Essay 51 - 2024. A Multi-Dimensional Holistic Consciousness of Life.
A Holistic Consciousness of Life.
Different life forms that exist in the here and now. We are not alone—my personal experience with otherworldly creatures on top of Mission Peak Mountain.
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.
December 21, 2024.
“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.” (Hebrews 13:2. New King James Version.)
"Be mindful of angels unawareness" means to be conscious of the possibility that you might be interacting with someone who is actually an angel in disguise, without realizing it, emphasizing the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect, as you could be unknowingly helping a divine being.” (Taken off the web.)
I have experienced some crazy supernatural experiences in my life, like the one described below.
During my lifetime. During my short stay on planet Earth; I have seen what I have seen. I have experienced what I have experienced. I have learned what I have learned. Nobody on this planet can change those facts. Not one of the 7-8 billion human beings can deny me that fact.
So, help me, God Almighty.
Read on to learn about my personal experience with ‘creatures’ from a different space-time dimension. Believe it or not!
Since this is essay number 51, I have decided to give my dear readers an early Christmas gift to give them all something to think about. This is a true story. I did not make up one detail of it.
First, a few questions to ponder within your mind.
Is life only in a biological human body? Or is life only in the human brain, mind, and consciousness?
Is life only limited to planet Earth and its creatures? Or are there other possibilities?
Is life limited only to this cosmic space-time universe? No, it isn’t.
Read this essay to learn about only one of my supernatural experiences with creatures from a different space-time universe.
That being stated, I don’t know why emotional, mentally delusional religious Christians are only worried about Jesus returning one day when there are much more complex and pressing matters at hand. Trust me, there is more to life than meets the human brain and eyeballs.
There was once a boy who wondered about ‘stuff.’ All he could do was ask questions that nobody could answer. So, he had to wait until he became a man to search and discover the answers to questions that most other humans could not answer for him. That boy was me.
For instance, when I was a very young boy, my human mother gave me a plastic toy clock. I will never forget it. It was a plastic clock with a red band all around it, a white face, and black hands.
I stared at the clock many times asking myself, “What is time?”
Little did I know that I would have to wait until I became a man who could read, study, and research the mental and physical concepts of time to get a better idea of what time is and is not.
How is that related to this essay? Because time is related to space as our scientific Albert Einstein friend proved to mankind. One of my hobbies is reading, studying, and thinking about space and time. It is not for the weak-minded because it changes you mentally and psychologically.
In the truest sense of the word, you start to leave planet Earth within your mind and consciousness knowing that there are other possibilities out there in the cosmic universe, besides the other possibilities that there is an afterlife with its different dimensions too.
Have you ever wondered whether we are alone in this cosmic universe? I know you have because the UFOs are all over the news in various ways. Are you scared that you might be eaten by aliens, or taken out of your bed at night, or maybe they want to have sex with human beings so they can create complex interstellar species one day?
“The meaning of INTERSTELLAR is located, taking place, or traveling among the stars, especially of the Milky Way galaxy.” (Taken from the web.)
This essay will explain one of my experiences with ‘creatures’ from a different space-time universe.
Believe it or not. And if you don’t believe it, it is ok. I don't care because I know it to be true.
I think that one of the reasons I did not die so many times in my life, and from stage 4 CLL cancer was to write these essays. So, I hope everyone around the globe enjoys reading them, and learning something too.
One day I will leave this realm, so I am very happy I got the opportunity to write some of the most important essays that have ever been written during the course of human history.
Below, in this essay, is a supernatural experience that happened to me not too long ago.
That experience proves one thing to mankind, or at least to me. We, or you, and mankind, are not alone!
Have you ever asked yourself, ‘What is life?’
It seems so simple. Doesn't it?
Is it so simple? I don’t think so. Not at all. I think that the whole concept of life as biological life is very complex indeed, but there is more to life than us human beings and the other creatures on planet Earth.
Even more complex is the multi-dimensional or different concepts of life, biological, cosmic, or life in multi-dimensional space-time universes. But there is so much more to life than a simple biological life. Don’t you think so, if you think about it.
How in the world after 14 or whatever billions of years of cosmic evolution and development can the still very primitive biological human species be the ONLY living creatures in this or any other cosmic universe? Seriously, it is just not possible that we are alone and that there are no other life forms anywhere else either in or out of the cosmic universe we see with our human eyes and brain.
Couldn’t life in all of its glory be a very complex multi-dimensional holistic state of existence, most of which human beings cannot begin to fathom with their very finite and limited human brain, mind, and consciousness?
You know, except for people like me.
Let me state a few examples of the different realms of life here on Earth anyway.
How about life within the human brain and mind?
How about the psychological lives (the psychological life) within each of the 7-8 billion human beings on planet Earth?
Shouldn’t the brain life, the mental life, and the psychological life within each human being be considered as a form of life too? As separate from, yet connected to the biological sense of life?
To be taken into consideration when thinking about and dealing with the concept of life not only within the human species but within all of the other biological creatures that live on planet Earth?
How about the spiritual sense of life, as in the Life that is God, or a spiritual life?
