This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Essay 31 - 2024. Space and Time in the Cosmic Universe, Christianity, Science, Metaphysics, Consciousness. Comparative Mental Concepts of Space and Time. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. August 2, 2024.

Essay 31 - 2024.  Space and Time in the Cosmic Universe, Christianity, Science, Metaphysics, Consciousness.

Comparative Mental Concepts of Space and Time.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

Happy Birthday, Dad. Wherever you are!

August 2, 2024.

Plus, A Bonus.

Where is God, Spirit, in all of these different realms of space and time?

Every human being knows from the moment they are born to the moment they die that they live within the external realms of space and time on planet Earth.  At least on a biological and material or physical realm of earthly existence.  But there is more than the external realms of space and time.  There are also the mental and psychological realms of space and time.

In the mental and psychological states of existence, there are different realms of space and time even though they are not recognized most of the time.  Why?  Because space and time are also programmed into our human brains and minds from birth, so they are stuck within our human brains and minds as absolute states of reality.  But are they real at all?

But an interesting question is this.  How many different states or mental concepts of space and time are there even in the limited mental realm of the human mind, ... which may not be so limited as you might think it might be?

If you think about it, for example, there are at least a few different areas of life, of human life that have different mental concepts of space and time.  For instance, there is the cosmic universal sense of space and time.  We can see it with our human eyes and brain.

We know that there is the sun out there in space and it is moving within a realm of time because it not only has a beginning and it will have an end, but it moves according to a certain speed and at a certain distance which equates to the mathematical concept of time.

We all know that there is our planet out there in space too, even though most people do not think that is in space because we are living on the planet, and we do not view from outer space like the people or astronauts who are living on the International Space Station.  They see Earth as rotating in space along with the other space junk, planets, and moons. Etc.

Most people do not try to imagine or visualize that mental concept of space and time like astrophysicists and cosmologists.  That is ok because if everyone walked on planet Earth only thinking about the cosmic sense of space and time, they might not be thinking about their own human sense of space and time, especially if they are driving a car down the road or flying an airplane.

People who fly airplanes are experiencing space and time within their minds and in their biological bodies.  Once a person sits behind in the seat of an airplane and is in control of it, they experience the sense that nothing is holding them or sticking their feet to the ground even if they know that the airplane will soon crash to the ground if their pilot mind or the airplane does something wrong.

Flying small, beginner airplanes, can really feel the external realm of space and time.  They can never forget it because that memory is stuck within their mind forever.

There is the mental concept of space and time related to the planet Earth because everyone knows that this planet is revolving around the sun even though we do not feel it like we do when flying the smallest of airplanes.

The Earth revolves around space, a cosmic space, a void of nothingness it seems to the untrained eye. We all know that Earth is a planet that had a beginning, and it will have an end which means that the birthday parties for Earth will one day stop when the candles on the sun stop blowing their light to it.

The birthday parties for each human being will end much sooner than the birthday parties for the sun.

The Earth rotates around the sun in certain time periods, even though we do not feel it or even sense that concept of time except by the four seasons for some people at least.

The four seasons can be experienced musically by those violin masters who play their violins faster than the Earth is traveling around the sun I might guess.  They play their violins to express the powerful sound waves of the classical musical composition 'The Four Seasons,' with its jam-packed sound waves that fly through space at a certain time to go into our human ear and then to the human brain.

People do not think about the violin sound waves traveling through space for a certain amount of time into their consciousness.  They simply want to listen to the beautiful sound waves that a master violin player can produce to make classical music lovers very happy.

I once took a hearing test for the military a very long time ago.  They told me that my hearing was way above normal to a very high degree.  I did not want to be stuck in a submarine listening to dings for 12 hours a day.

I don’t think they would have made me a rifle soldier because my hearing was too good for that sort of soldier work.  Maybe, I would have worked on the communications equipment.  The other soldiers could do all of the shooting.  Would I have been able to listen to classical music on my military radio box I wonder?  When the shooting was over?

