This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

A Lady in a Red Dress: In My Younger Days of Earthly Existence. A Male and Female Meet in a Bookstore. A Pure Metaphysical and Spiritual Love Instead of Animal Lust. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr! January 13th, 2019.

A Lady in a Red Dress: In My Younger Days of Earthly Existence.
A Male and Female Meet in a Bookstore.
A Pure Metaphysical and Spiritual Love Instead of Animal Lust.
(Check Out the Movie Series Titled, ‘YOU.’ on Netflix.)
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
January 13th, 2019.
Everyone has memories, right, my dear readers. Some people have fantasies. Sometimes I have fantasies about some of my memories which still linger within my mind like the sight of the bright moon with the backdrop of a very dark and black sky. And so it was when I look down the aisle of the bookstore and I saw her staring at me, like I was the bright moon in the dark night sky. But too was the lady in the long red dress.
We both became statues for more time than was necessary but what the heck, we were standing in a bookstore and it was empty except for the two of us and of course the books about love and romance too. So many books about love and romance but they were not and still not my cup of tea. The books with love and romance are just to simple for my mind. You know two people meet, a male and female and all of the chemistry involved within the human brain and mind that has taken place for thousands of years throughout the course of human history. If it was only that easy!
A spark creating any mysterious connection that no one can explain, but it happens anyway , unexpectedly. But it happens as sure as a bright meteor that unexpectedly appears falling to earth but before it disappears forever, with all eyes beholding that falling glowing meteor with a sense of awe even though it is just a huge rock falling towards earth only to fire itself out into a state of nothingness. A sense of wonderment in the sky and a sense of wonderment in a bookstore.
Lingering, I waited for movement from either myself or from her. She moved first, walking slowly towards me between the very long bookshelves that helped guided her only to me, the male or man depending how you look at it, with a black sem-dress jacket and a tie and nice dress shoes too. She was wearing a long red dress which stood out from the dark carpet and dark wooden bookshelves and the different color book covers that were a semi-blur because who can actually see hundreds or thousands of book covers when a lady in a long red dress is walking towards you?
Now that I look back at the scene, my mind was racing a millions miles a nano-second about what was to become a moment locked within my mind’s memory storage area until the day that I leave planet earth. ‘Hum?’ I asked myself, very fast you know, within my mind. But there was no time to think. There was not enough time to think or plan out my actions because there was only enough time to be still and let my romantic soul do the job it was built for throughout my different life times of wandering throughout all of the different space and time dimensions that I feel I have traveled before landing my angelic job on planet earth. But who knows, maybe it is wishful thinking!
You must understand my dear readers that if there are different dimensions which exist beyond planet earth and human existence which contain other types of creatures called angels and/or other types of creatures, they must possess some of the human like mental qualities which exist within the minds of the human species, although hopefully not all of the bad and evil qualities which exist within the brains and minds of the human species, unless of course they are like robots that do not think or possess emotions. If otherworldly beings possess a romantic quality in some form then hopefully their romantic qualities would be higher and more intense than any romantic quality within the human species because a true romantic quality is not based on sexual lust.
There was no sexual lust at that exact moment between the man and woman because on a higher metaphysical and spiritual level, the romantic quality should be based on pure spiritual love instead of the lower animal instinct to have two biological bodies simply connect by a biological mental urge to perform the sex act which of course leads to all sorts of issues, problems, and outcomes, like being responsible for the new life form of newly created human babies.
So there was movement from the female creature walking towards me. She was a breathing and thinking creature who was eyeing me upside down and all around maybe because she liked a man who could read and who could dress in clothes that were nice, but who could also dress in other types of clothes when needed too. At that particular moment I had no idea what earthly topics she was interested in or what types of books she enjoyed to read as a higher intellectual human life form and maybe it did not matter. All that mattered was she was walking towards me in a bookstore after a longer than normal pause at staring at me.
It was a very slow and cautious walk towards me. More like an alley cat walking up to another alley cat when both alley cats are assessing the situation between two strangers among the same alley cat species. But in this instance it was not about fighting each other over alley cat territory, but about two different states of intellectual minds that were about to talk to each other about who knew what topic or even no topic at all. Maybe it was going to be small talk instead of long and drawn out conversations about God and human evil, or politics, or economics and how to become very rich, or about how to rise a baby in this crazy and dangerous world, or what the Bible truly means as a metaphysical book instead of a history book, etc, etc, etc.
Or course on one level all of that highly intellectual talking could be saved for a later time period after the flirtatious meeting between a male and a female. I had already known that there are differences between the male and female mind and so did other people like the writer of the book, “Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus.” a popular book written in 1992. Here is Amazon’s link just in case you are interested.
