This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Essay 39 - 2024. The New Christian Church is a Spiritual Consciousness. Feel Good in Church. Feel Lost and Empty When You Are Home. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! September 28, 2024.

Essay 39 - 2024. The New Christian Church is a Spiritual Consciousness.

Feel Good in Church. Feel Lost and Empty When You Are Home.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

September 28, 2024.

“CHURCH. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle. The Church is that institution, which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas and the demonstration of divine Science, thereby casting out devils, or error, and healing the sick.” (S&H. Pg. 583. 12-19.)

When you enter a church, you feel good. When you go home, you feel empty. What is up with that?

At least for some of my dear readers.

You know you are. I don’t need to know who you are because I know that you exist.

Why do I know you exist?

Because when I was a boy, whenever I entered a Catholic church or any other church when I was older, I felt good going there, and sometimes I felt good as I left the church. But eventually, that good feeling left me because I was away from the wood, stone, or brick church.

Something just didn’t make sense to me because if you knew something about God, Jesus, the Bible, the afterlife, and the supernatural, you should at least feel better if that feeling was more confusing than ever before in your life.

It is because whenever most of you emotional religious Christians go to church for your religious moral support, you believe in religious beliefs based on your emotions and not on your rational, logical, and intelligent thought.

This leads to voting with your emotions too because God forbid that you use really rational, logical, and intelligent thought to decide on who should be president of the United States of America.

Many Americans do not realize that a very big job of being the president of the United States of America is being the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. That is a very big job. Harris is a moron who should not be Commander in Chief for the Armed Forces of America because she cannot even solve the nation’s teeny, tiny problems and issues.

Trump sees the bigger, global, and international picture. Harris does not see it, nor does she care.

Enough of that political analysis from me at the moment.

But when that concept is applied to religion, it is the same. Most religious Christians do not see the bigger picture of the Bible, Christianity, Jesus, and even the afterlife. They see only bits and pieces with their emotional states of mind, hoping, dreaming, wishing, and believing in mentally delusional religious concepts that are not real, nor based on reality.

I am betting 99.9% of religious Christians around the globe take into consideration neither their human biological consciousness nor their mentally delusional religious consciousness which is based on 2000-year-old and ever much longer, humanly created religious beliefs about God, which were needed during the time of pagan worship.

But believe it or not, there is still pagan worship happening today. It is just not the pagan worship of melting down brass carving wood statues of animals or figures or even worshipping the sun. Instead, people worship other stuff: like sex, money, cars and trucks, sports players, guns and rifles, porn, movies, and other material stuff. Some people who are alive today even worship the material and physical sciences because the material sciences have led to knowledge, understanding, intelligence, and information about the material and physical life on planet Earth and the cosmic universe above the realm of the human brain’s normal range of sight.

Again, there is nothing wrong with normal sex, earning money, having a car and truck, playing and watching sports, and owning guns and rifles for the correct reasons. Or watching movies and studying all of the physical and material sciences. That needs to be done because the material and physical sciences have helped create a better mankind, but it has also damaged the planet in many ways.

In any case, religions and religious Christians who only possess a very limited and finite materialized state of a biological consciousness will never begin to understand, comprehend, and be conscious of higher levels of metaphysical and spiritual states of consciousness.

Even in the human realm of existence, it can be truthfully stated that what makes up a human being is not their limited biological body of skin, bones, blood, organs, or sex organs because all of those elements of the human and animal biological human body are the same for everyone, more or less.

What matters even in the human realm of existence is what an individual human being possesses as their consciousness even has their human identity. A highly educated intellectual human being possesses a completely different state of consciousness compared to an uneducated teenage pothead or a convicted ex-convict who cannot read or write about modern-day issues, or global, or international issues, problems, and events regarding political thought, religious thought, economic thought, etc.

The human consciousness of an astrophysicist who understands the realm of the cosmic space-time dimension possesses a different state of consciousness regarding space-time compared to an uneducated teenage pothead or a convicted ex-con whose only concept of time is when will he get out of prison, or how much time until he returns to prison.

A person who is stuck inside a steel bar prison cell is not going to possess the same consciousness regarding the cosmic space-time realm as a different person who is looking through a very high powerful telescope at night long for years on end after attaining a Ph.D. in astrophysics and chemistry.