There is the sense of space and time related to the human species and all biological life on planet Earth.  Human beings walk through the space that exists above the ball-shaped Earth.  They walk through time and space with the speed of their legs and with the speed of the rotating Earth.  It takes a certain amount of time to walk through the space between one end of the street to the other end of the street.

Today, I was walking after drinking a very small amount of an energy drink, along with a pre-pain killer pain so my brain would not feel pain if my legs started to die on me.  At the end of the walk, I was looking down the street while still standing on two legs.  I stopped and looked down the street to the end of it.

I looked at my watch and I noticed where the long arm of the watch was before I started walking.  Step, step, step, step, down the block.  When I arrived at the end, I looked at my watch to see how much time it took for me to walk through space between points A and B.  How many people do that for the fun of it?

My African Grey parrot was watching me do all of that space and time and watch stuff, but he had no idea what I was doing.  Does anyone think my parrot knew what I was doing?  People called pilots have to look at their watches and dials in their airplanes so they can calculate how much time left in the air to fly in space, or how much gas is left in the gas tank.

Parrots and other birds do not need a watch and dials to know how much time they have left to fly through space because they do not need gasoline.

Parrots and other birds are built to fly through space at their speed through distances that involve time.  They have developed that skill and ability over hundreds of millions of years of practice, flying through space and time, with their sense of speed, time and space.  They can look farther into space with their sharp vision.  Better than humans can do it.

Some human beings can fly through space and time at a certain speed when they leave their human bodies.  That is called astral projection.  I have astrally projected or exited my own human biological body to outside this galaxy.
Let us keep that personal secret to ourselves because nobody would believe us if you told them a very unique human being still walks the Earth to this day.

My spirit traveled faster than the speed of light into outer space beyond this galaxy six or seven times.  At least.  I saw either this galaxy or another galaxy before I was forced back into my human brain.   There I was, stuck somewhere in outer space, glaring down at another galaxy before I was forced back into my human brain.
You know.  Now, when I walk on planet Earth among mere mortals, I know that I am different for lots of reasons.  One of them is that I have already traveled to outer space by way of astral projection.

My human brain felt a little ache when I returned to my biological brain.  I have some new theories about what happens at the moment of death for some people.  Honestly, I think I asked for it because I was doing a cosmic mental visualization just for the fun of it.  But I was not trying or asking to escape my human brain or body to exit this galaxy.  It just happened.  But since I have died and returned to Earth like a supernatural creature, I have become used to supernatural experiences.

From a common sense realm of earthly existence, people know that the Earth has been around for around 1.5 billion circling the Sun.  Some people who work and are employed in the intellectual field of different cosmic topics and research experience a cosmic consciousness more than the people who never think about it.  Or who have never looked through a telescope or flown in a cosmic flying machine.

“What is the history of Earth?

The Earth formed over 4.6 billion years ago out of a mixture of dust and gas around the young sun. It grew larger thanks to countless collisions between dust particles, asteroids, and other growing planets, including one last giant impact that threw enough rock, gas, and dust into space to form the moon.”  (Taken off the web.)

Wow, I think to myself.  And here I am a conscious human being who can think about the past and even be conscious of Earth’s past too.  We all can be aware of the history of the Earth, but what about the future of the Earth, and more importantly, the future of the human species?

It is very sad to think that the current human species could be self-destroyed in a matter of minutes by all of the modern-day nuclear bombs.  In a matter of seconds, all life on Earth could be destroyed in a matter of minutes.  After Earth has been around for billions of years.  Life on Earth has been around for billions of years, yet humans could destroy it all in minutes.  What a shame!

Simply Gone.  Not by God Almighty.  But by stupid and evil human beings.

We can and are conscious of our limited human egos that look like a biological body that is stuck walking on Earth unless we are flying in an airplane through space and time, around a planet called Earth that is also flying through a cosmic space and time, that is rotating around a sun that is also flying around in circles in a huge galaxy.

