A Multi-Dimensional Identity for Every Human Being on Planet Earth.
A One Dimensional Identity for Every Human Being on Planet Earth.
For the Current and Future Survival of the Human Species
The Current and Future Self-Destruction of the Human Species.
By: Mr. George D. Patnoe., Jr!
June 1st, 2018
There are some questions that are sometimes asked by thinking human beings all around the globe, all around planet earth. That question is this, “What is the purpose for living on planet earth? What is the real purpose for being alive, as a human being?” Moreover, “Why is the human species even on planet earth at all, as a biological species, since it took a really long time and a really lot of hard work and maybe even some luck too, for the human species to get to the state and stage where it is today, as a biological species, a mental-mind species, as an intelligent consciousness species.”
Conscious changes have been happening during the course of hundreds of millions of years for biological, mental, and consciousness development in the general sense of those words. And of course, that means the future also holds changes for the human species too, whether the human species likes those changes or if the human species does not like those changes. A major change for the human species is to change from its present structure of human brain, mind, and consciousness from a one-dimensional state of mental perception to a multi-dimensional state of being.
The problem here is that not every human being will get this message in its purity, because they think that the only state of reality is the state and stage where they are living now as human beings. Hum! A state of reality. What is reality? Is reality only what human beings experience on earth, or is there a cosmic reality, a mental reality, a spiritual reality, even an afterlife reality?
Can there be more than one state of reality happening simultaneously all at the same time? Yes, there are so many states and stages of reality happening all at the same time that the very concept could drive some human being mentally insane. But not for me of course. I could never be insane because I live in a multi-dimensional state of reality all of the time, and it is a state of a multi-dimensional consciousness.
What seems to be the normal state of affairs in the normal everyday state of human existence? The normal state of human existence is that the most human beings are simple biological creatures who are trying to survive in the world as the best they can with the best they have to use, like skills, money, knowledge, and even luck too. Etc.
A one-dimensional state of human consciousness wakes up every morning on planet earth and it says to itself, I have to walk on two human legs, I have to eat, I have to go to work, I have to survive as long as possible, and then one day, I will die. And when I die, I will be put into the ground, or I will be burnt up in smoke, or however the biological body remains are disposed of by those human beings that are still living on planet earth. Hum! Is that reality, or only a one-dimensional mental perception of those who to look at what seems to be reality?
So there is the bigger point here and which is hinted at in the above paragraph. What is the identity of a human being? Is the identity of each and every human being simply their biological state and stage of living on planet earth or could that very limited state and stage of biological identity be lifted up into to completely new forms and states and stages within the human consciousness?
There is a metaphysical statement that states, “Everything is a state of consciousness.” It is also stated in psychological classes and textbooks that most human beings are mentally governed 90 percent in their subconscious mind, and they are aware of less than 10 percent of what is really happening to them, both mentally and physically. In other words, most human beings are only aware of less than 10 percent of what is happening within their brains, minds, and consciousness. I do not know if that is a true fact, but from the looks of the human species, it could be true.
But if only for a moment in mental brain time, each human being tries to forget their human biological bodies for just a short period of time and thought to themselves, what is happening within my individual human brain, then each and every human being then jumps up a notch and they must begin to realize that they are more human brain and human mind and consciousness than they are the human biological body. The human body is just a tool human beings use to get around planet earth to live as a human being. So is the human identity a human biological body, or is the human identity more in the human brain? Hum!
And then, but for only a single moment in mental brain time, each human being tries to forget their human brain for just a short period of time and thinks to themselves, what is happening within my individual human consciousness as a mental perception of reality, then each and every human being will again jump up a notch and will then begin to realize that they are not just a human brain stuck to a human body, but that they are also states and stages of consciousness. So is the human identity stuck within a human brain or is the human identity within the human consciousness?
Can this jumping up and down within the various realms within multi-dimensional states of consciousness go ever higher? You betcha! Wow, each human being can travel very far upward and away from their very earthly experiences of just being a simple or complex human body, depending on how you view the human biological body, and they can travel deep within their own individual human consciousness to begin to mentally perceive higher and higher states and stages of reality, away from the human biological body and even away from planet earth, all before they die, humanly. Is the afterlife a state of higher consciousness?
Wow! Can you believe it? Now I have touched upon the topic of the afterlife as a state of consciousness. Is there an afterlife and can you prepare yourself for the afterlife? Is there an afterlife which is not a human fantasy, but a very definite state of reality? Yes, there is especially if you have developed a multi-dimensional state of consciousness.
Up and down the ladders of consciousness. There is even a ladder reference in the Holy Bible about ladders. “Biblical narrative. The description of Jacob's ladder appears in Genesis 28:10-19: And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba, and went toward Haran. ... And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” Taken off the world wide web.
The very simple-minded one-dimensional state of human consciousness will think to themselves, man that guy must be insane or crazy because he is trying to describe a multi-state of consciousness. But those people are the ones partly insane because they are still living in a one-dimensional state of biological consciousness, even though they do have a brain, and they do have a mind, and they do have states of consciousness too. But they have chosen to remain in the simple realm of reality of a one-dimensional state of human consciousness.
Other human beings who live on planet earth who possess even a slight multi-dimensional state of consciousness do see themselves, or even life on earth, or even life in general as not being limited to such limited states of existence. Because either by luck in life, or because they have made a conscious effort to evolve into higher states of both mental understanding and perception about what reality is as a new and higher forms of reality, they have seen realms of existence (s) that the one-dimensional states of human consciousness can not see as mental states of reality.
Now, one step higher on the ladder of a multi-dimensional mental perception of reality. Many human beings like to talk about the spiritual realms of existence when in fact they do not know what they are talking about because what they are really talking about are just different mental realms of existence and not a pure state of the spiritual realm of existence. A pure spiritual state and stage of reality or of existence cannot be seen with the human eye, and not even with the human brain. If it was only that easy!
It has been said and stated that God is Spirit! What that means now is not important here. What is important here is that if God is Spirit, then in another state and stage of a multi-dimensional consciousness even the human species can even slightly mentally see and touch the realm termed Spirit, then what that state of a multi-dimensional consciousness knows is that each and every identity in spiritual being, in real spiritual reality, is spiritual, is in fact a form of Spirit.
That is a pure realm of spiritual consciousness that knows no birth or death because there is no one-dimensional human biological body walking on planet earth. There is only the one-dimensional state and stage of pure Spirit and spiritual identity. Imagine for one minute what would happen to the current and future survival for the human species if every human being mentally climbed up the steps or the ladders within a multi-dimensional consciousness to seeing themselves and each other as spiritual, and not a bunch of biological bodies with different skin colors, living in different nations on different continents with different religions and politics.
War would be no more! That is what would happen if every human being possessed a multi-dimensional consciousness that I have just partly explained here, in a very short version. Maybe that is the way it was meant to be from the beginning of time and space and life on planet earth! After all, that is the way it is currently and for the future of the human species!
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