This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Essay 23. July 21, 2022. I am Walking Awake in a Dream World of Dying and Death. By: Mr. George Patnoe! A Master Metaphysician.

Essay 23. July 21, 2022.

I am Walking Awake in a Dream World of Dying and Death.

By: Mr. George Patnoe! A Master Metaphysician.

Well, my dear followers, official or not official. As I sit in the chair that I am sitting in, and as I walk from one place to another place, and as I lay in bed alone without a sexy babe next to my side, and as I eat my ice cream, my cookies, drink my coffee, as I look out at the blue sky and the green grass; as I do my dumb bells weight training in my house, and as I jog for a 2-3 mile jog, and as I bike for 30 minutes, and as I look at my very powerful motorcycle in the garage, and as I look at all of the books in my house, (I just started to read another book about General and Special Relativity,) I know that I am very lucky to be alive again.

From the moment of my childhood until now, I have seen and experienced different experiences of dying and death, of my own near-death experience, (some people would have said that I did die, and I was brought back to life,) and of course I have seen other people dying and being dead; at least their biological bodies were dead even if they did indeed have a possible afterlife.

I am currently living in my own mental Twilight Zone. I have debated whether to write about my own personal experience that I am currently living on a day to day, minute by minutes, moments; basically, by myself, and with God, and the Angels that are watching over me. OH yes indeed, they or something or someone is actually covering my butt from the mortal danger called death, way too many times to count during the course of my human life. And they will be waiting for me when I leave earth for good.

But this year seems to be a bitch for me even if I want to laugh and cry at the same time. I want to laugh because I know that metaphysically that this world that I am living in is one big dream world and I can even explain why it is a dream world to all of the 7 billion people on planet earth. I would sometimes like to at least let a few tears roll down my face because I know that I was dying at the beginning of the year because I have stage 4 cancer which is being treated and which should be gone in a year or two. But tears are not in my play book for dealing with death.

It could be stated that those tears would not be about dying because death is one big joke to me in the final way of looking at life. But instead, they would be tears of joy that I am still alive to do what I want to do before I die.

Is life really in a biological body just because the body is moving and operating every day until something happens to it? Or is life something more grand, higher, deeper, that can only be found within higher states of spiritual consciousness?

When I felt my biological body being attacked very fast by cancer cells, I knew I was in trouble, so over to the doctor’s office I went to get into the system of cancer treatments. But no, it could not be that easy for me! The bitch of it all was after taking the most powerful drug for my cancer, CLL., I got shingles in my head and face which lead to the very close possibility that I was going to lose at least one eye, and maybe both eyes if I did not make to the ER in time.

My body was cover in red shingles ink, but I felt no pain. Funny is it not? I had shingles from my ankles all the way up to the top of my head. No pain. I feel some aftereffects now, but it is more like constant itching which should go away over time. As I sit here writing these words, and as I breath air every day, I am so happy I did not feel anything when the shingles was actually active because I have been told that it is a living hell.

So, for 7 days, I was not knocked out, as good as dead because the cancer pills were killing the cancer cells and I was not really conscious of my body, my house, the world, or the cosmic universe. What I was conscious of was some basic metaphysical truths that I knew would help me biologically and within my consciousness.

After the 7 days, when I was still in a dark room, in a basic state of only automatic biological functions working by themselves, I felt the stings within my nerves within the skin of my head and face. My biological body was being attacked, but I could not, nor would not let it attack my mind and my state of consciousness which was not going to get cancer or shingles.

It is true is it not? That consciousness is separate from the body in one sense, but there is a state of a biological consciousness at the same time. Three different states of consciousness, one biological, one mental, one spiritual, all separate, but connected too.

I cannot even begin to describe what it was like that first week of chemotherapy, and then on the seventh day getting shingles on my head, in my face, and then all over my body, only to force myself to get out of bed, walk to a car, knowing that my biological body was going through some really terrible stuff, to make it to the special room they had for me at the hospital. Truth be told, the cancer and shingles were already alive and well in my biological body before this zombie death walk to the car and to the hospital. Only now, it was very serious indeed.

The funny thing is that in one sense I was completely separate from all of it because my mind long ago became detached from the seemingly world of live in the body to life on a higher levels of existence, which has taken decades to achieve to be honest with you. My mind was in one place while my biological body was in another place. I still needed my biological body so I could live on earth as a human being, but it was and is not really that important in the final goal of life and death.

So, it I finished drawing or my piece of artwork number 419 today. It is about 2:00 am and I am working out with light weight dumb bells during my breaks from using pens, and pencils, and markers, etc.

After I got home from the hospital I looked down at my dumb bells, 5, 10, 15, 25, pounds of weight. I could barely walk when I looked at them and I said to myself, ‘I am not dead yet, so here it goes, as I lifted up a set just to prove to myself that I was still alive and that I had the strength to use and keep my muscles alive and in shape, along with whatever else I could do to keep my biological body moving in one piece, even if I can barely move my biological body some days, or even most days, mainly from the drugs I am taking.

Funny, is it not? I am on chemotherapy, and I still can jog 2-3 miles if the weather is good. My eyes are still working even though I could feel the shingles effect in one eye for few weeks after my hospital stay. I lift more weights in one day than most people do during a whole year. I am drawing number 419 and I reading books again, and I am studying too, actually studying a few topics.

But maybe more important than all of that is that I am alone with myself, both as biological creature, but more importantly as a human being who is living on a higher plane of existence within my consciousness than most human beings. I still know that one day I will stop breathing air into my lungs and I will transcend into another realm of existence, even if I do not know what that existence will be as a super-human being with a different body in the afterlife.

And you readers will have to experience the experience called death too. Are you ready for it, because it could happen any moment to anyone of you and if not now, then later? I do not think that most people walk around as I do in a state of knowing that this is all a dream world which means that death is a dream world too. But if this world and death is a dream world, then what is reality?

That is the million-dollar question. I could explain it to you, but you would not believe me, nor do you care either! Because if you actually cared about overcoming this world and death, you would do something about it now instead of when it is too late.In 2019 I had no muscle on my body.

Last week, in the year 2022, I pounded a heavy bag with 4 sets of 100 hard hitting punches that I would never want to use on another human being. So, with stage 4 cancer and chemotherapy, I am still fighting a good fight. With the help of God, the angels, and modern-day medical advances I will continue to fight the good fight to live another day.

I hope you do the same!

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United States
When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!