This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Essay 19. 2024. Cavemen, The Human Species, and God, Spirit. And Nuclear Weapons. And the Next Generation of a Futuristic Spiritual Human Species. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe! May 9, 2024.

Essay 19. 2024.

Cavemen, The Human Species, and God, Spirit. And Nuclear Weapons.

And the Next Generation of a Futuristic Spiritual Human Species.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe!

May 9, 2024.

Have you ever wondered to yourselves, in your teeny tiny brains and minds what the big picture is for life on planet Earth? For example, why were there simple cells that eventually turned into swimming and walking creatures with a brain that could think, feel very deep emotions, and more importantly ask questions about the cosmic universe, God, evil, and a whole bunch of other stuff?

There were the dinosaurs, then came the cavemen, and then the primitive human species, and now the current human species. What is next? You don’t really think that the current human species is the final state of affairs, do you? By looking at past events, states, and stages of biological and mental development, there has to be another step in the biological and mental realms of existence on planet Earth.

If you look at the development of intelligent life on planet Earth related from the cavemen up to the current human species and even into the future, it can be seen and understood that there are definitely different stages and states of biological, brain, and mental development.

It seems very obvious that there were cavemen before the current human species. But what may not seem so obvious is that there must be another state and stage after the current human species in the next step of biological, mental, and spiritual development.

The current human species seems to be really obsessed with external things but little regard for any metaphysical and true spiritual development. People look out with their human eyes thinking that everything they see is an absolute state of reality, but it isn’t an absolute state of reality, if you ever actually seriously thought about it.

The cavemen were here, and they were gone. The human species is here, and it will be gone one day too, in all likelihood. The human species might try to escape its own doom by traveling to outer space, but that is going to be a really tough nut to crack in the long term. I do not see it happening no matter what the dreamers are dreaming about.

The human species can’t even take care of planet Earth, so how is it going to take care of people living on Mars or even farther out in outer space. I saw a short video last night that stated that all of those recycled triangles on the bottom of plastics to be recycled are almost never recycled.

There are thousands of different types of plastics and most of them can’t be recycled even though they are labeled on the bottom of plastic containers with the recycle triangles. The liars simply can’t stop lying to the American people nor to all of the people all around the world.

When I was a young boy, I always wondered too myself what kind of life did those cavemen have since they did not possess any of the modern-day conveniences. They were probably very simple-minded creatures that walked with two feet trying their best to survive, hunting and eating food, trying to not be eaten by other creatures, surviving the earthly elements like the weather, and other dangers that they might encounter while walking on planet Earth.

Maybe they were walking to find the perfect weather or the perfect food. Maybe they were walking because they had nothing less to do until they learned to settle down and be farmers and work the land. It was a simple but hard life for everyone since they did not have the modern-day conveniences that current human beings enjoy.

When the cavemen and women were walking the Earth, it probably was not a fun time. They were naked until they learned to cover themselves up to keep warm. They had to hunt for food. They gave birth without a hospital or a doctor. They did not read books, nor did they write books. The cavemen were really worried about surviving or living as long as possible so for them to be thinking about is God, Spirit, was not in their minds at all I would assume to be true.

Just like in today’s world. How many people are so worried about surviving in the modern-day world that they too, have no time to think about what God, Spirit is as a state of consciousness? People have to worry about money more than they worry about what God, Spirit is because they can’t see God, Spirit with their own eyes.

God, Spirit can’t be seen with human eyes, so instead people like using their human eyes in their spare time to watch movies, sports, porn, and the news, while they forget the most important areas of life and living before, they die or leave planet Earth.

I find it amazing that people all around the globe will find time to watch movies, sports, porn, and the news, but they do not find the time to read the Bible or other spiritual books. Nor do they even think to themselves, “What is God?” Or “Is there a God?” Or “If there is a God, what is it?”

The cavemen did not use their human eyes to watch movies, sports, porn, or the news, nor did they use their minds to think about God is my guess. They were too busy walking around naked trying to find food and water and staying warm or cool depending on the weather. I bet those cavemen were really tough too. They probably had skin as thick and tough as leather.

