This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Essay 38 - 2024. Christianity and Consciousness. Christianity and A Spiritual Religious Consciousness Based on God, Spirit. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! September 20, 2024.

Essay 38 - 2024. Christianity and Consciousness.

Christianity and A Spiritual Religious Consciousness Based on God, Spirit.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

September 20, 2024.

Christianity and a real religious consciousness.

The religion of Christianity and the human consciousness.

How are they related or not related?

Jesus stated that. "The kingdom of God, Spirit is within you.” (Luke 12:17)

How is consciousness related to the religion Christianity you may be asking yourselves?

Consciousness is related to everything that happens in your life and within the life of the human species.

Consciousness is also where any type of religious belief and practice takes place.

Human consciousness is that part of the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind hidden from the world, because it is the unseen entity that makes up who we are as human beings, but it also makes up how we live their either simple or complex religious experiences.

When consciousness is applied to the Christian religion and all of the different religions around the globe, different people are conscious of their religious beliefs whether they are very primitive religious beliefs, or whether their consciousness of religion is more sophisticated, or at least seeming so compared to other states of religious consciousness.

Is being conscious of ancient religious beliefs going to help the current and future human species from all of the dangers it is experiencing now and into the future?

No! Humanly created religious beliefs are not going to solve any of the world's problems, especially on a global scale of existence, no matter how much people like to pray to their delusional human god whom religious people like to pretend exists.

I started to listen to a lecture series on the history of the Jewish religion, called Judaism. Just like the Christian religion, both the Jewish and the Christian religion were created a very long time ago with some people creating a way to worship their limited humanized concept of God somewhere up there in the sky.

Now, as far as anyone can tell, there is no materially humanized god up there in the sky.

Then, the creators of that so-called materially humanized concept of God thought that this so-called materially humanized concept of God wanted people to do certain things to make this so-called materially humanized concept of God happy.

Of course, the real spiritual realm of God, Spirit, is not only not human, not material, it is the pure realm of the spiritual state of existence and consciousness.

That concept applies to other religions too as you can well imagine.

The American Indians like to use the term, “The Great Spirit in the Sky.” for example. Even if they did not have high powerful telescopes to look at and study the sun, moon, and faraway stars, on Earth anyway, they felt something special still existed even if they could not see it with their human eyes and brains.

In other words, even the American Indians had a consciousness that something existed that was not a materialized humanized concept of God, but it was Spirit, at least in some sort of fashion, and less materially humanized than other religions that make a big deal out of there being a materialized human god.

“What did the Native Americans believe about the Great Spirit?
Great Spirit - From Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit, there came a great unifying life force that flowed in and through all things – the flowers of the plains, blowing winds, rocks, trees, birds, animals – and was the same force that had been breathed into the first man.” (Wikipedia.)

My parents were weekly Catholics, especially my mother. I remember that she would not feed us certain foods on certain Catholic religious days.

“Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence. For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59.” (Taken off the web.)

The above Catholic requirement is not ordered by Jesus at all, but by other people later on after he died.

“Does Jesus command us to fast?
First of all, Jesus's teaching in the Gospels, particularly in Matthew, is plain enough. In addition to his example (Matthew 4:2), and while not directly commanding his followers to fast. (Taken off the web.)

Jesus never instructed people to fast or to eat or not eat certain foods at certain times of the week, month, and year. Yet, fasting and eating and not eating certain foods are still practiced by certain Christian religions throughout some people’s lives.

Who and why some people think that it was and still is important to eat and not eat certain foods as part of the Christian religion is not the purpose of this essay, but it is obvious that someone started to think, believe, and make it a part of some Christians religions, which by the way are still very diverse.

The Jewish religion made a big deal out of Jewish believers to obey many human religious laws on a human level to make their ‘God’ happy, like not eating certain foods, or not eating certain foods on certain days.

When Jesus arrived, he did not make a big deal about what food to eat on certain days of the week, month, or year. He did not care about it at all.

Therefore, for over around 3500 years, this one religion among other religions falsely believed and still believed that eating or not eating certain foods is going to make some materially humanized God happy, as part of its requirements for the religious individual and groups of people.

“The origins of Judaism date back more than 3500 years. This religion is rooted in the ancient Near Eastern region of Canaan (which today constitutes Israel and the Palestinian territories). Judaism emerged from the beliefs and practices of the people known as “Israel”. (Taken off the web.)