Just think about that.  Believe it or not, our human brains and minds are already flying through different realms of space and time and speed in various ways at this very minute, at this very second.  Einstein would remark to that statement, "I told you so!"

It is amazing to think that in one mental scope of imagery, the human mind can simultaneously look back into space and time, in the now of space and time, and into the future of space and time to think about the different and various realms of space, time, and speed that are happening simultaneously in the different realms of space, time, and speed.

There is the history of the cosmic universe, planet Earth, of plant and aquatic life, and of biological life, all flying around in the cosmic universe or realm of nothingness, around the sun.

It is all happening within the realm of a cosmic space-time dimension, on a planet that has its own space and time dimensions, with human beings who also have their own space and time dimensions, and better yet, the human mind and consciousness that have its own space and time dimensions.  Which by the way, can be unlimited if you understand and know enough.

But don’t hurry about it yet, because once you have astral traveled to outside this galaxy the way I have, you don’t return the same person as when your ‘spirit’ left Earth.

And it is all happening simultaneously for everything, in the same moment of space and time.

To possess a mental history of the planet Earth that is spinning around the sun is to think mentally to imagine the planet forming by all of the atomic elements and the physical elements all coming together to create a planet out of nothing.

A planet that had no existence at all until something happened to cause the planet Earth to begin its very long process of preparing for life on it.

And then, something happened on the rock called Earth.  Probably by luck or chance, or some people would state by a grand cosmic design that popped the first cell into existence, into a small body of water somewhere to cause the very long process of cellular life, aquatic life, or life in the waters on Earth.  Did God, Spirit say let there be fishes, or was it the God of the cosmic universe?

Then slowly but surely, a fish stepped out of the water to walk on land to become the very first creature to start the very long process of biological evolution and development up to and including the thinking human brain and mind.

It seems almost too easy to think about it because it is easy to think about the history of planet Earth rolling around the sun through space and time for over 4.5 billion years allowing the relationship between the sun and planet Earth.

 A trained geologist would see and understand all of the magic in the rocks that lay hidden or out in the open to study the history of space and time within the planet by the study of rocks, stones, etc.  I am glad someone does it because someone has to do it.

The Earth travels through the external cosmic space and time, around the sun as if all life on it was mostly unaware of the processes by which cosmic space and time affect Earth and all living creatures.

Until the modern-day sciences started to discover and explain all of the details and laws of cosmic space and time existence and the relationship between all of the parts that are working for the good of the whole universe of space-time, as Einstein stated.

The other modern-day materialistic and physical scientists started to discover and explain all of the details of life on Earth, planet life, aquatic life, biological life, etc.

On a planet that is always moving and revolving around a nuclear ball of constant nuclear energy.  Who knew that there was and is so much happening within the external realms of space and time?

Of course, not all people knew that they are living on a planet that is circling around a big ball of nuclear energy.  They did not know that it was a big ball of nuclear energy until very recently.  Would it make any difference if they knew what the sun was, or what space and time was just for the fun of possessing the knowledge of it?  Probably not.

Of course, understanding planet life has been recent and exciting for many reasons. Someone a long time ago probably realized that plant life communicated in many ways throughout the forest and to each other. And that plant life possessed its own sense of intelligence too.

The next step was to understand the relationship between the waters on planet Earth and all of the aquatic life in the seas, oceans, ponds, rivers on Earth, and the sun.  The sun brought light, heat, and energy to all of the plants and aquatic life on Earth.  It still seems like a magical event.

And then mammals arrived on planet Earth which caused the next relationship between the sun and all of the creatures termed mammals, which are warm-blooded creatures.  The cold-blooded creatures like the reptiles need the heat, energy, and light from the sun to survive each day.

