This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Essay 22. - 2024. The Atheists. Or the Non-Believers in Any Type of God. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! May 31, 2024. I was asked a few days ago, ‘What do you think of atheists?

Essay 22. - 2024. The Atheists. Or the Non-Believers in Any Type of God.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

May 31, 2024.

I was asked a few days ago, ‘What do you think of atheists?’

I responded with, ‘I don’t care what atheists think about God, Spirit, Jesus, and the Bible.’

(An atheist is a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.)

Is it possible that every human being is an atheist in his heart, soul, and mind?

Or is it possible that every human being is already at one with God, Spirit, as a spiritual consciousness within the realm of God, Spirit, as the self-existent and self-conscious Being?

Or is it possible that the whole human species is divided into two completely different realms of God believers, those that believe and those that do not believe? Or in the modern-day world, the spiritually minded people who understand and know God, as Spirit versus people who don’t spiritually understand the spiritual universe called God, Spirit because they are not spiritually minded?

Some main questions and issues about being an atheist are whether people admit it to themselves or not. These are only some of them in this essay.

1. What is an atheist? 2. Who is an atheist? 3. Where do the atheists live? 4. How do atheists live? 5. Are the atheists correct in believing that there is no God, in this case, Spirit?

I am using a very high level of pure spiritual consciousness to think about God, Spirit, and not human concepts of God, like Jesus is God, or God is a mystical being, or God created human beings in its image which of course is ridiculous. Or God is located in outer space somewhere.

I have seen a lot of books on Amazon with the word atheist in the title, but I have never bought or read any of those books, at least not yet. But I think that most people when they consider themselves an atheist, they are telling themselves and other people that they simply believe that there is not any type of God, material, spiritual, or something else.

I usually find these types of people very simple minded in the spiritual sense of the word even if they are humanly educated with advanced degrees in whatever field they are working in. From the standpoint of considering God as Spirit, not a spirit in the human sense of the word, it might be correctly considered that most of the human species are atheists because they have no idea about the nature of God as Spirit, again not a spirit.

1. What is an atheist?

An atheist is usually a person who says to other people, ‘I am an atheist.’ Ok, but what about all of the other people who don’t say that they are atheists, but who are atheists anyway? Most people who are living on planet Earth probably do not give a hoot about God in any way whatsoever.

My guess is that there are more and more people who don’t believe that there is a God anywhere in any shape or form because they cannot see a God with their human eyes, even though their human brains and minds might be wondering how everything like the Earth, life on Earth, the cosmic universe, and a thinking human brain came into existence in the first place, which is a big question for those material and physical scientists who study the cosmic universe.

The question being what the First Cause of everything is because obviously it would seem natural that what the human brain can see with its eyes has not only not always existed, but it will have an end too.

Most people probably do not think about the First Cause of the cosmic universe, life on planet Earth, the human brain and mind. They don’t care about the possibility that maybe there has been a long series of cosmic steps, planetary steps, Earthly steps, and biological steps that have led up to this very moment of you breathing oxygen and thinking as little as you can about God as you can.

There are all types of atheists all over the globe. An atheist is a person who will either consciously or subconsciously, or even unconsciously think to themselves, usually by not thinking at all, that there is no God anywhere, but especially in this earthly world of good and evil surrounding all human beings who have either died or who are still living.

Atheists might have good reasons to believe that there is no God in any way because of all of the suffering, pain, and even evil that people go through as they walk among other people and the other forces on planet Earth that destroy instead of advancing the good life among mankind.

It might be thought that atheists might be on to something because most human beings live a monkey or caveman type of existence if considered from a higher level of spiritual and intellectual consciousness.

From a higher level of spiritual consciousness not only is there a God, Spirit, but this God, Spirit does not know anything about human evil, nor does it know anything about the human mind and existence. Spirit does not even know matter as matter.

But atheists are people who are usually not even thinking about religion in general, the Bible, and Jesus specifically. It seems to me that normal human beings do not even think about God in any sense of the word at all, even if they go to church every Sunday.

That is something I could never understand, that is how can people simply go to a church once a week for one hour, and then never think about God for the rest of their week?

How many people who go to church think that there is a God, as in Spirit? They don’t have a clue do they because even churchgoers look out from their human brain and eyes, and they believe that what they see is the only reality or state of existence that can and does exist.

