The Birth of the Cosmic Universe.
And The Life and Death of A Human Being.
Or That of the Human Species.
And The Life and Death of A Human Being.
Or That of the Human Species.
For the Current Survival of the Human Species.
The Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species.
A Former Marine, Brain Patnoe, (During Peacetime)
Is Saved From Death From C-19.
By The Master Metaphysician. (His Brother.) Imagine That!
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
The Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species.
A Former Marine, Brain Patnoe, (During Peacetime)
Is Saved From Death From C-19.
By The Master Metaphysician. (His Brother.) Imagine That!
To God, C-19 is a State of Nothingness.
Just Think of It that Way!
Just Think of It that Way!
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
May 11th, 2020
A fun book to read ... ‘Illusions’ By: Richard Bach.
As he states in his book, “I just had to write!”
As he states in his book, “I just had to write!”
Heck, I am in the mood to write and I am sure that there are thousands or even millions of my dear readers who are wondering when is the next free online essay, story, lecture, going to be written by dear old, oh no, not old yet, me. It has been an interesting few months for my mind and consciousness. Really, it has; but let me explain below.
My emotions, those deep feelings have been almost shaken to the core of my being; yes, even being a master metaphysician, or so I have been called by those in the know, have risen to new heights I believe when I watched/listened to two lectures; one on the birth of this cosmic universe, and the second on death, dying and the afterlife in different cultures around the world. It started when I had to face my own possible death once again, no need to explain that here, but maybe one day. So I started to study very deep books that would help me. I did not know that I would also use that information to save my brother Brain from his own early death from C-19. But that is another story too, for another day.
One could ask such a question like how I, a master metaphysician could save my brother Brian from his early death from C-19. Well, first of all, the mental work has to be done, (well it is better that way) in the silence and in the darkness of the cosmic night time, where the world is closed off from my mind and Mind, as in the Mind of God is working together. Second, I realized that to truth (s) and of course, Truth, as in God or the Divine Mind, space and time are, well, nonsense or nothingness. And then, I had to realize the C-19 is also nothingness to Mind / Truth, as in God Almighty. God does not create sin, disease, or dying or death, my dear readers around the world. Although a lot of so-called religious people would like to think so, that does not make it true. In this case, my brother was also completely isolated from the world because he was in an ICU room, and I made a mental connection to him by sending him a real earthly message by way of his nurse. Then, I went deep into my consciousness to do the mental work that would save him from his early death; which by the way, God does not know, see, or create in any way whatsoever.
I would like to focus on the title of this free online essay, story, lecture ... if you will on some metaphysical issues relating to the human species and its current and future survival. You see, it started at the end of 2019 when I bought almost 20 DVD/online courses from for 30 bucks for each course. What a deal that was for my Christmas gift. Anyway, From Monday to Thursday of every week, four days, I have been listening to only two of them for the last five of months and hopefully to the end of this year. The first was the course, ‘Cosmology: The History and Nature of Our Universe.’ in the afternoon. And then it was, ‘Death, Dying, and the Afterlife: Lessons from World Cultures.’ in the evening. Below are the links just in case you are interested in these topics. Like clockwork, there I was on the sofa just soaking in the words and concepts. Of course, I have been very familiar with both of these topics since was a boy, but it was fun to learn new information about them, as you can well imagine.
Moreover, I also finished a Netflix series titled, ‘After Life.’ which dealt with a man dealing with his wife’s early death. So hey, before I choose my next two courses to listen to over the next couple or few months, I would like to take the time to state a few words about the birth of the cosmic universe and the death of human beings and even that of the human race. Mind you, this is the quick and easy essay, story, lecture, so my words, concepts, and ideas are just going to fly out of my mind onto this high tech paper, (Get It? High Tech Paper!) I am not writing for a Ph.D. thesis, so I try to use simple language which any grade level of education can read.
Oh, then there was the very big bright moon I sat under for a few hours in the warm air, wondering and pondering cosmic radiation which of course I could not see with my eyes, but somehow it was still there in the cosmic universe.
Let us get started. Shall we? Ok then, the cosmic universe was created, supposedly by the process called the Big Bang, which is studied by human beings all around the globe with huge and powerful telescopes that can see a lot of stuff out there in the cosmic universe that the human eye and brain can not see by itself. And with very powerful computers that can calculate faster than any human being can do with a pen or pencil.
