Consciousness: The Connection Between God - The Divine Mind, and The Human Brain!
A Multi-Dimensional Consciousness Solves the Mysteries of Life!
Is Human Consciousness the Outcome of a Divine Consciousness?
Lecture 2013 By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
A Preface:
When the first animals saw rain, they probably blindly lived in it without asking a single question. When the first human saw rain, for the very first time, it might have wondered why water flowed from the earth’s sky. When later human’s saw rain, they created gods and then prayed to those gods for more or less rain. When modern day humans began to understand how and why and the rain fell from the sky, they also started to question why light and heat came from the sun. They discover atoms, and other invisible ‘stuff.’ When the first human beings saw the first atomic bomb fall from the sky, they were already dead, leaving the living human beings to hope it never happens again.
Now, in an age of nuclear bombs and weapons, most humans hope to never see not a single nuclear bomb or weapon drop from the sky; because they know if they see one, they will see more, which could lead to the self-annihilation of the whole human race and every living creature on planet earth, human or not. Now, all human beings hope that it only rains water from the sky, just as it has done before the beginning of life on earth.
Introduction: Some Questions and Issues:
Supposedly, very, very, very long ago, over 15 billion cosmic light years, the current cosmic universe did not exist. Neither did any biological life form. And neither did any consciousness on planet earth; because earth did not exist either. And of course, the human brain and the human consciousness did not exist, either. They are both very recent inventions in the current cosmic universe. Supposedly, nothing existed, except a void of nothingness. Of course, that void of nothingness before the Big Cosmic Bang, or the nano-nano-second of cosmic creation is speculation, based on current pure astrophysical and cosmological theory. There are other theories about what might have existed before the Big Bang, (or the instant of the very hot, explosive cosmic creation) but nothing is very certain; although many scientists believe that they are very certain regarding the cosmic universe. But could there have been a non-human, spiritual intelligence at work before the cosmic big bang, and before the human brain and human consciousness which was the First Cause of everything, including the constant changing cosmic laws behind the creation of the cosmic universe, and the human brain and then the human consciousness.
So there was a supposed state of nothingness! But even as a child, I questioned the supposed state of nothingness, because how can there be a state of nothing? Even if nothingness existed, it would be a something nothingness. Two of the mysteries of cosmology and astrophysics is what existed before the cosmic big bang, and what caused life on earth, including the thinking human brain. Which also leads to the funny notion of some religious beliefs and human minds trying to ascend into a state of nothingness. How absurd is that? But could something have existed before the cosmic universe that the human brain and human consciousness may not be aware of, or could be aware of; you know, because of the limitations of both the human brain and human consciousness? Many religions, or religious beliefs or religious believers will simply and blindly state that God created everything. But that is a rather vague notion and vague word because a God undefined could mean anything to anyone, whatsoever! As it has since the thinking brain invented its own myths about the creation of life on planet earth.
So what did exist before the Big Bang, or at the instant of cosmic creation; even before the supposed creation of the cosmic universe, up to the first living cell on earth, up to the first non-human brain, up to the first human brain and human consciousness, and up to the current state of human intelligence? If the cosmic universe, as well as all other questions regarding life, could there have been other dimensions which existed irregardless of the creative laws of astrophysics and the creative laws of biological life on earth? Could there not have been other dimensions influencing the whole cosmic and biological processes, for a higher purpose, a higher goal, other than to simply install a biological and thinking life form and brain on a very small planet called earth? In other words, why is there not only a thinking brain on a very small planet, but why is there a state called human consciousness, which can be aware of so many different mental realms?
Those are the common materialistic scientific and religious and metaphysical issues and questions; as well as are the questions: “What created or caused the cosmic universe, and biological life forms on a small planet, and a thinking human brain? And for what purpose and goal?” Why is there a thinking biological brain and what is the role of the thinking human brain in the whole scheme of the cosmic universe?” And why did the cosmic universe began? Why was it created in the first place? What is the purpose and meaning, even the cosmological and possibly divine purpose and goal of the cosmic universe and the human thinking brain, and even the human consciousness? The human brain and the human consciousness are not the same identity, not the same entity, not the same thing. Could it be to find God - or the Divine Mind or Divine Intelligence which existed independently of the cosmic universe and the human brain, but which influences both the cosmic universe and the thinking human consciousness?
And, what caused the physical earthly conditions on planet earth for the first living cell to appear on a small planet earth? And what caused the local cosmic conditions for that life of the first living cell to appear? Was it all happenstance, luck, an accident, possibly against the laws of cosmic probability, and against the laws of chaos theory? Moreover, what caused the creation of a material biological life form on earth, or any planet, besides the physical laws and processes that appeared to have influenced that first living cell which popped into existence on earth? It must also be asked; “What created the physical laws and physical operations too?” What underlying framework existed for the first material biological intelligence on earth, which lead to the very first general non-human biological brain, along its paths of hundreds of millions of years of evolution and development, up to the current human brain and human mind which can be partly conscious of both the creation and evolution and development of the cosmic universe and of biological life on earth, and even the afterlife; or the dimension of life after supposed biological death? How can the human consciousness be aware of more than the cosmic universe and of biological life on earth? What caused the long cosmic and biological evolution and development which lead to human consciousness; or a state of consciousness which can jump out of a purely biological state of consciousness into states of pure consciousness, even a pure spiritual consciousness? Is the human consciousness the final state and stage of consciousness? Or are there higher states of consciousness to be discovered and to be lived and experienced?
Can the human consciousness be aware of higher dimensions which have had an impact and influence on the cosmic universe and on all life on earth, up to and including the human brain and human consciousness? Are there both physical causes, biological causes, and spiritual causes, for the seemingly long progression of different outward cosmic processes and earthly processes that have resulted in the complex human brain and human consciousness which can look backwards through cosmic space and space-time, to discover the possible higher cause that impelled both the cosmic evolutionary development, and the earthly biological life forms that resulted in the human brain? Can not these questions only be answered multi-dimensionally?
In one very real sense, these issues are asked and answered both physically and metaphysically. It can not be denied that there are cosmic light waves and energies and forces, etc., that have been in operation for 14 billion light years or so. And there have been biological processes too, on earth for hundreds of millions of earth years. It can not be denied that there has been biological life and life forms on earth for hundreds of millions of years, probably longer. But what about the state and stages called consciousness? Has there been evolutionary and developmentally processes of states and stages of consciousness evolution on earth, so the end result would be a human consciousness which would transcend the biological self-awareness, or a purely biological consciousness, based purely on a biological creature or entity, to a more metaphysical and spiritual consciousness, or to an immaterial and spiritual entity and identity? Whatever is located in consciousness is no longer a physical and material thing. Immaterial values in consciousness are either psychological and or metaphysical - spiritual, even idealistic. Could it be that the general human consciousness had started out as a purely biological state of self-consciousness, but which has mutated out of the purely biological state of self-biological awareness to a cosmic consciousness, and even up a spiritual consciousness?
