This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Essay 21. - 2024. The Religious Consciousness: Past, Present, Future. The Future Religion Being a Spiritual Consciousness. Individually and Collectively. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. May 24, 2024.

Essay 21. - 2024. The Religious Consciousness: Past, Present, Future.

The Future Religion Being a Spiritual Consciousness. Individually and Collectively.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

May 24, 2024.

In some form or another, even in a slight way, human religious consciousness has probably always existed by the mere fact that when human beings and other creatures look up at the sky, they probably have always asked themselves, ‘What else is there besides this planet and the living creatures that walk on it, even if the word God was never mentioned at all within their thinking or outwardly when talking among themselves?

It would seem to me by the obvious fact that there are indeed so many different types of religions among the human race that being religious might be a natural part of being a human being even if only in a simple-minded superficial way even many religions are merely made up religious mental concepts within the human mind that are false and ridiculous by today’s standards.

Maybe being and having an even semi-religious consciousness is a natural part of being a human being, at least for some people, but not for other human beings. In today’s modern-day world, it seems pretty obvious that there are religious people if only by word of mouth or outward form of worship, while there are other people who are simply not religious at all.

Then there are even those human beings who never go to a church but who privately within their own minds and hearts hope that there is a God or a Supreme Being just because the thought enters their minds that there could be a God of some sort even if the normal human being cannot even begin to fathom what it is on any level of existence.

That would be an individual sense of wonderment that there is more to life than what meets the eye, literally. Human beings are trapped in their biological bodies while their human minds can begin to guess or simply hope that there is something beyond human existence of life and death, especially when pondering their own human deaths.

Maybe many or most people do not even have a single thought about what God might be in this modern-day world of materialist and physical science which created the technological world we live in today.

For many people, maybe for the majority of people, the material and physical sciences have become the modern-day god of this world. It might even be assumed that all of the physical and materialistic scientists consider their own thinking and understanding to be their god because they can understand the physical world and universe.

On the other hand, some people belong to a very large group of people who mentally belong to a collective religion such as the Jewish or Christian religion while at the same time, other people have never nor will ever belong to any religious group. In any case, the current religious consciousness is largely based on the Christian religion among many people around the world.

Lately, I have read books and listening to online like YouTube lectures on the history of Jesus and Christianity. Lately, I started reading another book titled, ‘The Story of Christianity.’ Vol. 1. by Justo L. Gonzalez.

It is a very detailed book filled with all sorts of finely tuned details about the historical beginnings or start of Christianity after the human man Jesus roamed the Earth. It is also filled with very detailed history about all of the people after the time of Jesus including the different sorts of Jews, Jew-Christians, and Christians who lived with each other 2000 years ago just like they do now except for the fact that Christian religion is the main religion in many areas of the world.

So far, the book is very interesting and enjoyable to read because the Bible will never point out all of the human aspects and historical details that have filled human life and history with people who were never mentioned in the Bible but who had an impact on what happened during the lives of all of the nameless faces within the Christianity movement throughout Christian history.

Like a lot of other books that deal with human history in general and very specifically regarding all of the details and events for any moment or even minute in the course of history, these historical books on the history of Jesus and Christianity are very interesting indeed, by giving the reader a new profound sense of how the current Christian religious consciousness has arrived at this point in human history.

Like any book on history, but specifically the Christian religion in general within its own religious realm, there are so many historical details regarding who did what, when they did it, where they did it, and why they did it that it appears to be the case that most of the finely tuned historical details are dealing with very specific and detailed human beings, lives, and conditions which is all fine and good because every human life is filled with very specific details every day.

But the one very important thing that is missing is what, why, where, and the other aspects of the invisible realm of the human religious Christian consciousness. In other words, can we know what was in the mind and consciousness of Jesus, his immediate followers, or the people who were following his immediate followers, which is what Justio L. Gonzalez books are all about for the reader?

Gonzalez does not deal with the consciousness of the people during Christian history as psychological states of religious awareness regarding a material or spiritual consciousness, but that is a topic that should be considered not only in the time of Jesus but also in the current age when the human consciousness has been changed in so many different ways, but which not changed at since the time of Jesus and before his moment in human history.

I have to admit that it is all very interesting while I read each chapter on how he put all of the pieces of detailed information together to make a whole Christian story as good as he could with the information he possessed and the space within a two-volume set of books.

