This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Is the Human Consciousness Important for the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species? For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species. Versus. The Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! Happy New Year to the Whole World.

Is the Human Consciousness Important for the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species?

For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species.


The Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

Happy New Year to the Whole World.

May The Human Species Live Long and Prosper!

Essay for the year 2022.  Posted New Year's Eve.  December 31, 2022.


I started writing this essay because the general idea has been running through my mind for decades in one way or another, me being inspired by other great thinkers and hopefully by higher states and realms of intelligence that have helped me with my thinking, but probably not with my writing skills.  I am really wanting to write a book, but for now, I wanted to write something for the online readers of my essays before the year was over and before I was over, like dead.

In January 2022, my human body was almost over.  I was quicky dying from active CLL, or chronic lymphocytic leukemia.  My body was almost over, meaning my body was so poisoned with cancer cells, destroying every organ in my own biological body, including my blood and bones, along with making my human brain not feel too good.

I quickly had a lot of blood tests done, a Pet Scan, CT-Scan.  My cancer doctor and other medical professionals were all acting very quickly to get me the treatment I needed to stay alive long to give myself the scientific, spiritual, and metaphysical mental treatments that I know would work on multi-levels of my multi-dimensional consciousness.  But my body need the Calquence pill to survive.

Let the fun and the fight of my life begin as I slipped the tiny pill but very powerful and deadly cancer pill into my mouth.  The normal size, but very powerful and deadly chemotherapy pill, which was created, built to attack specifically the deadly cancer cells in my body, which were in 80-90 percent of my blood and bones, and which had already begun to destroy other organs in my own biological body.

Now, there was a fight in my body that was going to be the darkest moments and fight of my life.  There is more to the story, but that is the short version.  The constant fight was going to get even worse, and anguish in my body, brain, and mind, was in a constant state of life and death.  Sometimes, I was just rolled up in a ball on my bed, looking at a wall, and breathing.  Just breathing, in the dark room, in a dark fight, with my mind and brain focusing on the air flowing in and out of my mouth and lungs.

When I did walk, I was basically a zombie, but my consciousness traveled up and down different levels of consciousness, to help myself heal myself, along with the help of the cancer pill, Calquence, which I will have to take for another year or two.  During my travels into other realms, I actually became a pure state of spiritual consciousness, completely separate from my human realm of existence.

In the pure state of spiritual consciousness, I had a revelation.  This essay is a very long explanation of only part of that message to me.  Believe it not, I got to write another essay.  I hope some readers enjoys it.  I also read the Gospels again.  Another miracle happened to me.  I was in 100 percent remission by the end of July, only 6 months after I started Calquence.  How did that happen, you may ask yourself?  Miracles do happen, but I would like to think of it as just a natural part of who I am, as a human, and as an immortal, it seems.


Well, well, my dear reader. I decided to write another yearly rather long essay regarding what I truly consider to be the most important aspect of the survival of the human species, both on an individual basic, but also on a collective human basics too. Many of the readers of this essay will immediately ask themselves what does an individual and especially a collective consciousness have to do with the survival of the human species when there are so many problems facing mankind every day, like each individual nation’s economy and the world economy too.

Is the survival of the human species dependent only and solely on the physical and material realm of existence or in other words, on the external life of planet earth and biological sense of life, which seems to be the only sense of life as the only dimension of life? Or is the current and future survival of the human species dependent on something much deeper and more profound, from a human point of view?

Is a worldwide or global salvation dependent on matter, on material stuff and sense of existence, the external realm of atomic of life, biological life, of air in the lungs? What if instead of trying to prolong only the biological state of life as an existence as the sole or only state of existence, a higher level of existence and consciousness is needed for the current and future survival of the human species?

On a higher level of existence, namely consciousness, what is needed is a realization that a transformation is needed within the human consciousness, both as qualities of human consciousness and as values as states in consciousness, and as the actual consciousness as a state of existence, something as an entity in and of itself, apart from living matter and the physical realm of existence?

The human species is currently worried about all of the external conditions facing mankind, which is all well and good, along with the fact that all of the external conditions should be addressed and face squarely in the face so as to be solved in the best possible manner.

Is collective and individual salvation dependent only on saving all of the material conditions without giving one thought about what is taking place within each individual human consciousness-mind, along with the collective human consciousness as a whole, as one grand holistic human consciousness? Is saving one biological body or 7 billion human biological bodies from either an individual death or collective death on a grand scale, like some religions profess will happen to the unbelievers who do not believe in outdated, old, antiquated form of a personal and individual salvation the only goal? Or even a grand collective death by a nuclear war or other man-made event.

Or should there be a higher goal for saving mankind, namely saving mankind for its mental and delusional state and stage of what they think is reality, but externally and internally?

What is the common denominator for all of mankind, the one thing or even essence that makes all human beings the same regardless of skin color, nationality, sex, age, educated or non-educated. We all have not only an individual states of self-biological and brain consciousness, but we all have a collective and now global state of consciousness too, along with a cosmic sense of consciousness too.  Every limited human being possesses a state of consciousness, both a biological and hardwired states of consciousness, along with other soft-wired states of consciousness too.

In the old days, from the beginning of the human species, every human biological self-consciousness possessed not only a self-awareness, but also a very limited awareness of their own particular surroundings like their isolated town, city, the sun, moon, and stars too. And with that limited sense of isolated awareness, they also knew other parts of the world existed, but it seems that that awareness was truly only a very limited sense of awareness, usually based on ignorance, all the while trying to survive to live as long as possible for future generations.

They had a limited sense of the world with very slow methods of communication, but still advanced enough to learn about world events even if those events might be known about later than sooner compared to today’s instant forms of telecommunications all around the globe. In today’s world, billions of human being’s hardwired human brains and their soft-wired states of human consciousness can be aware of the global events in an instants notice.

But the problem is that if most, if not all human individual states of consciousness are living in old and outdated states of consciousness, especially world leaders, especially living in a one-dimensional state of biological state of consciousness with ignorance about how the human brain, mind, and consciousness operates, how are they going to make rational decisions if their decisions are based on ignorance, emotions, and selfishness?

Is it not about time for not only each individual human state of brain, mind, and consciousness to realized that what is truly important for their own individual survival and salvation in the true sense of the word, but also that a change is needed within the collective human state of consciousness too?

To not only change their human valves, both negative thoughts, emotions, wishes and desires like selfishness, hate, murderous thoughts and actual actions of killing other human beings, along with all sense of human mental evil, there would be no need for war anymore because the human species would be living not only a higher plane of human existence, but also on a higher level of spiritual and intellectual existence too.

What is Consciousness?

Many of my dear readers might respond with the answer, ‘Consciousness is what we are aware of, silly?’

‘Really?’ I might respond back to them.

For the everyday human being, no matter where they live or are located, is the term consciousness and what we are aware of that simple? Do human beings actually think about what is within their individual human consciousness or are they completely unaware of what is happening within their own personal, individual brains, minds, and consciousness? What we are aware of, either as a hardwired human brain and a soft-wired human consciousness?

On a very simple level, an earthly level, are all human beings aware of the exact same thing? Are they all aware of some similar things or valves, but different things and values too? Or do I have to spell it out for you? I will spell it out for you just to make your understanding is very clear on the topic. Not all human beings are aware of the exact same thing at all in their soft-wired human minds and not even within their hardwired human brain, except for some normal biological mental qualities like seeing, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. But even then, it could and can get really complicated.

But does each human brain and mind think the same way? Do they all possess the exact same mental qualities and quantities, like how much love or hate, intelligence or ignorance does each human mind have within each individual human consciousness? I bet that there are human beings that neither love or hate at any point of their individual human lives while other human beings are very deeply aware of who and what they love and/or hate. The list could go on, but those are two basic examples of two main mental qualities that could not be measured on any type of mental scale, as far as I know. How about intelligence and information versus ignorance?

How about other mental qualities, like cultural mental qualities? Every human being is born into a certain culture which is completely different than other cultures, both internally and externally. People born in America are born into a completely different cultures than the people in say, China for example. Especially back in the old days. Different clothes, different food, different governments, different ‘religions,’ everything different almost, except the basic biological stuff like seeing, hearing, taste and smell, and touch, along with other basic stuff like eating food, taking a pee and a poop, and simply trying to live in their natural environments and climates, etc.

Even in each nation and country, each part of a nation or country has its own distinct ways of living and doing things. Some people live in the country, some people live in the city. Some people are born rich, and others are born poor. Some people travel at least once in their human lives while other people never leave the place, village, town, city, from where they were born to begin with. Some people have a religious sense within them, other people have a scientific sense within them. Other people have neither a religious nor scientific sense within their minds.  Some people have both a religious and a scientific sense within their minds.

