This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Essay 9, 2024. Different States of Space Within and Outside the Human Consciousness. Before Dying and Death. After Death, Space is Different. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! February 29, 2024.

Essay 9, 2024. Different States of Space Within and Outside the Human Consciousness.

Before Dying and Death. After Death, Space is Different.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

February 29, 2024.

We are all aware of space. We walk through space. We talk through space. We see space. We are conscious of space. Our human consciousness is located in the external space of our brains and minds, and some might even state that human consciousness is at one with space in many different ways. In a sense, the human consciousness is trapped within space, and space is trapped within the human consciousness. Consciousness is at one with space and space is at one with the human consciousness.

Just like time is all around us, so too, space is all around us. As time is inside and outside us, so too, is space also within us and outside of us, in various ways, just like time. From the moment we are born until we die, both time and space are within us and outside of our human biological body and brain too.

But more than that, space and time are also part of the human consciousness, even as the human consciousness is aware of space and time, so too is the human consciousness living within different realms of space and time.

There is the outer space. There is the inner space, and there is the inner space living within the outer space not only because the human consciousness is actually living in a space world on planet Earth, but it looks out to the space between Earth and the Sun during the day, and to the moon at night.

At night, the human brain and mind look up towards the night space to the moon and galaxies very far away from planet Earth. As a matter of fact, there is so much cosmic space in the cosmic universe that the human brain and mind can’t actually fathom it all even with the most powerful telescopes.

How could that even be possible when the light traveling through outer space takes 14 billion light years to reach us, or so the scientists tell us. Some scientists study outer space, but what is really more important is the space that is termed the human consciousness. I would go so far as to state that what happens in outer space has very little to do with the human species in many regards, but not totally.

It is amazing isn’t it, that the human consciousness can look into the night sky and be conscious of it even in the simplest of forms of human consciousness. In deeper states of human consciousness, the night sky is more than just a space mystery, it is part of what the human species is, because we are made of elements from outer cosmic space from long ago, even from the moment of the Big Bang, or so the scientists say in their own words.

On the other hand, the ‘space’ that is within our minds termed consciousness, is the human species being conscious of all of that space that starts from the human eyeballs back to the Big Bang. Human consciousness is conscious of that earthly and cosmic space, but it is also conscious of the space in the night dream worlds where crazy things can happen independently from the earthly and cosmic spaces all around the human biological body.

Human beings are not only aware of the space that is outside of the human body and brain, but it is also aware of the space within our own minds. How so you may ask yourselves? Well, for one, each human being seems to be trapped within their own human brain and mind, under the skull of the brain. Inside the limited space within the human brain, is a lot of different realms of spaces within the mental realms within the human mind, or consciousness.

It is a mental space, as states of human consciousness, that also exist independent of the external realms of space. The experiences that we see outside our brain in the space of the earthly and cosmic realms of existence are out there, but they become a part of the space inside our brain and mind, which of course becomes a part of our memories and our identity too.

What about those astronauts who are floating out there in outer space? What kind of memories do the astronauts have compared to those human beings who are stuck on the ground on planet Earth? By floating in outer cosmic space, I mean those lucky or not-so-lucky astronauts who are floating outside the space station in outer space in real space suits, who are experiencing real space in outer space for hours at a clip?

Do their individual states of human consciousness which seem to be trapped inside their human brains become so aware of the space in outer space that they have their own individual human consciousness transformed into new states of human consciousness, because their biological human bodies and minds and states of individual consciousness are no longer trapped, stuck to the ground on planet Earth?

To be floating around the isness and nowness of outer space and be conscious of it too. Seeing planet Earth from up there, knowing that the human species is only a speck of a species in the grand scheme of the cosmic universe, yet so stupid to be on the edge of human self-destruction because of so many reasons, including nuclear self-annihilation by all of those nuclear bombs. What a flash that would be if all of the nuclear bombs exploded all at once.

Many people spend a lot of time within the space within their own personal state of human consciousness. In contrast, other people probably do not like being inside their own minds for a whole bunch of reasons, because having to deal with your own personal space called your consciousness is not a very easy thing to deal with especially when there are all sorts of trouble inside the individual human mind, consciousness.

The other problem for most people who do not want to spend a lot of time dealing with the space termed their individual consciousness is that when they have to travel deep within their own consciousness, the space deep within their own mind, they know that there are a lot of big questions of living, life, dying, and death, God and evil, etc. that they do not want to deal with because having to think deeply, to search out the real deep purposes and reasons for being alive in the first place because being a conscious human being should take a lot of work from a religious and metaphysical spiritual standpoint.

It takes of lot of mental and conscious work to think about, to discover, all of the important questions and answers about time, space, God, evil, and the deep purposes for having any type of consciousness at all.

Some people want to travel outside the realm of planet Earth in spaceships to view the cosmic universe even though the human species’ biological bodies are not built for traveling to and in the cosmic outer space, so, therefore, the human species has to build space ships that human beings can live in so their human bodies of skin, bone, blood, do not self-destruct while they are being pushed passed the sky that is the space between the ground and the upper layers where jet fighter airplanes like to fly in the sky.

There are jet fighter airplane pilots who like and live to fly high in the sky, through space that is. They like to sit in the seat of a jet fighter airplane and smile at the people walking on planet Earth because they know that most people will never fly through space above Earth in a jet fighter airplane going Mach 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, etc.

Then there are those other people who fly above the space above planet Earth where those jet fighter airplane pilots fly. Those people fly to the moon, or simply to the space station that is rolling around planet Earth with different people from different nations all hanging out while they constantly look down at the blue ball that is floating in the airless space.

One day, there might be people traveling to the planet Mars. I for one would rather stay on planet Earth, at least for now. Traveling to the planet Mars has not been a tested idea or even a practical event just yet. Let the robots go to Mars, not human beings.

Some scientists have stated that most of the airless space above planet Earth is a state of nothingness, which in one way is true, but in another way, it is not true. The scientists know that the void of space is filled with something even if at the moment they cannot describe what it is. They call it dark matter and dark energy which is better than nothing I am going to guess.

The human beings who fly around planet Earth in the international space station see space very differently than the human beings who are trapped on planet Earth by gravity. The people who walk on planet Earth feel gravity at every second of their lives unless they are using some means to avoid the feeling of gravity on their biological bodies.

Some people probably do not feel gravity on their human biological bodies because their minds are wasted on drugs, or because they are in a semi-coma state, like I was when I was dying of stage 4 CLL cancer. Truthfully, even when I was walking around drugged up on chemo-pill and other drugs, I was like a zombie in a movie, barely able to be aware of those realms called space and time in any way whatsoever.

I was not really conscious of gravity because I wasn’t really conscious at all, except my own state of consciousness. Most people do not know this, but there is a God, Spirit, Mind, and Truth, that is conscious of its own state of existence as a form of eternal Life. God is not conscious of any of the human mind's conscious illusions and delusions regarding life, dying, death, or even the afterlife. God, Spirit, is only conscious of its own self-existence and nothing else. God is a pure realm of self-consciousness, which I have experienced once during my stage 4 CLL cancer state experience.

That means that there is not a God somewhere that creates cancer, sickness, or death. Some people like to blame God, Spirit, for everything bad to them and on planet Earth. But Spirit, God, does not know human evil of any kind.

That being stated, I was conscious of other realms of existence, like the possibility that I would be traveling to another realm termed the afterlife. I was also conscious of the different realms of God in its various forms of existence, as much as I could in my semi-zombie state of being. But here is really a very important point my dear readers.

Since I have spent a considerable amount of my human lifetime seemingly studying, researching, thinking, pondering, and wondering about God and evil, I was already able to handle the claims that I was going to die from stage 4 cancer even if I did die from seemingly stage 4 cancer. That might have been a bit funny to you but is true. If you do not spend part of your life dealing with the really important things in life, then when trouble arrives to you, like the claim of cancer, dying, and death, you have no tools for self-protection.

To be floating around inside the international spaceship must feel really cool after you take some time to get used to not being pulled down to the floor by the force of gravity. Birds fly through space on planet Earth, but they probably do not feel the pull of gravity when they are actually flying, at least not like an airplane. But if they do feel the force of gravity while they are flying in the sky, they have their feathers that help them from falling down towards the Earth’s ground in a deadly spiral.

I could assume that most people do not spend a lot of time within their minds or consciousness because they are living outside of their brains and minds most of the time. After all, that is where life, or their life specifically, is taking place on one level of existence. Many realms of employment are out there in the world, external to the human brain even if the human brain is being used to do all of the physical labors or skills that are done by human hands, even if they are conscious of their hand and work.

Other human beings who walk and live on planet Earth, they spend more time living inside their minds or inside their individual state of mind and consciousness for many reasons, like there is more life and living within side their minds and states of consciousness than what they consider to be life and living outside their minds and individual states of human consciousness.

