This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Essay 23 - 2024. The Devil's Playground. On the Internet and Within the Human Mind. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. June 7, 2024.

Essay 23 - 2024. The Devil's Playground.

On the Internet and Within the Human Mind.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

June 7, 2024.

God, the divine Mind, said let there be light. God said let there be intelligence, wisdom, information, spiritual enlightenment, mental and spiritual understanding.

The devil's playground said by way of the human mind, let there be darkness. The human mind said let there be mental darkness and blindness. Let there be ignorance, stupidity, revenge, hate, fear, sensual sexual delusions, and the desire to kill your fellow human beings by way of nuclear war.

I love it when my next essay just pops out of a person’s mouth as it did with this essay titled, “The Devil’s Playground.”

She happened to be a middle-aged lady who started talking to me in a nickel-and-dime store, or in today’s world, a dollar store, which of course comes in a different variety of names. Dollar Store, 99 Cent Store, etc. The dollar stores of today are great for every economic pay bracket or economic level of wage-earning income bracket.

There are food products and non-food products like clothes, bathroom supplies, pet supplies, art supplies, candy, frozen products like ice cream, and frozen foods for the microwave ovens located in your homes.
In an economical sense for buyers and sellers, those dollar stores are the buyer's playground because, unlike the very big retailers like Walmart’s big stores, the smaller dollar stores are not so large in area space that it is a workout for your legs.

For shoppers like myself, who like to browse for the main items a person needs for their everyday lives like soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, shaving supplies, milk, candy, treats for the cats and dogs, and other basic supplies, the dollar store is a nice store to shop if you are not looking for a lot of bigger items like a 90 inch HD Smart television set, an item that might be found at your local Walmart store.

The shopper's playground is very far from being the only devil’s playground, but you already know just by the words. Of course, the shopper's playground could become the shopper's devil's playground for some people who love to shop and spend money but more importantly for people who love to shop when they do not have the money to shop because they sometimes spend more money than they are earning, like the federal government and many if not all state governments.

There is a difference between individual money management and the state and federal government money management skills, at least in America. The federal government can simply make more money or play with the books. However, the person has to learn how to manage his or her shopping habits because if the individual shopper becomes in debt with not enough money to pay for that debt, they could be in a world of hurt regarding their economic future.

It could be stated that the shopper’s devil’s ground starts with the devil's credit cards. The devil’s playing credit cards are good for people who know how to control, and money manage their income and spending needs and habits, separating needs versus wants. I am not currently an economic expert on the spending and earnings of other nations and countries overseas away from America, but I could become an economic expert on those types of issues in a few hours, I think.

But this colored lady, who seemed a very nice lady to me anyway, was nice enough to listen to my CLL cancer miracle story before, during, and after I was told to read the Gospels by a higher realm of spiritual existence rather than the normal, human mortal realm of existence that I am currently living in as a human being, which is not quite correct because currently, I am living between this earthy world and another world or worlds.

It is strange living between worlds, one on Earth and the world somewhere else, and yet, right here, but not here. Talk about a sense of dualism. How many different versions of me are there?

Sometimes, it is quite confusing for me to know which world I am living in at the current moment because I have already ascended and descended many times during the course of my human and earthly life. But it is not going up and then coming down, but more like going sideways through space and time as a state of existence, a state of being.

Many people study space and time as real. I like to listen to the experts' opinions on space and time, but from a higher state of spiritual consciousness, there is no space and time. To God, Spirit also, there is no space and time, especially to God, Spirit-Life. Spirit-Life, as in God, is a spiritual realm of existence that is eternal, with no beginning, middle, and end.

To every individual spiritual image and likeness of God, Mind, there is not a beginning, a middle, and or end. If the whole human species saw that fact mentally, it would change the world in more ways than one.

I will never know how many people experience supernatural events during their lifetime because unlike economics and other topics where numbers play a very huge part in understanding this, that, and the other stuff, like in physics, astrophysics, and quantum physics, supernatural events cannot be measured by numbers. Some people love playing with numbers, but not God. God, the eternal Life, Truth, and Love is eternal, unchangeable, and everlasting.

Now that I am thinking about it as I creatively write this essay, I have never in my life, except once when I saw anything that looked like a devil or Satan during all of my life’s supernatural events. The one time I did experience a devil shape was when I was working at a television factory over 40 years ago.