So far in this essay, there is the biological sense of life, the mental or psychological sense of life, and then there is the metaphysical and spiritual sense of life.
And there is the possibility of an afterlife for some, most, or maybe all human beings?
From all current observations and experiences of myself and other people, there is an afterlife too. That makes the question, ‘What is life?’ even more complicated, isn't it?
What about UFO life or alien life? If aliens are alive, meaning that they too possess some sort of life or existence, intelligent consciousness, and even death, ... even machines have to die eventually, then the human biological life, brain, mind, and consciousness might have to deal with another type of cosmic life forms which we currently call, aliens because they are alien to us.
What about angel life? Let us assume that other space-time dimensions have other types of creatures that don’t have wings and feathers as artful angels depict in religious pictures, but that are different life forms than us, cosmic aliens, and other creatures.
How does that metaphysical concept of life change how human beings think about and conceive of life in general and specifically?
A part of my thinking brain is starting to ache a little bit at this point of the essay. What about your brain and mind? Is it starting to wonder about the possibility that human life is not all there is to life?
After all, if you have ever viewed some of the videos of this expanding cosmic universe, you cannot help but admit that there has to be something living in all of those galaxies so very far away from planet Earth.
In other words, it is just not possible that the human species that is living on planet Earth is the ONLY living creates in the whole of this space-time cosmic universe, not to mention other creatures living in other space-time cosmic universes.
Let us delve a little, (pun intended) into a different type of life form, the atomic and quantum realms of existence. Do the atomic and quantum realms of existence which are part of our space-time existence and daily life on planet Earth constitute an essence of life even if it does not have a thinking brain or breathing lungs?
Can the atomic and quantum realms be considered part of life? Is it life within itself, a realm of life that is so small only quantum physicists can see it with fancy scientific instruments?
What about the chemical realms of life on planet Earth? All life on Earth is based on chemistry of some sort and that realm has its own rules, laws, and operations too.
These questions are food for thought for people who are so simple-minded that they don’t realize and understand that life, the concept of life, is not as simple as people who breathe in oxygen every day think with their finite, limited, and ignorant minds.
What about God-Life? As has been implied in other essays, there is a realm of self-conscious (Truth) existence (Life) that is completely spiritual (Spirit) and not material. Not only as a metaphysical statement, but it is intelligent too. (Mind)
It is an intelligence that is separate from the finite, limited human thinking brain (for those people with brains that think) but which can impact not only the thinking human brain, mind, and consciousness to higher states and stages of intelligence, it also destroys religious mental delusions within that human brain, mind, and consciousness too.
It is sad to think that people with mentally delusional religious states of mind do not wake up to their false mortal mind religious concepts. Especially those very evil and violent religious people in other countries besides America whose only goal on planet Earth is to hurt, damage, rape, torture, and kill other innocent, helpless, and defenseless human beings.
Joe Biden should rot in hell for leaving behind America’s military supplies to those evil bastards.
All of the above concepts of life, living, and existence, considered separately, seem to be, well, separated from each other in various ways. Pinpoints of life as it were. Like those white spots in the night sky, very huge except to the naked human eye.
But a holistic sense of life should take into consideration all of the different aspects of life in one huge holistic mental viewpoint to think about them the way a highly intelligent species would consider them. Believe it or not, the current collective human species is still very primitive compared to an advanced civilization.
Let us take a holistic viewpoint of a highly intelligent cosmic alien or an alien form from a different space-time dimension, shall we?
I am assuming more and more people are also assuming that there are aliens and alien spaceships or spacecraft because of the news footage, videos, and people’s supposed alien experiences.
My personal recent experience with creatures that looked like they were human, but they were not normal human beings proved to me that there is a whole different realm existing right where you live, stand, sit, walk, run, swim, watch television, etc.
A creature or alien who can move through time and space unlike modern-day human beings must have highly advance technology that modern-day human beings on Earth do not possess at the current moment.
But not only that. They must possess a completely different state of consciousness too. Completely state of conscious intelligence.
In Richard Bach's book, "Illusions." There is a metaphysical master of life who can perform all sorts of illusionary tricks, just like Jesus did as is stated in the Bible.
It is that simple regarding physical technology. But what about creatures who looked human from far away, but who were not the normal daily human beings you would look at walking down a street in New York City or on a farm located somewhere in the countryside?
Hum! Since this is the second to the last essay for this year, or forever. I would like to tell a true story that happened to me for the record. It is my essay for people to read. Maybe I had this supernatural experience happen to me because I was supposed to write it down for people to read, to learn from, to think about as an event that could happen to them one day.
But probably not! Why? Because you have to be mentally ready for such a supernatural event here on Earth. The rub is that I know that many people also have their own experiences that can’t be explained away with human reasoning, logic, or intelligence. Some things in life are not very simple to understand or could be understood at all by the human species.
Part I.
On three separate winter nights in Upstate New York, after my senior year in high school, I walked in a farmer's field. I looked up at the night sky, with the stars shining brightly.
