This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Essay 18 - 2024. Churches and Nuclear Bombs. Going to a Catholic Church During the Cold War. A Feel-Good Religion During the Cold War. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. May 2, 2024.

Essay 18 - 2024. Churches and Nuclear Bombs.

Going to a Catholic Church During the Cold War.

A Feel-Good Religion During the Cold War.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

May 2, 2024.

All over the globe, there are Catholic churches. It has been that way for a very long time.

“When did the Catholic Church actually start? Who founded Roman Catholicism? As a branch of Christianity, Roman Catholicism can be traced to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ in Roman-occupied Jewish Palestine about 30 CE. According to Roman Catholic teaching, each of the sacraments was instituted by Christ himself.” (Taken off the web.)

Nuclear weapons have been around for some time too.

"The world's first nuclear weapons explosion on July 16, 1945, in New Mexico, when the United States tested its first nuclear bomb. Not three weeks later, the world changed. On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. It killed or wounded nearly 130,000 people.” (Taken off the web.)

Therefore, the Catholic Church and the nuclear bomb were around before I was born, and they will be there after I leave planet Earth. In the meantime, as anyone who has read my previous longer essays that can be found on my blog, I am still concerned about the self-destruction of the human species by the use of nuclear bombs, as are many other people in the various fields of human life.

Taking the long view of the cosmic universe and how life started on planet Earth, I have come to enjoy breathing oxygen. Therefore, I do not take breathing oxygen for granted, you know, instead of breathing radiation from a nuclear bomb. Life on planet Earth is very precious. It has been around for over 3.7 billion years.

"The earliest life forms we know of were microscopic organisms (microbes) that left signals of their presence in rocks about 3.7 billion years old. The signals consisted of a type of carbon molecule that is produced by living things." (Taken off the web.)

I like drinking clean water. I enjoy watching a full moon go from one end of the sky to the other end of the sky when the weather is good enough. I love watching the birds fly in the sky which is something I normally cannot do unless I in an airplane or some other form of flying.

The one thing I do not enjoy doing is dealing is really stupid people. It seems that stupid people are all around us intellectuals, true intellectuals like me. Don’t get me wrong, I talk to people all of the time, even uneducated people of all sorts. I will talk to potheads about not smoking pot. I will talk to sexual perverts to explain to them that their lifestyle is absolutely disgusting.

I will give advice to the president of the United States or someone in politics whether he wants it or not. Religious people are not fun to talk to because they will not listen to something intelligent about the Bible for instance. It seems that potheads, sexual perverts of all kinds, and religious people are mentally stuck in the way they live and think. And so are some of the world leaders who have in their possession nuclear bombs. They are mentally stuck with the why and hows of being a world-class leader.

Therefore, there are those other sorts of people, the people who are both stupid, insane, and well just to top off the list, globally dangerous. Maybe you know what types of people I might be referring to; like the types of people who are so stupid and insane they border on the edge of pushing a button of for a nuclear explosion, just for the fun of it.

Why would they care if they push the buttons to set off nuclear weapons to destroy the entire living conditions on planet Earth? They have already killed and murdered countless of their own people, why not kill and murder other people who don't live in their country or nation. I have not given advice to any of those types of people, but if I could give them advice while drinking a cold beer or a glass of wine, I would tell them not to do it. To never push the button or turn the key to their nuclear weapons for any reason whatsoever. But like other stupid people, they will probably not listen to reason and common sense.

I wonder how many people in their hearts of hearts pray to God Almighty, while they are sitting in their own church, while they are praying to God for human stuff, while they are always forgetting to pray to God Almighty to never let a nuclear bomb be set off by the stupid, insane, and crazy leaders of the world.

They should be praying while sitting in church that a nuclear war never happens. To hope and pray that none of those really stupid, insane, and dangerous people never ever give the orders to have their nuclear weapons be launched in any direction on the planet.

Life on planet Earth is so precious that even thinking about using a nuclear bomb is stupid, insane, and crazy. Yet, that kind of thinking was happening during the Cold War just as it is happening today.