During the very long process of the sun’s heat, light, energy helping aquatic life, plant life, and mammal life to progress slowly for billions and then hundreds of millions of Earth years up to the very moment you are reading this essay, could any of those creatures have known that all biological life could come to an end in a matter of minutes by nuclear weapons, destroying billions of years of aquatic, plant, and biological evolution and development in a matter of seconds?

Today's modern-day nuclear weapons could probably destroy all life on Earth in less than a matter of seconds.

It seems easy to think about it.  Or at least to understand and to know about the simple aspects of space and time, concepts related to planet Earth and to all creatures living on it.

And then up until very recently, say for the last 400 years of modern-day science, there were all sorts of different pagan gods human beings believed in because they did not know anything about the modern-day sciences, which in many regards have become the god to the modern-day era of the human species or mankind.

Honestly, I think that people wanted to believe in an invisible God because they realized that worshipping material pieces of wood, stone, animals, and people was plainly dumb, stupid, and ridiculous.

Of course, there were thinkers over 2000 years ago, and even back during the time of the Egyptians because it should be very obvious that whoever built their pyramids were not dumb morons who did not know anything about building the pyramids and their other monuments.

Honestly, it is really too much to think about how they could have built the pyramids.  Some people do think about it to figure out and discover how it was done.  I hope they solve the mysteries surrounding it sometime before I leave Earth for good.

It is very easy to state that those people knew something about the external concepts of space and time on Earth and out there in the cosmic universe.

People have known about the four seasons because not only is it straightforward to figure out that there are only four seasons every year when you are stuck in them every day of your earthly life.

Spring, summer, fall, and winter.  The space and time of spring, summer, fall, and winter.  Every year is like a clock, endlessly circling around and around and around.  Oh yes, it was a clock in many regards, but that natural clock was out there, external from the biological clock within the human biological body.

The sun and the moon are always up there in space, rotating like another clock for all creatures on planet Earth.  They are part of the natural clock system to let all creatures know that it is time to go to bed or to sleep, to enter the mental night dream world of sleep where space and time become a completely different thing to people who know how to dream in the mental dream worlds of space and time, external from the human brain.

There has been so much human history since the human species arrived on planet Earth that not all of it could be recorded for modern-day human beings to understand the historical past of the human species.  But there is enough to get a general idea of how everyone lived very far back into the past of space and time in human history.

Ok then.  So far, we have cosmic space and time, the planet Earth in and revolving around that space and time, life on Earth in and revolving around the external space and time near the sun in this galaxy, which is revolving around itself as a cosmic state of speedy existence.

Then there is the space and time universe of all life on Earth having a beginning and end, meaning existing in its own space and time realm of existence, along with each human being also existing in their own individual space and time realm of existence which might seem the same for everyone, but I do not think it is, at least for some people.

For some people, their personalized mental concept of space and time is definitely different from the general normal human being’s mental concept of space and time.  But that being stated, isn’t it true that each creature, each plant, dinosaur, fly, fish, bug, animal, and mammal are all living in the here and now of each individual state of existence, within their own sense of space and time?

Meaning, isn’t it true, that no matter what has happened in the past for anyone, the only thing that is left of those past moments are only memories, and nothing really solid, like a rock.  All past moments are mental images of something that happened, but which is no longer an event.  It is only a dream world which is the topic of many psychological courses.

Moreover, there are billions of waking and sleeping mental dream worlds that exist and that are taking place all at once on a planet that is moving and revolving around in a state of nothingness, (it seems) around a very hot nuclear ball of nuclear energy, light, heat, etc.

Therefore, there are billions of mental and psychological human dream worlds that exist and taking place all at once on a planet that is moving and revolving around a very hot ball of nuclear energy, light, heat, etc.

I bet you have thought about those concepts, have you?

And part of those mental and psychological dream worlds within each human being are taking place in multi-states of mind and dimensions of human consciousness, although for some human beings, they are more aware of it than other human beings.