That is not only a false state of religious consciousness, but also a rather silly notion that there is a material humanized God somewhere that cares about what types of food people eat whether they are Jewish, Christian, or any other religion.

This is only one example of trying to make a mentally delusional material human god happy.

Even modern-day Christians like the Catholics believe that they are not allowed to eat certain foods on certain days to fulfill their material humanized concept of God. Does anyone in their correct state of mind, or intelligence state of consciousness believe that there is a material humanized God somewhere that cares what people eat to make it happy?

In very simple terms, that is a very primitive concept of God within a very high level of spiritual state of existence and consciousness, but also in the lower and still primitive human realm of existence too.

In a mentally delusional state of religious consciousness, people think that there is a material humanized concept of God that cares about what people eat on certain days of the week for religious reasons. Of course, that is only not true, it is unreal and serves no realm divine or spiritual purpose.

Because it is a mentally delusional notion within the state of consciousness of an individual and collective state of consciousness.

Billions of people practice a mentally delusional notion that there is a material humanized God that cares what people eat to make this mentally delusional God happy.

In that case, they are not only wasting their human time believing such silly notions, but their individual and collective human religious consciousness is completely wrong no matter how much they believe otherwise.

What would happen if this mentally delusional state of religious consciousness that there is a material humanized God that cares about what people eat was changed to a true spiritual understanding that there is a realm of God, Spirit that is completely spiritual and only spiritual and its demands from the individual human beings and the collective human species was to obtain a true spiritual consciousness even while living with a biological human body?

It is amazing how there is not one word in the Gospels as far as I have read that states that Jesus ordered people to eat certain foods or to not eat certain foods at all, even on certain days of the week or year until religious people die.

Yet, before and after he died, the practice of eating and not eating certain foods became a requirement in both the Jewish and Christian religions because that belief was made up by some people before the life of Jesus and after the life of Jesus.

In other words, having a religious belief system of believing that eating or not eating certain foods during the day, week, or year will fulfill certain requirements for a humanized religious belief is not only silly, but a waste of time, and energy, nor does it lead to a true worship of God, Spirit.

In other words, not only do the Jewish and Christian religions pray to a materially humanized sense of God, Spirit, but they think that this God, Spirit cares about what people eat, on what day of the week, the month, the year. But it must make religious people feel good about doing it.

Sure, you may think to yourself, it does not harm people to not eat certain foods on religious days of the week, which may be true to a certain degree. But it does no good either, except to make people possibly hungrier.

Moreover, you might think to yourself who cares who eats or does not eat what types of foods for their religious practices? Well, if you think that you are making a materially humanized God, happy, you are not only wrong, but you are completely wrong, which makes for a wrong religious consciousness about God, Spirit, Almighty.

But if people are fooling themselves that they are obeying and fulfilling God’s commandment to not eat certain foods on certain days of the week, month, or year, they are fooling themselves.

Even more so when you realize that eating and not eating certain foods on certain days of the week is not even one of the commandants that are located in the Torah or the Bible’ Moses Ten Commandments.

More importantly than that, if it is a foolish religious belief that eating or not eating certain foods on certain days of the week, month, or year means anything to anyone, religious or not religious, it is a foolish and wrong state of religious consciousness.

In today’s modern-day world, people eat and do not eat all sorts of food for health reasons, which is completely different from eating or not eating certain foods for religious reasons. The human biological human body is a very complex living organism.

You must be careful what you eat and drink because as the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” However, I think I am more than what I eat as food because I think what a person is and has within their human consciousness is more important than food.

“Is a human being an organism?

A human being is an organism. It is composed of many microscopic parts, as we are all made of atoms, molecules, and cells. However, these are only building blocks. Humans are not made of a collection of tiny microorganisms, as microorganisms are each their own independent organism as well.” (Taken off the web.)

But a human being is more than a very complex biological body, or organism. Each human being is also a state of mind, as states of consciousness, religious or not religious.

Each human being and the whole human collective human species is a very complex state of hardwired brain consciousness and a soft-wired human mind and consciousness.

Some people might ask themselves which is more important, the human biological body or the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness?

The answer is not one-dimensional, even in the human realm of existence. All three realms of existence are needed for a human being to be a human being and as a collective human species.

The biological human body is needed. The human hardwired human brain is needed. The soft-wired human mind and consciousness is needed. All three realms make up the individual human being and the collective human species, as a collective human species. That is true.