How many people who sit in their church pray for the big things in life on planet Earth, instead of for more money, a nicer car, better sex, better kids, having their favorite sports team win because they bet money on them, or they might even pray in church for who should be the next president of the United States of America, or for whoever president is up for election in their country.

I will state for the record that after I left the Catholic church every Sunday, I almost always felt good, felt better than before I entered the church. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed going to the church alone after hours just to sit on a wooden bench to think about stuff. I remember that I used to look around and up at the ceiling and I would think to myself, ‘Is God limited to this building? Isn’t God outside the church too?’ I would wait for an answer, but I think I already knew the answer.

If God has nothing to do with the life called nature in general, then it still might be a good idea to pray for that nature to not be destroyed by nuclear weapons. If God is a part of nature, then it would be even better that people pray that nuclear bombs never be dropped on all of the realms of nature on planet Earth. It probably would not do any good to pray for that because the really stupid, insane, and crazy world leaders do not care if there is a God or what it might think about humans destroying themselves with nuclear bombs.

When I was a young boy, I didn’t know that there were really stupid, insane, and dangerous people who had access to nuclear bombs. Otherwise, I would have been praying for them not to ever use a nuclear bomb for any reason whatsoever. Now that I am older and smarter, I realize that praying for a nuclear bomb to never be dropped on planet Earth is not going to work.

I liked sitting on the wooden bench in what is considered a house of God, even though I had this immature sense that something was wrong with the fact that I felt good after going to church on a Sunday morning in our boy suits. I know that some boys and teenagers never wear a suit ever, even after they get out of high school. There are boys and adults like that in the tiny, tiny, tiny town I currently live in now. I bet that the first time they saw me in a suit and tie, it was really weird for them.

I remember my dad getting everything ready the night before Sunday Catholic mass. Since he was a formal military guy, he was in the habit of having his army clothes as perfect as perfect can be without thinking about it. I assume his army suits were always in perfect condition to make everyone above him happy. Plus, who doesn’t like looking good in a suit, either a military suit or a civilian suit. I know that there are many men and boys who will never experience the satisfaction of wearing a good-looking suit, or even a tie. But I get it, they have no need to wear a suit at any time in their lives. That is ok by me. Who needs a suit when you are a fisherman?

On Saturday night, he would spend some time shining shoes and getting our boy suits ready for Sunday morning so there would be no time wasted while the coffee and breakfast were being prepared for hungry stomachs. I did not drink coffee when I was a boy, but I sure drink it now. I like drinking coffee. I often wonder how much work it takes from the moment the seed is in the ground until the coffee bean is ready to be put into the coffee maker.

So many steps. So much work. For the simple pleasure of drinking a fine cup of coffee. I did not think that way when I was a boy, but I am not a boy anymore. Come Sunday morning, the Sunday church clothes were ready to be put on our young boy bodies so everyone could wake up and take a quick shower, get into the station wagon, then drive to church.

It wasn’t a long drive. Oh no. Maybe ten minutes tops I am currently guessing. There was a white church with a big black cross on the building. It wasn’t a huge church, but it did the job that all churches are supposed to do for Catholics anyway. There were wooden benches, stained glass windows, a long table with a long white cloth on it. There were the candles and cups. Etc.

As we entered and left the station wagon on a warm Sunday morning, I always noticed that there were a lot of other people also dressed up and walking towards the Church, to sit down and wait for the priest to walk up to the table to begin his role at the church. He would start his religious song and dance routine. The priest would start repeating the same words he repeated the last week and for the last 10,000 weeks before any Sunday.

Honestly, it became really boring really fast. But that was ok with it. I liked having the time to think about what is happening around me. Plus, I needed time to think for myself in a church, which might be the best place to do personal thinking, or on top of a mountain somewhere. But climbing a mountain takes time and work. And you have to be in shape for it too, I will add.

I did not like or enjoy repeating he same words over and over again every Sunday, but I always felt better for at least few minutes if not up to an hour after mass. As a boy, I started to ask myself why I felt better after going to a church mass? What was it that made me feel better after I left the church at the end of the Catholic mass? I didn’t know. It had to be something special I thought to myself. Maybe something supernatural, or something invisible to the human eyes.

