This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Monday, September 24, 2018

How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Your Conscious Communicational Human Mind. The Comparison Between the Sexual Orgasm and the Anger Orgasm Within the Human Brain. The Real Human Brain versus The Human Reptile Brain. Communication Skills. Logical versus Emotional Communication. For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species. Versus. The Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr! September 24th, 2018

How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Your Conscious Communicational Human Mind.

The Comparison Between the Sexual Orgasm and the Anger Orgasm Within the Human Brain.

The Real Human Brain versus The Human Reptile Brain.
Communication Skills. Logical versus Emotional Communication.

For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species.
The Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
September 24th, 2018

I am writing this free and very short online lecture or essay because I was talking on the phone last week to a very beautiful young lady with a very sexy voice. I really do not know if she was very beautiful but I know she was smart. How did I know she was very smart you may be asking yourselves? I know that she was smart because she asked me a very smart and intelligent question; which led to a one-hour long conversation, part serious and part of it me flirting with her because I am sometimes considered the ‘Good Looking Talker.’ But I am also smart and intelligent and a writer too! Now, what was that question she asked me you may be asking yourselves, my dear readers? The question she asked me goes something like this.
“How does a human being talk or communicate when their minds are purely emotional?” Meaning when the human mind is mad, angry, or is in the middle of having an anger mental orgasm?
Now, that question from a pretty young lady hit a sweet spot within my human brain, mind, and consciousness because I started wondering about that question a very long time ago after I noticed how very highly educated people would immediately pop an anger orgasm bubble within their own human brains whenever they had a very logical reason to get mad or angry at something that either happened to them in the ‘now moment’ or from a previous moment in their lives or even something that might even happen in their future in one way or another.
But then every human being on earth knows how other human beings pop an anger orgasm bubble within their own human brains for one reason or another reason. For example, a person has lost their job or source of income to support their family. Or a person has discovered that a spouse or lover or friend has been sexually cheating on them. Or maybe a grandparent has said something negative about their children’s children. Or maybe a person has discovered that their spouse owes a lot of money to either the IRS or to a lot of credit cards or both. Or maybe a person’s child is killed by a car by a drunk driver. Or maybe some corrupt police have arrested someone on fake, bogus, false, and made up charges and that person is sitting in a holding cell waiting to post bond. Or just maybe that innocent human being has been convicted in a corrupt court of law and that innocent person has a life sentence in prison or who is actually sitting on death row for a crime that they did not commit. The logical list of reason to have an anger orgasm goes on and on and on. Like maybe a person has lost every penny in the stock market.
The Anger Orgasm. Versus the Sexual Orgasm.
The anger orgasm takes place within the human brain just like the sexual orgasm takes place within the human brain. There will be plenty of my dear readers that will utter an argument to themselves and respond, ‘Oh no dear sir. The sexual orgasm happens down there, between my legs for either the male or the female human being.’ But no! The sexual orgasm takes place inside the brain and it has been proven that it takes place inside the human brain. In Europe, females have been placed inside fMRI machines and when they got themselves off sexually with a female sexual orgasm, their brain’s fireworks were shown to be on neural fire or neural fireworks. Every part of the human physiology human body is connected in one way or another to the human brain. So it would only make sense that if the human sexual orgasm happens inside the human brain, and so does the popping of human anger orgasm bubble too.
It is the same way with the anger orgasm, only with different parts of the human brain.
‘An fMRI scan is a functional magnetic resonance imaging scan that measures and maps the brain's activity. A fMRI scan uses the same technology as an MRI scan. A fMRI is a noninvasive test that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create an image of the brain.’ Taken online.
Watch these Youtube videos and read the first one.
I created the term anger orgasm and anger orgasm bubble after I started studying the human brain and mind and how anger works within the human brain. Long ago I discovered one book that explained in detail how the anger orgasm and how popping the anger orgasm bubble works inside the human brain. That book is titled, ‘Emotional Intelligence.’ By Daniel Goleman. There is also another book by Daniel Goleman titled, ‘Working with Emotional Intelligence. On page 24, Goleman uses the phrase, ‘explosive emotions.’ In short, Goleman describes how the fight or flight mechanism within the human brain pops into the explosive emotional state of mind or what I term the anger orgasm state of mind nano-seconds faster before the logical and rational part of the human brain can take over the anger orgasm state of the human mind.
At the beginning of the book, ‘Emotional Intelligence.’ Daniel Goleman explains, ‘In a very real sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels.’ pg.8. Goleman goes on to explain how the human brain’s amygdala and the neocortex and the thalamus operate within the human brain and how they all deal with the emotions within the human brain, all from chapter two, ‘Anatomy of an Emotional Hijacking. I am not going to explain the whole book here.
In short, Coleman describes how the fight or flight mechanism located within the human brain and mind is operating not only nano-seconds faster than the rational area of the human brain and mind, but it is also operating on a subconscious level, (my term.) because Goleman explains how certain areas of the human brain have been passed down to the human brain after hundreds of years of evolution from the primitive reptile brain. That is correct! The first problem with the anger orgasm problem are those areas of the human brain that are like the primitive reptile brain. The second problem is that those areas of the reptile brain are working or operating on a subconscious level.
