This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Essay 24 - The Agnostics. Can the Human Brain and Eyes See God - the Divine Infinite Spirit? Atheism vs Agnosticism: What's the Difference? By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. June 13, 2024.

Essay 24 - The Agnostics. Can the Human Brain and Eyes See God - the Divine Infinite Spirit?

Atheism vs Agnosticism: What's the Difference?

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

June 13, 2024.

“They have eyes, but they refuse to see. If their minds were not closed, they might see with their eyes; they might hear with their ears; they might understand with their minds. Then they might turn back to me and be healed.” (Matthew 13-14.)

“The English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley coined the word agnostic in 1869 and said that he originally invented the word "Agnostic" "to denote people who, like [himself], confess themselves to be hopelessly ignorant concerning a variety of matters [including of course the matter of God's existence], about which metaphysicians and theologians, both orthodox and heterodox, dogmatize with the utmost confidence." (Wikipedia)

“Can agnostics believe in God?

Atheism vs Agnosticism: What's the Difference?

Atheism is the doctrine or belief that there is no god.

“Agnosticism is the view or belief that the existence of God, the divine, or the supernatural is either unknowable in principle or currently unknown in fact. It can also mean apathy towards such religious beliefs and refer to personal limitations rather than a worldview. (Wikipedia.)

Atheism is the doctrine or belief that there is no god whatsoever.

How many human beings walk on planet Earth their whole lives thinking to themselves that there is no God, for lots of reasons? For example, how can there be a God that allows human suffering, war, hunger, and the imbalances of economic conditions? Etc.?

The answers to those problems and issues are located in the ‘people world’ and not in the God, Spirit universe. It is only in the 'people-world' that people expect God, Spirit, to do something for them when they do not want to do anything for God, Spirit.

It might be asked, what can people do for God, Spirit? The answer would be to be open-minded enough to think about new metaphysical and spiritual concepts that are completely immaterial, not physical.

It truly amazes me how people who are mainly one-dimensional biological creatures, who are walking on a rock that is swirling around a huge ball of nuclear energy expect a spiritual God to become engulfed into all of the human affairs that are swirling around the globe.

But more importantly, people live very short human lives and yet they do not think one thought about the important issues of being a human being because they are so busy working, dealing with family issues, making money, having fun, enjoying life to the fullest until they can’t walk on planet Earth or the rock that is swirling around the sun.

In reality, people are both atheists and agnostics simultaneously because not only do they not think that there is a God, Spirit to be understood and known, but they think that if there was or is a God, Spirit to be understood and known, then it can’t be understood or known (by the human brain and mind) but they would not care to understand and to know this God, Spirit or spiritual existence and consciousness.

And yet, how many people walk on planet Earth begging, swearing at, crying to, praying for this, that, or the other things, etc. to a God, Spirit that is not human, material, or physical in any way whatsoever?

They look out through their human eyes, and they expect to see a God, Spirit, somewhere out there, either in the air, or outside the air, or somewhere far away, but never free from the human mind’s conception of space and time, atoms and quarks, gravity and dark matter and energy.

In one big way of looking at it, people look out with their human brain and eyes and all they see is their teeny, tiny human life as they deal with their human life the best they can without seeing the really big picture of what each human brain and mind is supposed to do before it leaves planet Earth.

But it is a trap, isn’t it? Once human beings are born into the world, no matter if they are born an American with all of its unique states and lifestyles, or born Chinese with its very long history, or born in Africa with all of its animals, or born in the coldest or hottest climates in the world, every human people believes that specific reality is the only reality that exists, sometimes even on planet Earth.

Sure, people will know that there are many other different nations, cultures, lifestyles, etc. that exist out there in the world, but they don’t care because they are living the lifestyle they were born into so that is the only reality that they think exists, or that they pretend exists.

Ever since I was born, in a big city, then moved to smaller cities, to the teeny, tiny town I currently live in, there have always been those people who have lived in their boxed town, both physically and mentally, in their own teeny, tiny, earthly and human bubble that they never wanted popped.

