Essay 9, 2024. Different States of Space Within and Outside the Human Consciousness.
Before Dying and Death. After Death, Space is Different.
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!
February 29, 2024.
We are all aware of space. We walk through space. We talk through space. We see space. We are conscious of space. Our human consciousness is located in the external space of our brains and minds, and some might even state that human consciousness is at one with space in many different ways. In a sense, the human consciousness is trapped within space, and space is trapped within the human consciousness. Consciousness is at one with space and space is at one with the human consciousness.
Just like time is all around us, so too, space is all around us. As time is inside and outside us, so too, is space also within us and outside of us, in various ways, just like time. From the moment we are born until we die, both time and space are within us and outside of our human biological body and brain too.
But more than that, space and time are also part of the human consciousness, even as the human consciousness is aware of space and time, so too is the human consciousness living within different realms of space and time.
There is the outer space. There is the inner space, and there is the inner space living within the outer space not only because the human consciousness is actually living in a space world on planet Earth, but it looks out to the space between Earth and the Sun during the day, and to the moon at night.
At night, the human brain and mind look up towards the night space to the moon and galaxies very far away from planet Earth. As a matter of fact, there is so much cosmic space in the cosmic universe that the human brain and mind can’t actually fathom it all even with the most powerful telescopes.
How could that even be possible when the light traveling through outer space takes 14 billion light years to reach us, or so the scientists tell us. Some scientists study outer space, but what is really more important is the space that is termed the human consciousness. I would go so far as to state that what happens in outer space has very little to do with the human species in many regards, but not totally.
It is amazing isn’t it, that the human consciousness can look into the night sky and be conscious of it even in the simplest of forms of human consciousness. In deeper states of human consciousness, the night sky is more than just a space mystery, it is part of what the human species is, because we are made of elements from outer cosmic space from long ago, even from the moment of the Big Bang, or so the scientists say in their own words.
On the other hand, the ‘space’ that is within our minds termed consciousness, is the human species being conscious of all of that space that starts from the human eyeballs back to the Big Bang. Human consciousness is conscious of that earthly and cosmic space, but it is also conscious of the space in the night dream worlds where crazy things can happen independently from the earthly and cosmic spaces all around the human biological body.
Human beings are not only aware of the space that is outside of the human body and brain, but it is also aware of the space within our own minds. How so you may ask yourselves? Well, for one, each human being seems to be trapped within their own human brain and mind, under the skull of the brain. Inside the limited space within the human brain, is a lot of different realms of spaces within the mental realms within the human mind, or consciousness.
It is a mental space, as states of human consciousness, that also exist independent of the external realms of space. The experiences that we see outside our brain in the space of the earthly and cosmic realms of existence are out there, but they become a part of the space inside our brain and mind, which of course becomes a part of our memories and our identity too.
What about those astronauts who are floating out there in outer space? What kind of memories do the astronauts have compared to those human beings who are stuck on the ground on planet Earth? By floating in outer cosmic space, I mean those lucky or not-so-lucky astronauts who are floating outside the space station in outer space in real space suits, who are experiencing real space in outer space for hours at a clip?
Do their individual states of human consciousness which seem to be trapped inside their human brains become so aware of the space in outer space that they have their own individual human consciousness transformed into new states of human consciousness, because their biological human bodies and minds and states of individual consciousness are no longer trapped, stuck to the ground on planet Earth?
To be floating around the isness and nowness of outer space and be conscious of it too. Seeing planet Earth from up there, knowing that the human species is only a speck of a species in the grand scheme of the cosmic universe, yet so stupid to be on the edge of human self-destruction because of so many reasons, including nuclear self-annihilation by all of those nuclear bombs. What a flash that would be if all of the nuclear bombs exploded all at once.
Many people spend a lot of time within the space within their own personal state of human consciousness. In contrast, other people probably do not like being inside their own minds for a whole bunch of reasons, because having to deal with your own personal space called your consciousness is not a very easy thing to deal with especially when there are all sorts of trouble inside the individual human mind, consciousness.
The other problem for most people who do not want to spend a lot of time dealing with the space termed their individual consciousness is that when they have to travel deep within their own consciousness, the space deep within their own mind, they know that there are a lot of big questions of living, life, dying, and death, God and evil, etc. that they do not want to deal with because having to think deeply, to search out the real deep purposes and reasons for being alive in the first place because being a conscious human being should take a lot of work from a religious and metaphysical spiritual standpoint.
It takes of lot of mental and conscious work to think about, to discover, all of the important questions and answers about time, space, God, evil, and the deep purposes for having any type of consciousness at all.
