This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Jesus Flying Through the Sky or UFOs Flying Through the Sky. Jesus the Christ Returning to Earth After 2000 Years. Versus. UFO Aliens Visiting the Human Species. The Christians’ Mental Religious Delusional that Jesus Will Return One Day to Earth. Versus. The Possibility that UFOs and Aliens Extraterrestrials Exist and will Visit Mankind Instead. For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species. (Mankind) Versus. The Current and Future Survival of the Human Species. (Mankind) By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr.! August 2nd, 2020.

Jesus Flying Through the Sky or UFOs Flying Through the Sky.

Jesus the Christ Returning to Earth After 2000 Years.
UFO Aliens Visiting the Human Species.

The Christians’ Mental Religious Delusional that Jesus Will Return One Day to Earth.
The Possibility that UFOs and Aliens Extraterrestrials Exist and will Visit Mankind Instead.

For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species. (Mankind)
The Current and Future Survival of the Human Species. (Mankind)

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr.!
August 2nd, 2020.

Well my dear readers, there I was sitting on my wood chair on my front porch after reading and studying and pondering part of the human condition which has been bugging me for more than a few months.  My eyes starred up at the bright moon and the empty space between the moon and the other bright spots in the very dark or black night sky which started me to think once again about certain objects flying through the sky, besides subatomic and radiation particles.  The night time does that to certain human beings and other creatures when they see the night sky to realize that maybe we are not alone as creatures on a single planet earth.  As my human eyes glanced away from the bright moon to the darkness, I wondered about two events that some members of the human species or mankind have been thinking about, pondering, and even hoping for a very long time now, in human years.

I tried to picture two visual events that some human beings have been hoping and praying for over two thousand years the first being the so-called Christian’s mental delusional fantasy that Jesus is going to return to earth for his second coming to take the believers, dead and/or alive, off the face of the earth to bring them to a place called heaven.  The second event I tried to picture was those very slow or fast UFOs with alien creatures in them who some people believe have visited the face of the earth long ago, before the time of the human man called Jesus up to the current age of modern day science and who might be visiting planet earth now.  That too might be a fantasy too, but maybe less likely.

I looked up at the dark night sky to pinpoint a place where Jesus or UFOs might be flying through the night sky and I did not see anything worth reporting to either the educated or uneducated human mind.  I am guessing that if there is human man Jesus who will returned to planet earth by way of flying through the sky, he would have to move really slow through the sky, compared to any visiting UFOs that are supposed to move really, really fast or even motionless if they want too.  I was thinking that if Jesus returned by flying through the night sky he would not be seen by most people who were looking up at him.  But if Jesus was flying through the day sky maybe more people would see him at the beginning until that news was reported on the world wide web for every human being to know rather quickly.  Everyone around the world would be yelling out loud, “There Jesus flying through the sky.”  Or if the UFOs were flying through the sky everyone might be yelling, “There goes UFOs flying through the sky.”

During high school I once believed for a few months that there was a human man named Jesus that was going to return to planet earth for his second coming.  But now I know better after much studying, reading, and researching not only the Bible, but also of the time period, the meaning of those words, “He will return in his glory, etc.”  I was told my a high school friend that his dad told him that people have been saying that the human man Jesus was going to return for over 2000 years for a second coming, but he has never returned even though some people continue to say it because they need something religious to believe because it is very easy to believe something instead of understanding something.  I actually know that Jesus is not going to return to planet earth to save all of you Christian sinners from your own personal and individual suffering.  That is not the way to get to heaven either.

On the other hand, since I have left high school to make this easy on my dear readers, I have also read about, studied a little, and researched a little about those UFOs visiting planet earth in various ways.  I have also talked to people who have told me that they have seen UFOs which leaves me out of that ‘club’ because I have never actually seen a flying saucer in the sky during the day or night.  I have actually hoped that I would see an actual UFO just for the fun it because if they exist what am I going to do about it and if they actually exist I would like to know about their existence too, instead of thinking that the US government is hiding something from me, which of course they are doing everyday, like it or not.

So lately, like the past few months or so, I have been thinking about those two different concepts of the human man Jesus versus the UFOs flying through the sky for whatever  reasons they might be possibly flying through the sky.  It seems that the human man Jesus would be flying through the sky with his skin and bones body unless he was a spirit creature.  Being a spirit creature would be better because someone might try to shoot him with a high power rifle with a scope on it.  Of course if someone can fly through the sky, human or nonhuman it would seem rather stupid to shoot at him since he would be an advance creature with advanced super powers, like in the Superman movies.

Those Superman movies were and are fun to watch, but just thinking about the physics of it would drive anyone nuts because how could a thing actually be possible for most creatures?  Even if you are a bird you still have to obey the laws of physics to fly in the sky or you die.  But maybe that is why some people like the Superman movies and maybe that is why some religious people like the second coming of Jesus; living in a mental delusional fantasy is very easy, compared to actually understanding something.