I was rubbing down a television screen when the shape of a devil’s body appeared on it. I simply wiped it off the screen. I don’t know why it happened to me to this day. That was it.

My dear readers might think to themselves that it was a figment of my imagination. But no, it wasn’t a figment of my imagination. It was a real outline of a devil-shaped thing.

I think that it appeared to put fear into my mind because I was just starting with my new metaphysical, supernatural, and spiritual life. A newbie in the metaphysically mental realms of existence and consciousness must be very careful at the beginning of their new adventures.

In other words, I was a beginner, a novice, a rookie, a newbie, who was warned about a few things before I started this adventure with God, the Bible, Jesus, higher and different realms of existence, the various mental dream worlds, the afterlife, and even the pure spiritual consciousness that I experienced when I was dying from stage 4 CLL cancer in the first six months of 2022.

After I experienced being in a pure state of spiritual consciousness, then when I returned to this realm of the earthly and human state of existence, I was a different person even though my human biological body looked almost the same as it did before I started the cancer-chemo-dying experiences.

I was told by what is normally called a Bible-reading Christian or a firm Christian believer that I had overcome the flesh, which was true even though I had done that before another near-death experience that brought me again, in between worlds.

I never put too much importance on my own biological human male body. I always knew and realized that I needed it, but bowing down and worshiping my biological human body was too much for my mind to think about when there were much more important metaphysical and spiritual issues to wonder about before my human death.

After I returned to my human biological body, I woke up and I asked myself, ‘What now? Here I am again, back in a human biological body. It seemed like I was the same person at that minute or moment in time, but truthfully, I wasn’t the same human being at all. In one sense, I was still living in the Devil’s playground of people, and other stuff that might be considered evil from God’s viewpoint.

Here is the thing. Is the world evil? Is nature and all of the natural events that happen in the oceans, on Earth, in the sky, and in the cosmic universe evil? Are plants evil? How about the dinosaurs and the cavemen? Were they evil? What about the pre-human beings as I like to call them?

Were all of the creatures that lived before and during the modern-day human species evil? Is mankind evil? Is the human species living in the devil’s playground of good and evil, as is stated in the second chapter in the first book of the Bible titled Genesis?

Is there a thing, an entity, or a state of existence termed evil that is causing mankind to turn on itself over and over again by way of war, sexual abuse, domestic violence abuse, and a seemingly endless amount of what some people might term human evil?

In other words, is there a thing out there away from the human brain and mind that is inherently evil, like a devil or Satan, causing individual human brains and minds to commit evil acts against other human beings? Or is it the human mind itself that is the cause and the effect of the sins that are committed inside and outside the realm of the human brain and mind?

I was once talking to a former US Marine who considered himself a Christian. He stated to me that to be considered a Christian, (myself) I had to believe in an evil thing termed Satan. It was the first time I had ever heard of such a mentally delusional religious concept.

Because I did not want to disturb the guy, because he was in a group setting, and because I don’t normally argue with the less educated Christians about the Bible, Jesus, and all of that religious stuff, I stared at him the way I sometimes. I turned my head and I walked away from him. He never talked to me again, which was maybe a good thing.

What I wanted to ask him was this. ‘Have you ever seen a Satan with horns in any way shape or form, (like I did on the television screen) at any time in your life? Or do you simply just believe in Satan because that word is used in the Bible once or twice compared to all of the other words that are in the Bible?

But again, I don’t argue with Christians unless I am never going to see them again, and even then, I know it is not worth it because their minds and religious mentalities are stuck in that old-time religious mode of thinking like some people over 2000 years ago could have known about the new modern-day would with a new and completely different state of brain, mind, and consciousness.

I wanted to point out to him that he is living in the 21st century, and the people who wrote the Bible used words to symbolize different metaphysical and spiritual ideas for different reasons and purposes. A lot of novels do it, using wordy symbols to express something abstract.

I wanted to point out to him that we live in the age of reason, logic, information, knowledge, and intelligence, even though from the looks of things many different kinds of people all over the globe have not caught on to those ideas of reason, logic, information, knowledge, and intelligence; which by the way, it exactly what an entity termed the Devil or Satan would want more and more from the human species.

