This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Essay 10, 2024. Human Consciousness and the Mental Mirror, of Memories. The Individual and Collective Mental Mirrors of the Human Species. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. March 8, 2024.

Essay 10, 2024. Human Consciousness and the Mental Mirror, of Memories.

The Individual and Collective Mental Mirrors of the Human Species.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

March 8, 2024.

When I was a very young boy, I looked up at my dad when he was shaving a few times which of course happened in front of the bathroom mirror. There were a few times when he stared at me for a few seconds with shaving cream still on his face, he looked down at me a few times and stated to me, “Whatever you do in your life, you will always have to look at yourself in the mirror. You will have to live with what you see in the mirror.”

He did not use the word, mental mirror, meaning self-reflection, or even deeper, your memories that are stuck inside your own personal mind’s memories. I bet most parents do not teach that life lesson to their children, but then again, I will bet that most parents nowadays do not teach their children anything about the facts of life and what to do to survive in this world, and for their future survival as adults. At least that is the way it seems in the very tiny town I live in now.

Even as a very young boy, I thought that there must be some sort of mental mirror inside my brain and mind because even though he was talking about the mirror on the bathroom wall, I knew that he meant more than simply the mirror on a bathroom wall. He was trying to tell me that I would have to live not only with whatever I do in life, but not only that, but I would remember it too. Over and over again.

He never used the word conscience, but as I grew older, I wondered how some of the world leaders live with what they have done to their own citizens but kill them and the citizens in other countries and nations. In other words, how can some world leaders live inside their own mind’s mental mirrors with the evil they have done to one or a million or more people on planet Earth who are part of the human species, even if they looked at the mirror on their bathroom wall.

Some people probably need a real mirror on a bathroom wall to look into their ‘soul’ or their different states of human consciousness. Other people look into their mirrors with a hard cold-hearted state of nothingness, with no sense of conscience whatsoever. There is a very big difference between having a human conscience and those who have no conscience whatsoever.

Take Putin for example. How can any world leader simply cause a war for nothing, to murderously kill human beings, destroy their nation, their homes, and all of the other evils he has done, and still live with himself every day as he looks at himself in the mirror on his bathroom wall, or the mirror within the memories of his own little, tiny, pathic, brain and mind.

Maybe if all parents taught their children that they would have to own up to all the bad and evil things they will do in their tiny, little, and pathic human lives by remembering the memories that will be locked inside their brains and minds' memory systems until they become old enough to remember them all, haunting them as if God almighty was repeating those memories over and over again just for the fun of it, and for punishment too. That is only for the bad and evil children of bad parents.

What happens to those bad and evil world leaders who do bad and evil things to their citizens and to other people in other nations? How will God almighty deal with them in their older years, or even before whenever they look into the mirrors on their walls, and into their rotten souls?

There is a very big difference between the mirror on the wall in the bathroom compared to the mental mirror within a human being’s soul or state of consciousness. People can walk away from the mental on the bathroom wall, but they cannot walk away from the mental mirror within their own brain and mind, inside their consciousness.

Really though, is the human species so wrapped up in so many different states of mental delusions, so far deep within their brains and minds that they do not realize that there are so many deep metaphysical and spiritual issues that they should be dealing with before they die, but even as they live too? I would state that the answer is yes because most human beings are living in a wonderland of mortal fantasy, both mental and physical. What may appear to be real is sometimes just the opposite.

Have you ever seen those really big mirrors in movies, or maybe you have one of those really tall mirrors in your house, inside your bedroom? You stare at it with your pretty clothes on and you state to yourself, ‘Look at me. I look so good today.’ Knowing that one day your human biological body will be gone, blown to the winds of nothingness as your human souls fly off to another realm of existence, away from planet Earth, maybe with your mental mirrors carrying all of those images you have locked and stored inside you own personal mental mirror, bouncing back and forth off of the awareness within side your own personal consciousness.

Believe it or not, all people have to live with all sorts of mental mirrors within their own personal human consciousness. The mental mirrors reflect the visual, the emotional, the psychological, and even good memories. The point is that when human beings are children, young, teenagers, or even old enough to go to war, they rarely are aware of the fact that they will have to live with whatever they do in their youth, or when they are old, whether good or bad.

There is no lack of all of the hard, plastic mirrors that can looked into by the human eye. Those types of mirrors can be put in a pocket, a bag, or simply tangled on a robe in the shower, or even hang onto the window of a car or truck. Those types of mirrors can be dropped, and broken into a million pieces, but the mental mirrors within your mind can last seemingly forever. So, it is better to make good memories instead of bad memories, if you can help it that is.