A simple minded, emotional religious person who simply attains a church once a week and repeats a bunch of religious words, no matter what religion it is, is not going to possess the same consciousness as the convict who is stuck inside a prison steel bar cell, or the astrophysics who is looking through a very high powerful telescope all night long for years on end.

Those are three different states of human consciousness even though they all have to eat food, drink liquids, watch the nightly news, and wonder if a nuclear war is going to destroy the human species in a matter of nanoseconds, which is probably not long enough for it to happen because the speed of subatomic particles travels so fast that nanoseconds don’t even measure it.

There is one thing nobody can escape, and that is your state of individual consciousness. Even if you are personally are living inside a prison cell, living inside a religious church, or are on a mountain to peering through a tiny hole to view the whole cosmic universe, if you still believe independently that you a one-dimensional biological human body as a state of your human consciousness, then you are still stuck inside your human body like a criminal who is stuck inside a prison cage, except your cage is made of out skin, bones, blood, and a brain.

On the other hand, if you start to rise out of your biological prison, cage, or body by possessing a multi-dimensional state of spiritual and intellectual consciousness, you and the whole human species will slowly but surely begin to help the advancement into a higher state of human civilization and consciousness.

From all sense of observations, it seems by the evidence of the human eye and brain, everyone will escape their personal biological human body, although that may or may not be true depending on what happens to you as a human biological body, brain, and mind while you live on planet Earth and when you enter your afterlife depending what happens to you at that moment.

A lot of people think that their biological human body is their church because some people love their biological human body.

They love their biological body beyond measure. The men love their muscles. The ladies love their blond, natural or fake blond hair.

Some people worship their human biological body too. They work out with weights to make their muscles very nice looking, which is all well and good. I exercise too, almost every day.

Have you ever seen those types of people? You have seen people who don’t exercise at all.

Other people just accept their biological body because that is the biological human body that they were born with. All over the globe, people are born into the world with a biological body.

Other people do not like their biological bodies at all for lots of reasons. It does not look as perfect as other people’s bodies. It gets worn down. It gets sick or does not feel good. It is a lot of work to take of especially when you get older and when you have to drive it to a hospital or doctor for help. It costs money to take care of your biological human body. Then it turns to dust.

Or so it seems.

During cold days the body is cold. The next day the body is hot. One day the body needs a new set of clothes or shoes or a hat to be worn because you have lost your hair, or you just like to wear hats because hats protect your head from the sun’s rays, the rain, the snow, or they simply look good, like making a fashion statement or letting people know that you take pride in how you look.

Then there is all of the beauty, skin, and hair products that you need for your human biological body. You need shampoo, toothpaste, soap, towels, shaving cream and shaver, nail clippers, and different sets of matching bras and panties if you are female.

A lot of people really enjoy taking care of their human body too. They look in the mirror and they think to themselves, ‘Oh boy, look at me. Don’t I look like a beauty today? Everyone is going to look at me and think to themselves, ‘That is a good-looking gal. I wish I could date her just to impress Mom and Dad.’

The teeth need to be taken care of because people like to eat and drink foods and drinks that are bad for the teeth. That led to teeth being pulled and replaced with fake teeth. Have you ever seen people with the whitest fake teeth in the world? Better than stained teeth, like my teeth.

Sometimes I wonder to myself when I see the whitest fake teeth in the world that their teeth look better than they do. But this ok since teeth are white anyway. I just hope that people do not start coloring their teeth differently. Besides gold and silver, can you imagine red and blue teeth?

How people practice the same Christian religion in different ways just to be a little different than the other religious Christian believers who attend different types of churches.

A suit is good for very formal occasions. Sneakers are good for running, walking, or just trying to impress your teenage buddies that you have money when you are indeed probably broke.

Then there is the swimming and beach wear too. Although many females like showing off their butts by wearing a tiny string bathing suit that covers up the one patch or part of their bodies where babies popped out after nine months of carrying a living baby inside their gut for about nine months, all good-looking female butts look the same. A bunch of curvy butt muscles.

A lot of males have hanging guts, but it is not because they have a baby inside their gut. It is because they don’t care if they look like they are carrying a human baby. And because they don’t eat correctly, nor do they exercise enough to look like well-built male bodies that look good whenever they look in the bathroom mirror or when they are seen by the male or female species on the beach.