If there was a devil or Satan who wanted people and mankind to play in the devil’s playground, wouldn't it be easier if people were uneducated, stupid, drugged up, emotional, irrational, illogical, and in an around way, just plain ignorant? Mental darkness within the individual or the collective human and brain is what a devil or Satan would want human beings to do every minute of their human lives. And it seems to be happening too.

On the first day of creation, the first chapter of the Bible states, “God said let there be light.”

To distinguish the light from the first day from the physical light from the Sun, the moon, the stars, from a candle or flashlight, or from the headlight from a car or truck, or a house lamp, the authors stated in the fourth day of creation that ‘God said let there be the greater light, (sun), let there be the lesser light, (moon), let there be the stars too.

What did the light from the first day symbolically mean then if it did not mean the different lights from the sun, moon, stars, a lightbulb, candle, or a flashlight?

God, the divine Mind or intelligence in Mary Baker’s Eddy’s writings was the light on the first day of creation, but more than that, applied to the human brain and mind, the light of the first day in the first chapter of Genesis was in the human realm of mental existence, the light of reason, logic, information, knowledge, and intelligence which from the viewpoint of God, the Divine Mind or Intelligence was translated down to the human brain and mind.

On the other hand, nowhere in the first chapter of the Bible in the chapter of Genesis does it state that God said let there be a devil, or Satan, evil, or mental darkness in various ways.

In the very beginning of the first chapter of the Bible God, Spirit or spiritual reality never stated or said to create any kind of evil, human evil, materialistic evil, or physical evil. The mental concept of evil within the realm of God, the Divine Mind, or Intelligence does not exist as any type of entity, existence, or realm of existence or reality.

It is not funny how the human brain and mind do exactly the opposite of the Divine Mind or Intelligence

Only in the human realm do things start to get complicated when the terms, evil, Satan, devil, etc. come into play in the devil’s playground. Nowhere else.

This is because God, Spirit does not create a physical, material, or biological realm existence from a higher level of spiritual consciousness it would seem from a higher level of God’s self-consciousness. God only knows God and not the devil or Satan even if the Bible stories like to use the words devil and Satan.

From a metaphysical standpoint, the trouble begins in the second record of creation in the second chapter of Genesis where it states, ‘There went up a mist from the face of the ground and it watered the whole Earth.’

What was that mist? Was it a water mist, like a fog? Was it a literal water mist as many unthinking human beings have imagined it to be since the words were spoken?

Or was the word mist when used as a symbol meant to convey ignorance, wrong mental concepts, mental delusions, human mental dreams worlds, a false materialistic human consciousness regarding not only what God-Spirit is, but what man is as the spiritual image and likeness of that God, Spirit.

In Mary Baker Eddy’s books and writings, she would use and do use the terms Divine Mind or Intelligence, the human mind and/or consciousness, the mortal human mind, or simply the mortal state of consciousness.

She used at least three different realms of existence when applied to the words Mind, human mind, mortal mind, etc. Her writings were meant for the new age of spiritually metaphysical understanding of the Bible. People from the Old Testament and the New Testament did not use the words of the scientific age of science.

Even in today’s modern-day world of how the human brain, mind, and consciousness are perceived as different states of consciousness, it can be clearly understood and grasped that there is a huge difference between the hard-wired human brain, the soft-wired human mind, and consciousness in all of the different mental realms or flavors that abide in it. The human mind and consciousness are a very complex and complicated realm of existence.

There is the basic hardwired human brain, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touch. Those five physical senses are basic to any hardwired human brain. But then there are the soft-wired states within the human brain and mind.

There are conscious states of existence. There are sub-conscious states of existence. There are mental dream worlds within the sub-conscious states of the mind. There are collective, national, global, and even cosmic mental states of existence all within the human brain, mind, and consciousness.

There is a lot of stuff happening within the hardwired human brain and within the soft-wired human consciousness on the various levels of awareness and non-awareness in today’s modern-day world regarding the human species.

On a human level, the devil’s playground could mean many things to many people, but the lady who I was talking to meant the Internet. This is true as many people will attest based on the common-sense notion that many humanly evil things are happening every second on the World Wide Web. I don’t have to spell it out for my readers. You already know what is happening on the World Wide Web and especially on the dark Web.

