This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Essay 16: Cats and Kittens., Cats and Human Beings. And America Politics too. The Hidden World of Kittens and the Hidden World of American Politics. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! October 7, 2021.

Essay 16: Cats and Kittens., Cats and Human Beings. And America Politics too.

The Hidden World of Kittens and the Hidden World of American Politics.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

October 7, 2021.

Twice this year I was very surprised when I discovered two sets of three kittens in my backyard. Both sets of the three kittens were created by a papa and mama feral cats whose sexual reproductive abilities are the same today as they were 10,000 years ago or longer. Probably longer based on logical and intellectual knowledge of past biological life on planet earth. They mate because they are programmed to mate unlike human beings who mate for the fun of it or for other reasons than to make human babies who will grow up to be adult human beings.

Once about 15 years ago I adopted a female cat who was starving, cold, wet, hungry, lonely, and really pissed off because her owners abandoned it from another local town very far away so the cat could not find its way home. So yes, I fed it, gave it two flea baths, and it quickly became a house and family pet. This was especially true after its very first meal when it quickly and unexpectedly ran from the backyard, into my backyard door, through the kitchen, down the hallway, through a few other rooms into the garage, ran around the car and stuff, and back the way it came in to leave by the backyard door again, only to arrive the next day for good.

Now I live in a different house in a different town that is part of cat country where feral and non-feral cats live but with different lives because of course, feral cats and kittens live outside the harsh wild wilderness, whereas non-feral cats and kittens live inside with the love of human beings, a warm house and a bed to sleep in, constant cat food waiting for them to eat, clean water to drink, and the loving hands of human to pet the house cats and kittens because to anyone how owns a house cat or kitten, they all love to be petted. Sometimes when the house owner like myself is busy at his desk and the cat or kitten decides to jump on the desk to be petted by its human owner without any consideration about what kind of mess it will make to get petted. So yes, home cats and kittens want love at any cost.

I have discovered that there are other kinds or types of cat people, especially female cat owners who really love their cats and kittens and who love to help feral cats and kittens too. With the first litter of three kittens, a middle age female local school bus driver came to my house to rescue the three kittens with the verbal promise that she was going to return the mama kitten to me free of charge for medical services because she was going to sell the three kittens after she had medical services done to them so they could find new homes with loving human cat owners. Later, I learned some people sell kittens to people who want to use them for bait in dog fights and for food for snakes, etc. BAD!

That cat lady completely lied to me which I had caught her at many times. I told her when I caught her in a lie, a cat lie if you will. The biggest cat lie of all was when she told me she was going to charge me over 350 US bucks to return my feral / semi-domesticated to me and then she was going to add on another dollar a day from the time of her email to me. She still has the cat and I hope she did not sell those kittens for dog bait or for a snake meal.

With the second litter of kittens by a different female cat, I could not return to the first lying and cheating cat lady for the obvious reason that I could not trust her at all. But then I learned something new about cats and kittens recently that many if not most people probably do not know about, but if they did know about this situation, they might do something about feral cats and kittens, even in these crazy times where America has a president who does not know what he is doing, like taking care of the cargo ships that are lingering on the ocean waters with cargo that is supposed to be in American docks to loaded onto shipping trucks and shipped all around America to stores in every town and city in America. How and why would Biden know anything about inflation? HUM!

For some reason, America recently has presidents who like to talk everyday to the press instead of solving problems that are related to the American people. That is like people who like to talk about taking care of cats and kittens but they never do anything about taking care of cats and kittens at all, like never. Everyday on the news, the news that maybe the current president and his staff should read because it seems like they are not reading anything to help or understand what is going on with the American people with regard to economics and stuff like the big term inflation. Or inflations; like inflations for everything under the sun, gas, food, clothes, cars, and medial supplies too. Etc.

I have never heard or read the exact term inflations by economic professors or experts nor have I ever read it in any economic textbooks, but that is what it is, inflations which is the rising of prices of goods and services in every aspect of the economic chain throughout every level of the economic ladder in America and throughout the world too. There is an economic law and concept of supply and demand and it is the same law of supply and demand when related to cats and kittens, even though most cats and kittens can be taken for free.

