This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Essay 34 - 2024. What will Save the World? Surely Not Jesus or the Religion Christianity. What is the God of the future? What is needed is a new religious paradigm. A new state of spiritual consciousness instead of a biological state of consciousness. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. August 21, 2024.

Essay 34 - 2024. What will Save the World? Surely Not Jesus or the Religion Christianity.

What is the God of the future? What is needed is a new religious paradigm.

A new state of spiritual consciousness instead of a biological state of consciousness.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

August 21, 2024.

What is needed is a new concept of a spiritual God, Spirit to replace the human sense of God.

What is needed is a new spiritual concept of man, made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit.

What is needed is an understanding on how the human consciousness plays a part in the current and future survival of the human species.

Let us all get something straight right now.

No way believing in Jesus or the religion of Christianity, or any religion whatsoever is going to save the whole world from its own self-destruction.

Religious Christians may not like and agree with the statement that neither Jesus nor the Christian religion is going to save the world that we are currently living in from its own self-destruction, for so many reasons.

Neither Jesus nor the Christian religion has ever stopped one single war from happening. Nor a world war from starting and happening throughout the last 2000 years and more into the future. There are around 2.2 billion Christian believers on the globe now from what the numbers tell us, but humans are still committing all sorts of evil acts against each other besides small or large wars that hurt, destroy, and kill/murder other human beings.

God, Spirit does not create small or large world wars because God, Spirit does not see or know a biological human species that desires to kill and murder each other as individual crimes or global crimes.

Of course, there are other humanly created evils that take place within the human species like all of the people who are forced into having sex for money or being put into the sex slave business.

God, Spirit does not create people as sex objects, nor does God, Spirit put the desire into evil human beings to force defenseless and innocent people to become sex slaves to have sex with countless strangers who simply want a sexual consciousness instead of a pure sinless spiritual consciousness.

Some people commit the evil acts of creating hard-core poisonous drugs for money that kill and murder people simply because they become addicted to any sort of drugs, but the deadly drugs especially.

God, Spirit does not create the urge within drug dealers to create more powerful and deadly addictive drugs to sell to people, so they not only get high as a kite but kill them too.

Why isn’t Jesus or Christianity or any religion going to save the world and the human species from its own self-destruction?

Again, neither Jesus nor the religion Christianity or any religion is ever going to stop nor save the human species from killing itself off in all of the various ways that it could happen. Neither Jesus nor the Christian or any religion has stopped nor hindered all of the evil wars since the first war among men.

So why would Jesus or Christianity or any religion slow down and stop any of the modern-day wars that are still taking place now, especially in some Christian nations from the time of Jesus's life and death?

For one, many types of Christian religions believe that the world is going to end anyway because they falsely believe that Jesus is going to return at the end of the world. But there is the thing. Many religious Christian people have been stating it for a very long time and it has not happened yet.

Amazingly, the Jews and other religious people get down on their knees every day to pray to God, (Which of course means nothing at all, or it could mean anything.) And then they have the urge to kill other people who are also getting down on their knees to pray to God.

On the flip side of the coin, nobody ever stated that Jesus was going to save the whole world, even though there is a saying that religious Christian believers have stated that to be saved, you must believe in Jesus. Saved from what, the end of the world? To be saved from another war or a nuclear bomb. Give me a break!

Are the religious Christians in the nation of Ukraine being saved either by Jesus or their religion Christianity or any religion during its current war created by Putin? Or are they being slaughtered as easily as the sheep that are slaughtered for food and wool, only with better and bigger weapons?

Is believing in Jesus or believing in the Christian religion or any religion going to save people from dirty air, dirty water, starving to death, bleeding to death, being shot to death, being burnt to death, being raped to death, or from the evil leaders who use their weapons of war to commit evil acts of pain, suffering, destruction? It seems like there is no end in sight, does it? There is never an end in sight for some people.

He did say something about the son-of-man coming in the clouds of heaven, but did he mean it literally, or symbolically? Jesus has not returned to Earth to help the people of Earth get along with each other so far, so what makes anyone think that he is going to return to the human species to help them save themselves from their own stupidity or their own self-destruction? It doesn't work that way.

