called Satan or devil to a more reasonable understanding of why people do evil things to other human beings.

Until very recently, nobody, including religious Christians knew anything about how the hardwired human brain worked and operated.  Are there tiny, tiny devils inside the human brain and mind to make evil people commit evil acts towards other human beings?  No there isn't.

So, people who knew nothing about how the hardwired human brain worked and operated, and who knew nothing about the different mental, psychological, and chemical issues and problems within the human brain and mind, they blamed it all on an invisible entity termed the devil with horns termed Satan.  Why do religious Christians believe in a personal entity called Satan?

If modern-day doctors believed in a devil with horns for all of the mental and psychological patients instead of relying on their medical understanding of how the human brain and mind worked and operated, life on planet Earth for the mentally and psychologically sick people would be horrible just like it was not too long ago.

If so-called modern-day religious Christians want to limit themselves to what is written in the Bible, which is not a history book at all, although some of it is true, then they are avoiding much of the very modern-day information, knowledge, and intelligence which might and could help them become better religious Christians, and even more spiritual in the true sense of the word.

There is not one word or phrase in the Bible that mentions all of the different states of human consciousness that modern-day human brains and minds possess, unlike those primitive human beings who were very simple-minded compared to modern-day human beings.

Instead of a very limited and fake standard of Christianity, like going to church standard of being a religious Christian, there should be a very metaphysical and spiritual standard of being a true religious Christian which does not depend on getting all dressed up in your Sunday best clothes, driving to a wooden, brick, or stone building to repeat the same words that have been spoken since the death of Jesus.

Walking in with a group of other churchgoers who are also dressed up and who have been waiting all week to dress up in their Sunday best clothes, to repeat the same religious Christian words over and over and over again for, say 2000 to the next 10,000 years of life on planet Earth does not make a religious person to be like the human man Jesus, with the Christ spiritual consciousness.

The Jewish religion and other religions too, have been repeating the same religious words for about 5,500 years, give or take a few decades just to be on the safe side.  Yet even the Jews are using smartphones every day of the week.

Why is it that religious people want to be stuck in the very old, outdated, way of thinking about a God who only listens to people in a Christian church?

There are currently very violent ‘fake religious’ people who simply repeat the exact words from an old book they have been reading. Are they too so stupid to not be able to think?  They too, are simply criminally violent people.

So here we are, where religious people are living on planet Earth, where scientific people are living on planet Earth, where non-religious, uneducated, violent lying criminals are living on planet Earth, where there are other unethical, corrupt people like violent cops, world leaders, and even one corrupt and unethical hearing lady who is living on planet Earth.

Of course, there are all sorts of people living on planet Earth, both good, bad, and evil, very evil.  Some of them go to a religious church, Christian or not a Christian church.

Many of those people will never enter a church, nor do they care about entering a church, even a Christian church.  Maybe because they like their animal nature and instincts.

But in all of these cases, God, Spirit, does not see, know, or care about the finite, limited, one-dimensional dream world of the biological realm of existence, because God, Spirit is too pure to see, know, or care about the animalistic evil nature in the human species.

But at the same time, that truth destroys the animalistic evil nature in humans and in the human species without ever seeing it, knowing it, or caring about it.  Why?  Because evil is a lie about God, Spirit.

That evil animalistic evil nature is a lie about God, Spirit, because evil seems to be so real within the realm of the human brain, mind, and consciousness.

There are animal species that are more caring, more kind, less evil than the human species.

There is no evil on Mars because there are no human beings on Mars, just as there are no evil people on the moon.

But if the human species even lives on the moon or Mars, you can bet your life that evil will be there too, especially if evil world leaders still exist; like Putin, who is an evil human being, just like Hitler, Lenin, etc.  All evil murderers of other human beings.