Could they be wrong about that limited concept? Of course, they could be wrong because mankind lives in an era of understanding all kinds of material and physical realms of existence that can never be seen with the human brain, mind, and eyes unless very specific instruments are built to see these other unseen realms of atomic and quantum states of existence, for example.

2. Who is an atheist?

Is being an atheist limited to skin color, sex, being educated or not educated, or being rich or being poor, age, or even being politically, correct? No, because there are all kinds of atheists all around the globe even if they do not state out loud that they consider themselves an atheist.

Is being an atheist limited to one nation or country or even to one language? No, because in every nation and country on the globe, there are probably more atheists who don’t even use the word atheist in their daily and religious lives.

In general, I would bet that most people or human beings are atheists in their hearts, souls, and minds. I am guessing, but it is probably true. Even the people who might state-out-loud that there just has to be a God probably doubt their own words.

I would also bet that most people don’t even care if there is a God, Spirit or not. They just don’t care. They are too busy living their human lives to care enough to even think about God, Spirit in any way whatsoever.

They are too busy running around every day of the week living their human and mortal lives. People all over the globe have to live in the situation they were born into which in all likelihood did not include God as a main attraction for their minds and lives. But one thing could be certain, atheists do not go to church regularly at all. They would rather be watching a sports game or porn or the news or the stock market, etc.

Most people are worried about having sex, making money, having fun in the sun, or they just enjoy their time on planet Earth being whoever they want to be in the human realm of existence: like being a salesman, or a Hollywood movie star, or being a very thin model, or being a race car driver, or being a sports star, or being a stupid uneducated cop, or being even stupid criminal, or being homeless person, or being a father and a mother to their children. Etc. etc. etc. After all, there is only so much time in the day, week, month, year, or even a lifetime to consider everything important for a person’s soul and consciousness.

Come on. It is true. Right? Every one of the readers of these essays don’t care about what God is even if they go to church every Sunday because it is easy to think that Jesus was God in the flesh.

So therefore, that is the easiest way to believe in a God because someone told them, or they read in a book somewhere that Jesus was God in the flesh even if they do not know and understand what the writers of those words were trying to convey to the readers of their time.

You must understand my dear readers, that whenever I think about the word God or words related to that undefined word God, I think of something or an entity that is not human or material at all. But an entity that is completely separated from all earthly, human existence, from a cosmic universe of space and time.

That sense of a God, Spirit that is completely unattached to the realm of existence that human beings live in, but which can be translated down to the human brain and mind seems to be a better concept of God, Spirit from a metaphysical and spiritual standpoint of thinking about God as an entity even for an atheist.

3. Where do the atheists live?

Do atheists live in only one nation or culture, or do they live in every nation and in every culture? Do atheists live in a house, an apartment, on a boat, or in a tent, or do they simply walk around naked in the forests looking and gathering food like the cave people?

It can be safely stated that the people who consider or don’t consider themselves to be atheists live everywhere on the globe. It would be a safe bet because most people consider themselves to be only biological creatures who after a very long historical biological and mental development are now human beings.

If every human being who ever lived and who will live into the future considered God to be Spirit and not a material entity, then they would start to consider themselves to be spiritual entities too on a higher realm of spiritual existence than the one-dimensional realm of biological existence.

But that can only be accomplished by possessing a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, or more to the point, possessing a multi-layer state of being and spiritual consciousness.

Because some people have been trained to think in a global and international state of human consciousness, they think differently about international and global events than people who have not been trained to think in a global and international state of human consciousness.

There is a difference between intelligence and ignorance about global and international affairs and events just as there is a huge difference between people who consider God to be a material being versus the people who consider God to be a spiritual Being.

Even if you have not been trained to think globally and internationally, if you thought hard enough you would conclude that most of the people in the world are indeed atheists even if they don’t state it one way or another.

They are so far removed from even thinking about not being an atheist or an unbeliever in a God, Spirit that they don’t even consider themselves to be anything other than what they are as human beings, but not as a spiritual consciousness.

Of course, in many nations and countries around the globe, there are a lot of Christians who believe that Jesus was and still is God in the flesh and he came down from heaven to save people’s souls from their earthly sins, their sexual sins, money sins, their mental sins, every sin possible except the most important sin which is considering God a material form, entity, being etc. instead of being a pure realm of spiritual consciousness as a self-spiritual consciousness within its own divine mental state of Mind or divine intelligence.