But if the cavemen ever thought to themselves, ‘What kind of creatures will be after us simple-minded cavemen?’ If the cavemen were alive today, they too would be able to watch movies, sports, porn, the news, and other stuff. They might think to themselves, ‘Well, these human beings are not much different than us cavemen. They like to run around doing stuff with clothes on. They make babies that cost a lot of money. And they don’t think about God, Spirit.

The cavemen and the primitive modern-day human beings had an excuse for not mentally and consciously understanding God, Spirit, because their hardwired human brains and soft-wired cavemen minds and states of consciousness were not built for that type of mental activity.

It is really that simple in my own opinion, but probably in the minds of other thinkers as well. It is really amazing how all of the different species of brains see the world with their own specific eyes and brains.

Maybe that is the reason why most human beings don’t or can’t think about what God is, Spirit. Because it probably takes a different type of human brain and mind to think, to know, to understand what the spiritual realm of God, Spirit is within its own spiritual realm of existence.

Just in case you are wondering what that realm or state of existence is, I am going to write another mental exercise for you just so you can gather a mental vision of it.

Spirit is being its own infinite Mind, or infinite Intelligence. It is not stuck inside a human brain.

Spirit is being its own infinite Spirit, or infinite spiritual reality and substance. It is not matter.

Spirit is being its own infinite Soul, or unchangeable sinless identity. It is not a sexual identity.

Spirit is being its own infinite Principle, or universe. It is not a cosmic universe of galaxies.

Spirit is being its own infinite Life, or self-existence. It is not a realm of birth and death.

Spirit is being its own infinite Truth, or self-consciousness. It is not a human consciousness.

Spirit is being its own infinite Love, or self-perfection. It is not an imperfect form of hate and fear.

The above mental exercise based on a law in the book title, “The Four Levels of Spiritual Consciousness.” By Dr. Max Kappeler. You can learn more by buying the book.

Even though the cavemen had different sets of priorities compared to today’s people who also have to survive in a much different way. They might have wondered to themselves what was up there beyond the sun, the moon, and the stars. Maybe they too, wondered about the afterlife.

What I did not know when I was a young boy was that there were people who studied the cavemen and how they lived, but since I did not have any books to read about the cavemen and how they lived, I was left in the dark as to how they lived and what they thought about their lives, or if they believed in a God of some sort. How can anyone really know all of those answers?

The cavemen could have never known what was going to happen in the next step within the linkage between the cavemen and the next stage or step in biological, mental, and intellectual evolution and development of the two-legged creatures with a brain and a mind, who would also one day walk the Earth just like the cavemen. The very big difference being is that the new two-legged biological creatures would have a different brain and mind than the cavemen and cave women.

The truly sad thing is the current two legged human beings have no idea that there will be another step, stage, and state, for the futuristic and more advanced two legged creatures with a completely different hardwired brain and a more advance state of a soft-wired mind and consciousness than the current human species which in my opinion is more like the cavemen than they would like to believe from a higher level of intelligence and consciousness.

It seems that when they put their hands on mud or fire ash to leave behind their own simple palm and hand prints on cave walls so that future generations of two-legged creatures could look at those hand prints on those cave walls, they could say to themselves that wow, those cavemen actually tried to leave something good behind for the next generation of two-legged creatures to look at in their time. Or maybe they were simply trying to be artists, laughing at their handy work.

When the cavemen put their hand prints on those cave walls, maybe they were thinking to themselves that maybe one day long into the future, if they could think to themselves millions of years or more into the future, other creatures would see their hand prints on the cave walls and that new generation of human beings would look back in time and they would wonder to themselves about those cave people who put those hand prints on the cave walls, to look back in time millions of years into the past to wonder about their own destiny.

What is the current human species doing for its own future? Will the current generation of human beings ever look towards its future instead of simply looking in sky, or the cosmic universe. What is more important than looking up at the sky is looking forward in time to the future of the current human species here on planet Earth.

Does the current human species think about its future and the next generation of two-legged creatures who will look back at the current human species say, 50,000 or even 50,000 million years from now and wonder how the current human species lived and what it did to survive?

