Essay 48- 2024. Christianity Within the Human Brain and Mind.
The Christian Religion: Logic versus Emotions in the Christian Religion.
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.
November 26, 2024.
Below are a few questions everyone should ask, Christian or not. Just do it!
Is Christianity an emotional religion?
Is Christianity a logical religion?
Is Christianity a metaphysically spiritual religion?
How do the human brain and mind create and perceive its humanly created religions?
The early human brain versus the modern-day human brain when dealing with religion.
Is the Christian religion a logical-rational religion? Or is it mostly an emotional religion?
When will the Christian religion be a logical, metaphysical, and spiritual religion instead of an emotional one.?
I have often wondered to myself this question. Do Christians know how their brains and minds
The uneducated, old-time Christians were not educated, nor did most of them own what is considered to be the modern-day Bible.
But today’s Christians should be more educated because they own a Bible, and they look backward into history to discover how to make the Christian religion a more metaphysical and spiritual religion.
Do modern-day religious Christians ever consider how their brain and minds operate when they are creating their religions?
Especially the Christian religion in this case since I cannot write about all religious faiths in one short essay.
It is common knowledge that the human brain and mind operate on two very basic realms of mental operation. It operates either logically or rationally, or it operates emotionally. That has been known or realized for many thousands of years by thinkers.
The religious Christians of 2000 years up to about 400 years ago when the human species started thinking more logically and rationally because they were developing the material and physical sciences which required the human brain and mind to operate differently than the last 2500 plus years.
Well, much longer because human thought was not thinking on any high level of existence because they were simply trying to stay alive, to survive, like people do today.
Of course, trying to survive in today’s world does not mean going out to hunt for food. It means making enough money to buy food in a store, which usually means having some sort of education or simply knowing how the world works.
No real thinking about buying food, just about how to earn money.
People back in the time when the religion of Christianity was starting were not educated at all. That means that they were more open to the different religious suggestions that anyone yelling and preaching about because they had nothing better to do with their time.
Not only that, but most if not, all people did not own or could read a Bible either. In a sense they were very uneducated, simple-minded human beings generally speaking, like a lot of people in today’s world.
What about today? Today, modern-day Christians read and even study the Bible for either fun, for a job, to be educated about the Bible, etc.
There seem to be two different classes of people who read the Bible. There are those readers who read it as a religious book. And there are those readers who read it as a history book.
Instead, it should be read as a scientifically metaphysically spiritual book.
But whenever people are reading, talking about, or listening to anyone talking or preaching about the Bible, are they using their emotional or logical mind to process all of the words, sentences, phrases, stories, and information, whether it is true or false information?
But here is a very important consideration my dear readers. Do readers, students, scholars, and historians, but especially religious Christians consider how their hardwired and soft-wired human brain and mind are working when they are not only preaching the Bible but what they believe is true in the Bible instead of made-up sagas, myths, stories.
Over 2000 years ago up to this very moment in history, most religious Christians do not know that it is their brain and mind that are believing in a lot of their religious Christian beliefs. Well, they may ‘know’ it as a general truth that the human brain and mind are seeing, hearing, etc.
And they think of it, the fact that their two human eyeballs are seeing the external or objective world of space-time, matter, human biological bodies, and books, especially their religious books, and then they have to internalize everything deep within their brains and minds.
Therefore, they read a book, in this case, the Bible, or listen to a preacher or a priest, and for some unknown reason, they simply believe in whatever emotional religious words that are being tossed at them, within out thought or question mark or doubt about any of it.
How dangerous is that? Believing in anything religious without questioning it in a logical, intelligent state of mind. That is what some very evil and violent religious people do overseas in other countries. Thankfully, most Christians today are not evil, violent human beings.
Are those religious words, concepts, and ideas being tossed into the emotional human brain and mind while leaving out the logical part of the brain and mind?
This is especially true when those loud mouth preachers who love moving their bodies in rhythms to the words that are flowing out of their mouths, like people who love dancing to music, swaying their bodies back and forth, side to side, as the sound waves travel into their eardrums, and through the ear channels to the hearing part of the brain, usually without understanding a thing about sound waves, ear drums, or how the human brain listens to music or any sound at all.
People love music. People love their music without understanding a thing about music. It is the same thing with the Christian religion and other religions too. They love their emotional and illogical religions because they do not have to think about them or anything else with higher levels of intelligence and knowledge.
People expect good musical sound waves to be traveling to and floating inside their ear drums. Most people do not like bad music, will not like it, and they will reject bad music.