All that, after some 14 billion cosmic light years of cosmic evolution, there is now a state of human consciousness on earth that can be consciously aware of higher dimensional processes that started the whole cosmic and biological creative process. Since in the beginning there was no human brain or human mind, could there have been a Cosmic Mind or a meta-supreme cosmic intelligence, with a meta-cosmic plan? Or better yet, a Divine Mind or divine Intelligence, with its own teleological goal, now programmed within every human brain and mind? Which would imply that every individual human brain could transcend above being a simple brain, into different states of consciousness. In other words, is there a higher dimensional intelligent cause and purpose for the existence of the human brain and human consciousness? Namely, to be conscious not only of the cosmic universe, in all its layers and dimensions, but to be conscious of the Mind of God, or the underlying divine Intelligence that created everything; everything except human evil? From a purely physical standpoint, that might seem impossible, because to the purely physical mind, or physical consciousness, everything is physical or material, but even the physical and material cosmic universe is no longer considered physical or material, in the deepest essence of being a solid thing, like a solid rock. Even a rock is not truly a solid thing. More and more, metaphysical ideas and laws are being taken into consideration by thinkers to answer the deepest questions about life and death, the cosmos, and God.
Did a divine Mind or Intelligence impel the instant of creation of the cosmic universe, its evolution and development, and then did that same divine Intelligence also impel the creation of a biological life form on a lonely planet now called earth, and also impelled the evolution and development of the whole process of biological brain development and evolution up to and including the current stage of human brain development and human consciousness? And what is to happen in the future regarding the human consciousness or the future of the human species?
In one real sense, the limited human brain and mind can not see and view the whole cosmic universe with the human biological eye, so the human brain was intelligent enough to create and build high power deep space telescopes to view the cosmic universe, along with powerful microscopes to view the smallest creatures and objects too. And then, with its mental abilities and functions, like analytical reasoning and logic, etc, the human mind started to create it own theories about the Big Bang. But what was before the Big Bang? Lately, there have been more and more physical theories about it, but what about a metaphysical theory about the invisible cause and beginning processes of the cosmic universe, which lead to the creation of the human brain and human mind.
Just as the human brain uses microscopes and telescopes to see beyond the limitations of the human eye and human brain, so too, does the human consciousness possess mental tools to mentally see realms and dimensions that are totally beyond the earthly and the cosmic realms, to the metaphysical and spiritual realms of existence. “Can the Divine Intelligence, or the divine Mind which would be God, which lets assume existed before the Big Bang, be connected to the human brain and human consciousness now; in such a way as to force the human consciousness into spiritual realms and states of consciousness? But moreover, to force the human race into new and better states of human civilization by changing the structure of human consciousness from a purely biological or animalistic state of self-consciousness, into a non-animalistic biological state of consciousness, and then into a spiritual state of consciousness. This is a very important issue in an age of technological advancement of nuclear weapons and warheads and weapons that are being built and used by some very primitive and animalistic human beings.
The Human Brain:
The human brain is exactly like most of the previous biological brains that have lived and walked on planet earth, from the insects, snakes, spiders, fish, birds, dinosaurs, to the monkeys, etc. In fact, the general state and functions and processes and operations of most biological brains are that they can see with eyes, hear with ears, smell with a nose, taste with a tongue, and feel things. Of course, there are so many variations of those five physical senses, but most creatures with brains have usage of some aspect of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It has been that way since the first biological brain appeared on earth, after a very long process of earth’s atmospheric, ecological, chemical, and other conditions were ready to support living creatures with brains on earth.
Even the cavemen and later humanoid forms who appeared and walked the earth for millions of years possessed the simple brain functions for sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. In one sense, all of those biological senses were operating on auto-pilot because once a biological creature is born onto earth, the biological body is preprogrammed to operate and function for its biological survival. All biological creatures want to live and to survive for as long as possible, and their brains are programmed from birth with flight or flight mechanisms to help in the survival process. Simple enough! But can the five physical senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch understand or know anything at all, esp. about the cosmic universe and abstract metaphysical spiritual laws?
But at some point in the evolution and development of the human brain, something changed within that human brain, which made human consciousness very distinct from all of the other biological and animalistic states of consciousness that proceeded it from the first brain that arrived onto planet earth. As a matter of fact, consciousness is what changed within the human brain. The human brain began to be conscious of more than what the eye could see, the ear could ear, the tongue could taste, the nose could smell, and hand, etc., could touch. That means that the human brain possesses different and higher states of consciousness, meaning mental functions, abilities, and operations than all of the other brains before it did not possess. And if they did possess higher states of consciousness, distinct from the simple biological states and functions of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching, they still could not use and manipulate higher mental qualities and functions and operations the way a human brain and a human being can use and manipulate mental abilities, functions, and operations. Because both the biological body and brain had to possess certain qualities to function together, like a brain, and a hand with a thump, and a voice box, etc. to match the human ability to achieve higher achievements, like higher forms of communication, reading and writing, and building spaceships, computers, and nuclear bombs.
Why Is The Human Brain Special: Metaphysically?
The human species has crossed over the threshold from being another purely simple minded biological species and life-form walking and living on planet earth, to a biological species and life-form that has actually risen out of the evolutionary concept of a purely biological life form, into a biological life form that can possess different states of consciousness, and not only a single state of consciousness. Imagine that! A biological species and life-form that can possess a multi-dimensional and a multifaceted consciousness. No other biological life form or species in the history of life, of biological life, on earth, has possess such a higher state of consciousness and conscious existence; at least not like the human brain and mind. Therefore, the new and profound issue facing and challenging mankind and mankind’s future is consciousness! Where did it come from; its cause or creator? Why does consciousness even exist? What is it, what is in it, how does it operate, how is it changing, and what will consciousness mutate into in the future? What is the role of consciousness for mankind’s current and future survival? Now, there have been many changes within the human consciousness regarding many issues and topics, but what about the issue, problem, and dilemma of God; and even the problem of human evil? Especially, humanly created evil perpetrated against other human beings!
But the deepest and deeply profound issue and dilemma mankind is confronted with is the relationship between the human brain and human consciousness, and what that human consciousness is conscious of, or perceives as God, or the Divine Supreme Being. The almost impossible, more important question for all mankind to answer is, “Is there a ‘God’ and what is God? And how does it connect to the human brain and the human consciousness in general and specifically, or collectively and individuality, in order to force the ever evolving and changing and mutating human consciousness into deeper spiritual states of existence, and consciousness?
In other words, what are human beings conscious of as God in the modern day human mind, versus the old primitive, simplistic, and limited consciousness which mankind has possessed regarding everything from music and number theory, life on earth, the cosmic universe, religious concepts about God, and even the realistic possibility of an afterlife, since the first biological brain arrived on earth very long ago? Can the limited biological human brain ever be conscious of God at all, or can only the human consciousness be conscious of God; which implies the dual nature of the biological brain and the different states of consciousness located within that biological brain? On the other hand, on the flip side, can God, whatever it is, be connected to the human consciousness, and even be connected to the human biological brain, to force it to mentally conceive and perceive higher spiritual states of existence, and to create a higher and better human civilization?