Do you even think to yourselves that if creatures from outer space or even creatures like angels were looking down at you right now, would they ask themselves, ‘Why do those human beings watch so many movies, sports, porn, news, etc., when they should think about other more important issues, the afterlife and God, Spirit?’ It is like planet Earth is one playground for many humans, until that they are alone, dying in a bed or hospital, wondering about death and afterlife.

Since I already know that there are other states and realms of existence, including an afterlife, I know that many of you would be completely ashamed if you were caught watching porn every day of your lives.

Like, how could you allow a constant stream of sexual garbage into your hardwired brains and soft-wired minds and consciousness, before you die when instead, you should at least be trying to understand all of the metaphysical and spiritual issues you can before you die a human death. Watching movies, sports, porn, the nightly news is easy. Understanding God, Spirit is not too easy, but let me tell you, it is worth the try.

The same should be asked about war. The primitive simple-minded leaders of the world who have nuclear bombs and weapons who are so simple minded and stupid to think that their decisions to go to war, any war, will not have unspeakable consequences not only on Earth, but also in other realms of existence. Seriously, there has to be a moment in the future when all world leaders stop trying to solve any of their mental issues by going to war. The people of Earth deserve better than being constantly killed, murdered, and slaughtered by human butchers.

I am going to throw the next metaphysical concept out there for the fun of it. What if there are other realms of existence located out there, away from this space and time cosmic universe with creatures of various types who could actually look down at planet Earth? Or more likely from the human mind’s perspective, if there were people in the afterlife looking down at the human species, especially all of those people who have died, been killed, and been murdered, etc. in all of the wars throughout human history? Would they be wondering when war ever going to stop?

When will the constant and steady stream of wars, of killings and murders of innocent and defenseless human beings ever going to stop? What would those other creatures in other realms of existence be thinking to themselves about the current human species, and especially of their leaders. You may be thinking to yourselves that that is a silly question, but don’t be too sure of yourselves with you limited brain and mind. There is more out there than you can see and know.

Do you think that if the cavemen were actually thinking about their future or for any kind of futuristic creatures with two legs, what would they have been hoping for 50,000 years into the future? Surely not an endless stream of war and bloodshed. Surely not for a new and improved modern day caveman that could build a nuclear bomb or weapon that could destroy all life from Earth with the push of a button or a turn of a key?

Surely the cavemen and the pre-primitive human species were never thinking about a complete self-annihilation in the future by a human species that was supposed to be better than them with bigger and more improved hard-wired brains and soft-wired minds.

The cavemen were not thinking that way because all they really wanted was an easier way of life which would arrive in the next generation of human beings who learned how to be farmers who could work that land for food, and who could raise livestock for food.

The cavemen were not thinking about creating, building, nor using a nuclear bomb for any reason whatsoever. So therefore, why do the current simple minded and evil human cavemen think that way?

It might be asked if the cavemen and cave women thought about God in anyway whatsoever, like how some people do now. For some reason, the current human species or part of it anyway likes to think that it knows something about God, which isn’t usually true for the most part. Honestly, most of the 7-8 billion people on planet know nothing about God, Spirit in anyway whatsoever.

The leaders of the globe are currently more interested in understanding and knowing more and more about nuclear weapons, bombs, and war than it does understanding something true about God, Spirit. That is not the way it should be at this moment in human history for the current and future survival of the human species. Understanding something about God, Spirit is better for the future of the human species than all of the nuclear weapons and bombs on Earth

When the cavemen were sitting around a campfire were they thinking and asking themselves while they looked up at the sun and the moon and the stars, ‘What is God?’ Probably the question never occurred to them, but just maybe it did occur to them. But because they were looking out from their very primitive caveman brain through their caveman eyes, they were probably never going to get an answer, just like many people do today. How many people today think like the cavemen when they think about God, Spirit? Most of them is my guess.

It is strange to me that in today’s modern-day world, some people are still walking on planet Earth just as simple-minded and stupid as the cavemen who walked on planet Earth millions of years ago. Of course, those modern-day cavemen are not completely stupid because they have to possess a certain degree of simple intelligence to take care of their daily lives.