But sometimes people have that bubble popped when they have to move to a completely new town with different types of people which forces their minds to change their mental perspective on life on planet Earth.

I visited China twice in my life, each visit being about a month. I had already traveled throughout America, so I had already experienced many of America's different people, cities, and lifestyles in America. When I visited the state of Louisiana for example, I visited a bar with a huge alligator that was hung from wires or ropes above the bar.

I said something about it to myself. Something to the effect, ‘Wow. Well, that is something different.’ as I stared at the long alligator. A local young man smiled at me. I smiled back at him. I realized that he knew that I wasn’t from around those parts of the country, and I knew that he had never visited New York City either.

We were both Americans. But we were both completely different people, where we were born, and raised, and where we might die. One of the differences is that he ate alligators regularly. Whereas I only ate alligator once at that bar.

When I visited China, I felt the trap that those people were born into, what they ate, how they lived, how they might die, and even how they worshiped, which in a way was not a whole lot different than how other people worship in a Catholic church with their candles. It seems people all over the world are really big on using a flamed match head to light a candle.

My point here is that people all over the world are trapped into believing that their sense of reality is the only reality that they will ever experience with their eyes, brain, and mind simply because it is what their human brain, mind, and eyes see at their reality.

When I took my first steps off the airplane on my first visit to China, after I walked through the passport station, I stepped on the sidewalk, and I turned my head to the left and to the right. I immediately realized that I was in a different world, a different culture, a different people universe that is completely different than my world in America.

In other words, it was almost a completely different state of human consciousness. Those people were living in a different world state of human consciousness.

I was an American consciousness entering into the Chinese consciousness. Literally. I had been living in my American mentality and now I was entering into the Chinese mentality. I could feel it. I was well aware of the differences between where I had been living for the past forty decades and where I was standing now.

Two different states of human consciousness living on planet Earth, separated by oceans of water.

Isn’t it the same with the modern-day age compared to the age of Jesus? If modern-day Christians ever traveled back into the time of Jesus or even further back in time, would they not see and feel the differences between the modern-day consciousness and the old consciousness within the land and time of Jesus?

It would be different, completely different between the time period and culture of the time of Jesus and the time period and culture of the modern-day age. And yet, modern-day Christians try to possess the same religious consciousness of a time and land that existed over 2000 years ago.

If modern-day Christians decided to up the ante within their consciousness, they would realize that even though modern-day Christians try to believe that they try to copy the life and consciousness of Jesus, which is good in many ways, Jesus was living in a completely different time and land.

Just like the Chinese were living in a different time-period and land when I visited China decades ago. Even today, some Chinese, the young, live in the modern-day world while some of their parents and grandparents still live in the past to some extent.

Truthfully, Jesus had a different state of consciousness on a human plane and on a spiritual plane too. That being stated, the modern-day consciousness is the same, but yet different from the time and land of Jesus in some areas of the world anyway. In other places of the world, some things have never changed from the time and land of Jesus, which can be seen by the way some people live and behave from that time and land long ago.

But if people all over the globe only have a sense of their own reality as in the only reality because it is based on what their individual brains and eyes see, then when the question or topic of God, Spirit, evil, consciousness, death, the afterlife, etc. enters their minds, if it even enters their minds at all, people all over the globe are totally at lost to look for, to find, to use, and to become anything within their human consciousness because they are still living on a one-dimensional state of biological consciousness.

But it is a trap of the limited human brain and eyes to think that there could not be a God, or Spirit in any way whatsoever just because human beings are living within the material realm of what their human brains and eyes see as the seemingly only reality.

And yet, from God's Spirit's standpoint, it ‘sees and ‘knows’ nothing about each human mortal life as a biological creature on higher levels of existence and consciousness even if people want God, Spirit to see everything that happens within each human life.

The truth is that if God, Spirit ‘sees’ and ‘knows’ each human being, it does not ‘see’ and ‘know’ them as individual biological creatures, but as individual spiritual states of spiritual consciousness, already spiritual and perfect as a state of spiritual consciousness.

