52 Stories in 52 Weeks: 2007 ##7 St. Valentine’s Day Surprise:
By: Mr. George Patnoe Jr.'s Ambidextrous Writing Brain - Mind
Everyone’s hopeful wish for a touch of love on the one universal day when lovers and non lovers like are expected to show a moment’s sign of love for another person, even if that love is not romantic. Classroom children exchange cards and maybe some candy while grownups might exchange roses, or chocolate, or maybe even a diamond ring or necklace. Even though they may not understandingly touch the spirit of grow up love, children probably do not realize what all that love stuff is all about, while most grown ups realized that to celebrate a moment of love means to spend money on a person, romantic or not, who may or may not love you back or may or may not love another person besides yourself.
Yet, the same people may even exchange other kinds of gifts on the religious day of Christmas, when Jesus’s birth is celebrated, without a hint of love for the one man that changed the world, forever. The one human who loved all of mankind so much, that he gave up his own human life to prove that there is no death. But how can true love ever die. A strange cosmic fact in a universe where birth and death seem inevitable, where the only thing that may never die is the spirit of love, even the love that spans beyond death and the grave. What could be better than an invisible St. Valentine’s Day gift from beyond the grave. A supernatural St. Valentine’s Day gift from a lover who never had the chance to love a person they loved, before they left a material earth for a immaterial cosmic universe.
Ever since his friend died her earthly death many, many years ago, Mike could feel her presence once he rested from wandering the land called earth. As the earth moved around the much wider sun, Mile has moved from one place to another, living here and there and everywhere, until one day he found himself a home from which he could hear the earth moving around the sun, just as he could sense the presence of his childhood lover, a lover he could not physically love because the time was not correct for two people to love as lovers should love. Mike was older now, and once he was old enough to know that his childhood past was floating off even memory lane, he began to look towards the future, even a future life beyond the space-time universe he saw with his own eyes. As Mile once bath in a tub of water, a thought popped into his mind which as he subconsciously wondered about life.
Is it possible, if two people were closely connected on earth, in the form of communications and that of the heart, to be still connected even when one of them had left their earthly body, to travel where ever they go, as they might still carried memories of true friendships with them after they left one space and time universe to, as they traveled to another space and time universe. But if both of them had risen above the limitations of the human brain and human mind to understand how a universal cosmic consciousness could be not only understood, but developed by two people; then those two cosmic minds would be able to know that if life was multi-dimensional, and consciousness was also multi-dimensional, then there was no real reason why two cosmic people whose awareness had already risen above the space-time universe, to be able to stay connected by the link which always keeps two friends close together, even in the human.
As Mike sat still on porch one day, reading a book, a fly flew by faster than ever and Mike arrived at a startling conclusion; If flies and birds and flying bugs and insects and could fly faster than any human could fly, especially per body weigh, then maybe humans were not meant to fly faster than the speed of sound, as some pilots already do. Maybe humans were created to not fly with steel wings, but they were created though millions of years of evolutions to fly with their mind, with their consciousness, with their understanding about life beyond planet earth and its universe of space and time. Mike seemed to have an unexpected revelation from another realm, just to get to understand that moving and traveling around the globe was not the way to listen to one’s self or to life on earth, or to the universe, or to other universes, or to even God, whatever God Is.
As the spirit of St. Valentine’s Day arrived closer to the hearts and minds of all mankind, Mike’s mind imagined sensing ly traveled up and beyond his room to his lover’s mind who might be looking down upon him as he walked his path on earth. With so many different paths on planet earth, the path of being a student, of being a teacher, of being a machine driver, of being a gardener, of being a writer, of being a musician, of being a thinker and wonder er about romantic love on the day when lovers share a common goal, away from worldly thoughts of money and death.
Mike took a walk in his long garden, away from the world of men and machines and money.
Mike looked onto the garden’s flowers growing up towards the sky, even as the hummingbirds dashed around the flowers and then dashing into the flowers to get their sweet nectar; just as two different lovers who share their sweet love, but also their love for the life that surrounded them. What kind of life would his cosmic lover have around her, as she lived her new life away from planet earth, or maybe she was just next door, looking into planet earth’s living life as Mike looked into his pond and the swimming fish.
As Mike transcended out of his human mind into his cosmic mind, he began to see more clearly the other universe just next door to the space-time universe that trapped his physical body, just as a jailed prisoner who looks out of his steel barred windows, only to wonder about life on the outside of his cage. But Mike knew that he was not in a steel cage, because he was surrounded by life, even the sensitive earthly life which lived outside of human existence, but also within it. One affects the other, just as the other universe affected Mike.
Mike began to be aware of the life around him, the growing and glowing yellow flowers that attracted the hummingbird and other flying creatures. Mike began to leave his inner realm for the buzzing life around him. He looked up towards to the white clouds in the sky to see the seagulls flying from here to there, as if they were guided by an intelligence which forced them to fly from there to here and then to wherever. Mike could also feel their freedom to choose where they wanted to go as if by some instinct, passed on from generations of seagulls to future seagulls. Mike saw the seagulls moving their heads from side to side, looking around to the right and to the left as they flew and as they scanned the earth and all of the houses and streets and everything else from their safe distance high above in the sky. Maybe they were traveling to the sea coast or just to circle around back to the local lake, but in any case, the seagulls knew they had wings.