People who study mathematics, economics, music, and all of the other intellectual endeavors that many people choose to spend their waking hours doing, including those people who actually study with the inner workings of the hardwired human biological brain like the neural sciences of the human brain. Other people study the inner workings of the human consciousness, like what is the human ego, among other psychologically important topics of human interest.

People of both persuasions, people who are truly humanly intellectual and those human beings who are not even close to being intellectuals, have to live in the outer and inner mental concepts of space. Some people live inside the space inside their bedroom, inside their kitchen, inside their bathroom, inside their living room, inside their car or truck or airplane, or wherever.

People of both persuasions walk outside their homes or apartments into a larger realm of space, and time too. They can see the external space out there away from their boxed spaces to walk and talk in a larger sense of space, the space of air and oxygen that they have to breathe to stay alive. Everyone wants clean air to breathe, even if you cannot see the air, you can at least smell it sometimes.

That space is not limited to the space that is confined within the four walls within a house or an apartment it is in an even larger box, which the human biological body needs for protection against the weather, and all of the bad and lawless people who live among the good and law-abiding people of the Earth. The bad people pollute the earth worse than the bad air.

People who are in all of the jails and prisons in America, which by the way have more prisons than China and India combined, must really go crazy knowing that there is space outside the cement boxes that their biological bodies, brains, and minds are stuck in because of the crimes they committed when they had the freedom to choose between being a good or bad human being.

The people who are located and trapped inside either a jail or prison box have nowhere else to go except inside their minds, which might not be a good thing since whatever was in their minds in the first place got them located and trapped in a jail and prison box in the first place. If there is really nothing within the space within the mind of a criminal, why should they be let free if they have no sense of being law-abiding, no sense of right or wrong, no human decency? Who break the laws of life and the living.

So then, the people who are not a jail box or prison box are allowed to leave their own human-owned house or apartment box to walk into the space that is outside of their home or apartment box, so they can mentally experience the space around their house or apartment box. Then they can drive through the space between their house and the place they want to go to.

Some homeless people live inside a cardboard box, but when they leave that cardboard box, they too get to experience the space around their cardboard box, just like the people who leave their own wood, stone, brick, or other home boxes. But inside their human brains and minds, something is pretty messed up must be happening within inside their brains. But at least they are not locked in a prison box, so they to walk around the space of the town or city they live in just like the people who have that freedom to walk and talk in the space outside their human bodies, and minds/consciousness.

Unlike people in a jail or prison, homeless people get to walk around in the spaces which include the blue sky, the trees and flowers, and among the other people who are also free to roam through the space that is located in between the buildings in all of the towns in the world.

Some people like to fall off a bridge or building to commit suicide or to kill themselves for all sorts of reasons. But many people who do that and survive say that they knew that it was a big mistake as soon as they stepped off the roof or bridge because once they jump off a building or bridge, they wish they had not jumped because as they were falling through space between the top of the building or bridge, they realized that there was no going back to the top. Therefore, instead of choosing living and life, they chose dying and death, even if they were already dead inside their mind.

They knew that they could not return to that bridge or building and soon enough, their biological bodies and brains would by the force of gravity be smashed into the cement-like water, or into the actual cement sidewalk or street. I can’t even guess what happens to those people in the afterlife who want to end their human life earlier than what the overall game plan was for them. Take it from me, a cancer survival so far.

Even though I know that there is an afterlife, and I know that my true spiritual self-hood is an image of the Divine Mind or intelligence, that is, an unchangeable spiritual self-hood that is at one with God, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love could not die anyway.

Humanly I did not want to end my human life simply because I was dying from stage 4 CLL cancer. I wanted to live even more because I was not even old enough to die yet. Everyone probably thinks that except really older people who are simply tired of human life.

I wanted to live even more, longer, so maybe one day I too could fly to the moon before I flew to the moon as a spirit, if that actually happens to some people after they die. Why would anyone want to visit the moon? It is a rock with a bunch of dust on it. A lot of people want to go to a place heaven, and they want to avoid a place called hell. But that could be simply humanly religious fantasy. My educated guess is that good and bad and evil people do not go to the same place, nevertheless.

The people who watch other people falling from a tall building or a tall bridge must wonder what it is like for those people who decided to jump into the space of force of gravity that was going to send their biological bodies and brains to an early death. What did it feel like falling through the space called the air for the last seconds of their human lives? Was it happy for them? Did it bring them some sort of joy knowing that out of the billions of people living on planet Earth, they were not feeling the force of gravity under their feet by standing on the ground, or on top of a building or bridge?

Heck, for me looking down a bridge or top of a tall building is scary enough. I am not jumping off anything, oh, except the times I jumped off the side of a mountain with a glider over me. I forgot that one. Ok, but my purpose was to fly like a bird, not to die. There are a lot of people like me who like to play deadly games without having the urge to die, only to live again to play deadly games again.

Maybe, some people are walking on the sidewalks next to those tall buildings with those huge sidewalks next to the streets with all of those cars speeding down the road because everyone has a place to go, especially in huge cities like Manhattan, New York.

With all of those cars speeding to so many different places, I never saw any car accidents except one, when I was in the back seat of a car driven by a college female who did not listen to my instructions. We took an international law class, and we were visiting the United Nations for a road trip. One of my possible goals was to work at the United Nations as an economic advisor or an international lawyer. Instead, I move to sunny California. Long story there.

Anyway, even though there were very tall buildings all over the city, there was definitely space between those very tall buildings, all of those cars, taxis, trucks, etc., moving on the roads between all of those tall buildings. Space. Space with clouds above it all proves that there is still more space above the city lights, life, nightlife, etc.

Many people feel trapped when they are located in big cities while other people simply love being in the big cities where they live and work and then die knowing that they had a grand old time in the realm of people who were their friends and family.

So, instead of being trapped inside a cement jail or prison, some people feel that they are trapped inside cement cities with no sense of escape, except by jumping off a tall building to experience the force of gravity. Other people simply the city for the country for ever more space, peace, and quiet, and of course the hustle and bustle of life and living. I have lived in big cities and very small towns, like I am now.

Some people do not like the space within their individual consciousness, nor the space in the city or the country for all sorts of reasons. The problem with thinking that killing themselves is any sort of solution for their mental problems is this; if they enter the afterlife, they will not be completely dead, so they will have to learn a few lessons about life, like death is not the solution to your mental problems.

They might think that they will feel the force of gravity on their bodies, but in a free fall, you are not supposed to feel gravity per se. You only have free gravity when you crash into something on the ground. I have read about gravity quite a bit. No one feels the force of gravity when you are in the fall of gravity, that is until they smash into the cement sidewalk, which by that time, you might be dead already. If you weren’t dead, you would die so fast, it would happen so fast you would not feel a thing anyway. To be given a gift of life and then to kill yourself is not good.

At least your biological body wouldn’t feel a thing. If your individual consciousness leaves your body, then your individual state of awareness might actually regret such a stupid decision once you have discovered that you are not dead yet because your consciousness is still alive in a different realm of existence. What type of realm of existence would you be in you might ask yourselves. The more important question is this; what type of consciousness do you want to have before your either quickly or slowly demise from planet Earth and this realm of existence.

The hardwired human biological brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness know that there is a difference between being inside a house box, a prison box, and a cardboard box. But the hardwired human biological brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness also know some of the differences between being trapped inside itself and all of the different mental and psychological states of existence and consciousness.

Many people try to escape being inside being inside their hardwired human brains and soft-wired states of mind and consciousness. Or they simply want to be drugged up enough, so they forget everything that is in their personal lives, while at the same time destroying both their hardwired human biological brains and the soft-wired neurons inside their brains and minds.

It has been stated the hardwired human brain is the most complex thing in the whole cosmic universe. For that reason alone, everyone should treasure their human brain and mind.

Some people don’t even care about leaving their human brains and minds at all. Some people simply want to leave their biological bodies in the various ways that certain people try and actually leave like trying transcendental experiences of various sorts. I have personally met people who could leave their human biological bodies at will, while some people I have met have only exited their human biological bodies for other reasons.

Other people like certain monks want to enter a state of nothingness and/or enlightenment. What happens to those people who want to enter a state of nothingness when they die. It would seem that they might be dead already. And even more importantly, they never really lived, nor did they experience life on planet Earth wherever they lived.

I have had many different experiences of leaving my own biological body in various ways, like simply floating out of it only to stop myself because I was in the middle of a group of people. I have also completely exited my human brain to travel very far away in outer space in this cosmic universe.

I viewed a galaxy from very far away from that galaxy, while I floated in outer space for a brief moment only to be pushed back into my human brain with a great huge headache.

But truthfully, I was asking for it without actually asking for it. I was doing this cosmic mental visual experiment for some time and bang, the ‘I’, not the body ‘I’ but the consciousness ‘I’ was far away from planet Earth or any planet whatsoever. I was simply floating in space. Unlike the astronaut who was wearing a space suit, I did not even have a body to wear a space suit. I was spirit.

Those sorts of events happen after many visual mental mind games which I will not explain now because most people need to figure it out for themselves. But I guess I was asking for those experiences of having my consciousness being tossed into outer space only to be tossed back inside my human hardwired brain.