Oh no, you may be asking yourselves. Maybe not. Maybe people do not care if the whole world, meaning the human species becomes a burning globe of fire by nuclear war or some other global catastrophe, like earthquakes sent by God to kill thousands or millions or billions of people.

But nooooooooooo! It is not God that sends earthquakes to the human species to destroy buildings or kill people. It is the geography of the rock formations under the surface of the Earth that we live on that we call planet Earth. Earthquakes happen not because of God, angels, devils, or humans, but because of Earth's inner workings.

Earthquakes happen because the planet is a constantly moving dynamic sphere of rock that every creature from the ants and cockroaches to the human species, to the elephants, tigers, bears, birds, and even the fish all experience whenever an earthquake scares all creatures as if the whole planet was going to kill every living creature on it.

But let us assume for a moment that the ‘end of the world scenario’ never happens and the whole human species or mankind only gets worse and worse in an earthly material state of existence until something does happen to cause an end of the world scenario. Which of course means the end of the world scenario could happen, but it might not ever happen. The human species alone can make the decision,

But let us pretend that it might not ever happen. What could be just as bad as an end-of-the-world scenario for the human species?

What could be worse is if there is an endless amount of human-created evil among and towards other human beings forever, until the end of time, if that is even possible?

What could be worse is if there is an endless amount of mentally delusional religions that people believe in because they are so mentally limited that they cannot ascend into a new religious paradigm that is purely spiritual as in a pure spiritual consciousness. Even a slight state of spiritual consciousness as a spiritual possibility instead of simply believing only what the human brain and eyes state as an absolute reality.

Depending on a human man named Jesus who lived 2000 years ago to solve today’s modern-day problems is just stupid and ridiculous for anyone with a brain, even if pretending to believe in Jesus is going to save you from your human sins. Is he going to save you from your own sins? Nope!

Does anyone, Christians, non-Christians, or any religious people at all believe that God, Spirit cares about any or all of your human sins? It is stated in the Bible that God is too pure to see human evil.

God, Spirit does not care if you are having oral sex, getting screwed up your ass, getting high or drunk, or if you get into a car crash, or if the whole human species destroys itself with nuclear weapons. God, Spirit does not care about your bank accounts or what team is going to win the World Series or the Super Bowl. Yet, some teams pray before each game for God to help them. What about the other team who is also praying? Hum!

That is another issue that bugs the heck out of me. Some religious Christians knowingly commit human sins thinking that simply believing in the man Jesus who lived 2000 years ago is going to help them every time they commit a sin. Really! What about the sin of a nuclear war?

So, they continue to commit human sins with the mentally religious delusions that they are simply going to be forgiven and saved because they make the statement out loud or in their minds that the man Jesus who is not here anymore it seems is going to save them.

What is going to save people, all 7-8 billion of them, along with the collective human species is a change, a transformation within the structure of the hardwired human brain and within the soft-wired human mind and consciousness from a one-dimensional state of biological consciousness to a multi-dimensional state of spiritual consciousness so each human being wakes up from this mortal biological dream world to a new spiritual identity that is already at one with Spirit, God.

When in fact, it would be wiser, smarter, and more practical to stop committing human earthly sins just because on higher levels of existence, they so not exist anyway. They are not real. At all. Human sins are the human mind believing in a bunch of stupid nonsense.

The problem is that many human sins, like nuclear warheads, are stupid nonsense that can destroy all life on planet Earth. But God does not see it. Nor does God make human beings build nuclear bombs nor the urge to use them. It is the evil human mind that will use a nuclear bomb to start a nuclear war.

It is a contradiction, right? It seems or assumed by some people that God helped create life on Earth, including the human species with a thinking brain that could create and build nuclear bombs to destroy all life on planet Earth.

Some people still go to church to their mentally delusional God, yet it might be better than a nothing God. Not only do human sins still exist, but the ability for the self-annihilation of the human species gets worse and worse every year. How bad and real should it get before the human species stops building bigger and better nuclear bombs?

The other issue with believing that a person who walked the Earth 2000 years ago is going to save people either on an individual and personal level or on a global level, is that people foolishly believe that a single man, even when he possessed a spiritual Christ Consciousness on Earth during his lifetime, is going to be here with that same spiritual Christ Consciousness now.
What is needed here and now is to have all 7-8 billion human beings possess a spiritual Christ Consciousness, including world leaders because after all, they start most of the world wars.