Some religious Christians, people love ridiculous, fake, and false religious notions that they believe in because they do not want to think that just maybe they are worn out, wrong, and ridiculous religious beliefs.
For example, Jesus is God and that he is going to return one day and save a bunch of believers while the rest of the people or human beings on planet Earth are damned forever.
Isn’t that sort of a silly religious notion, even if most religious Christians are more often than not better people with some sense of right versus wrong, good versus bad, or in essence, live a good life instead of being a, ‘do whatever you want to anyone you want, consequences be damned.’
Good music feels good to the human brain and mind, doesn’t it. People enjoy listening to different types of music whether that music is classical, soft rock, hard rock, tripping music, or contemporary music, meaning any music that is currently new and in fashion.
Religious Christians love listening to other people preaching about and singing their Christian song, with words, concepts, and ideas that express the believe that Jesus is going to return one day to save the believers because he is God. And he is going to destroy everyone else. Really?
Is that an emotional religious Christian belief? Or is it reality? If it is not reality, then there has to be something to replace it.
The sad thing is that it is stated in the Bible’s gospel, “However, one of the most important points Jesus made is found near the beginning of all He shared with His disciples.
He said, “I will pray to the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter…” (John 14:16).
“As Jesus taught His disciples about the Holy Spirit during their last night together in the Upper Room, He referred to the Holy Spirit as the “Comforter” on four separate occasions (see John 14:16, 14:26, 15:26, and John 16:7).” (Taken off the web)
A lot of people like to think that this Comforter is a mysterious Spirit from God which may or may not be true depending on how you understand what Jesus meant by the Comforter.
“In the words of St. John: "He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever." This Comforter I understand to be Divine Science.” (S&H. Pg. 55. 27-29.)
Since I used the phrase with the word Divine Science in it, I might as well try to explain to the readers what it is so the readers don’t have to spend 10-50 years trying to search, discover, use, and become that state of divine consciousness.
In Mary Baker Eddy’s, John W. Doorly’s, and Max Kappeler’s books and lectures, etc., they all write about the different levels of spiritual consciousness that reflect the one on divine consciousness, but which can be viewed and seen from various levels.
Namely, Science, Divine Science, absolute Christian Science, and Christian Science.
The highest level is Science where the divine Principle is being its own infinite Mind-Intelligence, Spirit-Substance, Soul-identity, Principle-self-operative divine universe, Life-self-existence, Truth-self-consciousness, and Love-its own self-perfection.
But within that high level of God Being God, there is an operation sense, a divine cybernetic operation of Word-Life, Truth-Christ, Love-Christianity, and divine Principle-Love-Science.
In this realm, there is God, Mind knowing itself from itself, through itself, as itself, and for itself.
In this realm, there is God, Spirit reflecting itself from itself, through itself, as itself, and for itself.
In this realm, there is God, Soul identifying itself from itself, through itself, as itself, and for itself.
In this realm, there is God, Life sustaining itself from itself, through itself, as itself, and for itself.
In this realm, there is God, Truth being self-conscious of its own infinite divine consciousness, as itself, through itself, as itself, and for itself.
In this realm, there is God, Love being its own infinite perfection, from itself, through itself, as itself, and for itself.
In other words, there is the infinite Life as I am the I am, the infinite divine self-consciousness as the infinite Truth, the infinite state of spiritual perfection as Love, and lastly, the self-interpretation of Being to itself.
But within that infinite whole state of infinite perfection, there is an infinite realm of individual-specific spiritual ideas which is the level of absolute Christian Science.
In this infinite realm of God, it would be like stating the infinite abstract topics of music and mathematics would be infinitely conscious of themselves as an infinite whole, as in a holistic consciousness within the mental realms of music and mathematics.
That would be divine Science.
In the realm or level of abstract Christian Science, there is an infinite realm of individual-specific spiritual ideas.
In the realm or level of Christian Science, or within the realm of the humanly relative level, those infinite spiritual ideas destroy the mental errors within the human brain and mind.
Why? Because Truth, God, destroys human error, especially human mental errors, which the Bible and S&H make a very big deal out doing if you know and understand the different symbols that copy, mimic, and reflect everything stated above as a scientific metaphysical spiritual science or system.
What are some of the human mind’s mental errors? One is believing that Jesus is going to return one day because he is God.
And that he is going to save only the Christian believers and destroy and kill all of the unbelievers.
It almost sounds like other religions where people kill their unbelievers with rape, torture, and murder.
