Essay 49 - 2024. A Metaphysical and Spiritual Christianity Instead of a Religious Christianity.
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.
December 5, 2024.
Normally, so-called religious Christians profess their emotional religious faith in Christ Jesus, or the Christian religion on a wordy, outward form of ritual, practice, and mouthy external form of showing other people that they are Christian.
When in fact, most modern-day Christians do not know the true meaning of Christianity and who Jesus was as a metaphysical and spiritual realm of existence and consciousness, instead of the biological realm of existence or consciousness.
It is true.
If you think about the religion or belief of the emotional religious Christian faith, most if not all Christians are thinking, worshiping, seeing, and believing in the biological human man Jesus instead of understanding the consciousness that Jesus possessed while he was walking on planet Earth with other people who only possessed a biological state of consciousness.
That was true around 2000 years ago and it is true today.
Jesus did not walk on Earth with a single biological state of consciousness, like most human beings.
He was walking on Earth with a multi-dimensional consciousness that included the spiritual Christ Consciousness.
The words and concepts are too simple to state with black letters on paper or on the screen. But harder to do in reality.
How in the world can any intelligent or moronic emotional Christian believe that the human man named Jesus was walking on planet Earth, performing all of the spiritually proven supernatural events and experiences with the same consciousness as ordinary human beings?
Or the one-dimensional biological consciousness that ordinary and simple-minded human beings possessed over two thousand years ago up to and including today.
That question applies to modern-day human beings who should try to know and understand something about the world consciousness as it relates to their inner self, their inner states of the brain and mind.
Instead of simply looking out with two eyeballs and trying to think that the only thing that was important about Jesus was the fact that he possessed a biological human body just like everyone else.
Some people proclaimed that Jesus was God in the flesh because they were too ignorant and stupid to understand the importance of the other spiritual part of the human man named Jesus that was apart or separated from his biological human body; and the part was his divine, spiritual Christ Consciousness.
I don't expect everyone in the year 2024 to mentally grasp and understand such metaphysical and spiritual concepts because all of these ideas exist within the brain and mind instead of out there in the external human and cosmic universe.
Even modern-day people simply want to believe that because it is stated that Jesus was performing all sorts of miracles and supernatural events, his biological human body was God, Spirit, although it seems that he transformed it into a spiritual body.
As if God, the infinite Principle as an infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love was only located within the biological human body of Jesus and nowhere else.
How can anyone believe that the whole of God is trapped inside a human biological body or as a human body is beyond me?
Let us be real here, ok? Was the biological human body of Jesus performing healings, miracles, and supernatural events and experiences? Of course not. Why? On a human level, his biological body was skin, bones, blood, brain, and organs.
What performed all of his healings and supernatural events was his spiritual Christ Consciousness, believe it or not!
What was performing healings, miracles, and supernatural events and experiences was his completely immaterial spiritual Christ Consciousness and his understanding of God as Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth, Principle, and Mind, among other spiritual ideas.
Jesus knew, as is stated on the 6th day of creation in the first chapter of Genesis that God, Truth as Spirit, is only conscious of itself as an infinite Mind or Intelligence.
And that it knows nothing about the very finite, limited, and mentally, and psychologically delusional dreams of the human brain and mind.
Jesus was a human being who knew that ordinary human beings mentally perceive the material mental concept of a Lord God as stated in the second chapter of Genesis in the first book of the Bible.
That the finite, limited, metaphysically and spiritually ignorant human beings believed their material mental concept of a Lord God as is stated in the Adam and Eve story in the second chapter in the chapter of Genesis in the Bible.
That is how people think about God all of the time, before the life of Jesus and two thousand years after the life of Jesus.
People, human beings, think that God, Spirit created them, as biological creatures in the image and likeness of God. When instead it is commonly understood that the human species or mankind is the outcome or result of hundreds of millions of years of biological and mental evolution and development.
In other words, there is a huge division or separation between the spiritual realm of God, Spirit, as an infinite self-divine consciousness that is only conscious of itself as an infinite whole, as in a holistic spiritual universe; that is not conscious of the sexual sins, money problems, personal issues of sinful human beings with problems and issues in their human life.