That means we have two different modes of operation whenever we are communicating with another human being and more importantly, to ourselves.
Let us explore these two mental concepts here for a few sentences. Whenever someone is studying mathematics, for example, the mind is dealing with pure logic. There may be emotions like frustrations when not being able to solve a math problem, but not the emotions of fight or flight emotions that are located within the human brain in a life or death situation.
What is the solution between these two areas of the human brain for decision making and for human communication skills? The solution is to become aware of how the human brain works and begin to consciously overcome the control that the reptile brain has over the real human brain. That is in very simple terms.
In my humble but very well educated personal opinion, every human being with a working brain should learn how their human brain operates because if they do not learn how their individual brain operates, they are not conscious of how their individual personal brain is operating, both as a reptile brain and as a real human brain. If each human being is not aware of how their individual personal human brain is operating, then they are consciously confused whenever they know that they are making a mistake in their lives or in their communications with other people when their human brains are angry or mad or in the fight or flight mode of mental operation.
Furthermore, once an individual human being learns how their individual personal human brain is working when it is operating either in the purely logical or rational mode or in the purely emotional mode, or somewhere in between the pure logical and rational mode versus the pure emotional mode of mental brain functions, then they can learn how to reprogram their individual personal human brains so that whenever they become mad or angry in the fight or flight mode of the human brain’s operational mode, then they can reprogram their human brains to let the pure reals of the logical and rational mind take over the anger orgasms state of the human mind.
For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species versus the Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species.
Am I writing this free online lecture and essay for only one pretty female with a very nice phone voice? Or am I writing this free online lecture for the whole human species? That is the question! That question by the pretty female on the phone applies to every single human being on earth and to the collective human species too. Why? Hum! Let me explain in a few paragraphs. OK?
There are 7-8 billion human brains on planet earth at this very moment. Each human brain is a very complex structure within itself, each human brain having both the old primitive reptile and the new human brain. Some human brains are very peaceful while other human brains are very violent, even more violent than some reptiles of hundreds of millions of years ago. Most human brains will not get mad or angry enough with an anger orgasm or with explosive emotions to kill another human being. But there are a whole lot of human beings with human brains with the reptiles part of the human brain working instead of the logical and rational part of the human brain working. Just look at terrorists who love to kill and murder innocent and defenseless human beings, for their fun and enjoyment.
What the human species does not need at the current moment or at any time in the future is the reptile-human brain to start using more weapons of war to start World War Three. What is needed is not the reptile-human brain or the human monkeys off the trees brain to start a war for any reasons whatsoever. What is needed is a complete reprogramming of every single human brain, mind, and consciousness so that the human species lives in harmony and in peace for the next thousand years and longer.
Did I just insult part of the human species or did I just wake up any human being who has read this free online lecture/essay to begin a complete transformation within the structure of their own consciousness so they do not have an anger orgasm to kill another human being? I hope that I will wake up the whole human species and all world leaders that the human species is in very deep trouble at the current moment and that trouble partly begins with the reptile-human brain and how it operates after hundreds of millions of years of development and evolution. What world leaders need is not the operation of the primitive reptile-human brain, but the really intelligent, logical, and rational human brain for the human species’ current and future survival.
The human species needs a complete transformation from being a human monkey off the trees mentality to a highly developed intellectual and spiritual species before the time is past the boiling point of no return when the human species destroys itself by various methods, but especially by nuclear war.
To answer that pretty lady’s question now. The way to communicate when you are mad and angry is to reprogram your individual human brain and mind to overcome that subconscious nano-second fight or flight decision to have an anger orgasm popping bubble inside your human brain so that your purely logical and rational mind takes over your communication skills. Even when your brain is on emotional fire!
Lets hope every world leader reads this free online lecture/essay so they will not cause a fiery nuclear war with an exploding popping bubble of an anger orgasm when instead they could have used their pure intelligent, logical, and rational mind to live in peace, harmony, and a sense of a truly global human species.
For tens of thousands of years to come!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

How I Avoided a Head-On Collision With an Illegal Passing Car at Over 60 + Per Hour. The Importance of Programming Your Human Brain and Mind to Make Nano Second Decisions. How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Your Conscious Mind. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr! September 15th, 2018.

 How I Avoided a Head-On Collision With an Illegal Passing Car at Over 60 + Per Hour.

 The Importance of Programming Your Human Brain and Mind to Make Nano Second Decisions.

 How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Your Conscious Mind.

