This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Essay 12: September 3, 2021. The External World versus the Internal World of Life and Death. Somethingness versus Nothingness. Life and Death. As Metaphysical Concepts and Questions and Issues. By: The Great - Mr. George D. Patnoe!, Jr.

Essay 12: September 3, 2021. The External World versus the Internal World of Life and Death.

Somethingness versus Nothingness.

Life and Death. As Metaphysical Concepts and Questions and Issues.

By: The Great - Mr. George D. Patnoe!, Jr.

The evolution and devolution of the human brain, mind, and consciousness regarding death, and/or life depending on how you look at life and death.

“Mortals waken from the dream of death with bodies unseen by those who think that they bury the body” pg. 429. Science and Health. Mary. B. Eddy.

A thought occurred to me today that I thought was very interesting to me at least. Throughout the course of human and non-human history alike, every creature has had to face death either slowly or quickly, however death came to them. But before their deaths, each creature, in this case human creatures, had to live a life. That is very correct which I hope you think is very true. In very simple terms, human beings had to find food, eat food, sleep, have sex to make human babies -like all biological creatures, and they had to defend themselves from danger too.

But they also had to hunt and kill other living biological creatures so in effect all hunters of meat saw and knew that other living creatures died a death from human beings or whatever creature was hunting and killing them. Of course human beings also knew that they could be killed by other bigger and stronger and more dangerous biological creatures so deep within side their minds and even in the core of their being they all knew that they, as human beings, would also one day just like all biological creatures on the planet earth.

Therefore it did not matter where on planet earth or time period any human being lived and worked and died because the general and exact concept applies to all of the human beings that have ever lived, who live now, and who will live in the future too. I think that we can all agree that statement is also true too.

In other words, if a person was born and raised and died in old or modern Africa, that person would only know their life both outside their minds as an African life, but they would also know their mental life with its mental images that was happening inside their minds, which included the conscious or sub-conscious realization that they would also die like all of the other creatures that lived in Africa. After all, if any human being knew that they were going to die one day it would seem really natural that everyone living in Africa would really know it because some of the most deadly animals on the planet live in Africa.

Once a human’s mental trip left the continent of Africa in a different time period where and when a human being might find themselves in a nation like Europe, in a more modern time period with better food and clothes, more books, real music, medical and scientific minds shaping the everyday life for their current and future lives, those human beings would have had to live a different external and even an internal way of life even if they were not as conscious of the fact that they were going go die in the future even if they might have been somewhat conscious that they might be killed by various means, especially war time.

But then some people in Europe, along with other nations and countries during different time periods, decided to leave Europe to explore the world which meant in the old days, before modern day ships and airplanes, some human beings would walk onto a sailing ship on a dock which was only steps away from dry land and they would know somewhere in the back of their minds that they were taking a risk of dying or a sooner moment of their personal deaths than if they had stayed on dry land where it might or might not have been safer depending on what was happening on dry land at that period of time, because you know, life was and is not always easy on dry land either which is still the case today. But there were and are sea monsters - creatures that would eat anything floating in the oceans water because sea creatures and monsters need to eat food too.

The point here is that if a human being lived in Africa versus living in any modern day period in Europe they would all be experiencing some sort of external life but they would also be experiencing some sort of mental life too. I would call that the soft-wired part of the human brain which some people might term consciousness which would have an impact on the hardwired human brain too. But lingering back there inside the hardwired human brain and inside the soft-wired human states of mind within all human beings living in Africa or modern day Europe, there is the conscious or sub-conscious mental realization that death will sooner or later arrive to any conscious human being. Maybe to other biological creatures realize it too.

And then there is the next step, really quick moving steps here for this short essay, of today’s world of modern day society in America and all around the globe that now has the very big difference between the historical past on separated and different continents, in different time periods, in the historical past versus human life with modern day technologies and other modern day qualities of life like Walmarts and Starbucks and McDonalds all around the globe with people wearing basically the same clothes in way or another way. In other words, human beings in this current time period do not live the same exact external life as people in old Africa or old Europe or old America, but somehow they all know, even as an internal feeling, that they will die one day.