Before and after the material biological realms of all life on Earth, there was a divine intelligent force (Infinite Intelligence or Mind) that was behind the Big Bang, (14-?) billions of light years of cosmic evolution and development up until the moment when the first cell appeared somewhere in a pond, river, or next to the sea, to begin the creation of all biological life on planet Earth;
More than that, it included that biological creature with a human brain that can think about the cosmic universe, including the possibility of whether there was a spiritual realm of God, Spirit as a state of infinite self-spiritual consciousness that if people understood to be real, would help them overcome death.
Why? How?
Jesus did, and you too, can overcome your own humanly conceived biological deaths by understanding and becoming conscious of the spirit fact that God, Life, does not create a biological birth, maturity, or death. It is all a mental dream world if you know and understand enough with a multi-dimensional consciousness.
That is all part of the Adam and Eve dream world with a material Lord God who created a moral man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life so material man could become a living soul, which of course is a metaphysical illustration It never happened in reality on planet Earth.
People who believe it happened are not thinking clearly.
But the truth is that the mortal, biological male and female are born of sex, by two other biological creatures by having sex with a sperm and an egg, (DNA.) That creates another human being. If anyone denies that fact, they are not thinking clearly.
It has been that way since the first fish, dinosaurs, cave people, pre-primitive human beings, and the current human species.
How in the world can people, limited human beings, with a limited biological brain and mostly an ignorant human mind that does not understand and acknowledge God, Spirit, as an entity that is completely different from their very limited human material mental conceptions think a biological as skin, bones, blood, brain, and other organs is a spiritual reality?
To contemplate an abstract metaphysical spiritual realm of existence means that every human being must rise above their very limited physical and biological state of existence and consciousness into a non-biological spiritual state of existence.
Which of course is rising above their very limited one-dimensional biological state of existence into an immaterial abstract state of spiritual existence which is a completely pure spiritual state of existence Or at least begin to understand God as Spirit, instead of a material creature somewhere in outer space.
The human eyes do not and cannot see everything that exists in all of the different realms of existence, in and out of human consciousness.
To deny that fact is to deny the very fact that there is not only a God, Spirit, but you cannot see it with your human eyeballs.
If modern-day emotional, religious Christian believers began to understand the above facts, they would indeed begin to understand the human Jesus differently than how most normal human beings think not only about the human man Jesus but also about the spiritual realm of God, Spirit too, in all of its glory.
I can tell you my dear readers that when I experienced that pure realm of spiritual existence as the I am that I am, it was something I will never forget, nor does it ever leave my mind.
I think that just maybe, all a person (brain and mind) has to do is experience it only once, (like Moses with the talking burning bush that identified the I am that I am) to be touched by that pure realm of Spirit because you never forget for as long as you live.
In other words, you are stuck with it and it is stuck within you as a state of spiritual consciousness even though you or I are still stuck in the world, stuck with a limited biological human biological body, brain, mind, and all of the different human and earthly experiences, you will know forever that there is a God, Spirit-Truth that is conscious of itself as an infinite whole, a holistic self-spiritual consciousness.
Do you notice that I am writing within different levels of existence and consciousness?
You cannot help but be changed by this essay and the logical and rational metaphysical and spiritual mental concepts in it.
I hope you begin to mentally comprehend them so you too can begin to think within different levels yourself.
I am not writing these essays just for the fun of it. It has been a lot of time and work for one year of my life after I survived dying from stage 4 CLL cancer. There was not simply a battle between chemo pills and cancer, it was a bigger battle between life and death for me.
There was a period when I was dying, meaning leaving and returning to my human biological life from my semi-human death.
After I could stand again and think somewhat clearly again, I told myself that I owe God, Truth, a few words for the human species to help them not only survive into the future instead of destroying themselves, an event I and others can see happening very easily, but to understand something about the true nature of God, or those higher realms of existence and states of consciousness called God, Spirit.
If the human species, meaning all of mankind, does not mentally grasp, understand, and acknowledge these essays, it could destroy itself very easily because it is trying to solve humanly created material and physical problems and issues with the same state of consciousness that created the problems and issues in the first place.