Another mental realm that needs to be destroyed is the delusional mental realm where people or the human brain and mind are mesmerized by sex, porn, perverted sex, etc. as if it was an absolute reality.
The only absolute spiritual reality is God, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.
In this absolute spiritual reality or state of existence, there are no people to have sex. There is no sex because there are no biological creatures living on another planet Earth that is rotating around the sun in only one out of trillions or even infinite possible galaxies in a cosmic universe that are only one cosmic universe out of a possible infinite possible universe.
You have to remember that Jesus understood the scientifically metaphysically spiritual aspects of the limited Torah and the Old Testament in his day. Of course, there wasn’t even a New Testament that was started to be written until about 60-90 after Jesus’s death.
But his original followers and students received those scientifically metaphysically spiritual truths before and after Jesus’ death. But for over 2000 years plus, those truths and facts have been lost, until just in recent human history when they were rediscovered through a long process.
Jesus knew that he was not returning to planet Earth to save the believers and to destroy all of the other people. Jesus had learned about the pure spiritual Christ Consciousness as do people do today. And you can learn about the spiritual Christ Consciousness and transform yourself out of being a single, simple, biological consciousness to become an individual Christ Consciousness.
In the end, people usually die off anyway, leaving a new generation of people to continue the human species moving forward into the future. That is true regarding the future of the religion of development of a true metaphysical and spiritual Christianity.
Or a true spiritual religion for all mankind. Why? Because the One God is God to all people, not to just one Christian religion. The Jews thought that God was limited to the Temple. But their temple was destroyed.
Then some newly formed Christians after the death of Jesus thought that only previous Jews could be newly formed Christians.
Then Paul arrived on the scene, and he converted the Gentiles to become Christian too. And then, like magic, the whole Roman Empire was converted to the Christian religion when Constantine the Great made Christianity the state religion.
“Constantine I, also known as Constantine the Great, was a Roman emperor from AD 306 to 337 and the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity.” (Taken off the web.) But commonly known.
And now, in the current age, there is a completely different language that still describes everything in the Bible in modern-day terms and language. But people, even so-called modern-day Christians must learn the new tongue, or spiritual language of the Bible and Science & Health.
But it is not a matter of learning a whole bunch of new words with new meanings. It is about learning about the spiritual language and spiritual metaphysical meanings of God, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love. Max Kappeler wrote a big book about those seven terms.
For some reason, people like believing in religious words that are either in the Bible or some other religious book, or they like listening to preachers or talkers who might seem to know more than the average person who is not a preacher. But there is more to the Bible than meets the eye.
Most preachers and talkers about the Bible need to make a wage too, so they just talk, talk, and talk, without saying anything, like those Sunday television preachers who are so rich it should be illegal. Take money from the poor working people so preachers can live in big houses and drive nice cars, fly airplanes, and watch porn when no one is watching them.
What happens to sexually perverted Christian preachers in the afterlife, I wonder. Sexually perverted Christian preachers usually do not believe in an afterlife. They believe that they can be sexually perverted Christian preachers and be saved by a human man named Jesus. How stupid.
People have been attending religious mass group gatherings for a very long time, perhaps since the cavemen, although the cavemen probably never thought about or worshiped a God of any kind. Sometimes I wonder how the cavemen survived. They must have been some really tough dudes.
But people after the cavemen started their own religions because the human brain and mind started to look out for itself, and it wanted reasons and excuses for why everything existed and why everything happened.
So, they blamed all sorts of different gods. Now of course, there is the mental realm of the physical and material sciences which explain more about life on planet Earth, the cosmic universe, and even the human brain and mind, than any religious theory could do.
Maybe billions of people go to hundreds of millions of churches on a regular basis to listen to a preacher or priest repeat the same words over and over and over again, probably because they like to feel a fake sense of good, an emotion that happened within side their brain and mind, even if it was short-lived, like having sex, making a lot of money, buying a new car, or jumping out of an airplane.
I have known sky jumpers or people who jump off airplanes for fun. I didn’t have the time to do it, nor did I want to. There must have been some excitement in it, but it is a lifestyle.
Believe it or not, there are a lot of stuff that make the human brain and mind feel good, inside the brain’s neural pleasure receptors as stated below.
Also known as the "pleasure hormone", dopamine is released when you do something pleasurable, like eating, drinking, or completing a task. It's part of the brain's reward system and can make you feel motivated.
This "feel-good hormone" helps regulate mood, sleep, and appetite, and can help prevent anxiety and depression.