I looked up and I yelled on each of those separate nights, “Hey, UFO people, or whatever. Are you out there somewhere? I am here waiting and listening for you to appear and say something to me.”
Nothing happened on each one of those three nights. I told myself out loud that I must not be ready for them now. I am too young, too inexperienced, too immature for such an event or appearance. I guess I will have to wait until I am older, smarter, more mature metaphysically, spiritually, and even physically.
And more aware of all of the possibilities of life as a metaphysical, spiritual, and holistic nature.
Part II.
Part two is the section of my human life where I was searching, reading, taking lectures in both the community college for the AS degree and then a BS degree, etc. I was learning in various ways. I was very curious about life in general and specifically when related to the deep issues in life, even life itself.
I was meeting all sorts of people who had their own experiences, like Out-of-Body experiences. (OBE or OOBE) I met this young guy who could leave his biological body at will, float around a bit, and return to his body.
He told me that there are people in India that can leave their biological bodies as they are walking down the street, to touch someone on their shoulder, and return to their still walking bodies.
I met an older guy about 4 months ago in a bar during a night jog. We were almost alone in the bar sharing a beer when he told me that he started to leave his biological body to float around the air or astral travel through walls, see other people, and then return to his body again. I was thinking I hope he doesn't know where I live. I don't think he did.
Around the year 1987 or so, I was standing in a hallway of a very small upstate university town talking to a professor of religion and Philosophy in a big university.
We were both attending a very high-level lecture series regarding the ‘Science of Being.’
“Religion is a collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values. It can also be defined as:
A set of beliefs about the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe.
The worship of a supernatural deity.
A system of beliefs based on a cause or principle.
A person's state in religious life.
A set of religious attitudes, beliefs, and ways of doing things.
A cause, principle, or system of beliefs held with faith and strong feeling.
Religion can involve:
Devotional and ritual observances.
A moral code governing human conduct.
A relationship with or attitude toward gods or spirits.
A relationship with or attitude toward the broader human community or the natural world.
Participation in devotional or contemplative practices such as prayer, meditation, or particular rituals.
“What is philosophy?
Philosophy is the systematic study of fundamental questions about existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and language. It's a rational and critical inquiry that reflects on its methods and assumptions.
What do philosophers do?
Philosophers ask, answer, and argue for their answers to life's most basic questions. They seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world, and their relationships to the world and to each other.
What are some examples of philosophical questions?
Some examples of philosophical questions include:
What am I?
Do I have free will?
Is there a God?
What is truth?
What is a person?
How should we live?
Shall we aim at happiness or at knowledge, virtue, or the creation of beautiful objects?
What are some major areas of study in philosophy?
Some major areas of study in philosophy include:
Metaphysics: The study of the nature of reality, what exists in the world, and how it is ordered.
At its core the study of metaphysics is the study of the nature of reality, of what exists in the world, what it is like, and how it is ordered. In metaphysics philosophers wrestle with such questions as:
Is there a God?
What is truth?
What is a person? What makes a person the same through time?
Is the world strictly composed of matter?
Do people have minds? If so, how is the mind related to the body?
Do people have free will?
What is it for one event to cause another?
Epistemology: The study of knowledge, including what we can know about the world and how we can know it.
Epistemology is the study of knowledge. It is primarily concerned with what we can know about the world and how we can know it. Typical questions of concern in epistemology are:
What is knowledge?
Do we know anything at all?
How do we know what we know?
Can we be justified in claiming to know certain things?
The study of ethics often concerns what we ought to do and what it would be best to do. In struggling with this issue, larger questions about what is good and right arise. So, the ethicist attempts to answer such questions as:
What is good? What makes actions or people good?
What is right? What makes actions right?
Is morality objective or subjective?
How should I treat others?
Another important aspect of the study of philosophy is the arguments or reasons given for people's answers to these questions. To this end philosophers employ logic to study the nature and structure of arguments. Logicians ask such questions as:
What constitutes "good" or "bad" reasoning?
How do we determine whether a given piece of reasoning is good or bad?” (That big section was taken off the web because I do not want to write it all down.) Simple enough, or not so simple.
I included that information for all of the uneducated people who think they know something about life even if they are on the lower levels of human existence and intelligence. Just so they get an idea of what they have been missing out on in the intellectual levels of the human mind.
This professor told me a story about how a US military jet fighter airplane that was flying very high in the sky, traveling at over Mach speeds, when he saw five alien spacecraft pop up next to his US military US jet fighter airplane traveling very high in the sky moving very fast indeed.
The pilot of this very fast-moving US jet fighter airplane moves his plane to the right, to the left, up and down, and all around, but he can’t shake or lose those five-alien spacecraft. They are simply just that good.
But then, poof, they are gone. Disappeared into thin air.
The professor tells me that most people will think that the five alien spacecraft went up into outer space somewhere. But no, that is not how it happened. Not at all. Instead, the five alien spacecraft traveled through and disappeared instantly by going through our space-time cosmic universe into another space-time cosmic universe.
This was proven not too long ago when a video of a United States fighter pilot recorded a very high-moving object that disappeared into thin air. The thing is this. Ground radar had picked it up too.