As I looked around at the other people, especially the grown-ups, I watched them repeat the same words that they had been repeating ever since I walked into the church. They sang the same exact songs over and over again too. They would sit down, and then they would stand up exactly like they were on a television show in front of a camera.

Nevertheless, I wondered if all of those people felt good repeating the same exact actions every week and if they felt better than before they walked into the church on a warm Sunday morning. In other words, did they feel good and better by simply being religious human biological robots? I did not feel like a religious robot even as a boy.

Why and What? Why and what was happening within my mind before I entered the church, during the mass, and then after I left the church? The church is, after all, just a building made from wood or stone and glass. It was nice inside with all of the religious items like statues, candle holders, candles, stained glass windows, Bibles, etc.

When I left the church, nothing outside had changed. The green grass was still green grass. The blue sky was still the blue sky. The station wagon was still the station wagon. The people all looked like the same people before they entered the church. Nothing in the outside world had changed either, or so it seemed to me as a boy who knew nothing about the world in America or anywhere else for the matter, that maybe something had changed within my brain, heart, and soul. Little did I know what an atomic or nuclear bomb was and that it could kill me and every living thing for miles.

Was the good feeling within my brain and mind? Was that a good feeling in my body? Did everyone feel good too? Why? Was it a supernatural experience from somewhere, from a God, from a supernatural creature, from a guy named Jesus? Was I walking around in an invisible bubble that was protecting me from the dangers and evils of the world? I knew that there were evil people, but I did not know how evil human beings can be towards each other, although I did learn that later.

I knew that I knew nothing about the external world, nor about America, nor the world. Of course, kids know nothing of the world, even if they are watching the news on television. How could kids know anything or everything about the world?

That means how could I have known that there was not only one church with a group of people feeling good about going to church but that there were and still are countless amounts of churches of different kinds throughout the whole world. Billions of people must feel good about going to a church of any kind, all over the globe, but does it do any good or protect anyone from a nuclear bomb? Now I know that going to church will not protect anyone from a nuclear bomb if it is heading towards you.

There was a point in my young life when going to church did not feel good anymore. I do not know when or why? All I know is that I got bored with the same Sunday church routine, so I stopped going to a church with the family although they seemed happy doing it, even to this day is my guess. Now, my house is more like a personal self-made church just for me.

I have more than a bunch of angel statues I have collected over the years and all of my walls have religious posters and artwork, along with other artwork that I have been collecting for almost fifty years. My house is a personal church and museum combined. When people walk into my house, they will never forget it. Hopefully, they will feel good and better within themselves just the way I used to feel good and better when I entered the Catholic church on the east coast.

Now, instead of an emotional sense of feeling good simply because I entered a church to continually repeat the same words and songs over and over again, and to leave the building called a church, I have something more important than simply a good feeling that seems like a supernatural feeling.

I have something called metaphysical spiritual understanding within my consciousness which is more than a humanly intellectual exercise or humanly mental mind tricks of mentally religious delusions about God, man, the universe, and of course, what is evil and how to deal with and handle the mental claims termed evil. It is a sad thing. People go to church, but they never learn how to handle the mental claims of evil, especially from other people. The evils that are located within the human mind is much worse than the make-believe devil and Satan.

It is sad to think that many Christians and even some non-Christians alike believe in an external evil out there somewhere that is lingering making people do humanly evil stuff. They use the terms devil and Satan and demons. The reality is that even if there was a devil and Satan and demons floating around the invisible world, the truth of the matter is that there is worse evil within the human mortal mind than in all of the mentally delusional fantasies people make up in their minds about a devil, Satan, and demons, or evil monsters.

There are very evil people in the world who would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons as if they were playing a video game when instead of spending their nation's money creating, building, and getting ready to use nuclear weapons, they could be spending all of that money on food, health care, roads, houses, etc. That is just plain stupid. The insane part is when they truly believe that they are doing more good than harm by owning nuclear weapons.

