This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Human Sex Toy Robots! Normal or Abnormal Human Sexuality?? Is the Human Species Purely a Sexual Species or an Intellectual and Spiritual Species? Which is Better for the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species? By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr! August 31st. 2018.

Human Sex Toy Robots! Normal or Abnormal Human Sexuality?
Is the Human Species Purely a Sexual Species or an Intellectual and Spiritual Species?
Which is Better for the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species?
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
August 31st. 2018.
I was flipping through my normal ten or so daily online news sites like CNN, Fox News, and Market Watch, last week and I read about a basically new Chinese business company that is making human sex robots for around 10,000 USA bucks each, give or take more or less USA bucks for extras stuff. Or maybe the story was on television. It makes no difference. The story explained how this Chinese sex robot company was laughed at when it first came up with the idea of making human sex toy robots. But now that the sex toy robot company has increased in USA value and Chinese buck value too, nobody is laughing at it anymore, at least not in China.
But the story got me to thinking as a genius and as a writer also. Hum! Human Sex Toy Robots, or in other words, bigger and better sex toys for the human species or for those human beings who can not get enough sex in their lives before they die. There are plenty of human beings that do not put to much value on sex or sex toys, but some human beings love them. Which is why the sex toy business is probably a billion-dollar business, I am guessing. No, I am not going to bother to even look up the numbers because it is not important here as my fingers are moving very fast on the keyboard. Plus, my writing brain is moving very fast too.
Before there were even batteries, human beings created sex toys for their sexual fun and enjoyment, probably because they were very bored with their very boring human existence, and because they believed that sex was the best possible mental experience they could experience because of the mental experience that happens inside the human brain during the Big O Experience. That is correct my dear readers. Sex is mostly a brain and mental experience!
Anyway, back to the human sex robots factory. It was a basic factory with all sorts of parts being assembled by Chinese workers, all of the parts of the human body to make the sex toy robot. There were basic human sex toy robots models and there was custom made human sex toy robots too, but for more money. Of course more money. That should be no surprise because there are more and more movies with and about human-made robots, for all sorts of reasons and purposes, like for being warriors or fighting machine robots.
Can you image fighting warrior robots that are as big and tall as a US battleship and with their weapons too? The good thing about very big and huge fighting warrior robots is if planet earth and the human species ever gets attacked by an alien species with fighting warrior robots, it would be good if the human species also possesses fighting warrior robots. Just watch the movie, ‘Battleship.’ and you understand why I made that statement.
I was wondering that maybe plastic sex toy robots might a good thing for the human beings who need some sexual object poking inside their human biological bodies for the following reason. They would not have to worry about sexually transmitted diseases. That is correct! On the same CNN or FoxNews websites, there have been reports from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) about an increase in the amount and numbers of cases of human beings who have been getting the main sexually transmitted diseases over the past three years. You can Google this information for yourselves if you want more information on the topics.
On the other hand, no matter how good the soft plastic human sex toy robots are compared to other hard plastics for daily life and no matter how good the sex robot’s voice is compared to a normal human being, and no matter how close the makers of sex robots get to make a computer brain to be even close to a normal human brain that has taken over hundreds of millions of years to develop to its current state and stage of development, the human sex toy robot will probably not be as good as a real human being, for sex. But maybe it will be better!
But who knows! Maybe a human sex toy robot might be better than a normal human being for sex because like, it can be custom made. There would never have to be a divorce either. But, and it is a very big but, human-made sex toy robots probably will never be able to make and deliver a human baby. But who knows? Maybe one day that might be possible too. Although I do not see a grand purpose for having humanly made sex toy robots having human babies, unless they were traveling far away in outer space, out in the distant reaches of the cosmic universe.
But here is one very big problem for the human species regarding sex toys and human sex toy robots. I am going to paraphrase a San Francisco radio talk show host who I never liked because he thought he was the smartest person in the world because he had a Ph.D. in something and because he always sounded like he was very angry for being alive. I actually have a sister who has a Ph.D. in the study of one book which took her nine years to finish. All I could think to myself is that I have three Ph.D. theses rolling around my head all at the same time. One in economics. One in astrophysics. One in neuroscience. Not mention the other metaphysical stuff like God and evil. Hum! I once heard of a guy who got a Ph.D. in the study of one ant! Funny!