If the really big picture of each human being is to mentally grasp a new state of scientifically spiritual consciousness that is not biological, then people are missing out on the grand purpose of each person to let go of the one-dimensional biological state of consciousness to begin to mentally grasp a new state of individual spiritual consciousness.

How many Christians pray to their false sense of God, especially to Jesus because they think he is God, and they get no answer, response, or even a glimmer of a sign that things will be better for them in their lives, marriage, sex lives, finance lives, children's lives, etc.?

If they pray to a person Jesus who lived over 2000 years ago, but he never answers their prayers because they are mentally delusional for thinking that he was God in the flesh, then it is about time for those religious human beings to start to understand and know something about the spiritual realm of God, Spirit, instead of what their human brain and eyes tell them what is reality.

‘Agnosticism is the view or belief that the existence of God, the divine, or the supernatural is either unknowable in principle or currently unknown in fact. Also, agnostics assert that it is impossible to know how the current cosmic universe was created and whether or not diving beings exist.’ (Taken off the web.)

The common denominator with both the concepts of atheism and agnosticism is that the human brain and mind of human beings live, think, believe, and try mentally to conceptualize a spiritual realm of existence and consciousness with a one-dimensional level of the biological state of consciousness.

How is that even possible? If people are looking out from their human brain and eyes and they want to see God, Spirit, it is never going to happen, unless they view all life on planet Earth as a living miracle, which is not a hard thing to do considering the probability of life existing anywhere in this cosmic universe a very rare and special event.

I think life on planet Earth was much better without human beings on it, excluding natural disasters which happen on planet Earth all of the time anyway in whatever way natural disasters happen.

What that means is that without a multi-dimensional state of consciousness and understanding about God and higher levels of existence and consciousness, a normal human being is more than likely mentally dead to both God and higher levels of existence and consciousness, as in mentally and spiritually dead.

The words God, divine beings, angels, higher levels of existence and consciousness, along with a realm termed the afterlife can never be seen with the simple hardwired human brain and the very normal, limited soft-wired human consciousness or state of awareness of those different non-human entities, nor with the human eyeballs.

I think it makes complete sense to realize that words and immaterial mental concepts like God, divine beings, angels, higher levels of existence, and states of consciousness are used to refer to non-human beings.

Then a normal human being is not going to be able to see them in the human realm of existence, nor as mental states of existence and consciousness because the human brain is trapped into seeing what it believes to be the only absolute reality when the truth is that what the human brain and eyes see is only one state of reality among many different states of reality.

I don’t know how stupid human beings can be when thinking about or not thinking about the metaphysical and spiritual concepts of God, evil, Jesus, angels, etc.

I mean it is one thing to know that you don’t know about something or anything for most human topics. But to think that something like an entity like God, (Spirit) angels, or the afterlife doesn’t exist just because you don’t and cannot see them with your human eyeballs is just an outrageous assumption and a trap too because of the limited and wrong way of seeing and thinking.

Are human beings so stupid that they think that the only realm of existence is the realm of existence that they can see with their human brain and eyes?

I don’t get it. I don’t understand it. Seriously! Some human beings walk around blind to the realities of other realms of existence, including the realm of God, Spirit. But why?

Are they stupid? Are they mentally stupid and blind? I don’t mean stupid in the sense of the human realm of existence. In the human realm of existence, there are a lot of very smart, educated, and intelligent human beings.

There are also a lot of really stupid, uneducated, and unintelligent human beings.

Ok. That being stated, I am referring to the other realms of existence that people; educated, smart, intelligent, or uneducated, stupid, unintelligent can’t see with their human brain and eyes.

Come on! Really? I just don’t get it in the modern-day world of knowledge, information, and intelligence regarding all of the different realms of life on planet Earth that human beings, meaning the human brain and mind, can’t see with the human eyeballs.

If the human brain and eyes can’t see a whole bunch of stuff that is happening right before its very eyes. For example, can the human brain and eyes see the process of photosynthesis?

“Photosynthesis. noun
the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.” (Taken off the web.)