They might not experience these different states and dimensions of consciousness because they are either not aware of them consciously or they, their individual state of consciousness is only living within the one-dimensional state of biological consciousness.

Isn’t it amazing to think, wonder, and ponder about?

A sun in a galaxy moving and revolving inside that galaxy.  A planet with life and conscious life that is moving and revolving around that sun that is moving and revolving around in a galaxy in outer space.  Then there conscious and sub-conscious mental dreams worlds that seem to be stuck within side each human being’s hardwired human brain.

Are these billions of mental dream worlds that seem to be stuck within the billions of human beings' hardwired brains really stuck within the human hardwired human brain, that is itself moving and revolving on a planet that is itself moving and revolving around on the sun that is itself moving and revolving around inside a cosmic galaxy that is also moving and revolving around in a realm of space that appears to be the space of nothingness?

Are all of these 7-8 billion of conscious and sub-conscious mental dream worlds really located only in a human hard-wired brain that is stuck on a planet that is stuck moving and revolving around the sun, that is moving and revolving around within a cosmic galaxy?

I hope that I am forcing you all to see the division or separation between the humanly conscious and subconscious dream worlds that may or may not be located in the same exact cosmic universe or planet simply because the earthly world state of existence appears to be the only realm of absolute existence.

If there is more to life and existence than the basic appearance of a biological creature termed a human being with a brain, stuck on a solid rock called Earth, that is moving and revolving around a sun that is located in this cosmic universe of nothingness, in a galaxy, then more and more people should learn and figure what those other dimensions of existence are by obtaining a multi-dimensional state of consciousness.

What is more important for the salvation of each human being from their own limited ignorance and stupidity of what they seem to be from a single, one-dimensional state of biological consciousness, or ascending above that single state of consciousness to a true spiritual state of consciousness?

Can 7-8 billion human beings begin to think that there is more to life within the deeper levels of metaphysical meanings of life when thinking and being conscious of higher and different realms of existence with a multi-dimensional realm of consciousness?

While living on planet Earth, every human being looked up to the sky wondering what was up there.  Some of them believed that there were human gods up there and then some of them believed that there was a God up there somewhere beyond the light blue sky, far away in somewhere in the empty darkness of the cosmic universe. But none of was true. So, what is true?

I got a note the other day. It read, "Gravity is god." Hum!

The Material Sciences.

In a sense, all of the material and physical sciences are also part of the space and time within human development.  The material and physical sciences started at least two thousand years ago, but probably longer.  And they continue to this day to make life very different than human life was not too long ago.

For the most part, as it seems in this essay, religion and all religions exist within the dimension of space and time because space and time are where all human beings exist, live, and operate.

But what if there was a religion that was above space and time? What if there is a religion that is beyond the limited human concepts of space and time. that would be something.

A God that was outside space and time but influencing space and time anyway.

Whereas space and time itself, especially cosmic space and time are studied probably more by human scientists who love studying the external world of cosmic space and time, while most of them probably do not care about the common notion of religion, meaning God, Jesus, heaven and hell, etc.  They seem to have arrived at more understanding about space and time than at any time during human history.  Good for them.

But hugely, the physical and material sciences have overcome a certain sense of space and time in their own way, in the human realm of existence because in a moment, for example, messages from one computer or smartphone can be transmitted up to a satellite, and down to another computer or smartphone in an instant, less than a second it seems to anyone who sends messages.

What used to take days or months or longer now takes only a second or less.  That means that the time it took to send a message has been shorten.   So short as to state that there is no time in sending a message for the larger meaning and sense of time, at least in the grand scheme of time.

If you think about space and time differently, you will start to realize that there are many different aspects to space and time in all realms of life.  The modern-day realm of material sciences has made the different realms of space and time more understandable to our human mind and consciousness.

Not only do the physical and astrophysical realms of space and time affect how the human mind views the cosmic realm of space and time, which is very different than the pre-modern-day human mind view of it because they only possessed a very limited mental view of the cosmic space and time universe, but how those mental concepts affect the concepts of religion too.