How I Avoided a Head-On Collision With an Illegal Passing Car at Over 60 + Per Hour.

On the Same Road Where Two Big Rigs Crashed Into Each Other Head-ON in A Collision, Because of an Illegal Passing Car in 2017.

 By: Mr. George D. Patnoe.,  Jr!

 September 15th, 2018.

“Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation, there is sure to be failure.” Confucius.

I woke up today with a renewed sense that I was very lucky to be alive.  Moreover not to be a hospital hanging on to precious human life.  Or worse, dead!  Yesterday, I had many places I needed to go before the day was ended and I had a lot of things I needed to do before the day had ended.  To keep the energy going, I had my morning homemade coffee, a Starbucks Double Shot tall coffee before I left my house.  Then I was drinking a diet Pepsi on the road before my first stop.  Then I had sweet teas in my truck and of course, that does not include the other caffeinated drink I had bought during the day.  Needless to say, I do not usually drink that much caffeine during the day, and needless to say, I was a moving biological creature of caffeinated energy.

I would bet that a great majority of my dear readers love caffeinated drinks and I would also bet that my dear my readers that they drive some sort of automobile too.  Maybe if my dear readers read this online essay and learn from it, I might have saved a few human lives and avoid some major car/ truck/monocycle/airplane accidents and fatalities too.  So read and learn my dear readers.

When I woke up today, I made my usual morning coffee, but long before that morning coffee, my nerves were already unnerved because the aftershock memories started rolling into my conscious mind, which had an immediate effect on my whole biological system.  But I have been accustomed to the memories of near-death experiences throughout my life, starting when I was just a little boy.

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” Abraham Lincoln.

When I was a teenager in the ninth 9th grade, I was sitting in the front seat between my parents in a new station wagon.  My dad was driving on a wide stretch of road with a very clear view in sight in front of us with plenty of space to dodge traffic.  I can remember it like it was yesterday!  Appearing out of nowhere was another car in our driving lane that was passing another car.  It was not far away from us but rather close to us.  Close enough that I could see the other drive of that car.  My head quickly turned to my dad’s face as I saw it tighten up ready to dodge that car.  My head swung around towards to our car’s front window to see the passing car very quickly getting closer and closer to us.  It was so close!  Yet, that car passed the other car just in time before my dad had to turn the steering wheel to the right to avoid hitting the passing car if indeed it was needed to do so.  I did not know about the traffic on our right because my mental focus was straight in front of me.

I never talked about that experience with anyone because I trusted that my dad was a good enough driver to make the correct decision to avoid an accident and avoid getting us killed.  As a teenager, I figured it was all part of driving a car or truck on the road.  But the memory stayed with me and I recalled that memory many times while I was driving a car, truck, motorcycle, or even a bicycle too.  I continued to recall that moment because I knew that when I was an adult or when I was driving a car, truck, motorcycle, or even a bicycle, that I would eventuality have to make a nano split decision without one ounce of thinking about it.  Pure reaction time!

“I don’t believe in luck, I believe in preparation.” Bobby Knight.

Most people who drive an automobile probably do not think that they have to program their brains, minds, and consciousness to be a good driver.  But they should realize that if they do not program their brains, minds, and consciousness to make nanosecond decisions whether driving a car or truck, etc. or even in any type of life decision-making process, they are heading in the wrong direction.  In other words, they might not have enough time to avoid being killed in a car or truck or whatever accident.

 “Proper preparation (Mental and Physical) prevents poor performance.” Stephen Keague.

Around the date April 2017, on a very narrow road, there was a head-on collision between two semi-tractor trucks traveling at speeds that were probably faster than 50 miles an hour on a 55 mile an hour on the narrow road.  Those two semi-tractor truck drivers were probably not thinking about having to dodge each other because of an illegal passing car whose driver was a complete moron and now a murderer for the rest of his life.  He knows that he is a murderer because he knows that he caused a fatal major semi-tractor truck accident when he should have not been passing.  He now has to live with the fact that he caused the deaths of two innocent people who had families too.

I have a helicopter picture of those two destroyed semi-tractor trucks on the wall above my writing desk to remind me that it could happen to me at any time that I am driving on that road.  I wanted to be reminded that I had to be mentally ready and prepared to get out of the way of an illegal and dangerous and deadly passing car that does not care about killing or murdering another human being or themselves with his car.

“Prepare the umbrella (mind) before it rains.” Malay Proverb.

Being a motorcyclist means training his or her mind to look ahead and to scan for all of the different possible scenarios that might occur when riding a motorcycle, like cars taking a left hand turn out from a side street and not seeing the motorcycle that is traveling straight on the main street.  So the motorcyclist must be ready to avoid such lazy, bad, and dangerous car drivers.  There are all sorts of different dangerous scenarios that a motorcyclist must be prepared for when he is riding a motorcycle.  He knows that driving a motorcycle is a dangerous activity and it could be a very dangerous and deadly activity too.  He knows that he is not safe and that his only weapon for staying alive is to be ready to make a nano-second decision that could save his life.