I know many people will not believe that it happened to me. But I can truly account that I have personally experienced other out-of-body experiences. Maybe that is only one reason why I have survived dying and death so many times. Among other reasons. Enough about me, my dear readers. Let us return to the topic of consciousness of space.

Oh yes. All of the people trapped inside a house, in an apartment, in jail or prison, or traveling by plane through space to get from one earthly place to another earthly place are actually different states of individual human consciousness that are not only conscious of space, but they are also individual states of human consciousness inside a hardwired human brain and mind that are traveling through space by other means than simply being physical object and biological objects.

Pretty neat if you think about it.

Now then, to wrap up this essay, there are millions of so-called Christians in America and all around the world who follow the man Jesus who lived over two thousand years ago. If any so-called Christian actually read the Gospels in their true spiritual light, they would realize that Jesus realized the importance of dealing with the space within your own consciousness before you ever enter the kingdom of heaven or God.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Essay 8, 2024. Different States of Time Within and Outside the Human Consciousness. Before Dying and Death. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! February 22, 2024.

Essay 8, 2024. Different States of Time Within and Outside the Human Consciousness.

Before Dying and Death.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

February 23, 2024.

In my last essay, I used the word Christ Consciousness without actually explaining what it is, so you too, can have the Christ Consciousness. That will have to wait until a later essay. Instead, I will now try to explain something about the differences between the hardwired human brain compared to the soft-wired human consciousness when it comes to the different mental and physical concepts of time.

Time is rolling around us in all sorts of ways, in your human bodies, on earth, in the cosmic universe, in atomic realms of existence, and even deeper realms or states of existence, time is rolling around us in our human hardwired human biological brains and in our minds or states of human consciousness. We all know that time for us to be alive on planet Earth is short.

The basic hardwired human brain is really the easy part to explain even though the hardwired human brain is not a simple organ at all. The biological human brain is very complex indeed even for the slow and stupid people who do not like to use their human brains for the purposes for which it was intended.

The hardwired human brain operates at the most basic level with its five physical senses which include, the eyes for seeing, the ears for hearing, the nose for smelling, the tongue for tasting, and the skin for feeling for the physical sense of touch. As simple as those five physical senses are compared to the soft-wired parts of the human, they are really very complex in their own ways.

In this essay that I am writing about some of the differences regarding time that is both external and internal to the hardwired human brain and also within the software, or consciousness that is located within the hardwired biological human brain. There are many different realms of time, both internal and external of the human brain and consciousness.

Time is also associated with living and dying because every human being and all creatures have only so much time on planet Earth before it is time to say good-bye to this realm of existence. I wonder what time is like in other dimensions of existence.

All human beings basically see, hear, smell, taste, and feel on the skin the same way, but do they experience time the exact same way? No, they don’t, especially for people who study, research, and ponder the different concepts of time in the cosmic universe and in the atomic universes.

Not so for all of the different people who walk on planet Earth, is time the exact experience within individual states of time consciousness. Time on planet is sort of fixed. The Earth goes around and around at the same time for seemingly endless cycles until one day, planet Earth will be no more.

There are around 7 billion people living on planet Earth who basically see, hear, smell, taste, and feel the same way in general, but who also walk around planet Earth with the exact same mental and physical concepts of time is some ways but different in other ways, without ever thinking twice about how time could be different for their biological bodies and their own states of mind.

What about all of the differences within the software that are located within the hardwired human brain? Within the 7 billion hardwired human brains, there are a few different ways that human beings can be conscious of time within the hidden secret realms deep within their minds. Maybe one day time will be different for them, depending on where they go to in the afterlife. Maybe in the afterlife, there isn't any time at all.

There is the realm of time called the past, the now, the future too. On planet Earth, time has become shorten by the use of smart phones and other forms of technical advancements that make communication take place in nanoseconds, or seconds versus the time it took for messages to be send only a short time ago. Instead of taking a month to get a message, or a week, or a day or an hour, messages are sent through wires and the air in a seemingly instant of time.

I think that we all can relate too and accept the different concepts of time within children, teenagers, working people, and old people, even if they are all living on planet Earth with its own sense of time because of course, planet Earth is moving around the sun according to its own concept of time. It is moving around the sun at a certain amount speed, or time. For how long? In terms of time.

Some people study mathematics their whole lives while other people study music their whole lives. Some people like to study sports, money or economics and finance, the biological human body. Some people like to study how kill other human beings for military purposes. Some people study cooking for eating food purposes. Some people enjoy being drugged up on drugs, so they do not have to think about time or anything at all. Of course, time is different for people who are taking drugs or other stuff that affects the human brain and mind.

There are people who enjoying studying the different concepts of time, especially those scientists who study and research time for a living, especially the cosmic time of the cosmic universe while other people do not care about time at all, like potheads and druggies and other people who would rather forget about time and being alive altogether. Can time not exist in certain human brains and minds?

Some people like being stupid and uneducated about time, but at least they might think to themselves, hey, at least I look good in the mirror and that is all that matters to them because that is all they can do when they look in the mirror. Some people live for a combination of all the above. Some people even live on the edge of death, or the edge of time, by playing deadly defying games like jumping off the edge of a mountain so they can fly like a bird in the sky. How do birds experience time?

The concept of time must be hardwired within the hardwired human brain after hundreds of millions of years of biological and mental evolution it would seem to me. Time as a soft-wired state of consciousness and existence is also part of the software within the human baby brain too, it would seem to me. Day after day, sucking on those milky breasts whenever the stomach is hungry every few hours of time, even though the baby really knows nothing about time. Yet, there is milking time.

Within the hardwired human biological brain there are a lot of different states of soft-wired states of consciousness, and that applies to the concept of time too. What happens within side the hardwired human brain when the soft-wired human consciousness expands and extends out of its shell of a brain to view the human consciousness? The human consciousness looks up and out to the cosmic universe only to see time in a different way, which must have a changing impact on the human brain and mind.

The hardwired human brain’s view of time is very different compared to the soft-wired human mind or consciousness of time, if you actually think about it. The human brain can see a few different concepts of time through the human eyes, just like all creatures can see time through their own eyes, for example, how the sun rises and sets at specific times of the year. Year after year, for millions of years, if not longer.

There are the seasons of time too. Summer, fall, winter, spring, all stuck in a time slot within the flow of time on planet Earth. There are the seasons of time, the biological sense of time, and there are different mental concepts of time too. What happens within the hardwired human brain and within the soft-wired human consciousness when it discovers that there is some invisible realm called time?

Like all children who walk on planet earth who view time much different than the grownups who also walk on planet earth. Maybe children do not even have a sense of time, until their brains get larger and stronger, but they know that their parents and other grownups have a sense of time because in few regards their lives are ruled by time. They have to get up each day and be at work at a certain time, and they go home at a certain time. Sometimes like clockwork.

Then there are the people who die at a certain time, especially really famous people of different varieties. If you are a really famous person somewhere, they might make a stone statue of you and then they will engrave the stone statue with the time and date of your death. Of course, most people will not care about your death because they probably have not even thought about their own death, the time and place that is.

But even parents don’t have a concept of time compared to the people who study time for a living. Then there are the different psychological concepts of time too, along with memories of time like, I was born at a certain time, during a certain time or period in the history of the human species and life on planet Earth. Being born at a certain time and place has a big influence on your life and way of life too.

Within both the hardwired human brain consciousness and the soft-wired human consciousness, time is not only an interesting topic in many different ways, but currently it is a very big topic for the scientists who study time because of the external realms of cosmic time, especially beginning of time starting with the Big Bang of the cosmic universe to the present state of the cosmic universe, with planet Earth located somewhere in that space and time or space-time universe, as Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist, put it.

When I was a little boy, I was lying in a bed taking a nap and my mother give me a plastic clock about nine inches wide or diameter. The white background behind the black minute and hour hands were surrounded by a red plastic ring around the outside of the clock. I stared at it, wondering to myself, ‘What is time?’ The only thing I knew about time was that there are clocks of all shapes and sizes that stated what was the time at that very specific moment time.

Little did I know then and little did I realize that the concept of time besides a clock time is that there are times like the cosmic time of the cosmic universe. There is the time of the planet Earth. There are the different times for every living creature on planet Earth that will die within a certain amount of time.

There are the internal psychological times inside the human brain. There is the time of life and death for all living creatures who are born onto planet Earth. There is the history of time, and the future of time too, outside the atomic realm of time, and even the other different concepts of time too.

The point here is that there are different concepts and states of time within the internal psychological consciousness of the human brain and consciousness, as well as outside the human brain and consciousness, like the cosmic time and atomic realms of time. There is also the concept of time when you are dying from stage 4 cancer too.

When I was dying of stage 4 CLL cancer, I was thinking to myself, ‘How much time do I have left to live?’ I bet that is the main question for all cancer patients and the other people who are sick and dying from other stuff too. The other question would be, ‘Will I be healed and cured from cancer?’ The psychological human mental mind wonders about time in different ways.