That being stated, what matters for understanding God, Spirit is not the human biological body, nor even the human mind and consciousness. It depends on what state of consciousness is being used for understanding, thinking about, pondering, worshiping, and knowing God, Spirit.

The same applies to having a material church-building state of religious consciousness. A lot of religious people think there is a material humanized god that wants people to go and attain a material church of some kind. That is not true, even if religious people feel good about it.

It also applies to what it means to be a true Christian and a true sense of Christianity too.

What does it mean to possess a Christian state of consciousness?

Does being a true Christian mean not eating or eating certain types of food on certain days of the week, month, and year because of a religious practice and holiday? No, it does not. Why? Because a true Christian is a human being who has decided to obtain a spiritual state of consciousness because God is Spirit, not matter.

If there is a God, or Spirit that does not care about what people eat or not during the day, week, month of the year, any year, why would it care about what people eat or not eat during the day, week, month, and year for a human made up religious practice and holiday.

Surely, no priest or preacher is going to care about what people eat or not eat when they are alone at home during certain days, weeks, and months of the year. So, why would the people eating or not eating certain foods be any different in that regard?

This also applies to other external or objective religious practices of any kind in any religion.

Isn’t the consciousness of the religion termed Christianity more than external or objective humanly created religious ritual practices? There is no harm in having some sort of external or objective religious ritual practices, like Easter and Christmas. But God, Spirit does not care.

After all, some harmless external and objective religious ritual practices are part of any religion in possibly all societies around the globe. I would go as far as to state that if there were no religious ritual practices, human life might be boring for many people around the globe.

But at the end of the day, the week, the month, the year, and especially at the end of your human life, what is more important than religious ritual practices is what is happening within your consciousness.

Do you consider yourselves only a one-dimensional biological creature, or have you obtained any sense of true spirituality? Or a spiritual consciousness before you leave Earth.

Participating in daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly religious ritual practices is not going to do anything for your spiritual state of consciousness in any meaningful way, in any religion around the globe, in any society, in any culture, in any nation or country. That is the way it is, folks.

During more than 2000 years of Christianity and more than 3500 years of the Jewish religion, the external or objective religious Jewish and Christian rituals have been the main form of practicing the Jewish and Christian religion. Yet, most of them know nothing about God, Spirit.

After all, Jesus was a practicing Jew. After he died, the Jewish religion was not changed and transformed by some of the Jewish people. But other Jewish people broke away from the Jewish faith and slid into the Christian religion simply because they believed in the stories about Jesus.

The separation between the Jews and Christians happened because the Jews did not believe in Jesus while the Christians did believe in Jesus and his teachings. Even though his teachings were mainly by way of mouth until people started writing down his words and his story from at least four different angles. Then of course, a huge book titled the Bible was collected as one book.

I could explain why there are four different angles of the story of Jesus, but that is a huge metaphysical and spiritual lesson for another time, probably before the end of the year.

In any case, it should be noted that the Jewish religion believed mainly in the laws of Moses or the Ten Commandments, while the teachings of Jesus were based on more than the Ten Commandments because Jesus was teaching and preaching from a completely different standpoint than Moses even though it has been stated that Moses was the prototype of the Christ Consciousness.

Therefore, both the Jews and the Christians believed in more than their specific external or objective religious rituals and practices. At least that is the way it is believed by some people.

The Jews believed in way too many codes of conduct that were way more than the Ten Commandments which went overboard the boat of religious living. The Christians had even higher and deeper lessons that were taught by Jesus and his followers.

In essence, there was a break away from the Jewish laws and religious ritual practices when Jesus arrived to teach more metaphysically and spiritually abstract lessons about God, Spirit and the spiritual man even reaching down the human realm of existence by doing his work.

2000 years later, the primitive forms of the Jewish laws and commandments and the lessons Jesus taught have risen even further up the change of spiritual development and evolution to include the concept of consciousness as a higher metaphysical and spiritual lessons about God, Spirit, and the spiritual man which is not a one-dimensional biological state of being.

Therefore, what is the real spiritual state of a Christian Consciousness or a Christ Consciousness or in this case, a Christianity Consciousness?

Back in the time of the Jewish religion and the newly Christian religion, the word consciousness was not a big term if it even existed within their languages.