 “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” Alexander Graham Bell.

Last night, after all of my years of my driving experience and preparation, my life was saved from a head-on collision with an illegal passing car, at night, on the same curvy narrow road that those two previous semi-tractor trucks had been killed on.  They were driving on a very straight road with no trees on either side of the road during daylight.  Whereas I was driving during the night on an unlit curvy part of the road with trees on both sides of the road and I could not see almost anything except the single car’s headlights in front of me.  Shit, the guy is passing on a curve.

In a flash of time, I saw the dangerous moron driver pull out onto my side of the road on the curved road.  I saw so little space between my truck and the car that the dangerous moron driver was passing.  In a nano-second decision, I felt the tips of my finger like it was on the trigger of a firearm during a firearm firefight.  My dear readers, I have been driving many ‘things’ for a very long time with my fingers and I have never experienced my fingers in such a way as I did last night.  I will never forget it either.

As if my body was completely gone and the only thing that mattered in a second or two were my finger and thump and the steering wheel of my Ford 150 pickup truck.  I felt my fingers ever so slightly move that steering wheel ever so gently so that my car would move only a few feet onto the right onto the narrow emergency/service part of the road so my truck would not go flying off into the deep ditch that was on my right side of the road.  I could feel my truck’s tires hitting those indents on the road’s tar so I would know that I was now leaving the road.  As my eyes were on the passing car and the space between me and that car, I felt like my truck was an airplane in the sky or a boat in the water.  Just a touch of the airplane’s or boat’s ‘steering wheel’ and my truck was simply out of danger.

That passing car missed me by one or two or three feet.  If I had not pulled my truck over by one or two or three feet, I would not be writing this story at this very moment.  I might be hooked up to hospital machines or dead.  All because some stupid punk driver could not wait long enough to get his car around a blind bend in the road.  Unbelievable!  I saw that dangerous moron’s car slip between the lucky space between me and the other car by only a couple of feet, if that much

I saw that dangerous moron’s car slip between the lucky space between me and the other car.  That lucky space was created when I slipped my truck only a foot or two feet to my right in the nick of time it took for me and my pickup truck to avoid being smashed by the oncoming traveling and moving at 60 plus mile an hour.  That illegal and deadly passing car whose driver would have ended up more dead than me because I was higher up than he was.  But still, good-bye to my truck and hello to many pretty nurses in a hospital somewhere.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Benjamin Franklin

I had a lot to do today!  But I decided to write today to let out steam that I was almost killed last night when I still have a lot to do during my lifetime on earth.  To be honest, my mind is still in a semi-state of shock that I was so very close to being in a head-on collision that I am sort of speechless, meaning to I do not want to talk, not even to myself.  Hum!  I guess I am writing to my dear readers instead.  I still have a lot of writing to do before I die!

Maybe my dear readers can learn something from my story.  Like, do not take dangerous and deadly chances when driving anything.  And to be mentally ready and prepared for anything whatsoever when driving anything.  I hope so!

After all, I know that all of my dear readers have a lot to do before they die too!

Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
Blog at

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

THE BACK STABBERS: Back Stabbers Exist in Your Family, in Religion, in Government, in Airplanes. (911) Examples in My Life, in Religion, in Government. (Trump.) By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr! September 11, 0th, 2018

The Back Stabbers Exist in Your Family, in Religion, in Government, in Airplanes. (911)
Examples in My Life, in Religion, in Government. (Trump.)