Within my little boy brain and mind, I thought to myself, ‘What is time?’ I was a little boy, but still I could ask a few deep questions about life, one of which was one question being, ‘What is time?’ I had no idea what time was back then, but I do now, at least more than when I was a little boy.

Now, there are teachers and scientists who use two clocks to try to understand and explain time. One atomic clock stays on the earth while the other atomic clock flies above the planet to discover if there is a time difference between the atomic clocks. That was an experiment was done some time ago, but it used by teachers to explain a concept of time to students of time in the classroom.

Some mathematics teachers teach a mathematical concept of time called calculus. I have been listening to a series of lectures about time and calculus. I am enjoying the heck out of it. Reading about calculus is different than listening to a lecture about calculus, or the instantaneousness of time for a moving object at a single moment in time. The genius of mathematical time, on paper, in a graph, on a computer screen.

I not only have a mental concept of time, but in one sense I have overcome time in a few ways, even though I am still living within a time universe, a time planet, and even a time human biological body because this human biological body is constantly changing throughout time, my personal life, my personal sense of time. Even time changes with time because how we view time changes with more information and experiences with time within our consciousness.

How I see time mentally is very different compared to when I was ignorant about the different concepts of time. Once we were young, and then we get older, so we see and experience the time different within our lives because we know that our time on planet Earth is getting shorter and shorter with each passing day, year, decade, lifetime. Then in a moment of time, flash, bang, thank you lady, time is all gone.

I probably own more books on the concept of time than everyone in the tiny, tiny, tiny town that I currently live in. That being stated, my current concept of time within my soft-wired human brain is much more complex as not only mental concepts within my consciousness, but also as the opposite mental and metaphysical and spiritual mental concepts of time, such as the mental, metaphysical and spiritual concepts of the is-ness and the nowness of existence.

Many people, if not all people have to live in the is-ness and nowness of time because wherever we are at one moment of time, there we are, no matter what we are doing at the moment, or whatever happened to us in the past, or what is going to happen to us in the future. We who are living in the moment of time should study calculus to learn more about the instants of our time as we travel through time on Earth.

Some people like to live in the is-ness and nowness of life, both in the material world and the psychological states of existence. Some people do not want to actually live in time or think about time at all. They would rather forget about time altogether. Animals probably live in each moment of time. What else are they going to do? Human beings can do something about what they can do in their moments of time, at least some of the time.

There is the outward or objective sense of time, and then there is the internal or subjective sense of time. There are many types of time. There is the cosmic time of billions of light years of time. There is the earth sense of time of one billion years of time, or so; probably more than a billion earth years for planet Earth. There are the different lengths of time for all of the biological creature's sense of time. For the human species, there is the species clock time, plus a whole lot of other concepts of time too.

All of the above-mentioned concepts of time which appears out there, away from the human brain, mind, and consciousness, is also located inside the hard-wired human brain, inside the soft-wired human mind, and of course within side the human consciousness too. What happens within the human brain and mind when it thinks about time from various angles of time? Could thinking about time too much cause brain damage or cause insanity?

When it comes to the physiological sense of time, that too can vary for different reasons.

So, there is the external time and the internal time which is both a state of consciousness depending on how you look at it. Even though there is the external time like the cosmic time and the earth times of day, night, week, months, years, etc., there is also the internal mental times within the hardwired human brain, which happens every day when the sun says good-bye to the night darkness. There goes daytime.

For the human being who is truly conscious of time in multi-different ways, that human being’s mind or state of consciousness is also part of the time realm too, since the dual nature of external and internal time realms of time are connected even though they are also separate. An individual consciousness that walking around on planet Earth time is that floating in a galaxy that is spinning around within its own time. A conscious human brain and mind that is living in a realm of time is also thinking about time.

In a way, a very serious way, human consciousness itself is stuck between being conscious of itself as an independent time entity, an observer of time, while at the same time, (no pun intended) being conscious of all of the other concepts of time that are outside the independent state of consciousness itself. What do mean by that statement?

I mean that each human being is conscious of itself as an independent state of consciousness within a time universe, on a time planet, with a time biological human body that appears to not last forever. Even the time universe will disappear one day sometime in the future. Or so some people say. Maybe not.

But at the same time, the human mind is also conscious of all the other states and realms of time that are outside the of the realm of human biological consciousness, but which the human state of individual consciousness is stuck in as realms of existence, like life on earth. What is time for people who leave their biological human bodies? What is time like for people living and hanging out in a space station?

On the other hand, there is also a state of timelessness which can be experienced if a human being looks inside their own consciousness to find that state of existence, that some might call God, as in the state of a spiritual consciousness. Other people like certain monks might want to transcend time altogether, to transcend human existence and all of the different concepts of time.

I don't think God as in Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love sees, knows, or realizes human time, the cosmic time, the earthly time, the biological time, nor the time of death for any human being.

Most people who are dying from stage 4 cancer of any kind, but specifically from CLL cancer in my life, see and experience time completely different than people who do not have cancer and specifically CLL in my case. Time for CLL stage 4 cancer or any cancer is like ‘Standing in a mine holding a lit stick of dynamite and counting down the seconds until it is finally over.’ (Resident Alien. S2:E6 2:40.)

Writing from my personal experience with stage 4 CLL cancer, I am guessing that most other people who are dying from any type of cancer or from any other deadly condition will think to themselves, ‘How much time do I have left?’ In those cases, time takes on a different mental meaning as well as a biological meaning too. Some people want to die so they do not have to worry about time anymore, or more to the point, a life within time. What happens if they enter a new realm of time in an afterlife?

Have any of my readers ever experienced the different psychological experiences of having a long or short term crazy psychological experience when dealing with your own sense of time, inwardly or outwardly? Like actually dying from a condition like stage 4 cancer?

When I was taking the chemo-pill, plus some other pills, time no longer existed for me. I was in a mental realm of darkness, just waiting for the chemo-pill to do its job of killing the cancer cells within my biological body. Partly because I was barely conscious at all, but secondly because time no longer mattered to me during my biological body’s battle with cancer.

When the human mind is so focused at the moment of time like that, just trying to hang on to life in this realm, nothing matters including time itself. Memories don’t matter anymore, and the long-term future doesn’t matter anymore either, except for living, because what seems to be the nearest thing termed the future is dying and death itself? Even people do not matter anymore. The only thing that matters when you are living, but still dying on planet Earth that is still spinning around a nuclear ball if energy is breathing. And for some people a sense of God too, you know, just in case it could help you live longer.

Doesn’t it seem like psychological time moves by so fast when watching certain movies, reading certain books, watching certain sports events, but at other times time seems to move slower when watching other movies, reading other book, and watching other sports events, like wow, that movie went by really fast or wow, that another movie seem to take forever to finish.

So funny if you think about it. Movies, reading, and sports events all take unto themselves their own realm of time which is happening within the mind, or the psychological state of the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness which is not out there somewhere, like the cosmic time, the earth time, the biological time, etc.

How about your own life? How fast do the years go by and you wonder to yourself, it seemed only yesterday that something happened way back into the past, yet still stuck inside your mind’s memory. How about the collective human sense of time. When I watched the man walk on the moon on that black and white television set in 1969, I wondered how long/time did it take for those guys to get up there and then return to Earth? How did those guys think about time as they were traveling inside a spaceship?

Now, I can watch the modern-day spacecraft and telescopes float around in outer space, some traveling beyond the normal human eye could ever see without the aid of a telescope. And time is needed for sending and receiving messages and returning messages back to those machines flying around in outer space. There are no human beings on those space machines. That would be a death trap.

There is a concept of time in the Bible too, just in case you are wondering. Here is a Bible secret for all of you, my dear readers. I realize that normal so-called Christians and other readers of the Bible will probably not believe the following statements, but that is their lost. People who have read the Bible, or those people who are open to the truth regarding the next statements will learn something about the Bible of supreme importance if you want to understand something about the Bible.

The writers of the Bible and the people who understood all of the symbols of the Bible knew what is meant in Peter 2 3:8, where it states, ‘Friends, be mindful of this one fact, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day.’ That statement has nothing to do with Earth time, cosmic time, or even religious time. In a way, it is spiritual time on a human level of existence.

What is a very interesting statement from all of the interesting statements that are in the Bible or in any other book that has ever been written with human hands.

Here is what that phrase means for all of the readers who want to understand it. The writers of the Bible and the readers of the Bible, spiritual thinkers not so long ago in human history terms, believed way back then, over 2000 years ago, that God’s plan was going to be fulfilled in 7 1000 periods, which by the way, we are living in the 7th year of those 7 1000s of Bible’s 7 1000-year periods.

But more than that, if you know what the true biblical symbols mean as spiritual and metaphysical ideas, laws, structures, etc. than you would begin to know that those 7 1000-year periods match up exactly with the 7 days of creation in the first chapter of Genesis in the Bible. The first record of creation in the first chapter in Genesis is not a literal creation of anything physical or material. The 7 days of creation are spiritual and metaphysical steps towards spiritual perfection. And so are the 7 1000 years too.