Is the devil’s playground only on the World Wide Web? Or is the devil’s playground also within the different realms of the hardwired human brain, and soft-wired human mind and consciousness?

In a psychological realm of existence, all of the mental dream worlds in the various states of human consciousness are far more dangerous to the human species than that of the devil’s playground on the Internet.

Think about it for a moment. The devil’s playground on the Internet would not exist if it were not for the devil’s playground within the brains and minds of human beings. Somehow, the word Internet was used by me in our short conversation. And she stared at me with a wide-open mouth, and she responded with the words, "The Devil's Playground.”

From her viewpoint, and many people’s viewpoint, the internet is the devil’s playground because there are not only a lot of bad and evil people online committing all sorts of crimes, morally and ethically, but also illegally. The human devils in the devil’s internet playground are always going to hide.

Even though there are countless good and practical human laws for individual and social order in the legal law books in all of the law libraries in the thousands of law libraries in America and all around the globe, for some reason, human beings commit unlawful acts every day of the week which leads to their arrest and incarceration or loss of their individual personal freedoms.

This happens because so many individual human minds enter the devil's playground where the devil symbolically speaking says let there be stupidity, ignorance, mental darkness, uneducated thought, illogical thinking, irrational thought, and animal qualities to enter into the conscious mind of anyone who will let the temptation to be bad instead of good, evil instead of not evil, violent instead of peaceful, material instead of being spiritual. Etc. Etc. Etc. Do you get the concept?

It is so easy, isn’t it, to enter the devil’s playground either inside the human mind or consciousness or in the realm of the internet. Within both places, there is the hidden realm of the mind, first playing within the hard-wired human brain and mind, and then that mind or psychological state enters the devil’s playground in the hidden realm of the internet.

The goal within the human mind’s devil’s playground and in the internet’s devil’s playground is to not get caught. Don’t get caught in what the devil told all of the human beings who do evil or bad things in all of the various ways that human beings do bad things, either to themselves or to another human being, or to a nation, or to the world are large.

With that concept in mind, there are between 7-8 billion human hardwired human brains walking on planet Earth, with all of their human minds and consciousness swimming in a flow of visible and invisible temptations, one of the main ones being watching and becoming addicted to porn which is not good for either the human brain, mind, and consciousness. It just isn’t.

But the rule of the devil’s playground is if temptation bids you the desire, the mental suggestion is to believe to yourself, ‘I will only watch porn one time. What harm could it do to my mind if I am watching someone suck on a hardon, or get fucked up the ass, and other stuff? That is always the suggestion, isn’t it? What harm could it do to me? After all, if I enter the devil’s playground of the internet’s endless amounts of pornography, no one will know but me.

But that is the trap. At least one of the mental traps within the devil’s playground. Keep it a secret so no one will know you have entered one of the devil’s traps, or playgrounds. Keep it hidden deep within your mind, and consciousness so when you stop watching porn or eating food like a pig, you think you got away with it. But someone will know it and that someone will be you.

Until that very moment when your mind has watched one too many porn videos and then you are no longer thinking to yourself, ‘What harm could it do to me? You are thinking to yourself, ‘No one is going to catch me watching porn, so what if I watch it. So, what if I do what I watch? Monkey see, monkey do.

And then, not only are you addicted, but your human psychological mind is farther and farther going away from the human reality of sex, delving deeper and deeper into the kinkiest sex people can dream up in their own sexual devil’s playground.

What happens is that sex is not out there, not even with your sexual organs, but is inside your mind, your consciousness, your human state of existence.

Now your mind is stuck inside the sexual, sensual, playground of the devil’s trap until you exit and leave it for good, once and for all. As in. Period. But the devil’s mental playground is full of traps, seen and unseen. You don’t even know where they are and how they will trap you into falling deeper into your hell.

Instead of having a spiritual state of mind and consciousness that should be from God, Spirit, you have then entered not only the devil’s sexual playground that was once outside or external of your human brain and mind, but now it is inside your brain and mind like the taste of the best chocolate ice cream in the world. A lot of people like chocolate ice cream.