Let us take a deeper step into another realm of the different mental values, shall we? Look at all the different types of religion in the world, along with all of the different types of religious beliefs in one religion in particular, Christianity. From the very first day after Jesus died, everyone one of his followers had a very different idea of what was supposed to happen next, and more importantly, what every Jesus follower was supposed to believe in and to do, and what were the next steps there were to do because they were supposed to spread the good word, or the gospel as they heard and understood it.

Today, over 2000 years later, so-called Christians are still in a state of confusion over who is correct, even if they do not admit that confusion, along with who is correct in their Christian faiths and what will happen on earth and in the afterlife. Ever since Jesus died, semi-fighting and arguing over not only what to believe in the man Jesus, but also, now, in the current age of modern technology, how is anyone supposed to live as ‘pure Christians’ in the modern-day world of the world wide web, porn, drugs, violence and guns, corrupt politicians, and especially more importantly, a global world with a global economy with even more corrupt politicians and world leaders?

During the course of human history, there have always been corrupt world leaders who did not care an ounce about the people they were supposed to be governing, and now in today’s age, it has not changed one bit. I could list so many examples here, but if you are reading this you probably already know all of the current conditions that reflect the sense the leaders in every nation and country do not give a rat’s ass about their people, nor about their survival either.  It is so much more about controlling the people instead of governing them.

What is the Main State of Consciousness of the Average Human Being?

The Biological State of Consciousness.  A One-Dimensional State of Consciousness.

Every human being begins life on planet in the same way, through the same exact biological process. A tiny little sperm hits a tiny little egg and out comes a tiny little baby with its eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and a sense of touch, and a human brain and mind.  It is the same exact process for all living creatures on planet earth, more or less. That statement should not and cannot be argued by any rational human being. Therefore, the process of the beginning of the human consciousness starts with a human biological body, a biological awareness which is the beginning of life on earth.

It is a state of individual human consciousness that is aware of skin because the baby sees its own skin. It might feel something like its moving hand and arms and legs, meaning bones are the controlling factor here. The baby probably is not aware of its heart, lungs, nervous system, nor its operating and developing hardwired human brain. But in one sense, it is aware of it even those organs on a sub-conscious level because most human beings' biological bodies are operating on a sub-conscious and even unconscious level of existence as the biological body is operating on a sub-conscious, automatic realm of existence.

At the same time, the baby is also aware of the world outside of its biological body, even if only faintly. It looks around without actually knowing too much about what it sees. But one thing is for sure, as small as it is, the baby has a sense of self-consciousness, or an internal state of consciousness, but it also has a sense of an external state of existence with other individual states of biological consciousness, with other creatures or states of consciousness in the same exact state or level of existence.

Throughout its life as the baby grows it will always be aware of its biological body as it gets bigger and older, and as it experiences life experiences which will form its own personal and individual state of individual consciousness, both as a self-awareness and the world around it too. It will also form an awareness of the external world as an internal state of consciousness within its own hardwired human brain and within its own soft-wired human consciousness and mind.

One day, sooner for some human beings, later for other human beings, it will become aware of the sun, the moon, the stars, life on planet earth, but it will also become aware of something that all human beings must face, and that is the experience of dying and death. When that moment happens, either as a grand awaking experience or as a slow process and progression of events, that biological human being will slowly or quickly begin to realize that it will die. It may wonder if it truly missed something important while it was living on planet earth, but oops, it is too late for most.

For many and maybe for most human beings or biological human beings or biological states of consciousness, that is what will happen to them one way or another way. It might be an obvious fact to the readers, but it needed to be stated for the record just in case people are not actually aware of that fact. Ok then. I bet that you will agree that you might be one of those human beings with a biological state of consciousness or you would not be aware of being a human being. But should not the start or birth of a biological body and consciousness be only the beginning for each and every human being which should up to something bigger, grander, like a cosmic and spiritual state of consciousness before an individual’s death, so that death will then mean nothing whatsoever, just another phrase of transformation?

Different States of Hardwired and Soft-wired Consciousness.

As the words imply, a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, even on a human level which some thinkers would think to themselves that that is the only state of consciousness known to the human species at the current moment in the history of the cosmic universe and life on planet earth. But of course, we should all immediately realize and recognize that even on a biological level of existence, not all biological creatures on planet earth actually possess the exact same state of consciousness even within the sphere of the various non-human biological brains and their specific states of awareness when related to their five physical senses and biological bodies work and operate.

Let me take a few examples to illustrate the point which should be a bit of common sense even if the facts are not really appreciated for the sake of delving into the topic of consciousness on planet earth. It should be easily realized and known that dogs can smell 1000 times better than a human being and a fish can smell 1000 times better than a dog. Let us assume that whoever wrote those numbers knows more about the hardwired dog and fish brain more and you and me. But what does that simple concept really mean for the topic of consciousness?

What it means is that the hardwired dog and fish brain is very different than the hardwired human brain and vice versa, but it also means that their soft-wired states of awareness of the life around them is also different too. How so? Hum! It means that their awareness of life around them, besides what they can see and hear, is on a higher plane of awareness when related to their sense of smell and how they live their lives and perceive the world and its surroundings too.

Since human beings cannot smell as good as a dog and a fish, that would that mean when it comes to smell, a dog and a fish can smell scents better than a human brain. Simple enough, but so what? Let me flip the coin and ask this question. Can a dog or fish use their eyes and brain to look through a high-power telescope to view the external cosmic universe? But if a dog could peer through a high-power telescope or even simply look at a huge picture of the cosmic universe and the sun, moon, stars, and galaxies, could they know and understand what they were looking at to any degree whatsoever?

Of course, they would not know for many reasons, but mainly because their abstract reasoning and understanding skills are very limited in regard to thinking in very abstract realms of existence, even if they could count up to a certain amount and know their owners and friends versus non-owners and enemies. 

If they are aware of, conscious of, only their simple visual images of the world, and their sense of hearing and smell, but of nothing else especially of more abstract and higher levels of existence, then it could be safe to state that their state of consciousness is one dimensional in the sense of operating with the five physical senses, some even better and different than the hardwired human brain.  Many human beings operated on this level of consciousness.

Flipping the coin, if the human hardwired brain cannot smell as good as a dog or fish, which means that its human brain is more limited for smelling scents than the animal brain, than the awareness of smelling scents if also limited for the hardwired human brain and soft-wired consciousness too. In other words, a dog and fish can smell not only better within their own state of consciousness, but on a ‘higher level of smelling awareness’ than the human brain.  That would be only one level of existence within their states of hardwired brains and soft-wired states of awareness and consciousness.

Therefore, both the dogs and fish, and even human beings' states of awareness within their  hardwired brains are all limited, for better or for worse, and completely different from each other even though they all have eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and bodily feelings of touch in one form or another form, including emotions or feeling of life and death, or mental states of surviving - living as long as possible - or not dying or being killed and eaten by another creatures.

It could be stated that the fish, dog, and humans do have a few mental qualities in common which includes the desire to survive, not be killed, and to live as long a possible even if somewhere, subconsciously or really consciously that all creatures know that one day they will have to face their own demise in one way or another way, like it or not! Although it seems as if the collective human species and most if not, all world leaders are not taking into account the main objective and goal of each individual and the collective human species, that goal is survival into the future.

Is that the current and future objective and goal for the human species, to survive? Or is the current and future goal and objective to destroy itself? Is that an individual and collective state of human consciousness or is it a just a simple and unreasonable fantasy? The fact that most individual human beings want to survive and life as long as possible is a good, needed, natural, and needed step to the survival of the human species.  But what is a collective human desire to survive long into the future as long as possible with the best living conditions as possible for all human beings in all nations, in all countries around the globe.

The Concept of a Multi-Faceted Soft-Ware Within the Hardwired Human Brain.

The hardwired human brain with its many different soft-wired states of awareness or consciousness can be and are so different in so many different ways, is really an amazing thing indeed.  There is nothing like it in the whole cosmic universe as far as human beings know of at this moment.  That the soft-ware within the hardwired human brain can be of so many different variations in so many different forms and for various reasons is really remarkable. There is a lot of stuff happening within the hardwired human brain and soft-wired human mind.

The basic software or awareness or consciousness is the same for everyone in only one way, and that is that each human being, human brain, can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch on a one-dimensional state of human consciousness. Besides those basic five physical senses, the differences between individual and collective human beings are just really varied, although there can be and are similarities in and for each and every human being - or brain and mind.