The main reason these issues are very important is the major problem currently facing mankind; which is the self-destruction of the human race or species because of technological advancements, (such as nuclear weapons) have overtaken the advancement of the individual and collective human consciousness, which in many ways is still lingering in very outdated and false religious belief systems, while the material sciences are changing the outward conditions on planet earth, for the human race and the global society. But maybe not fast enough to survive the possible self-annihilation of the human species, in more ways than nuclear weapons. This is a very serious and practical issue instead of a purely theoretical fantasy. There are many ways that the human species could self-destruct, and once the boiling point has been reached, there will not be any way to stop the boiling chaos of the human species’s self-annihilation.
Examples of Human Consciousness:
Music, Mathematics, Cosmic Space and Space-Time, Laws, Religion.
What has changed since the moment that the human biological body, the human brain, and the human consciousness first arrived on planet earth, is the difference between it and the other biological animalistic states of mind or self-consciousness. All other creatures have possessed an unchangeable state of biological and mental state of existence, sometimes for millions of years, without any major change, except for color, or size, etc. On the other hand, the human states of mind, or human consciousness, have gone though radical transmutations in understanding so deep and profound, in many different areas of physical, mental, cosmic, and metaphysical states of existence, which all of the other biological creatures have not preformed.
Along with the different states of consciousness that humans can possess, and the importance of how those states of consciousness impact and influence and affect both billions of individual lives, and the collective human race as a whole, and all life on earth, should be an issue for the survival of the human race on planet earth, but also for the individual and collective identity of the human race as a species. Yet, there are differences between old, old, simplistic, primitive states of human consciousness and the new modern, improved and developed states of human consciousness. There are so many examples, but only a few will be illustrated and used here.
These examples need to be illustrated and used to see the differences between the old and primitive states of human brain and mind development, and the new, modern, improved states of human mind development, up to the current age of mental, conscious human mind development. Simple examples are needed to illustrate some of the differences between the old, primitive, and simplistic states of human consciousness, and that of the new, modern, and improved states of human consciousness. The key is mentally abstract understanding as a state of consciousness!
Music: as a State of Pure Musical Consciousness:
One modern day example of a higher, more evolved state of human consciousness would be music, or the understanding of sound waves, even the science of sound waves used for music; and other purposes. All animals can listen to the music that the human brain and mind can create. A dog or a cat or a horse or an elephant or a monkey, (even a dinosaur could) can certainly listen to music if that music was being broadcasted over loudspeakers to their ears and brain. But no other animal brain, unlike the human brain and mind, will ever be able to understand the abstract science of music and the science of sound waves, write it down with musical notes, or read and think about music, like a music critic. The importance of that simple concept can not be overstated. There is a huge division between the constant un-changeable, primitive, and simplistic mental state of all other animal’s brains when they hear sounds, whether sounds of music or the night’s winds; versus that of the human brain and human mind, and the human consciousness that can actually mentally understand and know everything there is to know about the science of musical sounds and sound waves and the night’s winds. But this concept could be taken one step farther in regards to the huge division within the general and individual human brain and mind about understanding the science of music and not understanding the science of music, or sound waves and how that applies to each musical instrument, and how the biological brain hears sound waves and music.
Since the beginning of music, the human species has pounded sticks together and or beat drums with sticks to create very primitive music, without understanding a thing or note about music. But the modern musical mind can understand the science of music in all its forms. It can write and read musical notes, and read about music and write about music for other musical minds to read, to learn, to teach; along with understanding the science of sound waves, and even to understand how and why each musical instrument produces the sound waves it does, and then build each musical instrument perfectly for the perfect sound for perfect music from each perfect musical instrument. Now, the difference between the old simple minded musical method of beating sticks together or a primitive drum to create sounds, along with people yelling into the air to false gods, as they danced around the camp fire is much different than the current modern musical mind that can understand the musical scales, etc. and the science of sound waves in all its aspects, to create written musical scores, and the varied musical instruments, and then to create all of the infinitely various music for billions of people to listen to; people who might not want to understand a bit of the science of sound and sound waves and music because they are to busy working and living their lives. Or who are lazy, or do not care, or for whatever reason. But the point here is that there is a huge difference between a real pure musical consciousness, or the understanding of music as real abstract mental musical concepts within the human mind and brain, compared to simply listening to music over the radio, or on a cd, or a computer, or ipod. Understanding within consciousness is the key! A human consciousness that can understand abstract mental concepts is the key!
So the awareness or consciousness of music and musical sound waves and sound waves in general is now understood by individual human minds, and it could be understood by the whole collective human mind if every individual human mind wanted to learn everything about music that there is to learn. Of course, that is a bit crazy and impractical. But it is possible! But here is the important point. There is a very real and huge difference between individual human minds, or individual human states of consciousness that truly understand music and have made that very deep understanding a part of their individual consciousness, so other individual human minds, or states of consciousness, can listen and enjoy music without every having to study or think about the deep aspects of music or the science of music and musical sound waves. In other words, it could be stated that there is a musical state of consciousness within an individual’s human consciousness, compared to a totally non-musical state of consciousness, even if that non-musical state of individual human consciousness loves to listen to music. There is a huge difference between simply listening to music compared with understanding the science of music, the science of sound waves, and even how the human ear and brain processes all of those musical sound waves or any sound waves whatsoever, from a neuroscience perspective.
The point here that there are different degrees and states of musical consciousness. From the simple minded listening musical consciousness to the more pure abstract understanding musical consciousness. And there is a whole world of difference between the two, but a musical consciousness must have started somewhere, and as is so often the case, it stated with the pounding of sticks and the beating of the simple drums over the span of hundreds of thousands of years, and maybe millions of years, to the current age of a very advanced abstract musical consciousness.
The mental realms of the human mind itself are also not a purely physical or material biological realm, or material or physical state of existence, although the biological human brain is definitely part of its operation. The same could be stated regarding so many other abstract topics of conscious human abstract intellectual understanding; from pure mathematics and number theory, to economics and politics and government, to art and story telling, to the cosmic universe, and even to the human mental realms of psychology. The realm of economics and politics and government was less complex than it is today. In the very old days, a story was just a story, but now, writers of stories can trapped their reader’ minds into a story which will keep their reader’s eyes glued to each word until the last page of the book. Many people have psychological issues to deal with besides their biological body. Mathematics and the science and usage of numbers in all their forms, methods, operations, etc. could be stated exactly like the music example. From the very old days of very simple number counting to the modern day mental mathematical constructions of invisible multi-dimensional objects and dimensions, which the human eye can not see, but which the human mind and consciousness can see!
Mathematics: As a State of Pure Mathematical Consciousness:
The main point here is that the realm of mathematics or numbers and number theory is a purely mental realm of existence, and not a material or physical thing, even if the whole cosmic universe, and life on earth, and many abstract mental realms can be measured numerically. The other biological creatures on earth can not possess such a state of abstract mentally or consciousness, even if they could count simple items or objects of any sort. Like music, the realm of mathematics is a purely human mental state of consciousness. All is consciousness!