He also wrote another three-volume set of books titled, ‘A History of Christian Thought.’ I have not bought those books yet, but I will buy them some time in the future and read with the same enjoyment that I am reading the current book.

Mr. Gonzalez among other religious and Christian writers has taken a lot of time, energy, research, etc. into writing the best books they can on the topics of religion, Jesus, the Bible, Christianity, and the history and thought, etc. of the topic of Jesus and Christianity.

I am very glad and happy that someone has done that job for me because there is only so much time in a day not to mention a single lifetime to research and write about everything about anything as big a topic as Jesus, Christianity, historical religious thought and practices, etc., along with the other very big topics of the day like economics, politics, physics, astrophysics, the Big Bang, black holes, etc.

I think that the topic of human consciousness is the least understood topic to date that needs to be understood more than it is currently understood by all of the scientists who study the human brain and mind, including the most important topic regarding the human species, namely the topic of human consciousness in all of its varieties.

But on a deeper level of consciousness, religious consciousness that is, there are definitely different states of religious consciousness within different groups of people throughout the world.

The word and topic of human consciousness is a big deal to me and my mind on a personal level. But it is an even bigger deal to me and my mind on a collective and global level for the current and future survival of the human species which I have written about in my previous online essays that are located in this blog.

But the topic of consciousness also has its place within the general and very specific topics of all of the different religions in the world but none more important than the Christian religion because over 2.2 billion either to pretend to follow Jesus and the Bible on a very superficial level or in a very real and deep individual human life dedication and devotion even if they don’t know or truly understand anything on a deep and spiritual level of spiritual understanding.

There are all sorts of semi-religious people who are dedicated and devoted to going to their church once a week because that is the only thing that they know how to do, It should be assumed that most churchgoers do not actually study and research the Bible in its deep meaning even if they do read it time to time, meaning once in a while which is better than nothing I suppose.

My bet and educated guess are that most of those 2.2 billion ‘believers’ in the different Christian sects of religion are only very simple-minded believers because they only repeat words the simply exit from their mouths like the air they breathe.

Words like, ‘Yes, I believe in Jesus. That is good enough to save me from my sins, sexual sins, violent sins, delusional sins, money sins, war sins, criminal sins, etc.’ That very simple phrase is supposed to include being saved from all of the physical, bodily, and mental sins that anyone can think of in the current modern-day era of sins, and which some religious people consider to be a sin which by itself is complex topic if you think about it. The topic of sin.

Back in the day, say over 2000 years ago, the physical and mental concepts of sin were very simple. In the modern-day era, the physical and mental concepts of sin are much more complex and complicated because the human brain and mind have become more complex and complicated. It is not easy being a human being, is it? Sometimes, it just sucks. From a religious standpoint, on a practical level of human religious consciousness, both religion and sin can be very confusing topics for the average person, especially the average Christian person.

Have you met those types of people? I have many times. They don’t even look you in the eyes when they say, ‘I believe in Jesus and that is good enough for me and my personal salvation from all of my personal and worldly sins.’ The problem with that concept is that it is not only not real, as it is a mentally delusional religious belief, but it has nothing to do with God, Spirit.

Those types of wordy statements are a very non-existent simplified human religious consciousness that might seem good enough for the uneducated very simple-minded people who have not read one Bible verse, phrase, Gospel, or even the whole Bible as it was meant to be read, but who do not care about the Bible, God, Jesus, or anything intellectual.

When the very uneducated and simple-minded non-religious mind makes a statement like, ‘I believe in Jesus and he will save me from my sins.’ that is like saying I believe in the stock market and that is going to make me rich, which of course far from the truth about how to become rich when understanding the stock market is a very complex area of abstract and intellectual endeavor.

Maybe the people who walked the Earth over 2000 years ago with Jesus thought the same thing. They could simply say to themselves, I am free of my sins because I am walking with Jesus until they all ran away after he was arrested and nailed to the cross if that actually happened at all.

I am going to assume that the human man Jesus actually did possess a true spiritual consciousness who could perform supernatural events and healing simply because of my own personal experience with different types of supernatural events and healings of my own that I have experienced myself, or have seen myself, or heard about from other people.

