This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Essay 8, 2024. Different States of Time Within and Outside the Human Consciousness. Before Dying and Death. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! February 22, 2024.

Essay 8, 2024. Different States of Time Within and Outside the Human Consciousness.

Before Dying and Death.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

February 23, 2024.

In my last essay, I used the word Christ Consciousness without actually explaining what it is, so you too, can have the Christ Consciousness. That will have to wait until a later essay. Instead, I will now try to explain something about the differences between the hardwired human brain compared to the soft-wired human consciousness when it comes to the different mental and physical concepts of time.

Time is rolling around us in all sorts of ways, in your human bodies, on earth, in the cosmic universe, in atomic realms of existence, and even deeper realms or states of existence, time is rolling around us in our human hardwired human biological brains and in our minds or states of human consciousness. We all know that time for us to be alive on planet Earth is short.

The basic hardwired human brain is really the easy part to explain even though the hardwired human brain is not a simple organ at all. The biological human brain is very complex indeed even for the slow and stupid people who do not like to use their human brains for the purposes for which it was intended.

The hardwired human brain operates at the most basic level with its five physical senses which include, the eyes for seeing, the ears for hearing, the nose for smelling, the tongue for tasting, and the skin for feeling for the physical sense of touch. As simple as those five physical senses are compared to the soft-wired parts of the human, they are really very complex in their own ways.

In this essay that I am writing about some of the differences regarding time that is both external and internal to the hardwired human brain and also within the software, or consciousness that is located within the hardwired biological human brain. There are many different realms of time, both internal and external of the human brain and consciousness.

Time is also associated with living and dying because every human being and all creatures have only so much time on planet Earth before it is time to say good-bye to this realm of existence. I wonder what time is like in other dimensions of existence.

All human beings basically see, hear, smell, taste, and feel on the skin the same way, but do they experience time the exact same way? No, they don’t, especially for people who study, research, and ponder the different concepts of time in the cosmic universe and in the atomic universes.

Not so for all of the different people who walk on planet Earth, is time the exact experience within individual states of time consciousness. Time on planet is sort of fixed. The Earth goes around and around at the same time for seemingly endless cycles until one day, planet Earth will be no more.

There are around 7 billion people living on planet Earth who basically see, hear, smell, taste, and feel the same way in general, but who also walk around planet Earth with the exact same mental and physical concepts of time is some ways but different in other ways, without ever thinking twice about how time could be different for their biological bodies and their own states of mind.

What about all of the differences within the software that are located within the hardwired human brain? Within the 7 billion hardwired human brains, there are a few different ways that human beings can be conscious of time within the hidden secret realms deep within their minds. Maybe one day time will be different for them, depending on where they go to in the afterlife. Maybe in the afterlife, there isn't any time at all.

There is the realm of time called the past, the now, the future too. On planet Earth, time has become shorten by the use of smart phones and other forms of technical advancements that make communication take place in nanoseconds, or seconds versus the time it took for messages to be send only a short time ago. Instead of taking a month to get a message, or a week, or a day or an hour, messages are sent through wires and the air in a seemingly instant of time.

I think that we all can relate too and accept the different concepts of time within children, teenagers, working people, and old people, even if they are all living on planet Earth with its own sense of time because of course, planet Earth is moving around the sun according to its own concept of time. It is moving around the sun at a certain amount speed, or time. For how long? In terms of time.

Some people study mathematics their whole lives while other people study music their whole lives. Some people like to study sports, money or economics and finance, the biological human body. Some people like to study how kill other human beings for military purposes. Some people study cooking for eating food purposes. Some people enjoy being drugged up on drugs, so they do not have to think about time or anything at all. Of course, time is different for people who are taking drugs or other stuff that affects the human brain and mind.

There are people who enjoying studying the different concepts of time, especially those scientists who study and research time for a living, especially the cosmic time of the cosmic universe while other people do not care about time at all, like potheads and druggies and other people who would rather forget about time and being alive altogether. Can time not exist in certain human brains and minds?

Some people like being stupid and uneducated about time, but at least they might think to themselves, hey, at least I look good in the mirror and that is all that matters to them because that is all they can do when they look in the mirror. Some people live for a combination of all the above. Some people even live on the edge of death, or the edge of time, by playing deadly defying games like jumping off the edge of a mountain so they can fly like a bird in the sky. How do birds experience time?

