This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Essay 20 - 2024. God, Spirit. Versus. Porn and Being Obsessed with Sex in General. “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (NIV. MATTHEW 5:28.) By: Mr. George D. Patnoe. May 16, 2024.

 Essay 20 - 2024. God, Spirit. Versus. Porn and Being Obsessed with Sex in General.

“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (NIV. MATTHEW 5:28.)

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.

May 16, 2024.

This essay, along with most of my essays, is written from a very high level of spiritual consciousness and intelligence.

Why are human beings hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to sexual organs, having sex, watching sex, and then having more and more endless perverted sex? Until the day they die!

Has America and the world become sexually perverted beyond measure, both mentally and physically? How is that good for the current and future survival of the human species?

America and the world should start becoming more and more metaphysically spiritual instead of being sexually obsessed, hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to human sexual organs, having sex, watching sex, and then having more and more perverted sex, until the day they die.

There! Someone had to state the metaphysical and spiritual facts of life regarding sex. Read on.

The consciousness of God, Spirit, is completely different than a sensual sexual consciousness.

A pure spiritual consciousness versus a mentally delusional sensual sexual consciousness.

Spiritual Consciousness has nothing to do with having sex, nor with watching pornography.

Sex and watching pornography is not having a spiritual consciousness.

Below is a summary of the second record of creation or the Adam and Eve story in the Bible regarding a material Lord god and a material man. The first record of creation in the Bible described the spiritual man made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit, man, and female in one.

A quote from the bible, ‘The Science (spiritual science) of the Bible. By: John W. Doorly.

“Just think of' the story so far: a false sense of God and man, a man with physical senses, a man who believes that the Lord God takes him and puts him into a physical body, a man who believes in the tree of knowledge of good and evil. See how the whole picture is built up. Then that man associates himself or identifies himself with animal qualities, and as soon as he does that, he says, "I need something more. I need sex. I'm not complete." And so out of his own hypnotism.- lust,-he evolves sex and calls it a female. Then the female proceeds to help him to make himself a sinner, and the outcome is desolation. This is the scientific and spiritual analysis
which we see in the false record of creation. -(in the second chapter of the Bible.)’ (The (spiritual science) Science of the Bible. Pg. 258. John W. Doorly.)

How many Christians completely ignore that above phrase, thinking to themselves, ‘What the heck, it is only one thing I do wrong. I still believe in Jesus. That will save me from desiring endless amounts of sex and porn watching.’

Will having endless amounts of sex and porn watching going get anyone to a state of heaven or spiritual consciousness? No, it will not! Read on.

This essay is based on one simple fact, believe it or not! That fact is of supreme importance for the current and future survival of the human species. It is also of supreme importance for your own soul and how you choose what is within your own state of consciousness.

The whole idea in this essay is that there is a complete difference between a pure spiritual consciousness and a mentally delusional sensual sexual consciousness, even as human beings walk on planet Earth with biological consciousness where sex is needed to procreate.

Have any of you ever thought what that phrase of Jesus really meant when he supposedly stated it over 2000 years ago? Or what it means now in today’s modern-day world of porn, not just from within a sexually moral or ethical context, but from within the context of a metaphysical and spiritual realm of existence?

On the surface of it, it may seem like a common mental concept that everyone should not be walking on Earth with their tiny human lives always thinking about having endless amounts of sex with everyone you may come in contact with because in a professional life anyway, there is supposed to be a dividing line between doing your job, which means leaving sex out of the workplace for many reasons.

One of those reasons is because sex in the workplace complicates things and employees do not get paid for having sex while on the job. That is just common sense and the law, maybe even in the time of Jesus when he was alive watching people live their lives as uneducated human beings who had a tough life no matter how you looked it.

I bet that a lot of people have wondered to themselves whether Jesus had sex at least once during his lifetime, or whether he was so spiritually pure even in the human realm of existence that he did not even think about having sex. Who knows for sure.