It has been a very long time since I have read the book ‘Men Are From Mars’ book so I do not remember anything about it. I now wonder if the lady who was walking towards me had read the book but I do not think so because I do not think that the book had been written yet. I know that a lot of men and women do not care about understanding the nature of the human male and female brain and mind and consciousness, but they really should care about the differences between the male and female brain because they are not really the same in many aspects.
First of all the main difference of course is that the female brain and mind is going to be delivering a baby out of the female body after carrying it for nine or so months. Then after that it is usually the female brain and mind that cares and tends for the baby in all of the various ways a true and normal mother should do even without an formal education. But the males also care for babies too.
When I was in the university studying International Economics, Finance, and Business, there was this case study in an economic journal which asked this question. ‘If a formal education was provided to either a male or father and a female or mother who had children in the plains of Africa, where there was no need for a formal education, then who should get the formal education, the father or the mother? The conclusion was that the mother should get the formal education because it was the female or the mother that would spend more time with the children which would mean that that mental qualities of that formal educated mother would be past down to her children’s mind the higher state of being an intellectual even in the plains of Africa.
The lady in the red dress was getting closer and I had not moved an inch towards here for various reasons. I can only compare to this very long walk to a fire fight with guns or some other dangerous activity when the human brain and mind does this very tricky thing of slowing down time and focusing on what is happening in that exact moment that nothing else exits except for that moment of time.
Of course some males and females only want to meet for a sexual quickie with very little or no talk, but probably not males and females in a book store. ( As a side remark for my dear readers, Netflix has this movie serious based on just that idea, a bookstore owner becomes obsessed with a pretty blond female, ( looking like the female in my bookstore ) and that move serious is titled, “YOU.” in various shades of red or the color of blood.) It is a movie that draws your mind away from your daily life so be careful how and when you watch the movie. That is my advice!
So why am I writing about a true metaphysical and spiritual relationship about love between a male and a female my dear readers may be wondering to themselves? It is because if you have not figured it out by now, sexual lust does not last forever in any male and female relationship for all sorts of reasons which you can figure out for yourselves if you have not figured it out already. But the main point for this essay is that sexual lust is not the same mental quality as a pure mental metaphysical and spiritual love which should exist between even a biological creatures who might be making new human beings together. Of course, having a higher humanly intellectual parents is good too, for the children.
So where did I leave off with my lady in the red dress in the bookstore that was walking towards me? Well I can not tell you everything because then I would have to write a book and nobody is paying me for this online essay nor for a book deal either. What I can tell you is that for some reason when her blue eyes were close enough to my eyes for my eyes to see her blue eyes and within the confines within her soul, that I was not surprised when she reached out her hand to me and touch my hand with her soft skin.
Her voice was like a soft wind blowing in my ear. And even though her red long dress covered her body so I could not see her body, I could only guess at that moment that the rest of her skin was as soft as the touch of her hand’s skin. And that is far as I am going to go with my skin touching her skin for my dear readers.
What I can explain to my dear readers is that when we were sitting in two separate chairs somewhere like in a bookstore, or in a coffee shop, or on an airplane, or on a boat, or well you get the picture, it was like we were meant to be for the time we shared together. It was almost like we had met in a different lifetime and we had known each other in some form in some different way and by some supernatural means we were connected again on planet earth. Or maybe it was simply the law that ‘Like Attracts Like.
I was actually talking to someone on the phone about a month ago about this very idea of seemingly feeling like you had known someone on planet earth before in a different lifetime or dimension. She women was a lawyer and a CPA and some other stuff so she was not a lady on drugs wishing a feeling about love. I told her that that concept could not be really be proven but maybe it was true for some human beings on earth, and not so true for other human beings on planet earth.
Maybe my dear readers have felt the same feelings too. That after all of the boring sex is long finished in a human relationship, and after the human biological body is no longer young but getting older and worn out, for some of you anyway, giggle to myself, (Exercise at an older age is really good for your older brain and body you know.) what is left is a sense of mutual understanding that you were not just some biological human creatures having sex but that you were more than biological creatures having sex.
That just maybe you were on the same path of life which meant rising above being a simple minded sexual creature to becoming a higher creature even on planet earth, with metaphysical and spiritual and intellectual mental qualities so that when you travel from this life to the next life, in the afterlife, you know after you die from this planet earth, you will again meet up with higher creatures in different dimensions who you may or may not have known before you died a million deaths and lived a million lifetimes. If that is how it happens?
And for those readers who may laugh at this free online essay, you are the ones missing out on so many rare mental qualities that you should stop laughing and get with the higher programs of becoming a spiritual, metaphysical, intellectual, and even an angel like creature on planet earth before you die your human death.
After all, if there is a heaven with angel like creatures somewhere for you after you die, a good time to prepare for it is now! So enjoy your earthly journey. You might only get one shot at it. Or maybe you will get a millions chances before you understand and grasp the real purpose of being alive on planet earth in this dimension or on another planet in another dimension.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!