Often associated with exercise and the "runner's high", endorphins are natural painkillers that can trigger positive feelings.
Also known as the "love hormone", oxytocin is released during childbirth and breastfeeding, and also during intimate touch like holding hands, cuddling, or kissing.” (Taken off the web.)
Why not add another pleasure part of the human brain for religion and religious beliefs, no matter if they are Christian beliefs or not? There are many different religions to make people feel happy.
If religious people, religious Christians or not, do not understand how their human brain and mind is operating when they are feeling good, when they are believing in, stating, and living with false, wrong, and ridiculous religious notions within their brains and minds, then how in the world can they continue to simply believe in false religious silly notions that are not true, have never been true, nor will ever be true?
Long before the Jewish and Christian religions were started, there were other religions with wrong, false, and ridiculous notions about God, the sun, etc. that made some people feel good.
That never made them a true religion about God, Spirit, or the spiritual man, the cosmic universe, or the afterlife. And so, it continues today with today’s religions.
Sometimes the Bible or preacher or priest will try to teach a tiny, short moral lesson and people who are listening probably will think to themselves, ‘Well, that was a pretty easy moral lesson to understand.’ Like the religious lesson of forgiveness.
Or they are being yelled about who and how someone or a group of people, usually unbelievers will go to hell while the religious people will go to heaven.
Those religious people must feel really good that they think that they are going to a place called heaven while everyone else will go to hell.
So, they will feel good thinking that they will go to, or enter a place called heaven even though they are in fear of going to hell, even while they don’t do anything religiously or spiritually during their whole human lives.
Be a good person so you will go to heaven and not to hell.
Therefore, there is the emotion of joy in the hope of going to a place called heaven. And then there is the emotion of fear of going to a place called hell.
That sounds like the ‘flight or fight mechanisms’ inside the human brain, doesn’t it?
The crazy part of that way of thinking is that if a human body has turned into dust, for example, how is any human body going to a heaven or a hell if it has turned into dust?
Some sects of Christians believe that Jesus is going to return to take the dead body dust in the ground and restore it to a brand new human biological body.
But they won’t believe in an afterlife where the ‘souls’ of those dead human bodies have left it.
Is anyone thinking out there in the world, in the religious world of Christianity?
When are religious Christians going to start becoming thinkers instead of repeaters or words?
In essence, that type and use of religious words sound more like spreading fear than any type of a real moral, ethical, or legal lesson about life, earthly, human, or divine.
Therefore, it seems that an emotional human brain and mind will be happy listening and repeating to another emotional human brain and mind preaching emotional religious words that has an underlying sound of fear in them.
Sometimes I think that the human brain of most people are just filled to the brim with fear.
As in, believe in what I, an uneducated, stupid mortal human being is saying to you, and obey it, or you will go to hell, even if it has not been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a real place called hell, even if there is a place called hell.
So, there were emotional religious believers over 2000 years ago and there are emotional religious believers who live today.
Why? Isn’t there enough information, knowledge, and other intelligent people who know more about God, Jesus, death, the afterlife, not to mention the concept of evil?
The difference between the religious Christian believers of 2000 -plus years ago compared to today is that the religious Christian believers of long ago did not understand a damn thing about the cosmic universe, so they could and did create all sorts of notions about a place called heaven and hell somewhere up there in the cosmic universe because they did not know what the sun was, not to mention the whole cosmic universe of space and time, light-waves, quantum physics, etc.
Today, it might be assumed that most Christian believers know something about the common knowledge about the sun, the moon, the stars or galaxies, meaning that they are not in complete ignorance about speculating that there is a heaven or a hell up there beyond the Earth’s clouds and atmosphere.
So, why should there be a current state of mentality that is living in fear of going to a place called hell, or a state of mentality that believes and is very happy and joyful believing that there is a place called heaven, when neither a place called heaven, or hell has been discovered by a telescope.
The crazy thing is that whenever I mention possessing a spiritual Christ Consciousness, they look at me as if the mere word or phrase, Christ Consciousness is so foreign to their human brain and mind, that I might as well be talking in French or Chinese; something I could do in part anyway.
Where is the logic, the rationality of realizing that there may not be a heaven or hell anywhere in this cosmic universe for people to think about going and entering simply because they believe in some religious Christian words, phrases, and beliefs?
Where is the logic, the rationality of thinking and believing that there is a God, Spirit, or a human being named Jesus who has been gone from Earth for over 2000 who is going to judge every single human being who has ever lived on planet Earth?