That is how each human being is different, especially when it is applied to the realm of memories because no individual human being possesses the exact memories from another human being when applied to personal visual, emotional, and other soft-wired qualities. How can it be otherwise?  Within each and every individual human brain and mind there are embedded completely different values and qualities and quantities, different emotions and different levels of emotions, different memories, different abilities of logical rational thought, and of course different amounts of information and abstract intelligence and knowledge.  It is what it is!

What if a human hardwired human brain and soft-wired awareness is a multi-faceted state of awareness and intelligence and different realms of information too? Most people with a working brain can specialize in only one abstract topic, while many people are mentally capable of being aware of many abstract topics like math and economics and music all in one moment, but some human beings are aware of different realms of intellectual, spiritual, and mental realms of existence, and even as basic abstract concepts, and not as pure states of reality.

The real question is, can a human brain and mind be a multi-dimensional state of consciousness while being a multi-faceted state of awareness? Just because a human being, brain, mind, can be conscious of different mental human abilities as a multi-faceted awareness of human mental skills, does that mean that they are truly a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, like being consciously aware of completely different levels of existence as a state of consciousness which is not material or physical?

If the majority of human beings, brains and minds, live only within a biological, material plane of existence within their hardwired human brains and within their soft-wired states of consciousness, and that is the only plane of existence that they believe to be a state of absolute reality, when in fact there are other realms of absolute reality besides the earthly, biological, and material state of existence, what is that going to do for the survival of the human species.

Any so-called religious sense within any human being believes that somehow, somewhere, there is not only a God of some sort, but also a heaven and hell somewhere which means that they actually already believe in different states and places of existence other than an earthly, material, physical plane of existence, with biological bodies breathing oxygen, pumping blood through a complex system of stuff within the human biological body even if they do not actually understand what they are feeling as states of religious and/or states of spiritual reality.

What if that inner mental fantasy of another world of heavens or hells is simply a precursor to the absolute reality that there are indeed other realms of existence other than an earth rotating around a sun in one galaxy within a time and space cosmic universe?

Is the inner mental drive to believe in something other than the earthly existence with biological creatures with thinking and emotional hardwired brains and soft-wired states of consciousness a sign that maybe there is an inner feeling that only is there more higher states of existence besides planet earth with biological creatures, but that on some level all living creatures are already at one with this higher state of spiritual existence already, although not in a biological way.

The Concept of a Multi-Dimensional State of Consciousness.

What are the differences between a multi-faceted consciousness and a multi-dimensional state of consciousness you may ask yourselves?

A multi-faceted consciousness is simply a one-dimensional human consciousness is state of consciousness that can be aware of many different areas of human life and can also do many things too. If a human being can run like a tiger in the forest, have endless amounts of animal sex, eat food, take drugs, even hold down a job which basically only requires muscles with a few low-level states of intelligence, even talk a good game about football, is that really a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, intelligence, with multi-levels of informational concepts and states of awareness and of different states or realms of existence? No, it is not!

A multi-dimensional state of consciousness can be looked upon in two different ways. First, I would argue it is being aware of different states of existence on an earthly level, but also aware of different realms of existence too, which I think I would include different areas of abstract reasoning, thinking, and knowing.  After all, those abstract realms of existence are not biological, but immaterial in nature. There are different states of mental existence even on the earthly level.

On the other hand, there are different states of existence even on and in the earthly realm of existence too.  Let a few be stated that should be obvious to any human brain that can see with their two eyes.

The ocean would be one realm of existence with living creatures in it. The various fishes and water plant life, along with living micro cells and organisms. They all live and breathe, reproduce, and die within their realm of water, even as they look up at the surface to see creatures on the surface of the water, along with the waves, the sunlight, the moon light, the darkness, and even human beings. The creatures of the water may vaguely see the creatures of the surface, but they do not understand and know exactly what they are within their tiny brains. Maybe they hope those surface creatures are peaceful, but in truth they are deadly killers who are looking for a fishy meal to eat.

The surface creatures look down into the water and see the fish creatures and water plant life knowing that there really is not only a food supply, but that there is a completely different realm of existence, of life and living creatures living in a realm of the water realm or state of existence that the human creatures are not built for, nor meant to live in, ever, except without help of some kind, but even then, the water realm or state of existence called ‘water’ life is a deadly realm of existence for any human being or earth creature that is not built for or a part of the water life.

So therefore, there really are at least two different states of realms existence on planet earth.  Of course, I know that there are more than two different states or realms of existence on planet earth that you cannot see with your human biological eyes.  Of course, there are more than only those two different states of existence or realms of life on planet earth, but I hope that the point is made just to make it simple.

Now then, there is at least one more another realm of existence that is really non-earthly at all.  Well then, there are actually many non-earthly realms of existence, but this is a short lecture and if I explained all of the other realms of non-earthly existence, not only would it take too long, but my dear readers would not believe me. But to the point. Those earthly creatures, human beings included, actually know that whenever they look up at the sun, moon, stars, and beyond into deep space with hundreds of billions of galaxies floating around and throughout space-time, they either consciously or subconsciously know that there are even more realms of existence than the water state of existence. Let me keep it short.

Therefore, the human mind is actually aware of different states of existence (s) on planet earth, already without actually realizing the implications of the concept of multi-dimensional states of existence even on planet earth. If the general mental concept of a multi-dimensional states of realms or states of existence already exist on planet earth, why could there not be even higher levels of multi-dimensional states of existence which the human eye and brain cannot see?  They would have to be seen with the mind with a completely different mode of mental seeing, perceiving that is.

There are other realms of existence which the human eye cannot see, but they do exist in their own ways. Let me take one realm of existence just for the fun of it, the realm of mathematics. Mathematics is of course a realm of existence within the human mind, it being subjectively within the mind, but it is a state of existence, nevertheless.

This mental state of existence is important because this is an example of everything in this state of earthly and non-earthly existence that can be understood partly by way or the realm of numbers in their different areas of usage.  The realm or state of existence termed mathematics is abstract, not physical or material, although it obviously can be used and is used in the physical and material realms of existence.

What if my dear readers, that are other non-earthly, non-human mental realms of existence that can be understood only by the realm of consciousness itself because some areas of life and existence can only be understood through the pure realms of consciousness. Now, I am going to go out on a huge tree branch if you will, with me at the very tip of the tree branch, if that makes any sense.  It sounded good at the moment.

Beside the less immaterial realms of human existence, like the nighttime dreamland state of existence, the out of body experience, the afterlife experience, etc., there is another realm of existence which is purely spiritual, called God, and that realm is also a self-contained state of existence independent of the space-time world, the earthly, watery, and the cosmic planes of existence.

And the punch line is, ‘This realm of a self-contained spiritual existence can only be seen and experienced by the human mind and consciousness in the beginning by first accepting that there are different realms of existence in many various forms, some of which can only be seen and experienced by the realm of spiritual consciousness itself because how could a material state of existence or consciousness see and experience and become a pure state of consciousness called God?

 Yes, I have personally experienced this pure realm of realm of spiritual existence called God.  It did not last long, but it lasted long enough that I will never forget it, even as a human.

What does that imply? It implies that right where you are sitting and reading this essay, there is an omnipresence, omni-intelligence, omni-action, omni-conscious spiritual consciousness called God, and that should be the new mental and religious paradigm for each and every individual human being on planet earth, and for the collective human species too, for the current and future survival of the human species, even as biological human beings.

If every individual human being had this inner sense that there truly is a God somehow, it is because there is a self-consciousness and omni-presence called God that is independent of the biological life and mentally delusional religious concepts about a material human god that knows every human evil, which is not the case at all.  How stupid can people be to believe that there is a material god somewhere counting all of your stupid, and sometimes serious human sins?

Think about it! If the abstract realm of mathematics is everywhere, but that mental realm called mathematics does not know anything itself about one banana plus one banana equals two bananas, how could a pure spiritual realm called know any of your stupid sins that are not only mental dreams worlds, but that have nothing to do with absolute spirituality?  Do you really think that there is a God that knows all of your delusional mental states of existence within your hardwired human brain and within your soft-wired human mind?  I do not think so.

If there is an intelligent self-conscious realm called God that is not biological in nature, then it does not actually know you as a biological creature, even as it has been stated in various ways, this realm called God can translate itself down to your very existence as biological body and state of a hardwired human brain and a soft-wired human mind to force change within your human ‘soul’ if you will.  Some thinkers have stated that was this self-contained state of existence that impelled the whole Big Bang event, the forward movement of the cosmic universe, to living and thinking human beings with a human mind that can think about the grand plan of the whole grand plan.