All over the globe, whether in America, Russia, China, Africa, Canada, Japan, etc., There are probably Christians who believe that Jesus is God in the flesh and that is the only human concept of God that they will ever believe in because it is so easy, along with being mentally lazy too, even if Jesus stated that he was not God.

But on the other side of the coin, there are probably even more people in all of those nations and countries who do not believe that Jesus was God in the flesh, but they also don’t believe that there is a God in any way shape, or form.

When thinking about God in any way shape or form, a different way of thinking must be used instead of normal everyday thinking about human existence. That is where the terms metaphysical and spiritual ideas come into the human consciousness to help people along their personal path to spiritual self-awareness.

The place where atheists probably do not live would be in a monastery. Although there are probably unthinking atheists who live in a monastery too depending on the monastery.

“Which religion goes to monasteries? Monasteries have been a part of many religions, including Buddhism, Daoism, Judaism, and Christianity. Lao Zi created a personal monastery by living in isolation. The first monastic devotees were hermits, which means that they were individual religious followers who lived in total isolation from all other people.” (Taken off the web.)

Normal people who do not live in a monastery live in and for the world. They do not live for inner self-contemplation, spiritual reflection, or for a higher state of spiritual consciousness.

On the flip side of the issue, maybe that is the reason why Catholics and Christians go to a church once a week, to pretend to be in the presence of God so that they can obtain a personal moment of inner-self contemplation, spiritual reflection, or simply to escape their personal crazy world they live in.

4. How do atheists live? Do atheists live by behaving good, bad, or even evil? In all likelihood, most atheists whether they admit to themselves or not, are probably good, hardworking, and normal people who don’t care a damn about God, Spirit, or any other metaphysical, spiritual mental concept.

All over the globe, people of all skin colors, sexes, political beliefs, economic status, the different foods they like to eat, etc. are all atheists in their hearts, souls, and minds. Over 7-8 billion human beings who walk on planet Earth probably do not give a damn about metaphysical and spiritual thinking, worshiping spiritually, knowing, and understanding anything about God as in spiritual way. Why would they since many people in the world love working for money?

When atheists go to a church it is not because they want to be inside a church, but they were invited for a wedding event, or a death in the family which might make people think more about God, Spirit, the afterlife, and other metaphysical issues but it doesn't. The atheist simply leaves the church after the ceremony and returns to their atheist mental attitude towards not caring a damn about God, Spirit in any way whatsoever, nor the deep issues facing human life.

But it seems normal, especially in movies anyways, that the atheists who don’t care a damn about God, Spirit in any way whatsoever will sometimes enter a church or religious building to get down on their knees and pray either for forgiveness or for some personal wish of some sort.

After they are finished praying or asking or begging some invisible unknown mystical being for help in a human and earthly situation, they will walk out the doors and still forget to begin a new human life, to begin a new spiritual sense of worship as a human biological human being.

It could be assumed that in today’s modern-day world, people all over the globe are living the same if not at least almost the same way even though they are living in different nations with different politics, different world leaders, different rules and laws, different foods, different religions, and even different types of Christianity.

And they all don’t think about opening up their minds to a new state of spiritual consciousness that depends on a mental understanding of God, Spirit in its true spiritual state of existence, as a state of individual spiritual self-identity and consciousness. Some people simply love their human biological bodies at least for a season, but not forever as they get older.

People expect a change in their human lives without ever changing their mental attitude in any way whatsoever. How can people, especially any type of atheist, expect any type of change in their earthly and human lives if they do not desire to change their inner mental attitude from being a one-dimensional biological human body to a multi-dimensional realm of spiritual consciousness?

It is truly amazing how many different types of Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all over the globe, get down on their knees, bend their heads, and fold their hands and don’t even know anything about God, Spirit, but they love their human lives until their dying breath. Most of them do not care about their deaths except for some slight thought like, ‘One day I am going to die.’ Is that the way to think about your death?

But even within a monk type of monastery, monks usually live a very simple life with very simple clothing, eating very simple food, and making a whole bunch of moaning sounds to soothe their brain waves so they can ascend into a state of mental nothingness which makes no logical sense to me. But the point here is that even monks are not looking to achieve a God, Spirit-like spiritual consciousness.

Just because people live in monk type of monasteries, walking about in robes that turn into rags, eating simple boring food, moaning and singing their vocal sounds, that does not mean that they are searching for, finding, using, and being a spiritual state of consciousness and existence.