Currently, there are over 8 billion people so far, with more people who have lived in the past and more people who are going to live in the future. Do Christians believe that Jesus is going to judge all of them? That is simply ridiculous. A ridiculous emotional belief to make the believers feel good.
Does anyone in their correct state of mind, when thinking about it logically, rationally, and correctly believe that there is a materialistic, physical Lord God that is going to judge the whole human species, even those people who have lived on planet Earth who have never heard of Jesus and the gospels or the Bible?
Does any religious Christian believe that there is a Lord God who is going to condemn the lowest of human beings who are living in the deserts of Africa, in the mountains of China, or in the prisons in cold snowy Russia?
Where is the compassion for people who have never seen the Bible? Should they go to a place called hell because some uneducated simple-minded Christian believers are making a moral and ethical judgment call instead of God, Spirit, Love?
Is there a place called Hell? Or is that only an emotional mental creation of uneducated religious people who lived thousands of years ago, and who also live today?
Maybe it is because good people want bad and evil people to suffer the pains of hell in a pit of fire forever, people like Putin, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, etc. Or rapists, murderers, and torturers in places like Gaza for only one example.
I have seen bad and evil people all of my life since I was a small boy, in one form or another. My first experience with what I term an evil human being is when I saw another boy my age putting firecrackers and M-80s in frogs to blow them up.
Decades later, I currently live in a very teeny, tiny town with a lot of evil people who think they own the town and nobody else belongs there.
When I was dying from stage 4 CLL cancer, and taking chemo pills for it, among other drugs, there was the bad and evil criminally minded violent teenager stalking me, following me, harassing me, and committing the crime of verbal assault against me too.
Nobody cared, including the uneducated, violent, corrupt, lying police department which did not want to protect a senior citizen who was dying from stage 4 cancer.
The police did not want to protect and serve anyone. They only wanted to hand out traffic tickets and make big busts on the highway.
Do you want to know why the police did not want to do their jobs?
It is because they are of the same mentality as the bad and evil teenagers and people around America. They are all uneducated, violent, primitive, and almost on the verge of being modern-day cavemen.
Except for their use of smart phones and driving cars and killing people with guns instead of sticks, rocks, and clubs.
They think that being bad and evil to outsiders is their home-boy legal right when in fact some of them are uneducated, lying, (perjury) low-life, white-trash, violent gay potheads human beings who do not like anyone who is not like them. Especially people who are more educated and better than them. Like me, for example.
Of course, those types of people are seldom Christian believers because most Christian believers try not to be bad and evil towards other human beings. And that is a good thing about the Christians, although it has not always been true throughout human history.
Do violent religious Christians go to a place called hell? Or did they simply rot into dust when they died?
Is it true that those who spread other’s blood upon the Earth also has their blood spread upon the Earth?
When Jesus died, did his death and blood dripping on the Earth cause the Earth to shake and temple?
A religious righteous man who was innocent of any crime except to piss off a bunch of self-righteous, hateful, fearful, violent religious, power-hungry corrupt Jewish leaders.
Maybe there is a ‘God’ or angels, or at least karma that punishes the enemies of God’s chosen people. But that also seems like a silly religious belief; a hope for revenge towards bad and evil people who live on planet Earth and who commit horrible violent crimes against other human beings.
That is the human and earthly sense of things.
But here is the dilemma. If there is a real afterlife, where do all of the bad and evil people go to in their afterlife?
That is a logical and rational question; not an emotional one.
What happens in the afterlife to all of those non-religious, materialistic, sensual sexual, money-grabbing human beings who never once during their entire human lives, who never gave one thought to what is God as Spirit? Who only lived for the desire of being a human biological body. Like all of those people on the web who only want to show off their naked human body.
Do the non-religious, stinky, smelly, unclean, criminal, low-life, people, etc. along with the criminal people go to a place called heaven, or do they go to hell?
Maybe, they simply die and turn into dust, lower than the dirt of the ground, lower than the mud, lower than the worms that slip and slide in the wet, muddy, slippery dirt.
The amazing thing about those types of questions is that they are all asked from a humanly, biological sense of existence, from a material sense of heaven and hell, from a religious standpoint instead of from a spiritual standpoint.
From a true spiritual standpoint, ever creature is an image within the divine Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love.
To judge any human being from the biological realm is not the same thing as judging them from the spiritual realm of existence, even from a human standpoint some human being can be more violent than the tiger, lions, and bears in the jungles around the globe.