And to top that off, the 7 1000-year periods and the seven days of creation match up exactly with each other if you know and understand the symbolism of the Bible. Moreover, the modern-day definition of God in the book titled, ‘Science and Health with key to the Scriptures.’ by Mary Baker Eddy, on page 465.

That definition being, God is, ... Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.’ matches up exactly with the first thousand period in the Bible and with the seven days of creation in the first chapter of Genesis, because they are all expressing the same spiritual and metaphysical truths with different symbols.

But here is the thing. Those spiritual and metaphysical writers of the Bible thought that it would actually take 7 1000 years of development for God’s ‘plan’ to be fulfilled. But then came Jesus with the next quote from his mouth.

But then there came Jesus who stated, ‘Say not yet, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.’ John 4:35 KJV.

What Jesus was stating was that it did not take 7 thousand years for God’s plan to fulfilled because it is fulfilled each and every second of the day. In the days of Jesus, it meant he was fulfilling God's plan within himself and for the world too, in the realm of the is-ness and nowness of being. More on this topic in later essays.

So, therefore, if you know the spiritual and metaphysical symbolism of the Bible, there are the 7 days of creation that match up with the 7-thousand-year periods in the Bible, and those two forms of expression matches up exactly with the modern-day language of the 7 synonymous terms in the S&H book.

What Jesus meant by that statement is that the God’s plan does not need 7 1000 years of God’s plan to fulfilled. God’s plan is in the here and now, meaning timelessness. In other words, even in the Bible in both the OT and the NT, there are different examples of time for various reasons.

Back to the clock that I was holding as a little boy, wondering what time is without any human conception of time. Now, there are people who spend a lot of time wondering, studying, researching, and even looking at the different ways time itself moves, even observing what time is in the cosmic universe, with the human mind, brain doing all of the work.

In the end, for human beings who walk and live on planet Earth, time is very limited because no one human being stays stuck within this time dimension forever.

How much time does it take for the sun light to reach your human eyes, if you not dying in a bed with total darkness surrounding you and within your own consciousness, within the darkness of dying and death? For me, my consciousness was not living within the space and time of my biological body, the earthly time, or even the cosmic time. I was barely conscious of anything at all most of the time. Can someone be conscious and yet not be conscious at the same time?

When people are young, when all they want to do is to have sex, make a lot of money, to drive a nice car, wear nice clothes, play sports, work their butts off, suffer with painful experiences and have joy and fun with happy experiences. Many people don’t realize that all of those human living experiences are all taking place within a realm of time, and not only one realm of time, but within multi-realms of time.

Moreover, they are experiencing multi-states of time within their consciousness, yet most of them don’t even care about how limited their time is on planet Earth.

At the end of your tiny lives, or maybe within your grand life if you had a grand life, your human time, cosmic time, earthly time, and maybe even your mental and psychological time too, are all gone in the flash of lighting called death.

Here is a neat metaphysical and spiritual truth to think about if you have the time. If you really want to overcome all of the different concepts of time regarding your own mortality, just know for yourself that God, Mind knows you as an idea of the Diving Mind, not a limited human being.  That God, Spirit knows you as an idea of Spirit, pure spiritual substance.  That God, Soul knows your true spiritual selfhood as an unchangeable identity.  That Principle knows that you are at one with the infinite spiritual realm of existence, which is Life, not death, Truth, divine consciousness, not a human consciousness, and as Love, a state of eternal perfection.

It is amazing with all of the different concepts and experiences with time, in the end called death, it is all gone. Or just maybe, it is just the beginning. Just ask men like Jesus. Or someone like me. Or just read about it here, again, again, and again. After all, you still have time to learn about time. More importantly, think about time yourself while you still have the time to do it.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Essay 7 - 2024. Dying, Death, the Afterlife, as States of Consciousness. Dying, Living, Death, Afterlife. But really, what are the possibilities? Different States of Consciousness View Dying and Death Differently. Multi-Dimensional States of Consciousness. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! February 17, 2024.

 Essay 7 - 2024. Dying, Death, the Afterlife, as States of Consciousness.

Dying, Living, Death, Afterlife. But really, what are the possibilities?

Different States of Consciousness View Dying and Death Differently.

Multi-Dimensional States of Consciousness.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

February 17, 2024.

What does consciousness have to do with life, living, dying, and death, you may ask?

Don’t people all over the world see and view dying and death differently from other people?

Aren’t people all over the world conscious of dying and death differently, because of their personal and individual mental conceptions, their cultures or religious beliefs, etc. regarding life and death, even though in a very simple way, on a biological level, when you are biologically dead, you are dead? But is this a correct view of the general concept of dying and death?

Another question for people to think about is this question. If the body is dead, does that mean that the individual human consciousness is dead too, or does the individual human consciousness continue onward into a different realm of existence? Even now, the word multi-dimensional universes may exist, so why not start thinking about multi-dimensional realities and realms of existence and even, yes, consciousness.

Yes, they do. People all over the world view life differently life on planet Earth for all sorts of reasons; economically, politically, socially, and even religiously. They most definitely have different ways to say goodbye to the world and to their bodies and the bodies of other people too, like to burn the body, leave the body on top of a mountain to be eaten by the birds and animals, to bury the body, etc. Or simple leave the body in a clear plastic cage to remind the world that someone was an evil world leader by causing the deaths of millions of human beings.

Could it be that people all over the world have had different experiences regarding both the physical and mental aspects of dying and death, compared to other people all over the world?

Or in other words, don’t people have different opinions and states of consciousness about what death is and if there is the afterlife if they actually believe in the afterlife? Some people believe that they will simply return to dust, which seems a bit silly since all of the atoms in the biological body have to change into other atoms.

Don’t people see and view life on planet Earth very differently? What is life exactly? Is life simply a biological moving body, or is there a much grandeur view of life, like the concept that Life is God, and of course, the general concept of life on Earth, which by the way, is really beyond the realm of possibilities, statistically speaking. I am inclined to think that many people all over the world are indeed obsessed with dying and death more than they are obsessed with life and living.

As a matter of fact, many people who are living on planet Earth are just looking forward to their dying and deaths, or their relatives and friends. Even some religions are really obsessed with dying and death, but in the wrong way.

On the other hand, there is the other class of people who are living their individual personal lives with the only concern with their living their personal individual lives on planet Earth without any regard or thought or consideration about their own individual and personal experiences of their own individual personal dying and death experience sometime in their future.

Some people are so wrapped in their busy human lives in the modern world that they are too busy to think about their dying experiences and their own deaths. In other words, some people do not care anything about their own death, or how to overcome their human deaths after all, to think about death means to be a thinker and metaphysical thinker at that.

But to think that death is a think out there somewhere, like a monster, waiting to pull you into a state of nothingness or into a different realm of existence is really something that is too big for the ordinary person to think about.

The above statements are all related to the big word, consciousness, the consciousness of dying and death, and the possibility of the afterlife too. The point is that every human being is actually conscious of the fact that they will die one day.

But they are probably not aware of the fact that even if their biological bodies seem to die too this realm of existence, their individual state of consciousness just may live on, especially since there are different states of consciousness even while walking around on planet Earth.

Generally, unless death happens very fast or quickly to an individual or mass of people, are not dying individuals actually aware that they are dying, like when I was dying from the CLL cancer that was quickly destroying and killing my own biological body.

Yes, I was aware of it. How could it be otherwise? But on the other hand, I was also aware of many other states of consciousness too, but truth be told, I was aware of those other states of consciousness before I appeared to be dying from stage 4 CLL cancer.

But to laugh at my own personal individual human death seemed a bit silly for part of my mind.

But for my own individual case and situation, I was actually conscious of more than just my own biological body and its dying process. I was also conscious of the afterlife, and more importantly, I was conscious of other realms of existence, including the realm termed God as far as I was able to do it considering the state I was in while I was dealing with a deadly situation.

First, people view life, dying, and death very differently in many ways. But do they view life, dying, and death differently? After all, they all know that one day each human being will stop breathing oxygen.

One of the biggest differences among the peoples of planet Earth is that some people no matter where they live on planet Earth do not think about dying, death, and the afterlife in any way whatsoever. Within their own individual human consciousness, they life their lives like monkeys in a way, believing only in the evidence before their limited in front of their eyes. But those days are long gone, believing that life is only what you see with your human eyes.

Other people think or at least have an awareness about dying and death all of the time, either because of their culture, their religion, or their job and employment; like police, soldiers, doctors, and nurses.

Other people might think about dying and death more than other people because of their experiences in life, either individual or collective, like the mass destruction of the human species. People in a war zone probably have only dying and death on their minds, in their consciousness all of the time, whether they think about it or not.