One thing is for sure, some Christians believe that Jesus died for the sins of the world, including sexual sins. But instead of not sexually sinning, Christians still have all sorts of sinning sex thinking that they will make it into a place called heaven, or in my way of thinking, a spiritual consciousness.

In those days when there was no sexual imagery like in today’s world, people probably did not think about having sex like they do today. Back then, most people worried more about staying alive than having sex.

Most people lived in fear of being crucified just as most people today worry about being shot by an uneducated bully pig cop who just can’t wait to kill someone for the fun of it, so they can go return to the police station and brag about it to the other uneducated pig cops. Is there a difference between the animal nature of the violent Romans and the uneducated pig cops who want to kill and murder American people? No, there is not.

And if you think about how the Romans treated people like they were lower than the worms of the Earth, then you should already know that they killed and murdered thousands of people by way of crucifixion every day of the year, just the way American police put millions of American people in jail and prison every year for the stupidest reasons. The words no longer on police cars are to Serve and Protect.

‘Crucifixion was a method of capital punishment in which the condemned is tied or nailed to a large wooden cross, beam, or stake and left to hang until eventual death. It was used as a punishment by the Persians, Carthaginians, and Romans, among others. Crucifixion has been used in some countries as recently as the early 20th century.’ (Taken off the web.)

Amazingly, some Christians think that the man Jesus died for your sins, in this case for this essay, he died for your sexual sins, which is a bigger issue now than it was over 2000 years ago.

But people especially Christians are still watching porn in their dark bedrooms and dark chambers within their individual human minds. They turn on their smartphones and simply type in the words porn to watch endless amounts of visual sex. Then they go to church to pray for the forgiveness of their sexual sins. Would it be better if they did not look at porn in the first place?

Jesus probably had no idea that there would be a ‘thing’ like pornography where people could watch endless amounts of sexual activity for free 24 hours a day, every day of every week.

But if he was alive today talking to you, he would most definitely state to you that watching porn is really bad for you. It is bad for your brain, for your body, bad for your soul. But maybe he would not explain why watching porn for you is bad, so I will do the best I can here.

Watching porn is bad for you for many human reasons and psychological reasons which are on the web pages. Spiritually, watching porn is bad for you because it is not of God, Spirit.

Watching porn is not a state of existence within the spiritual realm of God, Spirit. Therefore, it is not good for your human soul either, because it is not real within the realm of God, Spirit, even if it appears real to you because of course, you are watching it.

One psychological reason why you should not be watching endless amounts of porn is that you are inputting or programming your brain and mind with sexual images which not only degrades your brain and mind, but you start to think and visualize those images within your brain and mind as a normal state of experience and as a state of consciousness.

Your brain cannot help but rewind sexual images over and over again, so it is better to not watch it all. There are better things to be thinking about, like asking the question, ‘What is God, Spirit, and how are you related to that realm of spiritual consciousness? That is an important issue to be thinking about.

In other words, even though you may think to yourselves that there is a difference between what is in your human brain and mind that may seem separated from your human biological body, you are as a human being is more a state of consciousness than your individual and unique body. Your human biological body is just skin, bones, blood, organs, and a brain. Your human consciousness on the other hand is much more complicated than your biological body.

What Jesus was stating is one of the most famous quotes in human history, yet nobody, including Christians who do not care about that quote at all. Sure, they read it and they might think to themselves, nobody will see me watch porn, so, so what if I do it.

What is happening within your human consciousness is more important than possessing a human biological body. Therefore, your human consciousness should as pure as possible to be ready for a spiritual state of existence.

Do you really want an individual human consciousness with visual images of hardons, cum, clit, assholes, disgustingly fucking, sucking, licking, being degraded in all sorts of ways; or do you want a true spiritual consciousness that is atonement with God, Spirit?

But here is a metaphysical tip for you to think about. Most everything in the human species is not real, either, except to the human mind and experience.

Think about it. Everything is so temporal, so fading, so lifeless, so valueless that it is almost silly to think that humans put any importance on material and physical existence at all. But of course, humanly, we have to put importance on everything in our lives and experience. Otherwise, we would all be monks living in caves eating rice and tea. That does not sound like fun to me.