But the creatures or aliens or extraterrestrials inside their UFO space ships would be protected against any bullets by the UFO’s aircraft by its high tech-materials, with their aliens safe inside their spacecraft or spaceship, unlike the human Jesus who would have to dodge all of the weather patterns that planet earth has to offer all flying craft in the sky.  Plus the aliens might have weapons to destroy anyone or any human being or anything shooting bullets or other weapons of destruction at them.  (The movie ‘Battleship’ is my favorite alien and UFO movie.)

These two supposedly possible events in some people’s minds and eyes are events for the brainwashed religious Christian believers and also for the seeming logical believers in UFOs.  I wonder what the thought pattern is for Christians who believe in both the return of Jesus and who also believe in UFOs too.  Can a so-called Christian believe in both Jesus and UFOs?  Have the so-called Christian even bothered to think about the possibility that their guy might not ever return to planet earth, but instead UFOs might be visiting planet earth which would create a whole different new cosmic view on creatures who live away from planet earth.  What would happen to the religious viewpoint if there is a place up there in the cosmic universe where real UFOs live and exist only to visit planet earth replacing the human man Jesus with possible trouble from extraterrestrials.  Would some human beings start to believe that the UFOs and its creatures were god like too?

That brings us my dear readers to the next and maybe more important point or question for the so-called Christians to think about.  And actually for anyone to think about, which is this.  If there really are UFOs with aliens and extraterrestrials from outer space who are visiting planet earth, either in the past, or now or in the future, how will that change people’s views of God or a Supreme Being, along with the topic of heaven and hell, and the topic of so-called evil too?  Would questions like, ‘Did God create the UFOs and aliens too?’ start to taught in schools all around the globe.  And what would be the ethics of dealing with UFO creatures on any level?

There are everyday issues and problems in the world that everyone must deal with, like having a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear, having a job for money or some other sources for money, raising children, driving a car, watching the news, not getting fat or staying healthy, watching movies on the weekend, reading good books for the fun of it or to learn something new, staying current with the local, national, and global news even if there is nothing you can do about it most of the time.  Some people can not get enough sex and porn, drugs and alcohol, guns and bullets, sports and muscles.  But some people have to actually think for the non-thinkers; and so I think and write for all of humanity’s stupidity and ignorance.

Then there are issues and so-called problems which you can not do anything about because those issues and problems are way out of your control except for what you believe to be reality or non-reality, like a religious beliefs in this essay which is the Christian religious belief, or one of them anyway, that the human man Jesus that existed over 2000 years ago and he is going to return to earth to save the Christian believers who believe in him by floating them above the planet earth at the end of days to bring to a place called heaven; and he is even going to raise the dead their graves after thousands of year of being dead and then floating them up into the sky in some fashion or another.  Probably, the end of days is not going to be a religious event, it will mankind’s own self-destruction from its own stupidity and ignorance about reality.

On the flip side of the coin is the growing non-religious belief that there are UFOS with aliens or extraterrestrial creatures in those UFOs who have traveled from either outer space in this cosmic universe or from a different space-time dimension to visit earth, with or without the man Jesus.  It would seem to me that most human beings with some common sense would be worried about the UFOs visiting planet earth versus the human man Jesus visiting planet earth.  Because the human man Jesus would be at the very least partly human while the UFO creatures are probably not human beings in anyway whatsoever, but who knows, maybe they are like us in some ways.

I state with or without Jesus because nobody really knows what happened to the man Jesus over 2000 years ago and believe me, I have studied and researched, read enough books, and listened to modern day Biblical scholars to know that nobody can actually prove many thing that were supposed to have happened over 2000 years ago regarding the human man Jesus, although they can prove many other things that transpired over 2000 years ago regarding other things like what the historical events that happened in various ways during the time period when Jesus was supposed to have lived.  Is it possible that Jesus was taken up in a UFO?  That would imply a whole new set of questions which probably could not be answered now or maybe ever.

Is seems very obvious to me, but not to the emotional religious Christians that the human mind’s understanding of the current cosmic universe is much better on an intellectual level than it was during the time period of Jesus or any other person who history has written about, like Pluto, or Bach, or any other influential person in their field of expertise.  Pluto talked abut the human ‘soul’ while Back wrote music for the human ‘soul.’  Does that mean that a human ‘soul’ exists or that it is just fun to talk about it and to make music for the human ‘soul?’  Of course the word and mental concept of the human soul should be replace with the word and mental concept termed ‘consciousness.’ and all the word implies.

In other words, up to until the recent age of materialistic science or physical science, mankind looked up to the day and night sky and the made stuff up, created myths and stories, about gods, heavens and hells, and other stuff too.  In other words, up until the current age of advanced scientific thought, understanding, and consciousness, mankind kind was totally ignorant about the cosmic universe.  But now mankind has made and is still making bigger, better, and more advanced telescopes of various usages to learn what the current cosmic universe is that planet earth is floating in around the Sun.  That fact alone has changed the structure of the human consciousness in more ways than one.