I wonder about these issues because not all human beings are the same on planet Earth. If they are not all the same, it would seem reasonable that they all do not go to the same place in the afterlife. Isn't that a logical concept?
Maybe it is not a question of being a Christian believer or not.
Maybe it is a question of being a true-blue human being with a code of conduct, but not like the corrupt police in America. Maybe it is a question of being a good human being who never hates other human beings, nor does evil to anyone or any living creature on Earth.
Sometimes, when I try to think rationally and logically about these religious, metaphysical, and spiritual issues and questions about the afterlife, I often answer to myself that maybe some people do turn into dust, forever, while other people ascend higher in the scale of spiritual existence and reality.
It is not my job to judge any human being concerning their afterlife. It is above my pay grade.
But isn’t it true that there are certain types of human beings all around the globe? Are there good people, bad people, evil people? Sure, there is! Just watch the news or a Netflix movie.
There are religious and non-religious people. There are educated and uneducated people. There are peaceful people and violent people. There are rich and poor people. There are starving and tummy-filled people.
God, Spirit is the same to all spiritual images and ideas, creations within the divine Mind realm of existence, but on planet Earth, not everyone is equal for all sorts of reasons.
In the current teeny, tiny, town I live in there have been people attacking me simply because I have a bunch of angel statues on my front porch. And I read on my front porch chair. I don’t preach to anyone. Yet, there is so much hate towards me by the uneducated, low-life, white trash, gay and potheads, druggies, and criminally minded human beings that I cannot help but think that they will all go to hell. I won’t stop it. Truth be told, they were all headed there anyway.
But here is the thing when thinking about any sense of the afterlife.
There is the human material or biological way of thinking about the afterlife which means that some religious Christian believers think that their biological human bodies are going to heaven or hell. Or that the believers will go to a place called heaven and the sinners and unbelievers will go to a place called hell.
In other words, they are thinking about and worrying about their limited one-dimensional biological bodies going to a place called heaven or hell in the afterlife when instead, they should be worried about where their consciousness (soul) is going when they die.
Jesus once made a statement that goes like this, “Don’t worry about your biological body going to hell. Worry about your soul going to hell.” (Paraphrased.)
“Don't be afraid of people. They can kill you, but they cannot harm your soul. Instead, you should fear God who can destroy both your body and your soul in hell.” (Matthew 10:28.) Bible Hub.
But are those religious concepts real, based on reality? Or are they simply the human brain and mind’s imaginary religious conceptions of what could happen when they are not part of God’s, Spirit’s, spiritual realm of existence?
People seem to be more worried about saving their biological human bodies when indeed, they should be worried about what type of consciousness they have at the moment of their human death. Nobody thinks about or worries about their state of consciousness. But they should!
As you may have been reading, you may have concluded that there are different types of logic when asking and answering these types of metaphysical and spiritual questions and issues.
There are different types of logic and reasoning about human life in general, like when and if you should kill another human being. Your religious beliefs are probably not logical at all, as are your thoughts about your afterlife and the afterlife of other human beings, which I do not think is equal for every human being.
For instance, I have a bunch of angel statues on my front porch. Some people like them, while other people hate them, which means that they hate me too. But the people who hate me and my angel statues are the same sort of people who hated Jesus over 2000 years ago.
Just like the cops who hate me have the same mentality as the men who killed Jesus about 2000 years ago. it is because they possess the same animalistic violent killing nature within their minds.
Believe it or not, the human species has not changed that much since the time of Jesus. As a matter of fact, it has gotten worse in many ways.
Are the people who hate my angel statues and me going to an afterlife where I am going? No! Why? Because they are the same sort of materialistic human animals that lived during the time of Jesus and other spiritual thinkers. It is in their inner nature to rot in hell, or the dirt, or in nothingness, until they wake up from their ignorant, animalistic, biological natures.
There are the religious questions of thinking on a one-dimensional biological state of consciousness asking questions about what happens to the human body after death.
Then there are the religious questions of thinking about what happens to the human soul-spirit after death. In other words, what happens to your inner nature of consciousness when you die?
There is the metaphysical and spiritual question about what happens to the human consciousness when it ascends or rises above the finite, limited belief that the only realm of existence is the biological realm of existence.
I have done it. Other people have done it. But many if not most people remain in the same old biological body they were born with.
They must be boring people metaphysically and spiritually speaking to remain stuck inside their human biological bodies until they stop breathing.
If there are different states of existence right here and right now, the real question is how to overcome your false finite, limited, sense of being a simple-minded materialistic biological consciousness of the human body before your human death.