Here and now. In the here and now of life on Earth and in the human species, the only thing that is going to help save the human species from its own self-annihilation is ascending spiritually upward and away from the animalistic nature of the human brain and mind to a real spiritual Christ Consciousness.

I can see them, you know. I sometimes imagine what 7-8 billion people look like all walking on Earth, each in their tiny or large towns, all living their tiny, teeny lives, or their big and larger-than-life lives.

7-8 billion human biological bodies with brains walking and thinking that one day could be the end of the human species because some evil moron who is a power-hungry evil crazy son of a bitch decides that since he is going to die from cancer (for example) he is going to take very human being with him by using nuclear weapons or simply damaging the water and air supply.

But Jesus is not here now, as far as I can tell to stop it from happening. If there is a different dimension where Jesus is still alive somewhere, somehow, he is not living in the here and now of these current times of uncertainty on planet Earth.

I have often wondered what I would do if the man Jesus just showed up in my living one day and he stated, “Here I am George. Now what are you going to do?” That would be pretty cool and maybe a little scary too.”

I was told by a Catholic priest that when he was a teenager, he was lying in bed in the darkness. A blue smoky fog came through the window into the bedroom above this yet-to-be Catholic priest. And then it turned into a huge crucifixion with Jesus nailed to a cross by his hands and feet, as a form of blue smoke. Then, he ran out of the room. In the hallway, he realized that there was nothing to be scared of, so he returned to bed. True story.

But let us believe that Jesus did show up one day and he was sitting in my living room on the sofa next to me. Let us assume that this Jesus who was still wearing a white robe, or maybe a red or purple robe sat down, and he had a beer with me. (I don't drink too much beer, never did. Only one beer during the Super Bowl.)

Or a glass of wine since that is what they drank back then. I wonder if their wine was any good, you know, compared to today’s wine.

And I got to ask Jesus a few modern-day questions about the world. Questions about the economic situation, or the political situation anywhere in the world, local politics, or international politics, or more specifically American politics, Russian politics, Chinese politics, or how the relationship between America and Russian and Chinese politics combine to make one big political global mess for everyone in the people universe.

Would he know anything about modern-day economics or politics? I highly doubt it and he would not care about modern-day economics or politics, although I am sure that he could learn about them very quickly if he read up on them or watched the news, etc. It would not be very hard to do, at least as a surface way of learning about economics and politics.

My good, educated guess would be that my Jesus visitor would state something like, ‘Well George, it seems that after 2000 years of economics and local and international politics it seems that economics and politics are not the answer for the current and future survival of the human species because people still act and behave like they are human animals or human monkeys anyway.

It seems that economics and politics in the local, national, and international realms are still a big mess as far as any sort of God is concerned.

That being stated, it is not the job of me, (Jesus) or God, (Spirit) to rule over and control all of the affairs of the human species, like economics and politics. Neither God, Spirit, nor Jesus cares about human affairs like economics and politics, even if people must do it because it has to be done by someone.

We, (Jesus and God) are concerned with the human species having and possessing a new religious paradigm shift and transformation from a one-dimensional biological consciousness to a multi-dimensional intelligent spiritual consciousness that includes a spiritual God instead of a human god.

“A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline. It is a concept in the philosophy of science that was introduced and brought into the common lexicon by the American physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn. Wikipedia.”

But if I was having a beer or a cup of wine with Jesus, he might learn about the ability of people to watch other people having sex on the internet, showing off their obsession with having endless, boring sex and smiling while they are doing it. Smile at the cameras you sexual retards. The human mind gets fooled by the devils to do all sorts of stupid things in life. It is too bad.

Jesus might say something like, ‘They never learn, do they? In my days, people would have sex anywhere as long as they didn’t get caught. Now they do not care if they get caught. Moreover, they want other people to watch them having sex. No sense of sexual morals or normality in the here and now.”

He might go on to describe how people thought that he was going to save the Jews from the Roman Empire, but that he died a criminal death instead of saving the Jews from the Roman Empire. In the end, the Roman Empire became Roman Christianity from where the Catholic Church was created. (Catholic means universal.)