Let us be honest here. On a humanly intellectual level, these mental, psychological, and metaphysically spiritual concepts should not be hard to understand. I think I am writing clearly enough so anyone can understand the words and concepts.
This is not grade-school, and then middle-school, and then high-school, and then two years of college for an AA degree, and then a BS or BA degree, followed by a Masters, a Law, or a Ph.D. degree.
Oh no! These essays you are reading are much more important than all of that human education that is still needed on a human plane of existence, life, and living.
These essays are trying to express very highly intellectual, metaphysical and spiritual lessons about God, Spirit, and the spiritual man, that destroy a false and wrong material mental concept of a material God and a material man, and the creations of error that follows those wrong materially mental concepts of a material Lord God as is stated in the Adam and Eve story.
People all around the world are reading these essays for free. I am not writing them for money. I am writing them so every human being can read them and learn something true about God and their immortal self-hood.
If people want to know more about the scientific spiritual nature of the Bible, and Science and Health, just look up John W. Doorly’s and Max Kappeler’s free online resources, although I do plan on writing more about the Bible and S&H next year if my eyes and brain do give out. I doubt my brain will ever stop working, nor my eyes, so don't worry about that issue.
What is needed is a total transformation within the Christian religion from an emotional, illogical, and irrational religious Christianity to the logical, rational, intelligently metaphysical, and spiritual Christianity that Jesus and Paul want to establish.
Even a scientifically spiritual Christianity. But it all happens and is going to happen within the human consciousness.
Nowhere else. How could it happen anywhere else when everything within the human brain and mind is consciousness-related?
Otherwise, the Christian religion could eventually go by the wayside as just another ridiculous religion.
What is needed is an updated Christian religion that is dependent on a spiritual consciousness instead of a robotic repeating wordy religion that consists of repeating the same religious words over and over again for thousands of years into the future. If mankind can survive that long into the future.
Do modern-day religious Christians ever feel bored with their religion?
Do they ever feel like they are missing something of vital importance within and for or their hearts, souls, and minds?
With their religious rituals? With their religious words, clothes, and buildings. A priest wears a pointy hat. So what?
With their religious states of mind? Instead of spiritual states of mind. There is a big difference between them.
Do they ever feel like they are missing out on something more important than how they currently robotically think, feel, worship, and practice their Christian religion; in all of their various ways?
These are serious questions. But I don’t think that modern-day emotional robotic religious Christians like to think and question their religion because that would have a mental effect. That would mean that emotionally illogical, and irrational religious human beings would have to start to think with their brain and mind, to begin with anyway.
They are serious questions because more and more people are leaving the Christian religion and church. They are not attending the Christian churches in the masses like they once did decades ago.
I am asking these questions after decades of reading and studying the Bible, both historically, metaphysically, and spiritually, attending various Christian churches, studying and listening to various professors, researchers, and scholars of the Bible, and talking to the common uneducated robotic, emotional religious Christian who sometimes believe in the most ridiculous religious Christian beliefs ever to exist within the human brain and mind.
I don’t know why modern-day religious Christians believe in some of the most ridiculous Christian religious beliefs, just like many other religious people throughout human history have believed in ridiculous religious beliefs.
I could take many educated guesses, like they are uneducated simple-minded emotional people who do not know how to think logically, rationally, or intelligently.
Or they have been simply brainwashed with religious fear of going to a place called hell since the day they were born because their parents carried on the tradition of simply repeating religious Christian words over and over and over again for decades or even hundreds of years in America.
A religious practice that was carried over from other religious Christian nations and countries over the centuries.
Please do not take my words the wrong way, you emotional religious Christians. Do not take my words in this essay wrong, all of you emotional, mentally robotic religious Christians.
I am not against the Bible, Jesus, and God at all. Since I am not an uneducated, robotic emotional religious Christian, I am allowed and capable of thinking clearly and intellectually about topics such as the Bible, Jesus, and the Christian religion in all of their varieties.
I still read contemporary books by biblical scholars, researchers, and historians, which means that I am still learning information about the Bible, the Bible’s gospels, and the other gospels that were not accepted into the Bible.