Sometimes medical students have to play around and experiment on dead bodies which probably feel like hard cold rubber. At first, they probably do not like touching a dead human body, even if they are wearing rubber gloves and they are using knives and other tools to cut open a dead human body so they can learn about the human biological body.

On YouTube, sometimes a YouTube short will pop up with a guy in a white lab coat and he is handling a dead heart, or a brain, or some other part of the human body. Is that all we are as human beings? No, it is not. More importantly, consciousness is more important, beyond measure.

Once, I was sitting at a table in a student union with the vice president of the university, along with a very smart lady. Somehow, the topic came up and he stated to me, “What is more important is not the outside of the body, like what you look like, but what is happening inside the human biological body.”

Dead stop. He stood up and left the table. He had business to attend to.

As I stood up to exit the table, I realized that I knew a lot of other stuff, like the Bible, economics, the cosmic universe, and even a little bit about quantum physics, but I did not know a lot about my human body compared to a real doctor who attained many years of higher education to become a doctor.

That statement has been stuck in my mind for some reason for decades. Maybe because I don’t know a lot about the inside of the human biological body like I do about other topics. Sure, I know that there is a brain, heart, blood, muscles, liver, lungs, etc. But all of those organs are very complex in their way. Even medical experts spend a lot of time studying them, which is the reason for so many specialties in the medical field.

I am happy that my human biological body is working fine at the moment. As many of my readers know, I was dying from stage 4 CLL cancer in January 2022. I am still taking chemo-pills for it now. I am guessing the cancer cells are mostly gone now even though I am still taking chemo for it.

I was also dying from Type 2 diabetes in 2019 because somehow, (don’t ask me) I lost all of the body muscle I once had when I was younger. Having and using muscle is very important because it takes sugar (glucose) out of the bloodstream.

My sugar level was 600 and my A1C was 14. The normal numbers are supposed to be around 70-100 and the A1C are supposed to be around, “A1C results. The following ranges are used to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes: Normal: below 5.7% Prediabetes: 5.7% to 6.4% Diabetes: 6.5% or above. (Taken off the web.)

I was told that I was going into a diabetic coma and would die at any second. As you can well guess by now, my dear readers, it looks like I seem to be an immortal idea or image in the Mind of God, Spirit.

I had already guessed I was dying, even though I had no idea what was happening when I entered the emergency room. After many tests, the ER nurse ran into my room in the ER and yelled at me, ‘You are diabetic!’

I was thinking to myself, ‘I have already guessed that young lady. The question was why.’ I had to discover what was the main problem besides my pancreas not working completely.

Before I entered the hospital’s ER department, I felt like a walking ghost. But that was nothing new to me since I have felt like a walking ghost on many occasions dying during my life; now more than ever before, after my rather long very dark mental and psychological experiences with stage 4 CLL cancer, dying, death, and returning to life again.

What type of biological and psychological darkness you may be wondering about? When you are taking so many powerful drugs to stay alive, your brain and human mind is not working at all. The only part of me that existed was the spiritual part of me that wasn’t putting up with the limited mortal suggestion that I was dying from stage 4 CLL cancer.

Taking the chemo drug during that experience for CLL cancer and other drugs for full-blown shingles when the doctors told me that I could lose an eye or both of them, I was a walking zombie. It was during this moment in my life when the teeny, tiny, nothing town’s violent teenagers were always trying to pick a fight with me because they thought that they were badass picking on a dying walking zombie.

But oh no! The dying walking zombie returned to life again and now those violent teenagers have realized that trying to pick a fight with a dying walking zombie was a dumb thing to do because I am not a dying walking zombie anymore.

And the once-dying walking zombie has a very long memory with new bones and muscles, and a better brain and human mind too.

I have expounded my experience a bit too much for this essay. But people who love to eat junk food and sugary foods should realize that their mental love for sugar and the taste of sugar is very bad for them. But it can be overcome with knowledge and information, a change in food habits, and exercise.

Now, my brain and body reject eating a lot of sugary foods.’

I like to use the phrase, ‘Simple, easy, slow, and careful exercises,’ especially for beginners.

People who do not exercise their body’s muscles should realize that they are slowly killing themselves with their very bad bodily habits when they could have longer and healthier human lives.

