This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Harry: (part 2) The Boy Preacher

52 Stories in 52 Weeks: ## 22 Harry The Boy Preacher (part 2)

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr.'s Ambidextrous Brain + Mind.

Harry the milk delivery boy fell asleep, into a deep sleep. Harry dreamt a dream. Harry woke up on his canvass bed in his canvass tent. He slipped on his sandals and he wrapped a leather belt around his wrist. He grabbed a long curvy knife and slid it into its holder. As he walked out of the tent, he saw the afternoon sun rising high over the earth. He looked out over the hundred sheep that were glazing in the green grassy meadows next to the flowing river. Everything seemed normal to Harry the sheepman, until he saw the flash of light behind some huge rocks that were located high above him in the mountain.

Harry yelled out to one of his younger brothers, ‘I am going up to the mountain to find out what that flash of light was. Tell everyone that I will return when I get back and not to worry about me.’ His brother simply shook his heads for an ‘OK’ Harry grabbed two leather bags of water, some dates, apples, mangos, and banana’s. Harry also grabbed a long wooden staff in his hand, to help him over the rocks of the mountain. Harry was walking towards the mountain in no time. As soon as he started up the mountain, he stepped over many sharp rocks, so he had to be careful not to step onto the edge of a rock. Harry knew that if something had happened to him, he would have no one to help him return to the safe green grassy meadows, with its yellow flowers swaying in the wind.

Harry sweated as he started his journey up the mountain’s dirt path that was half covered with small rocks, but small enough not to stop him from walking up the mountain. Within a few hours, Harry had reached a clearing in the mountain, so he sat down for a rest. Harry looked over the edge of the mountain and he saw the white area that he knew were sheep. The brown tiny dot was his big tent. He jokingly waved to the people below just to make himself laugh. Harry looked around the clearing and he noticed a strange rock. It was not dark and gray like all of the other rocks. It was a sandy color which Harry had never seen before, except as the color of the sun burnt mountain when viewed from a long distance. Harry walked over to the twenty foot tall rock, but then he stopped dead in his tracks. The rock’s color was changing from the sandy tan brown to a glowing yellowish orange light, as if a part of the sun was on earth for Harry to behold. Fear was not a part of Harry’s mind, though caution was causing Harry to take slow steps towards the strange rock.

As the Rock glowed brighter, Harry heard a voice from the rock, ‘A message must be given to the future race of humans, so take your writing tool and etch these words into your mind and into your soul. Harry took out his quill pen and paper he wrote down the words that were leaving the glowing rock. ‘Many thousands of years ago, I gave Moses and his people Ten Commandments, but now there needs to be an update from those simple commandments; there are new rules to live by.’ Harry walked over to the yellowish orange glowing rock and he reached out to touch it. The glowing rock was soft and it seemed to be made out of pure energy. Harry asked himself, ‘How can a rock be soft and pure energy? So he touched it again. In the blink of an eye, the rock was a dark gray solid rock again. ‘Is my mind playing tricks on me? Harry thought to himself. Harry then remembered Einstein’s E=mc2 (squared). Harry touched the rock again and it glowed again, even brighter than the first time, just as if it was reading Harry’s questioning mind. Harry touched it again and he felt different. He felt as if another spirit was awaken within him.

Harry was feeling like a new person, even though his skin and bones were unchanged, but they too felt refreshed. Harry felt his mind transforming with the new ideas, but also with a new identity, caused by the Infinite Guiding Light of the every creature and even that of the universe. Harry began to realize that if the rock could be perceived as solid matter one moment, and pure glowing energy the next moment, that what seemed important was how he was perceiving the rock, the universe, including himself. ‘Can pure intelligent energy change its form from solid mass to pure energy or is it just how I perceive it?’ thought Harry. But what about the voice and the message? Was it God or just my mind seeing God?’ questioned Harry to himself. Maybe it is one and the same thing! The God Mind seeing the God Mind!

Harry awoke from his dream and he made his way to a pen and paper. Harry wrote down the dream so he would not ever forget it. Harry stepped outside the farmhouse to walk over to the farm’s picnic table. He sat down and he looked up towards the sky to ponder about the vivid dream and how it related to the good and evil in human nature that he had observed so far in his short lifetime. Harry wrote down a few new Commandments that might apply to the modern world, Commandments that would include Moses’s Ten Commandments: Do Not Fry Your Brains With Drugs; Do Not Waste Your Whole Life On Worshiping Sports Celebrities; Do Not Become Mesmerically Obsessed And Then Consumed And Addicted To Pornography And Sex. Do Not Believe That God Is A Human Being Somewhere In Outer Space. Read And Write Instead of Watching Television All Night Long. Do Not Believe ....... As Harry wrote his new commandments down on paper, he knew that they most of his congregation already obeyed these modern day commandments, and he also knew that the worldly would just laugh at him. It as been that way for thousands of years.