That means that the very structure of the human consciousness is a completely different mental viewpoint and consciousness when thinking and imagining the cosmic realm of space and time, compared to the older generations of human beings who had a very limited mental visual image of space and time.

Even in religion, especially the Christianity religion for America and other nations who have a lot of Christians, the human realm of space and time applies to Christianity in different ways.  During the year, very specific dates are set aside for very specific religious purposes in the calendar of time.

In the realm of space and time on Earth, the Christian movement started in a pinprick farm stable (or the story goes.) in a teeny, tiny, little town they started to spread over the world very fast after it got started.

The Christian religion started to invade geographical space all over the globe.  Soon enough, it was spread out all around the globe, the globe being a physical realm of space as well as a human realm of space.

The Religion of Christianity.

Then there came the religion of Christianity.  The Christian religion began after the birth, life, and death of Jesus who preached different ways of God, life, and living, compared to the beliefs of the old-time Jews.  Then began the battle between the old-time Jewish religion and the new Christian religion.  Even up to this day in the year 2024, there is a separation between the Jewish and Christian religions.

Then arrived the battle between the Roman pagan gods and the one true God that the newly formed Christians claimed existed which might have seemed to a more real God since most of the Roman pagan gods probably seemed stupid even for uneducated and unthinking people.

Then there is the sense of space and time related to the religions, but to the specific human religion termed Christianity.  Christianity had a beginning, and it might have an end one day.

Yes.  It might have an end because something better might arrive to save the day to advance the collective human species to a higher plane of spiritual existence to help save humanity from its own self-destruction.

But these new and higher states of spiritual existence and consciousness should be used by the Christian religion because unlike most, if not all of the other humanized religions, the Christian religion is not only based a lot on Jesus and Paul’s statements, either spoken or written, but the Christian religion as a whole has done much good to help the poor, sick, homeless, dying, etc.

Since the Christian religion had a beginning, there is a space and time element to that religion because there is a very specific time it started and maybe there will be a very specific time or date when it will officially end if it is ever taken over by a new and higher sense of religion, namely a true spiritual consciousness, and all that means. Or a Science of Being.’ which was termed by Max Kappeler.

The ‘Science of Being’ deals with understanding the four levels of spiritual consciousness, and the spiritual laws that exist on each level or plane of the one spiritual consciousness which some people consider to be God, a spiritual God, and not the material body of Jesus.

He wrote a book titled, 'The Four Levels of Spiritual Consciousness."

Just for the record and your information, if you understand the ‘Science of Being,’ within its four spiritual levels of spiritual existence, you will begin to overcome your sense of space and time, at least to a certain degree.

Why? Because understanding spiritual laws that are applied to your consciousness is a transformational experience for you.

I could never understand nor believe that the biological body of the human Jesus could ever be considered God in the flesh.  If the human man named Jesus possessed a higher realm of spiritual consciousness, while he lived among uneducated, mortal, and body-worshipping people during his lifetime, would not that higher realm of spiritual Christ consciousness which he claimed to be his own individual Christ consciousness be termed God, instead of his skin and bone biological body?

Should not everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike desire to obtain a true spiritual consciousness before they die?

This week, the concept of time and space of Christianity started after I listened to The Great Courses lectures on ‘The World Religions: Christianity.’ by Professor Luke Timothy Johnson who holds two Master's Degrees and a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies.

I have been thinking about the different realms of space and time for some time now, even since I was a young boy, like a lot of young boys and girls, especially in the modern-day age of science.

But I never thought about space and time in how they relate to the religion of Christianity, or any religion.  Religions have a beginning and sometimes they have an end too, even if it takes thousands of human years for it to happen.

In Lecture Six, ‘The Church and Sacraments.’ (Page 21.)  Professor Johnson states, “Christianity reached into every aspect of life, finding ways of sanctifying time and space.’