Some people want to travel outside the realm of planet Earth in spaceships to view the cosmic universe even though the human species’ biological bodies are not built for traveling to and in the cosmic outer space, so, therefore, the human species has to build space ships that human beings can live in so their human bodies of skin, bone, blood, do not self-destruct while they are being pushed passed the sky that is the space between the ground and the upper layers where jet fighter airplanes like to fly in the sky.
There are jet fighter airplane pilots who like and live to fly high in the sky, through space that is. They like to sit in the seat of a jet fighter airplane and smile at the people walking on planet Earth because they know that most people will never fly through space above Earth in a jet fighter airplane going Mach 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, etc.
Then there are those other people who fly above the space above planet Earth where those jet fighter airplane pilots fly. Those people fly to the moon, or simply to the space station that is rolling around planet Earth with different people from different nations all hanging out while they constantly look down at the blue ball that is floating in the airless space.
One day, there might be people traveling to the planet Mars. I for one would rather stay on planet Earth, at least for now. Traveling to the planet Mars has not been a tested idea or even a practical event just yet. Let the robots go to Mars, not human beings.
Some scientists have stated that most of the airless space above planet Earth is a state of nothingness, which in one way is true, but in another way, it is not true. The scientists know that the void of space is filled with something even if at the moment they cannot describe what it is. They call it dark matter and dark energy which is better than nothing I am going to guess.
The human beings who fly around planet Earth in the international space station see space very differently than the human beings who are trapped on planet Earth by gravity. The people who walk on planet Earth feel gravity at every second of their lives unless they are using some means to avoid the feeling of gravity on their biological bodies.
Some people probably do not feel gravity on their human biological bodies because their minds are wasted on drugs, or because they are in a semi-coma state, like I was when I was dying of stage 4 CLL cancer. Truthfully, even when I was walking around drugged up on chemo-pill and other drugs, I was like a zombie in a movie, barely able to be aware of those realms called space and time in any way whatsoever.
I was not really conscious of gravity because I wasn’t really conscious at all, except my own state of consciousness. Most people do not know this, but there is a God, Spirit, Mind, and Truth, that is conscious of its own state of existence as a form of eternal Life. God is not conscious of any of the human mind's conscious illusions and delusions regarding life, dying, death, or even the afterlife. God, Spirit, is only conscious of its own self-existence and nothing else. God is a pure realm of self-consciousness, which I have experienced once during my stage 4 CLL cancer state experience.
That means that there is not a God somewhere that creates cancer, sickness, or death. Some people like to blame God, Spirit, for everything bad to them and on planet Earth. But Spirit, God, does not know human evil of any kind.
That being stated, I was conscious of other realms of existence, like the possibility that I would be traveling to another realm termed the afterlife. I was also conscious of the different realms of God in its various forms of existence, as much as I could in my semi-zombie state of being. But here is really a very important point my dear readers.
Since I have spent a considerable amount of my human lifetime seemingly studying, researching, thinking, pondering, and wondering about God and evil, I was already able to handle the claims that I was going to die from stage 4 cancer even if I did die from seemingly stage 4 cancer. That might have been a bit funny to you but is true. If you do not spend part of your life dealing with the really important things in life, then when trouble arrives to you, like the claim of cancer, dying, and death, you have no tools for self-protection.
To be floating around inside the international spaceship must feel really cool after you take some time to get used to not being pulled down to the floor by the force of gravity. Birds fly through space on planet Earth, but they probably do not feel the pull of gravity when they are actually flying, at least not like an airplane. But if they do feel the force of gravity while they are flying in the sky, they have their feathers that help them from falling down towards the Earth’s ground in a deadly spiral.
I could assume that most people do not spend a lot of time within their minds or consciousness because they are living outside of their brains and minds most of the time. After all, that is where life, or their life specifically, is taking place on one level of existence. Many realms of employment are out there in the world, external to the human brain even if the human brain is being used to do all of the physical labors or skills that are done by human hands, even if they are conscious of their hand and work.
Other human beings who walk and live on planet Earth, they spend more time living inside their minds or inside their individual state of mind and consciousness for many reasons, like there is more life and living within side their minds and states of consciousness than what they consider to be life and living outside their minds and individual states of human consciousness.
People who study mathematics, economics, music, and all of the other intellectual endeavors that many people choose to spend their waking hours doing, including those people who actually study with the inner workings of the hardwired human biological brain like the neural sciences of the human brain. Other people study the inner workings of the human consciousness, like what is the human ego, among other psychologically important topics of human interest.
People of both persuasions, people who are truly humanly intellectual and those human beings who are not even close to being intellectuals, have to live in the outer and inner mental concepts of space. Some people live inside the space inside their bedroom, inside their kitchen, inside their bathroom, inside their living room, inside their car or truck or airplane, or wherever.