I am also going to assume that the people who were following him and who were listening to him preach were just like the religiously simple-minded people who go to church today and who simply tell that to themselves that they are saved simply because they believe in the human man Jesus who live over 2000 years ago.

A religiously simple mind who only believes in a person or something religious is not a spiritual consciousness at all. It is just a dullard and lazy mind who is not even religious at all. If people walk around in their daily lives and simply tell other people that they believe in mathematics without understanding and knowing anything about mathematics, then they are just like those dullard and lazy people who tell themselves that they are saved because they believe in Jesus.

If the religious practice of going to a church once a week is considered to be a religious consciousness, or if simply believing in a human man Jesus is considered to be a religious consciousness, not only does that simple-minded mentally not going to do anything for the individual human being except make them foolishly feel good enough to be religiously foolishly happy. Nor is it going to do anything for the current and future survival of the human species.

A very simplified religious consciousness existed in the time of Jesus, and it still exists today 2000 years after Jesus lived, preached, and died. Should not the modern-day religious consciousness be more advanced today than it was both before and after the era of the human man Jesus? Instead of simply believing in a human male named Jesus, should not every human being possess their own state of spiritual consciousness of God, Spirit?

In the deeper aspect of religious consciousness, that above concept is not even a religious consciousness. It is just nothing. There is no religious consciousness within human beings when all they do is attend church and repeat the same exact words over and over again until the day they die, thinking that they all might go to a place called heaven or hell because again, they are uneducated and simple-minded people who think in one-line statements about God, Jesus, heaven and hell, etc.

In essence, they are fooling themselves because they think that they might know something when in actuality they are admitting that they know nothing at all about God, Spirit, Jesus, or the Bible no matter how much they read it. It is very easy to read the Bible. Anyone can read the Bible and repeat words.

I have seen it done throughout my life. But most of those people are so stuck on simply believing in a very simple religious belief like Jesus is God or that he is going to return to save them that they have a reason not only to not think for themselves or gain a true spiritual consciousness within and as their own being, as a core of their own consciousness.

An example of this. I have read all sorts of books on quantum physics, astrophysics, the Big Bang, cosmology, etc. I know and understand a lot more than the people who never read those books. But compared to the people who have degrees in quantum physics, astrophysics, the Big Bang, cosmology, etc., and who work in those scientific fields every day of their lives, I know less than they do about those topics.

That means that my own consciousness of those topics may be more advanced than people who never read those kinds of books, but my own consciousness is not going to be as advanced as those people who mentally live in those above-mentioned realms all of the time.

My personal consciousness regarding those topics is less aware of those topics' deeper natures, but my personal consciousness is more advanced than the people who never studied those topics.

The Bible is a very big book with a lot of other books in it. Each book has its own history, details, personality, and message, or even more than one message, a spiritual and metaphysical message or messages in each book. There are 66 books in the Bible, 39 in the Old Testament, and 26 in the New Testament.

It is amazing how all of the people who believe that Jesus is God and who depend on Jesus for everything sometimes fail to realize that Jesus is only one part of the big spiritual picture that started before the Bible was even written. And if there was a beginning before the Bible was written then there was more to follow after the Bible was written, which leads us up to the current age of science in general, but a spiritual science specifically.

If anyone knows anything about current history, at the exact same moment that the human and physical sciences were being discovered within the human brain and mind, so too a spiritual science was being discovered within the minds of Mary Barker Eddy and John W. Doorly, and later followed up in greater detail by Max Kappeler who had Ph.D. in economics. Their writings and work can be found online.

The amazing thing about the past consciousness of the followers of Jesus and the beginnings of Christianity is that most people were illiterate in the modern-day sense of the word, which means that they could not read nor write, so every lesson, every teaching had to be accomplished by word of mouth or orally, which has been stressed beyond measure by professor Bart Ehrman in his books and online religious Christian history lessons in YouTube, etc. Bart Ehrman is also a lecturer for The Great Courses and Wondrium, an online streaming education service.

Over 2000 years ago up to the present time, it is very easy for a priest or preacher to run his mouth yelling out religious nonsense for people to listen to regarding a false religious consciousness of God, Jesus, heaven and hell, etc. That false religious consciousness has existed for over 2000 years up until the present moment in human religious history. That must change even if it puts priests and preachers out of a job who simply talk and yell from the podiums in churches all around the world.