Those mental mirrors that are not on a wall, or in a purse, or in a coat pocket, are supposed to keep people of all sorts in check of their morals, and their life decisions, to keep their different states of human consciousness clean, pure, holy, instead of dirty, impure, and unholy. But a lot of people go on living their individual personal lives being ‘dirty,’ unholy, immoral like will not matter at all to what happens to their own states of consciousness, on Earth or in the afterlife.

Maybe some people do not have a mental mirror within side their brains and minds to keep them clean, pure, and holy, but it seems to me that it is possible that they actually create that mental state of being clean, pure, and holy instead of being dirty, impure, and unholy, just the lady that Jesue helped by healing her of the mental and physical delusional life that she was living over 2000 years ago.

It is amazing how those lessons of over days, years, decades, or hundreds and thousands of years can be used even today, in today’s modern-day world of sexual immorality, porn, and sexual abuse, which by the way corrupt the human soul and consciousness instead helping the human species to a better way of life and living into the future of the human species.

Let us face the facts, my dear readers, being mesmerized by money, sex, killing, guns and bullets, drugs, and even all of the fantasy movies and stuff on billions of televisions all around the world will do nothing good for the future of mankind, even if watching movies by themselves is not a bad thing.

I used to love watching a good movie, but nowadays, something is missing from movies that should be obvious to everyone with even a low level of intelligence. But let us face the fact that even good or bad movies leaves mental impressions within our brains and minds, both logical and emotional too. Good movies can also teach lessons about life especially when we are young.

But children and teenagers should not be allowed to watch porn for so many reasons, but one is that the more they watch porn, the more they will be mentally mesmerized by sex instead of being mesmerized by reading, writing, and mathematics. Do parents really want their teenagers to be mesmerized by all of images of porn when they are not even old enough to drive a car, carry a gun, make money, or get a job?

Even the movies we watch are part of our mental mirrors, even if we are doing nothing good or bad within those movies. So how could it be otherwise within our living lives? Do parents themselves, but especially children and teenagers want to have a mental mirror, memories, within their minds playing over images of sex over and over and over again until they die. There are better and more important images that should not downloaded into the human brain, mind, and consciousness.

Instead of sexual images being played within the mental mirror of the mind, how about killing people as soldiers? I have talked to a lot of soldiers, including Navy Seals, Marines, and an Army Commander of a sniper team. There is one thing that is really stuck inside their mental mirrors, and that is the simple act of taking their guns, rifles, whatever, so point at another human being, and pulling the trigger to kill another human being, even if that human being 'had it coming.

Think of all of the people on planet Earth who have and are living in war zones around the world. What type of mental mirrors, and memories, do they have playing inside their human brain, minds, and consciousness? Their wives, husbands, children, dogs, and cats are being blown up to bits inside the space and time of a nano-second.

Are those the mental images we want inside the mental mirrors within the 7-8 billion human brains, minds, and states of consciousness for the human species forever, or what? Something is very wrong with the human species, mentally that is. I mean it. In the secret chambers of your pathic tiny, little lives you think watching porn, war movies, lying politicians, playing sports, smoking pot, and taking drugs or beer is the solution to all of your mental and psychological problems? It isn't!

Think about it, there are supposedly over 7-8 billion human beings with their own personal mental mirrors on planet Earth, but at the same time, there are the collective human mental memories of all of the bad, evil, horrible decisions that have been made during human history, especially of the brutal, bloodthirsty, heartless, uncivilized, and unmerciful killings, murders, and slaughters of defenseless and innocent people not only throughout the history of the human species, but still yet, now, and into the future too.

Something has to change within the brains minds of billions of human brains and minds for the survival of the human species. Does anyone really think that the survival of the human species is going to be good and positive for future generations of billions of human beings if billions of human brains and minds are mesmerized by sex and porn, by images of war, of war itself, killing, destruction of whole cities and nations by a few evil world leaders who have no real mental mirror to guide them?

Then there are all of the rapes that happen to females during wartime. Something has to change. I currently live in a very small town where some the male teenagers walk around like young monkeys saying and doing things that I would have done when I was young. Their parents do not care what they do or about their futures. What about the future of the human species? During wartime, it seems from historical accounts that many soldiers especially from other nations walk around killing and raping not like monkeys, but like evil monsters and devils from hell.