Some of these issues are not part of a multi-dimensional state of consciousness in the bigger meaning of the word, but it is a very good place to start just to mentally play around with ideas about the issues regarding the current and future survival of the human species and all life on planet earth. If there are billions of human beings on planet earth, and they were all concerned about not only their children’s and grandchildren’s current and future survival as a constant state of consciousness, what could they do on a very practical level of existence, especially if current world leaders all around the globe actually cared about the topic regarding the long term survival of the human species, especially by waking up to higher states of intelligence to overcome their animalistic and selfish biological desires without taking into account the whole of the human species?

Just to make it really simple for this example.  If there are 7-8 billion human beings alive and living and trying to survive on planet earth, but there are only 5 -10 world leaders with the capacity to start a nuclear war, what good is it for the other 7-8 billion people who might actually care about not dying in a global and collective self-destructive mode of thinking instead of thinking about the current and future survival of the human species, even as a state of consciousness.

As a practical matter, but most certainly as a hopeful model regarding the global and human goal and objective for all world leaders, along with humanly, if necessary, all of the evil, violent human beings who roam the planet like human cockroaches with guns, weapons, and more importantly, with deranged minds?  Can the human species survive into the future with world leaders and evil little cockroach human beings being evil, violent creatures?  Nope.

That would be one form of an awareness regarding the survival of the human species. But there can also be another level of an awareness regarding the survival of the human species, on a much higher, deeper, and more profound level as a state and stage of consciousness, and that would be a much different and higher plane of a multi-dimensional state of existence regarding the issue of deranged religious minds that do not have a clear grasp on a true state of religious reality instead of living in a religious fantasy mental dream world.  More on that later, I believe.

The next step regarding human consciousness is not only the question itself, but the question of what is actually the human consciousness, both as a hardwired conscious human brain and a soft-wired human consciousness and of course, what is it made of, how does it work, what is in it as mental models of reality and the abstract issues of mental illusions and ignorance and limitations versus mental realms of intelligence and understanding higher states of consciousness that are not human, physical, material, earthly, and biological.  Little by little I hope I am making and getting my points across in different ways of rational thought and thinking.

In other words, how can an animalistic human biological brain and soft-wired human consciousness that is trying to more animal than divine, more stupid than intelligent, more material than spiritual, etc., ever hope to continue surviving lone into the future without destroying itself first?  How is it possible that ignorant, violent, and evil human brains and minds with nuclear weapons help the current and future survival of the human species?  It is not possible!  It is actually a state of mental insanity to think otherwise.

How can consciousness be a basics for the current and future survival of the human species? It would almost seem silly to some human beings who falsely believe that the survival of the human species is dependent only on the physical, material, and earthly plane of existence.

Here is where the mental concept of a multi-dimensional state of consciousness comes in for the very important issue regarding the current and future survival of the human species because it is not enough just to be aware of the issues and questions or topics within the human brain and mind like it was just a fantasy thought that human consciousness itself has no part in the current and future survival of the human species.  After all, everything starts within the mind first.

Not only is there the issue of 7-8 billion living human brains possibly thinking about it as an interesting topic without taking any action whatsoever because each of them feels so helpless to do anything about it. There is the main concept that there are and have been definitely different states and stages of human consciousness during the course of human history, but there are also going to be new and different states and stages of human consciousness in the future too.

If the current and future survival of the human species partly depends on changing, updating, and modifying, and transforming the human consciousness in each individual human being and in the collective human species also, to not only higher states and stages of intelligence versus ignorance, good versus too, to take the human mind away from its mental illusions and delusions and dreamworlds that most of the human species is living in currently, but also to take them into higher states and stages of reality, both on a material and physical plane of existence to a spiritual plane of existence, for the sole purpose to transcend and transform the human consciousness away from a purely one dimensional animalistic, biological state of consciousness to a pure realm of consciousness termed God, Spirit.

Why Is a Multi-Dimensional State of Consciousness Needed for the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species?

Do I have to state the obvious that the current state of the human brain and consciousness is not the same as the past and future states and stages of human consciousness?  Of course, the past state of human consciousness was more primitive in the sense that it was simply trying to survive as biological creatures with very primitive tools for their survival, while today’s human species is still trying to preserve the human biological body, the tools for that survival are completely different in many ways.

First of all, all realms of scientific and medical knowledge have radically changed how the human biological body can hang on to dear life because of the knowledge of how the biological works, and how to heal it, and how to continue to keep it living even when an individual human being wants to die, to leave, to escape its human body for whatever reason is in the individual human mind.

That new scientific and medical knowledge is part of the new structure of human soft-wired human mind that can understand the very deep and complex aspects and operations of living material in all its forms.  In essence, a new and different state of human awareness of how the human biological body is made, operates, and continues to live by means of outside help. Is that a new realm of consciousness, even if it is not a completely multi-dimensional state of consciousness like leaving the body state of consciousness?

Into the future, I bet there will be other states of consciousness that will heal the biological body faster, easier, and cheaper because it will be consciousness itself that will be the healer of the body because one higher levels of consciousness have been reached, the human biological should actually be free of all imperfections of any kind.

That is only one reason why a multi-dimensional state of human consciousness is needed for the current and future survival of the human species.  But there are other reasons too.  Higher states of human consciousness would eventually change the hardware of the human brain at least in some form and measure to control and overcome the simplistic, animalistic, nature of the urge to kill other human beings for all of the wrong reasons.

That would mean that not only would there be a change and transformation within the soft-wired human consciousness and within the hardwired human brain, but there would also be changes in the soft-wired changes within the values, motives, and means for the survival of the human species too.

After all, if world leaders and other people go to war to for illogical, immoral, and insane reasons because of actual stupid, mental delusions, and illusions within the human brain and mind, once those actual stupid, mental delusions, and illusions are gone from the human brain and mind, there would be no reason for war anymore.

Nothing Stays the Same, Even States and Stages of Human Consciousness. 

Nothing stays the same, except that it exists in some manner. Some manner, like the weather is always going to be the weather, but it is always changing. Human biological bodies will always exist until something happens to destroy the human species, but what will not always be the same is the state of consciousness of the individual human mind-consciousness and of the collective human state of consciousness either.  That is the way it is because of the laws of evolution and development that actually exist, like the law of gravity.

The sun will always be there too, but it is always changing while it remains constantly the same, but the sun does not possess a state of consciousness like a living biological, mental, cosmic, and spiritual consciousness the way a human being can possess, even if there are processes going on with in the sun which might imply a self-awareness that is mechanical instead of biological.

Does anyone on earth think that the so-called normal ways of thinking and doing things as both biological creatures and brain creatures are going to solve all of the issues on planet earth with the old ways of doing and solving problems and issues that are harmful to the human species in general?  How can solving problems and issues with an old state and stage of human consciousness going to help with the current and future survival of the human species?

That old way is the way of a one-dimensional state of a purely biological state of existence and an identity as a human selfhood when what is not only more important but needed is taking into consideration what is the state and stage of each individual human hardwired human brain and soft-wired human consciousness.  There really is no escape from that fact.

The old ways of the caveman and the pre-human and the pre-modern human are not the ways of the modern-day human species. The human biological body is basically the same, a working brain, heart, lungs, blood, cells, hands, legs, and of course, sex organs, which are magnified in today’s world of human mental delusions.

Does any think that the caveman and pre-humans and pre-modern day human beings were so obsessed with pieces of skin of the sex organs like human beings are today.  How in the world did the human species become so mesmerized by two very small and insignificant parts of the biological human body that are related to making human babies?

Do human beings really believe that two sex organs make who they are as a human identity when what they truly are different states and stages of brain, mind, and consciousness?  What a state of mental insanity.  I am a penis or a vagina.  No human is a penis or a vagina.  That is only one part of your biological body, there to make babies.  What you are, are different states and stages of consciousness or mind.  Fact!

I cannot stress that last statement any more than simply making the statement that some human beings are actually mesmerized by the two shapes and then playing with those two sex organs in any way they can to have a sexual organism, which of course happens mainly within the hardwired human brain. But is sex acts and sexual organisms to going to help the human species survive into the future?  Sexual organs are not an identity in themselves.  If someone states, I am a male or female, well that is true depending on their sex parts, but each human being is more than their sex parts or organs.

Again, is having sex in anyway going to help the current state of human survival except to make more human babies?  No, expect for the only purpose to make more human biological bodies with hardwired human brains, minds, and different states and stages of consciousness. All that stuff happens within the one-dimensional state of biological consciousness, but of course there is so much more to human life and living than having normal sex, abnormal, kinky, perverted, and very horrible sex because some human brains and minds are so warped by sex that is it beyond imagination.

With a dimensional level of consciousness, and a multi-faceted state of even the human consciousness, the possibilities of the human species that have been demonstrated in the last four hundred years or so.