“Photosynthesis is a system of biological processes by which photosynthetic organisms, such as most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, convert light energy, typically from sunlight, into the chemical energy necessary to fuel their activities.” (Wikipedia.)

There are between 7-8 billion human brains and sets of eyeballs on planet Earth and not one of them can see the process of photosynthesis without the help of scientific instruments and a lot of scientific understanding which happens within the human brain and mind as abstract understanding and knowing.

Should not God, and Spirit be scientifically understood and known too? Only on a different realm of existence and consciousness!

That is only one example out of thousands of different materialistic processes that are happening all around you that you can’t see with your human brain and pair of eyes without abstract scientific knowledge and understanding.

If you can’t see the complex process of photosynthesis, how are you going to see an abstract realm of processes that relate to a spiritual realm called God, and Spirit, with your human brain and pair of eyeballs? You can’t see the spiritual realm of God, Spirit with your human brain and eyes, yet some atheists don’t believe there is a God because they can not see it with their human brain and eyes.

Some agnostics assert that it's impossible to know how the universe was created and whether or not divine beings exist. But physical scientists are trying their best to understand and know how the cosmic universe was created and how it operates.

But how can any human being assert or not assert how the cosmic universe, divine beings, or God exists simply by looking out from the human brain through the biological set of eyeballs to find answers to realms of existence that can’t be seen with the human brain and eyes without the help of scientific instruments?

It can’t be done. So how is anyone going to ‘see’ God, Spirit, angels or the afterlife, etc. if their human brain and eyes are so limited that they can’t even see all of the complex processes on Earth including how the weather operates without knowledge and information about the weather?

Another example is the atomic realms of existence. There is not one of those 7-8 billion brains and pairs of eyeballs that can see the atomic realm of existence without scientific instruments and scientific understanding.

Everywhere you see, everything you touch, everything you see, feel, eat, smell, etc. including the guns, rifles, and nuclear bombs made up of material elements that you can’t see with your human brain and pair of eyeballs. Therefore, how is anyone going to see God, and Spirit with their human brain and eyes?

It is not logical and rational at all. Even in an earthly and human realm of existence, nothing was is understood until the modern-day mental realm of the material and physical sciences started their movement only a very short time ago in the stage of human history and knowledge.

On a human and earthly level of existence, everything was guesswork in one way or another way until the age of the material and physical sciences started their ‘magic work’ of mentally understanding the material elements, laws, and structures of everything they could see with the human eyes.

But more importantly, they started to investigate. They started to do research. They started to discover. They started to understand. They started to know. They started to find the answers to very long-time questions like what the sun is, what is the moon, what is a light wave, etc. including how all the different biological processes operate in the human biological body and brain.

It is very easy for atheists and agnostics to state that they don’t believe in a God or a god. It is very easy for people to state that they don’t believe in angels or other creatures from other dimensions of existence that could be living right next to the human species in a completely different realm of existence or universe.

Another example of how the human brain and mind cannot see everything in the material and physical world is that of light waves. For billions of years, countless different creatures have seen the light from the sun, reflected off the moon, and the stars and they have never understood what all of that light is, and maybe more importantly, they never asked the question, ‘What is light?’

Only until the modern-day species, meaning the human mind, began to ask the question, ‘What is light?’ did the human species begin to understand what light on a scientific level was instead of living in mental ignorance.

That should be the same as how people understand God, the Spirit. Nobody can see and understand God, Spirit with their brain and eyes, just like they cannot see and understand light waves as scientists understand light waves with their brain and eyes without scientific instruments.

The human brain can see light, but it can’t see separate light waves without the aid of a prism, a scientific instrument. Until the prism was used to divide up light waves into their separate different wavelengths, the human brain and biological body only could feel the heat from the light waves from the sun. Or in other ways, but not as lightwaves.

If the human brain can’t see light waves without a scientific instrument, how is the human brain going to see God, the infinite invisible light of infinite divine, spiritual intelligence?

It might be a funny thing you might think to yourselves that in this modern-day age of the scientific era, a completely new way to understand God, as in Spirit-God, not the Jesus-God misconception, is through a spiritual science which began with the book Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy, continued with the books titled, “The Science of the Bible.” by John W. Doorly, and was improved with the works by Max Kappeler, who I had the pleasure to shake his hands a few times at his summer seminars.