I like snacking on good chocolate ice cream with bits of chocolate and brownies in it. Hum, so good, but only if a person does not listen to the devil’s temptation within the devil’s food and eating playground to never stop eating food as if you were breathing food like you breathe oxygen into your lungs.

The devil’s playground is not the sensual sexual delusional desires of the biological body. Oh no. There are lots of different kinds of devil’s playgrounds. There you are watching your favorite television show when spontaneously a commercial with a Pizza Hut pizza is staring at you in your face. Or maybe it is a McDonald’s triple-size hamburger with fries staring at your eyes into your brain and mind.

And like sex, possibly, or a drug, possibly, you want to rush to that place to shove food down your throat like it was going to be the best pizza and hamburger in the world because within the devil’s food playground within your mind and out there in the world, you can’t get enough food because (here is the issue) you think you are going to be happy and fulfilled by shoving either food or a sex object down your throat.

After all, you foolishly think that is going to bring joy to your brain and mind, and for the short term, it does but only in a very simplistic way. But you have entered the devil’s food playground within your mind and the mental world of food.

In a way, sex and food are a lot alike. People need sex and they need food, for different reasons of course. There is a desire for biological sex because it is built into the human biological body.

There is the desire for food because it too, is built into the human biological body. In both cases, there is the temptation or the devil’s trap. The devil wants you to enter into the devil’s playground to never escape from it until the day you die, which you might from both food and sex for different reasons.

But here is the secret or in other words, the truth. In both cases of sex and food, both the temptation or desire is mental and psychological.

It happens within the brain and mind and nowhere else. The devil’s playgrounds are what you make them to be even if they are out there waiting for you to be trapped by them. In reality, there is no devil, but it sure seems like there is a devil and its playground waiting for you to enter into it and be trapped by its mental illusions.

How much bigger can the devil’s traps become you might be asking yourselves now since I asked the question? There are the sexual and food devil’s playground traps, but what about the larger trap of the human brain and mind entering the devil’s trap of violence and war, or war and violence?

I am currently reading a book titled, “A Story of Christianity.” by Justo L. González. This two-volume book is very interesting. It is easy to read and full of information about the history of Christianity, but also of that time-period in human history. Learning details about history is very interesting indeed. One of the main topics it covers is the persecution of Christians throughout the history of mankind.

“The persecution of Christians can be historically traced from the first century of the Christian era to the present day. Christian missionaries and converts to Christianity have both been targeted for persecution, sometimes to the point of being martyred for their faith, ever since the emergence of Christianity.” (Taken off the web.)

Back in the day of the Roman Empire and other places in that era, when the new religion called Christianity started from a few people only to grow and grow bigger and larger in terms of people numbers and land mass, the various leaders of Rome and other cities wanted the people who called themselves Christians to fall down to their knees and worship the gods of Rome, and of Rome itself.

The Christians were never going to do it, at least most of them. So, instead of the newly forming Christians entering the devil’s playground of sex and food, they had entered the devil’s playground of the Roman Empire and its leaders who did not care who they put to death, or have them tortured, and killed because what the heck, there are just people or meat for the lions, tigers, and bears. Oh my!

Some Christians wanted to be put to death as martyrs for their faiths and beliefs. They wanted to die as known Christians, maybe simply as a way to meet Jesus in the afterlife would be a good guess of mine.

A lot of people die for all sorts of reasons on planet Earth. But in today’s modern-day world, I don’t know of any Christians who would die or even want to die for their religious faith, especially if they don’t believe in their religious faith with their full heart, soul, and mind.

In today’s world, Christians may not be tortured and put to death, but they can be persecuted for their Christian faith, especially if they are outspoken about it.

‘What are the 5 ways Christians are persecuted?

In what ways are Christians being persecuted? They are attacked. They are discriminated against at work and at school. They risk sexual violence, torture, arrest, and much more.” (Taken off the web.)

In today’s modern-day world, I have experienced being persecuted in the teeny, tiny town where I currently live even though there are 22 churches located here, even though I have never stated that I was a Christian or not a Christian to anyone. But I do have a whole bunch of beautiful angel states on my front porch. Some people hate angel statues for some reason.

And guess what? The uneducated, violent, bully police pigs that work in this town hate my guts too. Do you know why they hate my guts? It is because they are exactly like the uneducated, low-life, white-trash violent gay teenagers who are punks whose parents have never taught them anything about morals, values, ethics, manners, respect, etc.