Harry realized that he had to give at least one Sunday sermon to the congregation, so he felt it better be a good one, because it might be his last sermon. What could be those new rules that the rock was talking about? If people believed that the universe was purely solid, they would deal with one set of rules. But if they understood and perceived that the universe is pure intelligent energy, they would have to deal with a different set of rules. What would those rules be? thought Harry.

Harry remembered the four houses where he was reminded of human evil against other humans and he wondered how human life might have been different if they knew what he knew. If people knew that they could changed their consciousness from a material universe to a truly spiritual universe, or away from the limitations of what is presented before them by the very limited five physical senses, they would then have to change the rules by which they lived.. If they realized that the objective human universe simply reflects what is perceived by the human mind, they would then have to perceive that all evil starts in the mind long before it is manifested as human evil.

Harry walked over to the material wooden church to be alone with the church. As he walked into the church, he wondered what it meant in terms of a material church versus a spiritual church, a church of Love. Harry walked up to raised podium and he looked down onto the empty chairs and pews. Harry started yelling down towards the people, ‘The laws of physics have nothing to do with the human evil that lurks within the heart of mankind. But the heart of half animal - half human earthlings must be changed to a more spiritualized human, so evil can be overcome.’ He knew that that statement would not be approved by the Sunday crowd, so he wondered what he was going to speak about. As Harry looked at the wood pews and chairs and at the white walls, he realized that maybe the reason people go to church was to worship the purity of life and to escape from the evil that is in their hearts and in their daily lives.

Harry heard the door open and close. A lady wearing the shiniest white dress he had ever seen. He was still standing by the podium. The lady in white sat down on a middle pew. A strange silence and aura filled the air. Harry did not move, nor did the lady. He had never seen her before in the small town, so he thought that he should introduce himself to her. The lady said in a grand-motherly voice, ‘That will not work Harry, but nice try.’ Harry said, ‘Who are you?’ ‘Oh, I am a friend from the Rock.’ Harry just starred at her, as he said, ‘What rock?’ ‘You know Harry! The Rock of pure energy and light and intelligence.’ I came here to help you with your Sunday speech, for the humans who want to escape from the world’s evil for a hour or two, but they do not want to change their own evil hearts. Remember what Jesus said, ‘What goes into the mouth does not defile a man, but what goes out of the mouth, (meaning heart or mind) does defile a man.’

Harry asked her, ‘So you know about the four houses and the history of what those houses symbolize?’ ‘Well Harry, that is a tricky question, but I do not think you are ready for the answer yet. I think you have to worry about your Sunday speech which you want to be grand, but people usually do not want to hear about grand ideas. They just want to hear how to get to their personal concept of heaven and how to avoid their personal concept of hell. They want to hear about how Jesus is God, which he wasn’t and isn’t. Jesus never said that he was God by the way. And they want to feel good without having to think to much about their own personal responsibility for their actions. They want to ask for forgiveness from Jesus for every wrong action instead of changing their hearts and souls.

Harry thought about evil, how evil back in the days of Moses was different than the evil today, even if it all stemmed from what the human mind was thinking, instead of from the absolute Truth. Harry looked at it his own skin and bones and thought to himself that it did not seem to much different than a chicken’s skin and bones, nor a monkey’s skin and bones. So what was truly different from the human and animals? A changing progressive future for either good or evil.

Harry stood before the white dressed lady and the invisible congregation and yell into the microphone, ‘Everything is a matter of consciousness; change your consciousness and you change the world. Do you want to be humans with a sub-primitive animal consciousness or humans with an advanced consciousness of the multi-dimensional universe? Yet, the law of progress happens anyway in human development. So we must change how we think about our concepts of God and even about the seemingly physical universe. The universe only seems physically solid because we are seeing it with our limited human brains and with our limited concepts of life, instead of with the Mind that is God. It is about time that all religious believers stop believing that God is a human old man with a white beard who is sitting on a throne somewhere up in outer space, like people did thousands of years ago. Stop believing that Jesus is God, a God who did not create World War I and II, who did not create the Nazi concentration camps, who did not invent slavery in any era, who did not cause a human mother or father to punish their children with blunt physical weapons of fear instead of with communicative ideas. In short, the God of the universe did not create evil or people to become evil.’