It shows and records the UFO disappearing as the pilots saw it. Then it appeared miles later not far away from its original point of disappearance. It reappeared into our space-time realm of existence.
That story stayed with me, in the back of my mind for decades before I received that same type of experience too. That sort of thing happened to me. This is a completely true story. I am not making any of it up just for the fun of it.
That was almost 50 years ago.
I continued with my human life, both physically, mentally, psychologically, metaphysically, and even spiritually. You must understand my dear readers.
To experience all of the different supernatural experiences that I have experienced in my human life in all realms of existence, you must be mentally, psychologically, and spiritually prepared for it for a few reasons.
But you and the collective human species must begin to do so for the current and future survival of the human species.
One. You have to be prepared for it, so you don’t have a heart attack because supernatural experiences are not for the weak and faint of heart even though I have heard from uneducated people having their own experiences too, like unexpected OBE or out-of-body experiences, along with getting message in dreams from their departed relatives and friends.
Second. If you ever told your stories, people might think that you are simply mentally insane or just crazy. Which I am not in any way shape or form. I am not afraid to tell this story now because I am getting older. Sad to say, I realize I am getting older no matter how much exercising I do every day. Maybe I am just plain tired from writing an essay a week for a year.
Third. After you experience any type of supernatural experience, whether it is like an aircraft or an alien appearing and disappearing into thin air, or any other supernatural experience, you have to live with the memory of it for the rest of your human life. You have a form of PTSD.
Fourth. Not only that. Those types of supernatural experiences change your mental and psychological perceptions of what is real and not real, but not simply from a metaphysical viewpoint, but from a ‘objective physical viewpoint as well. And what is possible compared to people’s finite and limited mental perceptions of what is not possible on planet Earth.
If you possess a multi-dimensional holistic state of life consciousness, meaning a holistic consciousness, even slightly holistic compensable consciousness, you will start to experience a supernatural experience I have experienced 40-45 years later after my first question to the creatures on the other side of this space-time cosmic universe.
Part III.
About 40-45 years later, I was hiking up a mountain called Mission Peak in Fremont California, once a week for several years. Mountain biking it too.
One day, I was all alone on top of the mountain called Mission Peak. The temperature was about 73 degrees. I had cleaned off my mountain hiking boots the night before, my hiking backpack was already to go, and my body was in shape for a nice, simple, slow hike up the mountain.
Needless to say, it was not an easy climb because even if you are in shape, it is still physical work. The heart beats beat faster, the lungs fill up with oxygen, there are chemical changes in your body, and the brain works in a different way; all for a chance at escapism from the world below.
Once on top of that mountain, I remembered my yelling into the dark, cold, night air on that winter’s night in Upstate New York around the year 1976, ‘Hey, is there a UFO or something up there that wants to talk to me? I am listening."
Nothing happened for three straight nights. So, I stopped doing it on those cold Upstate New York winter nights. I knew nothing was going to happen, but I knew it was going to happen one day.
I looked around the mountain top to make sure that nobody was on top of the mountain before I started yelling at the top of my lungs to beg the question, “Hey, God, Angels, Whatever. Do you have something to say to me? I am listening.”
Nobody was there. Nor were they climbing up the mountain either because I could see all sides, more or less. In any case, no one could hear me yell at the top of the lungs, or almost close to it.
So, I yelled at the top of my lungs, more or less, “Hey God, Angels, Whatever. Do you have something to say to me? I am listening.”
I looked at my watch. I gave them 30 minutes before I started down the mountain.
The next two weeks it was the same process. Hike up the mountain again. After making sure no one was there when I yelled out, “Hey God, Angels, Whatever. Do you have something to say to me? I am listening.”
The reason I started this experiment was because I had been reading a book titled, “The Trouble with Physics. The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next.” By: Lee Smolin.” I know that most if not one of my readers will read it. That is ok. Just finish this essay.
It was a book about string theory and other stuff. On the book cover, there is a pair of shoes with shoelaces connected in the middle.
One day a few weeks before my climbing Mission Peak and yelled out my question, “Hey God, Angels, Whatever. Do you have something to say to me? I am listening.” I was receiving physical experiences on Earth in my life that were against the laws of human
“Probability is the branch of mathematics and statistics concerning events and numerical descriptions of how likely they are to occur. The probability of an event is a number between 0 and 1; the larger the probability, the more likely an event is to occur. A simple example is the tossing of a fair coin. Wikipedia”
“Mathematics: The extent to which an event is likely to occur, measured by the ratio of the favorable cases to the whole number of cases possible.” (Taken off the web.)
I had ridden a bicycle around a 2-mile round lake during the weekday in the middle of the afternoon. Nobody was there except me, which was normal for that time of day. So, I am riding my bike, looking out, watching everything on the first trip around the lake. On the way, I saw no one or not one item except wooden benches. The place was empty.
I sat down for a ten-minute rest on one bench where I could see most of the lake and the five-foot wide sidewalk that circled the lake for about two miles long.