When the human species: real skin, bone, blood, organs, and brainy people, go to a planet called Mars which is “About 140 million miles away from planet Earth, what will happen then?  How long will it take for the evil animalistic nature in the human species to start wars on Mars?  Hopefully, a war on Mars will never happen, especially with any UFO creatures.

“How far away Mars is from Earth depends on where the two planets are in their orbits. The distance from Earth to Mars can be anywhere from 33.9 million miles (54.6 million km) to 250 million miles (401 million km). On average, the distance is about 140 million miles (225 million km) from Earth to Mars.”  (Taken from the web.)

It would take around three years to arrive at Mars.  Hum!  I am not going there, for lots of reasons.  I may not like my biological body that much anymore, not that I was a fan of it anyway, but I would rather ‘die’ or leave my biological body on a nice soft bed with a nice drink and food instead of dying on a red planet with red dust on it.  The color of blood.

Besides that, point, if people especially religious Christian believers landed on the planet Mars, and there was no church there to enter into to pray, would those religious Christian cosmic travelers need a church to pray in, or would they be so overwhelmed by their flying through the cosmic void that they would not need a religious Christian church anymore?

It would seem to me that any cosmic space traveler would experience their own religious, metaphysical, and spiritual experiences of awe just by looking out of their spacecraft or ship and realizing that there is much more to their limited, finite, biological sense of life, death, and a possible afterlife.

Leaving planet Earth in a spaceship away from planet Earth, with that human brain and soul traveling through the cosmic void must do some amazing things to the human brain and mind that realizes it is no longer stuck on Earth with their human biological body.

Of course, these questions and issues are not limited to the religious Christian believers and their churches and different ways of believing in the Christian religion, which is of course centered around the man Jesus in various ways.

It also includes all of the other religions on planet Earth.  Even non-Christians can have their own metaphysical and supernatural experiences too.

Before entering the atmosphere of Mars, people would have already known that there is no wood, or stone, or rock handy enough to build a nice church of any kind on the planet Mars.

The atmosphere of Mars does not allow for people to build churches of any religion on Mars.  But let us make believe that one day there is a Christian or any type of church on the planet Mars.

Would human beings be any closer to God, Spirit, than they were on planet Earth?  Or maybe they might think that they are farther away from the God that seems to be stuck on planet Earth in the minds of some believers.  God, Spirit, is not stuck anywhere in this cosmic space-time dimension, believe it or not.

“Mars' atmosphere however is 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and it has traces of oxygen, carbon monoxide, water, methane, and other gases, along with a lot of dust. Dust hanging in the air colors Martian skies tan in photos taken from the surface. Relative to Earth, the air on Mars is extremely thin.”  (Taken off the web.)

But looking out from outer space, the moon, or Mars onto planet Earth would one way or another way would indeed lead to some awe-inspiring religious and metaphysical experiences within the human mind. Or not. Maybe people would be more lost than ever.

To no longer be stuck on planet Earth.  Only to be stuck inside a space suit and spaceship would be the new prison for some people, just like being stuck inside a limited, finite human box, room, or building in the sense of the human body being stuck inside something, instead of the God, Spirit that is never stuck in anything.

What do those human spacewalkers who are stuck inside their spaceships and space suits think about while they are floating around in the empty void of cosmic space-time?

Do they think about God at all?  Or do they think about staying alive?  Is life and death different to them as they glare down on planet Earth knowing that Earth has so many evil people on it?

Do they think something different than the people who are trapped inside a church who are worshiping the man Jesus?  I left my human brain and body, and I have traveled into outer space at least 6 different times, as some of you have in my other essays.

I once talked about my out of body and galaxy story to a young red-haired male.  He asked me something like, “So how do you feel about life on Earth now?”

I looked at him and I could not answer the question.  But maybe I answered it above, for the moment.

So there it is, folks, a main point of departure from the normal external and objective religious experience and practice of the Christian religion which depends on the human man Jesus who lived 2000 years ago.