That university vice president and professor was correct. You may look in that bathroom mirror and think to yourselves that you have the most beautiful body in the world until the inside of that very beautiful body becomes a huge life-and-death problem that could end your earthly life.

“What is the simple definition of pancreas?

A glandular organ located in the abdomen. It makes pancreatic juices, which contain enzymes that aid in digestion, and it produces several hormones, including insulin. The pancreas is surrounded by the stomach, intestines, and other organs.” (Taken off the web.)

Americans love sugar and not exercising their muscles to get rid of that sugar out of their bloodstream is not good, neither for the human biological body, the bank accounts, nor for living because dying and death are always around the corner during your human life. That is not a very good mixture for a healthy human biological body.

Maybe I just did not exercise my upper body like I did my legs because used them more when I walked, jogged, hiked and mountain biked mountains, etc. Now, I lift weights, and my muscles are working and looking like a boxing champion.

Somehow, cancer researchers have developed a chemo-pill for my specific cancer condition after decades and lifetimes of dedicated research and development to help people overcome cancer. I don’t know how my cancer doctors her job having to deal with cancer patients all day long.

The different state of consciousness between her and the lifelong violent criminal convict is so huge as to be compared to the sun and the moon. The sun brings life to planet Earth, while the moon only partly reflects some of the sunlight, heat, and energy.

I never worshiped my human biological body. It was never that good-looking guy. Although it is not bad looking, like some of the toothpick bodies I have seen during my lifetime. I have seen druggies and poor people who cannot afford food to be so thin that one hit with a punch or kick would simply and quickly break their bones into two parts instead of one.

For example, ballet bodies are really thin, but they are also very strong as to be able to stand on their toes, dancing and prancing on stage in front of people who are watching those ballet dancers move and dance on stage, unlike other people who could never do such dancing and prancing on their toes onstage in front of viewers.

I bet that when people of all sorts around the globe see a dead human body they wonder if the real purpose and objective of living is all there is at the end of your life.

I think that many religious people like to worship the human body of Jesus too, at least in some regard, because they falsely think and believe that Jesus’s human biological body was God in the flesh.

But of course, they are completely wrong because they are thinking and reasoning on a one-dimensional biological level of existence and consciousness.

Do you think Jesus worshiped his human biological body?

Heck no. Jesus overcame the human and mortal belief that he was only a single one-dimensional biological body very early in his human career and life.

If any of those supernatural or metaphysical stories and examples are too, then Jesus overcame his limited human biological body instead of worshiping it.

He stated, “Take this temple and destroy it and I will raise it up again in three days.”

Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” New International Version. (John 2:19.)

What about Paul? What do you think Paul stated about the biological body in general and specifically? Look it up. Both Jesus and Paul stated flesh, and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, Spirit, in their way.

The human man named Jesus did not worship his biological body at all. He and others have stated metaphysical and spiritual phrases about the war and battle between the flesh and the spirit, meaning the war and battle between the loving and worshipping the human body where the spirit of life seems to reside in compared to the spiritual realm where the spirit of Life, Truth, Love, resides everything throughout space and time as spiritual laws and consciousness.

Instead of worshiping the human biological body, some people like to worship their sense of God in a wooden or stone church. A good guess might indicate that these sorts of religious people do not worship their human biological bodies like those good-looking people because they like to worship their sense of God instead of the human body.

Feel Good in Church. Feel Lost and Empty When You Are Home.

What is up with that notion?

Religious people wait all week for their one hour in one day to go to and visit a Christian Church so that they can feel closer to God, or their materially humanized concept of God instead of worshiping the God that is Spirit instead of matter, or in this case the biological body and the material church.

Don’t they feel like they are missing something, something very important?

If religious Christians feel only good when they enter a material wooden, stone, or brick church, and then they feel like they are missing something very important because they feel empty, not really spiritually satisfied, then; what could that missing something be?

Could it be that they are worshiping the body of Jesus and also worshiping the wooden, stone, or brick church instead of worshiping God, Spirit? ... ‘in Spirit and truth.’

People like to fool themselves all of the time.

Some people like to fool themselves that they are in love with another person, although it can be true that people fall in love with each other and spend a lifetime together, until of course things get really rough in life and someone or both of them calls it quits.

Some people fool themselves that they are the most beautiful people in the world. Some people like to think that they are very important when if fact when they are dead no one will miss them.