If Jesus was alive today, what would he be preaching about people watching pornography and even being in a porn movie? That is an especially important question for all of the so-called Christians who are watching porn as much as the non-Christian people.

By the way, I have to military men who have stated to me that all of those Muslims overseas watch a lot of America porn, before and after they knee down to pray seven times a day. So not even Christians pray and then watch porn, or watch porn and pray, even the Muslims do it. Just saying.

In the biblical phrase, “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Jesus is implying and outright stating that sex and sexual lust is within the brain and mind before it is a deed in a biological action.

Every human being walks on planet Earth living their human lives with physical and mental junk in it. Some of that mental junk was put in there by other human beings or live experiences, while some of that junk has been put into our human brains and minds because we put it there. And do you know where it all ends up? It ends up in our memory banks as visual images.

Do people really want a mental memory bank of cock sucking, pussy licking, ass fucking, and cum? I can barely write words, but to even think about it makes my mind reject all of it.

I like walking on planet Earth with as much of a spiritual consciousness as I can instead of all of the above-mentioned sexual activities. Personally, even as a young boy, I never cared about all that sexual stuff not one bit. I was more curious about atoms, the Bible, and science. I just never really cared about having sex, watching it, thinking it, or being aware of it. So should you!

There are all sorts of mental junk clogging our way to our true spiritual self-hoods, which is stopping our atonement with God, Spirit, even though our true spiritual self-hood has always been, is now, and will be in the future atonement with God, Spirit.

An illustration just arrived in my mind. When I was studying International Economics, Finance, and Business Development in New York, I started a conversation with an uneducated middle-aged male who was about my own age whom I had talked to previously in the parking lot. He asked me if I would like a beer with him. I responded with why not. When I entered his apartment, I saw that every wall had bookshelves filled to the brim with porn videos and DVDs back in the day.

I looked down at this guy who was sitting in a chair by now, and I stared at him the way that I stare at people or a situation the way I do it. ‘Come here he stated to me as he put in a porn DVD.’ I was still standing when I looked at them with the thought, ‘Here I am studying economics, finance, and the whole world of politics and global issues, and here are you watching smut all day long.’

Just for a moment, I realized that he was just like a lot of the people who are addicted to porn. I felt sorry for him. I turned around and walked of his room, never to return again. I never saw the guy again, nor would I want to see him again. Ever.

Now, I sometimes look at people and I wonder to myself, ‘How much porn are they watching every day of the week? On their computers, laptops, televisions, smartphones, etc. How many of these people of all ages are being mentally programmed with visual sexual images of dicks, clit, ass holes, and cum? Plus, a lot more disgusting and degrading sexual practices some of which have really new names I have never heard of except on Netflix specials.

That is another thing about this new age of endless amounts of sexual activity and endless amounts of pornography. How many people go on a Netflix stage, and they tell the whole world they are doing the most disgusting and perverted sexual practices and then the audience laughs and laughs and laughs?

In essence, these not-so-funny sexual perverts are just revealing themselves to be the sexual perverts they are and then everyone is laughing at them and to them. But they are being paid. They need money. And then people watch it on Netflix. What a waste of a human life, time, and money, so I think about it.

Since I am on a roll here, the other thing that is really weird to me is all of the people, especially females, but guys too, who are performing either live or not live sex acts on any of the sex porn sites for other people to watch.

They must think that they are really someone special, having sex, or for the females, spreading their legs for viewers to see between their legs. Do these foolish females think that what is between their legs is special, like no other females has a hole between their legs? It is mentally crazy. It is not really good for a resume either. How stupid. How stupid. How mentally deranged does a human being have to be to be so stupid?

Then there is Fans Only. I don’t watch free porn, so I am never going to pay money to watch porn, but really. Are females, and guys too I suppose, really proud of the fact that they are getting paid to have sex on camera so other people can watch it? It does not matter who is doing the sex acts, it is always the same exact thing no matter who is performing the sex acts. There is nothing special about performing sex. Nothing whatsoever. I don’t get is even as a human being.