And the internal and subjective religious experience and practice by any true religious Christian believers and practitioners depends on what happens within the brain, mind, and consciousness of every human being on planet Earth.  And even in outer space too.

A true religious transformation happens within the human brain, mind, and consciousness.  It does not happen within the walls of a building called a church, although it may begin inside the walls of a church especially for children.

Some religious people have clearly stated to me that they believe in Jesus as their savior so they can get to a place called heaven.  Some of them truly believe in Jesus outwardly or externally, but inwardly or internally, they are the same hardwired human brain, mind, and consciousness the moment before they ever heard and learned of the human man Jesus. Since the day they were born.

Just knowing that there was a human man named Jesus and reading about his life, death, etc. does not mean you are saved from anything, including death, even if you like to repeat Christian words.  Any real Christian knows that being a true Christian is a metaphysical and spiritual event, words or no words.

Is that a true sense of a real sense of Christianity?  Or not?  Should a real metaphysical and spiritual Christianity mean something more than simply being a good religious person?

Ok, I am going to state it, like I always do.  Are so-called religious people who are sexually perverted, like fucking each other up the ass, or sucking on cock, or committing violent crimes on innocent, defenseless, and helpless people Christians?  Or what about taking drugs to screw up and damage their brains?

There is a huge place for being normal on planet Earth if a person is a real Christian, as is stated in the Bible’s New Testament in their way.  Of course, they are not, no matter how many times they go to a Christian church.

How about those people who screw up by damaging their human biological bodies and brains by smoking, taking dangerous drugs, drinking the wrong liquids?  A real Christian would respect their human body and brain with the most care in the world.

People can state that perverted sex is normal, but it isn’t normal.

Sex is for many human babies, but people have sex for all sorts of reasons like they think it is fun, they make money from it, they are bored with life, they want to experiment, they are confused about life, or they like living in a mental dream of the sensual sexual world of believing that their biological human bodies give pleasure.

Human beings must understand a very important point about sex in general and perverted sex specifically.  It all begins within the human brain, mind, and consciousness.

In other words, it is a mental dream world which does not exist in spiritual reality.  It is a wrong state of material, biological consciousness.  It has nothing to do with higher levels of spiritual consciousness.

But any true Christian who reads the Bible, especially the New Testament will realize that the biological human body and sex is an important aspect of the Christian religion.

Why?  You may ask yourselves.  It is a big thing in the Adam and Eve story if you understand what it means metaphysically and spiritually.

The Adam and Eve story and sex is about the story of error, or the wrong sense of a material and physical God termed the Lord God.

Having sex does not make anyone a Christian.  On the contrary. Sex is the complete opposite of the spiritual man made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit.  The old writers of the Bible knew that, so they needed symbols to express it in the Adam and Eve story.

Well, on a human level, what is the true purpose of having 1,000 or 10,000 one-night stands with strangers?  Some people may think that it is fun and exciting until they get an STD which they could die from.  But really, isn’t most abnormal sex disgusting if you think about it?

The true sense of the religion of Christianity is more than simply believing in the human man Jesus who lived 2000 years ago, and going to a wooden, stone, or brick building to proclaim your love and passion for a man who lived 2000 years ago.  There is more to Jesus than his life story.

The true sense of a metaphysical and spiritual Christianity is to obtain a true inner metaphysical and spiritual mind and consciousness even as you have to use your human brain to begin the process of obtaining it.  The human brain is so complex it can be used to begin a spiritual journey now.

Is taking drugs, even legal drugs, and having even legal sex going to help anyone to obtain the metaphysical and spiritual consciousness that Jesus possessed?  No, it isn’t.

Jesus wasn’t a druggie or a sex-crazed human being.  Even the human Jesus was pure from human shit.

The human Jesus was tempted by many things, but he never gave in to the ‘devil’s suggestions.”

I was watching the Netflix series ‘The Lincoln Lawyer.'

There are a lot of players or characters in the series or any criminal movie.  There are the good and normal people who are the victims, the criminals, the cops, the judges, and the jury.  Then there are the evil people.