Believe it or not, that simple-minded religious consciousness is very easy to obtain because it is very easy, anyone can do it, free of charge, free of mental work, free of understanding, free of knowledge, information, and intelligence. But it is also a false and wrong state of religious consciousness if viewed from a higher level of a true spiritual consciousness.

But again, people like having within their brains and minds a very dullard and simplified limited religious consciousness because it is so easy to do, which is basically nothing except repeat religious words. Repeating religious words over and over again until the day you die is not going to help anyone obtain a true spiritual consciousness before you die. As a matter of fact, it is a dead religious consciousness instead of a living religious consciousness.

Possessing a true spiritual consciousness is completely different than the old dead religious consciousness of talking and preaching about heaven and hell, and a human concept of God and man during the human existence termed death, which by the way is another completely misunderstood human concept which I shall be writing about in future essays.

And that is in today’s world. What about in the world of 2000 years ago? Were their states of religious consciousness very simple-minded too? Probably yes, would be my answer, not for everyone, at least for the human man named Jesus if he truly existed and did what is stated in the Bible. Therefore, how is a very uneducated simple-minded religious consciousness of 2000 or more years ago any different than today’s very uneducated simple-minded religious consciousness of today?

Here is a question worth pondering. Is the human species really any different than they were over 2000 years ago, excluding the use of televisions and smartphones, etc? Televisions and smartphones are only an extension of scientific understanding, but what about human nature in general? Would people of over 2000 years ago watch porn and war movies like they do today, even in the Muslim nations? Would people who lived over 2000 years ago commit rape and violence, mass killings, and murder like they do in today’s world?

Sure, they would have. First of all, many of the Muslim people are still like the barbaric people who lived long ago. Nothing has changed regarding their barbaric natures. The only difference is that they can watch the world news and porn on their smartphone while they carry guns, rifles, and bombs instead of knives, rifles, and swords. Thankfully, some nations have risen above the barbaric nature of the human species in the modern-day world, at least to a great degree.

Today, men and women are working with their hands by physical labor for a wage or money, for food, and housing, human physical and economic survival. Are they any different from the men and women who also worked manually for a wage, money, and housing, for human physical and economic survival 2000 years ago?

People or human beings who lived during the past 2000 years and beyond are all human beings who need food, clothing, drink, housing, money, etc. to survive on planet Earth.

In essence, human nature has not changed hardly at all during the past 2000 years and beyond. Are people who have sex today to make babies any different than the people who had sex to make babies during the past 10,000 or more years? No, they are not. The only difference is that current human existence is either easier or harder depending on how you view it.

Today’s biological human sexual creatures are the same biological sexual creatures that lived 2000 years ago and beyond. On a simple level of human existence, human beings need to eat and have sex to make babies, and then they either die into a state of nothingness or enter into an afterlife. In many ways, the current state of the human species is exactly the same human biological species who have lived and walked on the planet for a very long time back in history.

How about war, killing, and murdering other human beings like they were animals to be eaten for food. Has human nature changed at all for the whole human species regarding the urge to kill and murder other human beings? In part it has changed, but not completely except that now there are bigger and better weapons for killing and murdering other human beings. Thankfully, the good in human nature has been overtaking the animalistic nature of the human species.

How about religion and a religious consciousness? Are the wordy religious people who lived over 2000 years ago any different from the wordy religious people who live today? No, they are not because they simply repeat the same exact religious words that they did over 2000 years ago as they look up at the ceiling hoping that there is a God somewhere who will hear their prayers.

Did the masses of people who lived over 2000 years ago up to the present era actually know anything about God, Spirit? Or were they simply the one-dimensional biological consciousness like the monkeys who lived in the trees? Do human beings today, especially Christians think that they actually know anything about God simply because they state that they believe that Jesus was God or because they simply read and repeat words from the Bible or any book?

Both the Jewish and Catholic religions simply repeat over and over again the same exact religious words thinking that they know and understand something about God, Spirit, when all they are doing is fooling themselves into thinking that their religious words and practices mean anything to God, Spirit, Almighty.

How about not eating certain foods on certain days, or not eating certain foods at all to make their fantasy god happy? Really? Do those superficial religious people still believe that there is a human god somewhere who actually cares about what religious or non-religious people eat? It should be noted that there is not a human god anywhere watching over your every decision in your life. But it should also be noted that there could be other creatures from other dimensions watching over your every decision in your life.