5. Are the atheists correct in believing that there is no God, in this case, Spirit?

Is it just me or what? Ever since I was a young boy, I could not help but fathom that if there is a God of some kind, this God would be like the God in the television series and movie Star Track where an intelligent God is a complete self-entity, an isolated entity or state of consciousness that was all-knowing, all-seeing, self-existence that had no beginning, middle, or end. And it was not a biological creature living on planet Earth or traveling throughout outer space.

Someone on board the spaceship had to think about finding this realm of God, or an entity in outer space to ask it a question. I don’t remember what the questions were, but in any case, most people on planet Earth probably never ask God, Spirit, or the Divine Infinite Intelligence any spiritual and metaphysical questions, which is a shame because maybe they would get an answer.

A few days ago, I walked down the street with my African Grey parrot. It was a beautiful afternoon when I turned my head to the right and there it was a yard sale. But not just any yard sale, but a big moving yard sale. I spotted it with little cash in my pocket, only enough for a book or two. As I approached the yard sale, I noticed a bookshelf with a bunch of books on its way in the back of the moving yard sale. As always, my rule of thumb is to always look at a bookshelf to discover good books for sale no matter where the bookshelf is located.

Of course, there was a heck of other items there waiting to be sold, but I did not care about anything else except the books. Before I could make my way to the bookshelf, I had to deal with the bookshelf owners, a male and a female in this case, married with a young daughter. That was ok by me.

They told me that they were moving as I slowly and sort of sneakingly walked through all of the other items that were never on my to buy list at this stage in my life.

Seriously, I could not believe all of the stuff they had to sell. They were homeschooling their daughter, so they had a lot of educational items for sale too. I wondered about that home-schooling program more than once in my life. There are pros and cons to homeschooling for many people I suppose.

Some of the pros would be that there is no traveling back and forth to school either by bus or car, along with the fact that the parents would feel that their son or daughter would be safer at home than in an American public school because America’s schools are not safe from psychopathic killers and murderers which is a sad state of affairs since so many people in America own guns and rifles.

It would only seem natural that every teacher in America, or at least most of them, would train to shoot and carry a gun to defend their students from violent killers with guns and rifles, there would be fewer and fewer mass school shootings and murders.

The cons might be that a home-schooled student would not have any interaction with other students in their age group which might hinder their social skills with other people.

On the other hand, not learning bad social skills would be a pro instead of a con because nowadays some teenagers seem to be so disrespectful with their teeny tiny punk brains that some of them should be in jail before they turn 18 years old. In a teenage jail, especially in CA. But not all of them because there are a lot of good kids waiting to become grownups.

A couple of weeks ago, four or five teenagers were walking on a sidewalk on the opposite sidewalk in front of my house. A male teenager shouted to me that ‘I see my penis in your mouth.’ I turned around and I responded, ‘What did you just say to me?’ He repeats the phrase, ‘I see my penis in your mouth.” A teenager stated that to a senior citizen. Can you believe it? A teenager who is 50 years younger than a senior citizen telling him, ‘I see my penis in your mouth.” What kind of parents are living in America and raising these types of kids

I yelled out to him, ‘Sexual pervert.’ He said to me, ‘What did you say?’ So, I said it louder. ‘Sexual pervert.’ He turns to the young female who is walking with him, and he says to her, ‘He just said I was a sexual pervert.’ I was guessing she was sucking his penis after she turned to me and mumbled something in a cock sucking language. I don’t think teenage girls and boys should be sucking on each other sex organs. They should be studying instead like they do in China.

Do my readers think that these teenagers are raised in a good home, Christian or not? Of course not. They are being raised by uneducated, low-life, white trash, pot-head parents are my guess. Of course, nobody in this teeny, tiny town cares if teenagers are sucking on each other's sexual organs, but it is happening around America and the world too, probably. It seems that there are parents who do not care about their children in any way whatsoever. What a shame.

They are not raised in a good home environment or even a Christian home which I will admit is better than nothing. Even if Christians believe in a lot of funny religious delusional notions about God and Jesus. It is amazing how being even a mentally delusional Christian is sometimes better than being a non-delusional Christian, from a human standpoint.