It does not matter if human beings live in the time of the Roman Empire or in the modern-day world where the violent police tyrant bullies are just state-paid musclemen. The human brain and mind have not changed too much over the last 2000 years. There is one thing everyone should know and live by in America.

You can never trust an uneducated, violent, tyrant police pig. America has been stated to be a police state where police can murder innocent people, which is what they do in China, Russia, Africa, and other places in the world, like North Korea. But I am getting off-topic a bit.

But then again, in a way, America is the devil’s playground for the police who get paid to not care a damn about the American people. It is true. Cops don’t care about people. Cops only care about getting a police paycheck to take home to their cop wives and children.

In a sense, police are not even human beings, just like those Roman soldiers were not human beings. They were simply animals that looked like human beings. Roman soldiers and modern-day pig police use only a small part of their human brains. I have never met a really intelligent cop. Never. They are mostly biological robots trained to kill other human beings.

Don’t get me wrong. I know that America and all societies around the globe need a police station and good police officers to stop crime and catch really bad guys.

But it sometimes seems that some cops, not all cops, but some cops are playing in their own devil’s playground, shooting and killing anyone they dislike, or because the opportunity presented itself to them so they could kill another human being and return to the police station and laugh about it with their violent, tyrant, bully fellow cops.

Cops can relate to stupid people more than they can relate to educated people. It has been stated that cops are just criminals wearing a badge. It is also true that cops have only a high school education and they played football or another sport because they never learned how to read and study books. I don’t think that is completely true most of the time, but the human brain and mind can sometimes lose control of normal operating procedures.

But really, cops are playing in their own devil’s playground. They have to worry about criminals with guns who might shoot and kill a cop because the violent criminal is lower than the cop in ways of intelligence and respect for the laws of the state and nation.

How about the jail or prison devil’s playground? I can’t think of a better-enclosed area except North Korea where there are a bunch of human beings who play in the devil’s playground and get caught so they end up in a cage with a lot of other human beings who play in their own personal devil's playgrounds. The problem with North Korea is that its leader is the top devil for all of the innocent people in that country.

A lot of criminals played in the devil’s playground both inside their minds and outside in the world. What is the point of people being so stupid that they end up in the devil’s playground called jail or prison?

Even since I was a little boy, I could not help but wonder what makes people act so stupid that they end up being the very same human devils that are in some movies. Have you ever watched some of those human-devil movies? Some movies have a great creative sense for making and producing violent-devil movies for people to watch for the fun of it.

Certain movies are human devil playground movies where people who seem to be possessed by a devil are so dumb and dream-world-like that I don’t know why anyone would want to watch them.

People watch porn because they want to watch other people suck, lick, fuck, etc. because that is what most people do in their lives at one point or another, even if they did it only once and then they had enough of that stupid sex stuff.

But who wants to watch a human devil movie when in reality it is not only not possible, highly unlikely, but probably impossible to state the very least?

Christians on the other hand, for some reason or another reason, like to believe in a realm of devils and/or Satan. I don’t believe in devils or Satan, but I do believe that some people act like devils all the time in various ways. Who knows? Maybe guys like Hitler are living among the devils in the realm of the dead. I don’t know and I don’t want to know what happens to evil people in their afterlife.

Have you ever wondered what happens to the Christian people who also live evil lives in the devil’s playgrounds before they die? Do evil Christians, if that phrase is correct because Christians are supposed to be good people, believe that they can play in the devil’s playgrounds without any sense of punishment? But think about it. What happens in the afterlife to Catholic priests who sexually molest boys and male teenagers either in a church, before or after a mass in a church?

Talk about the devil’s playground, the Catholic Church, for how many hundreds of years? What about all of the evil violence Catholic priests have done to unbelievers to expel the demons, out of human beings who did not want to worship the Catholic way of worship not so long ago in terms of human history? What a shame that is within the Catholic’s devil’s playground, or in this case, the Catholic church.

I had a Catholic priest put a sexual advance on me a very long time ago. I stared at him while I shook my head no while my trained fist was going to hit him directly in his face since he was in my parents' house. I might have hit him in the face if he had put that sexual advance on me in a Catholic church, but I could have just walked out of the church is what I probably would have done a very long time ago.