One of the things that has to change is the question, what is the image and likeness of God. The Bible is really a special book if you truly understand it from a metaphysical and spiritual point of view. The first chapter in Genesis mentions man made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, while the second record of creation is the Adam and Eve story about eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, of Cain killing Abel, of listening to the talking, lying serpent. That is describing the evil human condition. There was no Adam and Eve in the beginning. The beginning of the human species started billions of years ago on planet Earth, contrary to what delusional Christian religions believe as fantasy.

“In its latest report, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine said there have been 30,457 civilian casualties since 24 February 2022. This comprised 10,582 killed and 19,875 injured.” (Taken off the web.)

“Estimates of those killed in the conflict have been hard to substantiate, with neither side publishing tallies of their losses. U.S. officials said in August that Ukraine and Russia's total deaths and injuries had neared 500,000.” (Taken off the web.)

Unbelievable! Putin is allowed to simply kill, murder, and destroy part of a nation because he feels bad about some land or something an American politician stated about NATO and Ukraine? Putin and world leaders like him are the Cain in the Bible, except my dear readers, on a much bigger scale. I do not know; I cannot imagine what Putin sees when he looks at the mirror on his bathroom wall. I cannot image what he sees when he looks within the mental mirror within his soul? He is a mass murderer even if he never laid a hand on a gun and pulled the trigger to kill another human being.

The future of the human species does not depend on world leaders like Putin. Period.

The above quotes illustrate that some people including world leaders like Russia’s Putin either do not have a mental mirror with a guilty conscience in it, or if they do possess a mental mirror, they do not like the living guilty hell that must be living inside both their hardwired human brain and their soft-wired human states of individual consciousness.

It is the same way for the larger scale of the human species too, except on a larger and grander scale of human existence and experience. Of course, there are other examples of world leaders who laugh inwardly and outwardly knowing that they possess the ability, like the nuclear ability to kill, murder, and annihilate part or all of the human species, which by the way, is a mental state of evil insanity. How can evil world leaders live within their own personal mental mirrors and then even look at themselves in that bathroom mirror?

Back to the individual human mental mirror for the moment. During human history, there have been plenty of individuals who have hurt, killed, or murdered, other individual human beings or even small or large groups of human beings, like they were cattle to be slaughtered for their meat, to eat, with nothing left to waste except for the crows to munch on and to eat.

Is the collective human species supposed to forget all of the historical mental memories of the past, that are stored inside the mental mirror of the collective human mind and consciousness, just to simply repeat over and over again the same killings and murders and slaughters into the future so the evil never ends until the complete self-destruction of the human species. Is the human species supposed to accept that evil world leaders and their evil ways forever? There should be a completely new collective mental mirror to reflect a new future of the human species.

But without consideration of the collective and global aspects of human evil, mental mirrors still exist within each and every human being, or most of them anyway. The billions of human mental mirrors that exist within each human brain and mind have an even bigger influence on the collective and global state of the human consciousness than is normally considered important.

Is the current and future human species supposed to live within its own state of individual and collective human consciousness with only the memories of the past? Or should the current and future generations of human beings supposed to live with a completely new and different set of mental memories that are more improved and better than the previous mental memories of world wars, individual wars, and of course, all caused by evil-minded world leaders with no sense of a mental mirror or conscience of guilt, within their human brains and minds.

Each individual human being must look in the mirror each day and live with whatever they did during their human lives, whether good or bad, or both. Each human being must look into the mental mirror that is within its mind, to see the memories, visuals, feelings, and emotions, and the trauma the human brain, mind, and consciousness carry within itself as it begins each day or night, as it walks through space and time again, and again, and again every second of existence.

Walking through the invisible of space and time is one thing every human being does because we all live on planet Earth. But inside the mind’s memories of billions of human individual states of consciousness, there are, really and truly, billions of mental bubbles too, each and every one of them paving the way into the future, with each new generation being born that looks back into the past of the mental memory bank to stare and wonder why human beings do such evil things to each other, while they can also look into the future with some sort of hope that it will better soon.

From the moment we are born until the moment we die, we are not only physically and biologically walking and traveling through space and time while we live on planet Earth, but our minds are also walking and traveling through space and time within each of our mental memory banks of either mental delusions or spiritual reality, or of those realms that are not of this world, but somehow manage to drop down to the level of our mental mind dream worlds to snap us all out of our individual limited dream worlds to new states of spiritual consciousness that are not material or physical.