Yet, there are now currently more than enough modern-day nuclear weapons to really create a worldwide self-destructive force the likes of which has never been seen in any movie since movies started to be made and watched. So, there are more nuclear weapons with fewer and fewer people going to church who should be praying to God Almighty that those nuclear weapons should never be used on planet Earth.

There are still lots of people who take the time to spend a few moments or hours inside a church to pretend to pray and to worship Jesus all the while there are still nuclear bombs pointed at America from other nations around the globe. Jesus is not going to help people if the nuclear bombs ever start flying through the clear blue sky. So far, Jesus has not helped with all of the humanly created problems all around the globe, so therefore there must be something better than praying to a human being who lived over 2000 years ago even if he is still alive somehow.

It is weird. I think that most Christians are spending their Sunday morning or afternoon or even in their daily lives trying to make the human man Jesus happy instead of making God, Spirit, happy. I have to tell you, my dear readers, making a guy named Jesus who is long gone is not the same thing as making God, Spirit, ‘happy.’

Making God, Spirit, 'happy' means praying and worshiping spiritually instead of materially, and that means more than getting on your knees and singing songs as God, Spirit Almighty as if God, Spirit, cares if you get on your knees to sing songs to it. I am just saying. All of that outward form of worship is not the same thing as a true metaphysical and spiritual understanding of God, Spirit, and the spiritual consciousness which can be applied to the human condition.

Now that I am older, smarter, wiser, and much more educated, I now know that what is more important than becoming humanly, materially religiously emotional, and feeling good and happy is a true spiritual understanding of the realm of God, Spirit in its own realm of existence that does not create any type or form of human evil, sickness, death, nor war, like a nuclear war. If the human species destroys itself by nuclear weapons, no one can blame God, Spirit, for it.

As an example, and as a pure mental exercise taken from Max Kappeler's book, 'The Four Levels of Spiritual Consciousness.' I will explain what God, Spirit is within its own realm of existence or being.

Spirit is being its own infinite Mind or infinite Intelligence, which does not create an evil human mind.

Spirit is being its own infinite Spirit or infinite spiritual substance which not the nature of an evil materialistic human mind.

Spirit is being its own infinite Soul or unchangeable and sinless identity. Spirit does not create a perverted sexual human being who is obsessed with sexual organs.

Spirit is being its own infinite Principle or infinite spiritual universe. Spirt does is not matter per se.

Spirit is being its own infinite Life or self-existence. Spirit does not create the mortal concept of death.

Spirit is being its own infinite Truth or self-consciousness. Spirit does not create an evil human consciousness.

Spirit is being its own infinite Love or state of spiritual perfection. Spirit does not create hate and fear.

I have been watching a Netflix series titled, ‘Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War.’

Everyone should watch it as a reminder of what was in the past and to learn what could be in the future.

Personally, I was not alive during the first part of the series beginning in the 1950s. But I was alive in the late 1950s, 60s, and 70s, and onwards. When recall that young boy, I remember that young boy who felt good after he left the church on a nice sunny warm Sunday morning, it is that same boy who had to go to school on Monday to practice ducking under a small wooden school desk if an atomic or nuclear bomb dropped from the sky on our heads.

Of course, I never felt good ducking under a small wooden child’s desk because unlike feeling good in the church, ducking under a small wooden desk because nuclear bombs might be dropping from the clear blue sky to kill all of us kids and adults alike was not a feeling good at that moment. From a Sunday mass to a Monday ducking under a wooden child's desk in case of a nuclear war. Hum!

I remember being told to duck down under the very small child desk for practice runs just in case a nuclear bomb was dropped on the area. The desk was there to hopefully protect us from the falling roof which again seemed sort of stupid and insane to me at the time and it still seems that way now.

How many kids had to practice ducking under a desk on a Monday afternoon when only the Sunday before that Monday they were all happy to be in a church? What a dualist sense of reality for anyone to be living in either back then or now. As a child, it was a bit confusing. Was going to church going to help us survive a nuclear bomb?