The concept of time must be hardwired within the hardwired human brain after hundreds of millions of years of biological and mental evolution it would seem to me. Time as a soft-wired state of consciousness and existence is also part of the software within the human baby brain too, it would seem to me. Day after day, sucking on those milky breasts whenever the stomach is hungry every few hours of time, even though the baby really knows nothing about time. Yet, there is milking time.

Within the hardwired human biological brain there are a lot of different states of soft-wired states of consciousness, and that applies to the concept of time too. What happens within side the hardwired human brain when the soft-wired human consciousness expands and extends out of its shell of a brain to view the human consciousness? The human consciousness looks up and out to the cosmic universe only to see time in a different way, which must have a changing impact on the human brain and mind.

The hardwired human brain’s view of time is very different compared to the soft-wired human mind or consciousness of time, if you actually think about it. The human brain can see a few different concepts of time through the human eyes, just like all creatures can see time through their own eyes, for example, how the sun rises and sets at specific times of the year. Year after year, for millions of years, if not longer.

There are the seasons of time too. Summer, fall, winter, spring, all stuck in a time slot within the flow of time on planet Earth. There are the seasons of time, the biological sense of time, and there are different mental concepts of time too. What happens within the hardwired human brain and within the soft-wired human consciousness when it discovers that there is some invisible realm called time?

Like all children who walk on planet earth who view time much different than the grownups who also walk on planet earth. Maybe children do not even have a sense of time, until their brains get larger and stronger, but they know that their parents and other grownups have a sense of time because in few regards their lives are ruled by time. They have to get up each day and be at work at a certain time, and they go home at a certain time. Sometimes like clockwork.

Then there are the people who die at a certain time, especially really famous people of different varieties. If you are a really famous person somewhere, they might make a stone statue of you and then they will engrave the stone statue with the time and date of your death. Of course, most people will not care about your death because they probably have not even thought about their own death, the time and place that is.

But even parents don’t have a concept of time compared to the people who study time for a living. Then there are the different psychological concepts of time too, along with memories of time like, I was born at a certain time, during a certain time or period in the history of the human species and life on planet Earth. Being born at a certain time and place has a big influence on your life and way of life too.

Within both the hardwired human brain consciousness and the soft-wired human consciousness, time is not only an interesting topic in many different ways, but currently it is a very big topic for the scientists who study time because of the external realms of cosmic time, especially beginning of time starting with the Big Bang of the cosmic universe to the present state of the cosmic universe, with planet Earth located somewhere in that space and time or space-time universe, as Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist, put it.

When I was a little boy, I was lying in a bed taking a nap and my mother give me a plastic clock about nine inches wide or diameter. The white background behind the black minute and hour hands were surrounded by a red plastic ring around the outside of the clock. I stared at it, wondering to myself, ‘What is time?’ The only thing I knew about time was that there are clocks of all shapes and sizes that stated what was the time at that very specific moment time.

Little did I know then and little did I realize that the concept of time besides a clock time is that there are times like the cosmic time of the cosmic universe. There is the time of the planet Earth. There are the different times for every living creature on planet Earth that will die within a certain amount of time.

There are the internal psychological times inside the human brain. There is the time of life and death for all living creatures who are born onto planet Earth. There is the history of time, and the future of time too, outside the atomic realm of time, and even the other different concepts of time too.

The point here is that there are different concepts and states of time within the internal psychological consciousness of the human brain and consciousness, as well as outside the human brain and consciousness, like the cosmic time and atomic realms of time. There is also the concept of time when you are dying from stage 4 cancer too.

When I was dying of stage 4 CLL cancer, I was thinking to myself, ‘How much time do I have left to live?’ I bet that is the main question for all cancer patients and the other people who are sick and dying from other stuff too. The other question would be, ‘Will I be healed and cured from cancer?’ The psychological human mental mind wonders about time in different ways.

Within my little boy brain and mind, I thought to myself, ‘What is time?’ I was a little boy, but still I could ask a few deep questions about life, one of which was one question being, ‘What is time?’ I had no idea what time was back then, but I do now, at least more than when I was a little boy.