You may be asking yourselves what is a spiritual science and how can spiritual science be understood, known, and applied to the human realm of existence. But the questions could also be asked about what is quantum physics or the atomic realm of existence or even the biological realm of existence.

Any science is first a mental realm of searching, discovering, asking questions, and finding answers. Second, it takes mental work, time, and energy to understand anything that the human brain and eye cannot see as simply as it can see the birds, trees, the sky, the sun, the moon, and death.

It is really funny how the human brain and eye can fool mere mortals into believing in things that don’t exist and also hide from mere mortals the hidden realms of existence that do exist independently from the human eyes, brain, and mind.

The glass prism was first used by, “Isaac Newton's 1666 experiment of bending white light through a prism demonstrated that all the colors already existed in the light, with different color "corpuscles" fanning out and traveling with different speeds through the prism.” (Taken off the web.)

Just like there was a discovery of the different elements of light by using a prism, so too can a spiritual prism be used to understand the different metaphysical and spiritual elements by using the modern-day language to mentally understand and know God as seven basic terms.

These seven terms for God in the book, ‘Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.’ are the basis for all of the spiritual symbolism in the whole Bible and even in your life if you truly understand them in all of their fullness.

Now, before the Christians get all bent out of shape because they think Jesus was God, don’t you think that the human man and the writers of the Bible, or at least some of them, understood more about God, Spirit, and spiritual consciousness than you could ever imagine?

Do you think to yourself that the writers of the Bible believed that God created everything in only seven days when there were not even seven days, to begin with at the beginning of anything, including the cosmic universe and life on planet Earth?

Do the Christians think that God created all of the people on the Earth thousands of years ago in seven days or one day? That delusional religious mental concept is just plain ridiculous by any modern-day understanding of the cosmic universe up to life on earth and the human species. It is religious foolishness. Plain and simple.

Let all of us be clear about one thing. The modern-day human mind deals with knowledge, intelligence, information, logical and rational thought, and thinking. It does not deal with stupid religious beliefs, even if religious people want to believe in ridiculous religious beliefs because they do not want to think.

The prism which people can see and understand God, Spirit is through a divine, spiritual consciousness, not through a one-dimensional biological state of consciousness. If a one-dimensional state of biological existence and consciousness tries to understand and know anything about God as Spirit, it will never find it because they are two completely different realms of existence and consciousness.

Max Kappeler used the example of using the prism to divide up the elements of God. The diagram he used in one of his classes/lectures was a picture of a prism with seven lines pointed outwards like light beams can do if a light source is pointed towards the glass prism.

In short order, each line pointing out of the ‘God prism’ matches up with the definition on page 465 in the book ‘Science and Health.’ Simply put, instead of normal colors of red, blue, orange, yellow, etc. each line corresponds with the seven synonymous terms for God which are: Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love.

And just for the fun of it. I will show very quickly how those seven synonymous terms for God match up in the Bible. Never forget that 2 Peter 3:8 states, ‘That one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day.’

The Bible is a metaphysical and spiritual book. It is not a history book. Therefore, everything from the beginning of the chapter of Genesis 1:1 to the last sentence in the book of Revelation is metaphysical and spiritual symbols which are describing very high levels of metaphysical scientific spiritual states of consciousness or that consciousness which is being applied to the human realm of existence if understood correctly. God, Spirit, does come down to the material and human planes of existence.

Mind or the realm of divine intelligence and creation matches up with the first and second records of creation in the first chapter of Genesis, or the first thousand-year period of the Bible because the divine Mind or intelligence creates only ideas, not delusional mental religious conceptions.

Spirit or the idea of intelligent mental and metaphysical separation matches up with the Noah story in the Bible where Noah separates himself from the flood of mortal and delusional religious theories. There was no Noah or a water flood. It is a symbol of the separation between a spiritual consciousness from a material consciousness. The Noah story is part of the second thousand-year period of the Bible.