How many adults spend their Sundays in all of the various churches in America and all around the globe while all of those nuclear weapons are still there? Oh no, much better and improved nuclear weapons are still there waiting to be launched by the push of a finger on a button or a turn of a key in a guarded lock. Do people get extra points in a heaven of some sort if they die in church instead of at home by a nuclear blast? I can only wonder. Maybe or maybe not. It probably does not make a difference to God, Spirit.

All I was thinking was that if a nuclear bomb was dropped anywhere next to the school I would be flattened like a pancake because the building's roof was surely going to drop down on the whole classroom and all of the classrooms in the building. The other thing I was thinking was that the atomic or nuclear bomb would evaporate our small child bodies into a complete state of nothingness so fast that we would not even know or feel a thing.

How is that for a feeling after a Sunday visit to the Catholic church to feel good about God and Jesus? That is a horrible and sucky feeling even now because not only do I remember it, but it actually could happen at any second if some really stupid and insane and dangerous person decides to do an insane and stupid thing to the human species with a nuclear bomb.

The other thing I was thinking about as a little boy during the Cold War was what good was it going to do for me if some really stupid and insane people used a nuclear bomb against us? What was going to church going to do for us after we were evaporated into thin air in less than a second? It would have happened so fast that no one would have known that it even had happened.

Sometimes, when we were in church the priest should have said something like, ‘Pray to our Lord our God and the Savior Jesus Christ to save us from the nuclear bombs.’ (Not really.) I would always think to myself, ‘Hum. I don’t think that Jesus Christ is going to save anyone from the nuclear bombs. I don’t think that God is going to save us from the nuclear bombs. I don’t think anyone, or anything is going to save the human species from the self-destruction by way of the nuclear bombs.’

But we went to church anyway. Then we went home and had a meal or a dinner. Some people watched the evening news. I would take a walk to the world of nature, far away from the people who watched the daily and nightly news, but more importantly to be far away from the news itself. I still feel that way even though I know and understand more about what is going on in the world better than most people is my guess. My dad was a news junkie, so I also developed the habit of watching the news, too much.

Sometimes when we were in school the teachers might have said something like, ‘Before you go to bed tonight, pray that the world would be safe from all war and the complete self-destruction of the human species from nuclear bombs. Pray to whatever god you like to help save us from being evaporated into a state of nothingness in less than a second. (Not really.) But can you imagine if she had said that to you?

Nevertheless, we went to school the next day anyway. There was never a take a day off from school so you could enjoy a day of freedom from not having to worry about being evaporated into a state of nothingness in less than a nanosecond while you were hiding underneath a wooden table. Human life continued to go on anyway. That is the way the current condition is now. Life goes on!

Personally, I thought that it was way too late to pray to either God or Jesus to save me and the human species from the nuclear bombs because the nuclear bombs were already built. Although they have not destroyed the whole human species yet, it is not too late for the survival of the human species.

It would have been better to pray to God and Jesus to never have had the nuclear bombs built in the first place. Human prayer seemed to do nothing to stop the crazy and insane world leaders from their nuclear bomb-threatening words and games with each other while the whole world watches them do it.

Shouldn’t evil world leaders be afraid of their own personal hell if they kill and murder millions or billions of innocent and defenseless human beings? That is probably a downside of world leaders not being Christians or in any way religious. They have no sense of morals, right and wrong, good and evil.

Honestly, I did not know a whole lot about all of the nuclear bomb stuff and the international political stuff that was happening like I do now. Of course, I am much older, smarter, and more educated than when I was a young boy, which is the natural course of events during a person’s short lifetime.

Sometimes when I look at the people around me, I wonder what they know and feel about nuclear bombs? What would they tell me if I asked them what they thought about nuclear bombs and the stupid, insane, and crazy people who would use them on us? They would respond, 'What is the point of thinking about it.'

I do not think that all of the prayers in the whole world, by all of the people in the whole world, are going to stop all of us from being wiped off the face of the globe by nuclear war bombs. The conclusion among many might be this fact. All of the good feelings by going to church are not going to help me or the human species survive a nuclear attack from anywhere in the world. Therefore, why in the world is anyone going to church anyway? Hum!