As a spiritual being, then it is really just off the table in regard to any human importance either. But unlike many human beings, I am not hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to sex. Nor have I ever been so stupid. I hope that there are more people who have never been hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to sex the way the people who are hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to sex. It has no meaning in it whatsoever.

So people are getting paid for having other people watch them have sex. Hum! It is filmed so other people can watch them have sex. Really? How degrading and disgusting to their own sense of human self and consciousness compared to having a completely spiritual consciousness even while living in the human and earthly realm of existence.

The goal and objective are not to watch endless amounts of sex but to ascend above the biological and mental urge to be hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted by the whole sex and sexual biological, and mental delusion.

What is my point here? My point here is that there is a lot of mental junk aimed directly at me just like there is a lot of mental junk aimed directly at your own brains, minds, and consciousness. Not only porn but the nightly news with stupid leaders all around the world trying to control and handle even more stupid people who enjoy killing innocent and defenseless humans for enjoyment, another form of human evil by the way.

From a very high spiritual level of spiritual consciousness, it must be realized that God, Spirit never temps human beings with mental or physical sexual images and practices, or any type of mental junk and mental garbage, since all human beings are not even biological creatures in the first place, but they are images of the divine Mind as spiritual images which are sexless, neither male nor female as is stated in the 6th day of creation in the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis.

God, Spirit or the Divine Mind or Intelligence does not put mental or physical junk inside your human brains and minds. God, Spirit puts only good ideas into your brains and minds, but only if your human brains and minds are not completely filled up with a bunch of human mental junk like porn, violence, hate, fear, ignorance, and a lot of mentally delusional religious concepts.

Our true spiritual self-hood is a spiritual unchangeable identity already atonement with Life, Truth, and Love. It seems that even if that is true, it always seems like it is located out there somewhere, in a different dimension or universe, but the truth is that it is located right where you are within your consciousness, within a space-less and timeless spiritual universe.

It is the human condition, the human biological body, the human brain, and the mind that we have to be concerned about while we are living on planet Earth. I can hear those funny Christians yelling out of their minds, ‘Jesus will save me. He will and there is nothing you can do about it.’

I can hear their thoughts stating and yelling to me, especially those Christians who are mentally yelling at me, ‘I watch porn all of the time and Jesus still loves me.’ La, la, la, la.

Or. ‘I make a lot of money so I can watch all of the porn I want.’ La, la, la, la.’

Or. ‘Fuck you, dude. I am a man and I need to watch porn and fuck even a tree to be a man.’ La, la, la, la.’

Hum. Well, for the record. No human male is a real man simply because he can get a hardon. All sorts of biological male species get a hardon. Dogs, horses, pigs, cats, dinosaurs that once roamed the Earth, etc. There might be UFO creatures who get a hardon. I don’t know about that.

But here is the thing. None of those other biological creatures were sucking each other off, fucking each other up the ass, or licking the place where babies come from or where shit leaves the body. No other biological creature that has ever roamed the Earth has ever been as sexually perverted as the human species. That is not the way of evolution, but devolution.

For you ignorant and delusional religious people, if there was a devil or a Satan out there somewhere tempting you with watching porn, just think to yourselves that it is the devil or Satan tempting me to watch porn and I am not going to do it. In Jesus' name. Amen to that.

How freaking disgusting are people when it comes to porn and having sex? About 45 years ago or so, I was talking to a dude who was working on buildings where I was living. One day he tells me that he was licking an asshole of a woman the night before like I was going to be really impressed with that stupid. I looked into his eyes for a second or two and I walked away. Does a real man lick assholes? Or does a real man control his sexual stupidity and walk away from it?

That is living in fantasy land my dear readers. If you are watching endless amounts of pornography for whatever reason, you are not only putting endless amounts of visual sexual images into your brain and mind, but you are programming your brain and mind to be actually living within that mental dream world of sensual sexual illusions, which is not a good thing.