Some people, actually a lot of billions of people like to think that they know something about Jesus, God, evil, the afterlife, when in fact they know almost nothing about Jesus, God, evil, and the afterlife because their consciousness is so limited and stuck in a wrong mental framework that they miss out on the very important issues and topics they wrongly think they know something about.

Just look at physicists, astrophysicists, and cosmologists. Some, if not most of them, think that they are studying the ultimate realms of reality, namely the cosmic universe because the external or objective cosmic universe is out there, away from the people world, the earthly world, and even from the universe of the human consciousness.

How in the world can religious people and material and physical scientists believe anything is true if they do not take into consideration the internal, subjective, and invisible mental world of the human consciousness?

Do those physicists, astrophysicists, and cosmologists feel empty when they leave their mental realm of the cosmic universe like those religionists, of any religion but specifically of the Christian religion because many religious Christians love to attend their local churches?

Many religious Christians love to attend their buildings called churches just like those astrophysicists and cosmologists love to look through their telescopes. Religions think they know something about God, Jesus, evil, and the afterlife.

Astrophysicists and cosmologists love to believe that they think they know something about reality as our cosmic universe.

The so-called religious Christians think that God created the cosmic universe while the astrophysicists and cosmologists do not even consider any type of God that created the cosmic universe.

These are two different types of states of human consciousness, although of course, not the whole of human consciousness.

In a huge general way, those two different states of human consciousness are needed at this moment in human history because people don’t know any better, even the so-called educated people.

Yes, there sure seems to be an external, objective cosmic universe of space-time, light waves, galaxies, and even the Big Bang that appears to be our sense of reality every time we look upward at the blue or dark sky.

Yes, people go to church, and they feel a little better or worse depending on each human being. I bet a lot of people go to a religious Christian church and then they go home feeling nothing except more confused about their own personal existence and their place in the cosmic universe as human creatures with brains on planet Earth.

Jesus knew his place on Earth and in the cosmic universe because Jesus realized that his consciousness was more important than both a material building or place for worship and the cosmic universe of the sun, moon, and stars, in which Earth and all of its inhabitants are living.

You may think to yourselves my dear readers, ‘How did I arrive at that conclusion since you have never met the human man named Jesus?’

First, going to a material church to worship a materially humanized God is a state of consciousness.

Second, looking through a highly powerful telescope to discover the ultimate state of reality is also a state of human consciousness.

Third, the human consciousness specifically and generally is separate from both any materially humanized sense of God and also from the cosmic universe even if it believes in a false material humanized mental concept of God.

The human consciousness is by itself an entity or state of existence that is currently more important than any material church building or telescope.

The religious church is out there, separated from the human consciousness.

The material cosmic universe is out there, separated from any human consciousness.

The human consciousness believes in its delusional religious notion of what God and Jesus are, just like it believes that the only possibility of the cosmic universe is the most important place to find the ultimate state of reality.

But if the ultimate state of reality is not in a religious church or the cosmic universe, where is it? You might ask yourselves.

Rising higher into states of higher realms of consciousness, the ultimate state of consciousness is spiritual, metaphysically that is, especially when it comes to issues and problems of life and death.

If the ultimate state of existence and consciousness is God, Spirit, and this ultimate state of God, Spirit cannot be seen with the human eyes which cannot be seen inside any religious Christain or any religious church, then the ultimate church is completely spiritual.

And the ultimate universe is spiritual, not the cosmic universe.

But how do I know this so I can write it you may be asking yourselves?

I have entered many different religious Christian churches throughout my life, and I have not only studied the cosmic universe myself, as well as looking through my telescopes, but I have experienced the pure realm of spiritual consciousness when I was going back and forth and ‘up there’ and back down again’ during my dying stage 4 experience.

But long before I experienced a purely spiritual realm of consciousness, I had been studying, researching, thinking about, pondering, and experiencing all sorts of ‘supernatural experiences.’

I am sure that many other people, even the uneducated simple-minded people have experienced different abnormal or immaterial and even supernatural psychological experiences within their consciousness even if it was not like my supernatural psychological experiences.

The point here is that everything happens within the human consciousness. Where else is going to happen my dear readers? Is it going to happen in a material wood, stone, or brick church?


Is it going to happen up there far away in the cosmic universe?