He might say something about how those Jews needed a new spiritual concept of God instead of being saved from the Roman Empire which eventually believed in the Christian religion anyway, which became the Roman Church or Roman Christianity. Those poor Jews. They cannot seem to win.

He might go on to state to me that after 2000 years after his life and death, the new modern-day age also needs a new scientific spiritual concept of God too instead of believing only in the physical and materialistic sciences that have done marvelous works and wonders for the human species.

Here is the thing about the modern-day age folks. And it was a huge problem back then too.

That problem is that most people, or biological human beings, believe that they are separated from God, Spirit. So, they falsely believe that they need a middleman like a guy named Jesus to intercede for them because he seemed to possess some cool magic and supernatural skills, along with being a very good preacher with a bunch of sayings, wisdom, and advice.

Therefore, there a problem with people believing that they need a middleman no matter what type of supernatural magic tricks and skills a man like Jesus possesses for the demonstration of his spiritual understanding of a Spirit, God, and a spiritual man?

Even 2000 years later, people or human beings still worship only one human being because they believe that they need a middleman like Jesus who isn’t even here on Earth now as far as anyone can prove to be the middleman between God and the people who are alive in the year 2024.

But is that sense of believing in a long-ago spiritual middleman between God and man good enough in today’s world to save the world of human beings from their own spiritual self-destruction and to save the world from moral decay and the deadly sins it alone created, like the great sin of nuclear weapons?

But the greater sin is to believe that there is a God somewhere up there, separated from all human beings on Earth. But is it true? Or is it truer that God, Spirit-Love is everywhere at all times in all places, but human beings cannot see or know this God, Spirit-Love with their limited biological five physical senses? And so, they remain in complete ignorance about any possibility of the existence of God: Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love. (S&H pg. 465.)

Or is it also true that people simply do not care about taking the time, energy, and mental transformation to ascend higher within their own consciousness by way of a multi-dimensional consciousness to overcome their limited biological existence?

It is stated somewhere that even Jesus had to work his way out of this mortal dreamworld state of existence. Until he completely woke up and he ascended into his pure spiritual state of Christ Consciousness, he too was a learning human being who needed time to overcome his human self-hood.

The realm problem is the limitation of the five physical biological senses which can never see the actual Godhead, or the incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love. (S&H. Pg 465.)

How can the limited five physical biological senses know, see, and hear God when this God is not a biological creature? Not even a little bit.

Can the human eyes see God, Spirit? Nope. Can the human ears hear God, Spirit? Nope. Can the human nose smell God, Spirit? Nope. Can the human tongue taste God, Spirit? Nope. So how can it be that everyone from the most uneducated human brain to the most educated human brain does not comprehend that there is most definitely a possibility of the existence of God?

Somehow. In some way. In some form. As a state of a metaphysical and spiritual state consciousness. This is what I experienced at least once in my life when I was dying from stage 4 CLL cancer while taking chemo for it. I will never forget it.

How can a limited mental concept of God save the world when those limited mental concepts are the problem in the first place? Some people like to pretend that they are a god as in a leader god. Just ask Putin and some of the other world leaders. Until everything backfires on them. Was Putin and other world leaders, (at least that is what they like to think to themselves) think that the world is going to let them get away with murder forever?

How can a very limited concept of Jesus save the world if the limited five physical biological senses cannot even see Jesus in his true spiritual nature of being a spiritual Christ Consciousness instead of a limited human biological body, and of course, a very limited human mind?

The very limited human mind’s religious concept of Jesus could not even save all of the people in the days when he was alive and after he died. So how is a very limited religious concept of Jesus going to save over 7 billion from their human sins, dying, and deaths in the here and now?

The other important point is that a lot of religious Christians believe that Jesus is the only Son of God because they falsely believe that he was supposedly raised from the dead, from his own death and no one else can do it. Why cannot other people do it too if they know enough and become a multi-dimensional state of spiritual Christ Consciousness too?

What are the problems here? The problem is that if Jesus did any of the ‘supernatural events’ that are written about him, then he had already overcome his own human and mortal concept of being a very limited biological creature with only five limited physical senses before he could have ever overcome his own dying and death process and event.

Isn’t it possible that everyone can become a son or daughter of God if they take the time, energy, and skill to transform themselves out of believing in their very limited biological self-hood with a one-dimensional state of existence and consciousness into a spiritual state of consciousness by the method of using a multi-dimensional state of spiritual understanding and consciousness?

