This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

August 12, 2021: Essay 5 for 2021. Life and Death. As Metaphysical Concepts. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!, Jr.

 August 12, 2021: Essay 5 for 2021.

Life and Death. As Metaphysical Concepts.
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!, Jr.

The evolution and devolution of the human brain, mind, and consciousness regarding death, and or life depending on how you look at life and death.

Since I am going to continue to write my daily essays until I get tired of it because these short essays are not really written for the really and truly educated who might have some idea of what I am trying to describe but they are written for the truly uneducated and ignorant people who will eventually have to think about and ponder their own deaths. This is especially true after a message I received last night from a low-level human being who does not appreciate human beings with higher levels and degrees of intelligence, metaphysical or otherwise.

And my readers must forgive my first writings if they are a bit confusing because I have been drawing once a day since the beginning of the year and my brain and mind must get used to writing again. So please hang in there because the best is yet to come.

So how stupid I must believe and then write for people to read that just maybe there is no death at all even if a non-breathing human body is laying on the ground or in a box for everyone to see a dead body. Does that mean that that person of the body is really dead? It depends on how you view life, either from a purely physical viewpoint or from a purely metaphysical viewpoint or from a two or dual-dimensional standpoint if you are so inclined to actually think about the topic and experience of not only death but of life too.

And you see my dear readers, that may be the problem. It currently seems that most human beings are at the level of the monkey when it comes to actually thinking about the very real experiences of life and death although I have never spoken to a monkey about either of those mental concepts.

How can I compare human beings to monkeys with regard to the topic and experience of life and death, although again a monkey may know more about these topics than some human beings? But I do not know about that suggestion because I could not know if monkeys and other creatures think about their own life and death or the general concept of life and death. I can only relate to human beings and from what I see currently, the human species is in really sad and bad shape when it comes to worshiping death instead of a continuation of life.

But let me assume that the money sees the external life on planet earth with his eyes and with his brain and it simply stares into the void of life on planet earth and when it sees another monkey die or is dead the living monkey is just going to go about its business and ignore the dead monkey’s body until as it ruts into the ground or air. You get the picture with regard to how human beings also take that same perceptive to a dead human body laying on the ground or in a box or in a heated furnace being fired to ashes.

Oh well, that human being is gone, forever. There is nothing else because how could there be something else when the dead human body is turned into ashes or burnt into ashes?

Ok then, we can now assume that some human beings know something more than what they see with their human eyeballs and with their human hardwired brain because more advanced human beings have something that is more important than seeing with their human eyes and with their human brain with is hardwired with very complex neurons to survival on planet earth with a more complex modern-day world than the human ancestors that survived on planet earth of tens of thousands or longer number of years.

But hum! Modern-day human beings possess different states of something with is higher and more important than just a very fancy and complex human hardwired human brain, like some monkey’s hardwired brains. Human beings possess another mental quality or qualities that are and is different than the very simple and hardwired senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste that the average living creature (s) on planet earth have possessed since the very first fish and dinosaurs started walking and moaning on planet earth. Walking to get food and moaning for other reasons like they can not use language like human beings.

What is missing here within your tiny human brain that the monkey may or may not possess you may be asking yourselves as you read this short essay? What is missing is the very big mental concept termed consciousness which is part of a low-level state of existence as a purely biological state of consciousness but consciousness can and is sometimes conscious of other areas and existence other than what the biological states of consciousness deem as reality.

Oh man, this George just ruined my day. Other states of consciousness other than me waking up to take a poop, eat food, jerk off, watch tv and porn, smoke some pot, make some money, without ever reading a book or studying anything worthwhile during the whole course of your tiny lives. That remark was really for the guy that messaged me last night. Sorry readers but I had to do it.

But even so! Oh man, you mean that there might be other states of consciousness that I (the reader) may not know and understand but which is possible if only I stopped believing in the reality that you (the reader) believes to be an absolute reality without any possible other realms of existence as external states of existence other and your tiny and weak biological body and tiny little brain?

If there is even a very slight possibility that there are other realms of existence other than what you see with your tiny limited human eyeballs and your tiny hardwired human brain then you automatically have the possibility that there is an afterlife for you after you die from this space-time realm where planet earth exists and where the average human beings are living in as space-time and the so-called limitations of life and death in a biological body.

Devolutionary mental concepts of life and death would be for the average human being to view life and death as monkeys do, as very limited biological and mental concepts that are limited and trapped within a biological body. Evolutionary mental concepts would suggest that to view life and death as only biological conditions is only part of the very bigger picture of what life and death are really is anyone with an advanced state of consciousness and even for those human beings who are more like the monkey mentality than an advance human mind mentality.

Many if not most human beings do not know the term metaphysics which is still a limited-term when applied to the physical and mental concepts of life and death, but people have to begin somewhere. The term metaphysics can be looked up and goggled by the reader to learn more of what that term means and how it is used.

But for this very short essay which I have to limited to about three pages long because I want to write every day, the term metaphysics when to the physical and mental concepts of life and death mean that instead of assuming that life and death are only dependent on the biological body is wrong because meta means higher than, in this case, regular physics and physical laws, etc. Or view other states of existence that the human eye and brain can not see but which the human mind and consciousness can start to think about and perceive as absolute reality/realities.

But let us stay on or in the so-called physical realm of existence that the general human being and human body lives in as their state of reality every day. First of all, is it really the only realm of reality that you, my dear readers are actually living in right now? How funny to ask that question you may ask yourself because of course, your biological body is the only state of existence for you right now. Or is it?

Of course, it is not! Do you truly and really believe that your biological body is simply skin and bones and blood and other stuff including a brain? Of course not. Every biological body is made up of very complex chemicals and neurons and atoms and a whole bunch of other stuff you do not ever know or understand - most of you anyway. Those other states within your biological body are indeed other states of existence on a purely ‘material or physical level of life and death. So could there be more states of existence?

So how could most of you possibly know about states of existence outside your human biological body when you do not even understand all of the conditions of your own biological body and of course, more importantly, the conditions and operations within your own hardwired human brain, not to mention states of human consciousness, either inside or outside the human brain or of other states of consciousness that (might (that word is used for your sake, not mine) that could or could not exist outside of human experience as biological creatures on planet earth.

Albert Einstein once stated that “If you knew enough, you could see a train traveling through your living room.” Now, why would one of the smartest men on planet earth make such a statement? It was because he knew more than the average human being about different states of existence or reality and he was only describing different states in the here and now on planet earth but he would never expect the average human being, brain, and mind to actually understand it.

Well along comes George who will try to describe many things in my three-page very short essays for you my dear readers to read as you live and before you die. Although it has been stated that there are many people breathing that are more dead than the dead who are more alive than those living on planet earth, it could also be stated the even the living dead can be risen from their false and fake mental dreams to higher states of consciousness in the here and now which of course would eliminate the mental concept of death.

And the way the world of human beings and people seem to act and think and believe, I hope that I can have at least a little part in changing that statement, God willing. Or not!

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!