I am not writing these words lightly. Ever since I was a little boy I have thought about these issues, researched them, pondered them, and experienced both external and internal, or objective and subjective supernatural experiences, but I have also been a student of the Bible because the Bible is still a very important religious book when taken in the correct context for the correct reasons.

The superficial religious people may not like this essay and that is ok by me. I don’t care. I don’t care because the current and future survival of the human species is not going to happen because of old-time, fake, false, and mentally delusional human religious minds that are living in a mental religious fantasy world of a human god that exists somewhere in outer space for example.

That has not worked up to the current moment in human history because if there was a human god that existed somewhere, it would surely tell mankind to stop making nuclear bombs and weapons of war.

Instead of that human god, there has to be complete change and transformation within the structure of the hardwired human brain and within the soft-wired human mind and consciousness on individual and collective human consciousness.

But today, the human species is living within the realm of science, both within the mind and outside the mind. The physical and material sciences have accomplished more for the human species than all of the religious believers in the world have ever done for the good of mankind. Think about that for a second. People don’t even go to church as they once did because they don’t need a human god to earn money, get better, or cure cancer, etc.

They need doctors to help them live longer on this human plane of existence. I am proof of that statement. I am still alive and living partly because of the cancer research and the doctors who have helped my biological body stay alive throughout my human life. No denying that fact.

Is a true spiritual religious consciousness gained by repeating religious words over and over again? That is not the way it works in the real world of spiritual metaphysics. Just because there are over 2.2 billion so-called Christians who simply believe in some religious doctrines does not mean that they possess a true metaphysical spiritual consciousness that is at one with God, Spirit.

These are hard words to read for people who are normal church-going Christians who simply repeat the same words over and over again no matter what Christian church they attend once a week or year. They are easy words for me to write because I know and realize that something new is needed regarding both how the Bible is read and how it is practiced in daily life.

I can’t get over it. I mean really. Christians all over the world either do not read and study the Bible, or they read it and then ignore the words that Jesus spoke and yet, they still think that they are going to a place called heaven just because they have to believe in something, in a human being, in a theory, but that is not having possessed a spiritual consciousness.

One of the statements in the Bible that Jesus said was, ‘God is Spirit, and they who worship it must worship in spirit and truth.’ Jesus never said to repeat the same exact words over and over again until the day you die. And he never said to repeat the same exact religious words over and over again for thousands of years.

What did Jesus mean when he used the word, Spirit? I am asking the reader that not because I do not know and understand the answer, but because I bet the reader has never asked himself or herself that question. In 1910 the last edition of the book, ‘Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.’ by Mary Baker Eddy. There has been not one person either in the old world or the modern-day world that worked almost an entire lifetime to describe and define the word and concept of God, Spirit.

Her book defines and describes the spiritual concept of God, Spirit more than any book that has ever been written. More people should read it without going to the church she founded and which she legally dismantled on the day she died, but the mother church did not obey her legal and moral command to disband the church at the time of her death while at the same time to keep her book being published for people to read.

Just because there are billions of Bible owners and readers does not mean that they actually understand the language or the spiritual meaning of the symbols that were used to write for example, the first record of creation normally termed the seven days of creation, and the second record of creation normally called the Adam and Eve story.

Many uneducated and simple-minded Christian religionists believe that God created everything in seven days, but not only is that completely ridiculous for many common sense and scientific reasons that it is beyond the scale of metaphysical and spiritual intelligence.

Some religious Christians also falsely believe that the human species came from Adam in the Adam and Eve story in the second chapter and the second record of the false material mental concept of a material God, namely the Lord God or Lord God Jehovah. Did the writers of over 2000 years ago actually believe in a material god Jehovah, or did they use those words to illustrate that there were actually two different concepts of God, one being spiritual and the other material?

If the writers of over 2000 years ago were using the seven days of creation and the Adam and Eve story to represent metaphysical and spiritual ideas and concepts then the modern-day readers of the Bible and the modern-day Christian people who profess to be Christians should first accept that their false religious concepts and beliefs in the seven days of creation and the Adam and Eve story are not only completely wrong, false and ridiculous, but that if they truly understood what they meant, it would completely change the Christian religion from being a wordy religion to being a true spiritual religion that anyone can understand, know, and demonstrate with precision in their human lives, but more importantly within their individual consciousness.