I love learning about the smallest of details regarding everything in the Bible and Jesus.
Currently, I am reading a Bible series about the New Testament, currently Volume 1 of ‘The Gospel of Matthew.” by William Barclay. I am taking my time to read it because I enjoy learning about it.
Of course, I read all scientific books like that too.
Honestly, it is really interesting intellectual information. I will probably continue that habit of reading about, studying, and pondering all of the different aspects of the Bible until I leave Earth. Maybe I will somehow be able to bring my books with me in the afterlife.
That does not mean that I am not going to sit around all day long until the end of my life thinking to myself that Jesus is God, or that he is going to return one day to save the religious Christians from going to a place called hell that may or may not exist in reality.
Just note to religious Christians who believe such nonsense, you are not helping the Christian religion by believing in such nonsense.
Of course, the word reality, and the question, ‘What is reality.’ is a metaphysical and even materialistic scientific question instead of a religious question. The common religious mind should ask itself, 'What is real regarding my Christian religion?'
That forces the question, how can religion, any religion, know what is real or not real? This is especially true in the external or objective sense of reality, meaning those realms that exist outside the human brain and mind; or those topics like what is the cosmic universe?
Or what is space and time? What is an atom? What is a light wave? Where are all of the UFO people?
It also forces the internal and subjective questions about reality that exist only within the hardwired human brain, and within the soft-wired mind or all of the different psychological realms of existence.
In a very real metaphysical meaning of life and death, there appear to be at least two different realms of reality, the internal or subjective, and the external or objective.
But even in the smallest way, they are connected because everyone lives within their brain, mind, and psychological states of mind; And they live in the external or objective world too.
How is the uneducated, robotic emotional Christian religion going to help solve a person’s individual mental psychological, and worldly problems if it can’t not only admit to itself that there is more to being ‘saved, than simply repeating robotic emotional religious words?
If the Christian religion won’t bring into itself the information and knowledge about the external or objective cosmic universe, and the internal subjective psychological states within the human brain, mind, and consciousness.
How can it save not only one human being from ‘evil’ or the collective human species or mankind from its self-destruction, especially from a nuclear bomb, or more precisely, a nuclear war?
It is truly amazing how the robotic emotional Christian religion is not concerned with how to save the whole human species or mankind from its self-destruction. That seems anti-Christian to me.
The Christian religion and religious people should be helping to save the world, and the human species from its own self-destruction instead of preaching that the world is coming to an end soon because they falsely believe that Jesus is going to return one day.
The human brain and mind have created many different religious beliefs since the human brain and mind started thinking about life on earth, the cosmic universe, God, evil, and death. People love to think, even if they think wrongly.
Recently, I had to deal with a blind, dumb blond bimbo lady who does not know how to think clearly either. But blond or not, I have had to deal with a lot of people who did not know or understand anything about God, the Bible, Jesus, Life or death, or the inner nature of their own souls.
All of those topics are very interesting indeed and sometimes I think that behind it all there must have been and still is an infinite Intelligence that started the whole process and continues to do so until this day, even if the human species is so messed up in so many different ways.
How is the human species so messed up you may be asking yourselves as you read this essay?
Make your own list that should seem very obvious to anyone who has any common sense, with or without a college or university degree, which of course are needed in today’s modern-day world even if a college or university degree does not help many people survive in today’s world, especially in an economic and financial basis.
It is a funny thing about getting older. Not only can a person look back at his or her own life and realize the mistakes they made along the way to old age. Why doesn't the human species learn from its past mistakes, I often ask myself. Do you ask?
But older and smarter people like me can look at the younger people, their parents, the world in general, and the history of the world, and they can even look into the future of the human species or mankind with some trepidation that the human species or mankind will not survive.
Trepidation: noun. A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.
The Christian religion is so concerned about saving individual people from going to hell, but it is not concerned with saving the world from going to hell, or self-destruction. What could be a worse hell than the whole human species being self-destroyed?
Older and smarter people can look at the younger people who are smoking pot and taking other drugs, having too much sex because they are watching too much porn, and depending on their parents like their mommies for their survival so they never became adults, true adults.