Dedicated To Those Innocent Human Beings Who Were Murdered On September 11, 2001.
Backstabber: Someone who pretends to be your friend, becomes close to you, and leads you to believe you are the best of friends until the truth eventually surfaces. (Urban Dictionary)
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
September, 11th, 2018
In my first psychology course, a professor named Benny talked about backstabbers in his own way. (N. The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, esp. those affecting human behavior in a given way.) The New Oxford American Dictionary. Benny stated to the class that in today’s world people never know what smiling backstabbing human mind is going to stab you in the back. Or in other words, being an evil person to you while they smile at your face. (Song for this lecture is ‘Smiling Faces.’) He stated that in the days of Hitler and the Jews, at least the Jews knew what was going to happen to them, at least at the end or when they were in concentration camps. But in today’s world, nobody knows who is going to stab them in the back! Actually, it was deeper than those words but close enough for the readers.
Back Stabbing The First Time in My Life.
Have you ever been stabbed in the back by a family member, my dear reader? I know I have been stabbed in my back many times throughout my life by family members from that single day when one of my sisters, ten years my senior, stabbed me in the back to my dad. And she was only a little girl picking up her evil ways early to find favor with my dad. I bet my little sister is still stabbing people in the back, including me. That is part of who she is as a human being. A backstabber. What that sister who is older now and who probably still works at a semi-major American corporation did not know is that my dad told me what she had told her. Therefore, every time I looked at that sister’s lying backstabbing face, I knew that I could never trust that little sister ever again throughout my life. Maybe you have had that same experience with a family member! To not be able to trust your own flesh and blood family members. Hum!
Back Stabbing In ‘Religion.’
The case I am writing about here did not start out as a religion. It took over 100 hundred years or so for the religion to truly begin. The stories from the four gospels in the Holy Bible describes how a human being human male named Jesus the Christ started out his life as a carpenter and ended his life by being hung on a pole with nails in his hands and feet in the hot desert because he was betrayed by another human male named Judas. It is stated that this man named Jesus healed the sick, tried to save the sinners in his day, and he even raised the dead too. Jesus and Judas both ended up dead, but one guy died with a guilty conscience while the other guy changed the course of history. Jesus also died with a clean conscience, while he overcame death too, as the stories are written.
The problem is that Jesus needed a Judas to betray him so Jesus could show the world that he was going to fulfill biblical prophecy by overcoming death. Do I believe Jesus did it? Yes, I do! Why? For a whole lot of reasons! First, I know and understand a whole lot of stuff. Second, because I have had enough experiences with the supernatural and the afterlife that I know that anything blessed or even damn thing is possible in the multi-dimensional universe and life we all live in, whether you know and understand the multi-dimensional worlds of life.
We know that over two thousand years ago, people of all sorts of reasons were crucified. My bet is that many of those people were crucified because they were stabbed in their backs by another person who pretended to be a friend, but who really wanted some money by the people in charge of the crucifying. Can you imagine what the people who had nails through their hands and feet were thinking if they knew who had stabbed them in the back? To stab another human being into the back knowing that nails would be pounded by a hammer in their hands or arms and their feet without a sense of guilt or a sense of a guilty conscience. Talk about being an evil human being!
The problem with today’s everyday Joe or Josephine is that nobody really needs a backstabber in their lives. Human existence is hard enough for most people that they do not need to be stabbed in the back for any reason. And yet it happens every day. A rumor is started to try and destroy another person’s reputation. Or another human outrightly states a lie about another human being.
Back Stabbing in Government and or Back Stabbing President Trump.
Can you imagine what President Trump must be thinking and feeling now? Now that he knows that there are people who are stabbing him in the back as he is trying to do his job as president of the United States of America?
Last week, a new book titled ‘Fear’ was released by Bob Wardwood describing Trump’s world and his White House. Robert Upshur Woodward is an American investigative journalist who writes books. I have not read the book yet but is there really any need to read it. The basic theme in the book is that a bunch of employees and people in and out of government are talking about Trump, and stabbing him in the back or even to his face as he tries to solve America’s and the world’s problems and issues. Some people are really stabbing Trump in the back! That is too bad because what is there to gain by stabbing the president in the back when he is in office trying to the best job he can at the moment with the tools he has at his disposal?
There is nothing to gain by stabbing the president in the back when he is still in office trying to do his job as president of the United States of America. If anything, the backstabbers are making Trump’s job worse instead of making it better. Think about it! If all of the backstabbers simply wrote Trump a letter with their concerns instead of giving out personal opinions to the public, then maybe they would help Trump instead of trying to hurt him.