Changes Over 400 Years or So.

So many changes within four hundred years or so. So many! Yet, many things stay exactly the same, which I would state as a self-centered and selfless human being, on so many levels, but of course, the main goal or objective for each individual human being and nation and country is to survive. That is normal because survival is really the main part of the game for any biological species on planet earth.

But can the human species actually survive as a collective and global human species if there is a constant state of selfish, survival of the individual nations without taking into account the collective human species. This is not an economic question, or a political, or religious issue.  No, ladies and gentlemen of the whole jury.  It is a matter of survival.

On a one-dimensional state of biological survival, each nation wants to survive and that is only normal, but at what cost does is it if only one nation survives, while the rest of the human species is destroyed? On a higher state of global consciousness, each nation and all of the world leaders should realize the only thing that is truly important for the collective and global human species, not simply the survival of one nation. It is not enough for only one country or nation to survive, alone a with a few other countries, nations.  There are real reasons why each nation and country need to survive besides economic reason.

Sooner or later, there has to be a holistic and global attitude that each part of land mass on planet earth needs to survive.  Each plant and animal species needs to survive, along with the fish, and the stuff that we can and cannot see.  The survival of the human species means more than simply the selfish reason for one species to survive, because the human species is destroying more life on earth everyday which will in the end, lead to the self-destruction of the human species because without the connections between all life on earth, nothing else will survive.  There are environmental balances that should not and must not be disturbed all.

We should all know and realize that all of the world’s governments and all of the corrupt politicians do not actually care about the people living in their nations, counties, towns, and cities. They only want power and to play the games they need to play to stay in office so they can get a paycheck. You should ask yourselves this question, do any politicians really care about the survival of the human's species either before, during, or after they leave office. Personally, I do not think of one except for Al Gore, but one person yelling at the top of his lungs is not going to do it.  One person cannot do it alone, even though it is a start.  Not one politician actually cares or thinks about what happens to the human species.

How about the old-time Christian religions? We all know, either consciously or unconsciously, that no religion, especially any old-time religion with its ridiculous notions is going to solve the problems of the human species.  It is not going to happen, for so many reasons.  There is not going to be a guy from over 2000 years ago that is going to return to save mankind or 7-8 billion human beings from their one-dimensional biological state of consciousness, nor is he going to solve all of the world’s problems.  It has not happened, and it is not going to happen.

Jesus is not going solve all of the global problems that mankind has created all by itself. It was not the job of one individual man named Jesus to save the world over 2000 years into the future, especially since those human beings have their own brains and intelligence to continue to survive in their tiny human lives.  But on a global and collective level, how is one human being who lived over 2000 years ago going to solve every problem around the globe?  Not happening!

Does anyone, religious or not, actually going to believe that praying to a male named Jesus about this modern world is actually going to help and do anything about the current and future survival of the human species. The truth is that many Christians believe that a man who lived over 2000 years ago is going to return to earth and save the believers and send the unbelievers to a hell.  How silly is that religious concept.  But most Bible readers do not actually study the Bible.  They simply read it with their little and tiny mental perceptive about what is real and factual versus what is mentally delusional.  It is easy to read, not so easy to understand.

Some people believe the same thing in one form or another, but it is not true because it is all a religious mental delusion which for some reason, being lazy that is, some people actually believe that there is going to be an of end of the world for religious reasons. Religious beliefs are not going to help the human species survive into the future, but some people would state it is better than nothing, but not if they are mental delusions about what is reality; mental or physical.

Being a Buddhism believer is not going to help the current and future survival either because by putting an individual’s human brain and mind into the sand of nothingness is completely avoiding the issue of the survival of the collective human species because they believe escaping into a void of nothingness is going to help both the individual human being and the collective human species but putting your head and mind into the sand is not going to help anyone.  Escapism is not the solution to the current and future survival of the human species.

Is economics going to help the human species survive into the future? I do not really think so because money and the human condition is really complex; and so complex that it is still really limited and by that statement it is meant that not only is money a limited concern for the current and future survival of the human species, but money alone will never solve all of the human problems that are facing mankind globally and collectively.  After all money is just paper, or it used to be paper or gold, but gold is not going to help mankind survive into the future.

How about politics?  Is politics going to help mankind survive into the future.  Well, there is the United Nations, but they do not seem to be doing anything to the human species survive into the future.  There are meetings between world leaders every once in a while, and that does not seem to be working either.  As a matter of fact, the division between world leaders regarding the goals and objectives are so vastly different that it seems that the is no end in sight with the major differences, goals, and objectives between each nation and/or world leader to each other in general.

Again, is having sex, watching sex, having perverted and unnatural sex and kinky sex and abnormal sex going to help solve the problems of the current and future survival of the human species.  No.  They are not because sex acts are only simple biological actions for a very simple minded/mental sexual organisms within the hardwired human brain, which influences the soft-wired human mind, and vice versa.  The only thing sex is going to do for the survival of the human species is keep human biological bodies reproducing for as long as it is good for.

Is the mentality of sex actually a state of absolute reality, or only a limited mental reality within the hardwired human brain and soft-wired human mind as a state of mentally delusional state of pleasure? Are simple biological acts and sexual imagery that is located within the hardwired human brain and soft-wired human real, or are they simply a human mental dream world of nerves and neuron sensations that have no basics in any state of absolute pure spiritual reality?

Let me make it graphic just to prove my point here. Is jerking off, playing with a clit, getting fucked up the ass, or putting a hardon into the mouth of another person actually going to help with the current and future survival of the human species?  Of course, no!  Again, all of those biological acts are taking place within a one-dimensional state of biological consciousness, nothing more.  If anything, it is going backward instead of forward into higher realms of spiritual existence.

If anything, those acts will only make the human species even more sexually perverted than it already is, which means that the hardwired human brain and soft-wired human mind that is obsessed with those acts are actually preventing themselves from rising into the scale of spiritual being because, and here is the last point I will make on the subject of sex for the moment, people who are doing all of those sex acts actually believe that one, they are real, and second,  more importantly really, they live to have sex or sexual organisms until the day they die.  Not everything that is in the hardwired human brain and soft-wired human mind and consciousness is based on reality.  Lots of times it is based on mere mental fantasy, nothing more.

Again, is a simple one-dimensional state of a biological state of consciousness located within the hardwired human brain, in the individual human being and in the collective human species going to help with the survival of the current and future human species?  What is truly going to save the human soul from such mental dark delusions, whether they are sexual delusions or religious delusions, or any other type of mental delusions?

What is the Real Purpose and Goal for Each Individual Human Being and for the Collective Human Species?

The Goal and the Purpose for the Human Species.  The Main Objective and Goal.

Have any of you my dear readers ever asked yourselves these questions? In the big picture, in the grand scheme or cosmic picture of life and death in the cosmic universe, on planet earth, and in the big picture of life, your life on earth, what is your real, spiritual, metaphysical, purpose and goal while you are alive on planet earth, even as a God question?  If there was a God looking down at your pathetic, tiny little lives, would this thing you might call God be happy with how you are living your lives, with your valves, inside and outside your minds?

I do not use the words tiny, little, pathetic lives lightly, but not from the earthly and human standpoint of life.  Oh no, I use those words in the grand picture of the cosmic universe, in the realm of life on earth after billions of years of evolution and development, give or take a few years.  But have you ever wondered why you actually have a thinking hardwired human brain that can not only think, be conscious of so many different areas of abstract knowledge and information, and to ponder, wonder about, and search and find your own personal divine destiny, but to actually become a multi-dimensional state of consciousness that can be aware of Spirit, God?

Is there a God that might say to each of you, “Were you actually happy having sex, making money, watching sports and porn and movies, and the news telling you untruths about the world, a world you probably do not understand very little about anyway? Were you happy living within in your own weak, frail, little, pathetic, human biological bodies that in truth you know they are going to die one day anyway, no matter how time, energy, and hope you put into making them immortal, all the while working like hell to keep them young, or simply alive for another day?

Moreover, are you actually happy, or maybe very sad and angry living within your tiny mortal mental dream worlds that currently comprise your mind and mortal consciousness?  I mean it!  Is this how your live, your objectives and goals listed here.  I want to make more money.  I want to buy a bigger house.  I want to buy an expensive car to pretend that I am better than people with cheaper cars.  I want to suck on cock and get fucked up the ass until I die.  I want to use a sex toy on my cunt until I die because it feels so good.  I want to watch endless amounts of movies that are real in any sense of the word, especially with all of the computer graphics, etc.  Of course, they are fun to watch.  Why not have some fun watching movies.