Is it going to happen to your biological human body?

Nope! At least not for most of you until the moment you die, meaning when you stop breathing air or oxygen.

My human biological body has survived all sorts of suggestions called death, way too many to name all of them here. I could but that is not the point for this essay.

From the moment we are all born into this world of a human biological body, into this space-time world, into this cosmic universe with a sun, moon, planets, and galaxies, we all seem to be stuck in it.

Isn’t that true for all of you?

Don’t you all feel like you are stuck in this world? Or to put it more directly, stuck inside your human biological body. You all look in the bathroom mirror and you think to yourself that that is you. You think to yourself, ‘It is me.’


Is that all you are as a human being as your main core identity?

And your consciousness is secondly, like something that is hidden away inside your human brain waiting to get out and explore the unseen worlds and universes that exist right where you stand now, at this very moment of your human life.

I don’t know about all of the people who read my essays, but I am sure not the same person since I was born into this world. Heck, I am not the same person since my stage 4 cancer CLL experience in 2022, during my near-death, and dying experience only to find myself returning to this plane of existence once again to write these essays for anyone around the world to read.

When I stand on my front porch and I look out into the clear blue sky, or the dark void of the night sky, when I feel the wind on my skin, when I see flying birds playing their magical flights through the air, when I feed some feral cats, when I see my enemies who hate my guts because they are living on such a low life scale of human existence, when I drink a cup of coffee one time, when, well, you get the idea.

Even human life is different within a person’s consciousness when you have died as many times as I have in so many different ways. And it is all happening within my consciousness. It is not happening within a church I might attend just for fun. It is not happening up there in the cosmic realm of space-time.

I am reading a very interesting book titled, “God’s Equation. Einstein, Relativity, and the Expanding Universe. By: Amir. D. Aczel.

It is a book about how mathematics was developed before and after Albert Einstein. I am only halfway finished, so I don’t know how it will end, although I have relearned a few abstract mathematical concepts that force my human brain, mind, and consciousness to escape this plane of existence to imagine higher and different realms of space-time. I am guessing that it is not normal for less intelligent human beings to do that mental exercise. They better not try it. It might hurt.

Sometimes, when I am standing on my front porch at night, I can feel like my whole human and cosmic consciousness can feel the whole Earth moving around in space-time around the sun just as easy as I can feel a moving car or truck or airplane when I flew them on a Sunday afternoon.

Sometimes when I look into the vastness of space-time I can imagine that somewhere far away other creatures are looking at us, also realizing that they will never get to visit us unless they can leave their biological bodies by astral projection for a quick visit to Earth.

Since I have left my human hardwired brain to skip out of this earthly realm to pop into the realm of space-time to look down at a whole galaxy in one view, I have often wondered if I could do it again and visit another planet and another species.

Of course, that might not be such a good idea because maybe I would not get to return to Earth. In which case, I would be a dead human being instead of a living human being, on planet Earth that is. (LOL)

Back to the main point.

People who do not think in terms of their consciousness being important are those human beings who live only within a one-dimensional biological realm of existence and consciousness.

People who have expanded their mental models or states of consciousness in one way or another way have experienced all sorts of supernatural experiences, which are in many forms.

That being stated, even people, young people especially, also experience supernatural events.

Do all of your so-called religious Christians think that Jesus had ‘supernatural experiences’ when he was on planet Earth? Or not.

The Bible states that he not only experienced supernatural experiences, but it performed them as well. Did those events happen because he was God in the flesh?

Or did they happen because he possessed the spiritual Christ Consciousness of God, Spirit?

There are a few things Jesus knew, even as a Jew. He knew that true worship did not happen inside a temple or a church.

Jesus knew that the real worship happened within each individual state of human consciousness.

People have that decision to make, whether to worship inside a wooden, stone, or brick church or building. Those days are basically over for any true religious person.

Or to worship within your true spiritual consciousness which can only happen with a multi-dimensional state of consciousness while living as a human being on planet Earth.

If each human being out of the 7-8 human beings started to worship that way, it would change the world and the human species to ascend above being a purely one-dimensional biological creature to a new state of a biological human species with a spiritual consciousness.

Then, all human evil including war would be no more!

When you obtain a true spiritual Christ Consciousness, you don't feel lost and empty anywhere, including at home.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!