Then there was the New York Times piece about Trump too. An unnamed source was backstabbing Trump in the back while he or she is still working in the White House or who used to work in the White House. Is the whole point of backstabbing the president of the United States is to hurt the American president? Or is it to cause harm, chaos, disarray to the United States government? Is it to feel good for the backstabber? Heck, as far as anyone knows, the source of the New Times piece might not even work in the White House. Hum! An unknown source who is too afraid to even print his or her name so the world can know and even question such a person.
I can not imagine what Trump is going through every day because every day he wakes up and he has a whole bunch of issues and problems to deal to help America and the world. And he now knows that he has either one or a whole lot of backstabbers who want to hurt his presidency and cause trouble for the United States government. That does not even include all of the Democrats who want to destroy Trump too. Trump is not a normal president who sits and hides in his chair at his desk like Bush and Barack Obama who did almost nothing all day long except waiting to retire and collect a monthly check. Of course, Trump is like no other president before him.
Trump should be at least recognized as the president who traveled to North Korea to stop that little tiny nobody Kim from sending missiles into the sky pointing every direction trying to scare the world. The world is no longer concerned about North Korea’s missiles as it was before Trump traveled to North Korea to talk the little guy down from making nuclear bomb threats and sending missiles up in the sky. Every American should be happy that Trump actually did something about North Korea instead of sitting in a small office at the White House hoping that Kim was not actually going to use a nuclear bomb by pointing it at any country in the world.
Did not Jesus earn a little respect even back then, over two thousand years ago? Does not Trump deserve a little respect today for stopping North Korea’s stupidity even for a short time if that is that case for the moment? Did I not deserve a little respect from one Chinese lady who I helped for almost thirty years of my life instead of being stabbed in the back by her? It is like a law or something that states that people forget all of the good things you have done in your life or for someone or for some nation or for some world or for changing the course of history or the future too.
In my adulthood, I know what Jesus felt like and what Trump feels like after being stabbed in the back. Why? Because almost 30 years ago, I met a Chinese lady who I helped in every way I could during her years in America. What was my reward from this Chinese lady? She stabbed me in my back. Over and over again! The details are not important. What is important is that when I die, I will die with a clean conscience. When she dies, she will die with a guilty conscience, just like every person who ever stabbed me in my back.
I bet that many people who stab other people in the back do not feel any guilt when they try to hurt other people. But as the saying goes, “Karma is a Bitch.” I really believe that there are universal laws regarding backstabbers and backstabbing. I do not know all of those laws, but I am sure some exist in some way and in some form. There are things that I have always been careful about not doing in my life, ever since I was a little boy. And some of those things I did not want to do because I knew that I would have memories of any bad or negative actions I ever did whether on purpose or by accident. Of course, there are daily and practical reasons why you should never stab another human being in the back.
Some main reasons why you should never stab another human being in the back is because you should never try to hurt another human being, except in self-defense. And second, whenever you hurt another creature, human or non-human, you are only hurting yourself, except in self-defense. Probably, whenever a backstabber tries to hurt the president of the United States they are trying to hurt America and its government.
Would not the whole world be better off if neighbors could trust neighbors? Would not the whole world be better off if nations could trust nations? Would not the whole world be better off if people in religion could be trusted not to do evil and that includes not killing other human beings? Would not the whole world be better off if the people who boarded those airplanes on September 11, 2001, had not backstabbed every human being on those airplanes, in New York City, etc. by being deadly suicides bombers instead of being normal and good human beings?
You must understand my dear readers, there are all sorts of evil backstabbing human beings who walk on planet earth. There are the very individual backstabbers like Judas against Jesus, and those Trump haters, and the people who have stabbed me in my back during the course of my life. There are even bigger backstabbers whose main desire is to stab in the back as many people as they can while and when they can before they die.
Remember the Jews in the time of Hitler? At first, the Jews thought they were all being transported to somewhere safe, like sheep or lambs to the slaughter. Those Jews trusted everyone until it was too late. And then they were backstabbed to their millions of deaths.
Remember those people who boarded those airplanes on September 11, 2001? Everyone trusted each other in various ways that no airplane would ever be used as a deadly weapon that would kill thousands of Americans on American soil. And then those terrorists backstabbed everyone on those airplanes by taking those airplanes and flying them into the World Trade Centers, etc.
One of my other sisters asked me a few months ago if I trusted anyone. I answered, “NO!”
Should Trump trust anyone? The answer should be ‘No.” Not anymore.
Should you trust anyone? Probably not.
But here is the thing about trust and being stabbed in the back. Not every human being is an evil backstabber. There are billions of good human beings like myself who would like to see a perfect and good world everywhere. But not on September 11 of this year or any year in the future!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