What stood out in this series is that the judge was very ethical and moral, legally, by all legal standards.  Which would be the normal and natural thing to do in real life or a movie/series.  She was not emotional, unethical, unfair, irrational, illogical, and a dumb blind, evil blond bimbo who might wear a G-string on the weekend.

But what if she was an emotional, unethical, unfair, irrational, illogical, corrupt, dumb blind, bimbo, who treated the violent criminals who use perjury on paper and in court with more respect because she is just like those criminals, as her inner nature.

What if this judge or hearing lady was not ethical, moral, or simply a bad, stupid, ignorant emotional, and corrupt judge?  And they went to a religious Christian church every Sunday.  And they were true believers in the human man Jesus so they could get to a place called heaven in the afterlife.

But they didn’t care who they sent to jail or prison for their reasons, normally termed biases.  How is it that in America and especially in the state of California there are so many corrupt, unethical, immoral, stupid people in the legal system?  I have experienced it myself.

Honestly, I think that the court system in America is like the court systems in China and Russia, and in other nations that are even worse than China and Russia.  Corrupt up to the eyeballs.

“What is a simple definition of bias?

“A tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly.”  (Taken off the web.)

Recently, I had an experience where I was falsely accused of something I did not do by uneducated, poor, unethical, immoral, and hateful people, including a two-time violent felon two strike ex-convict, in the legal sense of the word.

It was a complete lie.  It never happened.  Why would have never happened, you may ask yourselves?

First of all, I would never do what I was accused of, but second, as most of you know, I have been taking chemo-pills for CLL cancer since February 2022, and other drugs that have put my brain and body out of normal working order except it seems to be walking and writing.

I still try to walk every day even if I feel really tired and sick, which is why I take some strong painkillers that you cannot buy over the counter.

I used to climb mountains, jog, bike, etc. so my legs just can’t stop doing it because if you have been doing certain exercises, you can’t just stop it.  Your biological body will simply die faster.

I guess that I can sit down in a chair with my brain and mind on powerful drugs and use my fingers to type words to write an essay a week for one year.  Otherwise, I am really tired most of the time, which is why caffeine is so nice to drink, along with other energy drinks and pills.

I was in front of what I now consider a dumb, blind, bimbo, emotional, unethical, irrational, illogical, and evil-hearing lady who did not believe me when I explained by writing and verbal speech that I was dealing with CLL cancer and chem., along with other medical conditions.

I think she hated my guts because I wore a three-piece suit with a nice tie.  I was so good-looking that she could not stand it.  I don't think she could take her eyes off of my great looks and personality.

Along with the fact that it was very obvious that I was educated, respectful, etc., unlike the two-time convicted criminal who had lied on paper, committing perjury both on paper and in court.

I used the word perjury too, to this evil hearing lady.  But she did not care about the truth regarding this stupid case.  It was so stupid for so many reasons.  But she did not care at all about the truth because she is an ex-ADA who likes to send people to prison.  It is part of her inner nature.

Anyway, I even sent her a letter from my cancer doctor and a copy of the latest cancer pill receipt that arrives at my house every month. And she still did not believe my medical condition.

She believed a lying criminally violent two-time convict, but not me, after he and his family members committed perjury on paper and in court.  But only in California, where there is no law.  I have been told that there is no law in the state of New York too.  America is going to hell.

Maybe Trump can save America before it is too late.

On a personal note, I am not a drug user like potheads and other druggies.  I have to take certain legal drugs because I want to stay alive for as long as possible. includes the brain and body very sick and tired all at the same time.  I don’t like it, but I have no other choice unless I want to die, humanly.

So anyway, I wrote my case in various ways to the hearing lady, and she didn’t care about my human and earthly condition.  She did not care about the facts of the case no matter how stupid and ridiculous they were from the liars who made up their stories about me in the tiny town I currently live in.  I have discovered that many people lie every day of the week.  Very bad.