Any mathematical historian will know that there have been different stages of mathematical mental development, or the human usage of numbers and number theory, from simple counting to very complex multi-dimensional numerical equations that express multi-dimensional objects which no biological eye can see, but which the human mind can see. But not only that! The simplistic human mind that used numbers for number counting so very long ago basically counted objects in different ways for very simplistic counting of objects. But today, after a long process of abstract mathematical human mental development, the modern day mathematical mind can use numbers and number theory in ways that those old number counters could never have imagined. The old and simplistic mental state of number countering is a very simplistic numerical understanding within a simplistic mathematical consciousness regarding not only a very limited usage for numbers, but the those simplistic number counters were also mentally limited and underdeveloped for any complex mathematical mental advancements and developments.
Could the old simplistic number counters have ever imagined calculus, or statistics, or even topology, etc., etc., etc.? Not to mention using numbers to understand cosmical and nuclear and quantum processes and operations, and processes relating and regarding invisible realms that the human eye can not see, but which the human mind and human consciousness can not only understand, but which can use and manipulate to create atomic and nuclear bombs and weapons of war that could kill every living creature on planet earth.
Again, the point is that there is a whole world of difference between the old, primitive, and simplistic state of consciousness and understanding within that consciousness regarding numbers, versus deeper and more complex number theories that the human mind can understand, use to change the world in various ways. But more importantly, the human brain and mind is also changed too. Since time immemorial, every biological brain with eyes could see the light; from the sun, from the moon, from fire, from the white dots in the black, dark, night sky. Today, any student of physical science can be expected to understand and know that light travels at 186,282 miles per second or 299,792,458 meters per second. That changes everything regarding so many mental perceptions and conceptions of the cosmic universe, and of life on earth. Just ask Einstein, who possessed not only a musical and mathematic consciousness, but a cosmic consciousness too! Even though he possessed a human biological body.
Cosmic Space and Space - Time as Mental Concepts: As States of Cosmic Consciousness:
The old, primitive, and very simplistic state of the human mind viewing the sun light, or any light whatsoever, had no true mental conception about light waves or particles, (such as the electromagnetic spectrum) the speed of the light from the sun or any light source. But today, it is common knowledge in every school science textbook that the speed of light is a fixed fact as certain as the state of consciousness of whose minds reading those facts: maybe more so! The speed of light? How about the speed of time and space-time too?
It could be correctly assumed that each biological brain from a flying insect and bird to the brain of Einstein, that each biological species’ brain perceives time and space in its own way, although all see space on planet earth, and all experience time in their own way, esp. their biological body’s time clock. Therefore, each biological brain is going to be conscious of space and time differently, even if only a bit differently, or vastly different, as how an astrophysicist’s and a cosmologist’s individual consciousness is aware of space and space- time compared to the most ignorant and simplistic human brain and mind, or any other creature with a brain on planet earth.
For millions and thousands of years up to very recently in human history, mental concepts within the visual brain and mind of cosmic space and space-time were unchangeable and limited to seeing white dots in the dark, black night sky, because the visual brain and mind have limited abilities, just like all of the other biological brains and mind which have ever existed on earth; which lead to wrong mental concepts about cosmic space and space-time. Even the limited human brain and mind’s conception of cosmic space and space-time was limited and wrong for a very, very long time throughout human history. That lead to many wrong and false religious; which innocent human beings have suffered for and which they still do. This problem was partly solved when the human brain and mind understood something about optics and light waves, which lead to building bigger and better high powerful deep-space telescopes, which lead to new and improved mental conceptions and constructions of cosmic space and space-time, which lead to a new understanding, and new consciousness, to what were those white dots are in the black night sky, which lead to a totally and completely new mental conceptions of cosmic space and space-time consciousness, for one and all, for the whole human species.
In other words, the modern human brains and minds that were studying, exploring, discovering, and becoming conscious of new realms of cosmic space and space-time had their individuals states of human consciousness changed, transformed, mutated, with new mental conceptions; and outdated mental realms of cosmic space and space-time were metamorphosed into new and completely different mental conscious states of cosmic space and space-time, into a new human cosmic consciousness of cosmic space and space-time. Therefore, all previous speculations about what were those white specks in the black night sky, if there was indeed any speculation at all about the stars throughout human history, and throughout all history of creatures that viewed those white dots in the black night sky, were always based on guesswork and speculation, pure and simple. Which meant they possessed very simplistic and false mental concepts about cosmic space and space-time, and delusional states at that. They truly had no idea what was beyond planet earth, but now the human mind understands more than it once did. And because the human species understands more, our individual and collective cosmic consciousness is different; and it is transformed, mutated, metamorphosed, too.
That means that even if individual human minds perfectly recorded the patterns of the white dots in the black night sky, they possessed no real understanding about any aspect of the cosmos or cosmic space and space-time. Cosmic patterns and observations could be recorded, but without any true understanding about the comics universe. That meant that the human race was always stuck on earth, with a limited brain that could only see, without any real understanding about the cosmic night sky. That means that the human race, the human mind’s consciousness was still primitive and simplistic in regards to understanding the cosmic universe; a fact that the modern day human mind might take for granted.
Then came along a higher and deeper understanding of the cosmic sky and of cosmic space and space-time. When the limited human brain aimed its eyes through a telescope, its mental conceptions had changed, as did its conscious awareness of cosmic space and space-time. There was a change within mental conceptions, and therefore there was a change in consciousness too, regarding cosmic space and space - time. The consciousness of cosmic space and space-time had changed, meaning human consciousness had changed too, at least for some human brains and minds. Therefore, those are two different states of consciousness regarding the old, simplistic and primitive state of consciousness regarding cosmic space and space-time and the new, updated, deeper, and improved modern states of consciousness regarding cosmic space and space-time.
Now, the difference between the consciousness of each individual mind and the collective human mind before the period of modern day powerful deep space telescopes, versus the old primitive period of no telescopes means that there had to be two completely different states of cosmic consciousness for each period. The old period of the primitive cosmic consciousness was a simple visual mental image of a black night sky with white dots, specks, spots. The new period of modern day cosmic consciousness is based on visual cosmic space and space-time images from powerful deep space telescopes that can view not only very far pass what the human eye can see, but back into the distance of billions of cosmic light years. To state this truth as simple as possible, the modern day cosmic consciousness beholds different mental cosmic space and space-time conceptions and perceptions, even as mental visual images, than the old primitive simplistic mental visual images that were stuck within the human consciousness for thousands and millions of earth years. That truth is very important, indeed.