But that does not mean that most of the current human species are thinking about anything spiritually important, although they can pretend that they do to themselves when they go to a church to pretend to give a penny’s worth of time to their fake worshiping. Isn’t God, Spirit worth more than a penny’s worth of your time if that will get you to a true spiritual consciousness called heaven?

The one thing that the cavemen did not have was nuclear bombs and the ability to self-destruct themselves in a matter of minutes. Many modern-day human beings possess a lot of modern-day conveniences, but their leaders also possess a lot of nuclear bombs which is not a good thing. It is very easy for the current human species to hide from the nuclear issues because it is very easy to watch movies, sports, porn, the nightly news, or just go to sleep.

How can it be that in a modern-day world with nuclear weapons and bombs, with human beings who are leaders of the world, possess even less intelligence for the current and future survival of the human species than the cavemen? I can’t imagine world leaders laughing to themselves in the mirror that they can destroy the whole human species in minutes with their nuclear bombs.

That implies that the cavemen possess a different brain and state of consciousness than modern-day human beings. Modern day human beings possess a different type of brain and state of mind and consciousness in many ways. But somehow, something went off the track inside the current human brains and minds to create, threaten, and possibly use nuclear bombs and weapons on each other. The present age generation of people are living in an insane world with insane world leaders. After millions and billions of years of brain and mental development, how can this condition exist at all?

One of those ways from a religious standpoint is that some modern-day human beings believe that there is a God somewhere up in the cosmic universe or they believe that a man who lived over 2000 years ago was God made in the image and likeness of Spirit, which is not a biological human being. Or they believe that he was actually God in the flesh. Is there religious insanity too? How many different states of insanity are there within the brains and minds of the human species?

If the cavemen and modern-day human beings think about the mental concept of God in the same way, would that be sort of crazy, primitive, stupid, and intelligently immature? It has been stated somewhere that Jesus was walking around awake, spiritually awake, while everyone else was dreaming when they walked. Is that the current state regarding religion and nuclear war too?

In a way, the cavemen were like today’s atheists who do not believe that there is not any type of God whatsoever. The difference is that the cavemen did not possess the modern day hardwired human brain, nor the soft-wired human mind and consciousness, so they probably did not possess the mental ability to think in abstract realms of mental existence and experience.

They possessed a different type of hardwired brain and soft-wired mind or consciousness, while today’s modern-day atheists do possess a modern day hardwired human brain, they do not possess the true ability to actually think about what God is or could be independent of the hardwired human brain and soft-wired human mind and consciousness.

The truth of the matter is that most people on the planet do not think about what God is in anyway whatsoever. Therefore, in a way, they are all atheists even if they state that they believe in a God. But what the heck does that mean? It does not mean anything because it has no meaning whatsoever. As a matter of fact, the word God really has no meaning to most people on planet Earth. It is an empty word.

Mary Baker Eddy defined God as Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.’ (Pg. 465. S&H.) Even those words have no meaning until you understand what they mean spiritually.

Of course, earlier in the history of the human species, human beings made up their own gods to worship, and later still, they made up a human man to be God in the flesh even though he never claimed to be God in the flesh. They continued to believe it because in a way, they were thinking exactly like the cavemen, that is with a limited human brain and mind. Back in those days, a lot of human beings called themselves a god. It was a common phrase back then. I would not want to be considered to be a god. No way. I do not want to worshiped either. It is not worth it.

It is truly amazing how many uneducated and even educated people think that they know all of the answers to life’s questions and problems when in fact, both the cavemen and the modern-day human species are missing many important points regarding God, Life, and life in general, even if they have lived a very good human life. How much ignorance is still located within the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind and consciousness of educated people?

People get their degrees and their Ph.Ds. And they think they are smarter than everyone else. Maybe, when it applies to a very specific topic, like how ants live, but not when it is applied to the metaphysical and spiritual topics of God, evil, death, the afterlife, and even the future of the human species.