Now, there are teachers and scientists who use two clocks to try to understand and explain time. One atomic clock stays on the earth while the other atomic clock flies above the planet to discover if there is a time difference between the atomic clocks. That was an experiment was done some time ago, but it used by teachers to explain a concept of time to students of time in the classroom.

Some mathematics teachers teach a mathematical concept of time called calculus. I have been listening to a series of lectures about time and calculus. I am enjoying the heck out of it. Reading about calculus is different than listening to a lecture about calculus, or the instantaneousness of time for a moving object at a single moment in time. The genius of mathematical time, on paper, in a graph, on a computer screen.

I not only have a mental concept of time, but in one sense I have overcome time in a few ways, even though I am still living within a time universe, a time planet, and even a time human biological body because this human biological body is constantly changing throughout time, my personal life, my personal sense of time. Even time changes with time because how we view time changes with more information and experiences with time within our consciousness.

How I see time mentally is very different compared to when I was ignorant about the different concepts of time. Once we were young, and then we get older, so we see and experience the time different within our lives because we know that our time on planet Earth is getting shorter and shorter with each passing day, year, decade, lifetime. Then in a moment of time, flash, bang, thank you lady, time is all gone.

I probably own more books on the concept of time than everyone in the tiny, tiny, tiny town that I currently live in. That being stated, my current concept of time within my soft-wired human brain is much more complex as not only mental concepts within my consciousness, but also as the opposite mental and metaphysical and spiritual mental concepts of time, such as the mental, metaphysical and spiritual concepts of the is-ness and the nowness of existence.

Many people, if not all people have to live in the is-ness and nowness of time because wherever we are at one moment of time, there we are, no matter what we are doing at the moment, or whatever happened to us in the past, or what is going to happen to us in the future. We who are living in the moment of time should study calculus to learn more about the instants of our time as we travel through time on Earth.

Some people like to live in the is-ness and nowness of life, both in the material world and the psychological states of existence. Some people do not want to actually live in time or think about time at all. They would rather forget about time altogether. Animals probably live in each moment of time. What else are they going to do? Human beings can do something about what they can do in their moments of time, at least some of the time.

There is the outward or objective sense of time, and then there is the internal or subjective sense of time. There are many types of time. There is the cosmic time of billions of light years of time. There is the earth sense of time of one billion years of time, or so; probably more than a billion earth years for planet Earth. There are the different lengths of time for all of the biological creature's sense of time. For the human species, there is the species clock time, plus a whole lot of other concepts of time too.

All of the above-mentioned concepts of time which appears out there, away from the human brain, mind, and consciousness, is also located inside the hard-wired human brain, inside the soft-wired human mind, and of course within side the human consciousness too. What happens within the human brain and mind when it thinks about time from various angles of time? Could thinking about time too much cause brain damage or cause insanity?

When it comes to the physiological sense of time, that too can vary for different reasons.

So, there is the external time and the internal time which is both a state of consciousness depending on how you look at it. Even though there is the external time like the cosmic time and the earth times of day, night, week, months, years, etc., there is also the internal mental times within the hardwired human brain, which happens every day when the sun says good-bye to the night darkness. There goes daytime.

For the human being who is truly conscious of time in multi-different ways, that human being’s mind or state of consciousness is also part of the time realm too, since the dual nature of external and internal time realms of time are connected even though they are also separate. An individual consciousness that walking around on planet Earth time is that floating in a galaxy that is spinning around within its own time. A conscious human brain and mind that is living in a realm of time is also thinking about time.

In a way, a very serious way, human consciousness itself is stuck between being conscious of itself as an independent time entity, an observer of time, while at the same time, (no pun intended) being conscious of all of the other concepts of time that are outside the independent state of consciousness itself. What do mean by that statement?

I mean that each human being is conscious of itself as an independent state of consciousness within a time universe, on a time planet, with a time biological human body that appears to not last forever. Even the time universe will disappear one day sometime in the future. Or so some people say. Maybe not.

But at the same time, the human mind is also conscious of all the other states and realms of time that are outside the of the realm of human biological consciousness, but which the human state of individual consciousness is stuck in as realms of existence, like life on earth. What is time for people who leave their biological human bodies? What is time like for people living and hanging out in a space station?