“The sanctification of time was both communal and sanctifying.”

The sacraments of the church grew beyond baptism and the Eucharist to include confirmation, matrimony, hole orders, penanced, and the anointing of the sick.

2. The ‘liturgical year’ sanctified time through the celebration of the events of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection in two great cycles; the Easter cycle and the Christmas cycle. ...”

In other words, the religion took up the time of people’ religious lives, but also the year and monthly time were dominated by practicing the Christian religion during the year at very specific time intervals for almost two thousand years.

Meaning, people spent a lot of their earthly and human time practicing one of the Christian religions, and many more of them too, during the course of their human lifetimes.

“The sanctification of space developed later but reflected the same impulse to bring everything into the realm of the sacred.

1. Pilgrimage to ‘hole places’ (especially the Holy Land) began in the 4th century and grew in popularity. ...”

So now, there are at least 2.2 billion so-called Christians who exist and live within their own limited sense of being a Christian, like being fake Christians, but they identify as Christians, nevertheless.  Of course, there are other states of religious beliefs and practices too.

Out of all of these billions of individual and collective religious mental states, conscious and subconscious dream worlds, there are religions, all sorts of religious beliefs and practices, that are located where, seemingly within the realm of space and time, which is true to a certain degree, but not completely or totally.

Why?  Because, mental religious dream worlds, conscious or subconscious religious mental dream worlds, are not limited to matter per se, not limited to a biological human brain or mind.  Now, for some people, that limitation may seem and even be the case, but not for everyone.

Therefore, one of the religions within this conscious or subconscious dream world, either in a conscious or subconscious realm of existence, is the Christian religion which I have been studying as a topic separate from the Bible because the truth is that the topic of Christianity itself is not really a topic of the Bible.

It is a topic after the Bible and about the Bible.  The Bible itself is really about other issues, like what Jesus did and taught, and other people like Moses before Jesus and people after Jesus, like Paul.

So now, there are religious people on planet Earth who have a mental dreamworld of a religious doctrine.

“Doctrine is a codification of beliefs or a body of teachings or instructions, taught principles or positions, as the essence of teachings in a given branch of knowledge or in a belief system. The etymological Greek analogue is "catechism.”  (Taken off the web.)

All Christian doctrines or theories are only located within the mind, the conscious religious mind and even the sub-conscious religious mind.  Of course, there are other religious doctrines beside Christianity, but I only want to deal with one of them for this.


Metaphysics really rises above religion in many ways, and space and time too.

Metaphysics rises above the common cosmic and human sense of space and time in various ways because the main goal of metaphysics is to be above the realm of physics.

Metaphysics exchanges the objects of the five physical senses into the ideas of Soul.

That could be stated that the realm of metaphysics escapes the common notions of space and time and even transcends the limited human concepts of space and time.

Metaphysics exchanges the objects of space and time into the mental and spiritual concepts of the isness and nowness of the spiritual, divine, deathless Life called God.

Mrs. Eddy describes this process when she states, "Metaphysics resolves things into thoughts, and exchanges the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul."

As "the objects of sense" are exchanged "for the ideas of Soul," the individual really begins to understand the spiritual reality of beauty.

Metaphysics rises above the physical and mental sense of space and time by thinking and living within a timeless and spaceless realm of spiritual existence and consciousness.

From a metaphysical standpoint, (Metaphysics means above physics and the laws of physics) the realm of space and time becomes something very different than the normal realm of the human mind’s realm of understanding physical space and time.

Which by the way, can be listened to on YouTube from speakers including professors and professional physicists who study and research space and time for a living.

Space and Time in Different States of Consciousness.

There are different realms of space and time in the different realms of human consciousness, even within the hardwired human brain.

Within the different states of human consciousness, there are different mental states of awareness as to what space and time are to each individual human being.