So every one of over seven (7) billions people on planet earth know internally somehow that they are going to die either today, tomorrow, or sometime in the future; even if they are living different external lives in their nations or countries; with different foods, different clothes, different politics and governments and economics, and religions. Yet they all know that they are going to die and if they do not want to admit it consciously within their tiny human brains and minds, they most definitely know as a cloudy background hum deep within their core and fiber of their being.

I think that we all can agreed that on the old days there was not as much porn if any at all. There was not much food, if any at all. There was not many guns and weapons, if any at all depending on what was a real weapon. (In truth anything can be a weapon.) There was not as many drugs, if any at all. There was not any medical help, if any at all. There was not much of anything, if anything at all. Except having a very hard human external life. Human beings all knew that their days were short and numbered and in a rather honest sense, they all knew that they would going to die one day because that is what they saw with their own eyes and that is what they all experienced in their human lives too.

And yet today, today in the modern world there are even more signs and messages that every human being is going to die one day in one way or another way. In the modern world of today, there are endless movies with killing and death in them. There are endless accounts on the news, on the web, on the radio (LOL), in papers and magazines, and especially on television where even young children who watch cartoons with violence, killing and death in bright color images and even sexy images on television which mentally force young children to realize at a very young age that they will die too. How much money is made on criminal television shows every night of the week that show images of violence, killing, murder, and rape, and yes sex too? Children are watching violence and killing and death and even sex like they were eating it with their minds. But in truth it is being forced into their minds because to glorify violence and killing and death and sex seems to be normal and good for business too. Does the human race really want the next generation of human beings to be mentally programmed for violence, death, and sex instead of non-violence, life, and normal sex?

Ok then, even in the modern day world of the ever growing technology with its forever and endless images of violence, death, bodies and sex, oh my, there is the seeming insane real desire to not deal with the very real possibility of dying and death on both a biological level and in a mental level where human beings just want to avoid the whole issue completely until it is to late and then because it is too late there is nothing that they can do except hope for the best, both for those human beings who have died and for those human beings who are still living on planet earth as biological creatures with different states of mind, some good and some bad.

As I am nearing the end of this short essay, I am arriving at the conclusion that most if not all human beings are living for their external lives more than for their internal lives within their soft-wired human mind and states of individual consciousness, which of course is needed and normal for every human being who has not been completely transformed into a true spiritual state of consciousness which is not human at all. But because most, if not all human beings are really living for their external lives, they are really ignoring their internal mental lives within their individual and collective states of the soft-wired human mind and consciousness, and its metaphysical development too.

Here is the rub, like I am rubbing the inside of your individual consciousness with very deep statements of truth regarding the external and internal states of soft-wired human mind and consciousness regarding dying and death. The point is that on a very higher level of metaphysical understanding human beings are not only ignoring the plain fact that they will one day die or leave earth, they are also ignoring the fact that they should start to handle the various concepts, both physical and mental concepts of death long before it is too late.

Some people might tell me that it does not matter if a human being knows anything about their dying and deaths because it does not matter at all, to them. I would have to completely disagree with those people because for one reason alone would be this. Many people think that dying and death solves many of their human problems because it is an easy way out of dealing with human conditions and issues, especially mental issues and problems. That might be true on one level but on another level it is not true. Mental issues and problems should be handled before death! Not after!

Just to wrap up this essay. Is death a something or is it a nothing? Is there an afterlife for all human beings? If yes, then what is it? Or is death just another realm of existence where every individual human consciousness just starts over in another realm of existence after they leave their physical and biological bodies? If mortals waken from the dream of death with bodies unseen by those who think that they bury the body then every human being should wake up from the dream of death just like they should wake up from all other mental dreams of life and death, from a metaphysical standpoint which is much higher and better than this dream world.

Is it not sad? There are millions and billions of people who believe in a Jesus and yet, they still believe in death when he was the one human being who proved that he overcame death. I was not there to see Jesus overcome death. All I know is that I am still here on earth when I should have died a long time ago. But I had to overcome the illusion and dream of death long before I had to face a physical biological death. So now I can write about death from a different standpoint than my dear readers.

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!