Second. The other difference among the peoples of planet Earth is that some people actually think about dying, death, and the afterlife while they are living on planet Earth and some people might state that those people might think about dying and death way too much instead of thinking about living life as much as they can before they actually die. Party on. Why not, since I am going to die one day. Why waste life on being serious for one day or moment of your existence

Third. What if death is a state of consciousness instead of something that many people think of as a state of death in a biological body state of consciousness? If a person overcame the delusion that they are only a one-dimensional biological state consciousness without regard to the other realms of existence before they die human, then it could be stated that they are in a way dead already, from a spiritual point of view. Yet, to think about multi-realms of existence and especially consciousness would be a good place to start overcoming the delusion called death.

From a total spiritual point of view, ‘man’ made in the likeness and image of God, Spirit, is not a human being with a skin, bone, blood, sex organs, and a brain biological. Or in other words, a one-dimensional state of a biological body. It is sad to think that there are so-called Christians who think that they are made in the likeness and image of God, and then they think that they have to have sex to be in that image and likeness. Isn’t that a religious mental delusion? Among others. ‘Man’ made in the image and likeness of God cannot die, because God, Life, cannot die.

And then there is the complexity of completely different mental states of consciousness, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual which most people might consider as three separate states of being or existence. But is it possible that those three different concepts, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual, can all be discovered, and experienced on planet Earth before the so-called death of the human biological body? Could the physical, mental, and spiritual all be connected so the concept of death seems a bit silly, even if you actually die a biological death?

Is it not true, if you think about it? Thinking about these topics is something good, not bad.

There is the biological body state of consciousness. There is the mental state of consciousness, especially in the hardwired human brain, which of course is filled within itself with all sorts of different states of abstract states of consciousness, like music and mathematics, which of course, in reality, are like, ‘invisible’ states of consciousness which are not a pure state of material state of consciousness. Music and mathematics are pure realms of abstract consciousness in and by themselves, even if they exist only within the human state of consciousness.

Do people all around the globe actually think that way, that there are basic and general states of consciousness like the physical, meaning the biological as one state of a physical state of consciousness, the different mental states of consciousness within the brain, the spiritual states of consciousness, which would be and is a completely different and non-biological state of consciousness? In general, most people walk around planet Earth wondering about death like a drunkard who walks out of a bar to view the street with fuzzy eyes and a fuzzy brain too.

To take the concept of consciousness and dying and death from a different perspective within consciousness, everyone and every creature on planet Earth is, I am assuming conscious of the fact, that they know that one day or at a moment in their future, they will no longer be walking on planet earth like a drunkard state of mind.

However, they might pray and hope that there is something beyond the graves for them. Even prayerful hopefulness is a state of awareness for an afterlife while still walking on planet Earth. I love walking on planet Earth. It is full of life.

Very simply, dying, death, and the afterlife are states of consciousness, but not like the states of human consciousness that normal people live in when they are walking about planet Earth with biological bodies made of skin, bones, blood, organs, brain, etc.

It is really amazing the places where consciousness can go when it leaves the human brain and body. I have most definitely exited my own human biological in various ways which would amaze all of my readers.

Here is the thing my dear readers. How can any human being not realize before they even have to face the concept of death, think to themselves that what they see with their human eyes, hear with their ears, smell with their noise, taste with their tongue, and feel on their skin, is the ultimate state of reality of all existence? What a ridiculous and silly idea.

But it seems so real, doesn’t it. The biological bodies we are in. The blue sky. The sun, moon, stars-galaxies, the whole cosmic universe. But what if there is more than all that ‘stuff?’ Here is a hint for you readers. There is more to life, living, dying, and death. Maybe none of you will agree with me, but it is true. How true? After all, some people are aware of the subatomic realms of existence, so why not would there more to, well, everything.

Could there be a complete separation between the human consciousness that seems to be trapped inside a human brain, even before the experience of dying and death itself?

I am stating this from my own personal experiences, that the human consciousness can be exited from the human brain because I have done it in many ways. But here is the clincher. I never planned for any of those experiences. But I did prepare both my body, brain, mind, and consciousness before I left my own biological body by thinking and pondering a whole bunch of topics. You would think that it is a crazy thing to do, until you return back to Earth, back inside your, mine brain in this case, to write about it.

You could do the same thing if you wanted too, but I would not advice anyone to try to leave your own biological body before you are ready for it because you may not be able to get back into your own biological human body.

I have talked to people who have exited their biological bodies without expecting it, and they were not religious at all, nor were they higher intellectual brains and minds. They simply had an out-of-body experience. A lot of you readers are probably laughing at the possibility that it is even possible that there are actually different ways to leave your own biological bodies, but everything begins with thinking and consciousness.

Once the event and moment of the transition from living with a human biological body to being transformed into higher states of consciousness happen to you, there is no returning to those old, outdated concepts that your biological body is your only identity. As a side remark which I will write about later sometime. Is it not truly amazing that some human beings identify themselves with their sexual organs?

They think to themselves and live it too, that, ‘I am a penis. I am a vagina. That is who I am, completely, as a human being. That itself is a kind of death before death. Let me set the record straight on ‘paper.’ The penis and vagina are for making babies. They are not biological organs to be bowed down too and worship like worshiping a stone statue. That is the truth, like it or not. What is more important than your penis and vagina some of you may ask yourselves? Well, a whole bunch of stuff, actually, like not having a nuclear war for one.

The experience of dying and death is really more a psychological event than a biological event after you consider that it is the human mind and consciousness that is actually aware of the end of life for the human biological body when the end is near for it. It is the human brain and mind that is part of the human biological body that knows that its shell of a biological body is dying, like in my case, when I was dealing with stage 4 CLL cancer. I was not ready to die yet.

But I had already overcome the human biological belief that my biological body, born of two human beings, was my only identity. It might be strange for the reader to grasp that there might be more to your identity than a simple, but complex human biological body. Some people may even identify themselves with their human brain, which I myself like to do from time to time. I like using my brain even better now that I am getting a bit older. But there are limits to that too.

I knew that my human biological body was in trouble, in very horrible trouble, but I was not scared or even fearful of my personal death from planet Earth. I also knew it was my mind or human consciousness that was the part of me that was actually aware of my biological body that was dying. Why?

Because at the moment between being a healthy human body and a dying human body, my human mind had no choice but to feel and experience and be conscious of something, the event which could not be denied in this realm of existence. But in truth, my brain and consciousness were experiencing more that I am going to write about in this essay.

I have to admit. My psychological experience of dying was really an eye-opener because so many things were happening within my mind, my human psychological state of existence, that I was partly overwhelmed with it. Like taking LSD for the first time, I can imagine for some people who have taken LSD. One reason was that, as you all will experience when your moment to face death arrives, the only person who will be there inside your mind will be you, as what you will experience as a mental or psychological event of dying.

Needless to state, some of the things I did know from a multi-dimensional state of consciousness were a few things to be mentioned here. One, I had already long ago overcame the human delusional belief that the biological body that claimed to be me, born from two human beings, one a male and the other a female was indeed not my true spiritual selfhood, but a counterfeit of a higher spiritual selfhood that was not in a biological body at all. Nice words and hopeful thoughts you may think to yourselves. But no, must more than nice words and hopeful thoughts.

There is a saying in the Bible in the Gospel of John that states, ‘To enter the kingdom of God, you must be born again.’ How many so-called Christians are truly born again? Probably not one of them. To be born again means to be aware of your true spiritual identity that cannot die because your true spiritual identity is not in a human biological body. That is the truth.

But that being stated, I still had to deal with the biological body that was me on planet Earth. That is ok. I did not want my biological body to stop working and operating yet, as with most people who are living and who do not want to die an early death. I still had my pets to take care of and I still needed to write a few more true metaphysical statements before I actually ‘die.’

But even humanly, there was more to the situation than just trying to destroy the CLL cancer with the chemo-pills in my human biological body. There was the mental and psychological struggle of knowing I was dying, that the I that is the human biological body, and the I that is mental and psychological and the I that is Spirit, helped me to overcome the belief that I was going to die.

I know that many if not most of the readers of this essay have no idea of what I am trying to convey with the concept a multi-dimensional consciousness because you have not taken the time and energy to learn the metaphysical concepts of a multi-dimensional consciousness even humanly, but more to the point, as a state if existence, as your state of consciousness.

On the other hand, even having a human biological body that is still living and yet dying at the same time, my human mind and consciousness were experiencing a variety of different psychological phenomena. Maybe some people do not experience a variety of psychological phenomena for a variety of reasons when they are dying, like being shot in the head or brain, and bang, just dead in a second.

Or being in a car or truck, etc. an accident that happens so fast that the body and brain and the mind are ‘dead.’ faster than when it happens slowly or even very slowly. So, in those types of cases, the human brain and mind do not have time to react to the event of dying and death like you would when you are slowly dying, like me and other people who are dying very slow, or a slow death, or even a few days death like when the Covid virus killed so many human beings around the globe.