My point here is that in the teeny tiny town where I currently live, there are a lot of uneducated white trash, low-life pothead parents who do not care if their kids are smoking pot or having perverted sex with each other instead of going to church once a week even though I don’t go to a church once a week because I know the true meaning of the Bible compared to all of the priests and preachers in all of the churches in the world. But hey, I am not bragging or anything. Just stating facts.

And they surely do not care if their children are getting good grades or not. Some parents would rather have their kids smoking pot and having perverted sex with each other than getting good grades because that is what their parents were doing when they were in school.

I know that many of the readers do not like those types of words and that type of language but that is the truth. Many teenagers are smoking pot as they are having perverted teenage sex and they do not care about studying and getting good grades. In other words, many teenagers do not want to learn about anything important in this modern-day world of information, knowledge, brain, and mind development.

The above example of uneducated, low-life, white-trash teenagers and parents is only one example of the disrespectful teenagers in the teeny, tiny, out in nowhere town where I currently live. They are not only teenage atheists who lack any sense of sexual morals and ethics, but also of other mental qualities that are related to a mental concept of God, Spirit, and the human condition.

Well then, why wait for later? I am going to assume that the uneducated, low-life, white-trash teenagers and their parents, (along with other ethnic groups), along with a whole bunch of other people, like bully tyrant pig police at least where I live, also do not possess any sense of morals, or ethics regarding anything they do in their personal or professional lives. And that is just the America and the world that we currently live in at the moment.

Have you ever met and dealt with a cop who wanted to either arrest you for the fun of it, or just simply kill and murder you just because you, or I in this case, were always going to be smarter and more intelligent than he was ever going to be because his only dream was to carry a gun to pretend that he was a man, or in other words, a bully, or a tyrant in America?

In some other nations and countries, there are even fewer morals and ethics of any kind than in America, which makes the human condition worse with the lack of morals and ethics in America.

Another example is just to make my point on how bad it is in the teeny tiny town where I live. When I was dying of stage 4 CLL cancer and taking chemo-pills for it, a 17 or 18-year uneducated, low-life, white-trash violent gay punk named Bryan walked up to me on a sideway after I just had skin cancer surgery on my face which left a 3-inch scar on it.

This white trash punk walks up to me and he tells me that he was going to bitch slap me in my face when it was clear that he could see the 3-inch scar on my face that was still healing from surgery. My mind was focused on my fist as it was getting ready to hit his face so hard that he would never forget what it was like getting hit in his face by a person who knows how to hit someone in a self-defense situation. Lucky for him, I didn’t do it.

Do you think that this teenager was a Christian or did he believe in a God somehow? No, of course not. He is an uneducated, white-trash, low-life, gay violent punk atheist who doesn’t even know that he is an atheist, just like his parents are atheists. They don’t own a Bible and they will never own a Bible. They have no spiritual qualities or morals or ethics. They are human animals who walk on planet Earth like the slimy worm-like creatures they will always be until their death.

His parents are so like him that it is no wonder where he became a low-life, white-trash, violent gay punk with no respect. What does all that have to do with being an atheist you may be wondering if you have not figured it out for yourselves yet? In the small neighborhood where I live, so many people probably have never been in a church or even own a Bible in their house so their kids and teenagers can read it for themselves to begin a moral, ethical, and spiritual life until their human deaths.

If you have not figured it out yet from my previous essays, I am not a church goer and I am not a member of any religious organization, but when I was a teenager and a young adult, I would never have talked to anyone the way teenagers talk to me and other people in the teeny, tiny town I currently live in. What is the local school system doing to these kids to make them not only atheists in general but low-life, white-trash, sexually perverted at such a young age?

It could be that one of the answers to that question is if the teachers and the leaders within the school system are atheists in their own way, they are also going to allow the students to be punks in their way. If the teachers and leaders within a school system are living the life of an atheist who has no sexual morals or ethics, then the students will simply be trained to become sexual perverts with no sexual morals or ethics, generally speaking.

Back to the yard sale, if you don’t mind. So there I was, standing and talking to the mother and father who were home-schooling their very nice and sweet daughter who by now if you have not figured it out on your own, might be better off being home-schooled by what seemed to be two very nice and normal parents instead of being in a classroom with sexually perverted pot-head students and teachers, if that happens to be the case. The environment matters folks.