In other words, if Jesus represented the photo-type of the new man, meaning the new state of spiritual consciousness for later generations of human beings, then 2000 years later everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike should also be wishing to obtain a true spiritual consciousness.

Which is considered to be the new man, made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, male and female in one. (6th day of creation.) Instead of being a sex male and a sex female, or a biological creature that needs sex to be whole, people should stop believing that having obsessive amounts of perverted sex does nothing for their human souls. A word of wisdom. Sex never makes anyone a whole human being.

Why? Because it divides the seeming spiritual nature of male and female as one, into two human forms of male and female as sex organs. That is the Adam and Eve story in the Bible. Read the Adam and Eve story in the second record of creation in the book of Genesis in the Bible and then figure it out for yourselves, if you can.

That new/old concept of God, Spirit, and a spiritual man, or a collective human spiritual human species, would help save the human species because one of the goals of truth is to destroy error, or the error of believing that there is a material Lord God that created the biological sex male and sex female to be in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, which is the Adam and Eve story. But it is a lie. Not true or truth.

Can the religion of Christianity or any religion save the human species or mankind? Nope! Not yet!

Not in your life, dear readers. Not on your life. But the true metaphysical and spiritual meaning of the Bible could help save the human species from its own self-destruction because the Bible is a true spiritual book, not a history book. How many people study the Bible as a history book their entire lives and miss the most important points in it?

If every world leader changed their individual materialistic, biological, and animalistic states of consciousness into a purely spiritual state of consciousness, that would transform the whole human species because nobody would want or desire to use weapons of war anymore.

The old-time Christianity religion had its day because there was a new religious paradigm after the Jewish religion and the pagan way to worship the gods that were made or created by people of lesser intelligence and thinking ability even only two thousand years ago.

“In science and philosophy, a paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitute legitimate contributions to a field. The word paradigm is Greek in origin, meaning "pattern." Wikipedia.”

I don’t know what I would do if all of a sudden someone with a gun to my head and then instructed me to worship a wooden statue of a cow or a bull because the concept is just so stupid. I think that everyone reading this would agree with me. Well, I know what I would do if someone pointed a gun at my head because I have already taken at least one gun away from a jerk who pointed a gun at my head.

When Jesus arrived on Earth, no matter how it happened, either by a normal way of human birth or the supposedly virgin birth, there were the Jewish people who practiced the very old Jewish religion with all of its laws and practices. That was one religious paradigm. Jesus came to change it a bit, which he did.

When Jesus arrived within the old religious paradigm, he rejected many of the old religious practices and laws and he professed a new religious paradigm, like forgiving the sinners instead of stoning them to death because they got caught while all of the religious leaders were committing the same sexual sins that the whores were doing.

Jesus stated, who cares what you eat on Sunday or the Sabbath. Even today, who cares what people eat on Friday, Good Friday, or any day of the week? God, Spirit, and Jesus do not care what people eat or what day they eat it. They want people to wake up from this delusional state of limited biological existence. It seems so real, doesn't it? Think about that statement.

“What is the true meaning of Sabbath? To REST.

The Jewish Sabbath (from Hebrew Shavit, “to rest”) is observed throughout the year on the seventh day of the week—Saturday. According to biblical tradition, it commemorates the original seventh day on which God rested after completing the creation.”

What are 5 things you cannot do on the Sabbath?
The Thirty-Nine Categories of Sabbath Work Prohibited by Law
However, the interested V-Reader may locate them in the books themselves.

Carrying. Burning. Extinguishing. Finishing. Writing. Erasing. Cooking. Washing.” (Taken from the web.)

Can you imagine if people still practice these so-called stupid religious laws today?

Can you imagine anyone in today’s world not doing anything one day a week? What are they going to do if they are not allowed to do anything stated above, get drunk, smoke pot, get laid, and sleep all day?

No, that is not going to happen and there is no reason for it to happen because in today’s world, along with yesterday’s world, people are too busy trying to survive, religion or no religion.

How about the religion of Christianity? Is the religion of Christianity going to save the world from its own self-destruction? Or helping the human species from its own self-destruction?