Are you happy watching endless amounts of violent movies with guns, bombs, blood, death, destruction that are not only completely unrealistic most of the time, but if life actually reflected most of those violent movies, especially war movies, which they do sometimes, would it not be horrible to live like that everyday anywhere in the world?  To me, it would also seem better to watch fake, false, and peaceful religious preachers that might preach peace instead of war, even if we all know that most religious preachers are simply ranting on and one to make a dollar for their own new bigger house and car.

Or might there be a God that might say to itself, “Well, it looks like a few human minds actually saw the very big, very grand, and very huge and important picture, goal, and objective for the human species that I wanted them to see, know and understand; every single one of them.”  You see my dear readers, for the current and future survival of the human species, every single human being along with the collective human species must understand the real goal and objective for human life on planet earth.  Yes, I really think that I have the answer to that question because I have been thinking and pondering and wondering about it for decades, for a very long time.

Let us start off with the collective human species that possesses a defining purpose, goal, and objective for its very existence.  Could there actually be a defining purpose and goal for the collective human species, from a teleological and even cosmic standpoint, even from the standpoint of a God, Spirit?  After all, it seems rather silly and ironic that the human species possesses very soft, weak, and even sensual biological bodies but they possess the most complex organ in the cosmic universe as far as we know, the human brain, mind, and consciousness.

There are actually two different ways to view the complete holistic scheme to mentally view and analysis the possible goal, objective, and end result of the cosmic plan or even the divine plan for the human species, as far as the human species is concerned.  A few people have mentioned before me, but I have thought about it because it seems like there are at least two different ways of looking at it.

Those two different ways would be: First, the way of evolution and development of the cosmic universe starting with the Big Bang they say, up to the beginnings of life on planet earth with human beings with an advanced human brain compared to other biological creatures, at least for some human beings, that cannot only think, but actually be conscious of realms which cannot be seen by the human eye and brains, not only realms of the atomic realm for example, but levels and realms of existence that are completely independent of the human brain, mind, and consciousness.

The second way would be the way of a devolution of matter or the physical cosmic and biological worlds of matter because once a one-dimensional biological state of life as living matter begins to rise out of itself into new immaterial realms of existence, where the material cosmic universe and earthly life and the people world does not exist, then even the human consciousness starts to become like God, Spirit, and at least spiritual into the true sense of the word, a realm of pure consciousness, a state of being that is the ultimate realm of existence, known as God. 

The general concept of a purely material and physical biological sense of life is destroyed not only by a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, but by the very fact that there is a realm or existence that is completely pure, free of the general concept of the realms of space-time, light waves, atoms; the human brain, mind, and consciousness which is being forced to advance  up scales and levels of possibilities into different realms of consciousness, by way of very abstract thinking, understanding, but to ever more abstract spiritual and intellectual states of consciousness which is not even a human consciousness.  Maybe what is needed is a new interpretation about the current state of facts.

The evolutionary viewpoint is that everything started with the Big Bang, which after a whole bunch of cosmic processes a little tiny planet at just the perfect distance from a small sun, compared to other suns and objects in the cosmic universe, started the chemical process that led up to a thinking human brain, mind, and consciousness.  We can go along with those current facts, but the question would be whether it was really a cosmic and earthly evolution or was it really a devolution?  Why?  Because the same visual events can be interpreted differently.

In the minds of both physical scientists, religious people, the common people, etc., the mental model is that there was a beginning leading up to something, which may or may not be true.  Was it really a huge cosmic process where simple matter stuff developed and evolved into higher states and stages of biological living cells with thinking brains with consciousness?  Or could it be the other way around, flipping the coin?

Could it be that the cosmic universe as the human brain sees it, is really the destruction of matter because indeed, what was once just dead matter before life on earth, became a living form of a living matter in a cosmic universe of material stuff, which now has 7-8 billions human thinking brains and minds, with a consciousness, an intelligent state of consciousness which has not only already partly ascended and transcended above the human biological body by many people, in many ways, but all with the common goal and objective to overcome the biological human body, and even the human consciousness itself, which is indeed only one absolute goal and objective of every human being in the final analysis.

To overcome the human biological self-hood of the biological body with a human hardwired brain and soft-wired human consciousness and mind, to transcend and ascend above the living biological body to a new spiritual self-hood which is completely spiritual, a pure realm of a spiritual consciousness, as in Spirit, which knows nothing of this cosmic universe, of space-time, of breathing, of life and death.  If there is a God, as in Spirit, I think that that would be a goal and objective that it would want for every single and individual human brain, mind, and consciousness.

What if the life on planet earth was not an accident?  What if the progression of life on planet earth leading up to the human brain, mind, and consciousness had taken place because it was the goal and objective and design in a realm of a higher realm of intelligence, to force an ascendence and transformation from the material universal concept of a material existence to new states and stages of life and consciousness; like there was a divine intelligence pushing, to force the material realm of existence to not only a biological living consciousness, but to a human consciousness and then to force that human consciousness into a pure realm of spiritual state of consciousness.

In other words, as it has been stated before by someone, ‘The cosmic universe becomes conscious of itself by the very fact that at least one species, the human species anyway, has become conscious of the cosmic universe itself.’  Or in other words, the divine intelligence called God, Spirit, has forced this moment upon the human brain, mind, and consciousness to become conscious of the metaphysical fact that there is not only a realm called Spirit, God, but that human beings, but not as human beings can be conscious of God, Spirit, but only by spiritual means, which can only take place within the spiritual realm within each human being, but not as a biological body.  Was that too much for one paragraph?

If the starting point of the big, grand, huge cosmic picture is around 14 billion light years back into time by the birth called the Big Bang, (not human years, light years,) then there should be a new perspective to the religious person, to the scientist, the astrophysicists, the common people, the uneducated and so-called educated person alike, etc. In the normal course of thinking about the beginning and development of the cosmic universe it is generally thought of as something coming from nothing, although that view seems to be changing, with no actual purpose, goal, and objective for the universe itself, or for the human species, individual and collective.

As in what the hell, let everything happen for no reason, purpose, goal, objective.  Let there be a Big Bang, planet earth, a thinking and conscious human brain and mind for nothing.  But what if there is a huge purpose, reason, goal, and objective for the cosmic universe and for every biological living breathing creature on a very small planet called earth, including mankind?

How about asking the same question for the beginning of life on planet earth. The general and main theory about how life started was by chemical reactions and combinations in the oceans and the air and oxygen, leading up to the current state and stage of human evolution and development, with a thinking hardwired human brain and a soft-wired human mind and consciousness, with a very small and weak human biological body compared to the other biological creatures on planet earth.

Think about that for a moment.  The human biological body is a frail living thing of skin, bones, blood, heart, etc.  It is much smaller, slower, weak, and basically just a good meal for any creature that is bigger, faster, stronger, and with bigger muscles and teeth.  But low and behold, each and every human being possesses a hardwired brain, mind, and consciousness that can do what every other living creature on planet earth cannot do.  It can not only think in abstract realms of existence in an ordered, systemic, and logical fashion, it can creature, build, and actually do really amazing things, which includes a list way to long for this essay.

The main cause of that chemical reaction at the first phrase of life on earth could be defined as luck or chance, intelligent design, or even bigger, a God, as in a Divine Mind, or Divine Intelligence. But that issue of the First Cause is not the issue for this piece of writing here. What is the issue here is this.

What is the order of the development and evolution or devolution of matter up to the thinking hardwired human brain with a soft-wired human consciousness and mind to basically think, ponder, wonder, and through the means of understanding, to gain a higher level of consciousness, to escape as were the biological body, as it were to ascend to, even back to, that realm of Spirit that might have started it all in the first place.

It seems that the general mental model for the answer to that question is that the physical stuff like atoms and light-waves and energy and then this planet and probably other planets too, was the development and evolution of matter and the physical universe with all of the material stuff like matter, atoms, light-waves, energy, included all of the abstract process that led up to the current state and stage of the cosmic universe, but also of life on planet earth with a thinking human brain and soft-wired human mind and consciousness, with again, a very small and weak human biological body.

But what if there is another viewpoint to be considered when thinking about the process regarding the so-called realm or state and stage of nothingness, so-called, up to the state and stage of the invisible state and stage, the condition of existence called consciousness. Some thinkers have gone so far as to state that the cosmic universe is not only intelligence within itself, but that there is a grand intelligence behind the intelligence of the external cosmic universe.  In other words, behind the scenes of the cosmic universe and planet earth with conscious and thinking brains, minds, and consciousness, is an infinite realm of intelligence forcing the human consciousness to ascend and to transcend the one-dimensional biological consciousness to ascend to higher states of consciousness which are not biological in nature, which are only pure spiritual reality.