The lady spoke up at Harry, ‘Harry that was good, but grow-ups know something about government and economics and international affairs and other down to earth issues that have nothing to do with their one hour Sunday mass or sermon.’ Harry looked down to the lady, but the only thing that he could think of was how money and economics was a man made invention because God never needed money for anything, even though humans needed money to exchange goods and services all over the world. It would be impossible for humans to live without the symbol of money and economic systems. Harry thought how exchanging goods and services and money seemed easier than exchanging political and religious ideas based on some sort of moral high ground.

The lady looked up at Harry and she said, ‘Harry, one of the reason people go to church is to forget the world of money, and material things, even if they do dress up in their nice clothes.’ Harry looked at the door and he stepped down from the podium and he exited the building, but the lady was walking right next to him, just as smoothly as if she were sliding on ice with ice skates on her feet. As they walked down the street, some friends had walked passed Harry after they said hi. Harry looked over to the lady and he remarked, ‘They acted as if they did not even see you.’ The lady giggled as she said, ‘They can not see me Harry. I am from the realm of the Rock, where the universe is pure energy or pure matter; it all depends on how you look at it. Since most people look at the universe with their brain’s eyes, they miss out on seeing the other worlds that are part of the multi-dimensional universe call Life.

The lady silently walked next to Harry as He pondered the problem of his one and probably only Sunday sermon that he would give to the congregation. The lady and Harry walked towards the farmhouse without speaking because Harry now knew that she could read his mind as easily as if she were on the phone with him. He was remembering the dream, and when he pictured the glowing rock, he thought to himself, ‘I wish I could show the congregation the glowing rock in my dream.’

The lady giggled as she walked off the main dirt road. ‘Harry, this way.’ she calmly stated.
Harry was so tired of thinking that he just followed her. He figured that maybe she had something in her magical bag of tricks. They started to walk up a tall mountain, a mountain Harry had never seen before now. Yet, instead of breathing faster and feeling tired, Harry was beginning to feel refreshed and alive. After an hour of hiking and climbing, Harry saw bright light over a ridge. They advanced further and Harry saw the glowing rock which was The Rock in his dream. ‘How could that be? thought Harry.

The lady spoke up with a louder voice that the voice she used in the church. ‘When a person is advanced to a certain level of understanding Harry, that person can enter one dream world and exit that dream world because in reality, there is no separation between different dreams worlds, if you realize that everything is connected by an invisible web of Life. This glowing Rock that you saw in your dream is the exact same Rock that is in front of you now. The Rock is another living symbol of the divine Christ which anyone can touch, see, listen to, and even understand. Since the church’s congregation can believe only in the limited visible world that their eyes behold, we have decided that you are the one pure and innocent mind that is ready to show this specific congregation this multi-dimensional Rock with has Infinite Power and Infinite Intelligence to help guide every soul to higher understanding of what is good and evil in their human lives. But we needed a person who is not afraid to analyze, uncover, and destroy evil. Because you helped save both that mother and her two children, you have proven to us that you can also help the people in the church to see the Rock.’ Harry walked over to the Rock.

‘Harry, here is a bag with a small rock from the Big Rock that you can give out to the congregation on Sunday, along with the speech that we will give you. We will help you along your path of your one Sunday sermon. This small rock can be cut into smaller glowing rocks for each individual member of the congregation. Each smaller rock from Mother Rock will reflect the powerful guiding light of the Big Rock, but each rock will help every person who will listen to their personal rock’s pure intelligent power to overcome all evil.’

Harry took the bag and as she let the bag go from her hand, she slowly disappeared with the words flowing from her mouth, in lettered form, ‘I will return soon. Always remember this Harry; one dream can be connected to another dream, once you remember that they are both dream worlds compared to one the Infinite Web called Life, or God.’ And off she disappeared. Harry walked down the mountain dirt road, with the rock in the leather bag.

When Harry woke up on his big Sunday, he dressed in his normal suit and tie for a Sunday sermon. He walked into the Church’s rear door with the bag in his hand and he was a little nervous about the whole show. He could not even guess how the congregation would react after he showed them the rock and then chopped it up into individual sized rocks for each member of the congregation. When is was Harry moment to stand up to the podium to speak, he kept the leather bag hidden under the podium’s table.