When I was a young boy, I wondered to myself if there was a God, it would have to be something completely different than what I saw with my human eyes, heard with my human ears, etc. I also wondered if I was the only person who thought that way or did every person thought that if there was a God it would have to be a human God.

Do most human beings still look out with their human eyes to find the God, Spirit when that is an impossible thing to do in the first place? The human eyes can’t even see the atomic quantum worlds of light waves and atoms, etc. How in the world is the human eyeball going to see God, Spirit?

“The world's first nuclear weapons explosion was on July 16, 1945, in New Mexico, when the United States tested its first nuclear bomb. Not three weeks later, the world changed. On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. It killed or wounded nearly 130,000 people.” (Taken off the web.)

It has not always been that way you know, the threat of nuclear self-destruction of the human species by the human species was never in the human mind as an objective. Not since the beginning of the nuclear arms race has there been a single point in human history when the human species has been at the threshold or the edge of being mentally crazy to be completely insane regarding the moment of global and international self-destruction and self-annihilation of the human species.

The question I have never seen asked by anyone is this. Has anyone ever asked themselves or other people how to stop a nuclear war? Has anyone ever asked themselves or other people, how to prevent a nuclear self-destruction and self-annihilation of the human species before it is too late? I have never seen it asked in any books, online news sites, or anywhere. Who and when is going to start asking that important question? Or are they too stupid and dumb to do it?

I truly think that there is only one answer which is this, which I have either implied or outright stated in other essays in the year 2024.

There has to be a complete change and transformation within the structure of the hardwired human brain and the soft-wired human mind to escape the caveman mentality. And ascend to higher states of spiritual consciousness and states of mental existence which is based on the ultimate spiritual reality of God being Spirit, not matter, and the laws of physics which started the whole nuclear mess in the first place.

The human species has been around a long time, living on planet Earth for much longer than that first nuclear bomb dropped on July 16, 1945. What about the cavemen and cavewomen? All of them all walking throughout the nation of Africa and walking and walking away from that and continent, and then walking through Asia, Antarctica, Australia, Europe, North America, South America.

It seems by all indications that the current human species knows very little if anything about God, Spirit, while it knows a lot about creating, building, and flying nuclear bombs and weapons through the sky from one place to another place.

Are there world leaders who are so stupid, ignorant, and pathetic regarding all life on planet Earth including the survival of the human species? Yes, there are world leaders who do not care if they destroy the whole human species! I only have one word for those types of world leaders. That one word is evil. World leaders who possess nuclear bombs and weapons and who are crazy enough to use them knowing that they could destroy all life on planet Earth. Praying to Jesus or God, Spirit is not going to help solve that deadly problem.

It would also seem very clear to me that all of these world leaders who do not care if they destroy the whole human species also do not care about anything about higher realms of existence or what God, Spirit is in its true spiritual natures.

If they did, they would rise up within their own individual human consciousness to higher realms of existence for a true appreciation of all life on planet Earth, including the human species.

There are simple minded human beings who consider themselves atheists because they are too lazy to think. But when it is applied to world leaders who are atheists because they think that they are gods, then there is an endless array of problems that arise from such mentalities.

That is really weird in many ways. The old-time religionists like the Jews and Christians knew little if anything about the modern-day physical sciences, yet they prayed to their limited god in the temple until the temple was destroyed. Before that temple was destroyed, religious leaders wrongly thought that their ‘god’ was located in a box in the temple. Nobody but one religious leader could look into the box once a year to see their ‘god.’ How stupid!

Those religionists did not know how to think just as modern-day religionists do not know how to think. Thinking, it seems is not part of any of the human religionists, nor of world leaders in general, even in America.

On the other hand, modern-day, simple-minded scientists love thinking about all sorts of stuff that the common human being never want to think about because thinking takes mental work. It might even be stated that thinking takes a certain kind of human brain and mind to do the work it does on a physical and material level of existence.

Thinking has nothing to do with watching movies, sports, porn, or the news which is really a form of brainwashing. Nobody can trust the news anymore if you have not figured that out already. It has been stated that with the new AI, the AI can make up its own news and you my dear readers would never know the difference between real and fake news. Talk about living in a very scary world.