An uneducated gay pothead or drugged up person, who is still living with his parents is not a real human man. He is not man made in the image and likeness of God, Truth.
Smarter and older people can look back at their own lives and compare them to their younger years and they can see the changes and transformations within their brains, minds, and consciousness.
Smarter and older people can take a long look backward into the past after studying, researching, thinking about, and arriving at conclusions about human history and not only how it shaped modern-day human life.
But modern-day life and modern-day people, meaning the human brain, mind, and consciousness are not only different, but almost completely different from the people who lived 2000 years ago, or 2 million years ago in many different ways.
But it is also the same in so many different ways. After all, food is food, sex is sex, clothing is clothing, a house or shelter is still a house of shelter, and a crime is still a crime.
Older and smarter people can look out at the world and know that there are evil, violent, bullying, self-centered national leaders who do not care about sending their troops and weapons, bombs, and weapons to another nation or country for an unnecessary war where millions of people will be slaughtered (murdered) like innocent lambs for the sacrifice of a god-world leader.
And not only slaughtered (murdered) for the sake of an egotistical maniac whose tiny ego is only satisfied by causing not only fear in the minds of innocent, defenseless, and helpless human beings, along with the death of them, but while in the same state of mind, or psychological makeup, causes economic world chaos for people all around the globe, in every household in every small town, city, or the biggest cities anywhere on the globe.
Maniac: Noun. A person exhibiting extreme symptoms of wild behavior, especially when violent and dangerous.
How many religious maniacs are there in the world? You all know they exist.
Violent extreme religious crazy maniacs. Those evil people should be completely destroyed for the current and future survival of mankind.
How many religious people have been religious maniacs around the globe during human history?
With wild thoughts about what happened in the past, what will happen today, and what will happen in the future?
Of course, any person knows and realizes that there are religious maniacs in nations and countries around the world, around the globe, who are extreme, violent, dangerous, evil human beings, who not only do not possess any sense of a conscience of right and wrong, good and bad, intelligence versus stupidity, but they do not care about their fellow human being, at all.
In other words, the innocent, helpless, defenseless people around the world are not only influenced by evil non-religious world leaders like Putin, and North Korea’s leaders, but also by evil, violent, and dangerous religious leaders and people, even if some of them are not truly national world leaders.
America’s military is good for something, especially for destroying evil, dangerous, violent people who also are uneducated, robotic, emotional extreme religious radical violent maniacs.
How can mankind survive with those types of mentally retarded extremely violent religious manias roaming the Earth?
Whether it is a religious Christian preacher in a church or TV evangelist in a televised football stadium filled with silent listeners or loud religious believers singing through their mouths, yelling at the top of their lungs, or whether it is religious maniacs overseas spreading fear into the hearts, minds, and souls of defenseless, helpless, innocent human beings; all of that type of religion, that type of religious thought, practice, and rituals, are worthless in today’s world where logical, rational, intelligent, and level minded human beings are controlling the future of mankind.
Of course, controlling the future of mankind is a questionable debatable issue.
The human species did not arrive at this moment in human history because of uneducated, emotionally robotic, radical, extreme, and ridiculous religious beliefs. The human species has survived up to this moment by logical, rational, and intelligent thought and thinking.
Intelligent thought and thinking have progressed because of the thinkers in all of the material and physical sciences.
Why can’t religious Christians become thinkers too? Mankind needs thinking religious Christians to change from their emotional, robotic, wordy, repeating phrases and sentences to obtaining a metaphysical and spiritual consciousness that has nothing to do with the biological realm of existence.
The human species or mankind arrived at this moment in human history because there was a transformation within the hard-wired human brain and in the soft-wired human mind.
Meaning, there was a change within the human consciousness because of a few thinkers; a very small percentage of thinkers within the whole of the human species that started to think in logical, rational, and scientific modes of consciousness.
Those thinkers built on the ideas of very few thinkers before them, like Galileo and Newton.
That was in the scientific realm of the physical and material sciences.
But what about the religious realm of thought, especially regarding the religion of Christianity?