Was worshipping inside a church going to bring me closer to God or that Jesus guy who was made into that white, bronze, or gold statue? I had no idea even if I thought that being inside a church was a nice place to be, seemingly safe from a crazy world of crazy, dangerous, and criminal people, some of whom still lived on the street in the town where we lived. Have you noticed that some people actually walk on planet Earth just like they are zombies with their eyes open, yet they are mentally dead like zombies? I see these types of people all the time walking by my house.

I learned later in my life that my dad moved us out of our boyhood town and state just so my brother and I would not get killed by the criminal element in town. He probably moved us out of town to get a better job too, but my mother worked across the street from the middle school we attended, so she knew firsthand how dangerous it was for us boys.

I currently live in a very tiny town where the faggot high school boys think that they are badass, but they have no idea what badass is. They play other football teams that are half the size of the seniors, so when they win a football game 30-0, they feel good. I bet they don't think about going to a church and nuclear bombs and war. They live in their fantasy mental dream worlds. Most people do not think about church, God, Jesus, nuclear war, and bombs either. They have better things to do with their minds.

When I was in the eighth grade, I witnessed deadly gang fights where very dangerous and violent criminals were trying to kill each other by way of knives, baseball bats, chains, guns, you name it. When I was still a young boy, I realized very quickly that not everyone attended a church, nor thought about the Bible, God, and Jesus.

But they did end up either dead or in prison for the rest of their lives. I did not understand it. But I saw it. Stupid, insane, and violent school-age teenagers who are just like some of the world leaders of today, only the nuclear world leaders possess nuclear weapons. What a shame. What a shame.

So, when I was inside the church, as much as I thought there was something good about it, I felt a little bit safe from the dangers of the outside world, except for the daily news with the imagery of total destruction from atomic and nuclear bombs. The Netflix series shows how close the world was to a nuclear war in various ways.

You can guess that as a boy I had no idea what was happening in the church or in the world because not only was I really confused about the differences between the realm of the church and the realm of the world, but I also knew people still went to church knowing that at any moment a nuclear bomb could drop on us all. Even today, it is there in the back of the mind, isn't it?

Then after church, they all exited the church to drive home in their cars, trucks, and station wagons listening to their radios that were broadcasting how a bomb from Russia or Cuba could land on us at any minute. Today, there are bigger and better nuclear bombs, but nobody seems to give a rat's ass because everyone has learned to live with the fact that nuclear weapons are waiting to be used to kill every living creature on planet Earth.

Sometimes, when I was inside the church listening to people singing, or just watching the people listening to the priest repeat the same words over and over again, I would wonder if some of these people were going to church just to escape the news on the television and the radio. Were they there because they hoped that there was a god somewhere that would save them from the nuclear bomb and its radiation that would spread faster than a bullet throughout the land?

Why do people go to a church anyway? Is it to have fun singing like the Baptists? Is it to socialize with other people in Church? Is it to be politically, correct? Is it to teach their children about Jesus? Is it simply to feel-good, like a religious feel-good that just maybe in the ‘eyes’ of a god or God they might get some special treatment because they give 20 dollars to the church?

That is a funny topic actually, giving money to the church. I think that my parents gave more money to the church than they gave to us kids. I know that when I was a kid, I had to work to earn money, like mowing the grass on people’s lawns and delivering newspapers. I never gave any of my childhood money to the church for any reason. Good or bad, I kept my money to myself, unless my dad took some of my money out of my money bank. He once stated to me that he would pay me back, but I don’t think he ever did pay me back. So, I quit mowing lawns and delivering newspapers.

Anyway, all of those grown-ups going to church and knowing that at any minute a nuclear bomb could drop on their heads killing them in a nano-second was not a good thought or a feel-good feeling within the boy that I was way back then in my life. Now that I am getting older and life has passed me by, it would not matter much to me at this stage in my life. I would like to sip and drink a beer if I had the time to do it before my biological body was evaporated into something else besides skin, bones, blood, and brain.