Inside our own individual human brains and minds, there are a lot of things happening, some as memories from the past, some as looking into the future like how we are going to die as human beings. We don’t have to actually look into the mirror on a wall so much as to look within the mental mirrors that are within our own state of consciousness until we have to interact with the outside worlds that are not only not of this space and time world, but of Spirit, God.

Think about that my dear readers. It has been stated that 90% of your conscious existence, meaning that what is inside your hardwired human brain and inside your mind, is based on the subconscious realm of mental existence, which has been programmed into your mind before the moment you are born until the moment you die, ... or leave planet Earth. You what you see and hear, and smell and taste and feel is somehow the ultimate reality of existence, but you would be wrong. Seriously, walking through this space and time world like it is the only reality is wrong.

It also means that when you walk throughout the realm of space and time on planet Earth, what you carry inside your human mind, whether those invisible mental qualities are love or hate, anger or peace, all mental religious delusions about you, God, the afterlife, etc., versus having a conscious filled with more realistic mental concepts of God, and the afterlife, and all of the other metaphysical and psychological issues that will fill your mind from the moment you are born until the moment you die, have an invisible impact and influence on you and those people around you and the whole world as a whole. There are deep realms of existence in play for the current and future survival of the human species.

Jesus stated that the kingdom of God and heaven is within you. But he did not mean that the kingdom of God and heaven is within your mortal material body of skin, bones, blood, etc. Nor did he say that the kingdom of God and heaven is within your human biological brain either. He meant that the kingdom of God and heaven a state of spiritual consciousness, which has been stated by certain people can be experienced on earth.

He meant that the kingdom of God and heaven is a spiritual state of individual and collective spiritual consciousness that is not within the human biological body of skin, bones, blood, etc. The kingdom of God and heaven is not a place up there in outer space but is a state of conscious existence that can be translated down the earthly and human states of existence.

Can you imagine what would happen if billions of human beings were to snap out of their individual and collective mental mind delusions of what they think the ultimate reality is and what they experience every day? of their lives. Sure, every human being must live here in this space and time dimension until they reach higher levels and states of consciousness. But it can be done without human evil and wars of any size.

In those mirrors within our minds, within our consciousness, we see stuff within our memories, and we feel the emotions that are locked within those memories in our minds. We think about those memories, trying to rationalize them. But in truth, no matter how much we try to rationalize them, they do not completely disappear, even for some people. Happy to state, that even the worst of human memories should one day be replaced with a new state of consciousness, for the billions of individual human beings and for the collective human species as well.

For other people, they know that those bad memories linger like the smell of cooking spices in the kitchen after the meal is long eaten and gone from view.

I have heard so many personal stories and experiences about people possessing very bad memories locked into their own mental mirrors which they walk around through space and time with nobody to talk to about them. We all have them, don’t we? We all have those unforgettable experiences locked into the mental mirrors we call our mind, our consciousness. They are trapped inside the space and time realm of the human brain and mind, waiting to be let out somehow, in some way or form. Sometimes, they are stuck inside the mind and consciousness like a zoo animal that is stuck inside a cage of steel bars. But even some trapped zoo animals are set free.

Those zoo animals know that there is something out there, in a different space and time world which they have never experienced it, but they know that it exists, a realm away from and separate from being trapped in the space and time ream of a steel bar cage. Some zoo-trapped creatures, they get to leave their steel cages to experience a new space and time existence.

Don’t some or even many human beings feel the same way about their own human lives, all around the world? They are trapped from birth in a nation with evil leaders, they want to escape to a place like America where freedom is a treasured community for many people, so they can feel freedom like those zoo-trapped animals who are free to roam the land before they die.

Inside each of our individual hardwired biological human brains and inside our soft-wired human states of consciousness, we are all traveling through space and time. Outwardly, or physically, we are actually walking through the external realm of space and time that is located on planet Earth, while we are all walking through the passages of space and time within our minds, for either good or bad, or neither.

But inwardly, we are traveling mentally through the space and time that is located within our individual states of human minds and consciousness, even if it seems otherwise because we are so busy living outside our minds, or states of consciousness. Eventually, though, we have to look inwardly in towards our minds the older we get as human beings. It seems normal for older people, to look back into their past to ponder and wonder how things could have been different for them. How one major or minor decision would have carried them into a completely different space and time human earth experience before their dying days start for them to say good-bye to it all.