That means that there is a vast difference between the consciousness of cosmic space and space-time between the pre-telescopic period, and the post-telescopic period. An individual self-consciousness that viewed the cosmic universe without the telescope possessed simplistic cosmic space and space-time mental images from earth to the sun, the moon, and the seemingly white dots far off in the distance. Whereas an individual self-consciousness that views the cosmic universe with a powerful deep space telescopes, possesses different mental images, and therefore different states of understanding and therefore consciousness of the cosmic space and the space-time continuum. That means that there can be and are at least two different mental states, or states of human consciousness of the cosmic space and space-time universe, based on new information, on new metal perceptions and conceptions. Of course, new information, knowledge, and understanding are being updated all the time, which will enlarge the individual and collective human cosmic consciousness of the observable and invisible cosmic universe.
Even today, there are differences between the majority of the human race that look up to and at the black night sky of white dots. Some of those minds will know from seeing pictures in astrophysics books that those white dots are stars or galaxies as a more advanced state of mind from the old primitive human mind, but still a simplified state of cosmic awareness. But the individual human mind that studies in depth the cosmic universe full time will definitely possess a different cosmic consciousness than the people who only look at pictures in books or on the web. But still, the general human collective mental visual images and consciousness of cosmic space and space-time has changed; just recently in human history, which means that the awareness, the human consciousness of cosmic space-time has changed too.
The point is that after millions of years, or much longer, of brain and consciousness evolution and development, from the smallest brain of a flying insect to the current human brain, the biological human brain and consciousness can now distinguish between noise and noisy music and the pure science of music, can mentally compute with numbers in higher abstract mental realms, along with possessing deeper and more correct mental conceptions and perceptions cosmic space and space-time. But more than that, certain human brains and minds can understand all three of the above mentioned abstract topics; namely, the science of music, the science of numbers, and the laws of cosmic universe. All of those states of consciousness are primarily mental realms of existence, not physical or material realms of existence. That is a multifaceted and multi-dimensional consciousness which all the other biological creatures do not possess, nor could they ever possess. Although it will be safe to state, other biological creatures do possess some unique mental abilities beyond what most human brains possess, or ever could!
Laws: as States of an Abstract Lawful Consciousness:
Another major difference between the human brain and mind from all other biological brains is that the human brain and mind can comprehend and understand and use the mentally invisible abstract concept of law, can understand all of the various laws in all the various fields within the human mind’s mental grasp: the material, mental, atomic, cosmic, earthly, whatever. And can use those laws to obtain certain results. The other biological brains, no matter how big or small, no matter how better they can see, hear, taste, smell, or feel, can not accomplish one of the biggest mental functions that the human brain and human mind can accomplish, and therefore they can not be conscious of being consciously aware of the general concept of law, and specific laws, regarding to any topic, whether laws of society, number theory, physics, astrophysics, economics, government, or life itself, etc. Or even the laws of God! Yes, there are understandable, unchangeable laws of God! Not in this mini-lecture.
That might seem to be an obvious fact, but what are the implications for such a mental and conscious feat? After millions of years, or whatever the numbers of years it has been since the first brain arrived on earth, the human brain and mind has arrived to the current stage of being able to consciously comprehend abstract laws regarding everything from the simplest forms of the law cause and effect, the law of determinism, to laws of light waves and sound waves, the economic law of supply and demand, the psychological law of positive and negative reinforcement, to social and governmental laws, subatomic laws and nuclear laws, to cosmic laws, even laws of morality and ethics relating to many areas of human existence, both for its future survival to the survival of the planet earth. The mental concept of law is an invisible abstract mental concept, as are all laws! But more importantly, by understanding laws, regarding any topic, the human mind possesses the ability to change its own consciousness, and life on earth , and beyond too? Are there laws for the afterlife too? Is it possible that the divinely spiritual mental realm of God is also a realm of spiritual metaphysical laws? This has been written about in many forms throughout the ages.
Religion: as a State of Religious Consciousness. How the human mind usually views ‘God.’
Everyday, billions of people, or human brains and minds, wake up with the worship of God in their emotional religious minds, even if only on a subconscious level. And it could be assume from this lecture that the reason for that could be because God as a divine Intelligence is forcing the human brain and human mind to think, perceive, and conceive of the realm of God, even if the whole human species possess wrong mental concepts about God. Second, at the current state of human brain and mind development, the notion of a higher Being is in all probably built into the human mind’s deepest nature and purpose, and that means within the human brain and mind too.
Which is to not only stand in awe of life on earth and of the cosmic universe, but also of and cosmic and divine plan behind it all. Normally, the topic of God is created by the human mind after the human mind uses the biological eyes and brain to form human theories about the topic of God. But really, how ridiculous is that notion esp. since the human brain and human eye can not even see most of the cosmic processes and biological processes that have happened and continue to happens on planet earth. Only the human mind and consciousness, through the tool of mental abstract understanding about invisible realms, like the mental realms of music, mathematics, cosmic space and space -time, and law, but of God too; that the biological eye can not see, nor the ear can hear, nor the tongue can taste, or the nose can smell, etc.
The topic of God can be mentally viewed from three fundamental basic states of mind. First, there are the different types of mentally blinded religious faith in God. Meaning, the human mind will lazily and blindly, ( brainwashed ) believe and say anything about ‘god’ without any real thought process at all. Second, there are the atheists who do not believe in God at all. In fact, most will state that there is no God at all; that God does not exists, in any way, shape, or form. That there is no God. Of course, since God is not physical, if they stated that God was not a physical entity, they would be correct. Third, there are those agnostic minds that ‘claim neither a faith or disbelief in God.” But who might be open to the topic of God, but are not really sure about it. Most probably do not even care one way or the other about God, if it exists or does not exist.
Yet, what is the basic problem with all three of these different mental states of human mind regarding God? The basic problem, or dilemma, is the fact that the biological human brain, as a purely biological brain, can not see, nor observe most of the material world of life and its laws and processes, nor the cosmic universe and its laws and processes without helpful aids, so how can the limited human biological brain, by itself, even begin to touch the realm of God, even the Mind of God?
It is for this very reason that the microscopes and telescopes are have been created, built, and used, to see through and past the limitations of the human brain’s visual limitations regarding many of the realms and dimensions that surround the human brain and human life on earth and beyond; to be able to understand material and biological life’s operational processes, and cosmic operational processes too. But once new, different, bigger, and better concepts have entered into the human consciousness, then the human consciousness is forced to change it mental conscious mental perceptions and conceptions about many issues, and it has no choice but to change its mental perceptions and conceptions relating to everything, from the cosmic universe, life after death, and even the topic of God. So what about God, or in this case, a divine Intelligence? What mental tools can be used to mentally see and touch the realm called the Mind of God, a self-conscious entity or realm which is seemingly different and separate from the human brain and human consciousness, but which can influence it nevertheless, as different states of mentality or mind or consciousness, by the metaphysical laws of multi-dimensionalism, and of the laws of translation. ( Laws written about by Dr. Max Kappeler, in more depth. ) Or in other words, a divine intelligence influencing the human intelligence! A divine spiritual consciousness influencing the human consciousness. From this new standpoint or perspective, the intelligent Mind of God would be connecting to the human brain and human mind and consciousness, forcing the human brain and human mind to connect to the Mind of God.
