This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Essay 15: September 17, 2021. A Bitch Slapping Teenager. Not on Me! How About World Slapping World Leaders. September 17, 2021. By Mr. George D. Patnoe!

 Essay 15: September 17, 2021.

A Bitch Slapping Teenager. Not on Me!
How About World Slapping World Leaders.

September 17, 2021.

By Mr. George D. Patnoe!

What are parents teaching their children these days? A case in point.

Are parents teaching their children things they have to know about their future survival? Or. Are parents teaching their children things what they have to know when they go to prison?

Is the president of America and other world leaders acting like that teenager?

A few days ago, I was walking on a street next to my house to take care of a barking dog that had been barking for a week straight all day long. His owner probably had left it outside the house or garage because it was like over 100 degrees or close to 100 degrees and the owner figured that the dog would be better left outside than leaving it inside the house. Hum! Either way, it is still hot for the dogs and humans alike.

So anyway, I was trying to get some information about the dog and the house from a young white trash male teenager who looked like he was already taking to many drugs and smoking too much pot. And of course, instead of talking to me like an intelligent teenager he decided to open his tiny mouth and out came the words from his tiny brain. “... I will bitch slap you., ...”

He stated that uncalled for statement to an educated older male who was walking and talking in a friendly manner to a young neighbor who obviously knew nothing about the older male in front of him and who did not realize that the older white male’s body which had been sort of loose and fluid had instantly tighten up, spine now straight, legs in a fighting stance, and hand and arms and legs at the ready to do what they have been trained to do in this type of confrontational and possible violent situation by a stranger whose intentions were not friendly but criminal in nature.

The young uneducated male teenager obviously had parents who belong to the white trash club of America because as he was waving his arms around like he thought he knew what he was doing with them in a real street fight. But he did not realize that the older male in front of him possessed a trained brain and mind and body with the skills to do whatever he needed to do on the street, esp. against a teenager who also did not realize that if the cops showed up on the scene and talked to each of us after a fight, esp. if that teenager who threw the first punch was on the older male’s smart phone camera, that that teenager would be sent to jail for the night or much longer. Just in case they read this. FYI.

But here is the point up to this moment. This young male who was probably 17 years old I am guessing, probably has only lived in one town his whole 17 year old life, and he probably had white trash dirt bag parents who never taught him anything about life, and he probably has been raised in a family environment where the dad is possibly bitch slapping the mother of that teenager or maybe the mom herself is bitch slapping the teenager like he was a piece of dirt. In any case or whatever the case, a teenager should never try to bitch slap a real man because the joke would be on him.

In any case, what the white trash teenager did not know that whatever his immature mind and body was going to do to try and bitch slap me, he was going to be in very big physical trouble and he was going to be very surprised at what an older educated white male can do when someone is try to hit him. He did not do it.

So my dear readers, as my body tighten up in from my toes to my brain, or from my brain to my toes, every fiber in my body was on red alert status, but of course I had to do something to stop the white trash teenager from even taking a single step in my direction which was only three feet. So I looked into his tiny drug like eyeballs and I stated the obvious as a question to him.


He responded with, “What?”


I did not move a single muscle because I had to make both a physical point and a mental point. The physical point was I am not moving or even turning my back on this violent teenager but I was also going to make his brain waves turn to a question which of course I already knew the answer to before I asked it.

I do that to a lot of people when I am talking about religion or politics or something that else that many people think that they know something about but in reality they know very little about but they think they know a lot because they really know very little about a certain topic. Like international affairs and our current president and white house who are not only screwing up everything they can on both a national level but also on the international level too. Can a president be this bad and wrong?

It is like they are on drugs or maybe they are simply uneducated white trash too, or whatever color skin they have surrounding their bones and heart and lungs and liver and kidneys, etc. It is like they are guessing at everything they are doing and they are playing poker, or gambling with the nation’s future and the future of the world like they were playing a game board game where all of the pieces can be put back into place once the board game is over. But not real life! In real life people get hurt and die. Or suffer and die.

So I might ask the president of the United States of America, “ARE YOU STUPID?” And “ARE THE PEOPLE WORKING FOR YOU STUPID TOO? I really mean it. 'You can not fix stupid." I have been told.

Is the president of America and his staff talking and acting like that uneducated white trash teenager who has no idea what he is doing in life, in his life, or for his future, except that he might know that he might be poor and in prison for the rest of his human life on planet earth?

Is the president of the United States of America doing and saying anything that is coming to his tiny mind and brain just like that young teenager who has probably been raised by uneducated and really stupid parents and even by the local school system?

A day later I was walking down a different street in the town and I came up to a couple of very young Asian boys. They looked up to me and we had a very short conversation. Only a few sentences, but nothing like the uneducated white trash teenager. I told them a true story about how in the year 1969 my mother woke us kids out of bed at night time and she said to me, “Come on George. A man is going to walk on the moon.” A moment to remember!

Still half asleep, I waked over to the front door of the house and I looked up at the moon and at the same time I was watching the first steps by a human being walking on the moon. I told the two Asians boys who obviously had better educated parents than that white trash teenager that I only had one question in my mind as I watched the old black and white television and the moon walk and at the same time I was looking up at the moon wondering only one thing. Even today, it is still a good question to ask.

What was cooler? That a human being was walking on the moon? Or that I was watching it on television?

The two boys thought about it for a few seconds. One of them looked up at me with his eyes starring at me through is glasses and he answered, “They are both cool.” I was so happy that some boys could be smart. Like me when I was only a boy in this dream world.

I got to tell you my dear readers. What I thought was cool about those two boys was that not only were they not violent like that white trash teenager and his mom, but they actually thought before they spoke and answered a question. And they had a sense of wonderment in their eyes too. Chinese kids are taught well.

I was so proud of them. I will probably never see them again, but they gave me a sense that all is not lost with the younger generation that will be the future generation in the not to soon future. As I was walking home I thought to myself, “Biden has no big vision for America.” He as no economic vision, no political vision, no international vision. He has nothing happening in his thought process for the future of America’s great nation and its people, just like that white trash teenager who has no vision for his future either. To be a real and good president there needs vision.

At least Trump had a vision for America. He was pro-American, pro-business, and anti-terrorist too. Biden seems to be anti-American, anti-business, and pro-terrorist. He has no plans and nobody who is working for him has a plan either. It is like they are all a bunch of dummies winging it, trying to get by each day because they are trying to keep their jobs while many Americans suffer each day and that suffering appears to be getting greater and bigger in the economy each and everyday.

A whole bunch of Americans would agree with me and many Americans would not agree with me. That does not matter at all at this moment. Do you know what matters at this moment? There are other world leaders and other presidents of other nations watching this utter and total debacle (noun, a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco. "the economic debacle that became known as the Great Depression") taken from the web, happening on a world stage. What world leader is going to be like that young white trash violent teenager?

I am educated well enough to know that right at this very minute, that there are other world leaders who want to act just like that uneducated white trash teenager who wanted to talk trash to me. But unlike that white trash teenager, some of those world leaders have nuclear weapons. And the current president of the United States of America has no plan to stop them. Or so I think!

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When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!