We are forced to look inward because we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We can see that so-death is looking at us from either near to us or far away into the future. But here is the thing, when death is looking at us within our mind’s mental mirrors increasingly as a constant bug that is flying around our head, there is a point where we start looking deeper and deeper within our minds to remember everything that is trapped within our mind’s mental mirrors, either for good or bad. Some people might that heaven and hell are places somewhere in outer space. Maybe or maybe not. But what is most definitely true is that heaven and hell are more inside our human consciousness, and not somewhere in outer space among the galaxies.

How about the collective human mind’s mental mirror’s memories? On a much bigger scale of conscious existence, the whole collective human species is filled with horrible mental memories within the mental mirrors of the human mind. Even if some modern-day human beings have never actually seen or been in a war zone, it could be assumed that most human beings in today’s age have seen pictures of events of war, of other human beings killing other human beings. Is that the mental mirror the human species needs for the future of the human species?

We go back and forth through those past memories even as we walk physically through the outward space and time that is out there like there is a separation from what is in our individual human minds and states of consciousness compared to what is happening out there in the world because human beings have created the outside world of what is happening in the human realm of existence.

There is no hope in thinking that there is God somewhere that is going to stop the wars that the human species continues to create. God does not create a human species to create world wars. That is not the way it works, either in heaven, hell, or on earth, even if there are a lot of so-called Christians who believe that God created the evils called war, among all of the evils of the human species.

In the world, as a human species, our mental mirrors are a collective mental mirror, the human collective mental mirror remembers the past mental mirrors of those individual and collective human beings who not only lived in a completely different age but who also hoped for a better future as well. Even now, there are human beings who hope for a better future within their mental mirrors too. Don’t all serious human beings hope for a better future, with no more war?

Inside our collective human hardwired biological brains and inside our soft-wired states of consciousness the collective human species is traveling through space and time. Round and round planet Earth goes, with its tiny human beings on it, creating all sorts of collective mental memories for the collective mirror to remember and to think about, and to wonder if the memories within the collective human species will get any better than it was in the past, or than it is now. Or they think to themselves, how worse could the future be for the human species in the future? Some thinkers really do think about the future of the human species, even as a job.

Individually and collectively both the individual and collective human species mentally travel back and forth through space and time. There is the history of the human species, but there is also the future of the human species. Yet, people forget the past, too busy living in the moment of the now on planet Earth.

But you must understand that each and every human being’s mental mirror can reflect how the collective human species has acted in the past all the while thinking to themselves, ‘How could the human species create such world wars? There must have been a better way.

But the current moment turns into the future every day going forward into time while the Earth spins around and around the sun, with the sun being unaware of the mess that is on planet Earth. God, Spirit, is also unaware of the human messes on planet Earth too. But that being stated, any type of a real God termed Spirit would not approve of all of the human evil that is running amok on planet Earth.

Evils like abnormal sexual practices. Evil like wars and wars and wars. Evil like human beings killing and murdering other human beings. Evil like all of the false and fake religions that have existed for such a long time leads people into the mental mirrors of illusionary hells and heavens. Evils like people taking so many different types of drugs that destroy the human biological body, brain, and souls of normal human beings. Once druggies are trapped, well it might be too late for them.

Outside the mental mirrors of the billions of human mental mirrors and the collective mental mirrors that are located not only a billions of bathroom walls all over the world but also on televisions, in the newspapers, and on websites in a variety of languages, the human species is looking back at itself, wondering to itself, within the mental mirrors of each human being, when in the heck it ever going to get better. Human life had to get better! Right?

Collectively, the human species also must look in the mirror in the newspapers each and every day, and then live with whatever they did to the collective human species. At the same time, it lives on planet Earth, until something happens for it to either die off because the human species could self-destruct for all sorts of reasons. Collectively, the human species can look back into the past like it was a living movie of sorts, and it can also look towards its future too.

The human species will continue to make and create its own memories within its individual and collective mental mirrors, and those mental mirrors that are written in the textbooks. Could the cavemen have ever imagined that the human species that came from them would grow and develop into the advanced civilization it is today?

Can we human beings even remotely try to mentally conceive what the human species will develop into 1000 years into the future. Or better yet, can the current advanced human species even remotely conceive what the new advanced species will be on Earth 1000 or 10,000 years from now?

From the moment the human species was born, even if that birth of a new advanced biological species was slowly in the making from other biological species from one billion years ago, give or take a certain amount of time from other biological living organs on planet Earth to the moment of the current human species, there is still hope that the individual and collective mental mirrors within the human brain, mind, and consciousness will become better than they are today.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!