She did not even believe that I was taking chem. pills even after I sent her a copy of my current chem. pill bottle and receipt from the pharmacy.  She thought I was faking CLL cancer when I was really tired and sick whenever I was in front of her in the courtroom.

If only she knew how sick and tired I was she would have dismissed the case immediately.  Now, I call her the blind, dumb, blond bimbo hearing lady.  Too bad!  I made a formal complaint against her in that courthouse.  Now I am making a bigger complaint against her with the state of California.

What is the point?  The point is that IF the hearing ‘judge’ lady considered herself to be a so-called religious Christian who goes to a Christian church once a week, and she might believe in the human man named Jesus, but she doesn't care about the truth in all of her legal cases?

Is she a true religious Christian if she goes to church once a week and believes in the human Jesus? While she is wearing a G-string to show off her thin butt muscles. What a trip that is!

And then she goes to a courtroom and defends uneducated, lying, unethical, violent convicted criminals over people who are not criminals, but who are highly educated and good for society, while wearing her black court robe with a possible G-string underneath her black legal robe.  She seems to be the type, I guess.

Just to be very clear, that is partly a hypothetical case because I do not know if judges or hearing people are religious Christians or if they go to a religious Christian church once a week, or if they wear a G-string under their black robes. It might be good for a movie.

My point is that people who have to make very serious, legal, moral, and ethical decisions every day of every week as their job, and who also consider themselves religious Christians, but who are unethical in their job, of making the correct decisions regarding innocent people, like the case in the Netflix series, ‘The Lincoln Lawyer.’

There was an innocent victim in the series which the defense lawyer was defending.  But the female judge in the Netflix series, ‘The Lincoln Lawyer.’ was probably not wearing a G-string under her black court legal robe while she was talking and making legal decisions based on the law and not her emotional biases.

The judge in ‘The Lincoln Lawyer’ was trying to make the correct legal, moral, and ethical decisions in the series.  I found that to be very interesting after the BS treatment I experienced in a courtroom in the screwed-up state of California where violent criminals get away with perjury, among other crimes in a courtroom like making a semi-threat violent against me which is a crime by itself.

It is just unbelievable how a person with a law degree can be so unethical, unjust, unfair, stupid, blind, ignorant, stupid, irrational, and illogical in a courtroom. But hey, she wears a G-string on stage to show off her thin muscles on her butt to get an award for it.

But you know what my dear readers, it is the same type of people who will be voting in less than two weeks.  They will vote wrong because they are uneducated, stupid, dumb, blind, emotional people who want to believe what they want to believe because of their inner nature.

They do not care about the future of America, a nation that has many enemies in the world.

They do not see nor understand the big global issues and problems and enemies in the world.

What about very rich people? If they go to a Christian church once a week?  Are they true religious Christians who want a metaphysical and spiritual inner consciousness, or are they fake Christians who like to hang out with other fake Christians?

The world needs educated and worldly people who know how to deal with, earn, make, and most importantly, handle all of the different realms of money.

Money, economics, finance, etc. are all different parts of how the world works and operates.  Money moves the world, or at least part of it anyway. Money can make people very evil in so many different ways. Remember that movie 'Fargo." Those last lines.

But money is not a metaphysical and spiritual thing either.  Money, economics, finance, etc. is the way of the world.  It is not the way of God, Spirit.  People need to earn money.  Money is a very big problem in today’s America.  People in government don’t care about its citizens, at all.

For the sake of a case study, which by the way, (case studies) are used in all sorts of legal, business, philosophical, religious, and other university classes.  Usually, people or students in these university classes have to write about each case study and hand it in for a grade each day for each class.  That is one of the ways I got through one degree in a university.  I could write.