Before the time of Jesus and the start of Christianity because of Paul, mostly, there was the very old, outdated, and ridiculous religion called the Jewish religion that was simply a religion of thousands of rules of living.
If you have read any of those ridiculous rules for living, you would not call that a true religion, moreover, not a metaphysical and spiritual religion.
Most, if not all people who stand for the Jewish religion know nothing about the Jewish religion. They are not even Jewish themselves.
If they understood what the Jewish religion was built on, they would not stand up for it, just like Jesus did not stand up for it. He was against it. Which is one of the reasons the Jewish leaders wanted him dead.
The Jewish religion believed that the spirit of God was located in a box, then in a temple. Then when the box and temple were destroyed, they did not know where God was located, except in the minds, hearts, and souls of each human being, which is what some of the prophets were stating in the minor and major prophets in the Bible.
The big spiritual concept the Jews of the Old Testament possessed was that there is only one true God. Not a God of the Jewish religion or all of the pagan gods for everyone else, during the time before and after the life of Jesus.
People were allowed to believe in, worship, and adore any god they wanted as long as they considered the leader of the Roman Empire or some smaller city, their primary god first.
Then Jesus arrived on the scene, and he did not want to be considered a god or a God at all, no matter how many people thought that he was a god or God, as in the Big G-God.
Modern-day Christians have never learned that in the time of Jesus, it was very common to call leaders their god, like the god of a town or the Roman Empire.
Calling Jesus God or more precisely, a god was not an uncommon thing for normal, non-religious people to do for their leaders.
If Jesus was a religious leader to some people, then it would have been normal to call Jesus their god as other people did to their leaders.
But most modern-day human beings do not call their world leaders their god, except in China and North Korea from how I understand it.
They probably do not even call those two world leaders a god. But the people in those countries better pretend they are gods if they want to live and survive without suffering from the government.
If that is a true historical fact, then why would modern-day religious Christians continue to call Jesus a God, a god, or believe that he is God in the flesh, even if he did do many healings and other supernatural things that other normal people could not do?
When will there be a semi-meaningful transformation within the modern-day Christians who falsely believe that Jesus was God in the flesh after they learn that other leaders of that era were also called a god? It doesn’t make any intelligent or logical sense.
Moreover, if Jesus was only considered a God by his followers like other leaders were considered a god, then the language of who was and is concerned a god must be reconsidered to get a better understanding of the belief that Jesus was God in the flesh, even if people read that message in the Bible's Gospels.
If Jesus wasn’t the whole of God in one single biological human body, then the next question should logically and intellectually be, “What is the real metaphysically, scientifically, and spiritual meaning of the term God in today’s modern-day world?
If God, Spirit is not located in or of a human biological body, then what is God, Spirit?
That would be a huge religious mental and psychological transformation within the religious Christian brain, mind, and consciousness for obtaining a metaphysical and spiritual Christianity, or a religious Christianity within the mind rather than inside a church.
But to continue to falsely believe that a single human man was the whole of God in and as a biological human body is not only ridiculous but religiously insane.
What good is it going to do for the whole world if some or most religious Christians are considered religiously insane by the non-religious Christians and the non-Christians of the world?
That is not going to do anything to bring people to Christian churches or to make them true Christians in the normal religious sense, or the metaphysical, spiritual, or scientific sense.
That means that to bring more people into the Christian churches, and to make them true scientifically, metaphysical, spiritual Christians, they would need to start to realize that to be a true religious Christian means to possess a scientific, metaphysical, spiritual Christ Consciousness, which of course would present a whole new set of mental, moral, ethical, and humanly created issues and problems.
Jesus caused very big religious transformations within some of the minds of the religious Jewish leaders and people during his era, which after decades and centuries were slowly adapted and adopted as new religious ideas within the minds of the new religion eventually called Christianity, which lasted up until the age of the material and physical sciences.
But people in the modern-day world have an almost completely different mentality or state of brain, mind, and consciousness compared to the people who lived before and after the time of Jesus and the newly formed Christian religion.