When I rode the bicycle the other way to return home, I noticed a pair of shoes that looked exactly like the shoes on the cover of the book, “The Trouble with Physics.”
I stared at those shoes, and I said out loud, “Those shoes were not there when I rode by that bench the first time around the lake only ten or fifteen minutes ago. I was thinking to myself, ‘It has been only 15-20 minutes maximum time at the most.
When I took my 10-minute rest, I could see the whole path where the shoes were located. I never saw one person walking, jogging, or biking on the cement path. The place was empty, except for me and my bike.
I was forced to ask myself, ‘Where did those shoes come from? They were not there the first time around the lake. There were a few blind spots, but I had already traveled one way, not seeing anyone, and then traveling the other way, not seeing anyone. I know what I know.
So, I picked up the shoes, put them in a plastic bag, and returned home asking myself, ‘How did the shoes appear next to that bench when they were not there the first time around and there was nobody there except for me, which was normal during a weekday at 2 pm in the afternoon.
I was guessing and assuming that whatever creature put them there, they were watching me because of the other events that were happening to me during the last few weeks before my supernatural experience on top of a 3000-foot-high mountain.
So, I am now on top of the mountain Mission Peak, all alone a month later, 75 degrees or so. I got my hiking backpack off of my shoulders and back. I walk to the edge of the cliff that is facing the Bay Area. What a view I might add.
You can YouTube Mission Peak and get an idea of what type of hiking climb it is and the view you get when you reach the top. Climbing it is not for people who are not in physical shape.
I am standing on the edge of the cliff looking upward into the sky and I yell out, again, for the first time since my moment in NY, “Hey God, Angels, Whatever. Do you have something to say to me? I am listening.”
I looked at my watch to time them to see if and when whoever or whatever was going to appear out of nowhere.
Nothing happened within 30 minutes, so I started my trek downhill to the car or truck; which by the way, a person might think is easier on your body than climbing uphill, but in reality, it is harder on your body because of all that pounding for 30 minutes depending on how slow or fast you are walking, jogging, or running downhill.
The very first time I hiked Mission Peak; I lost all of my toenails, and my feet were so swollen for over a week. I once met a young Asian lad who was walking up that mountain as I was walking down the mountain. She was dressed in business clothes with high-heeled shoes.
She asked me if that was the top of the mountain as she pointed her finger to the top. I said yes. Then I asked her if she was planning to hike to the top. She said yes. I replied to her, ‘No you aren’t. You will never make it to the top for many reasons, the first being you are wearing high-heeled shoes. Go home and dress correctly and properly and start in the morning when it is cooler.
The next week, the second week, I hiked the mountain again, not thinking about my supernatural experiment from the week before, or so I remember. I repeated the process like the first time, without anything happening.
Me, yelling into the air, “Hey God, Angels, Whatever. Do you have something to say to me? I am listening.”
Again, nothing happened. So, I yelled into the air one more time before I started downhill.
You have one more week to answer me. Then I will stop asking the question. Got it?
The third week, I hiked it again, thinking that maybe something might happen or appear to say something to me. That wasn't the goal of hiking since I had been doing it for about a year and a half now.
My readers should realize something about my Mission Peak Mountain climbing. I was already guessing that the CLL cancer was starting to eat away at my human biological body. I just wasn’t that sick yet. Plus, I knew when I started chemotherapy in any way, my human life would be different.
The third time on top of Mission Peak, I knew that this would be the very last time I would yell out into the open air, ‘Hey God, Angels, Whatever. Do you have anything to say to me? I am listening.”
For one thing, how could I be so lucky to have three consecutive weeks of having nobody on top of the mountain? That in itself was a semi-miracle because there was always someone climbing to the top, already at the top, or climbing down the top of the mountain, just like in human life.
In human life, many people climb up the ladder of success. Then some people might be at the top of the mountain for a number of years. Then at some time, they leave or maybe even fall from the top of the mountain of their human success story.
For me, the real top of the mountain arrived in different ways, which took decades to achieve. The real metaphysical and spiritual mountain that I have climbed can never be fallen from because once you have achieved spiritual at oneness with the pure realm of spiritual consciousness, there is no returning to the old way of thinking about life. Not even human life.
So, there I was, standing alone waiting for something to happen. I had no idea what was about to happen, but when it happened, it happened really fast as soon as I stopped talking or yelling in this case.
I then leaned back, and stood by a small boulder rock, waiting. I didn’t have to wait long.
A seemingly human male rode directly at me on a mountain bike, without a huff and a puff, or one single drip of sweat anywhere on his body. Which by the way, did not have ordinary human skin on it.
I noticed his skin immediately. It was a completely different texture, a weird color, with semi-reptile bumps on it. He saw me staring at his skin, my eyes going from his skin towards my skin, comparing both types of skin. I noticed him watching me. It was so obvious he did not want me to ask him about his skin, or so I thought at the time. I think I read his thought, "It is not a good idea.”
Anyone who has ever mountain biked up Mission Peak, no matter what kind of shape they are in, is huffing and puffing. Or at the very least, they are moving, full of energy because of blood moving throughout the body like a fast-moving stream. He was standing there like a statue. After riding a mountain bike up the mountain. I mean, really dude!