Soul matches up with the Moses story with the burning bush and the voice stating that God is the ‘I am that I am.’ in the third thousand-year period of the Bible. After a mental separation between mental mortal delusions, a spiritual consciousness begins to appear within the human realm of existence as a definite spiritual identity.

Principle matches up with the periods of the minor and major prophets or the fourth thousand-year period of the Bible. In that period, the prophets were always calling the people to return to the Lord instead of depending on people.

Life matches up with the Jesus stories of him overcoming death and ascending upward towards heaven which happens in the fifth thousand-year period of the Bible.

Truth matches up with her crowning book, ‘Science and Health’ by Mary Baker Eddy, which not only defines God as Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love, but also states very clearly that man is made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit. The spiritual man is not the biological human body, but a state of spiritual consciousness.

Man made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, is not a biological creature with a penis, skin, bones, blood, human brain, etc. Man made in the image and likeness of God is a spiritual state of consciousness reflecting God, Spirit, that is only conscious of itself as a self-contained entity that knows no human problems, conditions, sins, sickness, etc.

To top off that remark, God, Spirit, does not create a perverted man who wants to stick his hard penis into another man’s asshole. To think that some priests and preachers and people believe such a concept is just again, ridiculous. How can any type of sexual activity define someone as an image and likeness of God, Spirt, is just outrageous.

These details have to be pointed out because it is just so stupid and sexually sinful that religious people think that unnatural, unethical, and immoral sexual behavior is acceptable to God, the Spirit, and divine Intelligence behind Jesus's sayings.

Love matches up with the period that the human species is living in now, at the beginning of the seventh thousand-year period after the period of the book, ‘Science and Health.’ Love of course, even as it is described in the Bible is perfect. "Perfect Love casts out all fear.” And it seems like there is plenty of things to be fearful about in the world. That is for sure.

Let us be very clear about one thing. Whenever a person uses the term God, it has no meaning whatsoever. It is an empty concept unless someone is stating that Jesus is God in the flesh which makes no sense whatsoever because God can never be in the skin, bones, blood, sexual organs, etc. of a biological body. God, Spirit, can not be in anything, including the space-time cosmic universe.

But other than that, whether it is the Christians, the Muslims, the Jews, or whoever, the term God usually implies a mystical being somewhere up there above earth’s clouds, which might have made a little sense in the old primitive days when people did not know what was above the earth’s clouds and beyond the sun, moon, and stars.

But the human species is living in the modern-day world with more knowledge, understanding, information, and enlightenment about the cosmic universe than ever before in all of human history. So when the question or issue of God arises the human mind should really change its viewpoint on how it thinks and mentally sees and knows God, Spirit.

The question and issue of whether there is a God or Supreme Intelligent Designer who forced the Big Bang to happen up to the point of forcing all of the cosmic elements, processes, and operations to allow for life on planet Earth to happen at all is in the human minds of thinkers all around the globe.

In a very real sense of the word, material scientists ask more questions about God than religious Christians who never seem to think, ask questions, and do the research that is needed to get the job done or at least get to the bottom of the issue of God.

In the year 1910, Mary Baker Eddy’s book, ‘Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures.’ got to the bottom of the question of what is God, and also how it can be applied to the human realm of existence.

The problem is that when most people hear the words, Christian Science, they think to themselves that it is those people who don't go to doctors. That might be true of religious Christian Scientists, but not of people who study Christian Science as a spiritual science and not some dumb religion.

On page 465, she defines God in the modern-day language and symbols or words, that are "... Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love."

If people and Christians want to reject that spiritual definition of God, they should remember that the whole Bible uses those terms in many different ways.

Hum! How interesting that a single thinker and biblical researcher of the Bible could define God with very definite words, symbols, and meanings that match up with the Bible if a person knows the metaphysical and spiritual meanings behind the words in the above definition.

Paul stated:

Who knows the mind of God but the Spirit of God?

For what person knows the thoughts and motives of a man except the man's spirit within him? So also no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

1 Corinthians 2:11 Amplified Bible (AMP)

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!