The sad thing is that in today’s modern-day world, there are a lot of educated people who do not believe that there is a God of any sort, but especially the God termed Spirit. Can it be that even modern day educated people possess the same sort of hardwired human brain and soft-wired human consciousness that the cavemen possessed regarding thinking about God, Spirit, and obtaining a spiritual consciousness which is separated from a biological consciousness?

The people who are doing most of the thinking are the physical and materialistic scientists, which is good in many ways for the advancement of the human species, but it is also bad when people think that kind of thinking is the only way to think, like there are no other ways of thinking, especially about God, Spirit.

What would happen if more and more people or human beings started to think in metaphysical and spiritual ways instead of physical ways? What would happen to the collective human species if more and more people stopped watching the nightly news, movies, porn, and sports, and well, in short, turned away from their human eyes told them what was real, as in an ultimate state of reality and they started to understand God, Spirit as the ultimate state of spiritual reality?

Look, I get it. People are not going to spend all of their free time doing what I do. Even I enjoy watching movies, but not like in the old days. People need to have fun doing what they do, everyone needs playtime. Everyone needs a break from work and the seriousness of life and living. I get it. I really do. I like having fun, and even playing with death once in a while, which means doing humanly dangerous stuff, not actually playing with a loaded gun.

On the other hand, there are things I know that the rest of the human species does not know, nor could they know or even experienced while I have walked on this planet from the time I was a young kid. I write these essays so when I actually leave or even before I leave this Earth, the whole human species is going to wake up out of your mortal dream worlds before it is too late.

How to stop all war but especially a nuclear war from a purely metaphysically and spiritual level and realm of existence you may ask. Well, here is an idea. Instead of thinking of a one-dimensional biological state of existence the human species started to think in terms of a multi-dimensional state of existence regarding the next advanced spiritual consciousness for the current and future survival of the human species, and for the next generation of human beings.

I can’t stress these metaphysical and spiritual concepts enough. I really do know what I am writing about. You have no idea what it would mean to each individual human being and to the collective human species if every human being woke up out of their sleepy mental dream worlds as biological creatures and they started to see, know, understand, and demonstrate themselves as truly spiritual creatures even as they walked on planet Earth with seemingly biological human bodies. In reality, God, Spirit only ‘sees’ every individual human being as spiritual anyway.

I know that there is a pure realm of realm of spiritual existence and self-consciousness because I have experienced it, but the rest of you people have not experienced it is my best guess. But what would happen if every human being experienced a true spiritual realm of consciousness that is completely separated from the biological state of existence?

To put it another way. Let you assume that what I am writing is true and real even if you have never experienced it yourselves. Let us assume that there is a realm of God, Self-Consciousness that is pure Spirt, which there is by the way. What would happen if everyone understood it, saw it, became it, long before their human lives were over? It would not only change the whole world, but it would bring in the next step of human evolution and development and heaven on Earth. The next step, state, and stage of the next generation of human beings would happen.

God, Spirit, does not know you as a biological body with sexual organs, cancer, sickness, dying, and death. It can only know you as spiritual images within the divine Mind or infinite Intelligence. If every human being were conscious of their true spiritual self-hood, everything in the human realm of existence would change for the better. It could not be helped.

If anyone has not figured it out yet, the ultimate state of spiritual reality has nothing to do with watching the nightly news, sports, movies, porn, or even looking at the clear blue sky with the birds flying to and fro, back and forth. You can never see the ultimate state of spiritual reality with your human eyes and brain. Sorry, but that is the way it is!

If there is a realm of God, Spirit, which is completely separated from, but can also be connected to the human mind and consciousness, why is it that most modern-day human beings still think of God as the cavemen did, and the primitive human beings did, who probably never thought that there was a God anyway. The primitive cavemen, pre-modern-day human beings, and currently modern-day human beings really never think about, question, or take the time to delve into the mental realms that are needed to find anything about a non-material, spiritual God.