So anyway, this radio talk show host stated on the radio during rush hour traffic his opinion on one reason why there so many divorces in America. He stated that because females have their own sex toys to have a Big O, and because they can make their own money too, that they do not need males for sex nor for money to live. They only need the male’s sperm to make a baby and sometimes all the female needs is the sperm from a test tube, so why bother with the male hard on? Now, do we all feel sorry for the poor male species? I know I do!
That leads to the next serious question. Has sex toys ruined the normal human marriage in human society? Has kinky and perverted sex in general ruined normal human marriages in human society? Will human sex toy robots ruin normal human marriages in human society? You must understand my dear readers that the answer to these questions is probably yes at least to some degree. The answer is that the human brain has been programmed through hundreds of millions of years to have sex. It is that simple! And what is the real solution for that desire to have pleasure in the biological body when in reality any sexual pleasure is always inside the human brain and not in the biological body? And if you want to go even deeper, it should be realized that all sexual pleasure is a mental experience, and not really a biological experience. So if a spiritual awaking is a true spiritual awakening, the sexual desire decreases, but it decreases with age anyway, so why not wait until you get old?
So has the human species arrived at the point when it will be able to buy a human sex toy robot for $10,000 at first, and then cheaper as the human sex toy robot becomes more popular and cheaper because of the laws of economics and the economic system termed capitalism, which is still a good thing for all of you morons who want a complete changes to a complete socialistic system of socialism. (“Socialism. N. A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”) Taken from the dictionary.
That means that in a capitalistic economic system, you get to buy and own your new sex toy human robot, while in a socialistic economic system you would have to share your new sex toy human robot. Not only that, but you would have no say in the matter at all. Just a side remark!
So there you are, having worked very hard all week, and the kids are asleep. Maybe your spouse is asleep too. And you are really horny. You saw the UPS guy walk up to your doorsteps with the very big and huge cardboard box and it said nothing on the side of the cardboard box but it was so big and huge that everyone on your street or in your apartment or condo saw the box being delivered. But you did not care one bit because you want to have a brand new sex toy robot machine to make you happy sexually at any time of the day or night, with no complaining, winning or screaming, “Let me go to sleep.”
And you see the cross on the wall and you are thinking to yourself, “What would Jesus think about this human sex toy robot ?” Will I go to hell if I have sex with a sex toy robot machine? Or does it matter to God who does not care about human sex anyway?
But do you really want to think about the ethical, moral, or social consequences about being fucked every day or every week or once a month, year after year by a human sex toy robot? Oh about how your human soul is going to respond to being fucked by a human-made human sex toy robot?. You do not care! But should you care? That is the question. Is that how you want to live and die? By being fucked by a sex toy robot made specifically for human beings sexual joy and pleasure. Emotionless sex with no human attachments. No love or feelings for another human being. Just like being fucked by a piece of sex toy wood or sex toy stone, but this sex toy is a 10,000 dollar sex robot toy.
So is having sex with a human sex toy robot normal or abnormal? Of course, it is probably more abnormal than normal but nobody is going to care in this world. Are they? Is having sex with any sex toy normal or abnormal? People do not care about that answer when it comes to sex toys or even sex toy robots. There are more important things in this life to care about, but they would be good questions for certain college and university courses.
Is the human species meant to be a sex-species or a higher intellectual and spiritual human species? The answer to that question would be no to being a sex-species and yes to the higher intellectual and spiritual species, even though the sex human species might not agree with me? But I do not care if they agree with me or not. The human species can only survive currently and into the future if each and every human being consciously realizes that each and every individual human being must transform each individual human consciousness to higher intellectual and spiritual levels of consciousness for the current and future survival of the human species.
Having sex with or without a sex toy or a sex toy robot is not going to help the human species survive into the future. Unless of course, the robots start to have robot babies. But then they would not be human beings, would they? Maybe if the human species destroys itself in a nuclear war, ... well then, ... even the sex toy robots would not survive either. So maybe what is the point after all?
And that is only one reason why the human species should be more concerned about being a higher intellectual and spiritual species instead of being a sex-species. For the current and future survival of the human species!

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!