My Neighbor Bruce Using a Yard Power Blower to His Leaves Onto My Drivew...

My Neighbor Bruce Using a Yard Power Blower to Blow His Leaves On My Driveway.  And The Lying  Natalie Rafferty Cop Too!
Who works at another small town corrupt police department in America where I currently live.
The sad thing here in this situation is Bruce used his yard power blower to blow leave and dirt and grass on that blue Honda you can see in the video and when the local corrupt police department saw my video of it, they did nothing about it whatsoever!
Do you want to know why they did nothing about it whatsoever? It is because America's cop or police only want to shoot and kill Americans. That is why! 
I called the local or town police department and when they arrived they watched the security footage.  The good-looking K-9 two strip Natalie Rafferty talked to me and watched the security footage.  She was a good-looking cop but not a truthful cop or police officer.
Then they walked over to the neighbor's house to talk to them.  When the good-looking cop Natalie Rafferty returned to my house to talk to me, she told me that she did not think that it did not look like an intentional act by Bruce.  And this good-looking lady cop was wearing two stripes on her cop uniform and she was a K-9 dog cop too.  But she was a lying cop or police officer because it was obvious as the moon is in the night sky that the act by Bruce was intentional, as all of the viewers of my security footage will attest to with even the simplest brain.
What type of neighbor blows his leaves onto his neighbor's driveway?  But more importantly, what type of police officer, good-looking or not, outrightly lies to my face and tells me that she did not think it was an intentional act by Bruce?  I asked her if she was blind or just being politically correct.  She was shocked or taken back by my questions.  Then I asked her why she was lying to my face.  Her eyes lit up because I was not afraid to ask her a question.  But truth be told, there were security cameras on her so she would not shoot me in the back or in the face either.  I should have had a recording device on me, but I was thinking she would stand up for the truth.  So I asked her while she was walking down my driveway, "What about the truth?"
My bet is that there are millions of American cops or police officers who lie every day, out of court and in court.  And that is a big shame for America's citizens.
All she said was, "Good night George."
Now, that is a prime example of a bad cop or police officer who thinks she is smarter than everyone because she wears a gun.  Or maybe she thought that I should be afraid of her false authority.  Or maybe she realized that she was talking to a human being who was actually smarter than her tiny police brain.
When I told her that I was going to put the security footage on my Blog at, my Facebook page, and Youtube, she walked even faster to her patrol car. Maybe the Chief of Police will watch this video and explain to his K-9 two strip patrol officer something about watching the truth before her eyes, and then lying about it to the guy who is going to post it on the world wide web?
If this good-looking Natalie Rafferty police officer cannot or will not tell the truth about some leaves in a driveway, how is she going to tell the truth in a court of law in a real crime?
That is the real question!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Human Sex Toy Robots! Normal or Abnormal Human Sexuality?? Is the Human Species Purely a Sexual Species or an Intellectual and Spiritual Species? Which is Better for the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species? By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr! August 31st. 2018.