On the other hand, there is also a state of timelessness which can be experienced if a human being looks inside their own consciousness to find that state of existence, that some might call God, as in the state of a spiritual consciousness. Other people like certain monks might want to transcend time altogether, to transcend human existence and all of the different concepts of time.

I don't think God as in Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love sees, knows, or realizes human time, the cosmic time, the earthly time, the biological time, nor the time of death for any human being.

Most people who are dying from stage 4 cancer of any kind, but specifically from CLL cancer in my life, see and experience time completely different than people who do not have cancer and specifically CLL in my case. Time for CLL stage 4 cancer or any cancer is like ‘Standing in a mine holding a lit stick of dynamite and counting down the seconds until it is finally over.’ (Resident Alien. S2:E6 2:40.)

Writing from my personal experience with stage 4 CLL cancer, I am guessing that most other people who are dying from any type of cancer or from any other deadly condition will think to themselves, ‘How much time do I have left?’ In those cases, time takes on a different mental meaning as well as a biological meaning too. Some people want to die so they do not have to worry about time anymore, or more to the point, a life within time. What happens if they enter a new realm of time in an afterlife?

Have any of my readers ever experienced the different psychological experiences of having a long or short term crazy psychological experience when dealing with your own sense of time, inwardly or outwardly? Like actually dying from a condition like stage 4 cancer?

When I was taking the chemo-pill, plus some other pills, time no longer existed for me. I was in a mental realm of darkness, just waiting for the chemo-pill to do its job of killing the cancer cells within my biological body. Partly because I was barely conscious at all, but secondly because time no longer mattered to me during my biological body’s battle with cancer.

When the human mind is so focused at the moment of time like that, just trying to hang on to life in this realm, nothing matters including time itself. Memories don’t matter anymore, and the long-term future doesn’t matter anymore either, except for living, because what seems to be the nearest thing termed the future is dying and death itself? Even people do not matter anymore. The only thing that matters when you are living, but still dying on planet Earth that is still spinning around a nuclear ball if energy is breathing. And for some people a sense of God too, you know, just in case it could help you live longer.

Doesn’t it seem like psychological time moves by so fast when watching certain movies, reading certain books, watching certain sports events, but at other times time seems to move slower when watching other movies, reading other book, and watching other sports events, like wow, that movie went by really fast or wow, that another movie seem to take forever to finish.

So funny if you think about it. Movies, reading, and sports events all take unto themselves their own realm of time which is happening within the mind, or the psychological state of the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness which is not out there somewhere, like the cosmic time, the earth time, the biological time, etc.

How about your own life? How fast do the years go by and you wonder to yourself, it seemed only yesterday that something happened way back into the past, yet still stuck inside your mind’s memory. How about the collective human sense of time. When I watched the man walk on the moon on that black and white television set in 1969, I wondered how long/time did it take for those guys to get up there and then return to Earth? How did those guys think about time as they were traveling inside a spaceship?

Now, I can watch the modern-day spacecraft and telescopes float around in outer space, some traveling beyond the normal human eye could ever see without the aid of a telescope. And time is needed for sending and receiving messages and returning messages back to those machines flying around in outer space. There are no human beings on those space machines. That would be a death trap.

There is a concept of time in the Bible too, just in case you are wondering. Here is a Bible secret for all of you, my dear readers. I realize that normal so-called Christians and other readers of the Bible will probably not believe the following statements, but that is their lost. People who have read the Bible, or those people who are open to the truth regarding the next statements will learn something about the Bible of supreme importance if you want to understand something about the Bible.

The writers of the Bible and the people who understood all of the symbols of the Bible knew what is meant in Peter 2 3:8, where it states, ‘Friends, be mindful of this one fact, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day.’ That statement has nothing to do with Earth time, cosmic time, or even religious time. In a way, it is spiritual time on a human level of existence.

What is a very interesting statement from all of the interesting statements that are in the Bible or in any other book that has ever been written with human hands.

Here is what that phrase means for all of the readers who want to understand it. The writers of the Bible and the readers of the Bible, spiritual thinkers not so long ago in human history terms, believed way back then, over 2000 years ago, that God’s plan was going to be fulfilled in 7 1000 periods, which by the way, we are living in the 7th year of those 7 1000s of Bible’s 7 1000-year periods.