Is that only possibility or standpoint of order of events which is generally considered to be the only order of events, nothingness to somethingness? What if there was no grand design or intelligence regarding the structure of the cosmic universe leading up the the human species which includes not only a thinking hardwired human brain, but that entity called a consciousness which can be located both inside the human brain, but outside of the human brain as well.

What if it was really only luck or chance, would not the end result be exactly the same anyway because that is what seems is happening anyway within the hardwired human brain, mind, and consciousness in various ways, even if those ways may be misguided for very certain reasons?

Can Consciousness be Outside the Human Brain and Mind?

This question and answer may be above your pay grade for thinking about your life and mind.

How can consciousness be located outside a brain you may ask yourself, besides out-of-body experiences, the afterlife experience, and dream worlds, you may ask yourself?  Hum.

 Have you ever asked yourself that whenever you look out through your human eyes, that your consciousness is already out of your brain, quite literally, because does it matter if consciousness is actually inside the human brain and mind looking out, or if it is viewing, seeing, and observing the outside realm of existence, outside the brain.  If the outside world is inside the brain is seen and experienced, is not the mind and consciousness already outside of the brain and mind in a matter of speaking?  If you are looking at the stars, the stars are up there, but are also out there too.

In other words, is there really a division or separation between the subjective and objective world if they are both the same identity, in the sense that even if the human consciousness is inside the hardwired human brain and mind, with images, sounds, smells, the identity is still the same, which means that without being outside the human brain as a thing, consciousness is still outside the brain as a state of awareness that is actually extended outside the human brain and mind by means of mental perception, awareness, and of course, a state of consciousness.

If consciousness itself is a state of existence, which it is, then if a non-conscious universe for arguments sake, is now being conscious of itself by way of the human brain and mind, then it might be stated that it was not the evolution and development of matter per se that happened over the course of 14 billion light years as an end result, but the devolution of matter that happened because if there was no consciousness in the beginning, and there is now consciousness that can not only understand the material cosmic universe to the extent that it can, and then it can rise higher within itself to other realms of states of consciousness and existence, then it could be stated that the destruction of matter took place because when consciousness is ‘outside’ of the matter and physical universe, then it is a state all by itself, separate from matter and the physical universe, even if part of that consciousness is still located within the realm of the observable cosmic universe and life on planet earth, and the human brain and mind.

If different states and stages of human consciousness have currently ascended and transcended the one-dimensional state of biological life on planet earth and have also ascended and transcended even the three dimensional cosmic universe of space-time too, to some extent, it could be assumed that consciousness is becoming less and less ‘so-called’ material and limited at only a one-dimensional state of awareness, only conscious of a biological body, only conscious of matter stuff like atoms, neurons and chemistry in their manifestations.  Consciousness has already escaped the limited realm of a biological body, the three-dimensional cosmic universe too some degree.

That would mean that the matter/physical/material universe is not really being destroyed as such because it is still there, outside of the human brain and mind, but that it is becoming at least for the individual human ascended and transcended human mind and consciousness, less and less important.

 After all, at this stage within the space-time cosmic universe, which will always exist long after each human being is gone, dead, what is really important for each individual human consciousness is to worry less about staying alive as long a possible as a human being on planet earth in a space-time cosmic universe, but to learn how to ascend and transcend their individual human biological and brain consciousness to higher planes of existence before their human death.

The process of a complete transformation from the one-dimensional biological consciousness to a pure state of spiritual consciousness which knows nothing of space-time, life and death, etc., should be the goal, objective of every human being, at least to some degree.

I really think that that process begins with the new mental model of a multi-dimensional state of consciousness even as you live as a human being with a biological body even if you do not actually comprehend what it really means at this moment.

The Consciousness of the Past, the Now, the Future.

Common folks, the everyday person easily actually knows that there was a past, and that they live in the current now, and that there hopefully will be some kind of future for the human species.  is so simple!  Or is it?  What are the implications of having a human consciousness of the past and its history?  What are the implications of living in the now and being aware of world events, with logical and rational intelligence, information, along with some sense of human destiny?

What the implications of thinking about the future, especially as it relates to the current state and stage of human development?  Should the human species have a conscious consciousness of the future, and how the current state of civilization has an impact, an influence on future generations of human beings, of the futuristic human species?

What is the problem, you may ask yourselves, but especially world leaders, along with all of people in governments around the world?  The list must include what the most common issues that current human beings, all 7-8 billion plus of them need to survive so that biologically the human species will continue onward, meaning100-200 years into the current future.  Surviving into the near future is really important because obviously, if the human species completely destroys itself sooner than later, there will not be a human brain and consciousness on planet earth anymore.

But if human beings continue to possess at state of human consciousness based on mental delusions or illusions, fantasies, and that means ignorance too, how are they going to survive into the future when there are actually metaphysical and spiritual laws forcing both the individual human being and the collective human species into new, higher, spiritual, and higher levels of intelligence too.

It should be also obvious that the individual and collective human mind and consciousness can also be aware of what was happening and transpiring in the past years, what is happening in its current age, and what could and maybe should happen in the near future years and into the far away future years too, although it completely impossible to predict exactly what will happen at any given moment, day, month, year into the future.  But someone should try to do it. 

The Consciousness of the Past.  It is called History.

It seems an obvious statement that the human mind and consciousness can mentally look back into the past of previous human civilizations all around the world to learn and understand how and what had happened in most areas around the globe, in many different countries, for all sorts of historical peoples and civilizations throughout the course of human history.

What does that mean to the concept of consciousness and the hardwired human brain? What that means is that both the hardwired human brain and soft-wired human mind and consciousness can mentally perceive something in a different time period on planet earth regarding different peoples, events, and even their cultures, economies, religions, and even their own demise. But my guess is that even some of those historical peoples and civilizations thought about their own survival and also about what the future be for future generations of the human species.

What was happening within their soft-ware consciousness, how they lived, their economic, political, and even religious ways of life.  The current human civilization is separate from, yet still connected to the past because of course, one time period influences other time periods in certain ways, but maybe the most important way is the amazement of previous civilizations did survive, and not only survive, but all of their achievements too.  Achievements like infrastructure, economic systems, political and social and legal and military systems, and even religious practices too.

Did they guess that they might inspire future generations of human beings, 1000s of years into the future, or did they simply try to survive for their own generation of human species?  Is the current connected to the previous human generations in one way or another?  I would like to think so because for one, what marvels did they build with their limited physical resources.  Is the current human species connected to the future?  I really think so, either for good or for bad.  The current human species has a true responsibility to future generations of the human species.

How is that for a sense of responsibility for the current human civilization in and for all areas of life and living: economic, political, scientific, and even so-called religious sense of consciousness and practices too.  How are is the current generation of human species going to influence all future human civilizations, cultures, and peoples of the human species.  How many people do not care about history because they think it is boring?  How many ignorant people do not care about the future either because it seems so far away from the now?

I have used words and phrases like multi-dimensional consciousness to ascend and transcend above the animalistic nature in the human hardwired brain and mind, and consciousness.  But on even the most basic level of survival, it matters if the current generations survive into the future so that there will actually be a futuristic human species to advance farther, deeper, and higher into higher realms of consciousness as states of existence.

The Consciousness of the Now.

That is easy, it seems to your mind.  That you are living in the now, this second, this minute, this hour, this day, but for most people, probably that is as far as your individual consciousness and the collective human species can go as far as your human consciousness and mind can go.  But of course, there are very logical reasons for that state of conscious affairs.  Human life is busy.  Human life is short.  Human life is not easy, except for the very rich, but even they have problems too.  I would think that many people are really tired of living for a lot of reasons.  Sometimes death might seem like a solution, but it is not the solution, for anyone.

How many people are actually thinking about anything besides themselves lately?  Corrupt and dishonest and incompetent and ignorant politicians who run for office so they can get a paycheck from taxpayer's paychecks.  World leaders who do not even care about the now, learning about the past, nor caring about the future either.  The historical past is learned about by historians, the current now is a rat race, the future is a thing of the imagination with unlimited, well sort of, unlimited possibilities.

Here is the issue.  People in all nations, countries, cultures, religions, have at least one thing in common.  7-8 billion human beings all have one thing in common.  They all have at least a one-dimensional biological state of consciousness with the will and desire to live, to survive.  That will and desire in an innate quality within every biological species on planet earth.

But they also have some different and some identical states and stages of human consciousness, with some qualities in common, while some mental qualities are completely different.  That may seem like a commonsense statement, but if the current and future survival truly depends on the state and stage of individual and collective consciousness, besides all of the external problems facing mankind, for not so obvious reasons, then what is going to be needed is a complete transformation within the structure of human consciousness, either sooner or later, slowly or quickly, with suffering or no suffering.