Now then, with that being stated, and because I was consciously aware of having a multi-dimensional state of existence, I was actually dealing with the CLL cancer in various ways like taking very powerful chemo-pills because I wanted all the help I could get as fast as I could get it. But with that being stated, although not quite clear just yet, I had been thinking about all of the metaphysical topics like what is God, evil, the cosmic universe, and the afterlife from the first moment I could think.

It has been stated that the man Jesus was walking around on planet Earth knowing that he was walking in a dream world. Sometimes I feel the same way. But life is what it is on planet Earth.

Just maybe, and maybe even probably, if a human being does not devote part of their childhood life and especially their adult lives to research the deep issues of life and death, God and ‘evil’ and even the afterlife, but more importantly to the topic of consciousness on multi-dimensional levels of existence, then when it is their moment to die or leave planet Earth, they will probably have an event of dying and death that is, of course, an event onto themselves, but not quite like my human experience because I had already prepared my individual human consciousness through decades of ‘metaphysical and spiritual training.’

But I cannot help but believe that older people especially, are wondering about the day they will die. Yet, they have no concrete answers for the mystery call death. But after reading this essay, they should have a few hints solve that mystery. At least a little bit.

It could be stated that the biological body knows that it is dying, but in reality, it is the human brain and the human consciousness that knows that it is dying because the hardwired brain is connected to the human biological body. But, does the human consciousness really die when the biological is death? Is there part of the human consciousness that is truly immortal? Think about it.

Therefore, there is not only the hardwired brain that knows its biological body is dying, like when my hardwired brain and consciousness knew that my biological was in deep trouble when stage 4 CLL cancer cells were destroying my body, but even my human state of consciousness had already ascended from a false and limited concept called the human biological body, and as a matter of fact, from many false concepts of life. What crazy concepts you may think to yourselves. That is ok because I truly don’t expect most of you to understand it even though I don’t think I could write any clearer and straight forward.

On a deeper state of existence, not only does the hardwired brain know that its biological body is dying of stage 4 CLL cancer, but so does the human soft-wired state of consciousness know it too. In other words, different states of consciousness are aware of different things in this life while living on planet Earth, and it can know when it is dying too.

But that being stated, the human consciousness can know other things are happening within itself as well, as feeling that its biological body is getting ready to stop operating as a biological body, as the soft-wired human consciousness can float off into other realms of existence, most which cannot be seen by the human brain. The human brain is limited to what it can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Wouldn’t that be true with regards to life and death? Think about it.

What happens when the human consciousness has investigated the different realms of life and existence for decades with the result being a complete transformation within the structure of the human consciousness before the claim of death has come to claim his biological body, a person is truly ready for death, even if that is not apparent at the moment of death. If death is not real, then where do you go, you may be asking yourselves. It all starts within your consciousness.

Even Jesus and other thinkers have stated that the kingdom of God and heaven is within you. But certainly not within your human biological body. That would be a silly delusion.

Even when the biological body is very healthy, the claim of death is always there, in the background of the subconscious mind, just waiting to be opened to the stairways to either the up or down places of existence. However, there is not an up and down place in spiritual reality.

Just one more statement about life, living, dying, death, and consciousness. I know that most if not all so-called Christians believe that there was a poor human named Jesus who was hung on the cross, and he died, and then he rose to live again, because he was God in the flesh, or whatever you so-called Christians want to believe regarding the human man named Jesus.

But in reality, Jesus also possessed a multi-dimensional state of consciousness. Can not any of you so-called Christians understand that statement. Jesus had a skin, bone, blood, and brain human biological body. His brain was operating. But he also had the Christ consciousness too. So, therefore, he could overcome the delusion of death. Why is death a mortal delusion? For so many reasons, like is life in general and specifically only in a biological body. Or is life in general and your life specifically more in your state of consciousness, and what is your state of consciousness, even on a human scale of existence, is your life?

People all around the globe may have similar states of human consciousness for specific reasons, but on the other hand, they can possess very different states of human consciousness for other reasons. Can it not be reasoned logically likewise for a material state of existence versus a spiritual state of consciousness even while living on planet Earth, and vice versa. The same goes for a one-dimensional biological consciousness compared to a multi-dimensional state of consciousness that includes all levels of existence, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual.

It seems very weird to me that the believers in the human man named Jesus have not figured out yet that even the man Jesus, lived in a multi-dimensional state of consciousness while he walked on planet Earth, both before and after his death. It is time for his professed followers to begin to do the same, instead of being dead to the spiritual consciousness which was Jesus's true deathless identity called the Christ Consciousness.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Essay 6 - 2024. A Tanker’s Battle with Life and Death. Soldiers Tanker’s Battle with Dying and Death. Or Simply Death. War Movies and Songs about Death. “This will be the day that I die.” 1960s Song. War is a cancer of the human species. When will it stop? When in God’s holy name does the human species stop killing human beings? By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. February 8, 2024

 Essay 6 - 2024. A Tanker’s Battle with Life and Death.

Soldiers Tanker’s Battle with Dying and Death. Or Simply Death.

War Movies and Songs about Death.

“This will be the day that I die.” 1960s Song.

War is a cancer of the human species. When will it stop?

When in God’s holy name does the human species stop killing human beings?

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

February 8, 2024

In my last essay, I mentioned something about a song that might go like this, “When am I going to die because I really want to know?”

As I walked into one of my living rooms, I heard a 1960s song that goes, “This will be the day that I die.”

After I prepared my sitting-down laptop desk that lays on my lap, I switched the Netflix channels until I found a movie titled, ‘Fury.’ It is a WW II movie and a very specific war adventure with a bunch of American soldiers sitting in an operating tank on a battlefield somewhere in Germany during a war. It could be any war. In any war town. With any tank men, soldiers that is.

I never understood why anyone would want to be inside a war tank during wartime, because it is like living in a box, living in your own coffin, and then dying in that box of steel, except that it does protect a person from flying bullets that are trying to kill you if you were a soldier or even a citizen. Being in a steel box is a good thing when the bullets are aiming at your head if you are walking on a battlefield.

When I was a young boy, again when I was a young boy because I have so many memories of war movies and songs about life and living and dying and death that now I can relate to the songs and movies that I saw and heard when I was a young boy. I can also remember other images from so long ago on that small black and white television about American people who were either pro-war or anti-war, or even people all around the world.

Some boys and girls never see or watch a war movie about WWI or WWII or any other war around the world. Nor do they see or watch war movies at all, so they are really isolated from the evil people in the world, like leaders who enjoy killing and murdering millions of innocent people in one way or another way. A lot of children don’t hear songs about war, killing, dying, and death either. But some children see and hear war every day of their lives. Sad isn’t it!

What else do you call and label world leaders who enjoy watching their war machines murdering children, old people, and every age in between? That is, among the other evil people in the world who do other evil things to other innocent people. Some people have some serious mental and brain problems. Some people have some really violent problems, even teenagers.

Therefore, I am assuming that some young minds are mentally pure about the evils of human existence, about how evil human beings can be evil to each other; and how evil world leaders can be on a planet that was supposed to be a planet with life, a special place in the cosmic universe, instead of being a planet with wars. In other words, murderous world leaders do not care about human life or any life at all. Nor do they care about the creator of the universe, planet Earth, and of all living things. That is a sad state of affairs in the minds of evil people.

Some boys and girls are born into a war. They do not need to see it on a television set or on a smartphone. They don’t need to see and watch a war movie or hear a song with the lyrics, ‘Today will be the day I die. Today will be the day that I will die.’ They wake up every day knowing that today could be the day die. Today is the day a lot of children around the world will die around the world because world leaders do not care if children live or die, in wars that should not exist on a special planet with life on it.

Some boys and girls in America and around the world who are not even in an official war know that they could die today because they are living in a neighborhood where other boys are killing each other because of a drug war, or just for the fun it. Yet it seems like no one seems to care about the violence on America’s streets, just like they do not care about violence overseas because the only thing that they can do is watch the war or violence on their 60-inch television sets, etc.

I currently live in a small town with violent teenagers whose parents have not taught the teenage children the difference between being a good versus a bad human being. And guess what my dear readers, the police who used to be paid to protect and serve the defenseless are now letting the young violent teenagers get away with picking fights and destroying the personal property of real taxpayers in the state I live in currently. Of course, a lot of cops are violent whenever they know they will not get caught killing American citizens.

Recently, I have experienced young teenage kids and older teenagers be violent towards me and other people too, on my own personal property in the small town I currently live in. One day, when the battle between the chemo and the cancer was happening within my biological body, there were five teenagers with a 19-year leading them, all trying to fight me, which in a way, was kind of funny because I was going to hurt the first moron that even came close to me.

And what they did not know was that there were nine security cameras pointed at the street. So, I was thinking to myself, let the game begin, you punks. Now there are thirteen security cameras facing the street just in case I have to defend myself against one or a hundred punks, young or old. And if a cop decides to kill me, it will be on local and national news stations in America.

Even with stage 4 cancer and chemo killing it, my mind was racing with whose fingers, arms, and legs I was going to break first. Just like soldiers who enter the military when young, who love it until they see the blood, the dying, and the death. And then there was all the keying and damaging of cars in the neighborhood. I truly believe that some children should be taken out of school and simply be put into the military to help protect America from its enemies.