There are still two more ways in which the human brain and human consciousness has mentally viewed and perceived God. The first is that God is a physical or material being or entity, usually located somewhere up in the cosmic universe. And mentally, that is where most religious minds believe heaven or hell exist too. Even as old outdated concepts about the cosmic universe were being destroyed and replaced by new knowledge and information, the old religious mentally lingers on, deluding the human species with drunkard and misty religious concepts that are not real; at all! How can a whole human species be so mentally and spiritually blind and dead?
That outer space god is now a very old, outdated mental concept, created before powerful deep space telescopes were used to view into outer cosmic space. That a material or physical god exists has never been proven, nor could it be proven. But it has been disproved. Modern day powerful deep-space telescopes have never seen a humanized material god anywhere up there, in the cosmic universe. Second, god is sometimes conceived as a magical and mystical being, less physical, yet still unexplainable. Again, never been proven, nor could it be. What are the problems with physical concepts is that there is no physical biological God on earth, or up beyond the sky, except as delusional concepts of emotionally religious ignorant minds. The problem with mystical religious concepts is that they could mean anything to anyone, because any religious notion might be better or worse than no religious notion, esp. if that religious notion was not physical in nature. There are various humanly mystical or human mentally minded created metaphysical belief systems which have nothing to do with a divine realm or entity called God or the divine Mind or divine intelligence. All types of human belief systems that have been created by the human brain and mind will sooner or later be dragons tossed into the realm of nothingness.
So, can the human brain and human consciousness be aware of, be conscious of God as a divine spiritual state of consciousness, and of those abstract multi-dimensional spirituality metaphysical laws that are not material, physical? Why not? The human brain and human mind can not physically and materially see, hear, taste, smell, or touch those abstract multi-dimensional spirituality metaphysical laws, just as the human brain and mind can not see, hear, taste, smell, or touch any mentally abstract human laws either. Abstract laws of any nature are invisible abstract mental concepts; not physical or material entities. Those are the facts, the truth. Just as the human mind can be conscious of the invisible and immaterial multi-dimensional laws that had an impact and influenced both the moment of cosmic creation and the development and evolution of the cosmic universe, and of the conditions for life on earth, meaning the creation of the first cell on planet earth, and seemingly endless diversity of biological life up to and including the human brain and human mind and human consciousness; so too, can the human mind and consciousness be conscious any abstract nature of a spiritual, divine God. “And the divine Intelligence said, let there be light to the human mind, to destroy any delusional mental concepts about Ultimate Reality.”
Old and Wrong Religious Consciousness Versus A Spiritual Consciousness:
It seems a bit odd that with all of the new scientific discoveries regarding life on earth, the cosmic universe, and the human brain, along with the subject of consciousness, that all religions of the world would update their religious views to be more intellectually modern instead of relying on what only a few people stated who lived a very, very long time ago. But it is always easier to repeat words that someone else has spoken or written instead of thinking about the deep issues of life and death, and the evils that plague mankind, than having to consciously think and solve modern day problems. Modern day problems can not be solved with old, outdated, worn out religious concepts and notions and practices; like bowing down on all four knees to a humanized unexplainable god somewhere. Praying to a humanized god is so silly, it is preposterous!
The old, outdated, primitive state of emotional mental conceptions of a god or gods up there in other space has long ago been disproved , but its basic effect still lingers as part of the conscious and subconscious of the human brain and consciousness. The problem is that simplistic notions and concepts of a god up there in outer space has to be replaced with a more realistic and probable mental abstract concept of God, which would not be a physical concept of God, because it has also been proven that there is not a biological human god somewhere up there in outer space that has created the biological human race of skin and bones in its image and likeness.
The old primitive religious concept of a physical god must be replaced with a higher and truer spirituality metaphysical and multi-dimensional mental concepts of God as a Divine Intelligence, ( among other idealized qualities, ) an Intelligence which is a state of divine and spiritual self-consciousness, with does not exist in any brain, but which can be thought about by the human brain, and which can and does certainly powerfully influence any state of human consciousness to leave old false religious concepts behind, and learn of new metaphysical and spiritual concepts of God that are not material, but which are spiritual in nature. Would it not make very logical sense that if God is Divine Intelligence which is a realm of divine and spiritual holistic self-consciousness, that this higher dimension of divine self-consciousness would have the power and ability to influence and guide all lower states of consciousness to higher dimensions of consciousness? Even if it took billions of light years? Or millions of human earth years?
The Connection Between GOD, The Divine Intelligence, And The Human Brain: Consciousness.
As it ever occurred to any thinking human brain or mind, why has there been so many different types of brains on planet earth for hundreds of millions of years, maybe longer? And still are! All located in different biological bodies or located within some sort of living biological creature. If, after the very long chain of brain and consciousness development and evolution, meaning after hundreds of millions of years of biological intelligence on earth, is the current human consciousness which is the only transitional biological brain and state of consciousness that is located between any biological body on earth and brain that has asked, or been forced to asked the question, “What is God.” If there is a God, as a state of divine and spiritual self-conscious intelligence, it would seem only natural that it would be powerful enough to enter into the consciousness of any individual lower consciousness that was willing to accept its divine, spiritual nature, and that receptive consciousness is the human consciousness. Could it be that even if other biological animals were touched by this divine, spiritual consciousness, the human brain and mind is better adapted for receiving higher realms of abstract spiritual consciousness?
If old, outdated, and false mental concepts regarding God were replace with newer, and better mental concepts of the Supreme Being, such as a new modern term, Divine Intelligence, or divine Mind, meaning a non-biological, non-human idealized Intelligence which existed before the supposedly Big Bang, or the instant and point of cosmic creation and expansion of the cosmic universe, then this Divine Intelligence would not only have the Intelligence, but the energy and power to force biological life’s development up to the point where not only the biological brain, but the human consciousness too, is able to grasp this realm called Divine Mind or Intelligence as a self-existent intelligent entity or realm separate from the human brain and mind and consciousness; but which can also connect to the human brain and human consciousness to force the human consciousness to mentally conceive and accept the spiritual and non-material and deathless states of consciousness, to perceive higher states of existence, separate from any biological forms; states such as the cosmic universe and even out-of-body experiences, and even an afterlife too. Imagine that, becoming a deathless consciousness before the biological death!
In other words, if this Divine Intelligence was a state of spiritual and divine consciousness, but conscious only of itself as a holistic whole, and knows itself only as a state of intelligent self-consciousness, and not as a material or physical being, than it would only seem logical that this supreme spiritual self-consciousness would not only be able to translate itself to lower states of consciousness, such as the human brain and human consciousness, but it would have the ability to transform and elevate the human consciousness to new states of spiritual consciousness; but only by the tool of consciousness, as states and stages of consciousness. There would be, and is, no other way! And on the material, physical, earthly plane of existence, that would manifest itself as a higher and better states of civilization, as a better human life, with less human evil.