Right now, there is a huge supply of cargo on cargo boats but there is not a huge supply of truck drivers to drive the cargo containers away from the loading docks. There is also a huge supply of cats and kittens that need human homes, but there is not a huge supply of human who want to adopt cats and kittens. So what happens?

What happens is this! The huge supply of cargo containers just sit out on cargo boats that sit on the ocean waters just waiting to unload one day. And the cost for waiting each day from what I have read? A mere 20,000 US bucks a day, which of course will be transferred to the American people because there is no one in the American government what will stand up to tackle the problem of the stuck cargo boats with millions or billions of US dollars of merchandise on them.

So what happens to the huge oversupply of cats and kittens in cat and kitten country you may be wondering at this moment if you have nothing else to wonder about, like your life after death? Are they simply stuck too, only on land instead of on the water. I bet there are a few cats and kittens on a few of those cargo ships just waiting to be taken off of those cargo ships to be freed on land.

I learned a few things about cats and kittens and people too on a few Facebook cat sites. I learned that some people want free kittens and/or they will buy kittens to feed to snakes and other animals too. I also learned that some people use kittens only a few months old to maybe four or five months old in dog fights around the area or town in which I currently live. That means that there are not enough people who want to put an end to the feral cat and kitten problem, but that there are also not enough people who do not want the feral cat and kitten problem to end.

That is just like the current US government that does not want to solve America’s problems, but they want to pretend that they are solving America’s problems when in fact it is all a show. In other words, there are some people who want to solve the cat and kitten problem, but the cat and kitten problem is just too big for them to do all of the work to solve the problem of feral cats and kittens because feral cats have nothing else to do except mate to make kittens.

And it seems like America’s problems are too big for the America government or to put it more specific, America’s problems are too big for the people in the American government to solve. Just like the cat and kitten problem, there really are people who are at work trying to help and solve the cat and kitten problem just like there are a few people in American government who are trying to help and solve the problems of the American people. But most people do not care about the cat and kitten problem and most people in the American government do not care about the problems of the America people. Do you want to know why? Because the people in the America government never have to worry about being paid, at least as long as they have a job in the American government.

Something has to change and something has to change fast or America’s economy and way of life could go down hill really fast. Does anyone really think that the current situation in America is going to get better before it gets worse? I have been known to be able to predict the future for few things in my life, but I will never be so stupid to predict what will happen to America and to the American people and the global situation with any sense of exactness. But I can try! But there is something we can or might agree on, the horses (problems) have left the barn, as they saying goes, and they are headed to wherever they can run too, even if it is down a steep slope down a hill, or even worse, a cliff. You must understand this my dear readers, the cliff is always there. Always there! Waiting!

I was talking to a middle age Indian lady on the phone who called me after I gave her my card. I do not normally take calls from strangers unless I want to waste my time doing phone games with George. But something really interesting happened during the phone conversation. This Indian lady continued to use the phrase, ‘Those evil kittens.” like five or six times. After each time I would try to explain to her that kittens are not evil. People are evil. She finally give in but she told me that some feral kittens were doing damage to her property. I told her to feed them and make friend with them and try to help them instead of thinking that the kittens were evil. Who is helping the American people? Who!

I often wonder to myself, “What is better, a government like the Chinese government where there political stability is, well, stable for long periods of time?” Or a government in America where there is never stability in America’s political system governing or managing the problems of and for the American people? How is any problem going to be solved in a disordered American governmental system where there are American politicians always fighting with each other as the citizens suffer?

I started this essay writing about cats and kittens but I seem to be ending it by writing about the non-stability and disorder in the America government way of working. There are very few people working to solve the cat and kittens problems, but there seems to be nobody working to solve the current problems of the America people and America’s economy, meaning America’s way of life.

I can only wonder how many people/employees in the disordered and instable American political system of government are so evil that they are simply laughing at America’s problems and issues while they are being paid by the hardworking tax paying American workers who have their own children to support, along with their own cats and kittens.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!