Harry looked out towards the people and he opened his mouth. He noticed the lady in the purest white dress he had ever seen, sitting down in a church seat. Harry felt relieved. He saw his friend in the church who did not need preaching to. ‘Thank you for arriving to church today. I want to thank you for inviting me to preach today. As many of you know, I have been practicing for this moment for a long time, but no words can describe to what I think you need to know because all you have ever heard in a church was a bunch of words and concepts which sometimes meant nothing at all to you. So instead, I want to do something different.’ Harry picked up the leather bag and he took the rock out of it. ‘This rock is a symbol of the bigger Rock which some call the Christ Spirit. With the help of two older men, I will chisel the one Rock into individual rocks for each of you.’

Harry heard a silence as he took the Rock out of the leather bag. He had picked the two men before the sermon. As the two men prepared to chisel the Rock into individual pieces, Harry took the Rock out of the bag. He heard a few moans from the congregation. Some people pointed at the Rock while some people did not change a single expression in their faces. Harry quickly realized that the few people who smiled had probably seen the glowing Rock while the people who only looked bored saw only the gray dead rock. Harry opened his mouth as the two men started chiseling the rock into individual pieces. ‘The Rock symbolizes the Christ that is within each of us, if we allow the spirit of the spiritual Christ into our lives. But to see the Rock as the glowing Christ, a person must change his consciousness from the material standpoint to the spiritual standpoint. Everything is a matter of consciousness. For those of you who see the glowing rock, you already know the truth, while those of you who see only a gray hard cold rock must learn to change their awareness of the universe from a material universe to a spiritual universe. More will be explained later.’

Harry stepped down from the podium and he walked up the two men and as they chiseled the rock into smaller pieces. Harry handed each individual piece to every member of the congregation. Many people were still confused, while other people were simply glowing with spiritual joy. When the first lady who saw the glowing rock touched her glowing rock, her facial expression changed to an enlighten tone. The first person who saw the gray dark cold rock began to feel a change in her inner being, and the rock started to glow. Little by little, each person started to see their rocks change from a hard, gray, cold rock, to a warm, glowing rock of warming love and peace.

Harry said, ‘Each individual piece of the rock is never separate from the One Rock called Christ because the identity of the rock never changes, nor does it see evil of any kind. But each rock touches each individual soul to transform our human souls into divine souls.’ In a single moment, a young girl yelled out with joy. ‘My poison ivy has just disappeared.’ An old man stood up and said, ‘The pain in my teeth is gone.’ A person who was in a wheelchair stood up and she glowed with laughter as she said, ‘My muscles are moving again. I can walk.’ She held onto her stone as she walked around the church. ‘I can now see.’ yelled a ex-blind man.’

Slowly, everyone in the church saw their individual rocks glowing and when it was all finished, everyone could see their own glowing rock, plus all of the other glowing rocks.
Harry’s lady friend stood up and she walked up the podium.

The pure in heart see God. Those who have learned something about the Christ spirit have their lives transformed from being a purely material body with skin and bones to a spiritual body with a Mind that is at one with the Mind of God. This is your divine heritage and your divine right. Nothing can stop you from finding your spiritual and deathless Christ selfhood if you just change your mental standpoint from a material awareness to a pure and perfect spiritual consciousness. Now that you have learned something of the Rock, you must find it within your soul instead of the rock in your hand. I must go now, but you have all learned a lesson of divine and spiritual life before your last breathe has been exhausted. Never forget today’s lesson, because it is a very important spiritual lesson.’

I must collect your rocks now, but now, you know something about the true Rock called Christ which is your un-changeble spiritual and deathless selfhood. I must go now, but remember to seek the Rock before all else. Harry will help you.’

With that, the lady started to walk off the stage, only instead of walking down the steps, she floated pass every speechless person as each rock disappeared from their hands. She slowly transformed into a ghostly spirit as she disappeared into thin air, as the church's white walls transformed into the yellowish-orange color of The Rock.

Harry walked up the podium and said, ‘I believe that now would be a perfect moment to sing a hymn from the church’s hymn book. Let’s turn to hymn 97. ' Everyone turned to hymn 97 of the songbook and they all started to praise the special moment called LIFE with the hymn,

State Street... by: Felicia D. Hemans, and Jonathan C. Woodman.

1. Come to the land of peace; From shadows come away; Where all the sounds of weeping cease, And storms no more have sway.
2. Fear hath no dwelling here; But pure repose and love. Breathe thro’the bright , celestial air. The spirit of the dove.
3. In this divine abode; Change leaves no sadd’ning trace; Come, trusting heart, come to thy God, The holy resting place.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!