I looked at that bookshelf and I saw a boxed set of CD recordings of the whole Bible. Before I could open my mouth, the father said to me, ‘They are yours as a gift from me.’ I could not believe it, since I didn’t have too much cash in my wallet. It was like a sign that I was supposed to listen to the Bible CD recordings so I could remember all of the biblical words, phrases, and stories so I could remember them better than I do now.

The thing is that the father was a born again Christian who believed in the literal words of the Bible, unlike the people in the above mentioned examples of non-believers or non-Christians who happened to live all around this guy who was such a good talker about the Bible and what he thought was going to happen in the future according to what he thought the Bible states about the future.

He should be preaching, I think, or he just had too much coffee, which is what happens to me all the time. His wife told me that he drank too much coffee which is what I do sometimes before I start talking way too much for my own good. Now I know what I look and sound like after I drink too much coffee.

At the beginning of the discussion, as I am now holding onto the CD box of biblical CDs, he asks me, “What do I think of atheists?”

I responded with the words, “I don’t think anything about atheists.”

He replies with, “Why not?”

I say to him, “Because I don’t care what atheists think about anything. I know too much. I don’t preach to anyone, and I don’t argue with anyone about the Bible. It is not worth it.” I smiled at him with a grin.

He looked away from me while his wife was probably waiting for me to buy something from the yard sale. I did look around, carefully.

I saw an 18-inch plumbing wrench that was probably too big for anything I would need, but that was ok because I could always use it as a weapon, but hopefully not, as in never. It was too heavy to swing anyway.

I asked the wife what she thought about her literal-believing Bible-believing husband. Her response to one sentence was not a very good response about the whole Bible and Christian religion thing in her opinion.

I looked at the Bible-believing husband and the non-Bible-believing wife. I only wondered how they got along in that household. It was not my business anyway, but I still wondered for a second or two. It would make for a good TV sitcom.

In any case, I looked at the young daughter who is a real sweat-heart. I looked again at all of the educational material that was part of the moving yard sale. I looked at the girl again. I wondered who was better off as a student, the home-schooled girl, or the girls in the Wild West classrooms of the local school system anywhere in America.

One thing can be guaranteed about the home-schooled girl. She was not going to learn about cock sucking, smoking pot and taking other drugs, and being a mouthy disrespectful, rude teenager that the local school kids are in the teeny, tiny, town out in nowhere land I live in.

Atheists. Or a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

Some people say with their words. If asked the question, some atheists will simply state out loud in a manner of yelling that they don’t believe in any God, in any way whatsoever. They will not believe that Jesus is God, nor will they believe that there is a Spirit, God.

They don’t care to know so it can be assumed that they will never know if a God of any kind exists because they have closed minds to the point that no matter what anyone tells them, they will not listen to any physical or mental concept called God.

Is that a major or minor problem for the human species? Since there are all sorts of people in the world, being an atheist doesn’t make them an evil person in my opinion, but it doesn’t make them a good and holy person either. In a way, they probably could go both ways depending on their moment-by-moment situation.

What happens if a person calls themselves an atheist, but he or she has a set of morals and ethics of human behavior and living, to live by as a human being? Isn’t that better than self-proclaimed Christians who have no morals and ethics to live by as a human being? Is it not better to live with a code of morals and ethics than to live without a code of conduct, morals, and ethics?

Much of the Bible is filled with different rules and commandments and other points for spiritual growth, advice, and for living a moral and ethical human life. Jesus stated many times in various ways to simply follow the Bible’s commandments in human life.

Of course, modern-day human beings live a much more complex life than the people who did over 2000 years ago, or even 400 years ago. What about the morals and ethics of AL in the future years for future generations?

But God or no God, in human societies all around the world there are countless rules and human laws that people have to follow every day of the week, or a person could be put in jail or prison if they disobey a human law, especially a violent human law like rape or murder. But people commit rape and murder every day it seems by all the news accounts.

So, unlike the normal biblical commandments, there are other human laws that people have to follow whether they believe in a God or not. That means, in the human realm of existence, following a human law is not the same as understanding a spiritual law because there is a difference between following and obeying human laws and understanding spiritual laws that are derived from God, Spirit.

I was sitting on a park bench a long time ago drawing the park, a lake, and the mountain in the distance. Two Muslims walked up to me, and they started talking to me which was ok. My eyes needed a break anyway. The conversation turned sort of ugly at the end with their faces turning dark red with their hands turning into fists so I had to warn them to not to try anything stupid because they would not have been a problem for me. I was ready to throw them into the lake.