The one thing most hikers want to do is take a break. Not start a conversation with a complete stranger on top of the mountain. Or they want to look out over the Bay area. What a scene. A holistic scene of towns, water, sunlight, clouds, cars, and trucks on highways.
Once, I was alone on top of the mountain. A couple quickly followed me to the top. They were in love. I haven’t been in love for a very long time. Anyway, I was looking over the Bay area when I noticed a few small areas of fog rising up from the water, like a newborn monster from the sea.
I watched as those few fog clouds became bigger and bigger, while they were rising higher and higher upward. Then, it seemed like magic. They were so big, so huge, so close to the top of the mountain, that they had engulfed the whole mountain so fast that you could not see your own feet.
I could not see the couple either. I think they took it as an opportunity to have some adult fun.
I was thinking something like, ‘If that is how God, Spirit works. The human species better be aware of the danger it is in.’ Or in other words, in plain English, ‘God did not ‘create’ a biological species with a thinking brain to be so fucking stupid.’
I should know how hard it is to mountain bike Mission Peak because I had mountain biked that mountain many times and it was hell on wheels for me. Partly, because my mountain bike was built for downhill riding, and partly because I wasn’t in tip-top shape to mountain bike up a steep mountain that went up to about 3000 feet. Sometimes, I rode my bike from my house to climb it.
Oh no. His skin looked a completely different texture than normal human skin. I compared his skin to my skin. My skin was smooth while his skin had tiny bumps all over this new type of skin. I glared at it knowing that I should not ask about it because it was not good manners to be rude to a creature from a different dimension of space-time. Or wherever.
We started a conversation with me telling him about my online essay and theory about why there has to be an afterlife. It is located at this link:
After I told him the major points of my online essay about the afterlife, he told me that he had to return to work, which almost made me laugh because I knew that he was not of this world, not with that skin. And I knew that he was never going to work in that reptile skin.
He asked me if I would like to hear a story. Of course, I said, ‘Sure.’
He starts by saying that a guy had recently died, and he was in his afterlife. This guy was walking down a path in the afterlife and he saw a lady with a clipboard in her hand.
She walks up to the afterlife rookie guy in his afterlife and she states to him, “I am your case worker. If you need anything, just ask me.”
He responds with, “I don’t need anything now. Maybe later.”
She leaves the guy alone as he starts walking down a path in his afterlife. He sees a huge wall with a hole in it. A peephole. He looks inside and he sees fire and brimstone. He sees devils with pitchforks.
He hears people moaning and yelling with words like, “Help, let me go.” Help, help, let me out. I am sorry for my sins.” “Stop the burning fires and stop poking me with those pitchforks.” And all of the other imagery you can imagine from a hell that the Christians want for themselves.
The newbie guy in his afterlife walks away from the grand huge wall with a peephole in it. He starts to walk down the path in the afterlife, and he sees the caseworker. She calls out to him.
“How are you doing? Do you need anything?”
He responds with, “No, I don’t need anything. But I was walking down the path and I saw a huge wall with a peephole in it. I looked inside and I saw fires burning, and pitchforks held by demons with horns and tails. People were moaning and yelling to be let out of the pit of fire. What is up with all of that stuff?”
The caseworker looks at him as she responds, “Don’t worry about those people. They are Christians and that is what they wanted.”
The guy says, “Oh.” and he walks away as the caseworker yells out to him, “If you need anything, just let me know.”
“Ok. He responds. "Ok."
The obviously fake human in front of me ends the story with the words, “Well, I have to go now. I have to go return to work.”
I looked and stared at him with an amazement words could not express. I was thinking to myself, still in shock that he was so rude to just tell his story and leave like the mountain was on fire. I wanted to talk to him some more; like really dude, that is all you are going to tell me.
I was really disappointed even though I enjoyed his short story. After all, I just finished my 'Ph.D.' thesis on why there has to be an afterlife for at least some human beings. Maybe all of them.
I looked at him as I was thinking to myself, ‘Sure. Back to work with that skin. No way.”
He looked back at me as he rode off onto the back side of the mountain. It was like he knew that the show had only begun. His part was over for the next part of the show for the guy who was a master metaphysician who yelled out, “Hey God, Angels, Whatever. Do you have anything to say to me? I am listening?”
I could not believe it. He simply rides off without a huff or a puff. But it was like he disappeared before he arrived at the downhill start of the mountain.
I was staring at where he seemed to disappear, wondering if I really saw a guy turn into a corner on the top of a mountain that was not really there.
I am looking into thin air. But that was a warmup to the next phrase of strange creatures on top of Mission Peak. A warning to my dear readers. Before you ask questions to the ‘air,’ really make sure you want answers because you never know what will happen.
Part IV.
There I was, all alone again, on top of the mountain called Mission Peak in Fremont CA. It is a nice place to live unless you want an incompetent police department.
I have been told that that city has gone to the criminals since I moved out of it because the police are lazy-ass white boy partiers who get paid for laughing it up while the criminals break into houses and businesses.