Mike then saw a cat walking on the fence, probably looking for a bird to eat as the hummingbirds flew passed the cat, probably laughing at the cat, mocking the hungry creature that possessed the instincts of their tiger family, but small enough to be able to live among humans in the advanced age of computers and satellites. Mike then pictured the hundreds if not thousands of satellites that were circling overhead, above the earth. Mike also pictured their invisible beams of waves which transmitted all kinds of information from earth to earth, and from the cosmos to earth, and from one cell phone to another cell phone; all of which could be monitored by the government.
Mike then thought about his lover sending him some invisible beam from her universe to his mental universe; his cosmic mental universe. Mike felt the Love that held everything in space and on planet earth in a big cosmic grasp, caring for life on all levels of existence. Mike that of possibilities beyond the limited brain, like how one creature in one universe would overcome her own space-time limitations to communicate with another creature in another universe who had also overcome his space-time limitations. After all, it would seem easier for two advance creatures to communicate by means of a cosmic consciousness than by some sort of not yet developed cosmic cell phone.
Mike’s inner mental antenna was turned on, awoken to its purpose, to receive and transmit information just like earth’s satellites. Mike tuned into a certain cosmic frequency which by now he had developed, even if not fully developed. But somehow, he started to listen for a message of love from his lover who was located in another realm, another universe, even if she could see and hear him, but he could not see and hear her; except in his mind. A mind that was once trapped inside a brain, and then expanded and expanded to become aware of the cosmos and beyond the cosmos, to other possible universe. Mike knew that he could not imagine every possible universe because even he was not that highly developed to envision every possible life form in every possible realm of life.
But he knew that there if only one other creature from one other universe was tapping into his own opened, yet focused mind waves, that maybe the two would meet up as one in a dreamy mental universe. Mike felt the waves arriving from beyond the known and seen universe, so he walked back to the house and he sat down in a chair. Closing his eyes, he saw her face, as clear as he could see her face; mainly the eyes, for even in other universes, the eyes could be a window to the soul. Mike wondered if she saw him as he really was, or did she get a picture of his face that she could notice within her own mind? Mike thought to himself that if other creatures looked different, but they were mentally transmitting messages and pictures of themselves, that maybe they could change their facial images, or maybe they were just naturally changed for the receiver so the receiver would know that he was meeting a cosmic mental traveler in another mental universe, a universe that was separate from the space-time-matter universe.
Mike began the mental transformation by blanking out the world, and opening up his mind to focus on not only his inner awareness, but to the outer cosmic awareness. He entered a place beyond space and time, a different realm where the two could meet up with their personal fantasy. On this special day, a new person entered Mike’s awareness. Mike was taken hold by this lover, his new cosmic friend, into a room with roses on a table and chairs for them to sit in. After she showed him his chair and he sat down, she brought in a special tea for them to drink. He felt the special tea cause his mind to become at one with her mind even more than he already was in the cosmic dividing line between their two universes.
Mike and his lady melted into a cosmic sense of oneness as their minds first connected and then they soul’s connected and then their bodies connected in the mental dream world which was real to them, but a dream to the Cosmic God who only knows perfection. He felt her touched his hand as she led him into her secret room, with her secret toys and games that she would only play with her new cosmic lover, Mike. Mike felt her guidance without even a voice because they were at one and no voice was needed in the cosmic game they played together.
Mike felt her hand as she walked him from one room to another room, through one state of mind to another state of mind. The lady seemed to know more about these cosmic travels and meetings than did the newly developing Mike. Maybe she knew that today was a lovers day on planet earth, or maybe she did not know. But he was gone from earth, until his earth connected body heard the telephone ring. Snapped out of one cosmic dream, while landing hard into the realm of his home space-time-matter realm. Mike realized that he forgot to take the phone off the hook, but it was to late. He had immediately snapped back into his normal human form, but the phone had stopped ringing.
A few hours had passed since he had left the normal space-time world of earthly existence, but now that he had returned, he had obtained another memory of multi-dimensional traveling, but he knew that no one would believe him. So he just kept his mouth closed, but his mind was always opened for new messages. As he woke up from his out of body traveling, he stepped outside to visit his backyard again. The backyard seemed to be new, different every time he stepped outside to visit the life in his garden. The hummingbirds seem to be flying faster and better, just as they sat on the tiny tree branches to rest, and to listen to the music with new ears everyday. Even the hummingbirds remembered the music they heard all of the days before today, so they knew what to expect and when unexpected new music was sounding forth from Mike’s house. Mike always remembered most of his travels just as the hummingbirds remembered their musical tunes, but Mike also remembered the new travels and new messages that sounded forth through the window of those higher and different dimensions of cosmic life.
One of Mike’s hypotheses stated that earthly life sometimes copied cosmic life, and he sometimes felt like a human hummingbird that could fly without wings, into the different cosmic realms beyond his human limitations. But who other humans cared about cosmic life, except the few out of millions who had been touched by the cosmic sounds that passes through the cosmic windows to the minds and hearts of the few humans that listened to the cosmic music from worlds beyond and behind our world.
But then again, Mike would hear life on planet earth anew because his awareness had been expanded even farther because of his cosmic travels beyond earth; each cosmic visit making Mike a newer and better and higher creature with a better sense of what life was really about, just as the hummingbirds who returned to their nests at night to dream about the music they had listened to from Mike’s house. Mike also sensed a new lady lover flow into his mind, as he began another mind melting experience, only this lady lover was still alive on planet earth, but who lived very far away from Mike. Mike felt her mind become one with his mind, just for the fun of it, as two lovers would love on planet earth, or in planet mind, in a cosmic universe of MIND
This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
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About Me

- George D. Patnoe., Jr!!!
- United States
- When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!
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