They told me that they followed the Koran or the Quran. I told them, ‘So what?’ They asked me how they were supposed to make decisions if nobody told them how to make decisions. They followed the advice in the book, the Koran or the Quran. I could not believe what I was hearing.

I told them that there are thousands of law books in thousands of law libraries in thousands of law universities in America and around the globe. Yet, nobody needs a religious book like the Bible, or the Koran or Quran to make correct, moral, and ethical decisions because there are so many laws in today’s modern-day world that have nothing to do with any religious book like the Bible, the Koran or the Quran that it makes no difference if they follow the strict laws of the Koran or not.

They were getting madder by the second. I have seen other people’s faces turn different shades of red, so it was fun watching their faces turn red. I could not believe how dark red their faces were becoming. It was remarkable. When I saw them make their fists tighter, I told them again to not even think about it because there were only two of them.

So, I said to them, ‘Look. If a person reads the Bible but is a bad person, what good does the Bible do for them? But if a person never reads the Bible but is a good person, who is better? The bad person who reads the Bible? Or the good person who never reads the Bible? I then continued with the same concept that applies to the Koran or Quran. They look at each other speechless.

Then, because I was on a roll, I asked them, ‘If you kill innocent people in the name of God, are you good or evil?’ Plus, by that question, I was standing up on my two feet ready to fight the two morons. I didn’t and don’t want to fight anyone because fighting is not only illegal, but it is really a stupid thing to do, unless you are making lots and lots of money. But still, I was already fighting them with my words so that was good enough.

I was ready to take care of the business of self-defense against two people which I had not done in a long time. But I felt like I was going to fight for my own morals, ethics, and more importantly, not only my opinion but the truthfulness of my questions to them.

Plus, I knew the park rangers and the police in town which is always helpful in this kind of situation.

It should appear obvious that people can state that they are atheists by the way they live, with their lifestyle, how their children behave, how they talk and act, what their values are like the people mentioned above, and how they treat other people in general. I once met a middle-aged man who had a wife and daughter.

This guy had the manners of a real gentleman. I don’t know if he was a Christian or not, but he was nicer than most of the Christians I have ever met in my life. He might have been more of a Christian than a lot of so-called Christians, in my opinion.

Whereas other people can repeat a so-called religious book’s words and they will still kill another human being in the name of God. That is a form of being an atheist in my opinion. To be a murderous evil evil-minded human being does not make a human being God-like.

Just because a person repeats religious words does not make them a believer in God, or Spirit, eternal Life, Truth, Love. In this type of case, an atheist can be a person who states religious words or not repeating religious words. Maybe that is the worst kind of atheist. The person who states religious words but who is a very bad or evil human being.

A lot of people say things with their words while other people say things by their actions. Even an atheist can live a good life even if he or she does not read the Bible or understand anything about God, Jesus, metaphysics, etc. But that kind of atheist would be a better person or human being if they started to understand the true spiritual realm of existence before they die.

Other people will never state that they are atheists because they simply don’t care one way or another way if there is a God or a god or no god. They simply have never thought about God in any way whatsoever, until something happens in their lives that might force them to think about the meanings of life, dying, and death, to wake them up out of their mental lazy dream world. Therefore, does living a good human life, or a bad human life, have anything at all to do with believing in a God or being an atheist?

How about those people who state that they believe that there might be a God somewhere, somehow, but have no idea what it might be, nor do they care what it is in any way whatsoever? Aren’t they like the atheists who will openly state that they don’t believe that there is a God that exists in any way whatsoever and that they don’t care or want to know what it is even if a God does exist?

Probably for a very long time during human history, there have always been people who believed in some sort of God even if it was a humanly mentally delusional concept of a God that was not even close to being a real spiritual God in terms of what Jesus and others have stated God is as Spirit.

There are between 7-8 billion people living on planet Earth and most of them have never thought about what God as Spirit is, and they don’t care about it at all. They don’t care. But they should care about it because possessing a correct mental concept of a true spiritual God is part of the solution for the human species. In one huge sense, most of the human species are atheists because they do not have a correct mental concept of a spiritual God, Spirit.

