This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Monday, September 24, 2018

How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Your Conscious Communicational Human Mind. The Comparison Between the Sexual Orgasm and the Anger Orgasm Within the Human Brain. The Real Human Brain versus The Human Reptile Brain. Communication Skills. Logical versus Emotional Communication. For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species. Versus. The Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species. By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr! September 24th, 2018

How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Your Conscious Communicational Human Mind.

The Comparison Between the Sexual Orgasm and the Anger Orgasm Within the Human Brain.

The Real Human Brain versus The Human Reptile Brain.
Communication Skills. Logical versus Emotional Communication.

For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species.
The Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species.

By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
September 24th, 2018

I am writing this free and very short online lecture or essay because I was talking on the phone last week to a very beautiful young lady with a very sexy voice. I really do not know if she was very beautiful but I know she was smart. How did I know she was very smart you may be asking yourselves? I know that she was smart because she asked me a very smart and intelligent question; which led to a one-hour long conversation, part serious and part of it me flirting with her because I am sometimes considered the ‘Good Looking Talker.’ But I am also smart and intelligent and a writer too! Now, what was that question she asked me you may be asking yourselves, my dear readers? The question she asked me goes something like this.
“How does a human being talk or communicate when their minds are purely emotional?” Meaning when the human mind is mad, angry, or is in the middle of having an anger mental orgasm?
Now, that question from a pretty young lady hit a sweet spot within my human brain, mind, and consciousness because I started wondering about that question a very long time ago after I noticed how very highly educated people would immediately pop an anger orgasm bubble within their own human brains whenever they had a very logical reason to get mad or angry at something that either happened to them in the ‘now moment’ or from a previous moment in their lives or even something that might even happen in their future in one way or another.
But then every human being on earth knows how other human beings pop an anger orgasm bubble within their own human brains for one reason or another reason. For example, a person has lost their job or source of income to support their family. Or a person has discovered that a spouse or lover or friend has been sexually cheating on them. Or maybe a grandparent has said something negative about their children’s children. Or maybe a person has discovered that their spouse owes a lot of money to either the IRS or to a lot of credit cards or both. Or maybe a person’s child is killed by a car by a drunk driver. Or maybe some corrupt police have arrested someone on fake, bogus, false, and made up charges and that person is sitting in a holding cell waiting to post bond. Or just maybe that innocent human being has been convicted in a corrupt court of law and that innocent person has a life sentence in prison or who is actually sitting on death row for a crime that they did not commit. The logical list of reason to have an anger orgasm goes on and on and on. Like maybe a person has lost every penny in the stock market.
The Anger Orgasm. Versus the Sexual Orgasm.
The anger orgasm takes place within the human brain just like the sexual orgasm takes place within the human brain. There will be plenty of my dear readers that will utter an argument to themselves and respond, ‘Oh no dear sir. The sexual orgasm happens down there, between my legs for either the male or the female human being.’ But no! The sexual orgasm takes place inside the brain and it has been proven that it takes place inside the human brain. In Europe, females have been placed inside fMRI machines and when they got themselves off sexually with a female sexual orgasm, their brain’s fireworks were shown to be on neural fire or neural fireworks. Every part of the human physiology human body is connected in one way or another to the human brain. So it would only make sense that if the human sexual orgasm happens inside the human brain, and so does the popping of human anger orgasm bubble too.
It is the same way with the anger orgasm, only with different parts of the human brain.
‘An fMRI scan is a functional magnetic resonance imaging scan that measures and maps the brain's activity. A fMRI scan uses the same technology as an MRI scan. A fMRI is a noninvasive test that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create an image of the brain.’ Taken online.
Watch these Youtube videos and read the first one.
I created the term anger orgasm and anger orgasm bubble after I started studying the human brain and mind and how anger works within the human brain. Long ago I discovered one book that explained in detail how the anger orgasm and how popping the anger orgasm bubble works inside the human brain. That book is titled, ‘Emotional Intelligence.’ By Daniel Goleman. There is also another book by Daniel Goleman titled, ‘Working with Emotional Intelligence. On page 24, Goleman uses the phrase, ‘explosive emotions.’ In short, Goleman describes how the fight or flight mechanism within the human brain pops into the explosive emotional state of mind or what I term the anger orgasm state of mind nano-seconds faster before the logical and rational part of the human brain can take over the anger orgasm state of the human mind.
At the beginning of the book, ‘Emotional Intelligence.’ Daniel Goleman explains, ‘In a very real sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels.’ pg.8. Goleman goes on to explain how the human brain’s amygdala and the neocortex and the thalamus operate within the human brain and how they all deal with the emotions within the human brain, all from chapter two, ‘Anatomy of an Emotional Hijacking. I am not going to explain the whole book here.