These kids are already to become soldiers who enjoy killing and hurting people. The police too. I bet every time a cop kills someone they all laugh about it back at the station. The white trash parents did not care either until their kids had broken bones by a chemo cancer patient. Self-defense and fighting skills really help when you are dying from stage 4 cancer, with the chemo-pills killing the cancer cells, and then you have to defend yourself because the police department will not help you.

I know that kids kill each other because decades ago when I was giving communications skills classes to a bunch of young kids who were mostly black, I saw what they had to do every day to survive the shootings and killings on the street in their neighborhood. Within the time that I was there, three of their classmates were shot at and killed by other kids on the streets in a bad part of Rochester, New York. The sad thing is, that there were even more dangerous neighborhoods in America.

The streets should not have been dangerous for students of any color, not to mention being shot at and killed when they were walking to school or walking home from school. Nowadays, kids worry about being shot at and killed in school, all around America. Nowadays, the song would go something like, ‘Today I hope I don’t die in school.’

For children, teenagers, teachers, and those who are ready to leave high school too. They are all thinking to themselves, ‘Today could be the day that I die.’ In America. What are America’s leaders actually doing to stop the violence in America? Maybe the politicians simply do not care if America’s children die in school.

My question at this point is this. How many billions of people around the world own only the violent monkey brain underneath their skulls? Teenage punk and/or world leaders. Just the dinosaurs from long ago. Teenagers and world leaders with dinosaur brains. Hum!

But not only children but grown men and women who deliver their babies to the world know that again, ‘Today is the day that I might die. Today is the day I might die.’ Innocent men and women who do not live in or die in a war, anywhere around the world. Yet, their political leaders do not care about the lives of their own citizens because of the evil nature within their own individual personal human minds. World leaders with dinosaur brains, with the mentality of the dinosaurs. Hum!

How true should that be overseas even in today’s modern-day world, where the only thing that seems to change about human nature is that we can all watch more wars, killing, and death on the billions of smartphones that are in the hands of so many every around the world. It would seem to me that after all of the major world wars, and the small wars too, obviously either forgotten or ignored or not known about by ordinary human beings it seems, no lessons about the evils of war have been stuck in the minds of the leaders around the world. Does anyone remember the evils of the wars of the past?

How can leaders of countries and nations simply send their own citizens to die in a war that nobody wants in the first place? Don’t world leaders understand or realize that people do not want to die in a war, either a world war or even a small war. Why is it game time for some world leaders to send their citizens to war? A big fat joke to them. After all, world leaders can laugh at their own citizen’s deaths.

I have known a few tank men in my day, but I think the tank soldier I really remember the most was my local postman, a chubby black man who probably could not run down the block to deliver the mail to anyone, but at least he could walk down the street to deliver the local mail to each house that had mail arriving for that day. He probably likes walking instead of being stuck inside a tank.

The movie ‘Fury’ really was about the song, ‘Today is the day I die. Today is the day that I day.’

This may be the day that I will die is now a constant psychological event within my mind, meaning that one day I will really and truly be the day that I die, or in my case, simply leave planet Earth as another entity, or transform into a complete state of spiritual state of consciousness instead of being a human being. Or maybe I be sent to another universe.

There are at least two different realms of existence that we can ponder. The biological state of consciousness of skin, bones, blood, bodily organs, etc. Then there is the completely enclosed state of spiritual consciousness, which I have experienced, while my human biological body was lying there in bed with the chem. chemical pills fighting off the cancer cells that were killing my biological body. Fighting off a bunch of uneducated white trash gay teenagers was going to be nothing for me. I was going to enjoy it. It might have been the last real multi-person fight for me.

In regard to tanks and war, there are two different states of awareness too. There is the inside of the tank and then there is the outside of the tank. When I was a very young boy, when I watched war movies with tanks in them, I wondered where it would be the better place to be, inside the tank or outside the tank, which in many ways is a moving coffin if you happen to die in it.

If you are inside the tank, you are protected by the bullets that are whizzing by the walking soldiers. But is better for a soldier who is in the tank if other soldiers are trying to kill them with rifles and other weapons.

But if a missile is whizzing into your tank, you are in effect a dead human being in a coffin tank. Whatever sense you have of being a spirit, a ghost, or a spiritual consciousness, depending on a few factors, then you will be hopefully transformed into another state of consciousness, whether it will be a mental illusion or a mentality of a spiritual state of consciousness.

Is it better to be inside a human biological body or outside the body, just like the tank of war. Is it better to be inside the tank or is it better to be outside the tank? Either way, there are advantages and disadvantages. Being inside a human biological body allows you to enjoy human life or the human state of existence. Being a living human being is good for you if you live a good human life. I think if you live a bad human life, then it might be bad in the afterlife.

When you are a human being, you get to see with human eyes, hear with human ears, taste the food you eat, and smell roses with human noses. But hugely you are a trapped human being, unless you know that you really are not encased within a human biological body, because in a spiritual reality, you are an idea of the Divine Mind, a spiritual image that is unchangeable, born-less, deathless. I am betting that most of you might be trapped inside your human body until you die. Not me!

But once you have exited your human biological body in different ways like I have, you will know that there is more to life and living existence than a human biological body. But it takes a change within the structure of human consciousness to achieve such out-of-body adventures.

I bet that once a soldier is inside a tank of war, he does feel a bit trapped inside the tank and he feels protected until he knows he cannot get out of the tank during certain battle situations. But if he can escape the box called a tank, if he needs to quickly exit the tank to live, he will feel that it is really bad to be in a tank. When a human being is trapped inside a biological with cancer, being a human being is not really fun anymore.

Once a human being leaves his body in multiple ways, he truly knows that there is more to life and living and existence, and oh yes, different states of consciousness too, than walking around with two feet like a monkey.

Including the space and time cosmic universe. Is there more to existence than the cosmic universe that we see with the human eyeballs and the human brain? I can guarantee my readers that there is more to life and living than living and life on planet Earth.

I know that the answer to that question is true because I have experienced it, unlike the rest of you mere mortals. People like being a mortal human being when they are young. But then people get old, and their human biological bodies start to wear out, it slowly stops working, until the day of their deaths. And then, when that moment arrives that they stop breathing, who knows where people go in the afterlife if they actually have an afterlife.

So that might be at least a third dimension for some people, the afterlife.

I have questioned myself, do human beings have an afterlife for various reasons, just like soldiers who are trapped inside a tank, when they exit the tank to enter the world of light waves, blue sky, air, trees, and life and living outside the metal tank. Is death like that, leaving the tank of your biological body to experience the freedom of being bodiless?

So, there is the song, “Today will be the day that I die.” And a movie, “Fury.” at the same moment in a moment that I was thinking about something to write about regarding dying and death. How many different types of stories are there about dying and death. Those soldiers inside the tank did not need a song with the words, ‘Today is the day that I die. They were thinking it every day, just like cancer patients, just like me too. At least I thought it could happen.

One tank among millions of tanks. One war movie among thousands of war movies. One war among hundreds of wars, just a few tankers among millions of tankers, just to try to make it through a war among wars throughout the history of the human species.

Well, maybe not throughout human history. After all, soldiers in the prewar era. They simply killed each other up close, so they could see and feel and smell the blood of other human beings. They could hear the death scream of the dying.

When will it stop? The weapons of war. The world leaders who believe in war and who believe that killing and murdering millions upon millions of human beings throughout history is normal.

How many men of all ages, who were and still are in tanks for war purposes, all over the world, thought to themselves that they did not want to die in a war of any kind, nor did they want to die in a tank that could be their own personal coffin with their tank buddies?

What could be a bigger cancer to the collective human species besides war? Oh, nothing. And yet, people, even me, have to deal with their own personal cancer. Some people have more than one cancer in their biological human bodies. Luckily, I am still alive as a human being. Or not a human being. Depending on how you look at me, a person living between at least two worlds.

So, there are at least two different types of cancers in the human race. There is the disease cancer and there is the war cancer. The human species tries to rid itself of the disease cancer, but it does not want to rid itself of the cancer called war, maybe because it is good for the economy, some politicians might think to themselves.

Will the human cancer called war cancer simply continue to haunt future generations of human beings forever?

Is that the way the God of the universe would want it?

God forbid.!

Isaiah 34:1–36:22

Judgment Against the Nations

34 Come near, you nations, and listen;e

pay attention, you peoples!f

Let the earthg hear, and all that is in it,

the world, and all that comes out of it!h

The Lord is angry with all nations;

his wrathi is on all their armies.

He will totally destroya j them,

he will give them over to slaughter.k

Their slainl will be thrown out,

their dead bodiesm will stink;n

the mountains will be soaked with their blood.o

All the stars in the sky will be dissolvedp

and the heavens rolled upq like a scroll;

all the starry host will fallr

like withereds leaves from the vine,

like shriveled figs from the fig tree.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!