Are Christians atheists in their own way? It could be logically deduced that if Christians do not have a correct mental spiritual concept of God as a spiritual entity, and they do not understand nor want to understand God, Spirit as a spiritual entity and realm of existence, then even the Christians are atheists in their own way. Jesus stated that God is Spirit. How many Christians ignore that one single sentence in the whole Bible? All of them, probably.

Long ago, in many different ways, people all around the world have experienced supernatural experiences in different forms, but which could have been explained by some people today who experienced their own supernatural experiences. How could one explain their supernatural experiences with a one-dimensional limited brain, mind, and consciousness?

The atheist’s brain and mind are stuck being a one-dimensional realm of existence, a purely biological, material, and physical state of existence, even if that brain and mind are humanly educated in human topics and subjects.

I have known a lot of highly educated people who have never once stated that they believe in a God, or Spirit whatsoever nor will they ever do it because they can’t do it. The God, Spirit concept will never cross their human brains and minds. They are atheists in their way because they are stuck being biological human beings.

They will never state to anyone that they are atheists because they can’t even think that far into the realm of religious thought. How many human beings do you know, like yourself who will live their whole life without one thought about God, Spirit? Your human brains and minds will not even make it to that point of using the word atheists. That is how far away their human brains and minds are from thinking about any type of God whatsoever.

And I bet that there are a lot of people reading my essays who can’t believe that I am even writing about the Bible, God, Jesus, etc. just because I haven’t talked about these topics with anyone nor do I care to talk to anyone about them because I know that the one-dimensional hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness can’t even begin to mentally grasp a realm called God, as Spirit, or a spiritual state of consciousness because the whole terminology is so far out there that most people don’t know what it means.

Isn’t that the main problem when it is applied to the topic or the word God? The word God does not mean anything until it is defined as a mental concept, and not as a thing or a person because God is not a thing or a person.

If religious people, Christians, Bible readers, and atheists alike started to read and understand the definition of God as is stated as “incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love.’ pg. 465 in the book ‘Science and Health. By Mary Baker Eddy, then even the true hard cold atheists could begin to understand a higher mental concept of God than all of the make-believe mental humanly made concepts of God throughout all of human history.

Also, I assume that all so-called atheists will never pick up a Bible and read it for the fun of it which is just sad even on a low level of reading. Whereas Christians or people who have been born into a Christian family will read it simply to find out what the Bible is stating even if they will never read it again, or study it seriously like some people do.

The biggest problem for atheists is that nobody can prove to them that there is a God, from a humanly materialistic and physical realm of existence in today’s era of the material and physical sciences that explains more about earthly life, cosmic life, biological life, etc. than the Bible could ever do since the first pages were written over 2000 years ago.

The modern-day physical and materialistic sciences have created a human species that will never believe in, depend on, worship, know, and understand a spiritual realm of existence called God, Spirit. Therefore, the materialistic and physical sciences have created an atheistic human species from the get-go or from the beginning of the physical and materialistic sciences on the human plane of existence.

How many people who consider themselves atheists as such or out loud of their own free will ever study the Bible just for the fun of it? I don’t know the answer to that question. But they should try to do it just for the fun of it.

There are all sorts of people who read, study, research, ponder, and even enjoy reading the Bible yet they still don’t think that there is a God as a spiritual realm of existence of any kind nor will they even consider a God, Spirit of any kind, especially in the modern-day world with of all the material and physical sciences.

Most if not all people will consider the material and physical sciences to the God of this world at this moment in human history. It is really that simple.

That being the case, even the most outspoken atheists will admit that they would rather believe in the material and physical sciences than a Jesus God or a mystical God, or a Spirit God. If you are all honest with yourselves, you have no idea what God is at all or if there is a God at all in any way shape or form. You simply do not know, do you?

Could a non-Christian believer be considered to be an atheist from the standpoint of the Christian believer?

Could the Christian believer be considered to be an atheist if they believe in a wrong mental concept of God?

Could both of them be wrong? Could both the atheist and the Christian believer both be wrong as to what they think God isn’t or is?

What is the current and future answer and solution for the non-believing atheist who does not believe in any God and the believer Christian who believes wrongly about the God of the Bible?

The answer would be a true, scientific, metaphysical, spiritual science of the Bible that anyone can understand, know, and prove in their own human lives and in the collective lives of the human species.

That would bring in the new spiritual millennium or 7000th year period for the human species for the current and future survival of the human species which the Bible speaks of if you know what the true spiritual and metaphysics symbolism means.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!