The fact is that neither the Christian religion nor any other religion has helped the human species from its own evils so far during human history. Sure, those Christians feed some homeless people, and they preach the Gospel overseas to people on islands in the middle of the oceans, and they help people in prisons I supposed, and they visit people who are dying in the hospitals, but really, that is only the practical aspect of Christianity because that is all they can do within the old religious paradigm.

What is needed is a completely new and complete change in the structure of the human brain, mind, and consciousness from a material concept of God and man to a spiritual concept of God, Spirit, and spiritual man, which was already done in the 1st and 2nd chapters of the book of Genesis in the Bible, if you know what all of the symbolism stands for and represents.

This new religious paradigm started at the beginning of the material and physical scientific revolution when Mary Baker Eddy started her lifelong mission beginning in the Civil War until the day she ‘died.”

She had discovered the scientifically spiritual definition of God in today’s modern-day English language. She also discovered the scientific spiritual laws that John W Doorly and Max Kappeler expounded in their writings.

In an age of materialistic and physical understanding and laws, does any religion really think that it has a chance to compete with the huge results and achievements that the modern-day sciences have brought to the human race?

These statements may be very hard for many or even most Christians to read and accept because they are so deeply rooted in their old-time religious faiths that they will never want to accept the new religious paradigm in today’s modern-day world.

The younger people may be more awake and open to leaving behind the old outdated and old religious paradigm for a new religious paradigm because it seems that the new and younger generations are always open to and ready to accept a new paradigm even in the age of materialistic sciences.

How is a new religious paradigm to be discovered, understood, and practiced?

By obtaining and using a multi-dimensional consciousness instead of trying to use a limited one-dimensional biological consciousness which can only do so much either in the way of religion or the material sciences for the current and future survival of the human species.

Trying to understand the term God is an impossible task in any language because the term God can and does mean anything to anyone. But if the term God is replaced with a true metaphysical and spiritually scientific definition of God that is stated in the book, (Science and Health.’ pg 465.) as Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love, then that undefined term God becomes more metaphysically and spiritually meaningful even to the human brain and mind.

What it does to the human brain and mind is it declassifies it as having anything to do with the human mind or mentality, the human spirit or matter, or the human concept of soul in a biological body, (although with my own experiences of leaving my own biological body, something is most definitely leaving the body and returning to it somehow. I don't know everything.)

It also does not have anything to do with personal theories and religions about God because this God becomes completely an impersonal God because it is an infinite Principle, Life, Truth, and Love.

It also does not have anything to do with material concept of birth, maturity, dying, and death.

It also does not have anything to do with the human consciousness, the sub-consciousness, or the collective consciousness except to change it from a mortal realm of mental illusions and delusions so even the human mind can transcend to higher realms of spiritual consciousness.

It also does not have anything to do with a human sense of love, but this divine spiritual love destroys human hate, fear, imperfection, revenge, etc.

Many of the readers of this essay will ask themselves what does this all have to do with the human species and the survival of the human species? Good question.

If every reader considered all of this new information with an open mind, they would soon realize that if a new concept of God, Spirit for short, leads to a new spiritual concept of a spiritual man, the man that Jesus represented, then this new concept of a spiritual God and man on a collective realm within the human species means that every human being that seems to be a simple-minded, limited, and finite biological creature should now be seen on a higher level of spiritual existence as an infinite, individual image, reflection, identity, and operation of Principle, as Life, Truth, Love. Or as an infinite individual state of spiritual consciousness that are all perfect in the Mind of God.

That is what the new religious paradigm should be as a metaphysical and spiritual state of individual and collective state of spiritual consciousness even in the human, biological realm of existence.

The old religion of Christianity is not going to save the whole human species from its own self-destruction, that is for sure. Neither is any other religion on the planet. It is not only not possible, but also impossible for any human-minded created religion to save the human species from its own self-destruction in any way whatsoever since it is the human mind that creates its own problems for humans

Why? All of the so-called human mind-created religions were not only created a very long time ago, but they also only fulfilled the goals and purposes of the various peoples around the globe in the periods in which they lived. But things have changed, but human religions have not changed at all.

How is any primitive religion going to help solve the individual, collective, and global problems and issues of the modern-day world, and the modern-day human being?