In order for the human species to survive into the future, the old state of human consciousness, a one-dimensional state of biological consciousness must change into a more advance state of human consciousness, into a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, which includes higher levels of spirituality, to overcome and war like animalistic desire to go to war, the animalistic desire to have sex for no reason, the animalistic desire to kill, murder, and destroy other human beings for no good reason.

It is no good for human being’s brains, minds, and consciousness to live in mentally delusional dreams worlds all the while believing that those states are absolute reality.  My guess is that future generations of human beings will not live in those humanly mentally delusional dreams because they will be too busy with better states of mind and consciousness.

The Consciousness of the Future.

What does that mean?  Can we be actually conscious of what is going to happen into the future?  Or should the human species be thinking about, and trying to survive into the future without blowing itself up with nuclear weapons, or destroy the weather, the air, the water, etc.?  In many ways, the current state and stage of individual and collective human consciousness will dictate what happens in future generations for the next generations of the human species.

How far into the future can the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness look forward into time to try to plan how to survive, both individually and collectively? Maybe that depends on what type of mind and consciousness an individual and collective human conscious mind is thinking and pondering the future, but also in the now.  Even the greatest minds can only do so much when trying to predict the future for all sorts of logical reasons.

How far into the future can the human species look into when everything in the human condition is changing in so many different ways so fast? What can be looked into is the different qualities within the states and stages of each individual human state of consciousness and the collective human consciousness as a whole, but especially away from mental illusions, delusions, mental dream worlds, and different states of ignorance, etc., by way of a complete and utter conscious transformation within the structure of not only the human consciousness, but also within the human brain, away from the limited and animalistic and violent tendencies.

If the current animalistic, animalistic, and violent tendencies were destroyed within both the hardwired human brain, individual and collective human consciousness, that would be a very good beginning to the road to attain a true state and stage of spiritual consciousness, both for the individual human being and for the current and future survival of the collective human species as a whole.  Why is it that so many people like using the animal part of the human brain instead of the higher functions of the human brain?  Is it because it is so easy because that animalistic part of the human brain overrides the higher parts of the human brain?  Probably!  

After millions of earthly and biological years on planet earth, the animal brain worked as good as it could for the survival of all the biological species, but times have changed.  Previous biological species did not create, build, and use the weapons of war that the current human species has in its hand to actually destroy every living creature on planet earth.  It is not about time that it is the other way around. Instead of using the animal parts of the human brain, more and more people should begin to use the other higher realms of the human brain. It will not be easy.  Maybe impossible!

What is More Important for the Survival of the Human Species?

Many, if not most human beings that are currently concerned about the survival of the human species are only concerned about the survival of the human species as billions of human biological human bodies living on planet earth.  My bet is that nobody is giving a poop about the survival of the human brain, mind, and consciousness, not just as just as a state of existence, connected to the human brain, but in a way separate from what is called the human hardwired human brain with a whole bunch of neurons and chemicals all doing their thing.

The question is what is more important to save the human biological body, just to be concerned about the human biological body, 7-8 billion human biological bodies from a massive death or should people more concerned with saving the human brain, mind, and consciousness first into order to save the human species from its own self-destruction because of what is happening within the hardwired human brain, soft-wired human mind, and of course, consciousness?

Or is it more important to save the human brain, mind, and consciousness from is mental delusions about what is reality, what is important, the values and qualities of the human brain, mind, consciousness in order to save the human species from its own self-destruction.  There is the external world of the biological body and the internal world of the mind, or should I state, 7-8 billion minds, all with they think is real, what is correct, or just not thinking at all.

How in the world can anyone think that the biological body comes first for saving the human species, but then they forget the brain, mind, and consciousness, when in fact, it is the most important aspect of the decision-making processes for the current and future survival of the human species?

 To forget the brain and mind when it is the brain and mind that is going to be making all of the decisions for the external human and earthly world of the biological body and the external world called the planet earth would seem to me crazy since the human brain and mind is the most important things for saving the external world of the human biological body and external world of living creatures and life on earth.

Some people might state that they both should be save together, and that if the biological body dies, then the brain, mind, and consciousness die too.  But what is actually making the decisions, the biological body or the mind when thinking about the current and future survival of the human species, both as biological bodies of skin, bones, blood, etc., and the brain too.

But it is more than just making decisions that will influence the survival or self-destruction of the human species.  It is also about the values, qualities, and quantities within the structure of the human hardwired human brain and mind too.  Just to mentions a few here.  Are people educated with information, knowledge, and intelligence or are people so lazy and stupid by not reading, researching, being obsessed with sex and sexual orgasms, porn and regular movies, watching sports, taking drugs, which all in all, being preoccupied by very mental dream worlds while the other people are taking control of your lives and futures.  And your children’s future too.

The human biological body or the hardwired human brain and soft-wired human mind?

Now then, some people would say, what a silly question. And it could be answered in two ways just for the conversation or debate. The issue might be what is more important for the current and future survival of the human species, the biological human body or the hardwired human brain and soft-wired human mind and consciousness?  Hum!  Something to think about just for the fun of it, for the seriousness of it, for the survival of the human species.

Is should be common sense that without a human biological body there would be no hardwired human brain and therefore a soft-wired human consciousness either. But is that what is really the most important thing to be worried about since it is the human brain and mind is making the decisions for the future of the human species, body and mind.  The biological body is not going to be making the decisions which will influence the current and future survival of the human species. After all, the biological body and the collective human species as a 7-8 human billion bodies alone can do nothing without individual minds and a collective human mind and consciousness making decisions for the survival of the human species.

But it is more than that just what is making the decisions within the human brain and mind.  It is more about what are the values within the structure of the human mind and consciousness.  It is also about the quality of the human brain and mind.  The values within the individual human brain and mind.  Are those values and qualities based on reality or illusions that are not even real in any sense of the word?  Is being obsessed with your sexual organs going to help you in your daily life, or with the current state of the world?  How about being obsessed with what your government and the people in your government are doing in the way of making good or bad decisions.

If the individual and collective brain and mind is operating only on a one dimensional state of consciousness, on a biological state of consciousness, when what is needed is a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, if not for the obvious reasons, but for a main reason is how can a one dimensional biological state of mind is going to save a biological species when a higher level of consciousness is needed to save the biological human species, and all life on planet earth.

If there is no hardwired human brain and biological body, then there is no human species.  But let us take the view that mankind must be more worried about the human biological body than the human mind and consciousness at this stage of the game of survival for the human species and all life on planet earth.

It could be assumed that for the immediate purposes that the human species as a biological human body will continue to survive for at least the foreseeable future and hopefully for the next one hundred to one thousand years and even longer, unless something like a crazy event that happens like an actual nuclear war or something from outer space destroys the planet, like how something destroyed the dinosaurs 85 million years ago, or whenever.

But still, the current condition of the human species has as human biological body species is still up for grabs for all of the obvious reasons, war, especially nuclear war, viruses, the very real issue of climate change, and maybe the conscious decision by some world leaders and world influencers to depopulate the human species which may get out of control one day. The other issue could be a global civil war. Or even many localized civil wars happening simultaneously around the globe.  This is not a movie.  This is real life.  Once dead. Always dead.

Let us assume for the sake of discussion that the human species will survive for a long time, without all sorts of problems. Many people will ask themselves psychological and philosophical questions like what the point of is even staying alive if all that human beings have to deal with are one constant problem after another constant problem. Is it not true, isn’t it, for the majority of the human species, they have to deal money problems, health problems, corrupt governments, even in America, and to top that all off, many people just love to live in their own mental personal dream worlds.

Ok, 7-8 billion individual personal mental dream worlds, all living on one planet we like to call earth.  We all have them, and we cannot not have our own individual personal mental dream worlds while we are living as human beings.  We all have our own human experiences, memories, feelings, values, likes and dislikes, how we dress, how we make money, how we live and survive on a day-to-day basics.

Once again, the one thing that each and every human being possesses is a hardwired human brain, mind, and consciousness.  Some are better than others.  It is what it is!  If the ultimate goal, objective, purpose is to ascend and transcend into higher realms of spiritual consciousness before you are biologically dead, to overcome both the one-dimensional biological body by a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, even while you are living as a human being, what are you waiting for?

If all 7-8 billion human beings started being reborn as ideas or images of God, ‘Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.’  (Science and Health. With Key to the Scriptures. By Mary Baker Eddy. pg. 465.)  There would be a spiritual heaven on earth.  But not before!

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!