Or more importantly, how is today’s uneducated simple-minded religious consciousness any different than that uneducated simple-minded religious consciousness of over 2000 years ago, if indeed there are any differences at all? Is there a humanly material god or a spiritual God, Spirit?

I am going to assume that for the sake of argument and discussion, Moses was a real person, and that Jesus was a real person. I am also going to assume that if they were real people they might have seen and understood something metaphysically important within their own minds than the uneducated and unspiritual simple-minded people who they were trying to communicate to even if most of them worked all day as slaves or just to earn money by physical labor.

Let me take the example of the burning bush with the voice stating, ‘I am that I am.’ It does not matter if it really happened but even if it did, the story is a metaphysical and spiritual symbol that God, Spirit is an unchangeable identity that is an eternal realm of existence of Life, as in a Spirit that is Life, or a realm of spiritual realm of existence that is eternal instead of being a mortal, limited human mind consciousness.

But what if there was a deeper metaphysical and spiritual meaning within that burning bush story regarding the words, ‘I am that I am.’ that either Moses or anyone could have heard within their minds as a metaphysical spiritual concept that God has no beginning, middle, or end?

If Moses stated that event to a million people who were declaring themselves to be religious Christians by word of mouth, even by repeating those same words, ‘I am that I am.” would they have mentally understood and mentally seen what Moses saw as an eternal state of spiritual existence? The same goes for the human man named Jesus.

When I was dealing with stage 4 CLL cancer and dying, I too saw and experienced a state of pure spiritual consciousness, but it was not a burning bush, it was the 'I am that I am.' state of consciousness. Then, my individual consciousness of the 'I am that I am.' consciousness was returned to this realm of existence.

Jesus stated, ‘Those who believe me will never see death.’ But did he mean that people only have to state that they believe in a man who lived over 2000 ago to not see death, when in fact most Christians die like every person who has ever lived?

Where is the line between fantasy and reality? Maybe, what Jesus meant to his followers was to obtain an eternal spiritual consciousness and in that way the believers who obtain a spiritual consciousness would never die. How can you die if you obtain spiritual consciousness before you die?

Metaphysical and spiritual teachings must always be taught by using symbols no matter what language is being used to teach metaphysical, spiritual, moral, or any abstract lesson to anyone. But that concept is more involved than simply telling people or themselves that they believe as if simply believing anything is going to do anything whatsoever.

Can a wordy religious state of consciousness be considered a non-religious state of consciousness, as in a non-existent religious state of consciousness? I think a wordy religious state of consciousness can most definitely be considered a non-existent state of religious consciousness because a true religious consciousness is a true spiritual consciousness that most people or religious people never obtain before they die.

Back in the day of Jesus and before his time, there were not a lot of books to be read and studied, but people professed to be a Jew or what came after the Jewish religion, namely the Jew-Christian state of consciousness, and then the different sects of Christian consciousness. But what in the heck does that all mean?

Does it mean that people simply believed the statement that Jesus died on the cross and then rose from the dead, from the grave, from the afterlife? Even if that was a true experience for Jesus, what has that to do with all of the wordy religious Christians who have no idea what Jesus was really about on a higher metaphysical and spiritual realm of existence?

Even back in the time after the death of the man Jesus, people were confused about what to believe about Jesus and even how to follow him. They were also confused about the new state of Christianity because it was a new religion, but was it a spiritual religion or simply a wordy religion? Did they not all practice their different sects by the same states of religious human mind, or structure of human mind or consciousness?

Did they not all simple belong to different groups or gangs of religious people who professed to believing in say, something? Just something, like one god versus many gods. It means nothing whatsoever although it could be argued that the good thing about Christians was that they did not believe in all sorts of material gods like how the American Indians used the totem pole.

To state that you believe in one god versus many gods almost means nothing at all. It is like there is a mystical realm of god somewhere out there somewhere separate from all life on Earth, from the human brain and mind. The reality is that people and even most Christians do not care what God, Spirit is in any way whatsoever.

They would rather watch movies, make money, play sports, have a picnic, travel overseas, eat in a fancy restaurant, or even fix the roof instead of obtaining a true spiritual consciousness which could take a lifetime to obtain, or longer.