Ready? Do you really want to be programming your human brain and mind with endless amounts of sucking on a hard penis and swallowing cum, or licking a clit, or getting fucked up the ass by any stranger you meet that will do it to you? That is what people do in bars and one-night stands all of the time. That is one of the reasons people get STDs which would kill you in the old days. A nice slow, painful, agonizing death.

When I was in high school, I once dropped down on my knees in front of a book shelve in my parents' house. I saw some medical words on the books, and I decided to glance at them. So, I picked a few of them up to quickly look through the medical books. When I got to the pictures of really bad and disgusting STDs on a penis, mouth, ass hole, etc. it shocked my brain and mind so much that I could not believe that there were so many high school kids having unprotected sex with each other as if they were free to allow STDs onto and into their young human bodies.

Many Christians and non-Christians probably think that Jesus might have stated it on a very simple level within the human condition; sex should only be used for making babies, or sex with a lot of strange people is not good because of sexual diseases, or having babies with more than one partner is going to be a crazy life for people who are having sex and babies with more than one person. Or having sex and having a baby is going to cost a lot of money, time, energy, and commitment from the parents for the rest of their human lives. Having sex is not a joke.

But what if Jesus was implying something much deeper when he made that statement? What if there were not only practical and psychological aspects to that biblical phrase, but that phrase was more important for other metaphysical and spiritual reasons?

It is really amazing to me that there are over 2.2 billion believers of Jesus, and yet, they probably do not understand the deeper meaning of the above phrase from a higher level of spiritual consciousness, from a spiritually metaphysical meaning of having animalistic natures and desires instead of possessing a spiritual nature even while living on Earth with a human biological body.

People should overcome their animalistic instincts and desires to become real Christians in the true meaning of the word, namely, to desire only a spiritual consciousness before you die. In reality, if your human brain and mind are hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to sex, then your mind and soul are already dead because being hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to sex is not only a mental delusional mental state, but also a non-existent realm of reality since the only realm that is real is the spiritual realm, namely God, Spirit.

Christians and non-Christians alike do not realize what qualities are located within and as their state of human consciousness is really more important than their human biological bodies, especially when dealing with God, Spirit, Jesus, and the Bible. Their own consciousness and the collective consciousness of the human species should not be hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to endless amounts of sex and perverted sex.

The first main concern might be that most Christians and non-Christians alike think of themselves as a one-dimensional biological consciousness instead of thinking of themselves as a multi-dimensional and true spiritual consciousness on a higher level of existence through the method of having a multi-dimensional state of consciousness, even while living on planet Earth.

That means that most so-called Christians and non-Christians alike, they consider themselves to be only a biological body of skin, bones, blood, a brain, etc. That is their individual and personal state of consciousness. They can’t mentally perceive themselves as spiritual images within the spiritual realm of Spirit because that is probably pure fantasy to most people including those readers of these essays.

How many females are spreading their legs in front of a camera showing off their female sexual parts or tits, like they were special? Like their female sexual parts are more special than all of the other female sexual parts and tits. More importantly, is that what and who they identify as being in the human place of existence?

This includes the males too, showing off their penis with no face. Why is it that so many people are so obsessed, hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted by sexual organs when in reality it is a state of mental nothingness? It is really a mental state of insanity to a certain degree.

People are identifying themselves as being sexual organs which is leading to really big problems and issues for a lot of people, especially young kids and teenagers. Do they want to be a female or a male? No one should care at that age. They should be caring about getting good grades.

From a one-dimensional state of biological human consciousness that is the only realm of existence that exists because the limited human brain and mind cannot see, know, understand, and comprehend any other state of existence except what it is as a biological human body. It is time for the to change on a global level of experience.