In short, Coleman describes how the fight or flight mechanism located within the human brain and mind is operating not only nano-seconds faster than the rational area of the human brain and mind, but it is also operating on a subconscious level, (my term.) because Goleman explains how certain areas of the human brain have been passed down to the human brain after hundreds of years of evolution from the primitive reptile brain. That is correct! The first problem with the anger orgasm problem are those areas of the human brain that are like the primitive reptile brain. The second problem is that those areas of the reptile brain are working or operating on a subconscious level.
That means we have two different modes of operation whenever we are communicating with another human being and more importantly, to ourselves.
Let us explore these two mental concepts here for a few sentences. Whenever someone is studying mathematics, for example, the mind is dealing with pure logic. There may be emotions like frustrations when not being able to solve a math problem, but not the emotions of fight or flight emotions that are located within the human brain in a life or death situation.
What is the solution between these two areas of the human brain for decision making and for human communication skills? The solution is to become aware of how the human brain works and begin to consciously overcome the control that the reptile brain has over the real human brain. That is in very simple terms.
In my humble but very well educated personal opinion, every human being with a working brain should learn how their human brain operates because if they do not learn how their individual brain operates, they are not conscious of how their individual personal brain is operating, both as a reptile brain and as a real human brain. If each human being is not aware of how their individual personal human brain is operating, then they are consciously confused whenever they know that they are making a mistake in their lives or in their communications with other people when their human brains are angry or mad or in the fight or flight mode of mental operation.
Furthermore, once an individual human being learns how their individual personal human brain is working when it is operating either in the purely logical or rational mode or in the purely emotional mode, or somewhere in between the pure logical and rational mode versus the pure emotional mode of mental brain functions, then they can learn how to reprogram their individual personal human brains so that whenever they become mad or angry in the fight or flight mode of the human brain’s operational mode, then they can reprogram their human brains to let the pure reals of the logical and rational mind take over the anger orgasms state of the human mind.
For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species versus the Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species.
Am I writing this free online lecture and essay for only one pretty female with a very nice phone voice? Or am I writing this free online lecture for the whole human species? That is the question! That question by the pretty female on the phone applies to every single human being on earth and to the collective human species too. Why? Hum! Let me explain in a few paragraphs. OK?
There are 7-8 billion human brains on planet earth at this very moment. Each human brain is a very complex structure within itself, each human brain having both the old primitive reptile and the new human brain. Some human brains are very peaceful while other human brains are very violent, even more violent than some reptiles of hundreds of millions of years ago. Most human brains will not get mad or angry enough with an anger orgasm or with explosive emotions to kill another human being. But there are a whole lot of human beings with human brains with the reptiles part of the human brain working instead of the logical and rational part of the human brain working. Just look at terrorists who love to kill and murder innocent and defenseless human beings, for their fun and enjoyment.
What the human species does not need at the current moment or at any time in the future is the reptile-human brain to start using more weapons of war to start World War Three. What is needed is not the reptile-human brain or the human monkeys off the trees brain to start a war for any reasons whatsoever. What is needed is a complete reprogramming of every single human brain, mind, and consciousness so that the human species lives in harmony and in peace for the next thousand years and longer.
Did I just insult part of the human species or did I just wake up any human being who has read this free online lecture/essay to begin a complete transformation within the structure of their own consciousness so they do not have an anger orgasm to kill another human being? I hope that I will wake up the whole human species and all world leaders that the human species is in very deep trouble at the current moment and that trouble partly begins with the reptile-human brain and how it operates after hundreds of millions of years of development and evolution. What world leaders need is not the operation of the primitive reptile-human brain, but the really intelligent, logical, and rational human brain for the human species’ current and future survival.
The human species needs a complete transformation from being a human monkey off the trees mentality to a highly developed intellectual and spiritual species before the time is past the boiling point of no return when the human species destroys itself by various methods, but especially by nuclear war.
To answer that pretty lady’s question now. The way to communicate when you are mad and angry is to reprogram your individual human brain and mind to overcome that subconscious nano-second fight or flight decision to have an anger orgasm popping bubble inside your human brain so that your purely logical and rational mind takes over your communication skills. Even when your brain is on emotional fire!
Lets hope every world leader reads this free online lecture/essay so they will not cause a fiery nuclear war with an exploding popping bubble of an anger orgasm when instead they could have used their pure intelligent, logical, and rational mind to live in peace, harmony, and a sense of a truly global human species.
For tens of thousands of years to come!

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United States
When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!