As a matter of fact, during the last 2000 years for the different stages and states of the Christian religion, people who were preaching about Jesus and the people who listened to those preachers were more concerned about simply believing in what Jesus did than anything about the term consciousness and what was within their consciousness as any sort of religious spiritual consciousness.

People back then or even now do not care about what is within their consciousness. Nor do they care about what is their human consciousness, but they should care about it, especially when dealing with the topic of religion and Christianity. Outward worship is always easier compared to dealing with a true transformation within the structure of the human hardwired brain and mind.

Why? If a religious Christian wrongly believes that their religious consciousness is based only on the very low-level state of consciousness of the Ten Commandments, what to eat or not to eat, or the different rituals and types of churches, then that is all external or objective from the real spiritual states of consciousness that should be considered as a very important area for true spiritual states of spiritual consciousness, especially for the Christian religion.

Other religions are mostly based on human-made fantasies, which in many ways so is the Christian religion. Most of the Christian religion is based on the common belief that Jesus died on the cross and rose again three days later. But it is only a religious belief, even if Jesus did rise from the dead and start breathing again.

For the common religious person, it is more important to simply believe in the death and life of Jesus than it is to obtain a true spiritual consciousness that Jesus possessed both before and after he die as a human being.

If Jesus did die on the cross and he became alive again afterward, and then people simply believe in him like he was a god, they are missing out on some very important aspects of the human man named Jesus because Jesus possessed a true understanding of God, Spirit, and he as a reflection of that God, Spirit, even if he was still living as a seemingly biological human body.

For instance, what was the consciousness that Jesus possessed while he was born, during his childhood, during the 30 years or so before he became a Jewish preacher who pissed off the Jewish religious leaders who then had him put to death on the cross?

This is a very important question for Christian believers and non-Christians alike.

In general, religious Christians simply believe in him like he was a god or even God in the flesh. But that is way too simple for any thinker, religious thinker or not.

It should be very obvious that Jesus had a hardwired human brain. And he had a soft-wired human mind and consciousness. That should be simple enough for anyone to agree to as a basic fact of being a human being.

But Jesus did not possess a simple consciousness. Nor did Jesus possess a very simple one-dimensional state of biological consciousness. Jesus possessed a multi-dimensional consciousness that the people around him could feel, but they could not understand because they possessed only a one-dimensional state of biological consciousness.

Jesus possessed what is termed the Christ Consciousness. Everyone around him did not possess the Christ Consciousness, just like today most if not all people do not possess the Christ Consciousness. But they should start to think about it, especially after my essays.

That concept of possessing a multi-dimensional consciousness can be illustrated in human terms also. Most people have a one-dimensional biological body, but they also possess different states of consciousness depending on what their area of expertise is at any given time during their human lives.

For example, some people spend their whole lives studying and practicing music, mathematics, and even astrophysics or quantum physics. Or even microbiology.

These people, and their human brains and minds, possess a different state of human consciousness regarding those different and very specific topics compared to the other people, their human brains and minds, who do not study and understand the mental realms of music, mathematics, astrophysics, or quantum physics. Or even microbiology.

It is the same idea regarding the metaphysically spiritual interpretation of the Bible. A person who is studying the Bible as a history book will never understand, know, and become conscious of the very deep, profound, and life-changing metaphysical and spiritual meanings of the Bible.

They could possess Christ Consciousness if they learned the way of seeking, (the Word) and finding, (the Christ) using, (Christianity) and being (the Spiritual Science) the multi-dimensional states of spiritual consciousness and its spiritual and metaphysical laws.

By the way, those four terms, Word, Christ, Christianity, and Science are four terms that describe the four operational modes of operation in the realm of what is termed divine Science, or that pure spiritual realm where God is operating from itself, through itself, as itself, and for itself.

For example, the divine Mind or Intelligence only knows itself from the whole of divine Mind or Intelligence, through the whole of divine Mind or Intelligence, as itself or as the whole of itself as the divine Mind or Intelligence, and for itself for the whole of itself as the divine Mind or Intelligence.

This divine Mind or Intelligence does not know any mortal mental religious delusional concepts about Jesus, Christianity, or any other religion known to the human species. It does not know an evil mind, a carnal or sexually sinful mind, or a limited human brain-mind, or ignorant mind, etc.