On an earthly level, that one-dimensional state of consciousness can’t be blamed for everything for many reasons. One of those reasons would be because every human being has been programmed to think that life on planet Earth billions of years ago, and that there was the fish, the dinosaurs, the cavemen, the primitive human beings, the pre-modern-day human beings, and finally the current or present-day human beings with a different hard-wired brain and soft-wired human mind compared to all of the previous brains and mind that have walked the Earth.

Human beings have been preprogrammed to have sex through billions of years of biological development and evolution but does that do not mean the human species should be hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted by having sex, watching sex, thinking about sex, or imagining sex within their brains and minds all day long.

Which means of course is that there was a lot of biological sexual activity happening during those billions and millions of years since the simple cells turned into the solid living creatures in the water and on the solid Earth. That was a lot of sperm going into the female bodies to make infants or babies for every biological species on planet Earth.

Every sexual act among all of the biological creatures was normal. That means that there was no cock sucking, anal sex, no constant licking between a female creature's legs, or drinking male cum like it was the best thing in the world. It was because all biological creatures were limited by what they were thinking and conscious of within their own brain and mind within their own specific species.

Human beings on the other hand possess a different type of mind and consciousness, along with a different type of biological body, as in all mental realms of human mental consciousness and awareness. Human beings have been seeing the beauty within the human biological body for a very long time. Human beings know that the human biological body is a very complex living structure of stuff. Nothing to be taken granted for by anyone.

In the current age in the year 2024, some people really love their human biological bodies. In a sense, they worship their young human biological bodies until there is a point where all human beings reach a certain point in their human lives when their human bodies start to break down because of old age, sickness, or just not caring about their human body anymore. When that starts to happen, people stop caring about having sex anymore anyway.

Many people simply love having any type of sex they can get before they die, which means watching endless amounts of pornography.

Now most people will think to themselves that they are doing no harm to either their brain, mind, or consciousness, but they would be completely wrong for many reasons some of which are common sense reasons, while other reasons are on a deeper plane of existence, even within the human psychological state of existence.

Why you may be wondering to yourselves.

From a purely metaphysical, spiritual, and even psychological mental perspectives.,

Let me take being obsessed with being a sensual sexual biological human being from a mental and psychological standpoint. Many people would think to themselves that there is nothing wrong with watching a whole bunch of endless sexual images and even taking part in making them.

But from a human standpoint, there is something called normality regarding everything including sex. Being a normal sexual creature is much different than being a perverted sexual creature who desires all sorts of immoral and illegal sex, especially from kids. Not cool.

But from a different and higher standpoint, from a higher level of spiritual consciousness, there is just so much abnormal sex that is completely wrong. Why you may be asking yourselves? The issue is the difference between being not only a material and physical consciousness, but also having a purely sensual sexual state of consciousness within your own mind, like that is life itself. But it is not life itself. It is a different type of death, believe it or not.

Here it is in a nutshell. The simple peanut is ready to be eaten for the pleasure of the mind and body. There is a huge difference between the different mental states of the human brain and mind compared to the spiritual mental states of the Divine Mind or Intelligence termed God, Spirit.

The sensual sexual mental state of the human brain and mind is that of the individual and collective human brain and mind being hypnotized and mesmerized by sexual organs on the biological level of consciousness, probably because human beings think that the ultimate pleasure any human being can experience is in the biological nervous system of the sensual sexual organs. But it is all a biological mental illusion because it is happening within the human brain and mind.

That statement alone should be a wake-up call for every human being to realize that all of the so-called delusional sexual pleasure they are experiencing is really located within the side of the human brain. So first, there is the seeming pleasure in the male and female sexual organs which is really taking place within the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind or consciousness.

And then there is the sexual orgasm that takes place both within the body and brain. Should the human species be hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted by sexual orgasms?

Ok then, that seems simple and normal enough on the human biological level of existence. But does it exist within the spiritual realm of existence? No, it does not. How could a mental and biological experience take place within the pure spiritual realm of consciousness when they are not even on the opposite side of the same coin?