People of both persuasions walk outside their homes or apartments into a larger realm of space, and time too. They can see the external space out there away from their boxed spaces to walk and talk in a larger sense of space, the space of air and oxygen that they have to breathe to stay alive. Everyone wants clean air to breathe, even if you cannot see the air, you can at least smell it sometimes.
That space is not limited to the space that is confined within the four walls within a house or an apartment it is in an even larger box, which the human biological body needs for protection against the weather, and all of the bad and lawless people who live among the good and law-abiding people of the Earth. The bad people pollute the earth worse than the bad air.
People who are in all of the jails and prisons in America, which by the way have more prisons than China and India combined, must really go crazy knowing that there is space outside the cement boxes that their biological bodies, brains, and minds are stuck in because of the crimes they committed when they had the freedom to choose between being a good or bad human being.
The people who are located and trapped inside either a jail or prison box have nowhere else to go except inside their minds, which might not be a good thing since whatever was in their minds in the first place got them located and trapped in a jail and prison box in the first place. If there is really nothing within the space within the mind of a criminal, why should they be let free if they have no sense of being law-abiding, no sense of right or wrong, no human decency? Who break the laws of life and the living.
So then, the people who are not a jail box or prison box are allowed to leave their own human-owned house or apartment box to walk into the space that is outside of their home or apartment box, so they can mentally experience the space around their house or apartment box. Then they can drive through the space between their house and the place they want to go to.
Some homeless people live inside a cardboard box, but when they leave that cardboard box, they too get to experience the space around their cardboard box, just like the people who leave their own wood, stone, brick, or other home boxes. But inside their human brains and minds, something is pretty messed up must be happening within inside their brains. But at least they are not locked in a prison box, so they to walk around the space of the town or city they live in just like the people who have that freedom to walk and talk in the space outside their human bodies, and minds/consciousness.
Unlike people in a jail or prison, homeless people get to walk around in the spaces which include the blue sky, the trees and flowers, and among the other people who are also free to roam through the space that is located in between the buildings in all of the towns in the world.
Some people like to fall off a bridge or building to commit suicide or to kill themselves for all sorts of reasons. But many people who do that and survive say that they knew that it was a big mistake as soon as they stepped off the roof or bridge because once they jump off a building or bridge, they wish they had not jumped because as they were falling through space between the top of the building or bridge, they realized that there was no going back to the top. Therefore, instead of choosing living and life, they chose dying and death, even if they were already dead inside their mind.
They knew that they could not return to that bridge or building and soon enough, their biological bodies and brains would by the force of gravity be smashed into the cement-like water, or into the actual cement sidewalk or street. I can’t even guess what happens to those people in the afterlife who want to end their human life earlier than what the overall game plan was for them. Take it from me, a cancer survival so far.
Even though I know that there is an afterlife, and I know that my true spiritual self-hood is an image of the Divine Mind or intelligence, that is, an unchangeable spiritual self-hood that is at one with God, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love could not die anyway.
Humanly I did not want to end my human life simply because I was dying from stage 4 CLL cancer. I wanted to live even more because I was not even old enough to die yet. Everyone probably thinks that except really older people who are simply tired of human life.
I wanted to live even more, longer, so maybe one day I too could fly to the moon before I flew to the moon as a spirit, if that actually happens to some people after they die. Why would anyone want to visit the moon? It is a rock with a bunch of dust on it. A lot of people want to go to a place heaven, and they want to avoid a place called hell. But that could be simply humanly religious fantasy. My educated guess is that good and bad and evil people do not go to the same place, nevertheless.
The people who watch other people falling from a tall building or a tall bridge must wonder what it is like for those people who decided to jump into the space of force of gravity that was going to send their biological bodies and brains to an early death. What did it feel like falling through the space called the air for the last seconds of their human lives? Was it happy for them? Did it bring them some sort of joy knowing that out of the billions of people living on planet Earth, they were not feeling the force of gravity under their feet by standing on the ground, or on top of a building or bridge?
Heck, for me looking down a bridge or top of a tall building is scary enough. I am not jumping off anything, oh, except the times I jumped off the side of a mountain with a glider over me. I forgot that one. Ok, but my purpose was to fly like a bird, not to die. There are a lot of people like me who like to play deadly games without having the urge to die, only to live again to play deadly games again.
Maybe, some people are walking on the sidewalks next to those tall buildings with those huge sidewalks next to the streets with all of those cars speeding down the road because everyone has a place to go, especially in huge cities like Manhattan, New York.
With all of those cars speeding to so many different places, I never saw any car accidents except one, when I was in the back seat of a car driven by a college female who did not listen to my instructions. We took an international law class, and we were visiting the United Nations for a road trip. One of my possible goals was to work at the United Nations as an economic advisor or an international lawyer. Instead, I move to sunny California. Long story there.