I don’t know why some religious people have to believe in a personal devil that they think exists separated from the human brain and mind especially if nobody has even seen one, except that it might be a very simple way for them to describe why human beings act wrongly, badly, criminally, and making make bad decisions in general.

I don’t think that most if any Christians ever consider how the human brain and mind work and operate, unlike the scientists who study the human brain and mind and who try to understand it from both a biological or nervous system level and from a psychological level of consciousness.

One of my pet peeves is that most if not all Christians have not taken the time to study the human brain and how the mind operates even in the simplest of terms. If they don’t know and understand how the human brain and mind work, then how can they know anything about the Truth, or God, and the devil or evil?

I have never met a really intelligent Christian either, although many modern-day Christians can be considered highly educated and smart in their way compared to the uneducated stupid people who have very simple working brains and minds.

There are a lot of different and various human devil’s playgrounds for people to play and live in from the moment a human being is born until the day he or she leaves planet Earth. Children play in playgrounds because they are young, and they are not aware of the bigger playgrounds that adults play in every day of their adult lives.

Whereas some children play in the dirt, some adults are dirt, lower than the dirt the children play in without realizing the dangers that are waiting to grasp them, pick them up, and carry them away to an even dirtier playground where they might never be seen again. It happens.

A lot of religious Christians believe that there is a devil or a Satan, but most of them don’t know or understand anything about the human hardwired brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness, which brings me to a very important point that has constantly been in my mind for a very long time.

I am going to state the obvious which should not be too hard for anyone to understand.

Until recently, nobody understood and knew anything about the workings of the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness until the present modern-day age of science started to understand the brain and mind. Or at least as much as possible at the current moment.

That being the case, why is it that some people believe in a God of some sort while other people will never believe in any God while they are alive or even when they are dying?

What is it with this dualistic nature of there being a God, Spirit, and the devil or Satan and the playground that people have to play in every day of the week? Every day of the week, people have to go to work and school, having to deal with one big playground. And yet, there is always the devil’s playground ready to be played by anyone, young or old, poor or rich, male or female,

It doesn’t have to be a God playground or a devil’s playground or a God and a devil’s playground, but it definitely can be a people's playground. I am currently watching the Netflix series ‘House of Cards.’ It is a series about a white male being the president of the United States of America.

Talk about a devil’s political playground. It is crazy in the series so it must be crazy in the real world when an over-the-hill president and the people who help him play political games in the political devil’s playground. At least the president’s political devil’s playground is a nice Oval Office with guys with guns protecting the president and his political devil’s playground.

I have often wondered what it would have been like to be the president of the United States of America. It was a real pipe dream when I was starting to take the LSAT for law school. But then I had a chance to move to sunny and hot California where some of the people here are uneducated, screwed up, drugged up, and plain slow and stupid. And yet they vote in the elections.

I can’t grasp the fact that there are so many uneducated, drugged up, sexually perverted, etc. voting for the next president of America.

When uneducated stupid voters vote for a slow and stupid president, then America will become an uneducated and stupid nation, which is true of course. There are a lot of very smart and highly educated people in America who will also vote for the next president, and he might also turn out to be one dummy playing in the devil’s political playground.

Is America the devil’s playground? Unlike other nations and countries, Americans have a lot of freedoms that many other nations and countries don’t have. But with freedoms comes personal and individual responsibility.

I think a lot of Americans want absolute freedom without having any responsibility. That is a great way to make America’s devil’s playground even bigger and even worse than it is now.

That being stated, it seems that some people in America and around the globe have this desire to be wild in their thinking and actions, usually unlawful or illegal thinking and actions, which is only one reason why America has more jails and prisons than China and India combined.

I think I should point out that I don't believe in an individual and personal devil with horns. But I do think there is a devil's playground within the human brain and mind and in the realm of the internet.

Anyone who does not realize that is just simply not aware of the dangers within the realms of the human brain, mind, and internet, where invisible demons galore hang out to do more and more seen and unseen evil within the human species.

But low and behold, thank God that outside of the realms of the devil’s playgrounds in the human realm of existence, there is God, Spirit able and willing to take it all away, or in other words, to put it into a realm of nothingness.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!