On one hand, there is the material and biological state of existence and then on the other hand there is the pure realm of spiritual consciousness of God. Spirit, God, does not create neither the mental urge to have sex nor does it ever see the biological sex act itself or the mental realms behind the sensual sex acts. God, the divine Mind only itself as a pure realm of intelligence. This divine Mind or intelligence does not create the mental dream worlds of sex.

That means that everything that is of the biological sensual sexual nature exists only within the realm of the human brain and mind. It is only a mental dream world or state of consciousness located within the human realm of existence. It cannot exist within the spiritual realm of existence because the spiritual realm of existence and consciousness is spiritually pure.

For many of the readers, this essay may be a completely shocking statement which I can understand from your standpoint. From the very limited and biological standpoint, and from the very limited hardwired human brain and soft-wired human mind and consciousness, not only does that limited and delusional state of consciousness appear to be a state of reality, but it also appears to be the only state of reality, meaning that the biological human body is the only state of reality that can exist as a human state of existence.

But is that a true statement, even in the human realm of experience? After all, there are sexual addicts, porn stars, and people who need to have as much sex as they can get every day, every week, every month, or every year until the day they die. But there are other people who live in a completely different mental realm of existence while they are living on Earth as human beings.

People who live only for sex care about nothing else within their personal heart, soul, and mind. Of course, they might have a job, and/or a hobby. But in their secret chambers within the core of their mind, they want a sexual experience as much as possible, either by themselves, with others, by watching pornography, etc. To God Almighty, their secret chambers are states of nothingness.

That humanly biological and mental state of sexual existence and experience are only located within the human brain, nowhere else. It is not located on the sun or moon. It is not located up there 100 miles away from Earth, or 10,000 billion light years away from planet Earth.

And truly, there are many people or human beings who are not mentally or biologically hypnotized and mesmerized by either the sensual sexual experience or state of existence within their personal human bodies and minds that it is good that there are a lot of people not hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to sex.

Of course, that does not mean that they are spiritual either. Far from it. There are millions and billions of people who are probably not hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted by either the biological or the mental aspects of sex of any kind. They just do not care about it. But that does not mean that they care about anything spiritual either. That should change too.

It is a funny thing about the word spiritual. People use that word all of time, but they have no idea what they are talking about because people make up all sorts of humanly, but materially spiritual and metaphysical stuff as if they were baking a cake, or a pie, or a hamburger, or a pizza.

They simply put stuff into a fantasy mental pan and they think that it is reality, then they call it spiritual, when is simply the human mind creating stuff up for the fun of it but does not exist within the pure realm of Spirit or spiritual consciousness.

Being hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted is a quality of the human brain and mind, but not for every human brain and mind. People get stuck on all sorts of human activities, like a football, baseball, or basketball team, for some reason. People really enjoy doing all sorts of human activities except thinking about what God, Spirit are, instead of their human delusion mental concepts of a human god.

Some people get hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to shopping and buying stuff.

Some people get hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to their cars and trucks.

Some people get hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to all sorts of fun and hobbies.

Some people get hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to the penis, clit, cum, asshole, etc. when in fact it is all skin. That's all it is, really. Why should any human being get hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted to the human biological body in general, but to sex specifically when all of it are moral mental delusions which leads to death?

The difference between being addicted by those sorts of activities and the sensual sexual nature of sex, porn, and going over the edge of normal sex by being as kinky as possible is that sports, shopping, cars and trucks, fun, and hobbies are not going to ruin your human soul, even if it ruins your bank accounts.

The reality of sex and sexual experiences are that human beings are born from sex, then they are young, and they start thinking about sex, then they have sex, and then if they have babies, they have to pay for having sex and for having babies. After all that, people start to lose interest in sex at least with regard to having babies.

Then, after all of that earthly, biological normal sense of sex and living, some and maybe even most people mentally realize that sex was not what it was cracked up to be, meaning they lose interest in it because it is not exciting anymore or it does not feel good, or because it takes too much work to get the sexual nervous system working up to par, or because they simply realize that it is just piece of skin, and only a piece of skin whether it looks like a penis or a clit. In other words, it does not matter anymore because their immature teenage years are all over.