As you might imagine, a mind or state of consciousness in my position was thinking about the birth of the cosmic universe and the death of human beings for as long as I was old enough to think for myself, was led to new amazement, after those two lectures which only topped off my many years of studying and pondering the birth of the cosmic universe and the topic of death, and the possibility of an afterlife, along with other very deep topics like what is God and how to handle human and non-human evil.
Ok, so what you may be asking yourself. Maybe you are one of millions or billions of human beings who do not care or have a slight concern about the birth of the cosmic universe and/or the death of human beings or even of the human species. I am not built that way for some reason, even though it is very hard or maybe impossible for me to think that there are not other life forms out there in this cosmic universe that will continue to live even if the human species destroys itself somehow. We will probably never know about other possible species in this cosmic universe because our cosmic universe is expanding at the speed of light which makes communication with other species very hard indeed, and impossible at this time.
What is the point of wondering or pondering about the birth of this cosmic universe and the death of human beings or even of the human species if there is nothing that you, my dear reader can do about it, esp. the dying and death thing? Even if the human species truly understands the exact details of the birth of this cosmic universe, what difference will it make to the human species and the survival of the human species or the possible self-destruction of the human species too?
And what is the point of wondering or pondering the issue of dying and death and the possibility of an afterlife for some or all human beings who will eventually breathe their last breath? In other words, ‘Why is it that human beings seem to live in a cosmic universe that was seemingly born so human beings can be born and then die?’ But a bigger question has also been asked which is, ‘Why is it that there is a single planet earth that has evolved to the point where human beings can be conscious of the cosmic universe and then to comprehend it up to the current state of understanding?’
Has the cosmic universe created itself and then set itself up for the creation of the human species so the human species is conscious of it? In a sense, the cosmic universe being conscious of itself through the human mind! And to ponder and wonder about a concept called or termed God and even the afterlife? Since these are partly metaphysical questions and topics, the answers are also metaphysical in nature’ meaning that the answers are also above matter, the creation of matter itself, and above the issues of life and death too.
But these are also questions of the human consciousness, a cosmic consciousness, even a God-consciousness. In short, the topic of consciousness altogether. Let us consider something together, shall we? In the old state of human consciousness, every human being, or every state of human consciousness had no real mental concept of what the cosmic universe was to any real degree. None at all! In today’s modern-day world, there are states of individual human consciousness that are very conscious of what they know is the cosmic universe, and they even know what they do not know everything about the cosmic universe, to a huge degree. In other words, there are individuals states of human consciousness (s) which have a bigger, grandeur, and better state of a cosmic consciousness to some degree, than those other individual states of individual human consciousness (s) that have no idea what is happening out there in outer space away from earth.
Some people might even state that those with a bigger, better, and grandeur states of cosmic consciousness are completely or somewhat different than those individual states of human consciousness (s) that have no mental concept of what is the current cosmic universe. Can the same be applied to thought regarding death and God too? I think the educated answer is yes.
If a human being has developed his or her, (like gender matters here) his or her state of individual human consciousness to the point of knowing something about a true and real spiritual metaphysical concept of a God that is infinite self-contained Being as a Godhead, then that individual human state of consciousness would know something about Life and death that is completely or at least somewhat different than those other individual states of human consciousness (s) which know nothing whatsoever about higher levels of states of existence(s) which have nothing to do with the concept of life and death in the ordinary human way of looking at life and death too, which is usually the limited human concept that when the biological body is moving it is alive and when it is not moving, it is dead, but then the human consciousness is also dead too. But what if the human consciousness has evolved or mutated out of the outdated, limited, and false concept of both life and death to new and higher concepts of life and death to have an afterlife. A human consciousness in the afterlife!
Isn’t it the same with dear old God? Or the human mind’s limited mental concept of God? Basically, the human mind’s general mental concept of God is that God is like a human being somehow. Heck, God even takes human form in various ways, and then it gives human beings advice and help on all sorts of things because human beings ask, begs, and requests this human concept of a god for advice and help. In various religions and cultures, this human shape for their gods takes on all sorts of magical qualities and can solve the same life issues for millions or billions of human being followers. If there are millions and billions of human minds that are so delusional about God and who still believe in a fantasy God or gods, is that not like being insane? By the way, for those Christians and other ‘religious’ people who think that man-made in the image and likeness of God is a human being with a biological body that needs sex, you are wrong!