Any truthful and honest thinker could assume that if there is a realm called God that is separate from this cosmic universe, meaning cosmic space and space-time continuum, and separate from any biological brain, meaning the limited general and specific biological senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, taste, and touch; could not this same realm called God influence life on earth to the point, the current point of time when it has forced brain development and consciousness development to the current stage where it forces the human mind and even the human brain to think about God; along with forcing the human mind and human brain to change its mental opinions and mental perceptions about what God is and how it operates? Wrong mental concepts of God have created countless and needless suffering for millions if not billions of people on planet earth. Isn’t it time to change wrong and false mental conceptions and perceptions about God, in order to create a new mental future instead of living in the past? One effect of this change would be less war, esp. in an era of possible nuclear self-annihilation!
If the answer is that no other biological creature on earth, no matter what they can do with their specific brains, has ever asked the question, “What is GOD?”* then the human brain and consciousness must be radically different from all other biological brains for a big reason, after hundreds of millions of years or longer of brain development, and consciousness development, to even ask such a question. The radicalization here is that unique mental abilities to possess not only a different abstract states of consciousness about life on earth and the cosmic universe, along with all of the realms of human intellectualism, music, math, law, etc., but also for human consciousness to jump out of itself, to jump out of a simple biological life form, and explore new realms, and the realm termed God, and even the afterlife, before entering the afterlife. After all, if an individual state of human consciousness touches the realm of a deathless spiritual and divine Intelligence before ‘biological death,’ certainly that would have an impact on the moment of separation from the biological body at the moment of biological death. If the individual human consciousness mutated out of a simple biological life form into spiritual life forms, then death would become obsolete, and life would be eternal. It could be asked why this has happened?
If God is not a physical being, somewhere in outer space or anywhere else, and if God is not a mystical being either, then what are the other logical choices that the human brain and human consciousness is left with, from the human standpoint? What if God could be understood through a multi-dimensional structure of laws, which are abstract in nature, but abstract enough that the human mind could understand the laws of God in a multi-dimensional consciousness, which if translated down to the human brain and human mind and human consciousness, would allow the human consciousness to ponder and even become at one with those multi-dimensional laws; mentally, but not physically? Could this not be the real reason and purpose for the human brain and human consciousness, to be able to understand abstract mental and spiritual realms?
If there is a God that created the cosmic process all the way to the point of the human brain and human consciousness, both which can have the ability to understand human abstracts topics, then that same God, or Divine Mind or Intelligence would also possess the ability to force the human consciousness to understand the abstract nature of spiritual laws in a multi-dimensional nature too. In reality, this is not a new concept, because spiritual thinkers in many eras have written about spiritual laws in many forms, like the stories in the Bible, using different symbolisms adapted to the age in which they were written. The Bible was never written to be a history book, but to be a very long chain of metaphysical and spiritual teachings and lessons!
Biblical Analogies: The First and Six Day of Creation in Genesis:
The first day of creation:
“And God said there be light.” A statement and sentence at the beginning of the Bible. But what does it truly mean? Here is a hint. In the fourth day of the Bible, it is stated that “God created the sun, moon, and stars.” Now what is the difference between the light of the first day and the light from the sun, moon, and stars? The reason the inspired writers used that first and fourth day in that manner was to illustrate the difference between the mental light or mental intelligence, and creative thinking, spiritual ideas, etc. versus the material light from the sun, the moon, and the stars, and any other light, such as from light bulbs, etc. The first chapter of Genesis is a creation of spiritual and metaphysical ideas, and not of a material or physical creation.
The six day of creation:
Many Bible students who have ever studied the first chapter of Genesis will recall the phrase regarding the passages of God creating man in the image and likeness of himself. The problem with that biblical passage is the word man is an English word, but not the original word or the original meaning. But it is falsely believed that those passages refer to a human material or physical God who created human beings in the likeness and image of God. What a silly notion! God does not have skin and bones, and no God of skin and bones has ever been discovered, has ever existed, nor will it ever be found. If God was made up of skin and bones, it would only seem very logical that it would appear to save humanity from it own self-destruction, but that is not going to happen because that is just an emotional and very ridiculous lazy religious belief regarding a humanized God; a God that is not a human biological being. Anyone who believes that God is a human biological being is a delusional emotional religionist. Pure and simple!
What those symbolic passages truly mean, and were written to mean, is that the realm of God as a divine state of spiritual intelligence which is consciousness of itself as a whole; and that holistic divine spiritual self-consciousness is man in God’s own image and likeness. That realm is not conscious of any human evil. The people who wrote those passages used a simple language and simple symbols to communicate to their people that God is conscious of itself as a spiritual and divine perfect whole; and that divine and spiritual holistic self-awareness is the divine and spiritual man. A sinning, killing, murderous, sex crazed human being, which the Adam and Eve story, is not man created in God’s image and likeness.
As a matter of fact, those biblical passages and the truthful and spiritual metaphysical meaning and interpretation behind them destroy the belief that the killing, murderous, sinning, sex crazed human being is the image and likeness of God, but the exact opposite. A true man is conscious of God as a state of self-consciousness which is totally free of all human evil. In other words, there is no realm of God that creates human evil. Not ever! And those are divine metaphysical facts, whether anyone cares to understand and accept that truth; or not.
The Human and Divine Jesus: A Multi-Dimensional Human Consciousness:
In an age of zero technology, there once lived a man on earth who demonstrated this concept of a multi-dimensional human being. That human man who possessed skin and bones, but who also possessed the spiritual and divine consciousness that God was Spirit, and not evil. That human was Jesus the Christ, who possessed a biological body for part of his human life, who also possessed a human brain, but who also possess the spiritual and divine consciousness termed the Christ Consciousness. Now then, most, if not all so-called Christian religionists believe that Jesus’s human biological body was God in the flesh. But really, how foolish is that notion? It could be truthfully stated that Jesus was the pre-modern multi-dimensional human being who possessed the metaphysical spiritual and divine understanding within his consciousness, which he demonstrated in various ways, while he was standing on earth.
Now most modern day Christians who are not biblical scholars do not understand or know that the four gospels were written about 60-90 years after Jesus lived. Which means that his message and his life had to be prolonged and extended into the future mainly by word of mouth, and probably partly written. Which leaves many questions open to true thinker and scholars. One message was that he overcame death, and he knew why and how he could and would overcome death. Which was by being consciously aware of his true spiritual self-hood, or spiritual identity, called or termed the Christ Consciousness, which would manifest or demonstrate itself in his human life, in different ways: one being having biologically died and then he returned with the same biological body, coming back from the dead as a living biological form. That is the biggest ‘miracle’ which he demonstrated, but not because he was God. A claim he never made, even though so-called Christians love stating he did, and which if they believe that notion, will win them into heaven, even as they continue to be ‘sinners’ on earth. The main point here is that this sense of a multi-dimensional human being is not really a new concept.