But then, their human biological bodies get out of shape, so they don’t look or feel as young as they once did as a teenager. They look in the mirror and they realize that sucking on a cock, or letting cock being stuck up an ass is really just disgusting and stupid as it was the first time it was done.

But more than that, they feel like they have lost not only their youth, but they have lost some sense of who they are as a human beings. In other words, they feel lost because their sensual sexual self or sense of identity is either going away or is completely gone. They do not even ask themselves, ‘What to do now?’ They simply go on with their human lives being a boring biological human beings wondering when death will come, either sooner or later.

The other biological thing about sex is that when you are young, the chemistry and hormones are running wild so the biological urge to have biological sex is really high until things start changing when people get older so they not only lose chemistry and hormones but they lose interest in sex just because they have gotten a grip on reality, which means that there are things more important in life than sex. Like, wondering about an afterlife of some kind.

But oh no, what could be more important than sex, being mesmerized and hypnotized by sex, penis, clit, and ass holes? For some human beings, there is nothing more important than sex, penis, clit, and assholes. But even on a human scale of existence, there is a whole bunch of stuff more important than sex, porn, penis, clit, and assholes. As a matter of fact, everything is more important than sex, watching sex, penis, clit, and assholes. Even for making human babies.

Sex for making babies is really the easy part. The hard part arrives the moment the baby is born. Sex is no longer as alluring as it once was, but some people simply have to have it because it is like an addictive drug in the brain and body.

Some human beings' whole sense of identity is based on sex in today's current world. In the old days not so long ago, a male was a male, and a female was a female. There was no mental, chemical, or psychological confusion as to what a male or female was in daily life, even if people were attacked to the opposite sex for mental reasons.

Maybe that is where watching pornography comes in, after a human’s own sense of sexual adventure is over with for some reason, lack of interest, chemical and hormonal changes, or just tired of paying child support to lazy wives and mothers who use sex as a means to get money from stupid horny males. Or people simply watch porn to try to keep sex alive in their sexual lives.

But is it real? Really! Let us think about this issue clearly. Is it real in the spiritual realm of existence termed God, Spirit. The reality is no, it is not real in the spiritual realm of existence.

In the spiritual realm of existence, man is an image within the divine Mind, or infinite intelligence which does not create or know a human delusional mental dream world of sensual sexual illusions.

In the spiritual realm of existence, man is an image within the divine Spirit, or the infinite pure spiritual realm of reality where there is no material sexual creature or even a division between male and female mental qualities.

In the spiritual realm of existence, man is an image within the divine Soul, or the infinite unchangeable sinless where there is only one spiritual identity which is not sexual at all.

In the spiritual realm of existence, man is an image within the Principle or the infinite spiritual universe where there is infinite oneness with the one God, Spirit.

In the spiritual realm of existence, man is an image within the realm of Life, or the infinite self-existent of eternal Life and life where there is not birth, maturity, or death.

In the spiritual realm of existence, man is an image within the consciousness of Truth as an infinite individual spiritual consciousness where there is no mental delusional sensual sexual state of existence because in the realm of Truth, or the self-consciousness of God, there is no human sub-consciousness, evil consciousness, or sexual consciousness.

In the spiritual realm of existence, man is an image within the perfection of Love, or the infinite realm of perfection where the spiritual man is never broken up into a biological sexual identity of sexual organs and muscles because the spiritual man is always perfect in the realm of God, Love.

The current and future survival does not depend on more and more human beings being obsessed, hypnotized, mesmerized, and addicted by and to sex, which is a very wrong and mentally delusional state of mortal mind consciousness nothingness.

The current and future survival of the human species depends on each individual and the collective human species striving for and finding the pure spiritual consciousness that I have written about in this essay which depends on Mary Baker Eddy’s definition of God on page 465 of her book. ‘What is God? God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.’

There! I stated it for the record for all time.

Good Luck to all of you.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!