But then there is a part of me that thinks certain people will not only leave with the same state of delusional consciousness that they were born with and lived with while on planet Earth, but they will enter their afterlife the same way.
Other people might enter the afterlife with a different body altogether, or maybe bodiless.
Another part of me thinks to myself that maybe true religious people do enter a different type of afterlife than the other types of sinners who have wasted their entire human lives on nothing.
And then there are people like me who have already ascended, transformed in different ways, who have already overcome their very finite, limited sense of life and death too, by overcoming their, or in my case, biological human body as the only existence that exists even in the here and now.
I realize that these essays discuss topics very foreign to the reader's limited thinking. But now you should start thinking about these topics because I hope that they will never leave your mind. Ever!
The truth of the matter of an afterlife is this. In my humble opinion, but very intelligent and informed opinion, even my personal experienced opinion, there have to be different realms of the afterlife for different types of people, meaning different states of consciousness.
On planet Earth, while we are living here and walking, every human being possesses a different state of consciousness which is carried over into the afterlife.
Mary Baker Eddy quotes from someone, "As the tree falleth, so shall it lay. So as man lived, so shall he be when he died?"
What does that mean?
That means that a human being who is a low-life, gay-pothead, violent criminal, who only loves having sex, being violent, does not care a damn about God, Spirit in this world, he or she will not enter into and have the same state of afterlife compared to a person or human being that has spent his or her life devoting himself or herself in obtaining a true knowledge and understanding of God, Spirit is as an immaterial, spiritual existence.
How can people who never created one thought about God, Truth, in their brain and mind think that they will enter a heavenly state of heaven in the afterlife? If anything, they might just turn into dust because they lived like the dust.
It just cannot happen. It is not the way life, death, and the afterlife work. In my opinion.
The above part of this essay is a logical, rational thought process when thinking about and pondering the metaphysical and spiritual aspects, questions, and issues of the afterlife, instead of thinking about the afterlife instead of with an uneducated, stupid, emotional state of the human mind.
If there is a real realm of the afterlife, a question could be asked. “Where is every human being going to go in their afterlife if a nuclear war happens leaving the human species completely destroyed, which may not happen if there are human beings in tunnels and safe places under the Earth where they would be safe and cared for during and after a nuclear war.
That would beg the question, how long can the human species live underground in tunnels or fall-out shelters after a nuclear war? I am not even close to being an expert on that issue.
What does a logical human brain and mind think when they hear those words from a preacher or priest like, “Listen, obey, and do otherwise you will go to hell when you die.” The emotion of fear.
The uneducated, unthinking, irrational, illogical, and emotional human brain and mind might suck all of those words and concepts inside their brain and mind like a vacuum cleaner that sucks in dirt off the floor.
The logical and rational human brain and mind might answer such a statement with other responses like, “I am already living in hell on earth, so I am not worried about hell in the afterlife.”
Or they might look at those people who believe in a religious hell the way some people used to believe that there was a possibility of green men walking on Mars which probably started before the first spacecraft left earth’s orbit.
“Green Men are a fictional race of beings in the Dejah Thoris & Green Men of Mars book series by Dynamite Entertainment:
The story: In Red Flood, Dejah Thoris must stop the violent Green Martian Voro from destroying the peace in Barsoom. Voro is a traumatized and isolated villain who dreams of the streets of Helium flowing with blood.
The Green Men
The Green Men are violent Martians who are shaped by their environment and lifestyle. Their origins are unclear, and it's impossible to say if they came from Earth, Venus, or another planet.” (Taken off the web.)
Did people ever believe that green men were walking on the planet Mars? I don’t know, and I don’t care. The point is that someone started that rumor or story, and I bet that there were people who looked up at the night sky and wondered if men were living on the planet Mars before there were telescopes that could point to the planet Mars and see only dust on it.
Some religious people, but not all religious people believe in a place called heaven and hell because they were taught that there is a place called heaven and hell, especially before high-powered telescopes were pointing directly at Mars and other planets, and farther away into the deep black void of outer-space cosmic universe.
It would be and was very easy for the uneducated, irrational, illogical, emotional, and fearful people to believe that planet Earth was being invaded during the broadcast called, “The War of the Worlds’ when it was playing on the radio in the
“The War of the Worlds (1938 radio drama.)
The War of the Worlds was a Halloween episode of the radio series The Mercury Theater on the Air directed and narrated by Orson Welles. (Wikipedia.)