That is a fact, and the sooner modern-day religious Christians understand it and know it to be true, then they will begin their own mental and psychological transformations out of an old, outdated, emotional, illogical, and irrational religious sense of Christianity into a new updated intelligent, metaphysical, spiritual sense of Christianity.
But here is the thing, believe it or not. Before the Jesus era, and after the Jesus era, some people who followed Jesus knew about the scientific, metaphysical, and spiritual system of the Bible, while most of the people during Jesus' life did not know it.
Today, a new updated, and improved scientific, metaphysical, and spiritual sense of Christianity, and God, will help the transformation of the human species, or mankind, into a new and improved human species, and mankind, for a higher and more exalted human species for the future.
Some modern-day religious Christians talk about being saved, but the way they think, talk, and worship is not helping them from being saved from anything, especially death in the way Jesus lived, preached, taught, and wanted his followers to follow as his way of life over death.
Jesus stated, “Those who believe in me shall never see death.”
“He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” (John 11:25-26. New King James Version (NKJV)
What did Jesus mean by that statement?
Did people only believe in him like some uneducated people believe in their financial advisors?
I don’t know what the numbers are regarding how many people who believe in their financial advisors get financially screwed, meaning to lose their money by taking financial advice from people who get paid to give financial advice to financially uneducated and ignorant people.
But I do know this, if people who are educated in economics and finance seek financial advice from financial advisors, they are going to be better off than the people who are simply completely ignorant about economics and finance, even in the simplest terms.
When Jesus stated, “Those who believe in me shall never see death.” He did not mean that those uneducated, simple-minded religious human believers are never going to die a human death.
That would be simply stupid on a human, earthly, and material plane or level of existence.
Heck. Even Jesus seemed to have died a human death. But it is stated that he rose from the grave or his human death.
How did he do it? By pretending to be God in the flesh? No. He did it because he possessed a scientifically, metaphysically, spiritual eternal Christ Consciousness.
And if Jesus possessed a scientifically, metaphysically, spiritual eternal Christ Consciousness which helped him not only to overcome his biological human death, but it also helped him understand what God is as its own infinite realm of existence; as in God, Truth, the divine infinite self-consciousness is conscious of itself as its own infinite whole, as a pure spiritual consciousness. (Spirit.)
That is what Jesus wanted all of his disciples to know and understand as their own state of consciousness. And some of them did understand and know it, which is one reason why they were not scared of dying or of their own human deaths.
When a single human being begins to understand what God, Spirit-Truth is as an infinite spiritual-self-consciousness, then they will begin to understand what they should be worried about when it comes to being saved from a one-dimensional biological consciousness.
Having only a one-dimensional biological consciousness is already a state of death because Life-Spirit is God.
In other words, human beings with a human brain, mind, and consciousness, or a human being with only a one-dimensional biological state of consciousness can overcome their own one-dimensional biological state of consciousness, (which is death by itself) to rise higher and higher and higher into the spiritual state of the pure realm of Spirit, or God with a multi-dimensional consciousness that include the realm of God, the divine Mind or Intelligence.
Do modern-day religious Christian believers truly believe that the human man named Jesus considered himself to be only a one-dimensional human biological body?
The answer is yes because most, if not all modern-day religious Christians think, believe, and act as if they are only one-dimensional states of a biological consciousness too. Well, indeed they are from their finite, limited sense of existence and consciousness.
Therefore, because they only see themselves as a one-dimensional biological state of consciousness, they also see and know Jesus as a one-dimensional biological state of consciousness.
Just because billions of human beings possess a one-dimensional biological consciousness does not mean that it is the only state of consciousness to be considered by every human being.
But God, the divine Intelligence called God, or the infinite realm of the divine Mind only sees everything and every human being in the spiritual realm as a purely spiritual, (Spirit) sinless and unchangeable identity, (Soul) already at one with God, (Principle) as an eternal deathless immortal life, (Life) that is already conscious (Truth) of being perfect (Love) for eternity.
To the reader, that should be spiritual music to your brain, mind, and consciousness.
But that all takes states and stages of mental, psychological, and spiritual transformations within the human brain, mind, and consciousness.
It takes being reborn again, as Jesus spoke about in the Gospel of John.
“Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” (New Living Translation. John 3:3.)
“According to the Bible, in John 3:3, Jesus states that "unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God," meaning that to experience the kingdom of God, one must undergo a spiritual rebirth or transformation, often referred to as being "born again.". (Taken off the web.)
Modern-day religious Christians think that they are reborn or born again when they are dipped into the cold water of a pond, river, or bathtub.
But they have it all wrong. No human being is reborn simply by taking a very short, two-second bath. That is just wrong. Stupid wrong. Ridiculous wrong. Religious Wrong.
People get wet every day, but that does not mean that their inner nature, their inner consciousness has been changed or transformed into a spiritual consciousness.
What is needed to be truly reborn to see the kingdom of God, Spirit, is a complete transformation within the structure of the human brain, mind, and consciousness to obtain a completely new conscious spiritual identity. Of course, those too, are words.
But behind the words is a profound spiritual life-changing meaning.
That is easier said than performed.
Can anyone imagine what would happen to the whole world if every modern-day religious Christian became transformed into the eternal spiritual Christ Consciousness by a scientifically, metaphysically, spiritual transformation within their individual consciousness?
It would change the world.
Because of the very old false, materialistic religious concept or belief, that there is a material Lord god who created man, the biological man, into the image and likeness of God, Spirit, would not only be destroyed, but it would be replaced with a higher, new and improved spiritual concept of man, and God, Spirit.
Well, why should there not be a new transformation within the brain and mind of modern-day Christians too?
Mental transformations can happen overnight like in the case of Paul, or they can happen thousands of years in the case of the Jews who sometimes became Christians and eventually became physical and material scientists.
Transformations within the human brain, mind, and consciousness happen all of the time.
Like in the case of those human beings who worshiped the sun, but who were wrong.
Then came those human beings who understood the sun, but who were not wrong.
When the sun-god became understood as a nuclear ball of nuclear fire, energy, light waves, and other stuff that could give life to life on planet Earth or it could destroy all life on planet Earth by the unbearable heat that dries up all life on Earth, people stopped worshipping the sun as a god.
Then they could harness the power and energy of the sun for the good of mankind in so many different ways.
Amazingly, some people worshiped water too.
“Yes, historically, many cultures have revered and worshipped water, often personifying it as a deity or considering it a sacred element, with specific rivers, springs, and bodies of water being particularly venerated; examples include the Ganges River in Hinduism, the Celtic goddess Sulis, and the Yoruba river goddess Oshun.” (Taken off the web.)
“Water deities are common in mythology and were usually more important among civilizations in which the sea or ocean, or a great river was more important. Another important focus of worship of water deities has been springs or holy wells.” (Taken off the web.)
There are a lot of different sects and churches of the Christian religion, with tiny or huge differences and variations in each group of people who go to church and who profess to be believers in the Christian religion and in the human man, Jesus who lived over 2000 years ago.
But do religious Christians ever feel in their guts and minds that just maybe they are missing something of vital importance?
How many religious Christians live and breathe the Christian religion as they live and walk on the face of the earth, or the big rock that is floating around the sun at the exact distance that is needed to sustain all life on planet Earth, so all life on planet Earth can survive?
It could be argued that if Jesus did not understand anything about the sun, moon, stars, and the cosmic universe as modern-day physical and material scientists do, then not only was he not God as fleshy skin, bones, blood, and a human brain, etc., or a god, but had to be an understander about the invisible abstract topic of God within his own human consciousness.
It is about time every Christian and non-Christian alike begins to see and know themselves as God, the Divine Mind, or Intelligence sees and knows them within the infinite spiritual consciousness.
Then, within the pure spiritual realm of the human and spiritual consciousness, there would be an infinite mental or pure spiritual reflection where no human evil could ever exist or happen within the brain, minds, hearts, and souls of Christians and non-Christians alike.
If that ever happened within the human brain, mind, and consciousness, then the start of a purely spiritual Christianity as a state of conscious existence within the human realm of existence and consciousness, would indeed change mankind for the better so it would rise higher and higher in the realm of God, Spirit; and for the current and future survival of mankind.
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