Is it because their hardwired human brains and soft-wired minds and states of consciousness were not even open to the possibility that there could be a God of any sort that is separate from the human biological body and brain, but somehow translates itself down to the materially physical level and even deeper to the human brain and mind?

Isn't it the same in today's modern-day world? Most modern-day people don't think that there is a God of any kind, just like the pre-modern-day human beings and the cavemen. Therefore, if it was not for the human mind understanding all of the laws of physics and the result of understanding those laws, the modern-day human species would not be any different than the people who lived before the beginning of the age of the physical sciences.

There are so many people who depend on believing in the biological body of Jesus for proof that there is a God, as in Spirit. That way of thinking is not only outdated, but really impracticable because in today’s modern-day world, everyone can read, listen to lectures, think for themselves, and they can little by little gain the knowledge that there could be and is a spiritual Principle that is God within its own realm of existence.

I have often wondered even as a young boy, if there is a God that is invisible to the human eyes, but which can be understood by the human brain and mind to a certain degree, would that not be like the invisible realms of music and mathematics that are also invisible to the human brain and mind but which the human brain and mind can be totally conscious of if an individual human brain and mind understood those abstract mental realms of existence.

Since the cavemen and the primitive human species did not possess the mental ability to understand abstract mental realms of existence, how in the world would they ever be able to understand an invisible abstract spiritual realm of existence termed God, Spirit?

It seems that would be unlikely and even impossible for certain states of brain and mind to understand an abstract realm or state of existence and consciousness called God, Spirit by those human states of brain and mind that cannot understand any abstract mental realm or state of existence whatsoever.

But that is not really true, is it? Well, it might be true to a certain degree because most people walk on planet Earth with a one-dimensional state of biological consciousness and those people who do possess a mentally abstract understanding of humanly abstract topics surely do not give a rat’s ass about the abstract mental realms of God, Spirit, or the spiritual consciousness of existence.

It could and should be asked that if there was a human male named Jesus who understood something like God is Spirit who stated that it must be worshiped in spirit and truth, then it would seem normal that not only Jesus, but everyone could understand that same God, Spirit within their own individual human brains and minds, which is what many spiritual thinkers were stating in the Bible and in other books, even those written by physicists, like the book titled, “God and the New Physics. By: Paul Davies.

Maybe it might be true that most people who ever have lived or will live will never understand God as the God, Spirit that Jesus spoke of in the Bible? And which the Bible speaks about from the first chapter to the last chapter. But I don't think that is true. Every human can understand the metaphysical and spiritual meanings of the Bible if they take the time to understand its symbolism.

Can there be different states of mind within the common modern-day era? Is there a difference between human beings who understand nothing humanly and spirituality? How about those people who understand only one abstract topic humanly but who also do not understand anything truly spiritually? Truth be told, not all individual human being’s states of mind and consciousness are the same.

There are different states of brain, mind, and consciousness throughout the whole human species.

Let us be real here. Some people only are interested in their cars or trucks for example, while other people are interested in astrophysics and the beginning of the Big Bang or quantum physics. Other people are only interested in watching sports or Netflix movies or porn movies. Some people love gaming. Etc.

But at the end of your human life, all of that stuff is completely meaningless, nor will it do you any good in the afterlife, nor will it help you find your true spiritual self-hood.

Other people are only interested in studying chemistry or cancer or whatever. My point is that if there is a completely separate realm or state of existence termed God, Spirt, how is anyone going to search for it, find it, use it, and become at one with it unless it is accomplished spiritually and not materially or physically?

In today’s modern-day world, the collective human brain, all 7-8 billion of them, are currently wired so that they too can begin to understand the mentally abstract realms of God, Spirit, and spiritual existence within their own individual brains and minds as crazy a thought that might be for most of the readers of this and other essays of mine.

That is simply true because the path has been in play for a very long time during the course of life for the cavemen, the primitive human beings before the modern-day age human beings or the era of intellectualism, and even the modern-day human beings.

What is the current human species going to leave behind being a simple-minded human caveman mentality for the next generation of two-legged spiritual creatures with a spiritual consciousness?

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!