I experienced it, so nobody can tell me different. About ten years later, that seems to be the story all around CA and America. Why are people paying taxes for police who do not serve and protect the people from criminals?
I know there are criminals and people who break the law and that we need police to stop, catch, and then send them over to the legal system. But it is not working, which is only one reason why people own so many guns in America.
When I first bought a house in Fremont CA, my house was surrounded by three drug dealer houses. Soon after that, I had to do something about it, which I did. But then the break-ins started happening. I mean, if I explained the real story to you readers, you would not believe it.
So, there I was again, alone on top of Mission Peak. I had a few seconds of thinking to myself, ‘Where did that obviously fake human guy disappear off too?’ when almost immediately I hear a voice behind me.
I started to walk towards my hiking backpack when I heard the words, “Sir, can you help me.”
I stopped in my tracks knowing that I was just looking at the spot where I now heard a voice asking me a question. And nobody was standing there just a second ago. It was empty space. No skin, bone, blood, or brain creature.
But obviously I was wrong because there was a young Asian female asking me for help.
Before I could think where the voice was coming from in a spot that was empty just a few seconds ago, where nobody was standing, I heard the voice again.
“Sir, can you help me?”
I slowly turn around and I see an Asian lady standing there looking at me.
I ask her. (If you can believe it.) Are you talking to me? True as I am now still living and breathing.
I turned my head around in a 360 turn, back and forth, and of course, I still did not see a single person on top of the mountain called Mission Peak, except for the Asian lady and me.
I think to myself, what a jerk I am because of course, I am the only person standing on the mountain, along with an Asian female who was correct to call me sir. Even though by the time we were finished with each other, I didn’t know what realm of existence I was living in.
You know, because I possess a multi-dimensional holistic consciousness, unlike the other 7-8 billion people on planet Earth who normally possess only a single one-dimensional biological consciousness, I am ready for almost anything. I am never shocked by anything that happens anymore. So many supernatural stories to be told. Netflix should call me to make a deal.
I never thought much about my biological body. Now, it takes work just to stay alive. Now I know why some older people don't mind dying after their human bodies are finished living.
So, I ask, “Do you need my help?” Again, I felt sort of a jerk because my logical mind reminded me that she had already asked me, ‘Sir, can you help me?’ Four times.
I started to walk over to her. When I reached her, about ten feet from me, I asked her, “What can I do for you?”
She replies to me, “My feet are killing me.”
I looked down at her feet, only to see a brand-new pair of blue tennis sneakers.
So, I asked her, “You climbed up to the top of this mountain with those on your feet?”
She replies, “Yes, I did.”
I almost called her a lying motherfucker, for lack of a better word because I was also looking at my hiking boots that had I washed off the night before and now those hiking boots were dusty as heck. Dust was all over my hiking boots. There was not a spot without dust. And now there is an Asian lady with a brand-new pair of blue tennis sneakers standing in front of me. Unbelievable. Truly. Just Unbelievable. I will never get that picture out of my mind.
Then, lo and behold, I noticed her reptile skin, which of course, was just like the skin of the guy who told me the story about the rookie guy in his afterlife and his caseworker in his afterlife.
I just knew better than to ask her about her skin, the same texture, and color, with those reptile bumps on it. By now, my human brain and mind was getting to the point that whoever or whatever heard my question, “Hey God, Angels, Whatever. Do you have something you want to tell me? I am listening.” They were answering it in their own way. To this day, there is not a moment on that mountain top I will never forget. Ever!
There is a sentence or phrase in the book titled, “Illusions.” by Richard Bach. Everyone should read the book for Christmas. The sentence or phrase goes something like this. ‘It is not wise to insult a creature from a different space-time dimension who can zap you with burning rays with the snap of their fingertips.’ It is a good sentence or phrase to remember just in case you are ever in that situation.
I was actually thinking about that phrase with the first human male looking creature. I mean, really. I don’t know where they came from and what sort of power they held at the top of a mountain top where if I disappeared from human and earthly existence, nobody would have known what happened to me.
What I really wanted to know were answers to questions like these: Where did you come from? How did you do it? Why are you in front of me? What do you want from me? Etc. But everything happened so fast that there was very little time to think about everything at once.
Although they did not look like the type of supernatural creatures that would zap me with burning rays of fire with the snap of their fingertips, why take the chance?
I looked at her brand-new blue tennis sneakers that didn’t have a hint of dust on them. I see that the shoe/sneaker laces are untied. Now, I absolutely know that she did not climb up the mountain in those brand-new blue tennis sneakers.
Why? Because after you have climbed for hours on a fire road and other dirt paths of various paths, (look it up on YouTube) the path to the top is a 50-foot-thin path of rocks, sharp, pointed rocks of all sizes after you have hiked for hours up the mountain.
Even with professional hiking boots, which is what I was wearing that day, one wrong step with your feet and you will seriously damage to your poor, worn-out body that wants only one thing after climbing Mission Peak. And that is to sit down somewhere and give your feet, legs, and body a much-needed rest. At least for beginners. People in shape don’t really need a rest.