Anyway, even though there were very tall buildings all over the city, there was definitely space between those very tall buildings, all of those cars, taxis, trucks, etc., moving on the roads between all of those tall buildings. Space. Space with clouds above it all proves that there is still more space above the city lights, life, nightlife, etc.
Many people feel trapped when they are located in big cities while other people simply love being in the big cities where they live and work and then die knowing that they had a grand old time in the realm of people who were their friends and family.
So, instead of being trapped inside a cement jail or prison, some people feel that they are trapped inside cement cities with no sense of escape, except by jumping off a tall building to experience the force of gravity. Other people simply the city for the country for ever more space, peace, and quiet, and of course the hustle and bustle of life and living. I have lived in big cities and very small towns, like I am now.
Some people do not like the space within their individual consciousness, nor the space in the city or the country for all sorts of reasons. The problem with thinking that killing themselves is any sort of solution for their mental problems is this; if they enter the afterlife, they will not be completely dead, so they will have to learn a few lessons about life, like death is not the solution to your mental problems.
They might think that they will feel the force of gravity on their bodies, but in a free fall, you are not supposed to feel gravity per se. You only have free gravity when you crash into something on the ground. I have read about gravity quite a bit. No one feels the force of gravity when you are in the fall of gravity, that is until they smash into the cement sidewalk, which by that time, you might be dead already. If you weren’t dead, you would die so fast, it would happen so fast you would not feel a thing anyway. To be given a gift of life and then to kill yourself is not good.
At least your biological body wouldn’t feel a thing. If your individual consciousness leaves your body, then your individual state of awareness might actually regret such a stupid decision once you have discovered that you are not dead yet because your consciousness is still alive in a different realm of existence. What type of realm of existence would you be in you might ask yourselves. The more important question is this; what type of consciousness do you want to have before your either quickly or slowly demise from planet Earth and this realm of existence.
The hardwired human biological brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness know that there is a difference between being inside a house box, a prison box, and a cardboard box. But the hardwired human biological brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness also know some of the differences between being trapped inside itself and all of the different mental and psychological states of existence and consciousness.
Many people try to escape being inside being inside their hardwired human brains and soft-wired states of mind and consciousness. Or they simply want to be drugged up enough, so they forget everything that is in their personal lives, while at the same time destroying both their hardwired human biological brains and the soft-wired neurons inside their brains and minds.
It has been stated the hardwired human brain is the most complex thing in the whole cosmic universe. For that reason alone, everyone should treasure their human brain and mind.
Some people don’t even care about leaving their human brains and minds at all. Some people simply want to leave their biological bodies in the various ways that certain people try and actually leave like trying transcendental experiences of various sorts. I have personally met people who could leave their human biological bodies at will, while some people I have met have only exited their human biological bodies for other reasons.
Other people like certain monks want to enter a state of nothingness and/or enlightenment. What happens to those people who want to enter a state of nothingness when they die. It would seem that they might be dead already. And even more importantly, they never really lived, nor did they experience life on planet Earth wherever they lived.
I have had many different experiences of leaving my own biological body in various ways, like simply floating out of it only to stop myself because I was in the middle of a group of people. I have also completely exited my human brain to travel very far away in outer space in this cosmic universe.
I viewed a galaxy from very far away from that galaxy, while I floated in outer space for a brief moment only to be pushed back into my human brain with a great huge headache.
But truthfully, I was asking for it without actually asking for it. I was doing this cosmic mental visual experiment for some time and bang, the ‘I’, not the body ‘I’ but the consciousness ‘I’ was far away from planet Earth or any planet whatsoever. I was simply floating in space. Unlike the astronaut who was wearing a space suit, I did not even have a body to wear a space suit. I was spirit.
Those sorts of events happen after many visual mental mind games which I will not explain now because most people need to figure it out for themselves. But I guess I was asking for those experiences of having my consciousness being tossed into outer space only to be tossed back inside my human hardwired brain.
I know many people will not believe that it happened to me. But I can truly account that I have personally experienced other out-of-body experiences. Maybe that is only one reason why I have survived dying and death so many times. Among other reasons. Enough about me, my dear readers. Let us return to the topic of consciousness of space.
Oh yes. All of the people trapped inside a house, in an apartment, in jail or prison, or traveling by plane through space to get from one earthly place to another earthly place are actually different states of individual human consciousness that are not only conscious of space, but they are also individual states of human consciousness inside a hardwired human brain and mind that are traveling through space by other means than simply being physical object and biological objects.
Pretty neat if you think about it.
Now then, to wrap up this essay, there are millions of so-called Christians in America and all around the world who follow the man Jesus who lived over two thousand years ago. If any so-called Christian actually read the Gospels in their true spiritual light, they would realize that Jesus realized the importance of dealing with the space within your own consciousness before you ever enter the kingdom of heaven or God.