Is not that what people do today? Don’t people simply believe and then state to others that they believe in say, the God of the Bible. But that kind of belief means nothing at all. It is just that simple.

It might mean something to uneducated simple-minded human brains and minds and even to those human brains and minds that are educated on a human level. But it means nothing to God, Spirit, Almighty because God, Spirit ‘sees’ only a spiritual realm of existence. Period.

There were people over 2000 years ago up until today who were willing to state to anyone who asked them what was the God they worshiped and the only answer and response was that they worshiped Jesus as a God instead of worshiping God, Spirit as a spiritual consciousness, instead of worshiping the materialistic biological consciousness.

The worshiping of a human being is still being done today in different nations all around the globe so do you really think that the human man Jesus wanted to be worshiped too? It is really just old fashion to think that worshiping someone as a God in a scientific era is a normal thing to do when instead of worshiping a human being, God, Spirit can be understood as a spiritual science and consciousness.

Deep down inside their guts, most Christians probably realize that they don’t know a thing about God, Spirit, no matter how many times they tell people, especially non-Christians that they know that Jesus is God in the flesh. That is not what Jesus wanted people to do, not at all.

On the other side of the coin, there are people who call themselves atheists. The problem with a lot of atheists is that they do not know anything, even in the human realm of existence. But then there are other people who are humanly educated who also consider themselves atheists.

One of the main issues with both Christians and atheists is that both still believe in living in a one-dimensional realm of biological existence instead of living in a multi-dimensional realm of existence.

How can a one-dimensional state of the biological realm of existence or consciousness understand the spiritual realm of consciousness called God, Spirit? It is not possible except through what Paul stated was the Mind of Christ.

Isn’t that the same exact state of mind and consciousness that professes to believe in a god, or one God, or any god, and even to the God of Moses and Jesus? The new religion for the future is not believing or worshiping in one person named Jesus, but to begin to know and understand the spiritual realms of existence which includes having a spiritual consciousness as the new future religion for the future of the human species.

Is the religious state of mind of over 2000 years ago up to the present moment exactly like the religious state of consciousness of today? The only difference is that people use different words, different religious words to belong to a different religious group of people. Therefore, nothing has changed a bit regarding creating and forming a new religion based on God, Spirit as a new way of spiritual consciousness, a new way of life in the human condition.

The same applies to the outward way of practicing their religion. Different words with the same meanings in different looking churches, but with no real proof or evidence that there is even a God, Spirit because to the human brain and mind, all is a material state of existence instead of a spiritual state of existence.

It appears to me that the basic human brain and mind regarding understanding and knowing the God, Spirit that Moses saw and talked to as the burning bush and that Jesus saw and understood as Spirit, was not understood by the majority of people over 2000 years ago, and after the time of Jesus up to the current moment in human history.

Christians today still do not understand and know the God of the burning bush, the ‘I am that I am.’ nor do they know the God, Spirit that Jesus understood and knew as his true spiritual Christ identity.

In a very big way, people have not really changed for over 2000 years. Over 2000 years ago, people or human beings possessed human biological bodies with a one-dimensional state of consciousness. People understood more about mathematics than they did about the true metaphysical and spiritual meaning of the Bible, and other books.

The problem is that no matter how many books of the Bible they read, if they do not understand the metaphysical and spiritual meanings of the Bible, they will never understand the true meaning of that Bible, which means that they possess the same state of religious consciousness which is based on the same human brain and mind for over 2000 years and more.

As a matter of fact, that same state of human consciousness over the past 2000 or 20,000 years ago really has always depended on the one-dimensional state of biological consciousness until some new spiritual religion arrives to save humanity from its own stupidity.

The same state of ignorant simple-minded human consciousness that pretended to know and understand and worship gods or a god is the exact same state of human consciousness that did not know and understand what the sun, moon, and stars were.

How could anyone even begin to understand what God, Spirit, of Jesus was if they did not know and understand what the sun, moon, and stars were up until the current scientific age of understanding?

The answer is that some people over 2000 years ago did understand the metaphysical and spiritual meanings of the Bible in the spiritual messages. Today, again some people understand the metaphysical and spiritual meaning of the Bible which started with Mary Baker Eddy, John Doorly, and Max Kappeler.

