This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Is the Afterlife Possible, from the Multi-Dimensional State of Consciousness? Is the Afterlife Only a Religious Belief? Or Is the Afterlife a State of Reality? By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr! May 23th, 2018

 Is the Afterlife Possible, from the Multi-Dimensional State of Consciousness?

 Is the Afterlife Only a Religious Belief?  Or Is the Afterlife a State of Reality?

 By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!

 May 23th, 2018

If there is anything every human being asks themselves at least once in their normal human life is this question.  “What will happen to me after I die, when I die?”  This question might especially pop into every human mind that is attending a funeral for a loved one, like a parent, brother or sister, or uncle or aunt, or a friend.  The question is quite normal because there are living human brains and eyeballs that are using the normal human visual apparatus to see what is happening at a normal funeral.

That is also normal because most individual human beings identify themselves with their individual biological human bodies instead of identifying themselves with their own states of human consciousness instead.  What is more important for the issues of an afterlife, the biological human body, or the human consciousness?  What is left behind and what travels into the afterlife?  It is an easy question, or is it?

Ok!  Now that the facts are out of the way.  But oh no, maybe there are more facts to be stated regarding what is happening to the human being that is now considered dead by the human beings who had seen the dead body before its official disposal and who are now looking at any form of the official dead body disposal when the dead human body is being burnt up in smoke, or put into a box into the ground, or just laid out for the animals to eat.  Yes, that does happen in some cultures that do not have other means to dispose of a dead human body
From a one-dimensional human brain state of consciousness, that is what is happening to the dead human body, and that is what is happening in front of the living human bodies and minds that are viewing and seeing the dead human body that is not moving, not breathing, not doing anything.  This one-dimensional state of human consciousness is only seeing what it believes to be the only reality regarding life and death of the human body, and the life and death of the human being as an identity, and the life and death of the individual human consciousness too.

But wait, there is more.  This one-dimensional state of living human consciousness is also believing that the human consciousness of the dead human body is also dead, because it believes  that the human consciousness of the now seemingly dead human body is totally connected to the dead human body and so, poof, or proof, because what once appeared to be a living human body was connected to the living human consciousness which is now also considered to be dead too.

Wow, that was almost too much for me to write down.  (Not really)

What happens when a transformation from a one-dimensional human consciousness to a multi-dimensional human consciousness happens within the living human consciousness regarding the life and death of the human body and human consciousness that was related to or seemingly connected to the human body?  From a multi-dimensional human consciousness, there are multi-faceted aspects regarding life and death in general as a topic unrelated to the multi-faceted aspects regarding the life and death of the human body and the human state of consciousness too.

Some questions that are related to the general topic of life and death are these questions.  First, is the general concept of life limited to only a biological body and to a neurological brain.  And second, and this is really a big question too, is the human consciousness limited only to a limited human brain which is stuck inside a bony human skull?  And third, just for fun.  Is the general concept of life limited to only planet earth, or is life in general much bigger than what the human species thinks of as life, and death too?  You can and should think about these questions for yourselves.

There is the general religious concept regarding death that states that there is something within the human selfhood which leaves the human biological body and this invisible something is termed a soul which goes somewhere up there in outer space or to a heaven or hell, based on which religious book you are reading and believing in at the moment.  Of course, make no mistake about it, many cultures and civilizations have thought about death and dealt with the issue of death in their own ways.  My bet is that they have also experienced many supernatural experiences regarding death and the afterlife too.

So that is one short statement regarding my first title.  So lets touch upon the second question in my title, “Is the afterlife a reality?”  Hum!  From a one dimensional state of human consciousness, the question is simply answered by saying death, or the end of life is what happens when the life in the human biological body happens because the human body is not moving, breathing, alive.  And life ends when the human biological body stops moving, breathing, and being alive.  But from a multi-dimensional state of human consciousness, the possibility of an afterlife being a state of reality is very real indeed, within the multi-dimensional human consciousness that has risen from being a single, limited, and indeed, wrong state of a one-dimensional state of human consciousness.

Why?  Because some individual human states of consciousness have already expanded or been transformed from a one dimensional way of seeing the world including the issues of life and death through only a very limited human brain and human eyes.  And they have begun to see the visible world and invisible worlds through different states of consciousness too.

Just as the human species expanded its very limited and wrong mental perceptions regarding the cosmic universe so too, is the human species beginning to expand its very limited and wrong mental perceptions regarding the realms of the afterlife, but in new and profound ways.

If the human consciousness has not so long ago discovered and learned about light waves and how atoms work within their own realms, realms which cannot be truly seen in their totality or comprehensiveness by the human eye alone, then there must be more to be learned about the totality and comprehensiveness regarding the absolute real possibility of an afterlife for every individual human being and for the collective human species too.

If the afterlife is a real reality, and not a just a religious fantasy, in any religion, then the human species must come to grips with the fact that it must change its way of thinking regarding how to treat the human beings who are dying, and how to prepare for the afterlife themselves by transforming itself from being a collective human species with only a one dimensional state of human consciousness to a collective human state of consciousness with a multi-dimensional state of human consciousness which can learn and not only learn, but see into the afterlife too.

When that happens, the floodgates of the heavens can open up and change the human species.

Let us go one step higher in this multi-dimensional state of consciousness regarding life and death.  Instead of trying to figure out how the human species should transform itself from being a single, one dimensional state of consciousness to a collective human species with a multi-dimensional state of consciousness that can learn about the afterlife, lets begin to see how a God that is Life might be seeing this issue of dying and death.  God does not see death because God is Life.  If the human species understood God more as Life instead of a human god that sees life and death, then that would help change the structure of human consciousness to become immortal even faster.  A collective human species with a collective afterlife.  Isn’t that cool!

Let us have some mental fun here.  Let us make believe that this cosmic universe never existed and then in a moment of a Big Bang, it exists to the point where there are billions of galaxies with the possibility of at least one planet with life on it, with living creatures.  That means that there could be billions of planets spread throughout the very huge and expanding current cosmic universe. That means that the general concept of life is infinitely huge and beyond planet earth.

That would mean that the general concept of Life or even small letter life, would be independent of what the human species thinks of as life.  If the general concept of life is bigger than what is happening on planet earth and within the biological species of planet earth, then it is time for the human species to learn something about the bigger concept of life and of Life too.

Why?  Because what the above statements imply is that there are multi-dimensional states of existence (s) that are all related to Life and life.  If Life and life are bigger than the limited human concept of Life and life, than that means that Life and life are also bigger than the current cosmic concept of even a cosmic Life and life.

If Life as in a God as a state of self-existent being that is conscious only of itself as Life, and not conscious of any concept of death or of human beings dying and then going into an afterlife, then  what every individual human being must do is to begin to understand the multi-dimensional concept of the Life that is God, and how that relates to the individual and collective human consciousness as a human species.

So stop blaming God or Life for any human death.  If there is a reality termed the afterlife, then what every human being should worry about is their own state of individual human consciousness before they die and before they go on into their own next state termed the afterlife.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!