In the human mental realm of existence, this divine realm translates itself to the human mind as seeking God or the Word of God, finding God or becoming the Christ Consciousness, using God as a pure spiritual realm of reflection, and being God within the pure realm of spiritual consciousness.

By the way, these spiritual laws are better described in Max Kappeler’s book titled, “The Four Levels of Spiritual Consciousness.” And I advise everyone to buy it at the link below.

There were people before and after the time of Jesus who knew what the Bible or the Torah meant as purely spiritual and metaphysical books on higher levels of spiritual consciousness, not just a book about people like Moses, for example.

Why is the term and topic of consciousness having a real spiritual consciousness so important in this new age of science, of knowledge, information, and different realms of intelligence?

It is because, in this new age of intelligence, information, and knowledge, the material and physical sciences have made it very clear that what is more important than anything is understanding any area of life. Having the understanding, intelligence, information, and knowledge is way more important than money, sex, power, cars and trucks, sports, etc. etc. etc.

So why does that have to do with the religion of Christianity?

Since the very first century after the life and death of Jesus, the religion of Christianity, just like the Jewish religion, has also gone through many different changes during its Jewish history; so too has the Christian religion when it was being spread throughout the different nations and countries around the globe during the last 2000 years.

In today’s modern-day world, the word consciousness is a very big and important topic by at least some people or researchers in the field of neural science, - meaning the brain, and even in the human mind topic of psychology.

Even since the death of Jesus, the religious movement termed Christianity has been changing in many different ways for over 2000 years. Many believers have no idea what they believe in while many non-believers think that many Christian beliefs are simply crazy, stupid, ridiculous, unreal, and unreasonable too.

Therefore, if the Christian and Jewish religions have been changing for over 2000 years and 5500, respectfully, what should be the next major change for all of the 2.2 billion Christian and Jewish believers and even for the non-Christian and non-Jewish believers too, as a means for understanding the higher spiritual sense of the Christian religion on a deeper, metaphysical, and spiritual realm of existence?

There should be a complete change in how all religious people view, practice, and are aware of God, Spirit.

The next step is a true Christian consciousness termed the Christ Consciousness for every individual Christian believer and no believer alike, and the collective state of mind for the Christian religion.

What is this new state of mind or state of Christian consciousness that should be the new aim, goal, and purpose for every Christian believer and non-Christian believer alike?

The new state of a Christian consciousness should be obtaining the same spiritual Christ consciousness that Jesus had obtained during his human life, and which he obtained even more so after his human death.

Believe it or not religious folks, even after your human death, you are still learning lessons about life.

Is a spiritual consciousness of Christianity eating or not eating certain foods on certain days of the day, week, month, or year? Nope. Eating or not eating certain foods has nothing to do with a true, spiritual state of consciousness. I eat and drink whatever I want, and I still know what I know. I am still in a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, even while I walk with my human biological body. A body I don’t like anymore to tell you the truth. It has taken a lot of work to stay alive these last five years of my human life.

Is a spiritual consciousness of Christianity studying, knowing, and understanding the history of Christianity?

Is a spiritual consciousness of Christianity simply repeating the same words over and over again for the previous 2000 years and the next 2000 years?

Or should a spiritual consciousness of Christianity be something deeper, and more profound instead of simply living as a human biological creature on planet Earth, among the other human biological creatures on planet Earth?

All of the above questions and issues depend on the religion of Christianity to be exercised on looking outward from the human brain, mind, and consciousness to the everyday life of a so-called Christian.

But what happens inwardly within the mind, the consciousness, and even the brain of a person who desires to be a real Christian with a spiritual Christian state of consciousness?

Can this true spiritual Christ consciousness be grasped mentally, understood, and known by the one-dimensional biological state of consciousness?

No, the true spiritual Christ consciousness cannot be grasped mentally, understood, or known by billions of human beings simply believing that they are only a one-dimensional biological brain and body.

The true spiritual Christ consciousness can only be grasped mentally, understood, and known by first accenting the metaphysical fact that God Almighty is not the biological Jesus, but in the words of Jesus, “God is Spirit. And those who worship God, the Spirit, must worship in spirit and truth.”

That is what Jesus stated, or so it is written in the Gospel of John.

Yet, for some unknown reason, all of the 2.2 billion Christian believers and the other billions of non-believers have either ignored that statement or do not care about reading that one sentence and trying to figure out what it means.