Anyway, if a person is a born-again religious Christian, or they go to a Christian church once a week, but their whole life is built and organized around making money, isn’t their outward or external sense of being a religious Christian not the same thing as a person who makes a lot of money but who is a true religious Christian within his brain, mind, and consciousness?

I am going to throw in another case that includes all of the world leaders around the globe. it is the world's politicians.

There are a lot of world leaders who might confess to be religious Christians outwardly and externally, but inwardly and internally they are simply power-hungry people who do not care who they have to hurt, kill, or murder, simply to obtain more political power in the nation they are the leaders of in today’s modern-day world.

I should not have to name any or all of the world leaders who care more about having political power versus spiritual power no matter how much they confess to being a religious Christian to the world or nation or country they are leaders of during their time and life on Earth.

If a world leader, like Putin for example, goes to church once a week, yet he has millions of people killed, murdered, or simply making them hungry enough to want to give up and die, isn’t he more evil than a real metaphysical and spiritual Christian, no matter how many times he goes to a Christian church in his lifetime.

The point with all of these case studies is that there are a lot of wordy Christians who profess to be a Christian by going to a Christian church once a week, or who simply state that they believe in Jesus, or that they are born again, but they continue to live their life for either good or bad, normal or abnormal, right or wrong, just like all of the non-believers or the non-religious Christians of the world.

Does going to a religious Christian church once a week make anyone a true Christian?

What is a true religious Christian in the first place?

Well, there is the human way of thinking about being a Christian, but then there is the metaphysical and spiritual way of being a religious Christian.

What is the human way of being a religious Christian?

Isn’t being a good human being the first start and rule for being a true religious Christian?

If you are a bad person whether you are a religious Christian or not, just stating that you are a religious Christian means nothing whatsoever.

People who state that they simply believe in the human man Jesus does not make anyone a true religious Christian, even from a human standpoint.

That is the way it has been for 2000 years or since the day Jesus lived and died.  His first followers probably knew the metaphysical and spiritual truths that are in the Bible, but those metaphysical and spiritual truths got lost somewhere along the way after his followers died.

In essence, true metaphysical and spiritual truths are all mental and spiritual concepts.  They are not material and physical concepts like the material and physical laws of physics, astrophysics, etc., which by the way, always seem to lead to metaphysical questions by the material and physical scientists.

Believe it or not, there are metaphysical and spiritual laws that influence the human brain, mind, and consciousness that help ascend each human being and the human species or mankind higher and higher up the scale of consciousness for the betterment of the human species.

Currently, there is a battle between the dualistic mental sense of reality of what being a true religious Christian is; whether the world sees and recognizes it in the external, outward sense of being a true religious Christian versus the internal, inward sense of being a true Christian which based on true metaphysical and spiritual values instead of repeating words for decades or thousands of years.

Simply believing in the human man Jesus is not only a false sense of religious Christianity but it does not change a human being into a true metaphysical and spiritual religious Christian within the brain, mind, and consciousness of any true religious Christian believer, experiencer, and practitioner.

In the Gospel of John in the New Testament, Jesus stated that a man has to be reborn or born again to see the kingdom of God or heaven.  (Chapter 3:3.)

Going inside a church, staying for an hour, and then leaving a church building does not constitute being reborn or being born again in the image and likeness of God, Spirit.

Being born again, or being reborn means knowing yourself as an idea, image or likeness in the Mind of God, not the human mind.

Spiritual, Spirit, and not a material biological body.

Not being imprisoned inside a biological human body with five physical senses.  Soul. But being an sinnles unchangeable identity within the realm of God, Spirit.

Understanding God as an infinite Principle demonstrates itself as Life, not birth and death, or space and time, or even an afterlife.

As Truth, and not a human truth, or a limited, biological state of consciousness.  But a spiritual self-consciousness where God, the infinite One is only consciousness of itself.

As divine, infinite Love, or as a complete spiritual realm of spiritual perfection where the divine motherhood of Love is perfect. All of the time, in matter what space and time dimension you happen to live in.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!