A collective human species that can wonder, ponder, and try to understand the birth of this cosmic universe and their individual personal deaths, but who still are mentally delusional about what a real God might be, instead of living in a mental fantasy world (s.) Let me state this fact for the collective human species. If the collective human species gave as much thought, energy, and time to wondering, pondering, and trying to understand higher states of existence instead of living in mental ignorance about God, Life, and developing new mental concepts about dying and death, maybe the C-19 virus would be seen for what it is, a state of nothingness that is attacking the human species just like any virus has in the course of human history. Crazy thoughts you may think to yourselves. Hum> Maybe not!
But what if all of those old-time, outdated mental concepts are all of the human mind’s mentally delusional mental concepts are all wrong? All of them! What if there is a real God, that is just a different state of existence than the state of existence on planet earth for human beings to wonder, ponder, and then discover the birth of this cosmic universe and then to try to overcome death or the false concepts of life and death, and of course to wonder, ponder, and then discover a more spiritual and metaphysical concept of ‘God’ or state of existence and also a different state of Mind and Consciousness than the human state of mind and consciousness?
In the current age, meaning now, there are probably many more human beings pondering the self-destruction of the human species now that a biological virus has seeming overtaken the human species, if not by actually killing millions or billions of human beings because now, the human species is not that old, outdated, uneducated human species of 1918 or whenever any virus has killed the masses of human beings, like human beings who can simply kill any other non-human species without any problem and sense of conscience whatsoever. Isn’t it about time that the human species snaps out of its mentally delusional concepts regarding life and death and even God too? I would think so, but in general, the human mind is a lazy, uneducated, and rather primitive human mind when it comes to the topics of life and death and God, even if it has learned how to build the best nuclear weapons and even biological viruses too, to destroy the whole human species. How sad after the birth of the cosmic universe has lead up to this point of life on planet earth and how easy it is to die as a human being.
As a young boy, I learned how easy it was to be dying and to die because my human mother was a nurse and she worked in nursing homes for old people. Sometimes, I would visit her and when I walked through the hallways, I would glance inside rooms where old people were lying in their hospital beds, just waiting to die, with little thought I would think to myself, about their afterlives.
There seems to those old questions like, ‘Did this cosmic universe create itself out of nothing?’ Or ‘Was there a real ‘God’ behind the creation of this cosmic universe?’ It may never be known and maybe it does not make a real difference to the human species. Why? You may ask yourself. Because what does it matter if God created this cosmic universe or if this cosmic universe was created by some other means than a ‘God.’ What really matters now is what in the heck is the human species going to do to stop its own self-destruction? Hum. Maybe a change in the paradigm in the structure of human consciousness which is mainly ignorant about high-level metaphysical realms of existence (s), like God, life and death, and the afterlife too. And how to handle human and non-human evil. Those would be very good places to begin for the human species, which of course, some human beings have already started to do as individuals. What is needed is a collective human species and consciousness to truly ascend out of complete ignorance about life and death, and God too, for the current and future survival of the human species.
It would seem only natural that somehow, there the real responsibilities of the human species to not only self-destroy itself in any number of various ways, not only to discover the birth of this cosmic universe, if that is even possible on a ‘physical or material level, not only to discover the afterlife, not only to discover the real nature of God, a spiritual God and not a human god, but to discover the real meaning of life even on a human level which is to discover how to transcend and rise above all false and mentally delusional concepts about the big issues of life and death, and God too, to learn that there is more to death than just to be dead.
I am betting that there are a lot more human beings thinking about dying and death now than before this new virus started killing human beings really fast. Maybe each individual human being and the collective human species needs to begin to think really hard about what is really important now, like snapping out of its mentally delusional human mind's dream worlds of life and death to again, to transcend the ignorance and limitations of the human mind and consciousness to new and higher states of true spiritual states of consciousness, which knows nothing about the human species individual and collective mental delusions regarding life and death, and even God too. PS. God does not create, know anything about, the C-19 virus. Just really know that! Or at least wonder, ponder, and try to understand it! I did it for my brother Brain and you can know it you too!
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