Mary Baker Eddy stated on the page, (595. 19-21.) SPIRIT. Divine substance; Mind; divine Principle; all that is good; God; that only which is perfect, ever-lasting, omnipresent, omnipotent, infinite.

Having a spiritual Christian consciousness does not depend on, nor will ever depend on eating or not eating certain foods on certain days of the week, month, or year, until the day you die.

And Jesus never stated that false religious concept either. So why do people who consider themselves Christians wrongly and falsely believe that eating or not eating certain foods on certain days of the week or month makes them real Christians when it does not make them real spiritual Christians?

Moreover, Jesus never made a big deal out of any type of human ritual and religious outward practice and prayer because he knew as he stated, ‘The Kingdom of God is within you.’ Jesus stated that.”The kingdom of God, Spirit is within you.” (Luke 12:17)

He meant that the spiritual realm of God, Spirit is only located within your mind as spiritual understanding and consciousness. The kingdom of God is not someplace, somewhere. It is right where you are located, if you understand, know, and are conscious of the spiritual realms of existence that are not a one-dimensional biological state of consciousness and existence.

Most rational people look down on the wrong and false sense of Christian worship just the way they look down on the Jewish religion for their old, outdated, and ridiculous religious rituals and practices that the Jews have been doing for over 3000 years, give or take a few years.

Most people have to come to realize that Jesus is not going to return in the sky, plucking people out from their graves and bringing them to a place called heaven. Why haven’t the so-called Christians realized it too? How long will it take for Christians to wake up from their mentally delusional religious beliefs and start to obtain a true spiritual consciousness that Jesus possessed?

Religious rituals and practices that Jesus came to overcome because he did not give a hoot about obeying such stupid and nonsensical rituals and practices when it came to knowing, understanding, and obeying the pure spiritual realm of Spirit.

Jesus stated that.”The kingdom of God, Spirit is within you.” (Luke 12:17)

He never remarked that the kingdom of God, Spirit is out there somewhere, like in the cosmic universe, where you may think, you may travel to in your afterlife. Which may or may not happen.

I state that it may or may not happen because I have already travel out of my human biological body, more like my human brain, and I somehow exited my human brain, was stuck up there in the cosmic universe for just long to view a whole cosmic galaxy before I was thrusted back into my human brain, which was not a pleasant entry back to my human brain. Six times and more!

This has led me to think that maybe people leave their human brains when they die, and they are sent out into the cosmic universe to go somewhere besides planet Earth. But I do not know if that is a true concept so, please do not quote me on it.

Jesus hinted at the metaphysical and spiritual fact that the kingdom of God and heaven is within your spiritual consciousness. Where else is it going to be accepted within your mind, consciousness, and state of existence?

If you truly believe that you are only a one-dimensional state of a biological consciousness and you do not want to evolve and develop out of that one-dimensional state of a biological consciousness, you will never see and understand your true spiritual self-hood that is outside of your very limited biological body with its hardwired human brain which needs the five physical senses to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell.

Surely, you all must know by now that there is so much more to living and life even on planet Earth than what you experience with your very limited human eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.

The material and physical sciences have demonstrated that fact in so many areas of life, biological life, cosmic life, and even within the mental realms of the brain termed neural sciences that all of you must realize that if human and biological life is very complex, so too is the realm of God, Spirit, in its deeper and more profound metaphysical and spiritual meanings.

The realm of Spirit, God, is located exactly where you are located, just like the realm of mathematics is located exactly where you are located. If you truly understand that 2=2=4, that is a mathematical idea.

Well, if you begin to understand the spiritual realm as a spiritual realm of spiritual ideas and laws that you can understand now, right where you are located, you can begin to obtain a true spiritual Christ consciousness or a pure realm of spiritual Christianity as a state of Christianity consciousness.

But that is not accomplished by either the old and outdated Jewish or Christian religious rituals and practices that serve no real purposes other than to fool either real or false religious people that they are doing something in the name of Jesus Christ before they die, so they can get to a place call heaven so they do not go to a place called hell as a state in the afterlife.

So the essay is written for this week. Some of you will laugh at or even hate this essay. Too bad for you.

But that is ok because one day a new generation of people might read it and they will change not only their one-dimensional biological consciousness to a multi-dimensional state of spiritual consciousness, but they will help change and transform the human species from the mess it is in now to a new generation of spiritual human beings on planet Earth.

Until that happens, there are still people like me to help it along.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!