In today’s world, that concept of a multi-dimensional human being should be such a common reality that it should be a no brainier. Human beings possess human biological bodies, yet each can possess different states and stages of a general psychological consciousness and moreover each human brain and mind can possess specific abstract consciousness relating to any intellectual field of a non-biological abstract states of consciousness. Some human brain and mind possess a metaphysical consciousness and others human beings possess an ever higher state of consciousness that a metaphysical consciousness. So the notion that a human being could possess an abstract spiritual consciousness while still possessing a human biological body of skin, bones, blood, and a brain, should seem to be not only possible, but also natural indeed. That would imply that every human being on earth should be able to possess a multi-dimensional consciousness as their human and divine identity, irregardless of their skin color, their age, their sex, their culture, nationality, education, or financial status. Imagine what kind of world that would exist if every human being grasped this simple but very profound concept?
The connection between God and the human brain and human mind and consciousness is that abstract divine and spiritual metaphysical truths can be understood, even by the human brain and human consciousness because the modern day human brain has the unique ability to consciously understand all abstract realms of human intellectualism, the cosmic universe, and even the realm of God; if only within a small faction of what is truly the realm of God is as an infinite whole. But it has been stated that, “God can never be understood as a whole, otherwise human beings would be bigger than God.” John W. Doorly.
For the human race to continue on its never seemingly endless coarse of self-destruction, in so many ways and forms and possibilities, is not the only path that the human race needs or must has to take. It has been stated that everything is a state of consciousness, ( Max Kappeler ) and the individual and collective human consciousness must change its values regarding so many issues, esp. its nature to go to war to kill other human beings, to solve problems. If there is no god of war, and then the cosmic and divine purpose of the human species is to be war-less, to use its intellectual abilities to solve its problems without nuclear weapons, and to stop killing innocent human beings. If the human brain and human mind can understand atomic, nuclear, and quantum processes and operations, it better begin to understand the higher metaphysically spiritual nature of the human species, in order to create a higher human species, before it is to late.
A New Concept of Man: A New Concept of The Human Species:
The human species lives in a profoundly new and different era compared to its not so long ago historical past. The old biological human monkey is disappearing; partly anyway. A new age of information and of intelligence and knowledge, etc., has dawned on mankind; an informational age of knowledge. Which new and different states of human consciousness regarding so many individual and holistic facets of human life, cosmic life, and beyond. That means that what is more important now than ever, is the mental conscious states of the human mind, versus the simple biological state of the human biological body. It can not be denied that the human biological body is smaller and weaker than so many previous and even currently biological bodies that have roamed planet earth. It has been stated that even the human DNA is only slightly different from even a mouse or a chicken. In other words, the human biological body is very similar to other biological bodies, no matter what those other biological bodies look like.
Therefore, the huge difference between all other biological creatures and species, and the human biological creature or species, is that the human race possesses different structures and states of consciousness, even if it started in the biological human brain. Even if it took millions of years or longer for this current state and stage of human brain and consciousness development, for the current state of human abstract intellectualism, to probe the mysteries of the human brain, the human consciousness, the cosmos or cosmic universe, even the invisible realm of metaphysical spiritual reality, which includes the afterlife, and a true spiritual life too.
The biggest problem the human race is facing is that the human race is on the brink of self-destruction. Pure and simple! For so many reasons. Part of the problem, a main problem, is that some of the human race possesses a wrong biological self-consciousness that it believes that it is the image of a spiritual God; when in fact, the human biological is not the image and likeness of God, at all. And God, whatever it is, is not a biological body. And those who do not believe it, act like they are God, because human intellectualism has produced and created so many new mental forms of life and of ideas and materialism, that it truly misses many important factors; factors that are outside the human mind’s system frame of reference, meaning any mental observation. In an age of materialistic atomic and nuclear knowledge, where the whole human race is becoming more and more dependent on nuclear energy, for good reasons, but also for terrible purposes, there has to be a new and modern standard, a new model, a new identity, of what constitutes the human species, individually and collectively; what values are located in the individual and collective consciousness? Is the human race going to continue to hate each other because of skin color, or because of different cultures, or because of different politics, or because the separation of countries and continents by oceans and seas, or for any other reason?
Or is mankind, meaning the human species, going to elevate itself to a new standard of what it means to both, an individual human being, for the billions of human beings on planet earth, and therefore for the collective human race as a whole? Or is mankind, going to continue the animalistic, the nationalistic fighting, which might one day lead to a nuclear war?
If mankind, meaning the human species, individually and collectively possessed a higher state of consciousness of what it means to be a human being, from both a cosmic and divine purpose and goal, then the threat of nuclear war, meaning nuclear self-annihilation of the human species and all life on planet earth would slowly come to a halt. Then, mankind would be able to continue its exploration into the cosmos, into the after-life, and into the realm of the Mind of God!
In one very simple sense, mankind has only three choices for each individual and collective identity. One is purely animistic biological, meaning skin and bones and blood. The second a mixture of a biological body and a complex brain with purely humanly abstract intellectual mental states of existence. The third is the addition and goal of a spiritual consciousness which when reflected and made manifest in the human existence, produces higher and better human qualities in all areas of life and living, in all levels of the psychological and mental realms and the biological realms too: better governments, better society, better economics, better international politics and relationships. Maybe more importantly here, better communication among the human species. After all, the human species possess the highest degree and skill of communication since the beginning of life on earth. It needs to learn how to communicate more to solve global problems instead of making threats of nuclear war.
If the human species continues to be animistic war hungry creatures, the end result will not be as good and productive as by peaceful mean? How many innocent human beings have been murdered and killed by weapons of war throughout human history? When will that murder and killing of innocent human beings end, by trying to solve abstract mental global valued problems and issues with weapons of words and ideas, instead of weapons of war? When will the human species become a peaceful spiritual state of consciousness which knows no hate, no death, no war, no sense of self-destruction of any kind? A new consciousness must start with each individual human being, with each individual human mind and consciousness, then to the collective human consciousness. Consciousness is the gift of life from the Supreme Being, and of the cosmic universe too. Therefore, consciousness of the Supreme Being is the answer for mankind’s future survival! Even if some human minds do not believe that statement, they can not deny that the human consciousness, with its special abilities, functions, and operations, is indeed a special state of consciousness, located on a small planet earth, in a very huge, and expanding cosmic universe.
And if the human species destroys itself, in whatever way, the cosmic universe will continue on, and so will other life forms that are alive in it, and so will the Supreme Being, whatever it is. But there is no reason to waste such a human life form, and all life on earth, after billions of cosmic light years evolution and development, and after hundreds of millions of years, (maybe longer) of biological and brain development. For the human species to destroy itself, in whatever form or method, would not only be a total earthy human catastrophe, but possibly the greatest sin against both the cosmic universe, and the Creator of the Big Bang, or whatever started the whole process for both the cosmic universe, and for life on earth, and for the thinking human brain, and the human consciousness; a consciousness that can connect to the Mind of God!
* Mary Baker Eddy defined God in her book Science and Health. (What is God? God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. Pg 465. Science and Health.
This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.
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About Me
- George D. Patnoe., Jr!!!
- United States
- When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!
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