But more than that, if you know what the true biblical symbols mean as spiritual and metaphysical ideas, laws, structures, etc. than you would begin to know that those 7 1000-year periods match up exactly with the 7 days of creation in the first chapter of Genesis in the Bible. The first record of creation in the first chapter in Genesis is not a literal creation of anything physical or material. The 7 days of creation are spiritual and metaphysical steps towards spiritual perfection. And so are the 7 1000 years too.

And to top that off, the 7 1000-year periods and the seven days of creation match up exactly with each other if you know and understand the symbolism of the Bible. Moreover, the modern-day definition of God in the book titled, ‘Science and Health with key to the Scriptures.’ by Mary Baker Eddy, on page 465.

That definition being, God is, ... Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.’ matches up exactly with the first thousand period in the Bible and with the seven days of creation in the first chapter of Genesis, because they are all expressing the same spiritual and metaphysical truths with different symbols.

But here is the thing. Those spiritual and metaphysical writers of the Bible thought that it would actually take 7 1000 years of development for God’s ‘plan’ to be fulfilled. But then came Jesus with the next quote from his mouth.

But then there came Jesus who stated, ‘Say not yet, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.’ John 4:35 KJV.

What Jesus was stating was that it did not take 7 thousand years for God’s plan to fulfilled because it is fulfilled each and every second of the day. In the days of Jesus, it meant he was fulfilling God's plan within himself and for the world too, in the realm of the is-ness and nowness of being. More on this topic in later essays.

So, therefore, if you know the spiritual and metaphysical symbolism of the Bible, there are the 7 days of creation that match up with the 7-thousand-year periods in the Bible, and those two forms of expression matches up exactly with the modern-day language of the 7 synonymous terms in the S&H book.

What Jesus meant by that statement is that the God’s plan does not need 7 1000 years of God’s plan to fulfilled. God’s plan is in the here and now, meaning timelessness. In other words, even in the Bible in both the OT and the NT, there are different examples of time for various reasons.

Back to the clock that I was holding as a little boy, wondering what time is without any human conception of time. Now, there are people who spend a lot of time wondering, studying, researching, and even looking at the different ways time itself moves, even observing what time is in the cosmic universe, with the human mind, brain doing all of the work.

In the end, for human beings who walk and live on planet Earth, time is very limited because no one human being stays stuck within this time dimension forever.

How much time does it take for the sun light to reach your human eyes, if you not dying in a bed with total darkness surrounding you and within your own consciousness, within the darkness of dying and death? For me, my consciousness was not living within the space and time of my biological body, the earthly time, or even the cosmic time. I was barely conscious of anything at all most of the time. Can someone be conscious and yet not be conscious at the same time?

When people are young, when all they want to do is to have sex, make a lot of money, to drive a nice car, wear nice clothes, play sports, work their butts off, suffer with painful experiences and have joy and fun with happy experiences. Many people don’t realize that all of those human living experiences are all taking place within a realm of time, and not only one realm of time, but within multi-realms of time.

Moreover, they are experiencing multi-states of time within their consciousness, yet most of them don’t even care about how limited their time is on planet Earth.

At the end of your tiny lives, or maybe within your grand life if you had a grand life, your human time, cosmic time, earthly time, and maybe even your mental and psychological time too, are all gone in the flash of lighting called death.

Here is a neat metaphysical and spiritual truth to think about if you have the time. If you really want to overcome all of the different concepts of time regarding your own mortality, just know for yourself that God, Mind knows you as an idea of the Diving Mind, not a limited human being.  That God, Spirit knows you as an idea of Spirit, pure spiritual substance.  That God, Soul knows your true spiritual selfhood as an unchangeable identity.  That Principle knows that you are at one with the infinite spiritual realm of existence, which is Life, not death, Truth, divine consciousness, not a human consciousness, and as Love, a state of eternal perfection.

It is amazing with all of the different concepts and experiences with time, in the end called death, it is all gone. Or just maybe, it is just the beginning. Just ask men like Jesus. Or someone like me. Or just read about it here, again, again, and again. After all, you still have time to learn about time. More importantly, think about time yourself while you still have the time to do it.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!