Some people in the year of 1938 thought that the world was coming to an end because they thought that planet Earth was being invaded by cosmic aliens.
Even when a news broadcaster told his listeners that the world was not coming to an end, he had to ask them, "The world is not coming to an end. Trust me. When have I ever lied to you?"
“Within three weeks, newspapers had published at least 12,500 articles about the broadcast and its impact, but the story dropped from the front pages after a few days.” (Taken off the web.)
The uneducated, emotional, irrational, and illogical people believed that the end of the world was happening or taking place during the Halloween broadcast in 1938.
Some emotional, irrational, illogical, and uneducated people killed themselves by jumping out of windows from what I remember.
Some uneducated, irrational, illogical, and emotional Christians still believe the world is going to come to an end. It might one day, but not because of Jesus, but because of a nuclear war.
But what did the rational and logical people do when they were listening to the broadcast?
They either knew it was a Halloween broadcast because they heard it from the beginning, or if they did not hear if from the beginning, they still did not jump to irrational and illogical conclusions because of fear, which is what many and most religious people do every day inside their finite, limited, and irrational human brains and minds.
How many times do you hear from uneducated, irrational, illogical, emotionally religious people that Jesus is going to return before the end of the world to save the people from that religious end-of-the-world experience?
Just like the effect of listening to, “The War of the Worlds.” radio broadcast which lasted only a short time, people are living in the year 2024 who still believe that the end of the world is going to happen with Jesus floating and flying through the sky raising the religious believers from Earth, while all of the other 6 billion people are damned forever.
What type of ridiculous religion is that?
Back in the time of Jesus, and after his life, all sorts of people thought that the world was going to come to an end.
It was a false religious belief, and the thinking Roman Empire and their leaders and people were probably laughing at those silly people who were yelling that the world was coming to an end.
But it never did, nor will it ever happen. Yet, religious people still believe in ridiculous notions.
Over 2000 years later, there is still that stagnant emotional, illogical, and irrational religious mentality where some religious Christians think that there is a God that is going to destroy all of mankind.
What type of ridiculous religion is that in the year 2024?
In the year 2024, there are still mentally stagnant uneducated, emotional, illogical, and irrational religious Christian believers, or even those single nut jobs who like to stand on a box in Times Square, New York or other cities yelling at the top of their lungs that, “The World is Coming to an End.” Or “The End of the World is Nearing,” Or “The End is Near.” Etc.
It has been more than a few years since I have been to Times Square in New City. But I remember those types of ‘crazy’ people yelling at people who were dressed up in their business clothes and who were more worried about the Stock Market and the end of their favorite stocks instead of the end of the world.
On the other hand, there are the logical, rational, and somewhat smarter people who may even be modern-day religious Christians who do not think or believe that the end of the world is coming.
They do not even believe that Jesus is going to return one day shortly or ever again.
They may not even be worried about going to a place called hell or heaven. They just don’t care.
It should be asked, “Who or what is going to put or send people to hell or heaven?”
If there is not a God or Jesus that is going to send anyone to a place called hell or heaven because maybe there is no hell or heaven, the next question should be asked about this.
If your consciousness is your hell or heaven, what type of consciousness do you possess now?
Are you an uneducated, simple-minded biological human body with no hope for an afterlife?
Or are you in a multi-dimensional state of consciousness where you can step up onto the metaphysical and spiritual ladders into the realm of the angels? At least as your first steps towards God, Spirit, before you die your human death?
“Jacob dreamed that there was a ladder resting on the earth and reaching up into heaven, and he saw angels of God going up and coming down the ladder.” (Genesis 28:12.)
“Why were the angels ascending and descending in Jacob's dream?
In Jacob's dream the Angels are a picture of communication between Heaven and Earth (downward), and between mankind and God (upward).
The Angels ascending up the stairs represent the prayers of men ascending up to God in Heaven; the Angels descending represent God's gracious acts and words towards mankind.” (Taken off the web.)
It would be better for all mankind if they started listening to the metaphysical and spiritual realms of God, Spirit, and his spiritual Angels instead of hating each other to death!
No matter how emotional or logical the human brain and mind is regarding any human religion, the spiritual realm of God, Spirit will always see a spiritual realm of existence, perfect as perfect can be, in spite of the human species or mankind in general.
After all, it is stated in the Bible and Science and Health that God is Love. Jesus proved it for all mankind, even if they have not learnt it yet. How long will it take mankind to learn something about God, infinite spiritual Love, instead of evil and hate?
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