I also wondered why people thought the way to know God Almighty was to go to church, like they were separated from church instead of being at one with God, Spirit. Wasn’t there a better way to become at one with God, Spirit, instead of going to a building, even if it was a religious building? I always thought that once the people left the church, they always forgot about God which kind of seemed to disrespect the God that was Spirit.

Then they were allowed to do whatever they pleased, like having perverted sex, drinking beer and wine, watching porn, being violent, abusing dogs and cats and other living creatures, and even killing other human beings, like they did in the mafia. Mafia guys going to church seem a bit weird to me. Still does. Even in the movies. Hitmen for the mob going to church. That is weird.

Some people find it easy to kill other human beings like the hitmen in the mafia and in war. It is easy for some people, just pull the gun’s trigger and a human body drops to the floor or dirt and you walk away. Afterward, go to a Catholic confession and ask for forgiveness so that it would be forgiven. Your sins would be forgiven for you, even murdering a defenseless and possibly innocent human being. Would a hitman return to church just to be forgiven of his sinful crime of murder? Give the church some money and lo and behold, he is forgiven even more than after the confessional.

How about dropping an atomic bomb or two on defenseless and innocent people in Japan or anywhere in the world. Drop an atomic bomb or nuclear bomb, go to a Catholic confession, and bang, you are forgiven of your sins. Of course, Japan started that war so in a way they asked for it, the atomic being dropped on them. They were warned but they did not care until it was too late. I think that it has been stated that there are no innocent people in a time of war or a world war. No guilt there for logical reasons it has been stated over and over again.

Did the Japanese people also go to their churches or religious temples and pray to their gods to help them win the war that their leaders started in the first place? Do all peoples of all nations go to their churches to pray that their country will win the wars that they are fighting for probably no good reason? When is the exact moment when going to a church, any church anywhere in the world becomes a feel-bad moment instead of a feel-good moment?

Do people anywhere in the world stop going to any church in the world because their minds and souls have become so corrupt with perverted sexual practices, with their minds and bodies drugged up with horrible self-killing drugs, with the greed for money so all people’s precious time and life is devoted to earning money without giving one thought about how to worship either inside or outside a church, or just because they have given up on any God in any way whatsoever?

Maybe people have given up on worshipping a spiritual God, Spirit, within their own hearts, minds, and souls because they are too busy with living in the material world; the world of news, movies, porn, sports of all kinds, images upon images on trillions of screens all over the world, as if any of those images have anything to do with spiritual reality. They don’t have anything to do with spiritual reality but don’t tell that to the people of the world because they think all of those images on the screens are reality.

What happens to the people of the world when they see and need to see more and more images of mental garbage to pollute their minds and souls? But still, we all know it, don’t we. We all know that there are currently even more powerful, more deadly, and even better killing machines than there were in the 1950s.

Yet, the churches stay the same and so don't the prayerful words. What needs to be done is to have a complete change and transformation within the deep structure of the human brain, mind, and consciousness to something more spiritual instead of a materialistic way of looking at the world and human life and existence.

Yet, people still go to church, the same church they went to when they were a child, a teenager, or a young adult to repeat the same exact religious words that they repeated when they were only a child or teenager. Easy-peasy to repeat the same words over and over again until the day you die. And when you die, the bombs of collective mass destruction will still be there too, even if you will not be around to see how good they killed a billion people or more in less than a nanosecond.

Is that what you want for your children and grandchildren while you sit on your butts praying with endless repetitive words and phrases like, ‘In the name of Jesus we are saved.’ Saved from what, a nuclear bomb?

Even Jesus will not save you from a nuclear bomb because your biological human body will turn into something worse than dust. They will turn into a state of nothingness faster than you can blink, unless your biological bodies turn into something completely different like a ghost or a spirit located in another realm of existence. I read somewhere that can actually happen when you die. Your present body just enters another realm of existence. I bet most older people would like to forget their bodies altogether.

What about your human soul and consciousness? Will your human soul and consciousness turn into nothingness too because you wasted your human lives on planet Earth by being completely possessed by having sex and your sexual organs, by making money, and watching your favorite football, baseball, basketball, etc. team? What about that nice looking car you love to be seen it while you wave at the gold digger ladies whose bodies have been worn out by their one-night stands?