Human Sex Toy Robots! Normal or Abnormal Human Sexuality?
Is the Human Species Purely a Sexual Species or an Intellectual and Spiritual Species?
Which is Better for the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species?
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
August 31st. 2018.
I was flipping through my normal ten or so daily online news sites like CNN, Fox News, and Market Watch, last week and I read about a basically new Chinese business company that is making human sex robots for around 10,000 USA bucks each, give or take more or less USA bucks for extras stuff. Or maybe the story was on television. It makes no difference. The story explained how this Chinese sex robot company was laughed at when it first came up with the idea of making human sex toy robots. But now that the sex toy robot company has increased in USA value and Chinese buck value too, nobody is laughing at it anymore, at least not in China.
But the story got me to thinking as a genius and as a writer also. Hum! Human Sex Toy Robots, or in other words, bigger and better sex toys for the human species or for those human beings who can not get enough sex in their lives before they die. There are plenty of human beings that do not put to much value on sex or sex toys, but some human beings love them. Which is why the sex toy business is probably a billion-dollar business, I am guessing. No, I am not going to bother to even look up the numbers because it is not important here as my fingers are moving very fast on the keyboard. Plus, my writing brain is moving very fast too.
Before there were even batteries, human beings created sex toys for their sexual fun and enjoyment, probably because they were very bored with their very boring human existence, and because they believed that sex was the best possible mental experience they could experience because of the mental experience that happens inside the human brain during the Big O Experience. That is correct my dear readers. Sex is mostly a brain and mental experience!
Anyway, back to the human sex robots factory. It was a basic factory with all sorts of parts being assembled by Chinese workers, all of the parts of the human body to make the sex toy robot. There were basic human sex toy robots models and there was custom made human sex toy robots too, but for more money. Of course more money. That should be no surprise because there are more and more movies with and about human-made robots, for all sorts of reasons and purposes, like for being warriors or fighting machine robots.
Can you image fighting warrior robots that are as big and tall as a US battleship and with their weapons too? The good thing about very big and huge fighting warrior robots is if planet earth and the human species ever gets attacked by an alien species with fighting warrior robots, it would be good if the human species also possesses fighting warrior robots. Just watch the movie, ‘Battleship.’ and you understand why I made that statement.
I was wondering that maybe plastic sex toy robots might a good thing for the human beings who need some sexual object poking inside their human biological bodies for the following reason. They would not have to worry about sexually transmitted diseases. That is correct! On the same CNN or FoxNews websites, there have been reports from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) about an increase in the amount and numbers of cases of human beings who have been getting the main sexually transmitted diseases over the past three years. You can Google this information for yourselves if you want more information on the topics.
On the other hand, no matter how good the soft plastic human sex toy robots are compared to other hard plastics for daily life and no matter how good the sex robot’s voice is compared to a normal human being, and no matter how close the makers of sex robots get to make a computer brain to be even close to a normal human brain that has taken over hundreds of millions of years to develop to its current state and stage of development, the human sex toy robot will probably not be as good as a real human being, for sex. But maybe it will be better!
But who knows! Maybe a human sex toy robot might be better than a normal human being for sex because like, it can be custom made. There would never have to be a divorce either. But, and it is a very big but, human-made sex toy robots probably will never be able to make and deliver a human baby. But who knows? Maybe one day that might be possible too. Although I do not see a grand purpose for having humanly made sex toy robots having human babies, unless they were traveling far away in outer space, out in the distant reaches of the cosmic universe.
But here is one very big problem for the human species regarding sex toys and human sex toy robots. I am going to paraphrase a San Francisco radio talk show host who I never liked because he thought he was the smartest person in the world because he had a Ph.D. in something and because he always sounded like he was very angry for being alive. I actually have a sister who has a Ph.D. in the study of one book which took her nine years to finish. All I could think to myself is that I have three Ph.D. theses rolling around my head all at the same time. One in economics. One in astrophysics. One in neuroscience. Not mention the other metaphysical stuff like God and evil. Hum! I once heard of a guy who got a Ph.D. in the study of one ant! Funny!
So anyway, this radio talk show host stated on the radio during rush hour traffic his opinion on one reason why there so many divorces in America. He stated that because females have their own sex toys to have a Big O, and because they can make their own money too, that they do not need males for sex nor for money to live. They only need the male’s sperm to make a baby and sometimes all the female needs is the sperm from a test tube, so why bother with the male hard on? Now, do we all feel sorry for the poor male species? I know I do!
That leads to the next serious question. Has sex toys ruined the normal human marriage in human society? Has kinky and perverted sex in general ruined normal human marriages in human society? Will human sex toy robots ruin normal human marriages in human society? You must understand my dear readers that the answer to these questions is probably yes at least to some degree. The answer is that the human brain has been programmed through hundreds of millions of years to have sex. It is that simple! And what is the real solution for that desire to have pleasure in the biological body when in reality any sexual pleasure is always inside the human brain and not in the biological body? And if you want to go even deeper, it should be realized that all sexual pleasure is a mental experience, and not really a biological experience. So if a spiritual awaking is a true spiritual awakening, the sexual desire decreases, but it decreases with age anyway, so why not wait until you get old?
So has the human species arrived at the point when it will be able to buy a human sex toy robot for $10,000 at first, and then cheaper as the human sex toy robot becomes more popular and cheaper because of the laws of economics and the economic system termed capitalism, which is still a good thing for all of you morons who want a complete changes to a complete socialistic system of socialism. (“Socialism. N. A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”) Taken from the dictionary.
That means that in a capitalistic economic system, you get to buy and own your new sex toy human robot, while in a socialistic economic system you would have to share your new sex toy human robot. Not only that, but you would have no say in the matter at all. Just a side remark!
So there you are, having worked very hard all week, and the kids are asleep. Maybe your spouse is asleep too. And you are really horny. You saw the UPS guy walk up to your doorsteps with the very big and huge cardboard box and it said nothing on the side of the cardboard box but it was so big and huge that everyone on your street or in your apartment or condo saw the box being delivered. But you did not care one bit because you want to have a brand new sex toy robot machine to make you happy sexually at any time of the day or night, with no complaining, winning or screaming, “Let me go to sleep.”
And you see the cross on the wall and you are thinking to yourself, “What would Jesus think about this human sex toy robot ?” Will I go to hell if I have sex with a sex toy robot machine? Or does it matter to God who does not care about human sex anyway?
But do you really want to think about the ethical, moral, or social consequences about being fucked every day or every week or once a month, year after year by a human sex toy robot? Oh about how your human soul is going to respond to being fucked by a human-made human sex toy robot?. You do not care! But should you care? That is the question. Is that how you want to live and die? By being fucked by a sex toy robot made specifically for human beings sexual joy and pleasure. Emotionless sex with no human attachments. No love or feelings for another human being. Just like being fucked by a piece of sex toy wood or sex toy stone, but this sex toy is a 10,000 dollar sex robot toy.
So is having sex with a human sex toy robot normal or abnormal? Of course, it is probably more abnormal than normal but nobody is going to care in this world. Are they? Is having sex with any sex toy normal or abnormal? People do not care about that answer when it comes to sex toys or even sex toy robots. There are more important things in this life to care about, but they would be good questions for certain college and university courses.
Is the human species meant to be a sex-species or a higher intellectual and spiritual human species? The answer to that question would be no to being a sex-species and yes to the higher intellectual and spiritual species, even though the sex human species might not agree with me? But I do not care if they agree with me or not. The human species can only survive currently and into the future if each and every human being consciously realizes that each and every individual human being must transform each individual human consciousness to higher intellectual and spiritual levels of consciousness for the current and future survival of the human species.
Having sex with or without a sex toy or a sex toy robot is not going to help the human species survive into the future. Unless of course, the robots start to have robot babies. But then they would not be human beings, would they? Maybe if the human species destroys itself in a nuclear war, ... well then, ... even the sex toy robots would not survive either. So maybe what is the point after all?
And that is only one reason why the human species should be more concerned about being a higher intellectual and spiritual species instead of being a sex-species. For the current and future survival of the human species!

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!