Here was this Asian lady from who knows where standing in front of me without an ounce of weariness or “very extreme tiredness; fatigue.” She looked like she been had n picked up from the ground by the hand of Jesus and then placed on top of the mountain to play with my mind or at least bend it in a way it had never been bent before that moment.
Honestly, it had been many decades that I was wishing that if someone or some creature could appear in front of me out of thin air, I would enjoy seeing that happen. But I never asked for it.
I had watched groups of United States Marine soldiers climbing that mountain sweating and huffing and puffing like they were going to die. With another Marine yelling and screaming at them at the top of his lungs. At least it seemed that way to me.
Now this Asian woman who was wearing brand new blue tennis sneakers without an atomic hint of dust was standing in front of me like she had magically appeared out of another space-time dimension.
Which by the way, is what happened! I knew it, and the two people or creatures who looked like people knew it too.
But I asked for it. Didn’t I. Once a week for three weeks, I asked the question, “Hey God, Angels, Whatever. Do you have something you want to say to me? I am listening.”
I knelt down and I tied both of her tennis sneaker laces. And as I was doing it, with my fingers on those white brand-new blue tennis sneakers laces, without a hint of dust on them, I realized that the book I was currently reading had the pair of shoes with their laces intertwined as one.
Google to see a picture of the book, “The Trouble with Physics.”
For a moment in time, I realized that somehow, I was not only connected to other realms but other creatures in other realms were also connected to me too. I didn’t know what to do, so I didn’t do anything except act normal.
I stood up and I looked at it. I asked her, “What do you do for a living?”
She responded with the answer, “I am a caseworker.”
OK then. How many moments of shocks and amazement can happen on top of a mountain on a beautiful day with a temperature of 73 degrees? My brain and mind were now on full alert status, more so than in the previous 15-20 minutes so far in this supernatural experience on top of a mountain.
So, both the male and female had the same type of weird skin. The male tells me a story about the afterlife with a caseworker in it. And now I am standing in front of a caseworker in 'real life.'
I didn’t know what to do. Or say. I was in a bit of a shock to be honest with you my dear readers.
I was thinking, maybe she was my caseworker since I am living between at least this world and the afterlife. But I really didn’t need anything, so I didn’t ask her if she was my caseworker somehow. I should have asked her if she was my current caseworker. I should have done it!
But somehow, I was thinking, if she is one of my caseworkers, she will always be there if I need some supernatural help while I am still living on planet Earth for the time being as at least a seemingly human being.
To explain that last statement, I have almost died so many times that a part of me is still stuck in the realm of the afterlife, if that is the best way to put it. Or at the very least, part of my mind is somehow connected to the realm termed the afterlife.
I told her I needed some water from my backpack. I turned around. I walked about three steps. I turned around again to see her. What do I see? Empty air. Nothing. She had disappeared.
She was gone! Poof. Like a magic show on top of a mountain. I raised my arms up in the air. I yelled out. Really? Really? Where did you go? Where did she go? She was there one second. Gone the next second. I tilted my head upwards a bit to see if I could see a UFO spacecraft.
Of course I didn’t see a UFO spacecraft because that would have been way too easy to explain.
Like a crazy person who was trying to look a bit normal as a human being, I looked all around on the top of the mountain, Mission Peak. On the top, there was a very limited supply of ways to go down the mountain. She wasn’t behind me.
She didn’t go to the right of me because it was tall grass all a lot of snakes among other creatures of nature and I could see the whole right side with one glance. Nobody walked down in that snake infested grass. I could view the whole side of that mountain with one glance. No people or ‘special people.’
She did not go to the left of me because it was a straight downward cliff. I know she did not move fast enough to go straight down the 50-foot path of rocks. But I walked over there just to make sure. I looked downward, staring at the path of sharp, pointed, jagged, (broken, craggy, irregular, rugged, uneven, ragged, and scraggly) rocks of all sizes.
I looked at my watch even though I knew it was a complete waste of time and energy. I knew that she was gone. And, she was not going to appear on the single foot path of sharp, pointed, jagged, etc. rocks. She was never going to reappear on top of Mission Peak and tell me how she did the appearing and disappearing trick almost before my very eyes, and mind.
Really? She didn’t even climb up the mountain to begin with. She appeared out of nowhere or somewhere more like it. She was wearing brand new blue tennis sneakers. This Asian lady did not climb that mountain without having a single trace of dust and dirt on those white plastic sides of those brand-new blue tennis sneakers. It was and still is impossible.
I stood on top of that mountain all alone, or maybe not alone, depending on how you look at it, looking at my watch for some reason, waiting for at least 30 minutes, absorbing the moment like I was a special human being who had the privilege and honor of being visited by creatures from another space-time dimension, or something, somewhere, all of which I had been preparing myself, (my mind and consciousness) since the day I was born on this planet, in this small part of the galaxy.
So, if I had to give another one of my precious gifts and bits of higher-level information to the current human species this Christmas season, it would be this.
We are not alone! Nope. You may think we are alone. But we are most definitely not alone.
Merry Christmas!
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