There is nothing wrong with watching sports, do not get me wrong. Sports are good for any economy in America and around the globe. There is nothing wrong with driving a nice-looking car. There is nothing wrong with looking good. Heck, I love wearing nice-looking clothes, even though in the very tiny, tiny, tiny town I currently live in there are townies who look at a brand-new pair of shoes and they will point at them and whisper to themselves, ‘Who does he think he is?’

Anyway, I am currently reading several good books, one being ‘God and the New Physics.’ In the chapter titled, ‘Mind and soul.’ the author writes about how the human ‘soul’ has been mentally perceived throughout the ages. Although a very short historical view of it with only a few examples of how the soul might exist, even independent of the brain and body, Davies explains some ideas about the human soul.

He writes about, ‘a timeless soul that does not exist in the body or even in space and time.’ ‘What about soul after death, before birth.’ (Shorten and paraphrased.)

And he stated, ‘Jesus spoke of ‘life everlasting’, which carries connotations of the unending passage of time.”

He also states, ‘Could this be the ocean of the soul?’ relating to another realm separated from this cosmic universe where the soul (s), or human souls in this case might exist independent of this space and time universe and biological life on planet Earth.

You can gather from the above quotes that physicists don’t not only study matter and the laws of matter and the material realm, (physics) but as the title of the book implies, physicists also think about the realm of metaphysics and how it relates to the physical realms of existence.

They are thinking way above the emotional religionist who goes to church every Sunday to pretend to pray, sing songs, and kneel before a priest, and a Jesus statue on the wall. Isn’t it about time that the common people, the ordinary people also start to think for themselves because as my human mother used to tell me, ‘God gave you a brain for a reason. Use it.’

Do you think to yourselves those what-if questions of your life and in life in general? I have a book titled, ‘What If.” Like what if Jesus never existed? What if Hilter never lived? Stuff like that. What if there were no more nuclear weapons and bombs that are a threat to human life and all life on planet Earth?

Just to recall an event I had almost 50 years ago, I was coming down from an episode of semi-tripping on a common drug back then when I was young and stupid. It was cold outside. It was dark outside, I was alone outside at 3am in the morning, standing in the snow. I was dressed nice and warm but since my brain was feeling pretty good if you know what I mean, I probably would not have felt the cold anyway, or at least I was partly numb.

Anyway, I was standing out there in a field with no one around me, except any angels that have been watching over me since the day I was born into this world. I seem to have a lot of those around, especially lately.

It is a very good thing too since I am surrounded by a lot of uneducated and stupid people in the tiny, tiny, tiny town I currently live in. It is sad to think that uneducated and stupid people do not like educated and intelligent people. Modern-day young cops hate educated people I have learned, although I was told that truth a long time ago.

Anyway, I was standing there all alone looking up at the stars, and suddenly a question popped into my brain/mind. “What would you do if you saw a nuclear bomb flash before your very eyes?”

Hum! I wondered. What could I do if I saw a nuclear bomb flash before my very eyes?

It was a real question that had been in the back of my mind since that night. The answer and key to that question might be, ‘What are you going to do no matter how you die?’ And ‘Are you prepared for your human death? Or have you wasted all of your time on Earth being stupid in the eyes of God, Spirit?’

What should I do now, throughout my whole human life just in case a nuclear bomb did flash before my very eyes? I started to think about the future of myself and the human species in general.

I have spent my entire life searching, researching, finding, using, and being the truth, and the Truth called God, Spirit. I have survived death more times than I can count. Just ask one of my sisters who has been there a few times when a normal human being would have been dead on arrival.

That is DOA, folks. Therefore, I speak and write about these essays from a completely different standpoint than a normal writer who likes to live in fantasy land, which is not a bad thing unless you think your fantasy land is reality when it is not reality at all.

Honestly, I think that if I knew that a nuclear bomb was heading this way, I wouldn’t go to a church. I think I might want to be on top of a high mountain somewhere just so I can get to heaven first. Ha, ha!

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!