The old-time and primitive forms of religion were created in the periods when human beings were conscious of only what they saw with their human eyes and brains. No harm was done most of the time no matter what nation or country a certain religion was being worshiped and practiced because the people-world itself was simple.

The world is not so simple anymore and neither are the minds of the intelligent human beings who have to live, work, and play in it. More importantly, the old primitive religions were good and useful for the uneducated, simple-minded, and primitive people who did not know any better about everything.

Even the religion of Christianity in its earliest stages was based on wrong assumptions about the world, the globe, life and death, and the cosmic universe. Now, in today's modern-day world, there are new mental conceptions about the world, the globe, life and death, and the cosmic universe. It is about time religion caught up with the times and a new religious spiritual paradigm was created for the future survival of the human species.

That means that because the religion was based on wrong conceptions and misunderstandings about the cosmic universe, life on Earth, and even how the human biological body and brain operate, their primitive religions were drawing their religions conclusions based on the very limited and the limited false five physical senses, the main one being what the human eye cannot see and behold as the state of absolute reality.

For example, the Christian religion believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Now, after 400 years of scientific discoveries, everyone knows, including everyone in the Christian religion that the Sun is the center of this part of the galaxy while a Black Hole is the center of the whole galaxy. I saw either a picture of it or an artist’s conception of it. Unbelievable picture.

Instead of a heaven or a hell up there in the cosmic universe somewhere, now we know that there is no heaven or hell up there at least as the human species can see with their very high powerful telescopes along with their radio telescopes and all of the other types of telescopes.

There were many different forms of Christianity started after Jesus died and they were based on certain events in Jesus’s life that may or may not have happened. After all, if he really was preaching for a total of three years, he must have said a lot more than what is written in the Gospels in the Bible.

But that being stated, neither Jesus nor his followers and disciples were preaching for or to the modern-day civilization as it currently exists today. Although it could be stated that many of the lessons of Jesus are good for all time as long as there is a human species that can read and use his lessons that are stated in the Gospels in the Bible, something new is needed today. Like a true spiritual science.

The Christian religion was based on the personal Jesus or a human person as a human being, a biological human creature who has been stated to be God in the flesh. But that is just a silly excuse for not understanding different states of consciousness. Jesus possessed the spiritual Christ Consciousness as a multi-dimensional state of consciousness.

But who thinks like that, now or then? More people should try thinking as multi-dimensional states of consciousness. People already do it. The modern-day physical and materialistic scientists do it all the time. Do you think that Albert Einstein possessed only one state of consciousness? Not on your life.

In either case, the individual, the collective, and the global state of human consciousness is very different than it was during the time of Jesus up to the beginning of the current age of the material and physical sciences which includes all of the sciences in one big category of human consciousness, both internal and external states of existence and life.

The old-time Christian religion never caught up to the fact that until relatively recently, it finally realized that the scientists were correct in their logical conclusions that the Earth is not the center of the cosmic universe, but the sun is.

In the meantime, the religious people forgot to realize that if their primitive telescopes could see stuff up there beyond the planets, the sun, and the moon, if they did not nor could not see a heaven or a hell, they should have, and then they should have changed their views of religious heaven and hell too.

But there are more my dear readers. There is also a bigger step that is needed to realize that a new religious paradigm is needed for the current and future survival of the human species.

That new religious paradigm is a new religious paradigm of a spiritual consciousness. Period.

The current and future survival of the human species it is not depended on only a very few percentages of human beings understanding and becoming a spiritual state of consciousness even if they exist as biological human bodies living on a rock called Earth.

Jesus stated that, “God is Spirit, and they who worship God, must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24.

If the modern-day followers and believers of Jesus understood anything at all after reading that passage in the Gospel of John, they should accept that God is not a biological human creature. Jesus gave a hint about what God truly is as a spiritual state of existence, as a complete self-existence state of spiritual consciousness.

In today’s modern-day world, the state of consciousness within many human being’s brains and minds is not the exact state of consciousness that existed in the mind of Jesus because he himself possessed a spiritual state of the spiritual Christ Consciousness.

Most if not all of the people around Jesus's time did not possess that spiritual state of Christ Consciousness of Jesus. But in today’s world, it should be a natural thing for everyone to do!

All of those 7-8 billion people walking on planet Earth. Before it is too late! 

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!