There are different classes of people, religious or not, when it comes to the Bible. First, there are people who will not read the Bible, or the first chapter titled Genesis, but they will simply repeat what they are told, that God created everything in seven days, which is really just plain stupid because there were not seven days before this earthly creation was created in seven days.

Second, some people will read the first and second chapters of Genesis (and the Bible) without a single logical, rational, or analytical thought. (An analytical person likes to examine facts and information in a very careful way. Taken off the web.) These types of readers will simply read it without one questioning thought or idea about what the first and second chapters are all about regarding the seven days of creation and the story of Adam and Eve.

It is like a person who likes and even loves music, but when they look at a music sheet of any kind, they will be able to see the musical symbols and they will be able to know that those symbols are about music, but they will never be able to read and listen to the sounds of music that are coming off the white paper with the black musical symbols.

But a real musician will not only read the notes off the paper, but they will also hear the music as they read the musical symbols. The same should happen when people read the Bible. Instead of reading it as a historical record which has been proven it is not a historical record at all, they should read it as a musical spiritual book.

Third, there are people, at least a few that will read those words and symbols very carefully picking them apart like a surgeon who is picking apart a dead body to learn how the body works, which is what they did in the old days to learn about the inside of the human body. But even those people who pick apart each word and phrase do not and cannot reach the deeper spiritual meaning of the first two chapters in Genesis of the Bible.

Fourth, some people actually know and understand what the symbols mean as metaphysical and spiritual ideas, systems, structures, as a science, a spiritual science. That means that the whole Bible can be understood in its original metaphysical and spiritual language in this scientific world where written symbols are used all the time for all of the different abstract topics that need to be understood even by the common people.

Well, well. There I finally stated the words, spiritual science after writing 20 essays for people to read. Did the people who wrote the Bible know about the spiritual science of the Bible? Of course, they did. Did the people who read the Bible during the past 2000 years know and understand it? No, they did not from all indications. It seems like it has taken over 2000 years for the true spiritual science of the Bible to appear and be discovered by a certain class of people who wanted to know the spiritual truths in the Bible.

I think that the reason why the spiritual science of the Bible was not discovered until the current age of science during the last 200-400 years is because it needed the age of science, of abstract thinking with abstract use of abstract symbolism to be rediscovered by modern-day thinkers, instead of leaders of the church after the time of Jesus’s life and death. Somewhere along the way, the spiritual meaning of the Bible got lost and/or forgotten by everyone who knew it long ago.

That is true, you know. What has really changed in the human brain, mind, and consciousness since the time of Jesus and before his time? Not much if anything at all. Before the time of Jesus and after his life and death, human beings were always the same uneducated, simple-minded human beings as most human beings are today.

That is a fact. Just because the modern-day human can watch the news, sports, porn, videos, and even look at pictures of the cosmic universe does not mean that any of them are metaphysically and spiritually minded with the metaphysical and spiritual knowledge of the Bible and spiritual consciousness.

There are those people who actually studied the Bible very carefully and methodically as a metaphysical, spiritual book. Those people were Mary Baker Eddy, John W. Doorly, and Max Kappeler, who all wrote their own books during their own lifetimes.

I am throwing out those names because in all of their writings in one way or another way, they actually explained the metaphysical and spiritual symbols of the Bible, and better yet, they used modern-day language and terminology to define and explain what all or most of those symbols mean as spiritual symbols.

Of course, just like in the time of Jesus and after his death, countless people were talking and spreading the messages he preached throughout the world over hundreds of years up until today, today there are people who know the metaphysical and spiritual meaning and messages of the Bible. The above writers have done the work for you.

There are parts of the Bible that are not written in a metaphysical spiritual way, but the whole Bible was not written from a historical standpoint. How any intelligent human person thinks that the Bible was written from a historical standpoint is beyond me, in this day and age of intellectual enlightenment. There are biblical researchers, scholars, and professors who have studied, researched, and investigated the whole Bible from the beginning to the end of it in all sorts of various ways.

Even those people have not discovered the real metaphysical and spiritual meanings behind all of the words, stories, and books in the Bible which is sad given how much time, energy, and research has been given to understanding the Bible in all of its aspects. But in this age of intellectual enlightenment where people have the freedom to individually read, study, and think about the Bible, there should be a starting point when the common person begins to learn the deeper truths about the Bible in all its glory.

That will change the whole state of human existence more than you will ever know!

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!