A thinking person would consider that maybe the so-called Christians would consider that maybe they are completely wrong in some or even all of their religious beliefs in some regards that is, because they should realize that when any writer from 2000 years ago was writing about certain issues and topics, they were very limited to their mental concepts of their religions, but also of the  cosmic universe; but not only about the cosmic universe, God and evil, the afterlife, but also regarding the very nature and structure and operations of the human consciousness too.

The human species or mankind is now conscious of many different areas of life both on planet earth and up there in the cosmic universe and also within the human brain, mind, and consciousness too, but many religious people never take into consideration these new and updated states of knowledge, which leads them to stay stuck with their mental obstacles regarding new and higher states of consciousness which leads them to stay stuck in their old and outdated religious beliefs and false religious human consciousness that a bunch of people thought up over 2000 years ago, both before and after the time of their human man Jesus.

Now the human species or mankind lives in a new age and with that new age comes the new and higher views of the cosmic universe which leads to a higher states of what is or could be termed a cosmic consciousness, a term that is used in a title of a book, ‘Cosmic Consciousness.’ I read long ago.  With or without a cosmic consciousness there seems to be an improving state of human consciousness that is the conscious of the possibility that UFOs with alien creatures or  extraterrestrial creatures of some sort are in those UFOs, unless the UFOs are robotic UFOs.

OK, then, my dear readers.  Where am I going with this essay you may be wondering.  Well it seems to me that the possibility that Jesus is going to return to earth is a very slight or even an  impossible event while what seems to be possible is that there are UFOs with their aliens or extraterrestrial creatures inside those UFOs if they are indeed visiting planet earth and the human species or mankind.  Even now, on the world wide web, there is video from America’s fighter jets taking video footage of very high speed aircraft traveling through earth’s airspace.

There are human beings who are neither Christians or religious in anyway and who do not even believe in UFOs either.  But there are millions or billions of Christians and/or religious people who may or who may not believe in UFOs, but the outcome of the facts is that the human Jesus returning to planet earth is not going to happen because, and here is the learning or teaching lesson for those so-called Christians who believe that Jesus is going to return to earth to do whatever they think he is going to do, is that over 2000 years ago, the people who wrote those words of Jesus returning to earth believed that Jesus was going to return to them to help the Jews  overthrow the Roman Empire, which he never did on a personal level, directly like a new king for the Jews or for the Christians either. No one 2000 years ago thought that Jesus was going to return to earth over 2000 years into the future.  What good would that to the early Christians?

But today, over 2000 years later, the majority of mankind or the human species is less concerned with the human man Jesus returning to earth, but they are becoming more and more concerned with the possibility that UFOs with extraterrestrial creatures or aliens might be visiting planet earth even though that too, might not be true as far as I personally know.  Less and less people are less and less concerned about a heaven or a hell up there in outer space, but they might be becoming more and more concerned about the existence of aliens in UFOs and the outcome of that possibility.

What should the human species or mankind prepare for?  Should mankind be preparing for death, hell, and destruction; from nuclear weapons, or a virus, or from lack of drinking water or clean air to breathe, or having enough food to eat one day, or another economic collapse or an international conflict that mankind should have avoided instead of being stupid.  Yes, mankind should prepare for everything it can think of that needs its attention, short term or long term.  But mankind should also prepare for the real possibility that there are UFOs and creatures who live in other dimensions who can pop in and out of our space-time continuum, in other words, from other cosmic universes next to our cosmic universe.  Just a short and simple warning.

The truth is that those above issues and problems do not depend on a human man returning to planet earth to save mankind from the delusional belief in a devil with horns, nor will UFOs help the human species or mankind from destroying itself by nuclear war, or having lack of water and/or clean air to breathe, or even from the possibility that some cosmic event that simply destroys all life on planet earth like happened with the dinosaurs a long time ago.

You must understand my dear readers that what is needed to save mankind or the human species from its own self-destruction is not false, ignorant emotional belief (s) that the human man Jesus is going to return to earth to save one human being or a million or a billion human beings from their personal deaths and personal suffering.  Oh no my dear readers!  Nor is the self-destruction of the human species or mankind going to be saved by aliens or extraterrestrial creatures flying the friendly skies in UFOs.

What is needed to save the human species or mankind from its own self-destruction is a huge awaking out of its many illusionary mental dream worlds within the human consciousness to an advanced spiritual state of consciousness which knows nothing about the human mind’s false mental illusionary dream worlds both religious and non-religious, with of all the various sorts of mental dream states, including wrong religious beliefs about how one man named Jesus is going to save the sinners from mankind’s self-destruction.

Here is a good question to end this essay.  If there are UFOs visiting planet earth, is there a Jesus that is going to save mankind from any destructive UFOs?  Do not count on it.  The human species put Jesus on the cross to suffer until his death and they probably would do the same to UFO creatures and aliens.  But maybe this time the aliens or extraterrestrials might fight back and win.  Maybe Jesus would be flying through the sky only to watch the show!
Will Jesus' second coming be in the clouds? I'm not so sure...

Do We Believe in U.F.O.s? That's the Wrong Question - The New York ...

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!