It is true, isn’t it?  That beside the conscious awareness of the changing of the Earth’s seasons, people experience space and time differently during their human experience.  People who fly around in the International Space Station experience space and time differently than people who are walking on the rock Earth.

Similarly, in different areas of life, people experience space and time differently, even in their different jobs and lifestyles that they life, or even in different countries or nations where they live.  People who live in Manhattan, New York experience a faster livestyle than the people who live on a farm.

The people who live and work on a farm experience space differently, literally within their hardwired human brain because of course, the people who live on a farm are looking out into the natural extended space of open sky, trees, landscapes, etc.

Whereas the people who live in the city of Manhattan are living in an enclosed city of huge and very tall buildings, with very little space between each building.  It is only when they look out over the ocean that they are visually able to see the huge and grand space that is above the waves of the waters.

Bonus: The Seven Thousand Year Periods in the Bible.

Believe it or not, some of the people who wrote the seven days of creation, and the Adam and Eve store believed that it would take seven thousand years to fulfill God’s plan.  This had to do more with spiritual periods instead of space.

These seven periods correspond to Ms. Eddy's definition of God, which is Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love.

Quickly, here it goes.

Mind corresponds with the two records of creation, the seven days of spiritual creation and the Adam and Eve story, which are considered the first thousand-year period in the Bible.  A true spiritual creation versus a material creation.

Spirit corresponds with the second thousand year in the Bible with the story of Noah and the Ark.  A separation versus a mixture of Spirit and matter.

Soul corresponds with the third thousand-year in the Bible with the story of Moses and the burning bush where God says to Moses, “I am that I am.’  A true spiritual identity Ego versus a teeny, tiny, limited human personal ego.

Principle corresponds with the fourth thousand-period in the Bible with the major and minor prophets.  Or a sense of system, science, metaphysics, and the Infinite one termed God versus human theories about God and evil, instead of limited and delusional human theories about human religions.

Life corresponds with the fifth thousand-year period in the Bible with the four Gospel stories of Jesus.  Or overcoming the human and mortal sense of birth, maturity, and death.  Versus the false and fake limited human life of being born into matter or body, living, suffering, dying, and death out of a body.

Truth corresponds with the sixth thousand-year period with Mary Baker Eddy’s book titled, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” which includes the spiritually scientific definition of God and man.  Man is a spiritual image in the divine Mind and not an ignorant sinful mortal who desires only food, sex, killing, and death.

Love corresponds with the seventh thousand-year period which is the current scientific age we are currently living in where a sense of perfect motherhood is expressed as a universal and global idea. A complete universal harmony versus hate, fear, revenge, and nothingness.

The seven thousand periods are not only applied to the collective human species and the Bible, but to each individual human consciousness, if you understand and know what the seven-thousand-year periods stand for, what the seven synonymous terms for God stand for, and what the seven days of spiritual creation metaphysically and spiritually mean as a state of spiritual consciousness.

For anyone who wants more information on the seven thousand-year periods in the Bible, the place book to read about is, "The Spiritual Breakthrough to the Next Millennium.”  By: Dr. Max Kapperler.  And Doorly’s book is listed below.

The best place to read about the spiritual symbolism of the seven day of creation and the Adam and Eve story is John W. Doorly’s book titled, ‘Talks on the Science (Spiritual) of the Bible.  Volume 1.  Numbers 1.-10.  The true and false records of creation.

Ok then. My time has run out for me regarding this week's essay. I hope I jogged your mind a little bit. If I spent more time writing it, I could have done a better job trying to put all of the pieces together for this essay which just happens to be written within the space and time universe of my mind and consciousness.

That is located in the space and time of planet Earth, which happens to be rotating around a huge ball of nuclear energy, which happens to be circling around inside a cosmic galaxy, among 100s of trillions of other galaxies. Probably more.

Some people might ask, 'Where is God, Spirit, in all these realms of space and time?'

I might answer them. "The most important place where the God, Spirit, should be located is within your spiritual consciousness."

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!